What is the 4 element model?


Answer 1

The 4-Element Movement System Model defines the fundamental elements (motion, force, motor control, and energy) that are required for all movements to be performed.

The model provides a framework or scaffolding that Element enables the application of consistent methods in assessment and intervention decisions. Let us define conceptual model for a better understanding.

A conceptual model is essentially a diagram showing a given (supposed) causal linkage that exists among a collection of concepts or ideas. It is typically associated with a specific public health issue. This model is claimed to be distinct from previous theories since it is concerned with specific forms of conduct in the right or major contexts rather than with global behavior. It is unique because its components are knitted together as one.

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Related Questions

What is the main idea of the Gettysburg Address?
A The soldiers died because of injustice.
B The soldiers should not die in vain.
• C The Battle of Gettysburg was the most important battle of the war.
D The causes of independence and freedom always require sacrifices.



the answer is b





What is true of mandatory reporters?


Mandated reporters must adhere to state reporting regulations regarding abuse and neglect.

In most states, failing to file a report is considered a misdemeanour, with different jurisdictions imposing different punishments. Even if they are unsure as to whether the claim is accurate, they are nevertheless required to report. A mandated reporter is supposed to contact the local police department as soon as possible, if possible, after the occurrence. submit a written report to the local police department within 48 hours of the event. A required reporter is what? a person obligated to report any suspicion of child abuse. An authorised reporter is who? someone who is a doctor, teacher, priest, or

To learn more about Mandated please click on below link



what is the most likely reason that the author included the section with information about the controversy surrounding molly pitcher?


The author aimed to demonstrate that Mary's significance as a Revolutionary War character should not be diminished by the disagreement.

It should be mentioned that "Molly Pitcher" was a phrase widely used throughout the American Revolution. The author includes the section on the Molly Pitcher controversy in order to show that the dispute should not lessen Mary's relevance as a Revolutionary War character.During the American Revolution, Mary Ludwig Hays, a female soldier, took part in the Battle of Monmouth. There may have been more than one woman on the battlefield that day, despite the fact that Hays is occasionally mentioned as the subject of the Molly Pitcher story.

Thus this is most likely the reason that the author included the section with information about the controversy surrounding Molly Pitcher.

Refer here to learn more about controversy: https://brainly.com/question/19714884


What is the allusion of Pyrrhic victory?


It has to do with Pyrrhus, an Epirusc king who, in 279 BCE, conquered the Romans but cost his troops dearly.

Please explain what the Pyrrhic triumph is.

A victory that leaves behind significant losses or abnormally high costs is known as a Pyrrhic victory. The first Pyrrhic triumph was attained by Pyrrhus of Epirus, a Greek monarch who suffered defeat in his expensive battles with the Romans. After forming an alliance with Tarentum, a Greek-speaking city that was dissatisfied with the Roman Republic's expanding influence over its nation, Pyrrhus first invaded Italy in 280 B.C. Etymology The Battles of Heraclea in 280 BC and 201 BC, won by King Pyrrhus of Epirus, whose army suffered terrible losses in defeating the Romans, was the origin of the

To learn more about king of Epirus refer to:



How Islam was spread in our country?


According to historians, the earliest Muslim settlers in the Americas came from what are now New Mexico & Arizona in the early 16th century. Analysts of all stripes concur that slaves from Africa made up the initial influx.

After their arrival, the majority of slaves who attempted to continue their Islamic religious traditions were forcibly converting to Christianity. Islam was expanded via missionaries, trade, pilgrimage, and military conquest. Over time, Arab Muslim warriors expanded their empire and occupied large lands.

After Christianity and Judaism, Islam is the third most popular religion in the United States. According to a 2017 research, 3.45 million Muslims, or 1.1 percent of the country's overall population, reside in the United States. In 20 states, largely in the Midwest and South it was stated in 2017 that Islam was the most prevalent non-Christian religion.

To know more about historians:



these two pieces were written more than 400 years apart, yet focus on the same theme. What does this show us about human nature?


This shows us about human nature that there will be changes that will be happening in the document but the culture will be the same.

What is a theme?

The topic of a tale is the main concept that the author is attempting to express. Novels typically contain several themes, but children's books frequently have just one.

It demonstrates that tradition, as well as knowledge, are still carried down via our descendants despite the passage of very many years. It demonstrates that, despite the many years of his race's evolution, we still remember what transpired so long ago. Through information, we may still maintain a connection to our ancestors.

Learn more about theme, here:



something meant to be done or used only temporarily or for a period of time is this:______.


The statements above depict the popular game Word Craze.

The Word Craze - Trivia Crossword PC game can help you relax while pushing your mind. Your goal is to finish as many crossword puzzles as possible.

Look at the photographs for solutions, or use logic to solve the puzzles to expand your thinking in new directions.

Although this game is free to play, there are in-app purchases available for a more comprehensive gameplay experience.

The items you purchase will aid you at the most critical battle moments.

Word Craze is currently the best version of puzzle word games. This game combines the greatest elements of word search, crossword puzzles, and IQ games. You will be given numerous clues or questions in each level, and you must find the proper answer and clear the easy grid.

learn more about "Word Craze" here https://brainly.com/question/13673959


Why do people get open heart?


Cardiac failure, congenital heart defects, arrhythmias, aneurysms, and coronary artery disease are all treatable with open-heart surgery. The surgeon makes an incision in the breastbone and spreads the ribs in order to have access to the heart during the operation.

Heart valve replacement, heart transplantation, and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) are all examples of open-heart surgery. Cardiac surgery fixes heart issues. Open-heart surgery can reach the heart. Open-heart surgery opens the chest wall to reach the heart. Surgeons cut the sternum and stretch the ribs to reach the heart. This is called chest cracking.

Open-heart surgery is safe. If you can handle it, your surgeon may offer an open operation. Small incisions between the right chest ribs can be used for several types of cardiac surgery. The heart and its surrounding blood arteries must be reached directly for several treatments. Sometimes, these treatments can take done utilizing less intrusive approaches.

To know more about open heart surgery:



13] For twenty-ix day I wa held a military prioner in that black hole. I would not give in. I would not leave the tate. At any time, if I would do o, I could have my freedom. General Chae and hi bandit thought that by keeping me in that cold cellar, I would catch the flue or pneumonia, and that would ettle for them what to do with "old Mother Jone. "

What tone doe the underlined phrae contribute to?


The underlined phrase contributes to a serious tone.

What is a serious tone?

Tone refers to the use of pitch, volume, аnd tempo in your voice during аn interаction in order to creаte lexicаl аnd grаmmаticаl meаning.  In writing, а serious tone cаn be used to signаl thаt а pivotаl moment in the аction of the story is coming, or thаt something bаd or sаd hаs hаppened. In non-fiction writing, а serious tone cаn be used when the informаtion being shаred is importаnt аnd requires proper thought аnd respect.

The underlined phrase "For twenty-six days I was held a military prisoner in that black hole" refers to а pivotаl moment in the аction of the story is coming, or thаt something bаd hаs hаppened: when a writer was held in a military prisoner.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full question was

[13] For twenty-six days I was held a military prisoner in that black hole. I would not give in. I would not leave the state. At any time, if I would do so, I could have my freedom. General Chase and his bandits thought that by keeping me in that cold cellar, I would catch the flue or pneumonia, and that would settle for them what to do with "old Mother Jones."

What tone does the underlined phrase contribute to?

A. a provocative tone.

B. a serious tone.

C. a nonchalant tone.

D.a determined tone.

Thus, the correct answer is B.

For more information about tone refer to the link:



What is the first 8 lines of a sonnet called?


The Petrarchan sonnet is divided into two stanzas, the octave (the first eight lines) followed by the responding sestet, after one of its greatest practitioners, the Italian poet Petrarch (the final six lines).

octave , The Italian poet Petrarch created the Petrarchan sonnet, which splits the 14 lines into two sections: an eight-line stanza (octave) rhyming ABBAABBA and a six-line stanza (sestet) rhyming CDCDCD or CDECDE.

The Petrarchan sonnet mixes an octave (eight lines) with a sestet rather than quatrains (six lines).

As a result, the following rhyme system is used in these sections: ABBA, ABBA, ABBA CDE CDE CDE. A triolet is an eight-line poem (or stanza) with an ABaAabAB rhyme scheme:

Learn more about to 8 lines of a sonnet visit here;



The author most likely narrates her essay out of chronological order to help
convey her-
memories and thoughts about her
anger about her disease and its
medical condition and its treatment
career history and hopes for the


The important concept is the important, unifying detail of the story, which ties collectively all the different factors of fiction utilized by the writer to inform the story. The important concept may be quality defined because the dominant affect or the universal, usual fact discovered within side the story.

The required details for central idea in given paragraph

Yael offers information so as of importance, which does now no longer aid her important concept via way of means of displaying development.

Yael offers information so as of importance, which helps her important concept via way of means of displaying development.

Yael offers information in chronological order, which does now no longer aid her important concept as it does now no longer display development.

Yael offers information in chronological order, which helps her important concept via way of means of displaying development.

Every paragraph has a key idea or important concept. The important concept is the maximum critical piece of records the writer wishes you to recognize approximately the idea of that paragraph. When authors write they've an concept in thoughts that they may be looking to get across.

To know about central idea click here



What Were the "Original Intentions" of the Framers of the Constitution of the United States?


In terms of demographics, they weren't a good representation of the general population. They were all men, all men of prominence, and all white. Compared to the people they represented, they had higher education.

In relation to the populations of the states, they were not sufficiently representative. Every state sent as many delegates it desired, and the number was not based on the population of each state. Delaware sent five delegates, while New York sent three. They made no attempt to represent the general public. They defended their own sectional interests very outright. Delegates made it clear that they wanted to maintain the dominance of the northern or southern states, the slave or free states, the large or small states, at various periods. They all had the same desire to maintain sovereignty over the original Atlantic coast states and did not want any future governments to usurp that authority.

Learn more about Population here:



grace knew her speech backward and forward. she rehearsed it over and over again, timing it to make sure she didn't run over the time limit. when she actually delivered the speech, she found herself much less nervous and much more confident than she expected to be. which guideline for developing confidence applies here?


Grace understood her speech inside and out. She practiced it again and over, pacing herself to ensure she didn't go over the time limit.

When she gave the speech, she was far less apprehensive and much more confident than she had anticipated.

Extemporaneous speaking is the delivery of a properly prepared and rehearsed speech in a conversational style utilizing brief notes.

The appearance of transparency Individuals' inclination to imagine that how they feel is far more visible to others than is actually the case. To give an excellent speech, the speaker must overcome his or her speech anxiety.

Positive thinking, practice, training, education, and talking to others are all effective techniques to build your confidence.

Feelings of well-being, acceptance of your body and mind (self-esteem), and belief in your own ability, abilities, and experience all contribute to confidence.

Learn more about to  grace visit here;




The Cohutta Wilderness of North Georgia

Rachel Carson's 1962 book Silent Spring finally incited public outrage around environmental issues. This led to the passing of more stringent federal laws to protect natural resources and public lands, including the Wilderness Act of 1964 and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1970.

According to the Wilderness Act, "wilderness" is recognized as:

an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain . . . [An] area of undeveloped Federal land retaining its primeval character and influence, without permanent improvements or human habitation, which is protected and managed so as to preserve its natural conditions. . . [which] may also contain ecological, geological, or other features of scientific, educational, scenic, or historical value.

The Act states that a wilderness area allows for "a primitive and unconfined type of recreation." Motor vehicles are only allowed in designated areas and commercial activities like timber harvest are prohibited. Visitors can camp and hike freely as long as they follow posted regulations.

According to the Wilderness Act of 1964, what activities would be allowed and restricted on Tearbritches Trail?

Use at least two details from the passage to support your answer.


A area where human beings haven't yet harmed the land or its ecology; a location where they are only transient visitors; one in which they have not built settlers; and one that is secured and tried to keep its green spaces.

Description of ecology

Ecology refers to the study of living things and how they relate to their surroundings. An ecologist researches the interactions across organisms and their environments.

What makes ecology so important?

Ecology enhances the planet and is essential to the well-being and prosperity of people. It offers fresh understanding of the connection of humans and nature, which is essential for food growth, preserving water and air quality, and preserving species in the context of climate change.

To know more about ecology visit:



Which of the following best
describes the impact of
having an unreliable narrator?



by misrepresenting the causes of the conflict to gain the reader's sympathy.Unreliable narration is usually subtle: The narrator is more likely to omit details and to misrepresent the causes of a conflict than to lie outright about what happened.


There were sunflowers big as flowers on Mars and thick cockscombs bleeding the deep
red fringe of theater curtains. There were dizzy bees and bow-tied fruit flies turning
somersaults and humming the air. Sweet sweet peach trees. Thorn roses and thistle
and pears. Weeds like so many squinty-eyed stars and brush that made your ankles
itch until you washed with soap and water. There were big green apples hard as knees.
And everywhere the sleepy smell of rotting wood, damp earth and dusty hollyhocks
thick and perfumy like the blue-blond hair of the dead. -Sandra Cisneros, The House on
Mango Street
1. What is the mood of the passage?
Use text evidence to prove your answer.


The tone of Residence on Mango Street is genuine, upbeat, and personal, and now it evolves as the plot progresses.

What does the expression "genuine person" think?

When you characterize someone as genuine, you are endorsing them even though they lead an honest, real, and realistic life and engage in interactions with other people. [approved] She is so sincere and compassionate. Synonyms: genuine, direct, truthful, and organic Additional Descriptive terms for "true."

What makes being genuine crucial?

Being genuine has numerous other advantages. Recognition and trust: When you are true to yourself, not only do you trust your judgements and choices, but other people do as well. They will appreciate you for upholding the morals and principles. Integrity: Being genuine also entails having authenticity.

To know more about genuine visit:



How did Islam start and spread?


Overview. Islam was expanded via missionaries, trade, pilgrimage, and military conquest. Over time, Arab Muslim warriors expanded their empire and occupied large lands.

Islam is a prominent religion that was introduced to the globe by the Prophet Muhammad in Arabia with in seventh century CE. The essential theological principle of Islam is that the believer accepts submission to Allah's (Arabic: Allh; God) will. The Arabic word islm, which means "surrender," sheds light on this principle. It is believed that Allah alone is the world's creator, sustainer, and restorer. The sacred texts known as the Qur'an (commonly written Koran in English), that Allah disclosed to his prophet Muhammad, convey the will of Allah, toward which human people must obey.

To know more about Allah:



In The Picture of Dorian Gray, Dorian's scandalous behavior shocks his peers, yet he remains welcome in social circles. Why? What is Wilde suggesting about "polite" London society? Please answer in 3-5 sentences.

Thank you!!


Dorian remains accepted in social circles because of his appearance, his beauty, which means Wilde is suggesting London society is both corrupt and shallow.

Who is Dorian Gray?

Dorian Gray is the main character in the novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde. In the story, Dorian remains young and handsome while a painting of him grows old and marked by all his sins.

It is interesting to notice that Dorian grows worse with time, his sins becoming graver. However, even though his peers know about the things he does, he is still accepted in their social circles. The reason: Dorian is extremely handsome. However evil he may be, his beauty is more important.

We can conclude, thus, that Oscar Wilde was criticizing London society for being shallow and corrupt - a fact that remains truthful even today. Appearances are more important that justice and ethics.

Learn more about Dorian Gray here:



What are the 6 nonfiction text structures?


The six nonfiction text structures are description-explanation, sequence-time, problem-solution, persuasion, cause-and-effect, and compare-and-contrast.

About Nonfiction

Nonfiction, or non-fiction, refers to any text or media that makes a sincere effort to offer facts and occasionally views that are based only on reality rather than on imagination. Nonfiction is sometimes thought of as being more objectively given, such as historic, scientific, or other simple and factual facts. However, nonfiction can also occasionally be presented more subjectively, such as truly held thoughts and ideas on a real-world topic. One common application of nonfiction is as one of the two basic categories of narrative—often particularly, prose writing—in contrast to narration, which is mostly made up of fictional people and events, but it can occasionally be unclear how much of it is based on fact.

To know more about Nonfiction:



Why do people think BTS is good?


It's not difficult to see why fans frequently claim that BTS entered their life at a moment when they most people needed them, given the socially aware lyrics they have that largely explore identity, positivism, and acceptance

as well as the nuggets of wisdom they provide throughout their live broadcasts. Despite identifying as a K-pop group, they have evolved their sound throughout time and have always maintained a distinct rap undercurrent. They are one of people the few non-Western musicians to appear on Billboard's Top Rap Albums chart thanks to the quality of their rapping.

Big hit staff members have acknowledged that BTS is really modest and has supported them much while they were performing their duties. BTS' pal acknowledged that BTS is indeed

To learn more about people  please click on below link



Which of the following is the role of a sports medicine specialist when treating an injured player? can be multiple answers.
Help athlete find another job
Tell the team how to best play without injured player
Enable athlete to compete again
Heal damaged tissue


Answer: (D) + (A)


I think (D) but (A) also gives a good answer as well.

Hope this helps :)

In this metaphor, Taylor compares ____ to _____. These two things are alike because _______. She included this comparison because _______. (how does this relate to her message about immigration?)


Based on the fact that Eva’s final interior design project includes a montage of things she’s designed along with a background song by Taylor Swift.

What is Copyright?

The term that has been used to describe and define the permission to use the intellectual property of the person which has otherwise protected from unauthorized use.

It has been seen that the Fair Use Doctrine, it has likely okay to keep the Taylor Swift song in her class presentation, but she must remove it from her presentation because of ownership issues that would arise because of the rights of Taylor Swift.

Therefore, Based on the fact that Eva’s final interior design project includes a montage of things she’s designed along with a background song by Taylor Swift.

Read more about copyright here:



Type of question is worded in a way that sways the respondent toward one side of an argument is called?


Answer: A leading question

50 points! Please help





Because it's talking about the word tolerance and it's critiquing how people often use the word.

What is negotiating to reach a mutual agreement?


The objective is to find common ground, and the negotiation process typically entails some back-and-forth between the parties. Each party will probably make an effort to convince the other party or parties to adopt its position.

A mutual understanding has been established if the disagreement has been resolved to everyone's satisfaction. A mutual agreement between two   or more parties is a legally enforceable contract that can address any eventuality. The operative terms, "mutually agrees" or "settles," which mean "creates a trust" or "does not create a trust," distinguish a mutual agreement from a settlement that does not. For instance, Mary and John have mutually agreed to sell John their old automobile for the price of $10,000. This indicates that the terms have been accepted by both Mary and John.

To learn more about negotiation please click on below link



What rank is failing to yield?


The leading cause of fatal crashes for drivers in the U.S.

A failure to yield a twist of fate happens whilst a driving force fails to yield the road accurately, causing a crash. What makes those accidents exclusive from many other kinds of crashes is that regularly the damaged victim drives into the automobile that fails to yield.

Failure to yield is when a driver does now not allow an automobile with the right-of-manner to proceed and this occasionally results in an accident. If a driving force fails to yield to you when you have the proper manner, you ought to do everything to your electricity to avoid a collision.

Failure to yield the right of manner is a misdemeanor offense in Georgia. normally, the police will rate drivers with this offense after a site visitor's accident. Technically, Failure to Yield contains a probable sentence of up to 12 months in jail or on probation.

Learn more about failing to yield here:-https://brainly.com/question/8132304


What is the definition of cottage industry in history?


Historians refer to production that was finished prior to the onset of the Industrial Revolution as the cottage industry. It was decentralized and entailed people making items on a very small scale in their houses.

The shift from rural, agriculturally-based communities to industrial, factory-based urban communities was one of the main effects of the Industrial Revolution.

Before the Industrial Revolution, which got underway in the 1700s, things were produced on a very small scale. This mode of manufacturing is known as the "cottage industry" by historians.

The cottage industry, in its simplest form, is a time period when products for sale were manufactured on a very small scale, typically in a home.

Due to the lack of long-distance transportation, people in this system produced items like wool in their houses or on their own fields before selling them to nearby towns.

To know more about cottage industry, visit:



If the word ends in silent e, drop the e and add the suffix, unless the final e is needed to preserve the sound of the preceding consonant (as in vengeance).

Select the two words that both end in the suffix -ence and follow the spelling rule above.



interfer - ence, condol - ence, occur - rence, exist - ence, confer - ence

What is suffix?

A suffix is an addition that follows the word stem in linguistics. Adjectives, verb endings, and case endings, which designate the syntactic case of nouns and verbs, are typical examples. Suffixes can convey lexical information or grammatical information (inflectional suffixes). a grammatical suffix or an inflectional suffix. [1] Such inflection modifies a word's grammatical attributes inside its syntactic category. Class-changing generation and class-maintaining derivation are the two types for derivational suffixes. Suffixes are referred to as affirmatives because they can change the shape of words. Suffixes and ends are different concepts in Indo-European studies (see Proto-Indo-European root). The information contained in suffixes can be grammatical.

To know more about suffix, visit:



Who is the first member of BTS?


Rap Monster was the lone member of the original lineup and the first to join BTS. "Jimin, you got no jams," he famously quipped. Rap Monster, not Dance Monster, is who I am.

Even though his parents opposed his getting into music, he began performing while still in high school. He made the decision to enter the hit it rap competition after seeing a leaflet one day. The contest was organised by the Big Hit record label. He was accepted to join BTS as the second member.  J-Hope. The third member of BTS to join was J-Hope. After failing an audition with another management company, JYP Entertainment, the rapper joined Big Hit Entertainment as a trainee. He received recognition as a Big Hit Entertainment.

To learn more about member please click on below link





the leader of BTS

Which text feature helps you understand how one thing compares to other things?




First one


The scale compares height, it is better to understand than the other two pictures, it helps to inform about size

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NEED HELP QUICKRead the excerpt from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.They were rather handsome, had been educated in one of the first private seminaries in town, had a fortune of twenty thousand pounds, were in the habit of spending more than they ought, and of associating with people of rank; and were therefore in every respect entitled to think well of themselves, and meanly of others. They were of a respectable family in the north of England; a circumstance more deeply impressed on their memories than that their brothers fortune and their own had been acquired by trade.How does point of view affect the tone of the excerpt?The narrators knowledge of how the characters view other people creates a sad tone.The narrators knowledge of how the characters see themselves creates a critical tone.The narrators understanding of the characters family history creates an objective tone. 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Now her weird "hoo-hoo-hoo-oo-oo" echoes through the quiet wood, and she begins her hunt for the bugs and beetles, frogs and mice she likes so well to eat.Now there was a certain old Owl who had become very cross and hard to please as she grew older, especially if anything disturbed her daily slumbers. One warm summer afternoon as she dozed away in her den in the old oak tree, a Grasshopper nearby began a joyous but very raspy song. Out popped the old Owl's head from the opening in the tree that served her both for door and for window."Get away from here, sir," she said to the Grasshopper. "Have you no manners? You should at least respect my age and leave me to sleep in quiet!"But the Grasshopper answered saucily that he had as much right to his place in the sun as the Owl had to her place in the old oak. Then he struck up a louder and still more rasping tune.The wise old Owl knew quite well that it would do no good to argue with the Grasshopper, nor with anybody else for that matter. Besides, her eyes were not sharp enough by day to permit her to punish the Grasshopper as he deserved. So she laid aside all hard words and spoke very kindly to him."Well sir," she said, "if I must stay awake, I am going to settle right down to enjoy your singing. Now that I think of it, I have a wonderful wine here, sent me from Olympus, of which I am told Apollo drinks before he sings to the high gods. Please come up and taste this delicious drink with me. I know it will make you sing like Apollo himself."The foolish Grasshopper was taken in by the Owl's flattering words. Up he jumped to the Owl's den, but as soon as he was near enough so the old Owl could see him clearly, she pounced upon him and ate him up. Reese's monthly bank statement says she has a balance of $228.32, but Reese's check register says that her balance is $248.32. Which of the following are still outstanding?I. A $48.16 deposit from Reece's momII. 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