What is an example of situational irony in Romeo and Juliet Act 2?


Answer 1

Romeo's friends believe he is upset with Rosaline since they can't locate him, but in reality, he has fallen in love with a new lady. Ironically, they believe he is still upset with Rosaline even though we already know he loves Juilet.

Situational irony: Contrary to what one might think, love brought sorrow to two families who had previously lived in hatred of one another. Speech irony It is undoubtedly not what Juliet's mother wanted to hear when she says she would rather marry Romeo than Paris. Romeo's friends believe he is upset with Rosaline since they can't locate him, but in reality, he has fallen in love with a new lady. Ironically, they believe he is still upset with Rosaline even though we already know he loves Juilet.

To learn more about Romeo's please click on below link



Related Questions

Determine whether each sentence includes a participle.

1. He was bored watching the movie
2. He was excited to use his new phone​



they both include participles


in number one the boy was bored which is an adjective and the verb is watching. in number two the boy is excited and the verb is use.

What are some themes names?


The time period theme matter may be described because the underlying that means of a tale. It is the message the author is making an attempt to deliver thru the story.

Examples of Theme Topics: Love, Justice/Injustice, Family, Struggle, the American Dream, Wealth, Inhumanity Examples of Themes: People chance their personal identification to locate love; Power corrupts humanity; Without empathy, there may be no justice.

Other names include like health, justice, betrayal, faith, honour, care, solo, travel, together these are all the best of the examples of the themes names.

Read more about theme;



Luke takes temporary family leave from his job at Metal Works Corporation to arrange for childcare and deal with financial and legal matters when Naomi, his spouse, a U.S. Marine on active duty, is deployed overseas. On Luke's return from the leave, Metal Works must -A.restore him to his same position or a comparable position.B. reimburse him for his expenses while on leave.C. promote him to the status of a key employ-ee.D. do nothing.


Based on the provided information, when Luke returns from the leave of absence, the company must restore him to his same position or a comparable position. (Option A)

A leave of absence (LOA) refers to an employee request for temporary time away from work. LOA can be mandatory which is governed by federal and state laws, or voluntary which is governed by a company's internal policies. It can be paid or unpaid and can be requested for a variety of reasons such as personal or family illness, vacation, parental obligations, jury duty, voting, and other personal reasons.

The LOA policies are governed by various federal laws and acts such as family and medical leave act, Americans with disabilities act, workers’ compensation laws, and fair labor standards act. According to policies, the company must restore an employee to his same position or a comparable position after returning from the leave.

Learn more about Leave of absence:



Had Shaw been alive in 1956, he would have been eager to help Lerner and Loewe turn Pygmalion into the hit musical My Fair Lady.



It is True to say that Had Shaw been alive in 1956, he would have been eager to help Lerner and Loewe turn Pygmalion into the hit musical My Fair Lady.

What is Shaw trying to accomplish with Pygmalion ?

George Bernard Shaw created Pygmalion, a five-act drama, in 1912. In addition to advocating for the right use of the English language, it was a critique of the time's socially stratified English society. But this play, which served as the basis for the American musical comedy My Fair Lady, is most notable for being the source of the Pygmalion effect, a crucial idea for anybody who instructs, guides, trains, coaches, mentors, or otherwise manages people.

In an old myth, Pygmalion, a Cypriot sculptor, falls in love with Galatea after creating her statue out of ivory. The statue is subsequently given life by the goddess Aphrodite, and Pygmalion weds it.

To learn more about George Bernard checkout the link below :



A________ is a diagram that uses bars of different lengths to show comparison
in data.
OA. pie chart
B. circle graph
OC. bar graph
OD. line graph


Answer: bar graph

Explanation: it is the only one that actually uses bars and shows comparison.

What is the best definition of the underlined word laudable?


Things that deserve appreciation are laudable.

Laudable refers to something that is praiseworthy or deserving of acclaim, as in "laudable attempts to help the underprivileged." A laudatory book review would be considered "offering praise" or "expressing praise."

When referring to something deserving of acclaim or respect, such as our admirable efforts to launch a recycling program at our school, use the word "laudable."

The word laudable is composed of the verb laud, which means praise or acclaim, and the suffix -able, which indicates that the word is an adjective.

So the word "laudable" can refer to both praiseworthy actions, such as a laudable attempt to alleviate poverty, as well as excellent principles, such as a laudable concern for others.

To know more about suffix, visit:



Journee and her brother were arguing over who was responsible for the dishes. Journee explained to her brother that she had washed the dishes the last three nights. Her brother replied, "Sure, but that's just because you're a nerd with nothing better to do." Which logical fallacy has Journee's brother used?

Ad hominem
Ad populum
Hasty generalization
Slippery slope


Based on the fact that Journee and her brother were arguing over who was responsible for the dishes and her brother uses a logical fallacy to reply to her which is known as Ad hominem

What is a Logical Fallacy?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the incorrect conclusion that is made about a thing based on a premise that is faulty.

Hence, it can be seen that Journee's brother attacked her person instead of logically replying on whose turn it was to wash and this is known as ad hominem which is option A.

Read more about ad hominem here:



Answer: A, Ad hominem

It is without a doubt A, ad hominem, the reason for this is because none of the other possible answers define how her brother responded.

What is an ad hominem?

An Ad hominem is when someone is directing their comment or argument at the person rather than the argument itself.

Example of an ad hominem.

barbara says to jake that she cleaned the car last time so its his turn. Jake responds by saying "yeah but your a nasty person"

Enjoy my answer!

When did Bighit reveal the title of the song will be Dynamite?


The band revealed that the song's name is "Dynamite" at midnight on August 3 (Korean time).

A website with seven countdowns went up the day after the news, each one matching to a fresh single announcement. The group posted a Spotify pre-save link on July 31. Big Hit stated the song's title will be "Dynamite" on August 2. 24-year-old The staff at Big Hit Music first promoted Adora, whose real name is Park Soo-Hyun, as the sole female in-house producer. Her hopes to make her solo debut are now materializing after nearly five years. Yoon's critically acclaimed 1994 debut album's first single, "In Front Of The Post Office In Autumn," is currently being heard by BTS fans all over the world.

To learn more about Dynamite please click on below link



Explanation of Frost by Hannah Flagg Gould


A poem by Hannah Flagg Gould titled "The Frost" describes the features of the frost.

What exactly does the poet mean?The poem's passage, "The wind and the snow, the hail and the rain, Who make so much bustle and commotion in vain," implies that the elements themselves create more noise than the actual task itself.Due to the fact that it highlights a key aspect of Robert Frost's personality, the poem's opening section is crucial to its growth.The poem's line "In silence I'll take my route" hints at the idea that the frost does not create noise but instead functions subtly, which helps the poem's growth.    

To learn more about Poem refer to:



Why is open-mindedness important in collaboration?


Open mindedness is a crucial a part of the communique process. As it indicates the ones round you which you are open to receiving communique from them and which you are open to speakme approximately regardless of the character desires to discuss.

Open-mindedness is a effective man or woman first-rate and it allows folks that use it to assume seriously and rationally. It is so crucial which will step from your consolation region and remember different thoughts and perspectives, specially on this day and age.

Open-minded crew participants analyze matters they would not on their very own and take part in extra answers than they may give you alone. Being open-minded facilitates you figure via interpersonal or intra-crew conflicts that up whilst humans paintings in near quarters.

Read more about open minded;



Imagine a scientist doing research on déjà vu overheard a person claiming the déjà vu they just experienced was caused by something paranormal. How would the scientist most likely respond? Use at least four details from the text to support your response.​


The scientist would answer that a déjà vu is not caused by a supernatural process, but is a psychological process that is triggered by similar details between two places or situations.

What is déjà vu?It is the feeling of having already experienced a place or situation.It is a psychological gallicism of transmitting ideas.

Déjà vu is explained by psychology because it is formed by brain elements that use an individual's thoughts and memories to create associations between different places and things that have very similar characteristics and details.

As psychology is a science that provides evidence to back up its statements, a scientist will believe in the psychological explanation of déjà vu and not in a supernatural explanation that lacks evidence or rationality.

Learn more about deja vu:



Could someone help me American lit


1) the option that contains a cue for the escaping slaves to know when to make their escape is clearly indicated in (Option 3) where it states "When the sun comes back and the first quail calls" (Anonymous 1)

2) The points on the map with their references in the song are matched accordingly:

Big Dipper Constellation  - Drinking GourdBig Ohio River- Great Big RiverTombigbee River - River Bank...Road

3) The "band of angels" referred to in "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" (Anonymous 188) are "The conductors of the Underground Railroad helping escaping slaves" (Option 1).

What is the Underground Railroad about?

The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses used by enslaved African Americans to escape to freedom in the northern United States and Canada.

It was not an actual railroad, but rather a series of paths and means of transportation used by abolitionists and other people sympathetic to the cause of ending slavery to help enslaved people escape to freedom. The network operated from the early 19th century until the end of the American Civil War in 1865.

It was called "underground" because it was a secret operation and its participants had to be very careful to avoid detection by slave owners and their agents.

Learn more about the Ohio River:

What is the irony in An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge?


When Bierce reveals at the conclusion of the story that the soldier is actually a "Federal scout," Farquhar falls into the Union's trap because the reader already knows this information but he does not. This is an example of dramatic irony.

Peyton Farquhar and his views are the subjects of two significant examples of irony in "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge." First, when a "gray-clad soldier" first shows up at Farquhar's house and informs him that the Union is reconstructing the railway, Farquhar doesn't ask any questions. As a result of the reader knowing this information but Farquhar does not, he falls into the trap set by the Union when Bierce reveals at the end of the story that the soldier is actually a "Federal scout." This is an example of dramatic irony. Farquhar is further convinced that there are distinctions in military duty but ironically discovers that there are none in his death. He is only able to focus on his wife and kids who he is leaving behind. This ties into his escape fantasy, which has him dying rather than meeting his wife in his arms.

To know more about Irony, refer to this link:



A figure of speech that compares two seemingly unlike things but implies a comparison instead of stating it directly with the word like or as:


A figure of speech that compares two seemingly unlike things but implies a comparison instead of stating it directly with the word like or as  is Simile.

What is Simile?Both poets and prose writers need to use similes as creative devices.To ensure that the reader does not miss the comparison meaning, writers must carefully craft their similes. In actuality, similes, like metaphors, rely on the comprehensible union of a primary phrase and a secondary term. The first term expresses the exact thing being described, and the secondary term adds added meaning symbolically. For instance, "cat's fur" and "silk" are the primary and secondary terms in the simile "the cat's fur felt smooth as silk." The reader's comprehension of the texture of both items is improved through the use of figurative language by making a comparison between the silky feel of the cat's fur and the smooth feel of the cat.

To learn more about Simile refer to:



When the narrator says, “It slows the juices down . . .” he means

A the trip makes him tired and hungry.

B the visit makes him feel depressed.

C the trip gives him something to do.

D the visit changes his pace of life.



A The trip makes him tired and hungry

When the narrator says, “It slows the juices down ” he means the trip makes him tired and hungry. Therefore, the correct option is A.

The narrator chooses the point of view for the story in a fictional work. The narrative is considered to be in the first person if the narrator actively participates in the events of the story. A third-person narrative is one in which the narrator is not one of the characters.

Sometimes, narrators are classed according to how they tell their tale. When the narrator in the example given above says, "It slows the juices down," he means to how exhausted and hungry the trip has made him.

Learn more about Narrator, here:



In June 2011, al-Sharif helped to start a campaign called "Drive Your Own Life." Was this campaign successful? Support your answer with evidence from the text.
Text is Driving my own destiny
By Manal al-Sharif
Information text
Written in 2012


Manal al-Sharif tells that all her life, she has been told the lie and that has been "We are doing this just to protect from the prying eyes of the men.

What is the essay?

In the particular essay, "Driving My Own Destiny", Manal al-Sharif has been claims that all her life she has been told lies. She has been the subject to the over-protective culture which has been induced by the government of her country.

She has told that the government has been banned for the women from the rights of the driving and getting the admission into the engineering schools or sports. The government will not been allow the women to have identity cards with their pictures on them on country.

Therefore, "We are doing this just to protect from the prying eyes of the men.

Learn more about  government on:



What do you think makes K-pop music successful?


Answer: The visuals, vocals, and dance skills. Take the kpop girl group NMIXX for example, when they first debuted mid feb 2022 people were shocked by Sullyoons visual, kyujin, jinni, and jiwoos rap and dance skills, lily and haewons vocal ability, and Baes amazing adlib presentation along with her visual.

Explanation: stan nmixx!!

What are the safety measures in preparing salad?


Before and after handling fresh fruit, thoroughly wash your hands in warm water with soap for 20 seconds. Wash salad, sinks, cutlery, cutting boards, and dishes with hot water.

Before preparing and/or eating lettuce, remove any bruising or damaged regions. Produce that seems to be decaying or mouldy should be thrown away. The likelihood of bacterial cross-contamination increases when raw food contacts or spills onto prepared food, utensils, or surfaces. By hygienically preparing food, you may prevent it. Unless the box specifically states that the contents have been cleaned, clean fruits and vegetables before eating, salad, or cooking. Even if you don't intend to consume the peel, wash or scrub produce under running water. Fruits and vegetables might have germs that are on the peel or skin.

To learn more about salad please click on below link



What are the 6 themes?


AP Global History The "connective tissue" of Modern is comprised of six major topics: people and the environment, cultural connections and advancements, government, economic systems, social interactions and organization, and technology and innovation.

The 6 Themes are :

Good vs. evil.LoveRedemption.persistence and bravery.becoming an adultRevenge.

The most prevalent modern definition of theme is a concept or point that is essential to a narrative and is frequently summed up in a single word (for example, love, death, betrayal).

A theme is a key, overarching concept. As the characters work toward their objectives, the broader problem becomes apparent.

Learn more about to  themes visit here;



Which inferences about Squealer's motivation for usingpropaganda does the passage support? Check all that
He truly believes what he is saying.
He lies to keep the other animals from rebelling.
He does not want to lose his position of power and
He wants to enjoy privileges that the other animals
do not have.
He wants to keep the farm running as smoothly as


The inferences about Squealer's motivation for using propaganda that the passage supports are:

He lies to keep the other animals from rebelling.He does not want to lose his position of power and comfort.He wants to enjoy privileges that the other animals do not have.

In the excerpt from George Orwell's "Аnimаl Fаrm", Squeаler mаkes use of biаsed informаtion to encourаge the pigs' politicаl views аnd hide their reаl intentions. The reаson is thаt they wаnt to live comfortаbly аnd hаve privileges. However, they do not wаnt the rest of the аnimаls to reаlize thаt they аre not like them in stаtus. Thus, Squeаler, who is good аt persuаding others, tells them thаt the wise pigs need to work quietly.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full passage was

It was about this time that the pigs suddenly moved into the farmhouse and took up their residence there. Again the animals seemed to remember that a resolution against this had been passed in the early days, and again Squealer was able to convince them that this was not the case. It was absolutely necessary, he said, that the pigs, who were the brains of the farm, should have a quiet place to work in

- Animal Farm,

George Orwell

For more information about George Orwell's Animal Farm refer to the link:



Which best describes the purpose of the rhetorical questions Kennedy asks in "Among Free Men"?
O They appeal to timeliness, reminding the audience of Martin Luther King Jr.'s death the previous day.
O They support an appeal to logic by suggesting how illogical the use of violence is.
They are an appeal to audience members' sense of right and wrong.
O They appeal to the audience members' emotions by revealing Kennedy's anger.


What best describes the purpose of the rhetorical questions asked by Kennedy is B. The support an appeal to logic by suggesting how illogical the use of violence is.

What are rhetorical questions?

Rhetorical questions are questions that do not need answers. They asked with the purpose of stressing a point and appealing to an audience sense of reason.

In the Kennedy's speech "Among Free Men," examples of rhetorical question are;

"What has violence ever accomplished?""What has it ever created?"

In these two rhetorical questions, Kennedy is trying make his audience see the senselessness in violence. He is doing so by appealing to their sense of reason.

Learn more about rhetorical questions here;



Answer: B



T/F Presenting a speech online is more challenging and time-consuming than delivering an in-person speech.





how has literature taught us about what has changed (or not changed) in the literary voices of writers identifying as citizens of the newly formed u.s.?


Through literature, one can travel through time and learn about life on Earth from those who came before us. We can learn more about cultures and have a deeper appreciation for them.

What can literature teach us about who we are and how others are?

We are exposed to a larger range of emotions through literature. By seeing ourselves in another person's situation, we can learn to change our viewpoint. We gain knowledge about our identities and aspirations. Additionally, we are affected by the second-order effects of our decisions without having to personally experience them.

We all believe that literature is significant. However, many of us steer clear of this genre altogether because we believe non-fiction offers so much more information than literature does. But reading literature isn't at all a waste of time. Actually, literature helps us save time.

To know more about literature visit:



Review the paragraph that begins on page 4 and continues to page 5. What literary technique does Washington use in the underlined phrases on page 4 to help develop the concept that differences must be overcome?


The literary technique that Washington uses is C. He uses repetition to introduce changes that must come for each group.

What are literary techniques?

Literary techniques are specific, deliberate language constructions used by an author to convey meaning. The use of a literary technique by an author usually occurs with a single word or phrase, or a specific group of words or phrases, at a single point in a text.

The simple repetition of a word within a short space of words, with no particular placement of the words to secure emphasis, is known as repetition. It is a multilingual written or spoken device that is commonly used in English as well as several other languages.

In conclusion, the correct option is C.

Learn more about literary technique on:



What is the deepest place a human has been?


The deepest place a human has been the Challenger Deep.

Vescovo announced this week that he completed his final dive on August 24, 2019, plummeting five,550 meters (18,208.sixty six ft) into the Molloy Deep, the bottom point within the icy Arctic ocean, situated some one hundred seventy miles west of Svalbard, Norway.

it is been a document-breaking expedition in extra approaches than one. Vescovo's trip to the Challenger Deep, on the southern quit of the Pacific Ocean's Mariana Trench, again in may additionally, become stated to be the private manned sea dive ever recorded, at 10,927 meters (35,853 ft).

meanwhile, his tour to the lowest of the Molloy Trench marked the primary manned dive to attain to the lowest of the abyss.

Vescovo, who has a naval historical past, told CNN tour earlier in 2019 that his expedition changed into about clinical discovery, but also approximately testing the boundaries of human undertaking.

An ocean is a continuous body of salt water that is contained in an extensive basin on earth's surface. The major oceans and their marginal seas cowl nearly seventy one percent of Earth's surface, with a median depth of 3,688 metres (12,one hundred toes).

Learn more about ocean here :-



select the type of sample that proportionately reflects the relevant diversity of opinions in the population from which it is drawn.


A representative sample is one that fairly captures the pertinent range of viewpoints existing in the population from which it is chosen.

Sampling is the process of deciding which group to draw data from for your study. A subset of a population that makes an effort to faithfully reflect the traits of the wider group is called a representative sample.Researchers can generalize the data they've gathered to a bigger population when they use a representative sample. The majority of psychological and market research studies don't have the time, money, or resources necessary to collect data on everyone. The sample group must encompass the complete population in order for it to be considered representative.

Thus the answer is representative sample.

Refer here to learn more about sample: https://brainly.com/question/29815277


how do gandhi's choices and actions reflect his behavior



Mahatma Gandhi is widely known for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance, which he called satyagraha.

He believed in using non-violent means, such as civil disobedience and strikes, to achieve political and social change.

His choices and actions, including leading boycotts and marches, were driven by his belief in this philosophy.

He also emphasized the importance of personal moral behavior, including truthfulness and self-control, in achieving social and political goals.

Overall, Gandhi's choices and actions reflected his commitment to non-violent resistance and personal moral behavior as a means of bringing about change.


What's the theme tone and style in chapter 7 lightning thief and what is the evidence?


The theme tone and style in Chapter 7 "lightning thief" are often intricate and this is evident because the themes within the story call for a large amount of background knowledge.

What is the summary of lightning thief?

The story titled "Lightning Thief" is a fantasy about a troubled 12-year-old boy "Percy Jackson" who sets out on a hero’s journey of self-discovery. It is written in the first person point of view from Percy’s perspective. He is labeled as a ‘bad kid’ who can’t seem to stay out of trouble, diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD, and has been expelled from multiple boarding schools.

Everything changes for him as he discovers that he is a demigod, the son of the Greek god "Poseidon". Sent to Camp Half­Blood, a camp for other demigod children, he is able to meet kids with whom he is able to connect. He therefore, becomes close over the novel with Annabeth, the daughter of Athena and Grover, a satyr whose job is to protect Percy at all costs.

Read more about lightning thief



Why is it important to become a good citizen?


A good citizen should stay in peace and concord together along with his neighbours and fellow citizens.

He should admire the establishments of his country. A top citizen should usually admire the legal guidelines of the country and must don't have any persistence with criminals and anti-social elements. He should be vigilant in opposition to the enemies of the country. Citizenship is essential for growing a sturdy ethical code in individuals, however it is also essential for growing a safe, supportive society even as defensive democracy, in line with Young Citizens.

Good citizenship is essential in any country, specially in a democracy together with the United States. In international locations wherein humans do now no longer revel in the freedoms that we've got in America, the authorities performs a bigger function in controlling the lives of its citizens.

Read more about citizenship:



Which homophone correctly completes the sentence? (Who's, Whose) responsible for knocking over the dog's water bowl? (Who's, whose) skateboard is by that tree?
(It's, Its) important for you to proofread your writing. Could I please borrow (you're, your) dictionary? The dog was running in circles, trying to catch (it's, its) tail.
(You're, Your) going to sing a song, aren't you? The Martins are trying to sell (they're, their, there) house to the highest bidder.
(They're, Their, There) waiting patiently for the hamburgers to be ready.
Dennis, (who's, whose) father is a teacher, has decided that he would like to be a teacher someday, too. (They're, Their, There) is a fancy restaurant on the corner of Oakley and Waveland Streets. Are you going to (they're, their, there) house after school today? I see that you remembered to bring (you're, your) book to the book club. Jane kicked the soccer ball over (they're, their, there). Sophia can't remember (who's, whose) coming to her birthday party.
Do you think the orphaned rabbit will eat (it's, its) food? Which word provides a context clue that supports your answer?


Who's responsible for knocking over the dog's water bowl?whose skateboard is by that tree?It's important for you to proofread your writing.Could I please borrow your dictionary?The dog was running in circles, trying to catch its tail.You're going to sing a song, aren't you? The Martins are trying to sell their house to the highest bidder.They're waiting patiently for the hamburgers to be ready.Dennis, whose father is a teacher, has decided that he would like to be a teacher someday, too. There is a fancy restaurant on the corner of Oakley and Waveland Streets. Are you going to their house after school today? I see that you remembered to bring your book to the book club. Jane kicked the soccer ball over there. Sophia can't remember who's coming to her birthday party.Do you think the orphaned rabbit will eat its food?

Homophones are words that are pronounced the same way but have got a different meaning. For instance, whose and who's are pronounced the same but the former is used to show ownership while the latter is used as a contraction of the phrase 'who is'

Read more: https://brainly.com/question/8610283


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