What is the important role of research in the field of science to reduce the negative impact of pandemic on Filipinos?​


Answer 1


The answer is below


The important role of research in the field of science to reduce the negative impact of a pandemic on Filipinos is "understanding the peculiar nature of Filipinos" on the issue of any pandemic.

The scientific research will cover a lot of things to reduce the negative impact. Some of which are:

1. the cause of the pandemic,

2. how to prevent the spread of the pandemic,

3. the cure to the pandemic

4. The expected time the pandemic will last.

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Tell me one way the characters in gatbsy are guilty of destroying the original American dream


American dream is achieving success through sacrifice, risk-taking, and hard work, rather than by chance. Becoming rich doesn't necessarily bring happiness and total acceptance. Its human nature to be selfish and want more.

What do you
you need


Answer and Explanation:


relationship becomes more formal publicly recognized
C. Initiating





The bonding stage involves a public ritual that's signifise a formal signifise a formal commitment to the relationship.


hope this helps!

What is the meaning of immorality act? What did the immorality act make illegal?



The 1927 act

The Immorality Act, 1927 (Act No. ... 21 of 1950) amended the 1927 act to forbid unmarried sexual intercourse between "Europeans" and anyone not "European". The prohibition was therefore extended to intercourse between white people and colored or Asian people


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people believe
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Among the Hidden Summary and Analysis of Chapters 16 - 20 She is surprised to learn that Luke has never used a computer - his parents have one, but his mother heard that the Government can use it to track people, and so his parents have 71), which makes Luke feel less important and awkward.


give an example when you realized that communication involves more than just speaking​



When I was banging you're mom, she kept screaming. I thought I was doing good until she ripped my john off :(

Communication that is two-way is essential. We give someone value when we listen to them. They will then value us and be more likely to value what we have to say. Make eye contact, slowly place your hand to your mouth, repeat what was just stated to you while asking questions, and nod your head.

What is communication?

The act of communicating is the transfer of information from one location, person, or group to another.

Every communication has a sender, a message, and a recipient at a minimum. Although it might seem straightforward, communication is actually a very complicated topic. There are a wide variety of factors that can influence how a message is transmitted from the sender to the recipient. These include our feelings, the surrounding cultural context, the communication method, and even our geographic location. Accurate, effective, and unambiguous communication is actually very difficult, which is why companies all over the world place such a high value on these abilities.

There are many different ways humans can communicate, and several may be going on simultaneously.

Among the various forms of communication are:

Speaking or verbal communication can take place over the phone, in person, on the radio or television, or through other means.Nonverbal communication includes things like our posture, body language, gestures, how we dress or act, and even our scent. We interact with others in a variety of subtle ways, sometimes even unwittingly. For instance, the tone of a person's voice might indicate their emotional or mental condition, and hand signals and gestures can enhance a verbal word.Writing comprises letters, emails, social media posts, books, periodicals, the Internet, and other forms of written communication. In terms of spreading the written word until recently, a relatively small number of authors and publishers possessed great power. We can all write and post our thoughts online today, which has exploded the available information and communication options.Graphs and charts, maps, logos, and other visuals can all be used to convey information.

To learn more about communication, click here



(1) Hawaiian native Bethany Hamilton loves to surf.(2) Most days you’ll find her in the ocean paddling out to the waves, trying to catch a big one. (3) There are lots of surfers in Hawaii, but you would probably if you saw her recognize Bethany. (4) She’s the surfer with only one arm.

(5) At the age of 13, Bethany was surfing off the coast of Kauai’s north shore after she was suddenly attacked by a 14-foot-long tiger shark. (6) The shark took a 17-inch bite out of Bethany’s surfboard. (7) It bit off most of Bethany’s left arm. (8) A friend’s father was nearby, and he quickly tied a tight band around Bethany’s upper arm to stop the bleeding. (9) Then Bethany was rushed to the hospital. (10) But who would have dreamed she would ever surf again? (11) Bethany, that’s who!

(12) Shortly after the shark attack, Bethany expressed her determination to begin surfing again. (13) Her parents thought she might need help copeing with the loss of her arm, but Bethany proved them wrong. (14) Just 10 weeks after the accident, Bethany was back on her surfboard. (15) She says the hardest part was learning how to paddle with one arm. (16) Bethany explains that it’s a little like doing “a one arm push-up. (17) Difficult as it was, she continued to practice, and before long she was successful. (18) In a matter of months, the young surfer was back in competitions again.

(19) Bethany has a prosthetic arm now, she doesn’t wear it much. (20) She has learned to do just about everything with one arm. (21) She can hold a soda bottle between her thighs and open it with her right hand. (22) She can peel a orange by sitting on the floor and holding it with her feet. (23) The only thing she hasn’t been able to do is braid her own hair. (24) But Bethany don’t waste any time thinking about what she can’t do. (25) She is grateful for what she can do- and that includes surfing!
Question 1 (1 point)
What is the BEST way to revise sentence 3?

Question 1 options:

Since there are lots of surfers in Hawaii. You would probably recognize Bethany if you saw her.

Even though there are lots of surfers in Hawaii, you would probably recognize Bethany if you saw Bethany.

There are lots of surfers in Hawaii, you would probably recognize Bethany if you saw her.

There are lots of surfers in Hawaii, but you would probably recognize her if you saw her.

Question 2 (1 point)
Which sentence could BEST follow and support sentence 9?

Question 2 options:

She had been surfing off the north shore of Kauai with her best friend Alana Blanchard and Alana’s brother and father.

Everyone wanted to get Bethany to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Bethany likes to surf early in the morning when the waves are the most challenging.

After emergency treatment and a few days of observations, Bethany was allowed to go home.

Question 3 (1 point)
What change should be made in sentence 13?

Question 3 options:

Change parents to parent’s

Change copeing to coping

Delete the comma

Change them to her

Question 4 (1 point)
What revision, if any, is needed in sentence 19?

Question 4 options:

Bethany has a prosthetic arm now, but she doesn’t wear it much.

Bethany has a prosthetic arm now. And doesn’t wear it much.

Bethany has a prosthetic arm now. That she doesn’t wear much.

No revision is needed

Question 5 (1 point)
What change, if any is needed in sentence 22?

Question 5 options:

Change a to an

Insert a comma after floor

Change by to buy

Make no change



GP Quiz 3: Bethany Hamilton

Q1. What is the best way to revise sentence 3?

C. There are lots of surfers in hawii, you would probably recognize Bethany if you saw her.

Q2. Which sentence could best follow and support sentence 9?

D. After emergancy treatment and a few days of obversations, Bethany was allowed to go home.

Q3. What change should be made in sentence 13?

B. Change Copeing to coping.

Q4. What revision, if any, is needed in sentence 19?

A. Bethany has a Prosthetic arm now, but she doesnt wear it much.

Q5. What change, if any, is needed  in sentence 22?

A. Change A to an


For Question 1 I have a feeling it might be A but I chose C

As for the answers I chose them and got a B so if you want a B then choose those i guess I did take the test again and I got another B but with diffrent

answers here they are

Q1 - A

Q2 - D

Q3 - B

Q4 - B

Q5 - A


Q1 - A

Q2 - D

Q3 - B

Q4 - A

Q5 - A

I studied the person on tops answer for awhile, then picked these answers and got an A so there ya go :)

which is the highest post in police​



Director General of Police


Director General of Police (DGP) :

Particularly, The highest authority of any state in police is DGP ( Director General Of Police ). In India, the Director General of Police (DGP) is a three star rank and the highest ranking police officer in Indian States and Union Territories.

hope it becomes helpful to you ☺️☺️

good luck

Q Buscar
Página 4 de 4
1. Escribe la forma correcta del verbo. Debes recordar 3ra persona. Y que en la forma
negativa el verbo ya no lleva s.
My friend me. (help)
late on Saturday. (sleep)
to beach every weekend. (go)
to college daily. (go)
Kids do not
the medicines. (like)


1. My friend helped me.

2. I slept late on Saturday.

3. He goes to the beach every weekend.

4. They go to college daily.

5. Kids do not like the medicines.

_______ with being so busy both at work and at home, she became increasingly tired and bad-tempered.

a. What

b. How

c. Which

d. Where​



I think a or d

any one of the two

i hope it helps

enjoy your day


can I get a brainliest plssssssss

The Correct answer is C. It is the only one that makes sense.

Select the correct answer from each drop down menu bus stop



1 - Two

2 - oo in boot

3 - a in around

4 - four

5 - a in about

6 - a in lone


The first option is one or two.

The second option is oo in boot or o in dot.

The third option is a in map or a in around.

The fourth option is four or five.

The fifth option is a in cape or a in about .

The sixth option is o in lone or o in dot.


1 - Two

2 - oo in boot

3 - a in around

4 - four

5 - a in about

6 - a in lone


1. Student: "I want to know more
Teacher: What did he say?
A friend: The student said that
A) I want to know more
B) He want to know more
C) I wanted to know more
D) he wanted to know more​


Required Answer:-


A friend: The student said that he wanted to know more.


1. Student: "I want to know more

Teacher: What did he say?

A friend: The student said that

A) I want to know more

B) He want to know more

C) I wanted to know more

D) he wanted to know more


Additional information:-

These types of sentences are called Speech.


[tex]\leadsto[/tex] There are two types of Speech.

Indirect SpeechDirect Speech

Student: "I want to know more is direct speech.

A friend: The student said that he wanted to know more is indirect speech!

Here we have changed the Tense of want to wanted.



A friend: The student said that he wanted to know more.


1. Student: "I want to know more

Teacher: What did he say?

A friend: The student said that

A) I want to know more

B) He want to know more

C) I wanted to know more

D) he wanted to know more ✅

Which type of note taking is shown in the example above?


Answer: It is a summary

The type of note taking is shown in the example above is summary. The correct option is A.

The chapter summarizes crucial details regarding Kate Chopin's early life, such as her birth, the early death of her father, her living situations, and her schooling.

The note summarizes the passage's main themes and key facts without explicitly citing or paraphrasing particular lines.

It gives a brief summary of the information offered in the original source. As a result, the note-taking in this scenario may be classified as a summary.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding summary, visit:



Briefly describe this setting in your own words.


I describe it ask : hostile,scary,deep,depressing and lingering eerie place

How do i write a conclusion for an argumentative essay without using “in conclusion, to sum up, finally”



You can conclude it by restating your thesis or by ending with a qoutation or a reference.


you could use "To conclude" or "All things considered" or "All in all" or "Overall, it may be said".... just some ideas.

11. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the prewriting strategy of brainstorming?
O A. Kanice writes a paragraph of her moughts on the topic of fashion trends.
OB. Maurice looks up what other writers have had to say on the topic of winter holiday celebrations around the world.
OC. Puja writes her topic - self-driving cars - in a bubble in the center of a page and surrounds that bubble with related
D. Jose makes a list of everything he can think of on the topic of planting trees


Answer: D. Jose makes a list of everything he can think of on the topic of planting trees


If a director must cut scenes from Romeo and Juliet for performance, which scenes could be removed? How would their absence affect the play as a whole?



it wouldn't


it wouldn't because of the money and the play won't make since if you cut out alot of the play

She __________ a strong interest in encouraging arts and crafts.





A verb is one of the parts of speech in English language. Verbs can be defined as any word that describes an action, occurrence, or state of existence. Some examples of verb are dance, sing, walk, play, run, sit, take, etc.

In English language, a subject can be defined as the person, thing, idea or place that performs an action.

On the other hand, an object is the person, thing, idea or place that an action is being performed on.

In this scenario, the verb to be used is "take" but it has to be in past tense "took."

Thus, the statement is completed using the appropriate verb below;

She took a strong interest in encouraging arts and crafts.

When a conflict arises, why is it important to seek the other person’s views?

A. So you know how to win the conflict
B. So that you can use their own words against them
C. So you can fully understand their point of view
D. In order to come up with arguments to what they say


C. Because you want to understand the other persons point of view


C. So you can fully understand their point of view


When a conflict arises, its important to fully understand someone's views in order to understand why they respond the way they do. Think of it in this example: imagine a dog that has been abused for most of its life. When someone goes to pet that dog, the dog may be quick to bite or growl at the person. This isn't because it's necessarily a bad dog, but rather because the dog assumed it was going to be harmed because that's what it has experienced in life. People are the same way. To fully understand someone's choices, we have to understand what has happened to that person, or their views, in order for them to make the choices that they do.

Can you answer this question for me please 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. What do you think the artist is trying to tell us in the painting? 3. Describe the character of the artist in three words.



I see Frida Kahlo, an artist who was very popular and loved nature and flowers. I also see a monkey and a cat.


I think the artist is trying to show the beauty of nature, and how it correlates with the beauty of the human race. This is a self portrait.

3 words:

Free spirited, bold, strong

I think the artist is trying it to paint a ancient Japanese figure and it’s really good for the culture of Japan with the red and blue and it’s good for the grandmas and uncles .

Antwone feels stressed because he works, goes to school, and takes care of his grandmother. He decides to take a semester off until his other family members can help out caring for her. This is an example of what type of coping?
a) Emotion-focused
d)None of the above​



I think it is B b/c he is trying to solve the problem, I guess

What is sound that bounces off something and comes back to where it came from?
an echo
a beat
a molecule



it would be an echo because it comes back




because echo is the bounce back of don't especially heating hard surface......mean like anything dosnt absorb sound.

hope it helps.

Identify the proper synonym for the expression in italics.
Outside of algebra, I like all my classes.
In addition to
Except for


Except for, as ‘outside of’ means you are excluding algebra.

What is a divided pronoun reference?



A divided pronoun reference occurs when there are two or more nouns in a sentence that a pronoun could replace, making it difficult to know which noun the pronoun is replacing.


Mary and Susan went to her father's store.

Whose father has the store?

Clearer would be:

Mary went to her father's store with Susan.


What is the most powerful advantage of using literature as a persuasive tool?
a. Engaging characters with strong personalities can talk readers into changing their minds about an issue.
b. Literary authors know how to place hidden, subconscious messages within their stories and poems.
c. Compelling plot events can make literature seem more realistic than other more objective forms of persuasion.
d. Literature is usually more subtle in its attempts to persuade, so readers may not realize they're being persuaded.



D (Literature is usually more subtle in its attempts to persuade, so readers may not realize they're being persuaded.)


Literature can be persuasive without seeming pushy or preachy.

The most powerful advantage of using literature as a persuasive tool is  "Literature is usually more subtle in its attempts to persuade, so readers may not realize they're being persuaded." The correct option is D.

What is a persuasive tool?

A persuasive tool is a technique or method used to influence or convince someone to adopt a certain point of view or take a specific action. In general, persuasive tools are used in persuasive communication, which includes advertising, marketing, public speaking, and other forms of communication where the goal is to convince or persuade an audience.

Some common persuasive tools include:

1. Emotional appeals: appealing to the audience's emotions, such as fear, happiness, or empathy, to convince them to take action.

2. Logical appeals: using logical arguments and reasoning to persuade the audience.

3. Authority: citing a respected or authoritative source to lend credibility to an argument.

4. Social proof: using testimonials or statistics to show that others have already adopted a certain point of view or taken a specific action.

5 Repetition: repeating a message or phrase to make it more memorable and persuasive.

6. Humor: using humor or wit to make a point or engage the audience.

Different persuasive tools can be effective for different audiences and different situations, and skilled communicators often use a combination of tools to achieve their desired results.

Here in the question,

Option D is correct because literature often uses storytelling, symbolism, and other literary devices to present a particular perspective or message in a way that is less direct and more open to interpretation. By presenting ideas in this way, literature can appeal to readers' emotions and imaginations, allowing them to become more invested in the story and more receptive to its underlying messages. Additionally, because readers are not necessarily aware that they are being persuaded, they may be more likely to adopt the ideas presented in the literature as their own.

Therefore, The correct answer is D i.e  Literature is usually more subtle in its attempts to persuade, so readers may not realize they're being persuaded.

To learn about Context clue click:



Which text provides the more effective argument? Include details about the appeals and structures of the two texts to support your position



Muir's argument is the stronger one. The words he uses create a concerned but hopeful tone. This tone, combined with strong emotional, ethical, and logical appeals, helps him achieve his purpose.


Sample response

Winston thinks O'Brien is a member of the Brotherhood.





PLz HELP FAST 20 points​



i d k sorry



Because if one votes it  brings justice and avoid cheat .


so if a group of people vote there is no indiscrimination and one feels that there  is justice at a particular place he or she is.

Odyssey games were
A. Very realistic
B. Like modern video games
C. Not very challenging
D. Different ping pong games




very realistic


List some non-examples of Convection...​



Hot sand heats the air

The hot sand transfers heat to the air.  As the air heats, it expands and rises.

The air is being heated.

Non Example:  The heat is being transferred to the air which is a gas.  


Hope it helps,

Please mark me as brainliest

Thank you

Air is heated by the hot sand. The warm air is heated by the hot sand. The air expands and rises as it warms. It is heating the air. Non-Example: Since air is a gas, the heat is transferred to it.

What is Convection?

Convection is single- or multiphase fluid flow that develops on its own as a result of the interaction between a fluid's body forces—most frequently gravity and density—and material property heterogeneity.

A convection oven includes a fan and exhaust system that circulates hot air inside the oven cavity, minimizing hot and cool areas and promoting more uniform results while cooking on many racks.

Differential heating leads to convection currents. Warm, less dense, lighter material rises while cool, more dense, heavier material sinks. Convection currents are patterns of circulation that are produced by this movement in the Earth's mantle, oceans, and atmosphere.

Forced convection is what happens when a fan, pump, or suction device is employed to encourage convection. Commonplace examples of this include central heating, air conditioning, fluid-filled car radiators, and convection ovens.

To read more about Convection, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/8560104?referrer=searchResults


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