What is Hamilton's view of Jefferson?


Answer 1


While Hamilton distrusted popular will and believed that the federal government should wield considerable power in order steer a successful course, Jefferson placed his trust in the people as governors. Perhaps because of their differences of opinion, Washington made these men his closest advisors.


Related Questions

2. What about plants in particular does Friar Laurence explain in Act 2, Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet?

O A That all plants can be good or evil, depending on their usage

O B. That he knows nothing about them, but that he always wanted to learn

O C. That Romeo needs to be careful because there are poisonous plants growing beside harmless ones

O D. That plants are the reason he became a friar​



O A That all plants can be good or evil, depending on their usage

How did Christianity grow into a worldwide religion?​



Because its in our dna. It’s been with us for years. And the signs of the end of the world described in the Bible is coming true. And because of preachers around the world spreading the good news of the Bible.


Hope this helps.

One reason being the promise of salvation and eternal life for everyone was an attractive alternative to roman religions a second reason being the stories of miracles and magical healings showed that the christian god was more powerful than many roman gods.

Why did many industrialized or advanced countries need to takeover less
advanced countries?
For better climate
and cleaner
To claim or
takeover natural
resources located
in those countries
To teach the local
population about
To create a
Double Stop
Type here to search





To claim or takeover natural resources located in those countries

which of the following was NOT a provision of the Treaty of versailles?

A) New European nations were created

B) Germany was not to be published for its role in world war 1

C) som European nations boundaries were redrawn

D) Germany had to claim responsibility for starting world war 1


D would be your answer:) Germany had to claim

What are the Sirens?


A band it’s called sleeping with sirens, i know that’s not what you mean but good fact :) and good band
They are mermaid that sing song that bring ships down if this doesn’t help I’ll try again

(06.01 MC) Why were many factories built in New England in the 1800s? (1 point)​



It was landlocked, making it easier to safeguard the factories from spies who wanted to steal the new technology.


How did progressives think cities should be govemed?



Progressives want cities to be governed with efficient techniques adopted from efficiency techniques from businesses. Progressives want to combat social ills by what's seen as of the greed of the rich, then in result passing regulations to improve conditions in tenements


Name three Political Party Functions. Explain.



In the United States, there has usually only been two main political parties. ...

The three largest parties aside from the two main political parties are the Libertarian Party, Green Party of the United States, and the Constitution Party in respective order.


What are Washington’s major climate regions? Check all that apply



The first regions lived in the north and another on the coast.

Each of the following investments contributes to a higher quality labor force EXCEPT:
A health care
B. retaining experienced workers
C. additional vacation and sick leave
D. additional education and training


C. Additional vacation and sick leaves

which city is not a world city?



do you have any cities to choose from


Explain how social environment, mass media, and interest groups influence public opinion.
This is my third time putting this question up so please help. Lol, ten points up for grabs and most helpful answer gets Brainliest (if I can figure out how to give that out).



Social environment mass media and interest groups influence public opinion because people pay attention to what other people think as human beings we try and do the barr minimum if something is already wrote out for us we tend to use that instead of coming up with her own opinion mass media has so much public opinion because anybody can give their opinion say someone writes a documentary about birds someone won't go and write their own dare use some lines from that document Terry and fudge with the words


this is what i put but here is the sample response:

Social environment is probably the most influential factor because it is constant: friends, family, and school help us to develop values and attitudes. Mass media—movies, TV, Internet, and radio—influence us because they expose us to new ideas; these days, ideas can travel great distances in seconds via satellite. Interest groups include nongovernmental, religious, and nonprofit organizations. These groups lobby, advertise, and try to promote their ideas.

Answer:Social environment mass media and interest groups influence public opinion because people pay attention to what other people think as human beings we try and do the barr minimum if something is already wrote out for us we tend to use that instead of coming up with her own opinion mass media has so much public opinion because anybody can give their opinion say someone writes a documentary about birds someone won't go and write their own dare use some lines from that document Terry and fudge with the words

Explanation:Social environment is probably the most influential factor because it is constant: friends, family, and school help us to develop values and attitudes. Mass media—movies, TV, Internet, and radio—influence us because they expose us to new ideas; these days, ideas can travel great distances in seconds via satellite. Interest groups include nongovernmental, religious, and nonprofit organizations. These groups lobby, advertise, and try to promote their ideas.

What happened to the Texas settlers when Santa Anna gained power?
Santa Anna forced all American settlers to return to the United States.
Santa Anna rejected the state constitution drafted by the American settlers.
Settlers who brought enslaved people into Texas were not allowed to enter.
Settlers were stripped of their Mexican citizenship and faced heavy fines.


Answer: b. Santa Anna rejected the state constitution....


Settlers conflicted with the Mexican government as they brought slaves and Mexico had abolished slavery before and refused this practice. The Texas settlers wanted to overthrow Santa Anna so that they can restore the power of the Mexican states.

Santa Anna rejected the state constitution drafted by the American settlers when Santa Anna gained power. Therefore option B is correct.

What is Constitution?

A state's constitution serves as its rulebook. It lays out the guiding ideals that the state is controlled by. It delivers an overview of the state's primary organizations and outlines their interrelationships (for example, between the executive, legislature, and judiciary).

Constitutions apply to several organizational levels, including corporations and unincorporated associations as well as sovereign nations. Insofar as it outlines the organization's organizational structure, a treaty that creates an international organization also serves as that organization's constitution.

Hence, Santa Anna rejected the state constitution drafted by the American settlers when Santa Anna gained power.

To know more about Constitution follow the link.



does globalization promote or hinder human equality?



It would promote because it helps in sharing things such as religions, cultures, etc.Correct me if I am wrong in the comment section.

While globalization has enhanced the ability of civil society to function across borders and promote human rights, other actors have gained the power to violate human rights in unforeseen ways

8. Which of the following is NOT true about the Battle of Leyte Gulf? * 1 point American ships destroyed most of the Japanese fleet Biggest naval battle in history, 282 ships participated Revenge for the Bataan Death March It halted the Japanese advance on Australia




90% of people marry there 7th grade love. since u have read this, u will be told good news tonight. if u don't pass this on nine comments your worst week starts now this isn't fake. apparently if u copy and paste this on ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow. you will either get kissed or asked out in the next 53 minutes someone will say i love u

Give one example of political freedom in the Republic of Texas?



Religious freedom


What did the United States implement that angered the Japanese and led to the attack on Pearl Harbor?

Describe the horrors of WWII.

volleyball season yuh



While the United States hoped embargoes on oil and other key goods would lead Japan to halt its expansionism, the sanctions and other penalties actually convinced Japan to stand its ground, and stirred up the anger of its people against continued Western interference in Asian affairs.



the other guy is right I jut did the test.


Why is deconstruction important?
A. To create a mistrust of mass media
B. To encourage more people to view a message
C. To ensure a deeper understanding of a message
D. To develop new sources of mass media


D. To Develop New Sources Of Mass Media

can you help me what is it Kazakhstan​



a country in Asia (do u need more info about it?)

The $24 myth can be said to fit into all of the European goals EXCEPT…..

A) God
B) Gold
C) Glory





I am pretty sure it’s Gold

Based on these political cartoons, how were Roosevelt and Johnson similar



Both men struggled to get Congress to support their reform plans


According to the above political cartoon, President Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson were similar because they both had trouble convincing Congress to support their reform plans.

Based on the cartoon, reform plans such as Civil Rights Bill, New Deal Remedies, defense appropriations, etc were not easy to get approval from Congress.

How important do you think it was for the U.S and brittain toyo succeed in keeping supplies fowing to the west berlin?What might have happened thatthey let west berlin fallcompleteley under soviet control? Be sure to support your conclusion with information from the artical



how did the war change relationships between Imperial powers and colonies​


well i mean there are a few different ways



demostracted fragile positions. had witnessed not just the mobilistation of conoial societies and resources but also the mobilisation of new ideas on the nature of imperial rule and international relations


Will give brainiest to whoever answers correctly and I will make this question worth a lot of points



manifent destiny: the ideology that the u.s. should have as much control, as wanted because of a religous higher power.


Answer: manifest destiny: manifest destiny was a widely held cultural belief in the 19th-century United States.

James Knox Polk: the 11th president of the United States

Vaqueros: a cowboy

Californios: Hispanic people native to the U.S. state of California.

Bear flag republic: unrecognized breakaway state from Mexico

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: the treaty that ended the war between the United States and Mexico


What happened in the Archives War?



The Texas Archive War was an 1842 dispute over an attempted move of the Republic of Texas national archives from Austin to Houston and, more broadly, over President Sam Houston's efforts to make Houston the capital of Texas.


Answer: Imma say The Texas Archive War was an 1842 dispute over an attempted move of the Republic of Texas national archives from Austin to Houston and, more broadly, over President Sam Houston's efforts to make Houston the capital of Texas.money!) – the Republic was deeply in debt because of the Revolution and the fact that the money they had previously used was Mexican money – they literally had no money, not even printed currency! that had fought in the Revolution wanted and needed to be paid.Hope this helps have a awesome day/night❤️✨


Explique por qué el poder ejecutivo tiene tantos controles sobre los poderes que tiene. ¿De qué querían estar seguros los primeros estadounidenses?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Explique por qué el poder ejecutivo tiene tantos controles sobre los poderes que tiene. ¿De qué querían estar seguros los primeros estadounidenses?

Los Padres fundadores como Benjamín Franklin, Alexander, Hamilton, James Madison o Thomas Jefferson, fueron conscientes de que el gobierno federal de la nueva nación -los Estados Unidos- debería constituirse bajo un esquema de división de poderes que equilibrara a los tres niveles del gobierno federal: el Ejecutivo, e Legislativo y el Judicial.

Por esa razón, los Padres Fundadores quería estar seguros de que en realidad existiera siempre un equilibrio entre esos tres poderes. Entonces fue que crearon el sistema que llamaron "checks and balances," que pudiera traducirse al Español como "el sistema que regula y equilibra el poder de los tres niveles de gobierno.

El objetivo era claro, que ninguno de los tres poderes tuviera más facultades que los otros dos.

Es decir, que hubiera mecanismos legales para que el Congreso controlara a la Suprema Corte de Justicia, y ésta a su vez al Congreso. Lo mismo con el Presidente, que tuviera poderes sobre el Congreso, pero que el Congreso también tuviera facultades sobre el Presidente.

DURING the civil war, how did the context of The Civil War impact opinions about immigration. pls and thank you :)


In the years after the American Civil War, large increases in immigrant populations prompted an interest in restricting immigration. Americans were particularly wary about large numbers of immigrants from China. These concerns prompted the creation of unprecedented restrictions on immigration, including such laws as the Chinese Exclusion Act.

The Declaration of Independence articulates the concept of what kind of government?​



Democratic government

Does someone know this one please I need help?



the 2 one


Number 2 Good Luck!!!!

Which of these inventions was
the work of Edwin Drake?
A. the light bulb
B. the oil drill
C. the phonograph
D. the typewriter



the answer its B. the oil drill


B)The oil drill


Hopefully this helps

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