what is it about cialdini's influence principles that makes them so attractive in guiding our actions, despite their susceptibility to exploitation by compliance professionals?


Answer 1

The use of social proof by compliance professionals involves making a request and supplying proof of popularity.

By looking at what other people are thinking or doing in a circumstance, consensus (social proof) individuals choose what to believe or how to act in that situation in compliance. They get more people's compliance and raise the request's popularity when they demonstrate that many others (the more, the better) have been or are doing so.

The implication of this is that we frequently observe what others are doing before making decisions when it comes to making decisions.

By their very nature, humans are social beings who generally value adhering to social rules.

learn more about compliance here:



Related Questions

What were the similarities between Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt?


They shared a commitment to enacting major social reforms

The vast majority of human behavior in society is considered prosocial behavior. True False


TRUE. The vast majority of human behaviour in society is considered prosocial behaviour.

Positive social interactions and the promotion of social adjustment depend on prosocial activity, a significant moral behaviour. Prosocial conduct, which includes helping, cooperating, consoling, sharing, and giving, was described as activity that benefits others .  People in China are known to be reticent to display prosocial activities, though. China has the lowest level of helpful actions, according to the annual global study conducted by the British Charities Aid Foundation. Researchers have spent the previous few decades concentrating on figuring out what drives prosocial behaviour.

To know more about prosocial behaviour:



what design was traditionally used when doing research into middle age that limited the usefulness of the research?


Answer: cross-sectional design


Which voting groups have a higher turnout on average ?


B is the best inference that can be made from this graph. Voter turnout is greater among those with higher incomes.

Simply said, a bar graph is a graph that uses rectangular bars to represent data. The best inference that can be made from this graph given all the available data is that those with greater earnings are more likely to vote. Naturally, the electorate diversifies as the population does. In a new analysis, we examine how the demographics of eligible voters and the population as a whole have changed recently and will continue to do so using data and forecasts from the U.S. Census. We also look at trends in voter turnout, analyze congressional districts by racial group, income level, and level of education, and investigate how congressional reapportionment and redistricting following the 2020 Census will affect elections in the U.S. House of Representatives for the following ten years.

learn more about  Voter turnout here:



this question is about the great secret ritual of demeter and kore held in the fall. how much was the fee that the initiands each had to pay?


The rites gave initiates a vision of the afterlife that was so potent that it altered the way they perceived the world and their place in it. They were based on a symbolic reading of the tale of Demeter and Persephone.

These ceremonies promised initiates a vision of eternal life with a recompense in the hereafter and were based on a symbolic reading of the Demeter and Persephone tale.

As there was no death, only transformation, the cyclical character of the Persephone story was a promise to initiates that life did not end with death.

To know more about rites , click here:



Ethno-linguistic groups share the same ethnicity and language but are rarely living together at the same time and place.
a. true
b. false


It is untrue that ethnic and linguistic groups frequently coexist in the same area and time while also speaking the same language and belonging to the same ethnicity.

What are ethnolinguistic groups?

A group that has a common language, as well as ethnicity, is referred to as an ethnolinguistic group (or ethnolinguistic group). Many ethnic groups speak the same first language. To emphasize that language is a fundamental foundation for the ethnic group, particularly in relation to its neighbors, the term "ethnolinguistic" is frequently employed.

Ethnolinguistic vitality, or the ability of the group's language and ethnicity to perpetuate themselves, is a key idea in the linguistic study of ethnolinguistic communities.

Learn more about ethnolinguistic groups, from:



you read about soapberry bugs and select the correct statement describing relative fitness in these individuals.


A soapberry bug with high relative fitness has a relatively high number of offspring that survive to reproductive age.

experts outline physical health as “one's potential to execute each day sports with optimum overall performance, staying power, and energy with the management of disease, fatigue, and pressure and decreased sedentary behavior.” bodily fitness is a kingdom of fitness and well-being and, extra mainly, the potential to carry out factors of sports, occupations and day by day sports. physical health is usually done through right nutrients, mild-vigorous physical exercising, and enough relaxation in conjunction with a proper recuperation plan.

health-associated additives of physical fitness. There are 5 additives of bodily fitness: (1) frame composition, (2) flexibility, (3) muscular strength, (four) muscular persistence, and (five) cardiorespiratory patience.

Learn more about fitness here: https://brainly.com/question/1744272


what might be required of a job candidate today that would not have been necessary 20 years ago?


A self-guided video interview required of

a job candidate today that would not have been necessary 20 years ago.

With on-demand or one-way video

interviews, candidates can use a virtual

hiring platform to record their responses to a selection of video questions using text, voice alone, or video. One-way interviews can be finished at any time that works for the candidate using a PC, mobile device, or smartphone.

On-demand video interviews are frequently self-paced; candidates can respond to questions at their own pace

and use the re-record feature if they're not happy with their first attempt. Alternatively, they can begin their video interview and reserve their comments for when they have time to finish it. These interviews are not always self-paced, though. For instance, hiring teams may restrict the amount of time candidates have to answer questions or forgot the re-recording option.

To know more about Interview visit:



This professional would typically concentrate on skill development rather than team organization and winning.

a) skill instructor
b) physical education teacher
c) coach
d) athletic director


The answer is option A. Skill Instructor

Skill Instructor is the professional who typically concentrate on skill development rather than team organization and winning.

The Skill instructor is a trained person who help enhance fine motor skills, coordination, flexibility and balance in people. The focus of a skill instructor is skill development. Any person is who provides instruction for outdoor recreation skill is referred to as skill instructor. To be a skill instructor, one must have these skills,

Adaptability.Attention to detail.Technologically proficient.Curiosity.An engaging style.Leadership and social influence.Socio-emotional skills.Strategic foresight.

The following teaching methods are used by skill instructor; lectures, demonstrations, discussion groups, laboratory workshop sessions, seminars, case studies, field assignments and independent or group projects.

Learn more about skill instructor here



An agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends.
a. True
b. False


An agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends is a false statement.

The ability to keep secrets is especially important in trust relationships. Agent  must not disclose or use for their own benefit confidential information obtained in the course of their business. This obligation continues even after the agency relationship has ended. This is the responsilbility of an agent.

A person who has been given the authority to act on behalf

of another person or organization is known legally as an agent. To speak on behalf of a client in relationship and other communications with third parties, an agent may be hired. The agent might be given the power to make decisions.

Even after the agency relationship has ended, the opposing party's agents, such as an attorney, lender, or other representative, shouldn't be provided any private information about a buyer's or seller's client.

To know more about agency: brainly.com/question/7284696


What ratio of the offspring will have white petals?


Approximately one-fourth of the progeny will have white petals. The result is that 25% of the descendants will have white petals.

White flowers are subordinate to purple blossoms. Purple flowers that are heterozygous for both colors are crossed. Purple to white would be a 3:1 ratio.

It is a recessive characteristic to have white petals. A plant can either produce white flowers or purple blossoms. Because both parents carry both of the alleles—one for purple petals and one for white petals—the crossing will result in a child if both parents are heterozygous for the same trait.

learn more about white petals here:



the amygdala causes us to compare current events to past events and then to respond


True, the amygdala causes us to compare current events to past events and then to respond.

The center for integrating emotions, emotional behavior, and motivation is the amygdala. The uncus is the end of the structure that continues with the hippocampus when the brain is turned on its side. You can see the amygdala, which borders the anterior of the hippocampus if you peel back the uncus. The amygdala is typically believed to be the central component of a brain system for processing scary and frightful stimuli, including threat recognition and activation of appropriate fear-related responses in response to dangerous or threatening stimuli . The amygdala is crucial in the development of anxiety reactions to upsetting and stressful circumstances.

The basolateral, central, and medial subdivisions of the amygdala have been the subject of pharmacological and lesion research, which have demonstrated that their activation promotes anxiogenic effects.

Learn more about Amygdala here: https://brainly.com/question/24171355


what member of the jewish sanhedrin was converted to christ on the road to damascus.


Paul was a follower of Jesus Christ who, after persecuting the very adherents of the group he joined, famously converted to Christianity on the way to Damascus. Paul, though, is better characterized as one of the religion's founders than as a convert, as we shall see.

Did the Jerusalem Council happened between Paul's second and third missionary journey?

In between Paul's second and third missionary journeys, the Jerusalem Council took place. On his second missionary voyage, Paul's evangelistic preaching was so effective among the Gentiles that a public demonstration occurred.

Paul, however, is adamant that he is an equally credible witness to the resurrection as these other witnesses. Three times in the Book of Acts, Jesus is described as appearing to Paul after his death and rising, and Paul frequently makes references to this event in his letters.

To know more about Jewish sanhedrin, refer:



Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition
Spontaneous and uncoordinated group action to escape some perceived threat.


The word that best fits the definition of "Spontaneous and uncoordinated group action to escape some perceived threat" is Panic.

What is a Threat?

A threat is a statement that expresses the intention to cause harm or loss to another person. A strategy employed by opposing parties in dispute to make the other afraid or mentally uneasy so that they can exert control or coercion over them is intimidation. Threats are defined as acts of intimidation used for compulsion.

Threatening or engaging in an activity that puts another person in fear of physical harm is illegal. "Threat of harm often involves a perception of hurt, physical or mental damage, act or instance of injury, or a material and impairment or loss to a person." Threats used to gain a financial advantage or force someone to act against their will are some of the most frequent sorts of threats that are illegal.

To learn more about threat from the given link



5. Which statement best identifies the central idea of the passage? O A. The Greensboro Four inspired others within a larger movement of courageous activists who practice nonviolence. OB. The Greensboro Four were inspired by the Freedom Rides to peacefully challenge segregation at lunch counters. OC. The Greensboro Four inspired Joseph McNeil and his friends to nonviolently protest segregation at lunch counters. O D. The Greensboro Four were met with physical violence the first time they nonviolently protested segregation at a lunch counter.​


The best solution that tells the central theme is that  The Greensboro Four were inspired by the Freedom Rides to peacefully challenge segregation at lunch counters. Option 2

Who were the Greensboro four?

The first sit-in was organized by The Greensboro Four, a group of four young Black men: Ezell Blair Jr., David Richmond, Franklin McCain, and Joseph McNeil. The four were all Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina students.

A sit-in movement was sparked by the actions of the Greensboro Four and eventually extended to 55 communities across 13 states. Along with the gradual integration of lunch counters nationwide, a student campaign also gained momentum.

Read more on the Greensboro four here:https://brainly.com/question/12540037


Which of these will most likely happen if the plateau pikas are completely removed from the tibetan plateau grasslands?.


Because the pika won't be around to eat the grasslands, the birdlife will migrate to different ecosystems during breeding season, and alsosoils will just be able to hold more monsoon rain without the pika burrows.

What exactly is an ecosystem?

An environment is a region where a bubble of life is created by flora, animals, and other animals interacting with the weather, environment, and other factors. In ecosystems, biotic and abiotic factors—or nonliving components—coexist.Plants, animals, and some other species are biotic factors.

What makes ecosystems crucial?

Healthy ecosystems keep our soil in good condition, purify the air, regulate the temperature, recycle nutrients, and provide us with food. They provide tools and raw ingredients for producing medicines and other goods. They support our economies and are the cornerstone of all civilizations.

To know more about plateau visit:



clodagh is taking her time considering what she wants to be when she grows up. she has had several different majors in college and is planning a year to backpack across europe after she graduates, a time to consider her future. which identity status is she engaged in?


Erikson's perceptions about personality were reached out by Marcia, who portrayed four-character situations with: identity achievement, identity diffusion, and foreclosure The characteristics of these four categories of identity status are discussed in this article.

Identity achievement, identity foreclosure, identity moratorium, or identity confusion are all types of identity status. Individuals who are named personality accomplished have encountered a time of addressing and investigation and have committed word related and philosophical responsibilities.

Statuses of Marcia's identity. Diffusion, moratorium, foreclosure, and achievement are Marcia's four identities. People are in a state of diffusion when they are experiencing a low level of crisis and low levels of commitment, or when they do not know what they want or believe and are not attempting anything.

To learn more about identity diffusion here



is the reality of the world different from how we perceive and experience it in our minds? does physical reality exist apart from the human mind?


The story that our brains create most often, but not always, corresponds with the actual, physical world. We see reality via a lens called perception

Additionally, to fulfill our needs or expectations, our brains unintentionally change the way we experience reality. A section of your brain that immediately processes data from your eyes. Maybe that's how the visual system "sees" things. The alternative is that something is perfectly visible to the visual system, but another area of the brain overrides it to create a different reality.

Our perceptions affect how we pay attention to, think about, recall, interpret, comprehend, synthesize, make decisions about, and respond to reality. As a result, we have a tendency to believe that our perception of reality is an accurate reflection of reality as a whole.

learn more about perception here:



describe a power states can use to address the issue outlined in the scenario. (b) in the context of the scenario, explain how the use of state power described in part a can be affected by its interaction with the people. (c) in the context of the scenario, explain how the interaction between states and the people can be affected by interest groups.


User-centered context scenarios connect the content outlined in the project vision . Effective context scenarios include: Describe the user need and the main issue.

How does the power of the state impact people?

Many of the government services that directly impact people's daily lives are provided by state and municipal governments. They handle our country's roadway system in addition to operating primary and secondary schools, colleges, and institutions, as well as managing social and health programs like Medicaid.

How do special interests affect politics?

Interest groups work to persuade the government to pass laws that will help them. sending correspondence by email, fax, phone, and transferring knowledge .

To know more about scenarios visit :



What does stephens suggest that science and experience have revealed about the declaration of independence?


Stephens suggest that science and experience have revealed about the declaration of independence as experience-based independence produced fresh inventions.

What drove the Declaration of Independence's primary arguments?

The Declaration of Independence of the United States was written primarily to inform other countries of the reasons the colonies had decided to break away from Great Britain. There had already been a number of significant battles in the Revolutionary War.

What is the Independence Declaration?

The 13 British colonies in North America announced their independence from Great Britain in the Declaration of Independence, which was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.

To know more about Declaration of Independence, click here- brainly.com/question/9515546


Stephens suggest that science and experience have revealed about the declaration of independence as experience-based independence produced fresh inventions.

What motivated the main points in the Declaration of Independence?

The primary purpose of the United States Declaration of Independence was to explain to foreign nations why the colonies had chosen to secede from Great Britain. The Revolutionary War had already seen a number of notable engagements.

What does the Declaration of Independence say?

The Declaration of Independence, which was approved by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, contained a declaration of the 13 British colonies in North America's independence from Great Britain.

The 13 British colonies in North America announced their independence from Great Britain in the Declaration of Independence, which was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.

To know more about Declaration of Independence, click here- brainly.com/question/9515546


what act requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision making processes by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions?


By taking into account the environmental effects of their planned actions and acceptable alternatives to those actions, federal agencies are required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to incorporate environmental values into their decision-making processes.

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is divided into three sections: the first outlines national environmental policies and goals, the second establishes rules for how federal agencies must carry out those policies and goals, and the third creates the CEQ within the Executive Office of the President. The fundamental goal of NEPA is to ensure that before taking any significant federal action that has a significant environmental impact, all levels of government properly evaluate the environment. Described as a planning Act, it was enacted on January 1st, 1970.

An act to establish the Environment Protection Authority, specify its main duties and management, amend existing Acts, and serve other objectives.

Learn more about National Environment Policy Act here: https://brainly.com/question/27254586


4.which statement is the primary reason that most individuals in developing countries die at home? a.very few people have access to hospitals or clinics. b.for most, it is against their religious beliefs to die outside of their village. c.very few people have the desire to be cared for by strangers. d.most individuals cannot afford professional medical care.


The primary reason that most individuals in developing countries die at home is very few people have access to hospitals or clinics.

A State must have enough functional public health and healthcare facilities, as well as related supplies and services. They must be financially feasible, non-discriminatory, and physically accessible to all segments of the population, including children, teenagers, older people, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable groups.

Additionally, accessibility implies the right to request, receive, and disseminate health information in an accessible format (for everyone, including people with disabilities), but it does not restrict the right to have private health information handled with care. Additionally, the facilities, products, and services should adhere to medical ethics and be gender- and culturally sensitive. They should therefore be acceptable from both a medical and cultural standpoint.

To learn more about hospitals please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/20216244


although maria received a failing grade on her first exam she decided to see her professor for study advice and ask her friends to form a study group. her ability to bounce back from a challenge is called .


The ability of Maria to bounce back from a challenge of failure is called as resilience.

Resilience is the ability of the person who fearlessly stand tough against all the difficulties and try to exercise mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and commitment to succeed in life. Self awareness, positivity, calm attitude, good character and confidence are the key features of resilient body and mind. Maria definitely understands the fact that failure in one exam does not determine her skills and so her determination to work harder and adopting techniques which could help her improve her learning capacity showcases her resilient attitude. It is important for everyone to overpower their shortcomings and work hard to achieve success.

Learn more about resilience at:



timmy, who has recently been diagnosed with schizophrenia, believes his neighbors are spying on him through his television. timmy is experiencing


According to Tarik's condition and experiences, he is suffering from schizophrenia.

A significant mental condition called schizophrenia has an impact on a person's thoughts, feelings, and actions. It can be upsetting for both the person with schizophrenia and their loved ones and friends when a person with schizophrenia appears to have lost touch with reality. It may be challenging to engage in routine, everyday activities due to the symptoms of schizophrenia, but there are effective therapies available. Many persons who receive treatment are able to attend classes or work, become independent, and value their relationships. After the first episode of psychosis, schizophrenia is often diagnosed in patients between the ages of 16 and 30.

Tarik believes that his neighbors can read his thoughts and are spying on him. He hears voices telling him that his neighbors are plotting to take his money and torture him because he is the Supreme Being. Tarik is suffering from ____________________.

Learn more about schizophrenia here:



brian just found out that roger has more model airplanes than carl, who has more than brian does. brian is now feeling envious of roger. what concept is this an example of?


Brian recently learned that Carl and Roger both have more model airplanes than he does. Currently, Brian is feeling jealous of Roger. This demonstrates transitivity.

Transitivity: Transitivity or transitive inference is the ability to comprehend the relationships between items.

the degree to which relationships between elements are transferable from one element to another.

Two prerequisite relations are taught to the student, and they both share a stimulus that serves as the comparison in the first relation and the sample in the second connection.

When a learner consistently matches the comparison stimulus from the second trained relation to the sample stimulus from the first trained relation, that learner is said to have acquired the transitive relation.

learn more about Transitivity here:



Disorder is an anxiety disorder marked by recurrent sudden onsets of intense apprehension or terror.a. Trueb. False


False. Illness is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by recurring, abrupt, and strong onsets of dread or fear.

How do phobic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder differ most from one another?

When compared to generalized anxiety disorder, phobias are significantly more narrowly focused on a particular thing or circumstance. Individuals who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder obsessively worry about a variety of everyday circumstances.

What else is referred to as generalized anxiety disorder?

Uncontrollable worry over typical events and circumstances characterizes people with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). The term chronic anxiety neurosis is also used to describe it. In contrast to typical anxiety, GAD is a distinct condition.

To know more about anxiety visit:-



joshua, a member of your dorm council, has been a very disruptive group member— speaking out of turn, dominating discussions, making inappropriate remarks, and quarreling with other council members. what steps should be taken to deal effectively with joshua?


Joshua, a member of your dorm council, has been a very disruptive grou.After the council meeting, confront Joshua about his disruptive behaviour. This is the most effective course of action.

When dealing with a disruptive person like Joshua, an effort should be made to make him aware of his actions so that the situation can be changed.Joshua might perceive us as threatening if we challenge him in front of everyone during the council or if we do so out of rivalry or resentment.

Joshua will continue to act in this manner throughout other councils if nothing is said in this regard. Therefore, after the council meeting is over, it will be preferable to make Joshua aware of his disruptive behaviour.Joshua, a dorm council member, has been an extremely distracting group member, dominated conversations, making improper comments, and tiffing with other council members.

To know more about Discriptive behaviour visit:



what is the name of the 20-year longitudinal study of transgender and gender non-conforming kids?


Trans Youth Project is the name of the 20-year longitudinal study of transgender and gender non-conforming kids.

The TransYouth Project is a long-term investigation on gender development in prepubescent socially transitioned transgender children. The most likely result of childhood GID in terms of sexual orientation is homosexuality or bisexuality. After watching a friend's 5-year-old child, who was acting like a male and playing with a Polly Pocket doll when no one was looking, Olson started the TransYouth study.

Olson made the decision to look for studies on the subject after getting to know the child and speaking with the parents, who were considering whether the child would socially transition to live as a girl — a change that is typically defined as adopting the attire, hairstyle, name, and pronoun of another gender. "At that point, I realized there was essentially no research."

Learn more about Trans Youth Project here: https://brainly.com/question/563213


Philadelphia grew with the help of it location on the blank


Answer:Atlantic Coast

Explanation:Primarily due to its excellent location on the Atlantic Coast and accessible port facilities, Philadelphia grew rapidly in the 18th century until it was the largest English-speaking city in the world outside of London.

which one is not a type of validity tests? o content validity otest-retest validity ocriterion-related validity o construct validity


Test- reset validity is not the type of Validity test.

Hence Option B  is correct.

If a test achieves its objectives, it is said to be valid. For instance, a valid driving test must contain a practical driving portion in addition to a review of driving regulations.

The degree to which a test effectively assesses what it is intended to measure is known as test validity.

Validity is defined as "the extent to which evidence and theory support the interpretations of test scores necessitated by suggested uses of tests" in the disciplines of psychological testing and educational testing.

To know more about Validity test here



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