What is a learned behavior?
A behavior passed down from parents
A behavior shaped by the environment
A behavior that develops naturally
A behavior that helps an organism camouflage


Answer 1

A learn behaviour is a type of a behaviour shaped by the environment.

What is learned behaviour?

Learned behaviour can be defined as the type of behaviour where by an organism develops a new way of living through life experiences from its environment.

Therefore, a learn behaviour is a type of a behaviour shaped by the environment.

Learn more about behaviour here:



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what is the function of the pupil and Iris​


The iris controls the amount of light that enters the eye by opening and closing the pupil. The iris uses muscles to change the size of the pupil. These muscles can control the amount of light entering the eye by making the pupil larger (dilated) or smaller (constricted).


The iris controls the amount of light that enters the eye by opening and closing the pupil. The iris uses muscles to change the size of the pupil. These muscles can control the amount of light entering the eye by making the pupil larger (dilated) or smaller (constricted)


Hope this help you....But if it's not,im so sorry...

Have a nice day

givein 20 points


Answer: The first graph is -50, the second is 5, the third is 5.


The first graph are three points that goes down, the second graph are three points that goes up, and the third graph is a linear function that has a slope of 5.


cap is only 10


Give THREE examples of an adaptation of an organism and WHY it is considered an adaptation.​



There are three different types of adaptations: Behavioural - responses made by an organism that help it to survive/reproduce. Physiological - a body process that helps an organism to survive/reproduce. Structural - a feature of an organism's body that helps it to survive/reproduce.


what effect does pH of water have on radish seed germination?​



High pH negatively affected the germination rate of seeds from most species, but had no effect on the per cent germination of any of the species. The higher concentration of the nutritious solutions affected negatively the germination level and rate.


A radish seed has a high percentage of germination in PH's 4-12 and a very low percentage of germination in PH 1-3 and PH 13-14.

why is there a need to protct our forests coral reefs and mangrove swamps?​



If we don't protect our forests, they get either get burned or cut down so that people can build more places or more space for crops. If we have little forest, there will be little oxygen in the air and we will die, global warming will also increase. Coral reefs are meant to protect the sea from inhumane acts which pollute the sea and cause marine animals to die, if they die the sea will be very polluted and marine animals might become extinct. Mangrove swamps are a habitat to many different animals, if they are gone the animals will have no habitat to live in and might soon face the consequences of extinction.

Multiple Choice
A student observed bees flying between flowers on a squash vine. after researching this activity, the student learns that bees obtain nectar from the flowers. The pollen from the flowers sticks to the bees and is transported to another flower of the same species, resulting in pollination. The student decides this is an example of mutualism. Which table explains why this relationship is mutualism?



The answer is D


Flowers and bees both benefit from pollination so D

Answer: that should be d


PLEASE HELP HURRY How did the owl get energy from the Sun (made their own energy, ate producers, ate consumers)? THIS IS FOR LIFE SCIENCE


Answer:The owl got energy from producers, like plants

I am sorry if I'm wrong.



ate consumers


owls eat rodents and other small animals which eat producers

Explain the two inheritance patterns of blood type.


Blood type is inherited based on the transfer of alleles from parents to offspring. ... Dominant alleles mask recessive alleles when a person receives both. Of the three possible blood type alleles (A, B, and O), each person receives two - one from each parent - which determines their blood type. (I just looked up ur answer and found it)


Hey guys join pls


1.What is precipitation that is more acidic than normal called?

2.The loss of most vegetation is a prominent cause of desertification. (T or F)

3.If we one part of an ecosystem, can we have an effect on the rest of the ecosystem? Explain.

4.How does human activity impact Earth's systems such as deforestation, urbanization,
desertification, erosion, air and water quality, and alternating the flow of water?



dweqdf ejlff


which body system is repsoible for the production of estorgen in human females



In women, estrogen is produced mainly in the ovaries. Ovaries are grape-sized glands located by the uterus and are part of the endocrine system. Estrogen is also produced by fat cells and the adrenal glands.



Harmful marine debris and oil spills pollute their waters and beaches. Now, climate change is exposing sea turtles to even greater existential threats. ... Warming oceans will change ocean currents, potentially introducing sea turtles to new predators and harming the coral reefs some of them need to survive.

In the 1970s, the pesticide DDT was used to kill insects that damaged fruit and vegetable crops. Most insects died from being exposed to DDT, but some survived. These surviving insects contributed to an increase in their population by



gaining modification in their Gene's which helped them to resist that particular pesticide

These surviving insects contributed to an increase in their population by passing genes for DDT resistance to the next generation.

What is a resistance gene?

In order to survive, bacteria can create mechanisms known as resistance against antibiotics and antifungals. The germ's resistance mechanisms are determined by the specific proteins that DNA instructs the germ to produce. Many different forms of resistance genes can be found in bacteria and fungi.

Once a bacteria have acquired a resistance gene and incorporated it into its DNA, the bacterium can dominate other bacteria and convey the resistance gene to all of its offspring. Bacteria reproduce quickly, which amplifies resistance.

Hence, These surviving insects contributed to an increase in their population by passing genes for DDT resistance to the next generation.

Learn more about resistance genes, here:



The number of wild horses, per square mile, in a prairie, is the horse population
5 points
Birth rate
calculate the Deer population for the





ultiple Choice (1 point each). Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. b. 1. Thick fur on deer is not an example of coevolution. Why? ... d. predation. The number of wild horses per square kilometer in a prairie is the horse populations a. density. c. size. b. dispersion. d. birth rate. 13.

Study Guide
Relationships in Ecosystems/ Human Impact
1. Which of the following is NOT correct?
A population is all the organisms of the same species that live in the same area
b. A community is all the populations of different species that live together in the
same area
A population is all the populations of different species that live together in the
seme eres
d. An ecosystem is all of the living and nonliving things in an area


Huh!??????? What are you saying

Can someone please help me with this question?





the body temperature drops below normal. All the other anwers the body compensates for the thing and stablizes it. The body temperature should incrase but it does not so it is not homoeostatis( which is keeping a balance).

Which of these processes does NOT occur as part of the cell cycle in animal cells? ​


What are the answer choices?

please help! i dont really get this at all



The slope between the red points is 2/4 (simplified it is 1/2). The slope between the green points is 4/8 (simplified it is 1/2). This shows that by taking ANY two points on the line, you will find the same slope.

Give an example of central heating and of local heating.



A central heating system provides warmth to the whole interior of a building from one point to ... Institutional heating systems (office buildings or schools, for example) can use low-grade, inexpensive

An alternative to district heating would be to build a small district heating plant together with your neighbours, which is known as local heating or joint heating. ... The local heating system also includes a network of pipes and a common boiler plant that delivers heat through the pipework to the single-family houses.


-Eijiro <3






Help me please. its with biology i need an answer and why its that answer



It's C. Plants produce oxygen and nutrients via a process known as photosynthesis using water and carbon dioxide

how barometer helps in agriculture


The Ag Economy Barometer will be a comprehensive measure of the health of the agricultural economy. Each month, agricultural producers are surveyed to get a feel for monthly economic sentiment. The results are used to calculate an index

The graph presents information about the climate of Dallas, Texas.

A graph shows average monthly precipitation and temperature for Dallas, Texas. Temperatures rise from January to July and drop between August and December. Precipitation increases from January to May, decreases in June, July, and August, increases again in September and October, and decreases again in November and December.

Which of the following best describes this climate?

A. warm temperatures and rainy weather all year long
B. warm summers, cold winters, seasonal precipitation
C. seasonal temperatures, little precipitation
D. warm, wet summers; cold, dry winters





The statement that best describes the circumstance of this given climate is as follows:

Warm summers, Cold winters, and Seasonal precipitation.

Thus, the correct option for this question is B.

What is Climate?

Climate may be defined as a type of weather conditions that are persuading in any geographical location for a long period of time. In a more simple sense, it is characterized as the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area.

According to the context of this question, the duration between January to July illustrates the rising of temperature which means warm summer.

The duration between August and December, the temperature falls down consistently and gradually which means cold winters.

The months of January to May and September and October represent seasonal precipitation. According to the graph, it understands that the monsoon season comes twice a year with high precipitation.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is B.

To learn more about Climate, refer to the link:


In a DNA molecule, the number of adenine bases equals the number
of thymine bases because thymine on one strand bonds to adenine
on the other strand.
True or false


The answer to the problem is true

It is TRUE that in a DNA molecule, the number of adenine bases equals the number of thymine bases because thymine on one strand bonds to adenine on the other strand.


DNA is composed of nucleotides subunits. There are four nucleotides present in the DNA molecule namely: Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Thymine.

Adenine and Thymine hydrogen bond together while Cytosine and Guanine hydrogen bond together i.e. A-T, G-C.

According to Chargaff rule, the amount of adenine bases equals the amount of thymine bases while the amount of guanine bases equals the amount of cytosine bases.

This is because adenine on one strand of DNA bonds to thymine on the other strand of DNA, hence, they must be in the same amount.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/12683542?referrer=searchResults

How many types of genes are there? Name them.



Where my dear i don't know what you saying


30,000the names of some are BcL2-associated Xprotein and BcL2 antagonist/kil 2 and B-cell CLL/ly mphom2 and brain derived nurotrophic factor

Logging involves people cutting down trees to acquire timber for uses such as building homes and making paper. How would logging affect a pine forest ecosystem? Choose the two that apply.





When logging is applied in pine forest the organisms in the ecosystem as to go to extinction


It would change the plant populations in the area.

It would change the animal populations in the area.




They would have black and white because grey shows up as lavender or blue in a chicken and it can’t be black or white because it says BW that is together so it would have to be black and white


They would have both black and white feathers because codominance means that both genotypes have to be expressed. Gray isn't an apparent (given) trait.

Pls help it’s due in a hour!!
Use Your Art Skills

Draw a picture of something that is in motion. On your picture, label all of the forces that are acting on
the object. Include a description of how each of Newton's Laws are affecting the moving object. Take a
picture of your drawing
Make sure your picture is clear!


I'd draw a car on a hill and explain how you press the gas pedal and gravity helps push the car down the hill, or draw it going up the hill and explain how gravity makes it difficult for the car to make it up the hill.

Which of the following describes erosion caused by glaciers?(2 points)
It forms big ice chunks.
It changes the temperature.
It happens quickly.
It takes a long time.





please help me i don’t know nun of this



A and A





The diagram to the right shows an HIV particle.
What is the function of the glycoproteins on the outside of the virus?
A. to carry genetic material
B. to propel the virus forward
C. to help the virus invade cells
D. to protect the HIV particle from antibodies


im just gonna say I hope and pray that it’s c:/

The function of the glycoproteins on the outside of the virus is to help the virus invade cells (Option C).

What is a virus?

A virus is an entity (not an organism) that is able to infect the cells of a given sensitive host.

A virus is covered by a layer called the coat, which is composed of glycoproteins to infect suitable hosts.

In conclusion, the function of the glycoproteins on the outside of the virus is to help the virus invade cells (Option C).

Learn more on viruses here:



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