How Green Plants Make Food
(a) ______ from the sun, (b) ______, the green coloring in the leaf of the plants combine with (c) _________ from the soil and (d) _________from the air to produce (e) ________ in the leaf. The air that enters the leaf contains carbon dioxide and oxygen. But the leaf needs only the carbon dioxide. Thus, (f) _________is given off as waste product.​


Answer 1



Related Questions

Which of the following statements are true of arteries and veins? (Read carefully and select all of the correct statements.)
A. Venous anastomoses ensure that oxygenated blood will get to tissues.
B. The endothelium of both arteries and veins contributes to the prevention of abnormal clotting.
C. The smooth muscle layer of veins is thicker than that of arteries because veins are farther from the heart.
OD. Only veins have valves, which keep the blood moving between heartbeats.
E. The fibrous connective tissue layer of arteries is relatively thin because the blood is moving fast.
OF Arterial anastomoses ensure that blood will be able to return to the heart.


Answer: B, D


Is this a Med School K Question? The endothelial lining of blood vessels have many functions, including, preventing clotting. Veins carry blood that has very low pressure and have valves to control the one-way flow of blood. The rest are false. Only the pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood. Arteries have more smooth muscles than veins. The anastomoses are present to act as alternative pathways to reach cells.

4. PLEASE HELP!! 25 points!!! (((Timed!!)))


Your correct answer is c
I think the answer would be option C.

Which symbol represents a hybrid?







I think its Aa


Not very good at biology :/

Please answer this



im so so so sorry if this is wrong but im pretty sure its C.


all the others have things they dont

want C. has the best resonings and i definetly

think that   is the answer but i ould check just to be sure :D have a great day

occurs when the population is well below the carrying capacity.
A. Exponential growth
B. Logistic growth
O C. Population crisis
O D. Population crash





When the population is well below the carrying capacity, it results into Logistic Growth.

What is Logistic Growth?

As competition increases and resources become increasingly scarce, populations reach their carrying capacity causing growth rate to slow nearly to zero.

This produces an S-shaped curve of population growth known as the Logistic Curve.

What are the factors determining Carrying Capacity?

Resources important for the survival of the species can act as a factor for Carrying Capacity .Example- For plants , it is water, sunlight, nutrients and space and for Animals- Food, Water, Shelter and Nesting Space.

Limited quantities of these resources results in competition between members of the same population or Intraspecific competition.

Examples of Logistic Growth are:

Yeast - A microscopic fungus can produce S shaped curve when grown in test tube.

Logistic Growth takes place when population's per capita growth rate decreases as population size approaches a maximum imposed by limited resources i.e. the carrying capacity.

Ecologists uses different methodologies for modelling Population Dynamics, amongst which major ones are Exponential Growth and Logistic Growth.

When the per capita rate of increase takes the same positive value regardless of the population size, it results into Exponential Growth whereas the per capita rate of increase decreases as the population increases towards a maximum limit, then we get Logistic Growth.

To learn more about Logistic Growth here


Which of the following does NOT provide biological evidence for the age of the earth?
Fossil Evidence
Molecular Clocks
Radioactive Dating
Comparative Anatomy




Anatomía comparada

which one contains many organelles with different functions prokaryotic cell eukaryotic cell​



Eukaryotic Cell


Eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound organelles, such as the nucleus, while prokaryotic cells do not. Differences in cellular structure of prokaryotes and eukaryotes include the presence of mitochondria and chloroplasts, the cell wall, and the structure of chromosomal DNA.

eukaryotic cells is the answer

Genetic information is stored in which cellular structure?
A. Cytoplasm
B. Chromosome
C. Mitochondrion
D. Golgi body
Really need help on this


The answer is C) chromosome :)
A. Cytoplasm

Explanation: the cytoplasm is where the nucleus is, and within the nucleus is DNA.

in what parts of the cycle do you think phosphorus spends the most time​



what is a phosphorus


7. Apply: Look carefully at the picture below and you will see an insect called a
katydid. Katydids evolved from grasshoppers through natural selection. Use
what you have learned to explain how this could have happened.


Answer: This description is an example of camouflage adaptations.


The grasshoppers are the insects which feed on plant parts and they are able to change their color with respect to their surrounding environment. For example, if they are living on the brown tree trunk they change their color to brown and on the green grass or green leaves they change to green to remain undetected by the predators. This way they are able to camouflage their predators this adaptation allows their survival in their environment with due course of natural selection. The phenotypic trait that is grasshopper is able to change its color increases the chances of survival of the grasshopper. Kaytids have evolved from grasshoppers means they have camouflage traits as that in parent grasshopper species. They have structure which blends with surrounding environment, that is they have wings that mimic that of pattern of leaf venation, also when they change the color to brown the shape of the body appears to be as that of stem. This structural adaptation help them to camouflage their predators.

Charles Darwin observed a unique beak size
and shape in the finch population of each of the Galapagos Islands
Which is the most likely cause of the observed variation?



The Islands had different biomes


They had began to adapt to their surroundings.

The finches variations in the founders finches beaks allowed them adapted to the different niche in their environment. Natural selection allowed those with long, pointy beaks to be able to utilize them to feed on insects. Those with shorter, more powerful beaks were able to feed off of nuts. Over time, the selection forces allowed these traits to become predominant in small groups eventually resulting in speciation. Also, behavioral changes (sleep/wake cycles, nesting patterns, the island the lived on, etc.) contributed to the various species of finches.

which of the following does not affect the rate of photosynthesis a) temperature b) light intensity c) soil d ) water intake



a) temperature


took test and got right

light intensity does not affect the rate of photosynthesis .

what is photosynthesis ?

The process in which plants, algae and certain bacteria use light energy of sunlight, water, carbon dioxide and convert light them into chemical energy and starch. called as photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis occur in special organelles named chloroplast which has its own DNA, genes and hence can synthesize their own proteins.

Chloroplasts have stroma, fluid, and stack of thylakoids known as grana, three types of chlorophyll such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids.

Oxygenic photosynthesis is  commonly observed in plants, algae and cyanobacteria where electrons are transferred from water to carbon dioxide by using light energy, to produce energy,  oxygen is produced along with carbohydrates.

For more details regarding photosynthesis, visit


How are fossil fuels formed from geologic processes?

How are fossil fuels formed from geologic processes?

A. Fossil fuels are formed when mineral deposits are recrystallized due to high temperature and pressure over time.
Fossil fuels are formed when mineral deposits are recrystallized due to high temperature and pressure over time.

B. Fossil fuels are formed when biomass is covered by sediment, and the biomass experiences high temperature and pressure over time.
Fossil fuels are formed when biomass is covered by sediment, and the biomass experiences high temperature and pressure over time.

C. Fossil fuels are formed when tectonic plates slide past one another, creating small rock fragments.
Fossil fuels are formed when tectonic plates slide past one another, creating small rock fragments.

D. Fossil fuels are formed when tectonic plates collide together, forcing rock fragments deep underground.



Fossil fuels are formed when mineral deposits are recrystallized due to high temperature and pressure over time.

Fossil fuels are formed when mineral deposits are recrystallized due to high temperature and pressure over time.


How are fossil fuels formed from geologic processes? Fossil fuels are formed when mineral deposits are recrystallized due to high temperature and...


Fossil fuels are formed when biomass is covered by sediment, and the biomass experiences high temperature and pressure over time. The correct option is B.

What are fossil fuels?

Coal, oil, and natural gas are fossil fuels formed from the remains of dead plants and animals that were buried in sedimentary rock layers millions of years ago.

Over time, these organic materials are subjected to high temperatures and pressure, resulting in the transformation of organic matter into fossil fuels.

These hydrocarbons migrate through the surrounding rock over millions of years and accumulate in underground reservoirs, where they can be extracted and used as energy sources.

Fossil fuel formation is a slow process that requires specific geological conditions such as the presence of sedimentary rocks, high temperature, and pressure.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding fossil fuels, visit:


Using the law of superposition and the principle of cross-cutting relationships, which of the layers of rock in this image is younger than layer C and closest in age to layer C?
A: Layer A
B: Layer E
C: Layer D
D: Layer B



D. Layer B


The correct answer is Layer B.

The law of superposition actually states that the sedimentary rock unit is at the bottom while the the youngest rock is at the top.  The principle of cross-cutting relationships states in layers of rocks, a fault or intrusion that cuts through rock layers is younger than the rocks that it cuts through.

Layer B was actually formed after Layer C. This makes Layer B younger than Layer C and closest in age to Layer C. The intrusion, Layer D is the youngest of all.




mendels law of independent assortment



Mendel's law of independent assortment states that the alleles of two (or more) different genes get sorted into gametes independently of one another. In other words, the allele a gamete receives for one gene does not influence the allele received for another gene. Let's look at a concrete example of the law of independent assortment.


Which of the following best describes how independent assortment results in inherited variations within a species and how it contributes to evolution?

A Independent assortment results from the copying of DNA during cell division and causes variations that are sometimes beneficial to a species

B Independent assortment results from the binary fission of a single cell and causes mutations that can be beneficial or harmful to a species

C Independent assortment occurs during mitosis and causes uncontrolled cell division which is harmful to a species

D Independent assortment occurs when chromosomes separate during meiosis and causes variations that can be beneficial or harmful to a species



D Independent assortment occurs when chromosomes separate during meiosis and causes variations that can be beneficial or harmful to a species


During meiosis, the homologous chromosomes separate and segregate independently of each other. This process is referred to as 'independent assortment'. In consequence, different gene variants or 'alleles' localized in homologous chromosomes segregate independently of each other during gamete formation, thereby one particular gamete has an equal probability to carry either of these segregating alleles. Independent assortment generates genetic variation in the gametes, which can be beneficial or deleterious in a given environment.

The option that best describes how independent assortment results is D Independent assortment occurs when chromosomes separate during meiosis and causes variations that can be beneficial or harmful to a species

What is independent assortment ?

Independent assortment is a phenomenon that occurs during meiosis, which is the process of cell division that produces gametes (sex cells). During meiosis, the chromosomes are randomly sorted into the gametes. This means that the alleles (different forms of a gene) on different chromosomes can be inherited together or separately.

This random assortment of alleles can lead to new combinations of traits, which can be beneficial or harmful to a species.

Find out more on independent assortment at


Wrong answers only!! What are 3 sustainable tourism takes into account



• robing

• playing h&s

• Hw


How did Burger King get Dairy Queen pregnant?


they where like McDonald's they broke the icecream maker

Conifers produce seeds in flowers?​


In conifers the seeds develop in the female cone. In flowering plants, once the pollen grain reaches the ovary the ovules are fertilized. The petals drop off and a fruit begins to form around the developing seeds.
Hope It Helps U
Please Mark As Brainliest
Yes I’m pretty sure they do , not 100% sure tho .

Ileana crossbreeds two purebred plants, one with dark blue flowers and one
with white flowers. Weeks later, she discovers that all of the offspring have
dark blue flowers. Ileana determines the

A. white flower allele is dominant
B. white flower allele is not inherited
C. dark blue allele is recessive
D. dark blue allele is dominant




Explanation: it is dominant because the plants didnt show and white

What does this model represent


did you attach a photo? i cant see anything.

What happens when you change the material through which a wave travels?



Changing the material will speed up or slow down the wave depending on the index of refraction of the material.

Sally, 9-year-old girl, just did an awesome backflip on her trampoline. Instead of landing in a similarly awesome manner, she miscalculated and landed on her neck. Sally stood up with pain in her neck and does not appear to be able to extend her left arm very well. An x-ray shows a fracture of her C6 vertebrae that is compressing down on her C7 vertebrae impacting the spinal nerve located between C6 and C7 vertebrae. Which spinal nerve did Sally likely injure



The C7 spinal nerve


The C7 spinal nerve exits on each side through the intervertebral foramen between the C6 and C7 vertebrae. The C7 spinal nerve has both a sensory root which is composed of sensory fibers and a motor root. This nerve is required to control motor functions including shoulder movement (i.e., adduction, abduction and rotation). The C7 dermatome is a region of skin that receives sensory inputs from the C7 spinal nerve.

living in an unhealthy community will lead to. ​



if you mean dirty or not cleaned in a while then you can get sick from the lingering germs, and you can get sick or die if something like a gas pipe has rusted open from not being cleaned. there are many other examples.

Living in an unhealthy community will lead to sicknesses and diseases, and it would spread way easier too, if there are no healthcare professionals around the area.

To approximate the actual concentration of enzymes in a bacterial cell, assume that the cell contains equal concentrations of 1,000 different enzymes in solution in the cytosol and that each protein has a molecular weight of 100,000. Assume also that the bacterial cell is a cylinder (diameter 1.0 m, height 2.0 m), that the cytosol (specific gravity 1.20) is 20% soluble protein by weight, and that the soluble protein consists entirely of enzymes. Calculate the average molar concentration of each enzyme in this hypothetical cell.



2.4 × 10⁻⁶ M


Molar concentration = no of moles of solute (enzymes)/volume of solvent(cystosol)

Let V = volume of solvent = volume of cystosol = πd²h/4 where d = diameter of cell = 1.0 m and h = height of cell = 2.0 m

Concentration of enzymes, C = n/V where n = no of moles of enzymes

Also, n = m/M where m = mass of all enzymes and M = molecular weight of protein = 100,000

Note that the solvent for the enzymes is cystosol, since they are dissolved in it.

Density of cystosol,ρ = specific gravity of cystosol in g/cm³ = 1.20 g/cm³.

Now, ρ = m'/V where m = mass of cystosol and V = volume of cystosol

m' = ρV

m' = 1.20V

Given that 20 % of the cystosol is protein and all protein are enzymes, the mass of enzymes is thus m = 0.2m' = 0.2 × 1.20V = 0.24V

C = n/V

= m/MV

= 0.24V/100000V

= 2.4 × 10⁻⁶ mol/cm³

= 2.4 × 10⁻³ mol/dm³

= 2.4 × 10⁻³ M

This is the concentration of all the 1000 enzymes.

So, the concentration of one enzyme is 2.4 × 10⁻³/1000 M = 2.4 × 10⁻⁶ M

true or false with reason :- partner firm is a non trading concern​





A partnership firm can be said to be a trading business with a maximum limit of ten partners involved in the purchase and sale of goods and services.

What most likely caused a rock formation?

A. Wind erosion over many years

B. Erosion by waves over many years

C. The rock was chipped away by animals

D. High temperatures that melted the rock


i believe that it is D
B. Erosion by waves over many years

Select all that apply.
Which of the following qualities do responsible adults possess?


reliability, punctuality, patience
the answer is all of them.

You gain health benefits from exercising for a minimum of
a 10 minutes three times a week
b. 10 minutes two times a week
C 20 minutes three times a week
d. 20 minutes two times a week
Please select the best answer from the choices provided
ооо »



c. 20 minutes three times a week


Exercising is very important, becuase it improves your health and reduce the risk of developing several diabetes, cancer and many other terrible other effects. Physical activity and exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Regular activity can improve your quality of life.

Go out and exercise! Even if it's just yoga!

Hope this really helps!


C.20 Minutes Two Times A Week


Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a genetic disease caused by the inability to break down the amino acid phenylalanine. If untreated it leads to severe mental disabilities. PKU is due to a recessive allele. Assume that the US population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with respect to this gene. In the US the PKU rate is 1 out of every 10,000 babies born. What percent of the US population have no alleles for PKU



Therefore, 98% of the US population have no alleles for PKU


The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium states that the amount of genetic variation in a population will remain constant from one generation to the next in the absence of disturbing factors.

The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is expressed quantitatively using a mathematical equation known as the Hardy-Weinberg equation. the equation is given below:

p² + 2pq + q² = 1

also, p + q = 1

Given a pair of alleles, S and s with A dominant and a recessive

where p is the frequency of the dominant allele in the population,

q is the frequency of the recessive allele in the population,

p² represents the frequency of the (SS)  dominant genotype,

q² represents the frequency of the (ss) recessive genotype,

2pq represents the frequency of the heterozygous genotype

From the given question,

q² = 1/10000 = 0.0001

q = 0.01

from p + q = 1

p = 1 - 0.01 = 0.99

p² = 0.98

Therefore, 98% of the US population have no alleles for PKU

Earth’s rotation caused surface currents in the Northern Hemisphere to

A. Curve Clockwise

B. Move in straight lines

C. Curve Counterclockwise

D. Move in diagonal lines


Answer: A or C

Hope it helps
the answer is A because earth rotates on its axis, circulating air deflecting towards the right in the northern hemisphere so if it is going right it is clockwise:)
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