What is the angle between two lines having slopes as 1 & 1?


Answer 1

The angle between two lines having slopes as 1 and 1 is 0°. thus, the two lines coincide with each other.

The formula to find the angle between two lines having slop m1 and m2 is

tan θ= ± (m2 – m1 ) / (1+m1m2)

Substituting the value of slope in this equation

tan θ = ± (1-1)/ (1 + 1×1)

tan  θ =± 0

 θ=   [tex]tan^{-} (0)[/tex]

θ = 0°

When two straight lines cross, two sets of angles are created. The intersection creates two acute angles and two obtuse angles. The slopes of the intersecting lines have an impact on the angles' absolute values.

It is also important to note that because the slope of a line parallel to the y-axis is indeterminate, it is impossible to calculate the angle created by two lines intersecting.

For more information on slope kindly visit to



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Don’t have a notebook on me right now, but #9’s rule can be written as:

A translation of 5 units to the left and 2 units up.

Hope I helped a little bit!

In ΔRST, R = (5x+15) S = (6x+8) T = (4x+7) What is the value of x?


The value of x is 10°.

What is triangle?

A polygon with three edges and three vertices is called a triangle. It is one of the fundamental geometric shapes. Triangle ABC is the designation for a triangle with vertices A, B, and C. In Euclidean geometry, any three points that are not collinear produce a distinct triangle and a distinct plane.


In ΔRST, m ∠R = (5x+15), m ∠S = (6x+8), m ∠T = (4x+7)

Since the addition of three angles of triangle is 180 degrees.


          m ∠R + m ∠S + m ∠T = 180°

(5x + 15) + (6x + 8) + (4x + 7) = 180°

                               15x + 30 = 180°

                                       15x = 180° - 30°

                                       15x = 150°

                                           x = 10°

Hence, the value of x is 10°.

To know more about triangle, click on the link



A tore i having a ale on jelly bean and trail mix. For 8 pound of jelly bean and 3 pound of trail mix, the total cot i $21. For 2 pound of jelly bean and 5 pound of trail mix, the total cot i $18. Find the cot for each pound of jelly bean and each pound of trail mix


Jelly beans are $1.5/lb and trail mix is $2.063/lb, according to the data.

What kind of concoction is trail mix?

A heterogeneous mixture would be a trail mix. When the components of a combination are dispersed unevenly across the mixture, the mixture is said to be heterogeneous. As a mixture of nuts, raisins, and other seeds, trail mix cannot have an evenly distributed dispersion of its ingredients.


t = trail mix, j = jelly beans

3t + 8j = 21

5t + 2j = 18

Solving the first for t

2t = 6j - 3

t = (6j - 3)/2


5(6j - 3)/2 + 2j = 18

j = 51/34

j = 1.5, Jelly beans cost $1.5/lb


8t + 3(1.5) = 21

8t = 16.5

t = 2.0625, trailmix costs $2.063 dollars/lb

to know more about jelly bean problems visit :



) if the pile contains only 20 quarters but at least 40 of each other kind of coin, how many collections of 40 coins can be chosen?


the different collections than many (40+4-1)! / (40!)(43-40)!  -  (20+4-1)! / (20!)(23-20)!.

What is combination?

A combination is a choice made in mathematics from a group of different elements when the order of the choices is irrelevant (unlike permutations). For instance, if three fruits, such as an apple, an orange, and a pear, are supplied, there are three possible pairings of the two: an apple and a pear. Formally speaking, a k-combination of a set S is a subset of S's k unique components. In other words, two combinations are the same if and only if they have the same members. (It is not important how the individuals in each set are arranged.) The quantity of k-combinations for a set with n components

if the pile contains only 20 quarters but at least 40 of each other kind of coin,

So the P (n k ) = (20+4-1)! / (20!)(23-20)! subtracted from (40+4-1)! / (40!)(43-40)!

Hence the different collections than many (40+4-1)! / (40!)(43-40)!  -  (20+4-1)! / (20!)(23-20)!

Learn more about the combination, by the following link.



I need this answer quickly :(


it is 31. i hope this helped you!


Step-by-step explanation:

what can you do to round a decimal


get trolled

Step-by-step explanation:

troll people make them get trolled


Step-by-step explanation:

to round a decimal, well it depends if it asks you to round to tenths, thousandths or hundredths sometimes even cents..

If you were to be given 5.5567 and it says to round to the hundredth place then you would look at the two points so 5. 55 and then look at the number beside it which is 6 and because 6 is bigger it would round up so you'd get 5.56 hopefully you understood that even if it's just a little..

Which expressions are equivalent? Select two answers.
□ A. 2 (x+3) + 2x and 4x + 3
B. -2 +4 (x+3) and 4x + 10
O C. 3x+5(x - 1) and 8x - 5
D. 5x2(x + 4) and 3x + 8
O E. 4-5 (x+2) and 5x - 6


The equivalent expression will be;

B) -2 +4 (x+3) and 4x + 10

C) 3x+5(x - 1) and 8x - 5

What is an expression?

Mathematical expression is defined as the collection of the numbers variables and functions by using operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Given that;

There are some expressions.


From option (A),

⇒  2 (x+3) + 2x and 4x + 3

Solve as;

⇒ 2 (x + 3) + 2x = 2x + 6 + 2x

                         = 4x + 6

Which is not equal to 4x + 3.

From option (B),

⇒ -2 +4 (x+3) and 4x + 10

Solve as;

⇒ - 2 + 4 (x + 3) = - 2 + 4x + 12

                        = 4x + 10

Hence, This is equivalent expression.

From option (C),

⇒ 3x+5(x - 1) and 8x - 5

Solve as;

⇒ 3x + 5 (x - 1) = 3x + 5x - 5

                      = 8x - 5

Thus, This is equivalent expression.

From option (D),

⇒ 5x² (x + 4) and 3x + 8

Solve as;

⇒ 5x³ + 20x²

Thus, This is not correct.

From option (E),

⇒ 4-5 (x+2) and 5x - 6

Solve as;

⇒ 4 - 5 (x + 2) = 4 - 5x - 10

                      = - 5x - 6

Thus, This is not correct.

Therefore, The value of equivalent expression is;

⇒ -2 +4 (x+3) and 4x + 10

⇒ 3x+5(x - 1) and 8x - 5

Learn more about the mathematical expression visit:



Which type of rigid transformation is the equivalent of two reflections across intersecting lines?


Rotation is the rigid type of transformation which is equivalent to the two reflections across intersecting lines.

Transformation of reflection gives us mirror image of the given geometrical shape or any object along the axis.Two reflections across the intersecting lines change the position of the shape or object in another coordinate plane .It represents the rotation of the given shape with center as the intersection of two given lines.Twice angle formed between the intersecting lines of the given shape.

Therefore, the rigid type transformation which is equivalent to two reflection across the intersecting lines is called rotation.

Learn more about  transformation here



Ashley is the oldest of four siblings whose ages are consecutive even integers. If the sum of their ages is 100100, find ashley's age.


From the information given, Ashley's age is 27

how to calculate the value:

Let the four siblings' ages be;

Ashley's age is x, x + 1, x + 2, x + 3.

If their combined ages equal 100

We possess

x + x + 1 + x + 2 + x + 3 = 100

assemble similar terms

4x + 6 = 100

4x = 100 - 6

4x = 96

Set the topic to "x"

x = 96/ 4

x = 24

But Ashely is x + 3 = 24 + 3 = 27 years old.

Thus, Ashley's age is 27

Learn more about word problems here:



family music your family has an ipod filled with music. it has many thousands of songs. you figure that roughly 60% of the songs are music you like, 25% of the music is annoying songs from your little sister, and the rest is stuff from the 80s that only your parents still think is cool. driving across town, your mom puts the ipod on shuffle and you all listen to whatever randomness produces. what is the probability that the first song is a) an 80s song? b) a song picked by one of the kids? c) not one of your songs?


Step-by-step explanation:

If the iPod has many thousands of songs, it's safe to assume that the number of 80s songs, songs picked by one of the kids, and songs that you like are all significant. Therefore, the probabilities that the first song will be an 80s song, a song picked by one of the kids, or not one of your songs are roughly equal to the percentage of each type of song on the iPod.

For example, the probability that the first song will be an 80s song is roughly 15%, since only 15% of the songs on the iPod are 80s songs (80s songs make up 100% - 60% - 25% = 15% of the iPod's music). Similarly, the probability that the first song will be a song picked by one of the kids is roughly 25%, and the probability that the first song will not be one of your songs is roughly 40% (100% - 60% = 40%).

Note that these probabilities are only approximate, since the songs on the iPod are chosen randomly and the actual probabilities may vary slightly.

Question is in picture


The graph of the system of inequalities is given by the image shown at the end of the answer.

How to graph the system of inequalities?

The system of inequalities in this problem is defined as follows:

y > 4x - 3.3y - x ≤ 9.

Then the graph of the system of inequalities is the region between these two curves.

The function y > 4x - 3 means that the lower bound of the interval is the line y = 4x - 3, which has an intercept of -3 and a slope of 4.

In standard format, the second line is defined as follows:

3y - x ≤ 9.

In slope-intercept format, it is defined as follows:

3y ≤ 9 + x

y ≤ x/3 + 3.

Which means that the upper bound of the graph is the linear function with a slope of 1/3 and an intercept of 3.

More can be learned about a system of inequalities at https://brainly.com/question/9774970


A researcher wants to test the claim that the proportion of juniors and seniors who exercise regularly is not the same. He finds that 42 of 65 randomly selected juniors and 34 of 52 randomly selected seniors report exercising regularly. Construct 90% confidence intervals for each population proportion. Which of the statements gives the correct outcome of the researcher's test of the claim?

The 90% confidence interval for juniors is (.530, .762), and the 90% confidence interval for seniors is (.525, .783). Since the intervals overlap, there is not enough evidence to say there is a difference between regular exercise rates among juniors and seniors.
The 90% confidence interval for juniors is (.549, .744), and the 90% confidence interval for seniors is (.545, .762). Since the intervals are not the same, there is enough evidence to say there is a difference between regular exercise rates among juniors and seniors.
The 90% confidence interval for juniors is (.530, .762), and the 90% confidence interval for seniors is (.525, .783). Since the intervals are not the same, there is enough evidence to say there is a difference between regular exercise rates among juniors and seniors.
The 90% confidence interval for juniors is (.549, .744), and the 90% confidence interval for seniors is (.545, .762). Since the intervals overlap, there is not enough evidence to say there is a difference between regular exercise rates among juniors and seniors.


The correct statements regarding the confidence intervals is given as follows:

The 90% confidence interval for juniors is (.549, .744), and the 90% confidence interval for seniors is (.545, .762). Since the intervals overlap, there is not enough evidence to say there is a difference between regular exercise rates among juniors and seniors.

What is a confidence interval of proportions?

A confidence interval of proportions has the bounds given by the rule presented as follows:

[tex]\pi \pm z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

In which the variables used to calculated these bounds are listed as follows:

[tex]\pi[/tex] is the sample proportion, which is also the estimate of the parameter.z is the critical value.n is the sample size.

The confidence level is of 90%, hence the critical value z is the value of Z that has a p-value of [tex]\frac{1+0.9}{2} = 0.95[/tex], so the critical value is z = 1.645.

For juniors, the parameters are given as follows:

[tex]n = 65, \pi = \frac{42}{65} = 0.646[/tex]

Then the lower bound of the interval is of:

[tex]\pi - z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.646 - 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.646(0.354)}{65}} = 0.549[/tex]

The upper bound of the interval is of:

[tex]\pi + z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.646 + 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.646(0.354)}{65}} = 0.744[/tex]

For seniors, the parameters are given as follows:

[tex]n = 52, \pi = \frac{34}{52} = 0.654[/tex]

Then the lower bound of the interval is of:

[tex]\pi - z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.654 - 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.654(0.346)}{52}} = 0.545[/tex]

The upper bound of the interval is of:

[tex]\pi + z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.654 + 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.654(0.346)}{52}} = 0.762[/tex]

The intervals overlap, hence there is not enough evidence to conclude that there is a difference.

More can be learned about confidence intervals at https://brainly.com/question/25890103


For which of the following x-values is k(x) =80?


For the function k(x) = 80, must have an x- value of 5 < x ≤ 6 in the given graph.

What is the greatest integer function?

The greatest integer function takes the greatest integer that is less than or equal to a specified value.

Mathematically, the greatest integer function ⌊x⌋ can be defined as follows:

⌊x⌋ = n, where n ≤ x < n + 1 and 'n' is an integer.

According to the given question,

The function is below as

⇒ k (x)

We have to determine the value of k (x) = 80

As per the given graph, the required solution would be as: [x] + 5

Here ⌊x⌋ = 5, where 5 < x ≤ 5 + 1 and '5' is an integer.

5 < x ≤ 6

Thus, the required value of x would be 5 < x ≤ 6 for the given function k(x) = 80.

To learn more about the greatest integer function here:



A line has a slope of negative one-fourth and passes through point (negative five-fourths, 1). What is the equation of the line?.


The equation of the line is y - 1 = -1/4( x + 5/4).

Here we have to find the equation of the line.

Data given:

Point on the line= (-5/4, 1)

slope(m) = -1/4

The formula of the equation of the line:

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

where m = slope of the line

(x1, y1) = point on the line

Now putting the values in the equation we have:

y - 1 = -1/4( x- (-5/4))

y - 1 = -1/4( x + 5/4)

Therefore the equation of the line is y-1 = -1/4( x + 5/4).

To know more about the equation of the line refer to the link given below:



7 cm 8 cm , What is the length of c ? ( Round to nearest tenths place)


Therefore, the length of the c from the given figure comes out to be c= 10.63cm.

What is Pythagorean's Theorem ?

The Pythagorean theorem, sometimes known as Pythagoras' theorem, is a basic relationship between a right triangle's three sides in Euclidean geometry. According to this statement, the areas of the squares on the other two sides add up to the size of the square whose side is the hypotenuse.


The hypotenuse, or longest side in a right triangle, is side c, which is our unknown. With the use of Pythagorean's Theorem, we have

[tex]7^{2} +8^{2} =c^{2}[/tex]

which simplifies to

[tex]7^{2} +8^{2} =c^{2}[/tex]


49 + 64 = [tex]c^{2}[/tex]


  [tex]c^{2}[/tex] = 113

c = 10.63 cm

Therefore, the length of the c from the given figure comes out to be c= 10.63cm.

To know more about Pythagorean's Theorem , visit



Is the slope 1 /- 3 perpendicular to the slope 3?


No, the slopes are not perpendicular. The slope of 3 is three times larger than the slope of 1/-3, so the two slopes form an angle that is less than 90 degrees.

1. The slope of a line is the ratio of the vertical change to the horizontal change in the line, this is also known as the rise over run.

2. The slope of the first line is 1/-3 and the slope of the second line is 3.

3. To determine if the two slopes are perpendicular, we need to calculate the angle between them.

4. The angle between two slopes is equal to the arctan(slope1/slope2).

5. Using the formula, we can calculate the angle between the two slopes to be 63.43 degrees.

6. Since this angle is less than 90 degrees, the two slopes are not perpendicular.

Learn more about slope here



help pls answer as soon as possible look at picture to answer



Step-by-step explanation:


plug in 1/4 for y





Select all the measurements that are equivalent to 48 centimeters.
0.48 m
4.8 mm
480 mm
4,800 m
48,000 km


Answer: 0.48 m,  480 mm

Step-by-step explanation:

1 m = 100 cm

So take 48 divided by 100 = 0.48m, so this is correct.

1 cm = 10 mm

So take 48 times 10 = 480 mm, so this is correct

​It's due today I need help with this problem I'll mark brainiest.


The element b₂₄ is the number in the second row and fourth column of the matrix, and we can see that it is equal to 10.

How to identify the element in the matrix?

For a matrix M, the element Mₐₙ is the element in the a-th row and in the n-th column.

In this case we want to find b₂₄, so you need to look at the element that is in the second row (counting from the top) and in the fourth column (counting from the right) that element is a 10, then we can conclude:

b₂₄ = 10

Learn more about matrices:



Please help !!!!!!!


Answer: he gives them 2 balls each and there are 2 balls remaining

Step-by-step explanation: 10 balls divided by 4 teams would be 2.5 though you cannot split a ball in half therefore you would just keep the two spare balls

A floor plan for a home is shown where 1/2 inch represents 3 feet of the actual home. What is the actual area of bedroom 3?


the actual area of the bedroom is 324 square feet

What is square?

Having four equal sides, a square is a quadrilateral. There are numerous square-shaped objects in our immediate environment. Each square form may be recognised by its equal sides and 90° inner angles. A square is a closed form with four equal sides and interior angles that are both 90 degrees. Numerous different qualities can be found in a square.

Given the square bedroom have 3 feet side

The area of the bedroom is = 3² = 9 sq inch

1/2 inch = 3 feet

1 inch = 6 feet

1 square inch = 36 square feet

9 square inch = 36*9 = 324square feet

Hence the actual area of the bedroom is 324 square feet

Learn more about square, by the following link.



A box with a square base and an open top is being constructed out of a cm2 of material. If the volume of the box is to be maximized, what should the side length of the base be? what should the height of the box be? what is the maximal volume of the box? your answers should be in terms of a.


The maximum volume of the box in terms of A will be √3A/4 -3√3/4 cu cm.

It is given that the box has an open top and a square base.

This implies length = breadth.

Let them be x cm

Now, the area of the box is A sq cm

This means

lb + 2bh + 2lh = A

or, x² + 2xh + 2xh = A

or, 4xh + x² = A

or, h = A/4x - x/4

Now volume (V) = lbh

= x²(A/4x - x/4)

= Ax/4 - x³/4

Now to maximize volume we will first differentiate with respect to x and equate it to zero. Hence we get

V' =0

or, A/4 - 3x²/4 = 0

or 3x²/4 = A/4

or, x² = 3

or, x = √3

Now t check whether this gives us the maximum volume we will calculate V"(√3)

V" = -3x/2

V"(√3) = -3√3/2

Since V"(√3) is negative we will get maximum value for x = √3

Now the volume is

A√3/4 - (√3)³/4

= √3A/4 -3√3/4 cu cm

To know more about maximization visit



There are 4,500 cities on planet Purple. The planetary government takes a random sample of 350 cities and finds that the average number of complaints about feral cats from the sample was 3.4 ± 0.49. Which of the following is an estimate of the total number of feral cat complaints for planet Purple?

Between 1018.5 and 1361.5 complaints
Between 171.5 and 1190 complaints
Between 13,095 and 17,505 complaints
Between 2,205 and 15,300 complaints


Based on the margin of error, an estimate of the total number of feral cat complaints for planet Purple is A. Between 1018.5 and 1361.5 complaints.

What is the margin of error?

The margin of error shows the statistical difference between the actual and projected or estimated results.

The margin of error gives the difference between the upper limit and the lower limit of the sample estimate.

With the margin of error, one establishes a level of confidence or the confidence interval in the sample results.

The total number of cities on planet Purple = 4,500

Random sample size = 350 cities

Average complaints = 3.4

Margin or error = ± 0.49

Upper limit = 1,361.5 [350 x (3.4 + 0.49)]

Lower limit = 1,081.5 [350 x (3.4 - 0.49)]

Thus, using the margin of error, an estimate of feral cat complaints hovers over Option A.

Learn more about the margin of error at https://brainly.com/question/10218601


What is splitting and give an example?



Splitting is where numbers in an equation are broken apart to make it easier to calculate.

Step-by-step explanation:

Splitting is where numbers in an equation are broken apart to make it easier to calculate. Ex:

21 * 7

20 * 7 + 1 * 7 =

140 + 7


Solve the following system of equations. Show your work.





The system of equations - 2x + 5y = - 2 and 4x - 10y = 4 has infinitely many solutions.

What is the graphical solution of system of equations?

Graphical solutions of a system of equations are way of finding the intersection points of all the equations given.

A system with two or more than two equations has a solution only when they have a common intersection point.

Given, A system of equations - 2x + 5y = - 2...(i) and 4x - 10y = 4...(ii).

Now, multiplying eqn(i) by 2 it becomes - 4x + 10y = - 4...(iii).

Now, by Adding (ii) and (iii) we get,

0x + 0y = 0.

So, 0 = 0, and hence these are coinciding lines with infinitely many solutions.

learn more about the system of equations here :



Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu A car traveled at a constant speed for 4 hours and covered 144.6 miles. It used 12 gallons of gas to travel this distance. How far did the car go in 1 hour? How far did the car travel on 1 gallon of gas?​


The distance covered by a car in one hour is 36.15 miles, and the distance covered by a car using 1 gallon of fuel is 12.05 miles.

What is speed?

A thing that moves quickly and with high speed, covering a lot of ground in a short time. On the other hand, a slow-moving object traveling at a low speed covers a comparatively small distance in the same amount of time. An object with zero speed does not move at all.


A car traveled at a constant speed for 4 hours and covered 144.6 miles,

The fuel used = 12 gallons,

Calculate the distance covered in 1 hour as shown below,

The distance covered in 1 hour = 144.6 / 4

The distance covered in 1 hour = 36.15 miles

Calculate the distance traveled using 1 gallon of fuel,

The distance traveled using 1 gallon of fuel = 144.6 / 12

The distance traveled using 1 gallon of fuel = 12.05 miles.

To know more about Speed:



How do you get the solution 2+2
Lets see how smart you people are


Answer:(1x2)+(4divided by 2)

Step-by-step explanation:

1+1+1+1=4 well there you happy now

select all of the expressions that could be used to determine 60% of x.


Bro there isn’t a picture we don’t know the options

need help ASAP! please help


The missing angles in the triangle is as follows:

∠1  = 62.5°∠2 = 62.5°∠3 = 55°∠4 = 75°∠5 = 50°

How to find the measure of angles in a triangle?

A triangle is a polygon with three sides. The sum of angles in a triangle is 180 degrees.

∠3 = 55 degrees (vertically opposite angles)

Vertically opposite angles are congruent to each other.

The exterior angle theorem states that the measure of an exterior angle is equal to the sum of the measures of the two remote interior angles of the triangle.

Using exterior angle theorem ,

105 = ∠5 + 55

∠5 = 105 - 55

∠5 = 50 degrees

∠4 = 180 - 50 - 55

∠4 = 75 degrees

Therefore, the other triangle is an isosceles triangle. This means the base angles are equal.


∠1  = ∠2 = x

2x + 55 = 180

2x = 180 - 55

2x = 125

x = 125 / 2

x = 62.5 degrees.


∠1  = ∠2 = 62.5 degrees.

learn more on angles here: https://brainly.com/question/28641859


f(4) = 10 and f(-4)= 14, find f(5)


Answer: f(5)=9.5

Step-by-step explanation:

If the graph displays f(x)=(-1/2)x+12, then the answer for f(5) would be 9.5.

However, if the graph/line varies from this, (and is not just a straight line or y=mx+b,) the answer will be different as well.

Given the information you gave me though, this is the best I can do. Please check the given graph/equation before inputting the above answer.

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the main characteristics of a pure___are a single seller, no close substitutes, a price maker, blocked entry, and non-price competition. dr. quinones studies the achievement motivation of junior high school students. he asserts that such motivation mainly reflects the parenting and educational practices the students have experienced. this statement is most directly related to the issue; dr. quinones' position is toward the end of the continuum. group of answer choices nature vs. nurture; nature nature vs. nurture; nurture observable behavior vs. internal mental processes; internal mental processes observable behavior vs. internal mental processes; observable behavior Deep earth extraction inc. operates a facility near estuary bay. discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in:_______.a. penalties and damages.b. penalties only.c. damages only.d. none of the choices. Alcoholic beverages sold packaged to go at establishments such as convenience stores and gas stations are known as Creosote Inc. operates a planta "major source"that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the Environmental Protection Agency has set maximum levels of emission. The plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. Under the Clean Air Act, this is most likely a. a violation. b. not a violation because a "major source" is exempt. c. not a violation because the plant does not use any equipment. d. not a violation because the plant is not a mobile source. PLEASE HELP THE QUESTION IN THE PICTURE. pls answer this questions for 15 points 3.)slight misalignment between the rotor field and the stator field in a synchronous motor is called the (E) Vitamin C Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is found in fresh fruits (citrus, strawberries, and tomatoes) and vegetables (broccoli, potatoes, cabbage, and spinach). Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is found in most foods including meat and whole grains (incorrect answer d), as are niacin (vitamin B3 - not strictly a vitamin since it can be synthesized - incorrect answer b), thiamine (vitamin B1 - incorrect answer a), and cobalamin (vitamin B12 - found in meat, milk and eggs - incorrect answer c). Melvin plays tennis and swims for a total of 110 minutes every day. He plays tennis for 40 minutes longer than he swims. Part A: Write a pair of linear equations to show the relationship between the number of minutes Melvin plays tennis (x) and the number of minutes he swims (y) every day. Part B: How much time does Melvin spend swimming every day? Show your work. Part C: Is it possible for Melvin to have spent 70 minutes playing tennis if he plays and swims for a total of exactly 110 minutes and plays tennis for 40 minutes longer than he swims? Explain your reasoning. which type of ion channel opens and closes in response to changes in the membrane potential? which therapy focuses heavily on creating an accepting and supportive environment for self-discovery? What are the characteristics of African American poetry? Who lives in the deepest place on Earth? You are bending a strip of metal into an isosceles triangle for a sculpture. The strip of metal is 28 inches long. The first bend is made 10 inches from one end. Describe two ways you could complete the triangle. What is the main purpose of soliloquy? you need to limit the impact of a security breach for a particular file server with sensitive company data. which strategy would you employ? the ending retained earnings balance of lambert inc. increased by $2.2 million from the beginning of the year. the company's net income earned during the year is $6.6 million. what is the amount of dividends lambert inc. declared and paid? in october, marshal drove 217 miles ,which was 62% of the distance he drove in september. How far in miles did marshal drive in september? he 'rule' that automatically places the children of parents of different social-economic-cultural groups into the less privilege group is: