What is Hamlet's biggest problem?


Answer 1

In addition to being revolt by his mother getting married to his uncle "within a month" of his father's passing, Hamlet is grieving for the loss of his father.

Revolt in a nutshell, what is that?

To openly rebel against established authority; to renounce loyalty or submission to those in charge; to rebel; rebel: to revolt against with the current administration. Revolting is an illegitimate and frequently violent endeavor.

What sparks revolts?

The British annexation policy was one of the primary causes of the uprising's beginning. The annexation of various native states as a result of this approach gave the populace the impression that their rights are all being usurped. Another important factor in the uprising was the Doctrine of Lapse.

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Related Questions

What are the 3 requirements to vote ?


The 3 requirements to vote are a citizen of the United States, aged at least 18 on or before election day, by the state's deadline for voter registration, register to vote.

The first requirement for voting in federal, state, or local elections is that you must be a citizen of the United States. Non-citizens are not allowed to vote, not even legal permanent residents. While the minimum age to vote in the United States is 18, several states may have varied requirements for voter registration and pre-registration. You can register to vote before turning 18 in almost all states as long as you will be that age on election day. You can pre-register by the age of 16 or 17 in some states (California, Colorado, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Washington, D.C.). You can also cast a ballot in a primary election in some states if you're 17 years old.

Know more about residents here:



How did Tinker v. Des Moines affect the First Amendment rights of high school students ?


The court found that the primary change implemented to public schools, and school officers could not censor scholar speech unless it disrupted the academic system.

Because sporting a black armband turned into not disruptive, the court docket held that the primary amendment included the right of students to wear them.

within the landmark case of Tinker v. Des Moines independent network College District (1969), the courtroom held that First Amendment rights of students can be restrained by using a college if: huge disruption of or material interference with college activities is predicted.

In a 7-2 decision, the superb court's majority dominated that neither college students nor instructors “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.”

Learn more about academic system here: https://brainly.com/question/25887038


Should the government be able to restrict or censor unpatriotic, disloyal, or critical speech in times of international conflict? what about from government whistle-blowers or employees who leak sensitive information? how much freedom should journalists have to report on stories from the perspective of enemies or to repeat propaganda from opposing forces?.


1. No, Strength and truth are not harmed by scrutiny. Corruption, crime and lies wither under scrutiny. Critical speech is very important. 2. When it comes to whistleblower cases, it’s important to remember that, just as there are official protections for whistleblowers under the law, there are also procedures for properly reporting information. 3. There are a few benefits to giving journalists freedom to report from the perspective of enemies or opposing forces.

1. No. Am I unpatriotic for saying that the Iraq war was a terrible mistake and a waste of lives, money, and political good will? Is that in any way disloyal to this country? In what way is it a sign of patriotism in a citizen to encourage pursuit of bad policy? If citizens are prevented from assessing and protesting political decisions they disagree with, then we are not a free country.

2. When it comes to whistleblower cases, it’s important to remember that, just as there are official protections for whistleblowers under the law, there are also procedures for properly reporting information. Revealing classified or sensitive information to anyone without a clearance or the authorization to receive it is not whistleblowing—it’s leaking. Even if your leak is supposedly for the greater good, anytime you’re sharing information with the media, or someone who doesn’t have a security clearance, you’re not whistleblowing – you’re leaking.

3. Freedom in any context is never absolute. Freedom of Media is essential but rising concerns of misinformation, data manipulation, fake news, populism etc. in the current environment are making authorities to place regulations on it to some extent.

Learn more about international conflict visit: brainly.com/question/27497321


Correct Question:

1. Should the government be able to restrict or censor unpatriotic, disloyal, or critical speech in times of international conflict?

2. what about from government whistle-blowers or employees who leak sensitive information?

3. How much freedom should journalists have to report on stories from the perspective of enemies or to repeat propaganda from opposing forces?

What are the goals of monetary policy which goal is the most important or the principal goal?


The goal of monetary policy would be to maintain the purchasing power of money by ensuring minimal, stable, and expected hyperinflation.

Describe monetary policy.

The term "monetary policy" describes the economic strategy of the central bank. The government of a country use this demand-side economic strategy to pursue goals in the areas of inflation, consumption, growth, and agility. It requires regulating the monetary base and rate of return.

What sort of monetary policy would that be?

Monetary policy refers to the steps taken by a country's central bank to control the supply of money in order to ensure economic stability. To improve labor, GDP, and macroeconomic stability, for instance, authorities control the flow of money using tools like treasury yields, reserves, loans, etc.

To know more about monetary policy visit:



an injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers’ compensation law.a. trueb. false


The "coming and going rule" typically applies in the event of an injury sustained while making your way to and from work. Traveling to and from your fixed work location is not considered part of your employment under this rule.

What is a work-related injury?

Any personal injury, disease, or death brought on by an occupational accident is considered an occupational injury. As a result, an occupational injury is distinct from an occupational disease, which is a condition brought on by prolonged exposure to work-related risk factors.

What is a physical issue?

Damage to your body is called an injury. It's a broad term that includes injuries from things like falls, hits, weapons, and more. Every year, millions of Americans sustain injuries to themselves. These injuries can be anything from minor to fatal.

To learn more about injury here:



cherokee leader wilma pearl mankiller reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember what?


Cherokee leader Wilma Pearl Mankiller reminds us that Iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember seven generations past and future when making decisions that affect their people.

Who was the first leader of the Iroquois?

Hiawatha is an important figure in the pre-colonial history (c. 1400-1450) of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) of what is now southern Ontario and upstate New York. In the Iroquois tradition Hiawatha, an Onondaga tribe born among the Mohawks, to form an alliance between 1570 and 1600. He is best known for uniting the five nations of Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, and Mohawk into a political coalition. It is attributed to Decanawida (Peacemaker), who is said to have to promote authority, justice and great law.

How did the Iroquois choose their leaders?

Iroquois leaders were usually elected by the women of the tribe, and these leaders represented the tribes at tribal confederation meetings.

To learn more about Iroquois leader visit:



true or false? trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time.



true or false? trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time.


Water Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations. b. before beginning operations. c. only on a voluntary basis. d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge.


Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment before beginning operations. So, the correct answer is option b.

The main federal law in the United States addressing water pollution is the Clean Water Act (CWA). Its goals are to improve wastewater treatment, maintain the integrity of wetlands, and restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters. It also acknowledges the states' obligations to address pollution and offers support to them in doing so, including funding for publicly owned treatment facilities.

The CWA expressly forbids the discharge of any pollution from a point source to surface waters unless it complies with its criteria, and the Act has since 1972 maintained the removal of all point-source discharges to surface waters by 1985 as an official "national goal."

To know more about Clean Water Act visit:



Which of the following are processes by which state judges can be removed from office?i. Impeachment by state legislatureii. Removal by state supreme courtiii. Impeachment by state governorA. i onlyB. i and ii onlyC. ii and ii onlyD. i, ii, and iii


The process through which state judges can be dismissed from their positions is impeachment. This procedure is used by the political branches of government to dismiss judges from their positions, typically the legislature.

What is meant by state legislature?

In India, the state's legislative branch is known as the State Legislature. It is made up of the State Governor, the Legislative Assembly, and occasionally the Legislative Council. The President, the Council of States (Rajya Sabha), and the House of the People make up the Union's legislative body, known as Parliament (Lok Sabha). Each House shall reassemble not later than six months after the conclusion of its previous session.

What do state legislatures primarily accomplish?

State legislatures fulfill three basic objectives. They fulfill a legislative function by carrying out research, drafting legislation, and passing it. Members react to citizens' requests and represent their areas. Finally, legislatures serve as the executive branch's watchdog. By adopting a resolution to that effect with a majority of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting, the state's legislative assembly has the authority to establish or abolish the State Legislative Council.

To know more about State Legislature visit:





What did the washington naval conference, the nine-power treaty, and the kellogg-briand pact have in common?.


designed to keep peace in the world

oecd (organization for co-peration and development) releasesreport calling on governments to take urgent action


An international organization called the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) aims to create better policies for better lives.

How does the OECD decide what to do?

Decisions are made by consensus during meetings presided over by the Secretary-General. Committees, expert panels, and working groups bring together nations and partners to discuss policy implementation and effects, exchange innovative ideas, and share policy experiences.

What is the OECD's third guiding principle?

Support regional development priorities is step 3A.

Meeting people's needs is essential for achieving positive development impact. By making it possible to fund companies that cater to local customers and produce decent jobs, blended finance may help local communities achieve their development aspirations.

To learn more about OECD here:



strict scrutiny places the burden of proof on the government to show that a law in question:______.


Strict scrutiny places the burden of proof on the government to show that a law or policy in question is unconstitutional.

A rule that limits free speech must serve a compelling government goal, be specifically tailored to that goal, or be the least speech-restrictive option the government has, according to a strict scrutiny examination.

Strict examination is also applied when a law specifically targets a certain religion. Under severe scrutiny, the government must prove that the regulation serves a compelling or highly important purpose and that it is the least speech-restrictive option available to it.

To satisfy severe scrutiny, the government must show that the questioned policy is supported by a compelling state interest and that the law or rule is specially tailored to achieve the desired result.

To know more about 'strict scrutiny' related questions

visit- https://brainly.com/question/29749587


Which was the most influential on 1920's consumerism?


The vehicle was the most significant consumer good of the 1920s. At the start of the decade, cars were affordable pleasures; by the conclusion, they were essentially necessities due to low prices (the Ford Model T only cost $260 in 1924) and easy credit.

What does it mean when you are influential?

Influential persons or things have a significant impact on other people or events. Possessing prominent friends is beneficial. He had shaped economic policy in a significant way. Alternative Words: significant, significant, significant more influential opposites. Influential people live with intention, mindful of their behavior and how it may be seen by others. They provide helpful criticism and express gratitude for effort.

What do Influential points affect?

An outlier that significantly changes the slope of the regression line is a significant point. Compute the regression equation both with and without the outlier as a technique to examine the impact of an outlier. a group of methods that make it possible to ascertain the extent to which certain data points influence the outcome of a statistical procedure as a whole. Regression analysis uses it, for instance, to investigate which observations have a disproportionate impact on the suggested regression equation.

To know more about Influential visit:



When an agent breaches the agency agreement or agency duties under a contract, the principal has a right to avoid any contract entered into with the agent. This right of avoidance is at the election of the principle.


" When an agent breaches the agency agreement or agency duties under a contract, the principal has a right to avoid any contract entered into with the agent. This right of avoidance is at the election of the principle." This statement is True.

A settlement is a manifestation of mutual assent through two or more people to each other. it's miles a meeting of the minds in a not unusual intention and is made thru provide and acceptance. A settlement can be shown from phrases, conduct, and in a few cases, even silence. agreement means that sentence parts are in shape. topics have to consider verbs, and pronouns should believe antecedents. Singular subjects need singular verbs; plural topics want plural verbs. In grammar, variety refers to the two styles of a phrase: singular (one) or plural (more than one).

An agreement is a settlement, however, a settlement isn't always usually a settlement. A settlement can be informal or it may be written; a settlement may be verbal or written, however, a settlement will constantly be enforceable if it consists of sure necessities.

Learn more about the agreement here: https://brainly.com/question/24460932


What are some purposes of nonprofit organizations ?


Every nonprofit organization is a business that the IRS deems to be eligible for tax-exempt status due to its focus on advancing social causes and serving the general welfare.

What does "non-profit organization" actually mean?

Any nonprofit (NPO) is a group that receives any donations made above and beyond what is needed to keep the organization running but is instead driven by a devotion to a particular cause. NPOs are thus given tax-exempt status by the federal government, which absolves them any paying income tax.

What occurs when a nonprofit business is in operation?

The proprietors of a non-profit organization do not make any money from it. The group donates the money it makes rather than keeping it for its own use. A not-for-profit organization may also use donations to fund ongoing operations.

To know more about nonprofit organization visit:



What does the government do with the taxes collected from the citizens of the country?


The government with the taxes collected from the citizens of the country pays for government activities as well as pays for goods and services provided to United States citizens and businesses.

Tax revenues are used not only for Social Security and Medicare but also for public services and government operations. Imposing taxes and fees is a fundamental way for a country to generate public revenue and fund investments in human capital infrastructure and the provision of services to citizens and businesses.

Taxes move resources from individuals and businesses to governments pay for public goods and services regulate the economy and redistribute income. Governments use the money to pay for three general types of expenses purchases remittances and interest payments.

Learn more about Taxes here:- https://brainly.com/question/25783927


According to peacemaking criminology, which role should our criminal justice system assume?.


Peacemaking criminology suggests that our country's criminal laws use harsh forms of punishments, such as imprisonment, to control criminal behavior to put an end to crime.

Define peacemaking criminology.

A non-violent movement called peacemaking criminology works to combat oppression, social injustice, and violence in criminology, the criminal justice system, and society at large. It is closely related to the growing view of positive criminology due to its emphasis on inter-personal, intra-personal, and spiritual integration.

A view of crime called "peacemaking criminology" proposes using alternative techniques to develop peaceful responses to crime. According to peace-promoting criminologists, putting an end to pain is the only way to stop crime. They advocate peace and justice as the solution to crime rather than punishment. A manner of thinking and behaving known as "peacemaking" places an emphasis on "mercy and compassion" in the procedures and results of the criminal justice system.

To learn more about criminal justice system, visit:



What are the vice president's 2 main roles ?


As head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces, the President of the United States holds the authority of the Executive Branch.

The President picks the leaders of federal agencies, including the Cabinet, with the goal of putting into effect and upholding the laws passed by Congress. Additionally a member of the Executive Branch, the Vice President is prepared, to take over as President if necessary.

The daily administration and enforcement of federal legislation are under the control of the Cabinet and autonomous federal agencies. The goals and objectives of these departments and organizations are as dissimilar from one another as those of the Department of Defense, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Social Security Administration, and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Learn more about President here



a federal crime involving parties on guam would most likely be heard in which court?


A Federal crime involving parties on Guam would most likely be heard in Territorial Courts .

Congress created the 13 United States courts of appeals, which hear appeals from district courts, and the United States district courts, which handle the majority of federal matters, in accordance with the Constitution's authority to establish courts below the Supreme Court.

Federal courts can only consider things that are specifically permitted by the US Constitution or federal legislation since they only have limited jurisdiction. A case must be brought in federal district court if it arises from a federal law, the Constitution, or a treaty.

To know more about Territorial Courts visit :



creosote inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the environmental protection agency has set maximum levels of emission. the plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. under the clean air act, this is most likely


The plant doesn't employ machinery to lower its emissions. It's likely that this violates the clean air act. As a result, choice A is accurate.

The Clean Air Act, the primary federal law governing air quality in the US, aims to control and reduce air pollution on a national level. It was initially passed in 1963 and has since undergone multiple changes. It is one of the first and most significant modern environmental laws in the US. Each non-compliant vehicle or engine, each instance of tampering or the sale of a defeat device, and each day the violation persists are punished by civil fines of up to $45,268 for each infraction.

It allocates $87 million "to ensure that reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are achieved via use of existing authorities" and reiterates the agency's duty to regulate greenhouse gases in a newly added section 135 of the Clean Air Act.

To know more about clean air act: brainly.com/question/10254492


An injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers' compensation law. a. True b. False


The statement, An injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers' compensation law is True .

Workers' compensation insurance policies do not cover illnesses or injuries that employees purposefully bring about at work. Illegal activities: A company's workers' compensation insurance policy does not provide coverage for employee injuries brought on by illegal acts at the workplace.

Direct compensation can take the form of regular and constant payments from an employer in the form of wages, salaries, commissions, and bonuses. Benefits, retirement plans, periods of absence, employee services, and education are all considered forms of indirect compensation.

To know more about compensation law visit :



choose the term that best matches the description given.

analyze the spelling and style of writing in order to link the document to the correct author

a-author identification
B-linguistic dialectology
c-forensic stylistics
D-forensic phonetics​


Author identification is the term that best matches the description given. Hence, option A is correct.

What is author identification?

Author identification is the process of selecting the most likely author of unidentified works from a group of potential authors. Authorship identification is frequently taken into account in text categorization tasks.

It covers the process of choosing the right candidate from a set of contenders to be the content's creator by using relevant information gleaned from the text. As a result, stylometry identifies relevant traits that provide context for authorial difference.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about Author identification, click here:



What happens to Laertes in Act IV?


When she dies, Laertes is informed. A branch snapped off the willow tree she had climbed into while it was hanging over a brook, causing her to fall into the water. She drowned due to her insanity.

In Act 4, what transpires between Claudius and Laertes?

Given that Hamlet's unpredictable behavior has made him a menace to Claudius's rule, Claudius agrees that Laertes deserves to exact revenge on Hamlet, and he is inclined to assist Laertes to kill Hamlet. The cunning king starts formulating ideas for how Laertes can exact his vengeance without giving the impression of wrongdoing.

Why does Laertes reappear in Act 4?

Laertes arrives home to see his sister in a psychotic state and his father dead. Ophelia is ill, to put it briefly. Gertrude and Horatio learn from a man that she has been roving the streets, making foolish remarks and singing songs.

To know more about Laertes, visit:



What does it mean for a country to be dependent?


Dependent states that have jurisdiction over them but are not a part of the motherland or the continent. They frequently have some degree of local government autonomy but lack full political independence or statehood.

What is an illustration of a dependant nation?

For instance, Saint Helena is a dependent territory of the United Kingdom, while Greenland is a dependent territory of Denmark. The majority of these dependent nations were formerly colonies with little to no authority.

Why are nations reliant on one another?

When nations lack the resources or capacity to meet their own needs and wants, they trade with one another. Countries can produce a surplus and exchange it for the resources they require by developing and utilizing their limited domestic resources.

To know more about dependent nations, visit:



based on the estates & trusts outline, if a man is married, has no children, has one living parent, and dies "intestate," the surviving wife will generally receive how much of the property that must go through "probate?"


Intestate Estate, Section 2-210 of the Uniform Probate Code (p. 27-28). Property passes according to intestacy laws if there is no will. Testators may make wills. According to the testator's or testatrix's desires, a will is said to have "gone through probate" when someone passes away intestate (without a will).

What is probate?

The legal authority to manage someone's assets (their "estate") after their death is known as probate. Prior to obtaining probate, you shouldn't make any financial decisions or list any property for sale. If there is a will, the process of proving its validity and determining who is authorized to manage the decedent's inheritance is known as probate. The legal procedure known as "probate" is used to settle an estate or "prove" a will in court so that it is recognized as the true last bequest of the deceased.

What happens at probate court?

Depending on the intricacy of the estate, court proceedings may or may not take place, but in many instances, the final hearing will be held in person so that the personal representative may present the probate case to the judge for approval. Sometimes the full procedure can be carried out remotely. For instance, some smaller estates in Alaska may be able to obtain the judge's consent by filing a sworn declaration rather than appearing in person at a hearing.

To know more about Probate visit:



What did the Fourteenth Amendment say about the citizenship of former slaves?


All individuals born or naturalised in the country, including those who had been slaves, were granted citizenship under the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Fourteenth Amendment gave the government the right to proportionally lower the representation of those states in Congress which restrict people' ability to vote. It made it illegal for anybody who "engaged in insurrection" against the United States to occupy any elected or civil office without the consent of two-thirds of the House and Senate. The amendment made it illegal for former Confederate governments to pay off their war debts and make up for the liberation of their slave populations by making payments to former slave owners.

Learn more about Fourteenth Amendment here:



Are there any limitations to the student's freedom of speech outside of school hours or off shool campus?


Off campus, students have broad First Amendment rights as long as their expression does not pose a serious risk to academic integrity and order.

What does the word "amend" mean?

The provisions of a contractual or other instrument may be amended or supplemented. An addition or alteration that essentially preserves the original document's integrity is called an amendment. Other times, a change can totally remove the previous text and add new text in its place.

Why is it dubbed a "modification"?

Its foundation is the verb amend, who means to improve. By amending the treaties, provisions can be added, removed, or modified. They are typically employed when writing a new document is preferred than updating an old one. The amendment process is exclusive to the legislative branch.

To know more about Amendment visit:



What was the consequence of the georgia general assembly’s expulsion of its african american members during reconstruction?


A decrease in the agricultural production in the state of Georgia was a consequence of the Georgia general assembly's expulsion of its African American members during reconstruction.

The period of reconstruction is highly remembered and revered in history as the most significant events that took place in changing the political and social structure of the American society. Under this event, the African American members faced an expulsion from the Georgia General Assembly. As a result of the same, the labor force of slaves reduced, thereby leading to a reduction in the agricultural produce.

Learn more about the reconstruction here:



did the city control or direct the activities of the driver to the extent that the city should be liable for the manner in which he operated the vehicle at the time of the accident? please advocate for the plaintiff or the defendant and provide the basis for your position.


Yes, the city does control or guide the driver's actions to the point that it should be held accountable for how he operated the car at the time of the collision (i.e., accident).

One question in this case concerned whether the city was legally liable for the actions of a driver who was employed by a different ambulance service, even though the city had just helped the ambulance service secure a federal grant to help pay for the ambulance. A municipality is exempt from such claims under the Pennsylvania Political Subdivisions Tort Claims Act, unless its employee is the driver of the vehicle.

The municipality was dropped as a defendant, but the ambulance firm and driver were kept on as defendants after the processes revealed that the driver was not a city employee. In the event of a collision, the driver must remain completely composed and refrain from doing anything that could endanger the other driver, the other vehicle, or any other person. According to the "registered-owner rule," the registered owner of a vehicle whose use injures another is held vicariously accountable.

To learn more about accident, refer: brainly.com/question/29111395


How is the primary system in Texas most commonly labeled?


It's tough to categorize Texas' primaries because they fall halfway between open and semi-open.

Texas voters are not required to register with a party and are free to participate in either party's primary elections (but not both). Only the party for whom a voter cast their primary ballot may that voter participate in the runoff election for one of the main parties. The runoff ballots for either party are available to voters who did not cast a ballot in the primary elections, but they may only vote in one party's runoff election. Texas has open primaries (quasi). a primary election where voters must be registered members of a specific political party. If no candidate in the first primary election received a majority of the vote, a runoff election was held between the two who garnered the most votes.

Know more about Texas here:



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