which well-known actor has remained a lifelong bachelor? a. al pacino b. george clooney c. jack nicholson d. robert de niro


Answer 1

Al Pacino is a well-known actor has remained a lifelong bachelor.

Al Pacino has dated a surprising number of Hollywood women. The late performer celebrated his 82nd birthday with his most recent love, Noor Abdallah, who is 28 years old. When asked why he had never been married, Al Pacino responded, "I prefer not to say this, because marriage is a perspective, not an agreement. The tabloids dubbed Stewart "The Incomparable American Single Man" because he remained single into his 40s. Gloria Hattrick McLean, his former model, was his wife as of 1949.

Al Pacino's never had a marriage. In The Guardian Set of Three, Pacino was romantically involved with Diane Keaton. After The Adoptive Parent Part III's filming, their erratic relationship came to an end.

Learn more about Actor here:



Related Questions

Which well-known actor has remained a lifelong bachelor? al pacino george clooney jack nicholson robert de niro


Al Pacino has dated numerous ladies in Hollywood, yet shockingly. The entertainer late praised his 82nd birthday in the organization of his most recent sweetheart, 28-year-old Noor Abdallah. At the point when inquired as to why he never wedded, Al Pacino said, "I prefer not to say this, however, marriage is a perspective, not an agreement.

Stewart stayed unmarried until his 40s and was named "The Incomparable American Single man" by the press. In 1949, he wedded his previous model Gloria Hattrick McLean.

He has never been hitched. Pacino had a relationship with his The Guardian Set of three co-stars Diane Keaton. Their hit-or-miss relationship finished after the shooting of The Adoptive parent Part III.

Learn more about actor:



What can you do to help promote both traditional and contemporary Philippine art?


Make Use of Your Portfolio for Art Promotion.Use the Internet to Promote Your Art.Different Art Competitions are a Good Source to Promote Your Art.Expand Your Network.Get Active in the Community.

Folk architecture, marine transportation, notable sculpture from the Philippines, weaving, carving, folk performing arts, folk (oral) literature, folk graphic and plastic arts, decoration, ceramics, and other traditional aesthetic expressions are all examples of traditional arts in the Philippines.

Why is Philippine art important?

Filipino artists have contributed to the development of a feeling of national identity by conveying the cultural diversity and richness of the archipelago. Despite centuries of foreign domination, many Malay cultural practices have persisted. Muslims and upland tribal communities continue to practice their own unique forms of dance, singing, and art.

Learn more about Philippine art to visit this link



What was 1940s jazz called?


1940s jazz was known as Bebop.

The emerged of Bebop the early 1940s was led by Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie and others. It pleased to a more specialized audience. It was good blend of sophisticated harmonies, fast tempos, and also displaying musicianship. It was also known as rebop, bebop, or simply bop. It was full of new approaches taken in jazz music. It has given birth to big-band swing and also to a dance-oriented style.

To learn more about Bebop, here



Why is Pyrrhus considered a good general?



On the field of war, Pyrrhus was regarded as a skilled tactician and general.


The Hellenistic Epirusian ruler Pyrrhus took into account the military victories over Rome and Macedonia. He put up a valiant fight to ensure his kingdom's freedom and independence, and later he fought to increase its bounds. His memoirs and publications on the art of combat were lauded and mentioned by numerous classical authors, including Cicero. Pyrrhus distinguished himself from the others by participating in the fight with his troops and performing valiant deeds that won the admiration and respect of his army.

To know more about Pyrrhus brainly.com/question/29615876?referrer=searchResults

What words are used to describe Pyrrhus as he pursues his quest of revenge What purpose does this language serve for Hamlet?


The word "painted tyrant" is used to describe Pyrrhus as he pursues his revenge. This language for Hamlet may be used to characterize him and his feelings towards Claudius.

Pyrrhus is portrayed as a tiger in Shakespeare's Hamlet. He does have a dark complexion and broad shoulders. He is drenched in the blood of fathers, mothers, and children, casting a horrifying light on their lord's death. Pyrrhus is looking for the king in order to assassinate him. Hamlet is similar to Priam in that he seeks revenge for his father's death. Claudius is similar to Pyrrhus in that he is covered with King Hamlet's blood.

Pyrrhus is depicted as a painted tyrant because that's how Hamlet sees him. When Hamlet states, "And like neutral to his will and matter," he is confessing that despite knowing the truth about what happened to his father, he is powerless to change it.

Learn more about Hamlet here: brainly.com/question/806658


PLEASE HLP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heavy Metal Rock features what?

distorted guitar music

electronic dance music

improvised Jazz solos

screaming guitar solos


Answer: screaming guitar solos!

Explanation: because why not-

Answer:screaming guitar solos!


What is a joint committee simple definition?


A joint committee is a committee made up of members of the two chambers of a bicameral legislature

Members of the two chambers of a bicameral legislature make compose a joint committee. In other situations, it alludes to a committee made up of representatives from several companies.

A joint committee of the US Congress is a congressional body with authority over issues of shared interest with membership from the Senate and the House.

The Joint Committee on the Library is an illustration of a joint committee. Although temporary joint committees have been established to address specific situations, most joint committees are permanent (like the Library Committee) (such as the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War during the American Civil War).

To know more about joint committees:



What was the style of jazz that occurred in the 1920's and 30's called?


The style of jazz that occurred in the 1920's and 30's called Dixieland jazz and Swing jazz.

In the beginning 1920s the dixieland jazz developed as an early form of jazz and it is recognized as a major form of musical expression. Then, with the little evolution swing jazz emerged as a dominant form in American music. This time jazz music and dance styles gained worldwide popularity.

To learn more about Jazz Music, here



Question 6 of 10
Which of these artists is particularly known for painting the Madonna?
A. Duccio
B. Cimabue
OC. Phidias
D. Giotto


B , the answer is b

with hits like she will be loved, sunday morning, this love, and moves like jagger, this band had adam levine as their lead singer.


Answer: Maroon 5


the american musical theatre, in 2016, seems to be heading for a decline due to its racy content.
a. true
b. false





The answer is actually false.

What commercial activity made florence prosperous and enabled it to patronize the visual arts?.


The Medici family ruled the city of Florence throughout the Renaissance. They had a great influence on the growth of the Italian Renaissance through their patronage of the arts and humanism. The Medici family were wool merchants and bankers. Both businesses were very profitable and the family became extremely wealthy.

in what aspect of the twentieth century were umberto boccioni and other futurist artists most interested?


Umberto Boccioni and other futurist artists were most interested in the aspects of movement and speed.

Italian sculptor and painter Umberto Boccioni had a significant impact. As one of its most important figures, he contributed to the revolutionary aesthetic of the Futurism movement. Even though he only lived a short time, his approach to form's dynamism and deconstruction of solid mass continued to inspire artists long after his death. Numerous public art museums hold his works, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City held a major retrospective of 100 of them in 1988.

"The monumental painting La città sale or The City Rises, 1910, which is regarded as Boccioni's turning point into Futurism, took him nearly a year to complete." He wrote to a friend, "I attempted a great synthesis of labor, light, and movement." When it was on display in Milan in May 1911, the painting received a lot of praise. By 1912 it had turned into a title painting for the display voyaging Europe, the prologue to Futurism. It was purchased that year for 4,000 lire by the great pianist Ferruccio Busoni, and it is still prominently displayed at the entrance to the paintings department of the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

To know more about Umberto Boccioni visit



What does this passage suggest about Pyrrhus state?


The passage suggests that Pyrrhus' state of mind is "he is enraged". Hence, the correct answer to this question is A.

We can infer a character's state of mind from the described emotions. Pyrrhus, who murdered King Priam in the Trojan War, is clearly enraged. Being enraged can be described as the condition of being angry because someone is not pleased with something. 

An uncontrollable bout of anger can lead to the death of another person. That's what Pyrrhus does in this scenario when he murders King Priam. The murder of the elderly King Priam happened during the Trojan War. The Trojan War started following Queen Helen of Sparta's abduction by Trojan Prince Paris.

This question is incomplete and should be provided with answer choices. Here is the complete version:

Pyrrhus is a figure from Greek mythology. He is known for killing the elderly King Priam during the Trojan War. What does this passage suggest about Pyrrhus’s state of mind?

A. He is enraged.B. He is scared.C. He is sad.D. He is proud.

The correct answer is A.

Learn more about Pyrrhus here: brainly.com/question/11275489


what do you call the type of beat pattern in which scott joplin placed the emphasis off the beat or in between beats?


Syncopation in music is the off-beating of all or a portion of a tune or piece of music by combining different rhythms.

Syncopation can be defined more simply as "a disruption or interruption of the regular flow of rhythm" or "the placement of rhythmic stresses or accents where they wouldn't typically occur." The "forward drive" that is distinctive of highly syncopated music results from the displacement of regular accents linked with specific metrical patterns in the music. This causes the listener's expectations to be upset and arouses a desire for the restoration of metric normality.

The weaker beats will be emphasized in syncopated rhythms. Checking to check if the notes actually fall directly under the numbers is another simple way to determine this.

Learn more about Syncopation here: https://brainly.com/question/13130928


what has keys but no locks, space but no room, you can enter but you can’t exit?


Keyboard is the solution to the problem. Space is available (space bar), yet there are no rooms. You can enter (enter key), but you cannot leave.

The keyboard contains keys, but there are no locks, as you will see if you carefully read the question.  A set of characters are often carved or printed on keyboard keys (buttons), and each key stroke normally corresponds to a single written sign. Some symbols, though, may necessitate the simultaneous or sequential pressing and holding of numerous keys.

Other keys, like the escape key, might cause the computer to issue system commands even if the majority of keys output characters (letters, numbers, or symbols). In a modern computer, the software is often in charge of deciphering keyboard.

Learn more about Keyboards here:



How important are the elements of Arts and techniques in Contemporary Arts?


The elements of Arts and techniques in Contemporary Arts are important because the elements helps in creating an art and technique is manner through which different artist make their art.

In Contemporary art, without elements a person cannot create art, because elements are the most basic things like lines, circles, colors etc. Secondly, it allows viewers to asses the work of an artist. Techniques helps a person in accumulating the elements as a whole to make it a work of art. Contemporary Art allows individuals a means of personal expression. Through painting, sculpture, and performance art.

To learn more about Contemporary Arts, here



Hamlet telling the actors how to play the scenes at the start of scene 2 adds to the development of the play mainly by.


At the start of Scene 2, Hamlet tells the actors how to play the scenes mainly by revealing how important his acting is to the play that will trick the king.

What is the Story of Hamlet?

Hamlet is one of the works created by William Shakespeare and is one of the most popular stories made into the performing arts. Hamlet himself tells about Hamlet who is a Prince of Denmark who is summoned to Germany because his father died. The spirit of Hamlet's father persuades Hamlet to take revenge on Claudius who is Hamlet's uncle. After Hamlet's father died, Claudius also became king. In scene 2, Hamlet will tell other actors how important his acting is in order to trick the king.

Learn more about act 2 of Hamlet at https://brainly.com/question/8182660


After studying both prehistoric and ancient art, your classmate nathaniel is determined that these two types of art are almost exactly the same. You tell him that you have noticed many differences. What could you tell him to support your argument that prehistoric and ancient art have differences?.


The statement that I could tell to my classmate Nathaniel to support my argument that prehistoric and ancient art have differences is "ancient architectural structures were built on a much grander scale than the structures of prehistoric societies". Thus, the correct answer to this question is D.

Archeologists think that prehistoric architecture was limited to stone buildings and other primitive geometric forms (example: Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire), and that these were early expressions of constructions that began to represent architectural traits.

Meanwhile, the ancient architecture of the Greek, Roman, and Mesopotamian civilizations was significantly more complex, bigger in size, and clearly displayed architectural styles and technical marvels.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

(A) Prehistoric art features a red-figure style; ancient art features a black-figure style.(B) In prehistoric art, artists occupied roles as laborers producing a product; artists in ancient times were celebrated for their roles as creators of beautiful objects.(C) Animals were present in ancient art; in prehistoric art, animals were absent.(D) Ancient architectural structures were built on a much grander scale than the structures of prehistoric societies.

The correct answer is D.

Learn more about prehistoric art here: brainly.com/question/29508509


What are the benefits of making are using local materials?


Answer: Locally produced materials are often sought because they match a local design aesthetic and can be more durable in the local climate. However, choosing local materials also supports local economies and reduces the environmental impacts of transportation.

which artist created a functional saltcellar of gold and enamel depicting the gods neptune and tellus? group of answer choices benvenuto cellini the oxus artist yinka shonibare chris burden


The artist created a functional saltcellar of gold and enamel depicting the gods neptune and tellus Benvenuto Cellini

Benvenuto Cellini was an Italian goldsmith, sculpture artist and author. He is best known for his works including the Cellini Salt Cellar, the sculpture of Perseus with the Head of Medusa. His autobiography has been described as "one of the most important documents of the 16th century."

To learn more about  Benvenuto Cellini, here



led by singer and pianist chris martin, this british band has been one of the biggest hits to come from england in the past two decades. they have many hits, including viva la vida, fix you, paradise, and the scientist.


They have many hits, including viva la Vida, fix you, paradise, and the scientist. 3 Coldplay are a British pop rock band formed in 1996. The band consists of Chris Martin (lead vocalist and pianist), Jonny Buckland (lead guitarist), Guy Berryman (bassist) and Will Champion (drummer and backing vocalist).

Rap first got here to countrywide prominence withinside the United States with the discharge of the Sugarhill Gang's song “Rapper's Delight” (1979) at the unbiased African American-owned label Sugar Hill. Within weeks of its release, it had come to be a chart-topping phenomenon and given its call to a BrandNew style of dad music.

Christopher Anthony John Martin (born 2 March 1977) is an English singer-songwriter and musician. He is exceptional referred to as the lead vocalist, pianist, rhythm guitarist and co-founding father of the rock band Coldplay.A cowl band (or covers band) is a band that performs songs recorded through a person else, occasionally mimicking the authentic as as it should be as possible, and occasionally re-decoding or converting the authentic. These remade songs are referred to as cowl songs.

Learn more about Chris Martin here:



Why is Shakespeare in Brave New World?


Answer: Shakespeare embodies all of the human and humanitarian values that have been abandoned in the World State. John's rejection of the shallow happiness of the World State, his inability to reconcile his love and lust for Lenina, and even his eventual s****** all reflect themes from Shakespeare.

who was the timbalero/vibraphonist who borrowed the more complex harmonies of jazz for his latin arrangements and infused his jazz performances with complex latin rhythms?


The name of the timbalero or vibraphonist who infused his jazz performances with complex Latin rhythms and borrowed more complex harmonies of jazz for his Latin arrangements is Tito Puente.

Who is Tito Puente?

Tito Puente is a vibraphonist who is also known as the King of Latin Jazz. Tito Puente is also a figure who became a pioneer in Latin music when he combined traditional Latin music with a big band. The big band created by Tito Puente is called the Tito Puente Orchestra. In his music, Tito Puente uses a lot of the harmonies used in Jazz music to make Latin music sound more complex and beautiful. One of the songs made by Tito Puente which is very famous is Oye Como Va.

Learn more about jazz music at https://brainly.com/question/29561473


which term best identifies andrea del verrocchio's sculptural tribute to bartolomeo colleoni, seen here?


Where is the terms ,

How do materials affect design?


Materials effect design because every material have its distinctive quality which helps in creating and improving the design.

The material also also contribute to the creation of meanings and particular experiences. The good knowledge of different materials and its feature helps the designer in selecting the best material according to their art and also to overcome its limits. Material design uses the idea that user experience for example, a pop-up ad ,it should have a subtle shadow, because all 3D objects have shadows.

To learn more about Material design, here



What is your favorite art medium?


sculpture, engraving, watercolor or ceramics.

What resulted from Rome's defeat of Pyrrhus?


The ending of the war, Pyrrhus returned to Epirus and three years later (in 272 BC), Romans captured Tarentum.

Rome defeated of Pyrrhus was happened in the Pyrrhic war in 280-275 BC. It was largely fought between Roman Republic and Pyrrhus. The king of Epirus, who had been asked by the people of Greek city of Tarentum in Southern Italy to help them in their war against the Romans.

Pyrrhus moved his army to Sicily to war against the Carthaginians because they were worn down by the battles against Rome. Around 278-275 BC, Pyrrhus held campaign and returned to Italy in 275 BC, where the last battle of the war was fought. It was ending by Roman victory.

Learn more about "Pyrrhus" on https://brainly.com/question/11275489?


works that are created through paint that is poured, dripped, or flung on huge canvases are called


The works that are created through paint that is poured, dripped, or flung on huge canvases are called a drip painting.

What are drip painting?

In art, a drip painting refers to a form of abstract art in which paint is dripped or poured on to the canvas. This style of painting action was experimented with 1st half of the twentieth century by such artists as Francis Picabia, André Masson and Max Ernst who employed drip painting in his works The Bewildered Planet.

Furthermore, the drip painting found a particular expression in the work of the mid-twentieth-century artist "Janet Sobel" who pioneered the technique.

Read more about drip painting



which of these nfl teams has a cheerleading squad? new york jets cleveland browns pittsburgh steelers green bay packers


There is a cheerleader squad for the New York Jets. The cheerleader squad is absent from the other three.

What do pom-pom throwers do?

In the practice of choreography, participants—also referred to as cheerleaders—support their team by yelling for them. Anything from strenuous physical activity to sloganeering is acceptable. It might be done in order to compete, amuse the audience, or motivate athletic teams.

Why must cheerleaders smile?

There are several papers that discuss how smiling makes us feel better. That also applies to clapping! If the team has a lot of angry faces on it, the crowd of onlookers won't become excited. A cheerleader's duties include ensuring that the atmosphere is as positive as possible, energizing the crowd, and, of course, having fun.

To know more about cheerleaders visit:



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