What is Josef's relationship with his father and how does it change and how does it affect josef refugee


Answer 1


Joseph has to assume the role of father and take charge of the family, at the age of 12; Joseph has seen how his father, due to the mistreatment he has suffered, is unable to take care of him, his sister and his mother.

Also maturity  and Joseph's leadership is evident in the most important decisions that he must make, such as protecting his sister; because as he knows that it will be something very difficult for his mother to choose which son to release, the same as if he were an autonomous adult He decides for her, and he chooses himself, condemns himself to continue in the concentration camps.

This story shows the harsh reality experienced by many children and young people; grow up without childhood, and  growing up without freedom, and all because of racial hatred and prejudice. Many children like Joseph died and experienced a very sad and suffering life.

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What is James Gatz's biggest life goal?


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In paragraph 4 of the speech, how does Kennedy connect the ideas of the Industrial Revolution and modern inventions to the idea of space exploration?


Answer:By arguing that the United States is falling behind in space exploration and must re-capture the glory of these major achievements


Kennedy connect the ideas of the Industrial Revolution and modern inventions to the idea of space exploration by arguing that the United States is falling behind in space exploration and must re-capture the glory of these major achievements.

What are the Industrial Revolution?

The shift from manual to machine production was known as the Industrial Revolution. Scholars disagree much about when it began and ended, although the time frame mainly covered the years 1760 to 1840. Some claim that this historical turning point is to blame for the rise in population, rise in living standards, and development of the capitalist economy.

Agriculture and handicrafts-based economies were replaced by economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system during the Industrial Revolution. Existing industries become more productive and efficient as a result of new equipment, power sources, and organizational techniques.

Learn more about the Industrial Revolution, here:



Due at 10pm!!!!!!!!!!

Read the following sentences from the passage.

When people report that stray dogs need help. The Paw Dog Rescue Center team arrives to help.

What is the most effective way to combine these two sentences?
When stray dogs are spotted the Paw Dog Rescue Center team arrives to help.
When people report that stray dogs need help the Paw Dog Rescue Center, team arrives to help.
When people report that stray dogs need help, the Paw Dog Rescue Center team arrives.
The Paw Dog Rescue Center team arrives to help, when people report that stray dogs need help.





Makes more sense and is gramatically correct

I’ve been sitting here for 10 minutes rereading this, I believe the answer is “When people report that stray dogs need help, the Paw Dog Rescue Center team arrives”

What good will result from each caged bird's singing in Angelou's and
Dunbar's poems? In other words, why do they continue to sing? *



The poem describes the opposing experiences between two birds: one bird is able to live in nature as it pleases, while a different caged bird suffers in captivity. Due to its profound suffering, the caged bird sings, both to cope with its circumstances and to express its own longing for freedom.


Read the incomplete line of poetry, and complete the line using iambic pentameter.

His art inspires

A. brilliance from all people
B. kindness despite circumstance
C. the melodies of young hearts
D. the song within my soul





Answer: the song within my soul

Explanation:20-21 edg

SOARING THROUGH THE AIR, the bird had no idea it was about to get struck by lightning. (what is the phrase in all caps)

infinitive phrase
gerund phrase
participial phrase.
prepositional phrase





Which detail from "The Night the Bed Fell" best supports the idea that many of the narrator's relatives have odd personalities?

"(On these occasions he was usually gone six or seven days and returned growling and out of temper, with the news that the Federal Union was run by a passel of blockheads and that the Army of the Potomac didn’t have a chance.)"

"My mother opposed the notion strongly because, she said, the old wooden bed up there was unsafe: it was wobbly and the heavy headboard would crash down on father’s head in case the bed fell, and kill him."

"Briggs Beall and myself were in a room adjoining this one. My brother Roy was in a room across the hall from ours. Our bull terrier, Rex, slept in the hall."

"Always a deep sleeper, slow to arouse (I had lied to Briggs), I was at first unconscious of what had happened when the iron cot rolled me onto the floor and toppled over on me."



The answer is "(On these occasions he was usually gone six or seven days and returned growling and out of temper, with the news that the Federal Union was run by a passel of blockheads and that the Army of the Potomac didn’t have a chance.)"

If you don't want to read the whole thing its A.


I know you gave us the answer already but i need the points

On these occasions, he was gone for six or seven days and returned growling and enraged, with the news that the Federal Union was run by a gang of thugs and that the Army of the Potomac had no chance. Thus, option A is correct.

What is "The Night the Bed Fell"?

The story of "The Night The Bed Fell" begins with James Thurber referencing the eccentric people in his family, such as his aunt who tosses shoes through the corridors of something.

The residence each evening in a futile effort to frighten away armed robbers, his crazy siblings Beall, who believes he will suffocate to death in his snooze, and others.

According to Kinney, it was Herman, not James, which jumped from his cot and started the night's episode non-catastrophe. Not any of his aunts, but a border threw a sneaker through a roman shade accented, damaging the window, believing there was a robber inside.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about "The Night the Bed Fell", here:



Hi, help me plssssss !​



1. c) Tuesday

2. b) donkey

3. a) tanuki

4. b) tiny

5. b) independence

6. a) five



Answer: I think the first one

Explanation: When I read it it kinda sounded like people go there for romantics evenings

In your opinion, what drives people to fear those who are not like them? How does a society create trust? How is building trust even more complicated if influenced by decades of distrust?



1.) people fear others different from them because of the change and lack of knowledge.

2.) building trust is a lot more complicated when influenced by decades of distrust because at that point people expect false narratives.

Can somebody please help me write a narrative writing essay it’s got to be made up it can’t be paraphrased and the prompt is you show up too school and all the teachers are zombies PLEASE HELP ME due by tomorrow



well today I went into school and went to my favorite teachers class room and seen random blood splatters on the wall and when I went to go sit down I smelt the nasty smell of decaying flesh looked and seen my favorite teacher was a zombie I ran out of the class and heard some growling seen another zombie!! I am freaking out I pull out a stick I forgot about in my bag I start slowly approaching the zombie and peirce the brain and the zombie dies then I run out of the school to live to fight another day


            Well it started as a wierd day my clock would not go off, but that aside what I found out later that day was what really shocked. Suddenly my clock not going off was the least of my of my worries well it turs out that there was this really wierd explosion last night.Beacuse some one spilt water all of this really high tech gear and well it let of this detonation that effected every technilogially advanced object the whole city.Now mind you the city thehy lived  in was New York City one of the BIGGEST CITIES IN THE WORLD.

        The whole city was pich black.It did not bother Nick because he was sleeping but that is why his clock did not go off well after he was ready he met up with some of his friends while he was walking to school when he came in everyone was moper then usaul. Nick thought hey It is a monday I know how you feel but later he realized it was not because it was a monday it was because of the detonation. He realized that when he was almost bitten  by the teacher he lost his friends because they were bitten and they had turned .

Explanation: sorry I ran out of Ideas but that is a solid two paragraphs can you give me a little more details on how long it has to be

Help please
Brainiest answer to whoever is first





how are metaphor and similes the same?​



yes,they are same


A simile is saying something is like something else. A metaphor is often poetically saying something is something else.

Do remember that

All similies are metaphors but all metaphors are not similies

Georgia Milton- Please write 8 important details about George. Think about adjectives or descriptive words Steinback uses to describe this character. This could be physical characteristics or personality traits.
1. small
2. dark face
(mice and men)


blue socks, white shoes, don’t listen

The way stories are chosen can be based on bias.



I think it’s true. Because a story can be chosen just cause the covers cool or they like the person more




Which sentence from the letter best supports the idea that a playwriting class would be useful to students who take the class????????


The first option (A)

How does Odysseus's long absence shape the character Telemachus in "Part 1: A Son's Adventures"?

A)Telemachus becomes unkind and greedy.
B)Telemachus feels sad and dejected.
C)Telemachus feels angry and vengeful.
D)Telemachus becomes bitter and hard.



Telemachus becomes bitter and hard


Due to Odysseus' protracted absence, Telemachus has grown hard and bitter. As a result, (D) is the best choice.

Who was Telemachus ?

In Homer's Odyssey, Telemachus spends the first four books attempting to learn more about his father, Odysseus, who left for Troy when Telemachus was still an infant, on the orders of Athena (who also goes with him on the journey). Due to the Trojan War and Poseidon's intervention, Odysseus had been away from his home in Ithaca for twenty years at the start of Telemachus' expedition.

Many suitors vying for Penelope's hand have taken up residence in Odysseus' home during his absence. During his first visit, Telemachus meets Nestor, who welcomes him and regales him with tales of his father's splendor. Then, Peisistratus, the son of Nestor who is accompanying Telemachus to the halls of Menelaus and his wife Helen, departs.

Learn more about Telemachus , from :



please read it carefully

and please underline or highlight the one that you fixed
will give brainliest ​


the march

many people

They should

All people

Summary of chapter 2 of Percy Jackson Greek gods


Cannot not summarize because there is no Percy Jackson book called Greek Gods...
All of the books are great so I’m sure it was awesome!
Here’s all the book

Fax. There isn't any book called that. Please tell me which one and I'll gladly answer it.

What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor? Group of answer choices Both are comparisons between 2 unlike things, but similes use the words "like" or "as" and metaphors don't Both are comparisons between 2 unlike things, but metaphors use the words "like" or "as" and similes don't Similes compare and metaphors contrast and both use "like" or "as" They are the same



Both are comparisons between 2 unlike things, but similes use the words "like" or "as" and metaphors don't.


Example of a Simile: My cheeks turned red as a tomato.

Example of a Metaphor: It's raining cats and dogs.

Hope this helps you!!

How does Mark Twain use dramatic irony to create humor in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?


Answer:Twain would use his humor to cover up people's anger over certain issues that were affecting them


Which image does Walt Whitman create by repeating language in “I Hear America Singing



an image of people who are united in their joy.

Which organizational pattern is used in the passage
A. Compare and contrast
B. Cause and effect
C. Problem-solution
D. Sequential



A is the correct answer. have a good day, mate.

The organizational pattern we can identify in the passage attached about Athens and Sparta is:

A. Compare and contrast.

We say a text uses the compare and contrast organizational pattern when it points out similarities or differences between two people, places, things, organizations, etc.The passage we are analyzing here is comparing and contrasting the cities of Athens and Sparta in Ancient Greece.The similarity between the two cities is that they both relied on agriculture.The differences lie in their governing system - Athens was democratic while Sparta was not - and the military service - optional in Athens, mandatory in Sparta.With the information above in mind, we can conclude that the best option to describe the text is A. Compare and contrast.

Learn more about the topic here:


Select the correct answer.
Read this excerpt from "A Horseman in the Sky" by Ambrose Bierce. Which type of point of view does the narrative portray?
An officer of the Federal force, who in a spirit of adventure or in quest of knowledge had left the hidden bivouac in the valley, and with aimless feet had made his way
to the lower edge of a small open space near the foot of the cliff, was considering what he had to gain by pushing his exploration further. At a distance of a
quarter-mile before him, but apparently at a stone's throw, rose from its fringe of pines the gigantic face of rock, towering to so great a height above him that it made
him giddy to look up to where its edge cut a sharp, rugged line against the sky. It presented a clean, vertical profile against a background of blue sky to a point half the
way down, and of distant hills, hardly less blue, thence to the tops of the trees at its base. Lifting his eyes to the dizzy altitude of its summit the officer saw an
astonishing sight-a man on horseback riding down into the valley through the air!
first person
third-person objective
second person
third-person omniscient





The point of view is third-person because the narrator tells the story of the character using third-person pronouns


The answer is Third-person omniscient i did the test and got it right


What text structure is the passage Madam cj Walker written in?



It is written in a formal writing


also tell me if I'm wrong but don't troll with links just stop

The primary goal of a biographer is to _____.



A biographer's primary goal is to  provide historical facts about a specific period and person.



To give historical facts about a particular period and person.


Hope this helped you :D

What is the purpose of Kennedy‘s address at Rice University



to remind citizens to be proud of American traits and values. to reassure the country that space exploration will improve international relationships.

He is trying to convince us citizens that space exploration will be beneficial to them. He wants to remind them of pride for their country as well

What is the main purpose of the book Year-Round Education?​


Answer: A concept designed to minimize three-month summer learning losses, year-round education maximizes the use of public facilities by dividing the school attendance days into rotating instruction and vacation segments.

Combine the two ideas into a single sentence. ​






Simon's frozen yogurt did look cool, creamy perfection, 'yet' Jasmine handed him a bag of snack mix and accepted a cup of yogurt in return.


I believe yet makes the most sense in this sentence.

In her diary, what did Anne Frank mention about food?

A: The food they ate was gross.

B: Sometimes they did not have enough.

C: They had plenty of food.

D: The food they are was delicious.


B: Sometimes the did not have enough
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