If an author talks about how much people love dogs and then gives examples
of dog types, what should you include in your summary?
A. What kind of dog people should get
B. How much people love dogs
C. All the dog types
D. How many dog types there are


Answer 1




Answer 2
I believe the answer is number two, B.

Related Questions

Consider the first and last sentences in the article. Which statement can
you infer to be true?
Parents often worry about their children, especially
when it involves athletics in some way
Heatstroke is one of the most serious problems that
affects young athletes each and every year.
When it comes to a possible danger parents are
C) willing to do what it takes to take care of their
it is almost impossible for parents to have peace of
D) mind while their young athletes are outside on a hot





This is a TRUE fact, the rest are ideas or opinions.

b. it is a fact not an opinion

Your manager has a live work early for the day so your coworker takes it upon herself to boss everyone around. What is the source of conflict?

A. Goals
B. Roles
C. Values
D. Resources


B because the roles switched. Now, the co worker is the boss. Her job changed.
I am pretty sure B?

What kind of mood is created by the differences in the point of view
between the characters and the reader?



It kinda creates a empathy point of veiw


Sombody help this is homework please the correct answer is writing homework and I will give you brainlist ​


Gretchen’s motivations were caused by her mother’s illness. She had to get over her fear and push herself. Gretchen also showed Great determination when she was tired and didn’t want to continue.

Which three sentences provide the BEST supporting details to the main idea of this passage? A) Citizens need to see the value in recycling as an important duty for everyone to enjoy! B) For this reason, plastic bottles and bags sit in landfills for years and years. C) Money never buys anyone happiness, at least not in the long run. D) These chemicals are also used in other products on store shelves. E) It's really hard to convince people to recycle plastic.​



A,B, and E


The other two options just seems random. These three are related to each to other and make more sense.

hey my new friend send me request in uid 2724702725​





but not sure what that is.

"“This case is as simple as black and white.”"
How is this case literally about black and white?How is this case black and white, figuratively speaking?



The members of the jury do indeed see the case as black and white, but not in the sense that Atticus means it. Their understanding is much more literal; a black man has been accused of raping and beating a white woman, and in this neck of the woods, that's tantamount to a conviction.

figurativly It is easy to tell the difference between the colors black and white, just like it is easy to tell that Tom Robinson is not guilty


Good deeds say she will not go along with him even after he has received healing for his sins in confession

true or false

(Everyman Knowledge And Confession 522-670)​








my dog does not eatflesh​



That's g r e a t??

ok ??? Kfkfkffkkdkd mmmmm

Does anyone know what to choose



you  press next


Failure to report suspicious behaviors and or activity
could lead to loss of life




yes is that person that is being suspicious that's something and kill somebody but you would not be killed for not reporting it

which of the following is a run on sentence?​





There is no punctuation to separate the sentence.

Hope it helps ;)

B vbnmm bahahajaja baba


Question 10 of 10
Which of the following best explains why diction is important in a story?
A. The effect a story has on a reader has a lot to do with word choice
and arrangement of words.
B. The words a writer chooses can tell the reader a lot about the
writer's background.
O C. The arrangement of words can trick a reader into believing a funny
story is actually a scary one.
D. The words a writer uses to tell a story are not as important as the
setting and character development.



It is  D



it is B i believe


A. The arrangement of words can trick a reader into believing a funny story is actually a scary one. O B. The effect a story has on a reader has a lot to do with word choice and arrangement of words. O C. The words a writer chooses can tell the reader a lot about the writer's background. O D. The words a writer uses to telha story are not as important as the setting and character develophfent.




very interesting indeed lol

Where did Percy, Annabeth, and Grover go to get away from the gang of boys who were threatening them?


Percy, Annabeth, and Grover take a bus to West Hollywood. They wander the streets for miles looking for the DOA Recording Studios the gates of the Underworld, but no one has ever heard of it or knows where it is.

PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!Which sentence uses commas correctly?

The boy had lived in Alaska New York, Tennessee and, California.

Her sister always let her play on the swings and slide, basketball, court, and sandbox.

At the market, I purchased green apples, red plums, and yellow bananas.

I wondered if I should read my mystery book, graphic, novel or poetry, book.


Answer: The third option is correct


the option "At the market, I purchased green apples, red plums, and yellow bananas" is correct because it correctly places the commas.



The third sentence.


At the market, I purchased green apples, red plums, and yellow bananas.

It is correct because the commas are in between different words like they're listing them.

Advice a friend who responds to conflict by using the strategies below on why each (strategy)is not healthy for sustaining positive relationships on Avoidance and confrontation conflict​


Avoidance during conflict is extremely unhealthy for sustaining positive relationships, as leaving a problem to boil and sit over is extremely unhealthy and only causes more anger.

The best advice to give to a friend who responds to conflict by avoiding it is:

To let him know that it is best to talk about the problem and resolve it amicably rather than to keep avoiding it.

What is Conflict?

This refers to the misunderstanding which occurs between two or more people about a particular situation.

With this in mind, we can see that the best advice to give to a friend whose response to conflict is to avoid it is to let him know that it is best to talk about the problem and resolve it amicably rather than to keep avoiding it.

Read more about conflict here:

what does the word settle means​



it mean resolve or settle a dispute


pay a debt

Can someone please fix the sentences 1-3 and correct them for me, I’ll give brainalist + points



1  She swam the English channel several times n the past years n filled extreme accomplish afterward

2  my brother and I need to buy shirts, pants, socks, and shoes for  school we hoped our parents have enough money

3 The dog's tail wagged as father gave them John's leftovers John look at them in anger.


Use your knowledge of the extended metaphor. What
can you conclude about the speaker based on this
stanza? Select all that apply.
O The speaker made a choice about which life path to
O The speaker is still debating which direction to go
with his life.
O The speaker's choice changed his life.
The speaker's choice was random.


I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

—“The Road Not Taken,”

Robert Frost

Use your knowledge of the extended metaphor. What can you conclude about the speaker based on this stanza? Select all that apply.

The speaker made a choice about which life path to take.

The speaker is still debating which direction to go with his life.

The speaker’s choice changed his life.

The speaker’s choice was random.

The speaker had a reason for his choice.






An extended metaphor is a type of metaphor that uses a single analogy at a sustained pace in a story or narration.

Based on “The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost, the speaker made a choice about which life path to take, the speaker’s choice changed his life and the speaker had a reason for his choice


a c e


name three things that you can survive​


Im not following ? Is there more to this

What do you SEE?

What do you SMELL?

What do you FEEL? What types of tactile feelings?(consider the weather)

What do you HEAR?

What do you TASTE?

Tell a story. Write a 5-7 sentence story about this scene. Imagine you are in this scene you selected. Try to describe all five senses in your paragraph.



I see people shoveling snow. I taste the snow falling. I smell the cold air. I feel cold and snow on my hands. I hear wind and people "huffing and Puffing"


One day a big snowstorm hit. It was wild! People were everywhere trying to get off the roads and trying to shovel as much as they can. At the time I was trying to catch the snowflakes on my tongue. The cold air has a freezing smell. It was very cold. I was freezing. A nice winter day turned into a dangerous blizzard! I hear people gasping. I hear cars Beeping. I hear parents telling their kids to hurry inside.

Similarities of identity theft between the us and Canada?



In 2019, 14.4 million consumers became victims of identity fraud — that's about 1 in 15 people. Overall, 33 percent of U.S. adults have experienced identity theft, which is more than twice the global averageHow common is identity theft in Canada?

In 2019, there were 12.46 incidents of identity theft per 100,000 residents in Canada.


Rate of identity thefts in Canada from 2010 to 2019 (per 100,000 residents)

At one point, Vincent van Gogh is characterized through the opinions of the workingmen in his parent's home town. How is he characterized?

They think that he is humble.
They avoid him because he’s so strange.
They never see him because he is inside.
They call him names when they see him.



They think that he is humble.


I got it right on my quiz.


he is humble


Give me two reasons why should we be treated the same?



we should not be treated the same because we are all individuals, however we all should be treated fairly, in pure justice and treated with respect.


1.we are all human

2. we should treat others the way that we want to be treated

Type a 4 paragraph argumentative essay about how distance learning is better than face to face use hook


Read the commentsssssss

A character’s experiences can shape their view of the world around them. The same is true of authors. Understanding an author’s background can help a reader infer themes in a text. Think about one issue from Wells’ time from the slideshow that you can connect with the novel. Then, create a cluster diagram or concept map that connects the historical issue with two or three details from the book. After looking at the connections, write a brief paragraph about how The First Men in the Moon alters history?


Answer: Plz mark brainleist

Explanation: The same is true of authors. ... A character's experiences can shape their view of the world around them. ... Understanding an author's background can help a reader infer ... one issue from Wells' time from the slideshow that you can connect ... Then, create a cluster diagram or concept map that connects the ..reader


give the other person brainly


Complete the analogy
dynamite is to explosion as spark is to
a) electricity
b) friction
c) flint
d) fire


It is Either D or A most likely D

Turn into passive voice

The sheep ate a lot



a lot pleaseee eaten by the sheep

What does it mean that Gatsby knew when to stop "? Help ASAP



Didn't cut the pages


Hope its right, Sorry if its not

Have a great day!!

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