true or false ? More revolutions took place in Europe in 1848 than any other year from 1815 to 1859


Answer 1




Revolutions of 1848, series of republican revolts against European monarchies, beginning in Sicily and spreading to France, Germany, Italy, and the Austrian Empire. They all ended in failure and repression and were followed by widespread disillusionment among liberals.

Answer 2




please mark the brainliest dear...

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Answer: Shadows are longer in the morning and evening and short in the noon because the sun rays are slanting in the morning and evening whereas at noon it is just above our head. The size of the shadow depends on the position of the object from the source of light.

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I got this right, but be sure to spell it right!

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People mistaken them for there pronuns and treating them differently .


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Of the following, which is not a helpful way to use hypnosis in treating dissociative disorders?
A. having the patient work through the traumatic experience
B. having the patient recall repressed painful memories
C. having the patient keep painful memories hidden
D. having the patient work through trauma associated with amnesia


Answer: C

Explanation: I’d say C is the correct answer because keeping painful memories hidden does more harm than good. Even if it’s rough, it’s good to work through them somehow / recall things to assist in healing and treatment.

Advertising that creates desire for products where no actual need exists where no actual desire exist contributes to


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

Advertising that creates a desire for products where no actual need exists where no actual desire exists contributes to consumerism.

And consumerism is a serious problem that we have as a society.

Consumerism that citizens are purchasing things that are not necessary, they do not need them, products that do not cover a basic necessity, and neither are desired by consumers.

However, advertisement and other marketing techniques focus their messages on aspirations. And if people have money, they like aspirational things and the buy, and buy, although they don't need the products and keep them somewhere in their wardrobes and warehouses.

Please help me on this



QUIZ LET it really helps just look it up on

Examine the chart.

A 4-column table with 8 rows titled Percentage of Married Women Employed Outside the Home. The first column is labeled Ages with entries 14 to 19, 20 to 24, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 64, All ages, All ages (whites), and All ages (nonwhites). The second column is labeled 1900 with entries 7.3; 7.3; 6.1; 6.4; 7.7; 5.2; 2.8; and 25.1. The third column is labeled 1920 with entries 12.5; 11.4; 9.7; 9.5; 6.6; 9.0; 6.5; and 31.8. The fourth column is labeled 1930 with entries 12.9; 16.3; 14; 12.1; 7.8; 11.7; 9.6; and 30.3.

What does this chart demonstrate about the change in women’s roles in the early 20th century?

Women’s employment rose fastest among those younger than 20.
The changes affected single women’s employment more than married women’s employment.
White women’s employment increased by a greater proportion than nonwhite women’s employment.
The changes to women’s employment for all ages and all races were greatest from 1920–1930.


Ma’am or sir how do you think I would answer this the answer is you tell us what it’s the answer


The answer is c


Which of the following words has a prefix?







      The perfect words ahs a prefix are

The correct answer will be

The First one is countlessThe second is a semicircleThe last third one is washable

Also It drives as half of a circle; When the arc. from one end of a diameter to the other. If anything having or arranged in the form of a half of a circle.

Learn more about:

Can someone help me it easy please ❤️




executive-the president,vice president,cabinet members

Judicial-supreme court,justices


the president: executive

the vice president: executive

cabinet members: executive

supreme court: judicial

justices: judicial

congress: legislative

representatives: legislative

senators: legislative


goodluck! <3

Which of the following was TRUE regarding the Missouri Compromise?
It was created by South Carolinian John C. Calhoun
It kept the balance between slave and free states in the Senate
It prevented the spread of slavery into western territories
It caused the price of cotton to dramatically increase



I think it is A


__________ is the process by which union representatives and employers attempt to reach an agreement about work conditions.
Collective bargaining
Workers’ compensation



Option c) collective bargaining is the answer


Option C.) collective bargaining is the answer


Right on Edge2021

Benjamin Franklin lived in Philadelphia and worked to improve the city. True or false?


Answer: True


Yes he did

How do white people view or understand colorism?




Colorism is the practice of favoring lighter skin over darker skin. The preference for lighter skin can be seen within any racial or ethnic background.

How was Sherman's March to the Sea related to prison conditions at Andersonville?
Conditions improved because officials improved conditions at Andersonville for fear of Union retaliation.
Conditions improved because the March to the Sea went through Georgia to free prisoners at Andersonville.
Conditions worsened at Andersonville because prisoners could not be moved to other sites in the Confederacy.
Conditions worsened at Andersonville became officials punished Union prisoners in retaliation for the March to the Sea.


I believe it is B. Have a good day.

help pls! ill mark brainliest if correct!



D the last one


Brainly >>>>>> socratic



yup ur right


I totally agree

How did W.E.B. Du Bois contribute to the Harlem
He composed music based on African American motifs
He led a movement to return to Africa
He wrote plays about the African-American experience
He wrote about the struggle for African-American identity


I think this answer is C

Riots, mobs, crowds, and rumors are examples of
Collective behavior



collective behavior


all of these words involve a group of people who are engaged collectively in a certain activity. they all share a common interests and unity

The Clinton Riot resulted from?

an effort by federal troops to stop KKK activities.

an effort by white supremacists to disrupt a Republican rally.

an attempt by armed citizens to remove officials from office.

an attack on a Democratic rally by armed African Americans.​


3rd one ) an attack on a Democratic rally by armed African-Americans

full meaning of the abbreviaton of nersa​



NERSA= National Energy Regulator of South Africa .................. The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) is a regulatory authority established as a juristic person in terms of Section 3 of the National Energy Regulator Act, 2004 (Act No. 40 of 2004). NERSA’s mandate is to regulate the electricity, piped-gas and petroleum pipelines industries in terms of the Electricity Regulation Act, 2006 (Act No. 4 of 2006), Gas Act, 2001 (Act No. 48 of 2001) and Petroleum Pipelines Act, 2003 (Act No. 60 of 2003).

. Enslaved Africans were tied together and kept below deck on dirty, crowded ship
as they made the long trip across the
a. Artic
b. Pacific
C. Atlantic
d. Indian


The answer would be b I’m pretty sure because it’s the longest


C. Atlantic


The Atlantic Ocean spans the space between the western coast of the African continent and the eastern coast of the United States.

How is Muhammad Ali a good role model for kids? Own opinion if you want.


Answer: Muhammad Ali was known to many as a champion boxer and a man who fought for racial and social justice his entire life. Muhammed Ali also had dyslexia and aquired Parkinson’s at age 42 and became a role model for people with physical disabilities. Role models such as Ali make a big difference in setting high expectations for youth with disabilities. Muhammed Ali is just one of the many peoplethat proves people with disabilities of all backgrounds can be amongst the highest achievers on earth.


Hope this is good! Mostly from the internet but if you want me to pharaphrase more just let me know!


god js


Which of these represents a cause of Pan-Africanism following World War I?
A) to demand democratic reform
B) to demand to join the League of Nations Eliminate
C) to unite all the countries under one currency
D) to support African independence and nationalism


Answer: a

Explanation: I have a 96 in history class I’m smart

The support for African independence and nationalism is one of the effects of Pan-Africanism following World War l, therefore the answer is D.

Pan-Africanism is a worldwide political and cultural movement focused on promoting brotherhood and unification of people of African descent. Based on the principle that all people of African descent have much in common and it is in the best interest of all to stand as a unified African nation.

Although options A, B, and C are ideas that were discussed often during this time period, they were never the focal point of the movement nor do they represent a cause of Pan-Africanism. This is why options A, B and C are incorrect.

An example as to why option D, (to support African independence and nationalism) is correct is that following World War l, a Black nationalist from Jamaica named Marcus Garvey actively promoted the liberation and independence of African countries, he led an organization known as the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). This organization boasted numerous members and was very active in promoting the ideas they held. The idea of African independence and nationalism is tied very closely with the Pan-Africanism movement through the actions of this and many other organizations.

For more on Pan-Africanism see:

a movement supporting the idea that all Africans share a common
heritage and should work together to further their interests?



Pan-Africanism is a worldwide movement that aims to encourage and strengthen bonds of solidarity between all indigenous and diaspora ethnic groups of African descent. Based on a common goal dating back to the Atlantic slave trade, the movement extends beyond continental Africans with a substantial support ... At its core, Pan-Africanism is a belief that "African people


What was the name of the day in which thousands of Protestants in France were rounded up and executed?



Bartholomew's Day


Use A.P.E.P.E to explain how WWII began.


World War II began when Germany invaded Poland Great Britain and France responded by declaring a war on Germany. The main reason World War II began was the impact the treaty of Versailles had.
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