what information should the nurse provide to a client who is requesting a prescription for an amphetamine to lose weight?


Answer 1

Amphetamines carry a high risk of dependence and abuse.

Amphetamine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), narcolepsy, and obesity. It is also a popular recreational drug. Amphetamine was discovered in 1887 and comes in two forms: levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine.

Stimulants prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is used as a study aid, to keep you awake, and to suppress your appetite. Adderall®, Concerta®, Dexedrine®, Focalin®, Metadate®, Methylin®, Ritalin® are all prescription medications.

When eight subjects were given d-amphetamine sulphate before going to bed, the percentage of sleep time spent in REM periods (the rapid eye movement, low voltage EEG stage of sleep) was significantly lower than when no drugs were given.

To learn more about amphetamines, here



Related Questions

the nurse is planning care for the spiritual needs of a patient who has been newly diagnosed with a chronic illness. which are appropriate nursing interventions for the spiritual care of this patient? (select all that apply.)


shared smiles, shared sobs, Praying beside the sick while also listening to them is the nursing interventions for the spiritual care of this patient by nurse.

Interventions with a religious or existential focus, such as helping people discover life's meaning and purpose are known as spiritual interventions. Psychotherapy, meaning-focused meditation, and spiritual counseling are a few examples of spiritual therapies. The recommendation, prayer, active listening, facilitation & validation of clients' feelings and ideas, communicating acceptance, and imparting hope were the most commonly mentioned nursing interventions. A nurse recognize the patient's pain and take action to reduce it by being compassionate. Encourage prayer that is introspective as a way to overcome current sorrow and suffering. Let the sufferer express their fear and fury verbally. Aid the patient in overcoming remorse and instilling hope (Villagomeza, 2005).

(The nurse is assessing spiritual needs for a patient who has been newly diagnosed with a chronic illness. Which are appropriate nursing interventions for the spiritual care of this patient?

Select all that apply.

A. Shared laughter

B. Shared tears

C. Listening to the patient

D. Administering medication

E. Praying with the patient

F. Ambulating the patient)

Learn more about nurse



the nurse assessing the vital signs of a newly delivered patient obtains a blood pressure of 117/63 mmhg and a pulse of 72 bpm. the nurse notes the baseline blood pressure and pulse on admission were 132/74 and 84. which priority action should the nurse take?


The nurse will help the person to Close your mouth and nostril and lift the strain for your chest.

The main reason behind the increase in blood pressure and pulse rate is due to: Hypertension is a common clinical problem and a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Elevated heart rate is associated with elevated blood pressure, increased risk for hypertension, and, among hypertensives, increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

The role of nurse in this is she will allow the person to breathe in for five-eight seconds, keep that breath for 3-five seconds, then exhale slowly. Repeat numerous times. Raising your aortic strain on this manner will decrease your coronary heart rate.

To learn more about blood pressure check the link below:



a nurse teaches a client and care partner about cholinesterase inhibitors. which statement will the nurse include in the teaching?


Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite can be prevented or reduced by starting with a low dose.

When administering medications to older adults, it is imperative to start with lower doses and increase the doses slowly. Exelon is less likely to interact with other drugs and may be safer and better tolerated in people. It will continue and other medications may be added. The effectiveness of cholinesterase inhibitors is diminished significantly if it is stopped and then restarted

Cholinesterase inhibitors work by slowing the breakdown of acetylcholine. They are used to treat Alzheimer's and dementia symptoms. This activity discusses the indications, mechanism of action, and contraindications for cholinesterase inhibitors in the treatment of dementia disorders, as well as other uses in other specialties. This activity will also highlight the mechanism of action, adverse event profile, and other important factors.

They are a class of drugs that inhibit the normal breakdown of acetylcholine (ACh) into acetate and choline, thereby increasing the levels and duration of acetylcholine action in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are used for a variety of purposes. Their most common application is in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Lewy body dementia.

To know more about the Cholinesterase, here



a client asks the nurse why the health care provider prescribed orlistat instead of another weight-loss drug. the nurse explains that an advantage of orlistat over other weight-loss products is:


The nurse says that lowering blood cholesterol levels is one benefit of orlistat over other weight-loss medications.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and triglyceride levels in a person's blood make up their serum cholesterol level. Triglycerides are a particular kind of fat that contain cholesterol. A person's risk of contracting diseases like heart disease can be determined by their serum cholesterol level.

If there is an excessive amount of cholesterol in circulation, it may combine with other chemicals to produce deposits (plaques) that build up on the artery walls. An artery may become clogged or constricted as a result of plaque. A blood clot may develop if a plaque ruptures. Blood clots and plaques can lower an artery's blood flow.

To learn more about orlistat, refer:-



dr. hollis conducted a clinical interview of his client and gave the client a number of response inventories to complete. he provided both categorical and dimensional information when diagnosing the client. what information did he likely provide?


When diagnosing his patient, Dr. Hollis conducted a clinical interview and gave the patient a number of response inventories to complete. He most likely provided the category of the disorder and severity rating.

A clinical diagnostic interview is another reliable method of determining the extent of and/or diagnosing mental illness (CDI). The SCID consists of a set of standardised questions, whereas CDIs require a dialogue or narrative between the mental health practitioner and the patient. A diagnosis is the process of determining what is causing a patient's symptoms. A doctor will interview the patient, conduct a physical exam, and weigh the results of other diagnostic tests in order to make a diagnosis. The best course of action can be decided upon once a diagnosis has been made.

Learn more about diagnosing here



after teaching a group of nursing students about upper gastrointestinal system drugs, the instructor determines that the teaching was successful when the students correctly choose which drug as a gastrointestinal stimulant?


D) Metoclopramide (Reglan). Drugs known as gastrointestinal stimulants promote gastrointestinal smooth muscle motility without purgative effects.

These medications all work to expedite the movement of the gastrointestinal tract's contents despite having various methods of action. Diabetes patients who experience the symptoms of gastroparesis, or a delayed emptying of the stomach, are treated with methoclopramide. It functions by causing the stomach and intestines to contract more often. It eases symptoms like loss of appetite, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and a post-meal feeling of fullness. The main influences on stomach emptying are brought about by the actions of incretins, mainly GIP, GLP-1, and PYY, as well as the pancreatic, duodenal, and gastric orexigenic hormones motilin, glucagon, and amylin.

The complete question is:

After teaching a group of nursing students about upper gastrointestinal system drugs, the instructor determines that the teaching was successful when the students identify which of the following as a gastrointestinal stimulant?

A) Ranitidine (Zantac)

B) Misoprostol (Cytotec)

C) Omeprazole (Prilosec)

D) Metoclopramide (Reglan)

Learn more about Metoclopramide



the healthcare provider prescribes thiamine hcl 0.03 grams im tid for a client with beriberi. thiamine is available for injection 100 mg/ml


Using the conversion as known: As 0.03 gramme equals 30 mg, 1 gramme equals 1000 mg. Next, utilising the formula

Desired / Have x 1 ml:

= 1 ml x 30 mg/100 mg

= 0.3 ml

Thiamine Thiamine, a vitamin necessary for aerobic metabolism, cell development, the transmission of nerve impulses, and the creation of acetylcholine, comes in the hydrochloride salt form.

Thiamine deficiency is a disease that leads to beriberi in susceptible individuals (vitamin B1). Wet Beriberi, which affects the circulatory system, and dry Beriberi, which affects the neurological system, are the two main kinds of the disease.

Can the beriberi virus cause death?

Due to the potential for heart failure or nervous system degradation, beriberi can be fatal if untreated.

To know more about thiamine , visit:



which type of research study represent the nurse designing and conducting an informational health campaign .


Evaluation research is the type of research study that represents the nurse designing and conducting an informational health campaign.

A program, practice, or policy's effectiveness is tested through evaluation research. The nurse is conducting a health education campaign and tracking the campaign's results, which suggests that she is performing an evaluation.

A sort of disciplined and methodical inquiry known as evaluation research is carried out to arrive at an assessment or appraisal of a product, program, practice, activity, or system with the aim of delivering data that will be useful in decision-making.

Determining whether a method has succeeded in achieving a goal or producing the intended outcomes is the major goal of an evaluation study. The process of developing a product includes an evaluation study in its entirety.

To learn more about Evaluation research visit: https://brainly.com/question/10199786


a nurse is providing care for a patient whose pattern of laboratory testing reveals longstanding hypocalcemia. what other laboratory result is most consistent with this finding?


The nurse is providing care for a patient whose pattern of laboratory testing reveals long standing hypocalcemia. An elevated parathyroid hormone level test will reveal most consistent with the same finding.

In primary hyperparathyroidism, the parathyroid glands expand, which results in an overproduction of parathyroid hormone. This results in erratic calcium levels in the blood, which can lead to a number of medical issues. PTH or vitamin D problems are the most frequent causes of low serum calcium values. A reduction in serum ionized calcium due to calcium binding in the vascular space or calcium deposition in tissues, as can happen with hyperphosphatemia, are two other reasons of hypocalcemia.

The complete question is:

A nurse is providing care for a patient whose pattern of laboratory testing reveals longstanding hypocalcemia. What other laboratory result is most consistent with this finding?

A) An elevated parathyroid hormone level

B) An increased calcitonin level

C) An elevated potassium level

D) A decreased vitamin D level

To learn more about hypocalcemia click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/29493910


question at position 17 the nurse is caring for a 71-year-old client who experienced a humeral fracture in a fall. the client is receiving an opioid for pain control. which principle of pain management for an older adult should the nurse apply?


A 71-year-old customer who fell and fractured his humerus is being cared for by the nurse. For pain management, the client is given an opioid. Pain management is based on a personalized, balanced approach.

Since there is no one-size-fits-all method to treating pain, the American Society for Pain Management Nursing (ASPMN) states that "pain management should be administered with a customized, balanced approach." In order to relieve their patients' pain, pain management nurses must employ a variety of therapeutic methods. Even while clients could require more and higher doses of opioids, they are not addicted. A senior citizen who fell and fractured her humerus has been receiving periodic pain assessments from the nurse. For a client this age, use the nursing procedure for pain treatment.

Learn more about pain management here



the program supplies vouchers for purchasing supplement foods and provides nutrition education for low-income and at-risk pregnancy or lactating women and for their at-risk young children. a. food stamps b. wic c. meals on wheels d. frc


The program WIC supplies vouchers for purchasing supplement foods and provides nutrition education for low-income and at-risk pregnancy or lactating women and for their at-risk young children.

Thus, the correct answer is B.

What is the WIC program?

WIC stands for women, infants, and children. WIC attempts to safeguard the healthcare of low-income women, infants, and children up to the age of five who are at risk of malnutrition by providing nutritious meals to supplement diets, education on healthy food, and referrals to health care. The WIC program serves pregnant women, breastfeeding women, postpartum mothers who aren't nursing, infants, toddlers, and children up to the age of five. 

Learn more about the WIC program here: brainly.com/question/19731252


a client is scheduled for a colonoscopy in the morning. what laxative would the nurse expect to be prescribed the evening before the procedure?


Polyethylene glycol-electrolyte solution would be prescribed in evening before the procedure of colonoscopy in the morning.

A colonoscopy is a test performed to check for abnormalities in the large intestine (colon) and rectum, such as enlarged, irritating tissues, polyps, or cancer. A long, flexible tube called a colonoscope is introduced into the rectum during a colonoscopy.

The nurse should assess for the potential cause of the patient's constipation and appropriately individualize the treatment and patient education. The nurse should document an abdominal assessment that includes discomfort, distention, and decreased bowel sounds.

Hence, before a colonoscopy, the colon (large intestine) is emptied with polyethylene glycol-electrolyte solution (PEG-ES).

To know more about  Alimentary canal.



a family brings the client to the emergency department in an unconscious state with a head injury. the client requires surgery to remove a blood clot. what would be the appropriate nursing intervention in keeping with the policy of informed consent prior to a surgical procedure?


In accordance with the policy of informed consent prior to a surgical procedure, the nurse should ensure that the patient's family signs the consent form for the patient who needs surgery to eliminate the blood clot.

What exactly is "informed consent"?

Informed consent is a communication process that occurs between you and your health care practitioner and typically results in agreement or authorization for care, treatment, or services. Before surgeries and treatments, the patient is entitled to obtain information and ask questions. The patient will be asked to confirm that they comprehend the purpose of the surgical process and that they grant their consent for the procedure. Although this may seem like a formality, it ought to be taken seriously.

Learn more about informed consent here: brainly.com/question/28504600


a client diagnosed with heart failure has been prescribed a 2 gm sodium diet. which food choices selected by the client would indicate to the nurse that the client understands this diet?


A client diagnosed with heart failure has been prescribed a 2 gm sodium diet. Fresh foods include things like chicken, fish, dry and fresh beans, eggs, milk, and yogurt, simple rice and pasta would indicate to the nurse that the client understands this diet.

When the heart muscle is unable to pump blood as effectively as it should, the result is congestive heart failure, also referred to as heart failure. This frequently causes blood to pool and fluid to build up in the lungs, which can lead to shortness of breath. Sodium diet, some cardiac conditions, such as coronary artery disease (coronary artery disease) or high blood pressure, cause the heart to eventually become too weak or stiff to fill and pump blood adequately. With the right care, heart failure symptoms and signs can be reduced, and some people may even live longer. Your quality of life can be improved by making lifestyle changes including losing weight, getting more exercise, cutting back on salt (sodium) in your diet, and managing stress. Heart failure, however, poses a risk to life. People with heart failure may experience severe symptoms, and some may require a ventricular assist device or a heart transplant (VAD).

To know more about sodium diet please refer: https://brainly.com/question/29384673


if a patient has a creatinine clearance of 90 ml/min, a urine flow rate of 1 ml/min, a plasma k concentration of 4 meq/l, and a urine k concentration of 60 meq/l, what is the approximate rate of k excretion?


0.06 meq/min will be the approximate rate of k+ excretion at creatinine clearance of 90 ml/min, a urine flow rate of 1 ml/min.

let given,

creatinine clearance = 90 ml/min

urine flow rate = 1 ml/min

                        = 0.001 L/min    

plasma k concentration = 4 meq/l

urine k concentration = 60 meq/l

K+ excretion rate = urine K+ concentration  × urine flow rate

                             =  60 meq/l x 0.001 L/min                      

                             = 0.06 meq/min.

learn more about creatinine clearance here



during a 26-week gestation prenatal exam, a client reports occasional dizziness...what intervention is best for the nurse to recommend to this client? a. elevate the head with two pillows while sleeping b. lie on the left or right side when sleeping or resting. c. increase intake of foods that are high in iron d. decrease the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.


Correct option is A. While sleeping, raise the head using two pillows.

How long is the gestation period?

The time during which an embryo, and eventually a fetus, develops inside viviparous animals is known as the gestational period. Although certain non-mammals also experience it, it is usual for mammals.

Trimesters are used to categorize pregnancies; the first trimester lasts from week one to week twelve. From week 13 through the end of week 26, the second trimester is comprised. Week 27 of the pregnancy till the end of the third trimester.

Pregnancy's third trimester can be taxing and painful. Here are some tips for easing symptoms as well as anxiety when your due date draws near. Pregnancy's third trimester can be emotionally and physically taxing. The position and size of your infant could make it hard for you to get comfortable.

To learn more about Gestation click the link below:



which statements are accurate with regard to preceptors and mentors? select all that apply. preceptors serve as role models. mentors are nurses who provide instruction to their mentees. the use of mentors can benefit nurses across all levels of practice and/or experience. preceptors typically are viewed as advanced beginners. mentored relationships are considered to be long-term in nature. group of answer choices 1, 3, and 5. 1, 4, and 5. 2, 3, and 5. 3, 4, and 5.


Statements are accurate with regard to preceptors and mentor are preceptors serve as role models the use of mentors can benefit nurses across all levels of practice and/or experience so option 1 and 3

What is the difference between mentorship and preceptorship?

To accommodate the mentee's evolving demands, the mentor-mentee relationship should develop through time. Preceptor-student relationships, in contrast to mentor-mentee ones, are planned; neither the student nor the preceptor gets to pick the other. The most effective mentorships are those that grow naturally and are genuine. They are voluntary, continuing relationships. Preceptorships have a set duration—the duration of orientation—and are prearranged.

Effective nursing preceptors should have the following qualities:

Excellent interpersonal and instructional skills

Knowledge of evidence-based best practices and the capacity to promote a secure learning environment

dedication to lifelong learning in the workplace

outstanding clinical judgment and decision-making abilities

Therefore statements are accurate with regard to preceptors and mentor are preceptors serve as role models the use of mentors can benefit nurses across all levels of practice and/or experience.

To know more about preceptors from the given link



a nurse is assessing a client who has a fever, has an infection of a flank incision, and is in severe pain. what type of pulse rate would the client most likely exhibit?


The pulse rate of the client most likely exhibits Tachycardia.

A nurse is someone who is educated to present care to individuals who are unwell or injured. Nurses work with doctors and other health care people to make patients nicely and to preserve their suit and healthy. Nurses also help with end-of-life needs and help another circle of relatives participants with grieving.

The number one role of a nurse is to be a caregiver for patients by way of handling bodily wishes, stopping infection, and treating health situations.

Nurses listen to and understand the concerns of their patients—which is important for evaluating conditions and growing treatment plans.

Learn more about Nurse here:-https://brainly.com/question/14465443


a nurse is preparing to administer insulin to the client. which interventions should the nurse perform before administering each insulin dose?


A nurse is preparing to administer insulin to the client. Inspect the previous injection site for inflammation. The nurse perform before administering each insulin dose.

The quantity of glucose in your blood at any one time is regulated by the hormone insulin, which is produced by your pancreas. Additionally, it aids in storing glucose in your muscles, fat, and liver. It also controls how your body uses proteins, lipids, and carbs.

Upon digestion, carbohydrates provide glucose, a sugar that serves as the body's main energy source. The bloodstream then receives glucose. Insulin, which is produced by the pancreas in response, enables glucose to enter the body's cells and give energy.

To know more about Insulin here



what data gathered from the client during the nursing history might indicate the greatest potental for hearing loss


Frequent episodes of otitis media during childhood.

Hearing loss affects people of all ages and is caused by a variety of factors. Sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, and mixed hearing loss are the three main types of hearing loss.

One of the most common causes of hearing loss is loud noise. Noise from lawn mowers, snow blowers, or loud music can cause permanent hearing loss in the inner ear. Tinnitus is exacerbated by loud noise.

A middle ear infection (also known as acute otitis media) is an infection of the air-filled space behind the eardrum that contains the tiny vibrating bones of the ear. Ear infections are more common in children than in adults.

To learn more about hearing loss and otitis, here



the health status of the american population is poor in international comparison, which is evidence that all the spending on medical care cannot compensate for failures in the public health system. t or f


True, the health status of the american population is poor in international comparison.

What are the major problem in US healthcare system?

The United States has improved consumer experience and healthcare during the past ten years. However, a recent poll found that only 7% of Americans are happy with the way things are now with healthcare. Six out of ten people from various political backgrounds think that the healthcare system need reforms or a full overhaul, demonstrating that the demand for change even cuts across party lines.

The general opinion of American healthcare hasn't altered much since 1994 either. According to a Gallup survey, seven out of ten people believe that the existing healthcare system is "in a state of crisis" or has "serious difficulties," and this opinion has been held for almost thirty years.

Preventable medical errors, low admissible mortality rates, a lack of transparency, difficulty finding a good doctor, high costs of care, a lack of insurance coverage, a shortage of nurses and doctors, and inefficiencies are the eight main issues with the American healthcare system.

Read more about US healthcare system:



when reviewing the health history, the client indicates that he has a persistent cough that is nonproductive, difficulty breathing, and night sweats. what condition is manifested by these characteristics? group of answer choices a. acute adrenal insufficiency b. asthma c. tuberculosis d. common cold


Tuberculosis is represented by a nonproductive persistent cough and night sweats; consultation with a physician is indicated for diagnosis.

Thus correct option (c).

Feelings of illness or weakness, weight loss, a fever, and night sweats are all common signs of TB disease. Chest discomfort, bloody coughing, and coughing up debris are other signs of TB lung disease. The location of the infection determines the symptoms of TB illness in different body areas.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the bacteria that causes tuberculosis (TB). Although the TB germs typically assault the lungs, they can also affect the kidney, spine, and brain. Not every person who contracts the TB germs gets ill.

Learn more about Tuberculosis to visit this link



the 6-month-old baby has a cyanotic congenital heart defect. the nurse knows that a cyanotic congenital heart defect is associated with which symptom?


The 6-month-old baby has a cyanotic congenital heart defect. the nurse knows that a cyanotic congenital heart defect is associated with Normal adaptation involves the body decreasing the oxygen supply to peripheral tissue.

Tetralogy of Fallot is a rare disorder caused by the confluence of four congenital heart anomalies. It is pronounced "teh-TRAL-uh-jee of fuh-LOW" (congenital). These structural issues with the heart allow oxygen-poor blood to seep out of the heart and into the rest of the body. Children and infants with tetralogy of Fallot generally display skin that is tinged blue because their blood does not contain enough oxygen. Tetralogy of Fallot is frequently identified either immediately after birth or when the kid is still a newborn. Depending on the severity of the anomalies and symptoms, tetralogy of Fallot can occasionally go unnoticed until adulthood. The degree of blood flow restriction determines the specific tetralogy of Fallot symptoms. The following are some of the warning signs and symptoms: Blue skin hue is a result of low blood oxygen levels (cyanosis). To prevent gradual weight gain, breathe quickly and deeply, especially when eating or exercising. Easily exhausted while playing or exercising irritation and continuous heart flutters painted nail beds on the fingers and toes that are round and uneven (clubbing).

To know more about heart please refer: https://brainly.com/question/16566688


the anthrax vaccination has been licensed by the fda for more than 30 years. the nurse knows that the centers for disease control and prevention recommends this vaccination for which populations? (select all that apply.)


The FDA has granted the anthrax vaccination a license for more than 30 years. The nurse is aware that this immunization is advised for military personnel, laboratory workers, and those who handle imported animal products by the centers for disease control and prevention.

You can inject the anthrax vaccination intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The deltoid muscle in the upper arm is the ideal location for intramuscular injections. For subcutaneous injections, the optimum injection location is the disease control above for the deltoid muscle. Certain laboratory employees who work with anthrax vaccination . Some people work with animals or animal products, such vets who work with disease control in animals.

learn more about disease control here:



a client is receiving home health services after having a stroke and being hospitalized. after a thorough assessment of the home environment and the client, what would indicate to the nurse that there is an impairment in the client's home management?


A client with a stroke is receiving home health services. The nurse suspects that there is an impairment in the client’s home management when: the client’s caregiver is absent whenever the nurse visits and the client is often left alone.

How to properly assist a client with a stroke at home?

As a caregiver, it is really important to always accompany the client. They could not be left alone as a stroke attack may happen at any time. There are some tips to do as a caregiver:

Make sure the environment is safe and clear. Place all items that could potentially be dangerous such as sharp objects or cleaning chemicals in a secured place.Offer help and encourage the client to accept the help.Help prevent injuries that may result from the client’s inability to determine distance and depths.

Hence, we can conclude that the client’s home management is impaired when they left the client alone most of the time.

Learn more about stroke here https://brainly.com/question/28297314


why is a question about the amount of radiation a patient will receive during a specific x-ray procedure difficult to answer


1) because the recieved dose in X ray is measured in a number of different units. 2) because scientific units for radiation dose are not comprehensible by the patient.

The received dose is specified in a number of different units of measure, and the scientific units for radiation dose are typically not understandable by a patient. As a result, it may be challenging to provide an accurate response to a question about the amount of radiation a patient may receive during a specific x-ray procedure. Everyone is exposed to radiation from safe sources including mobile phones, microwaves, radon, and cosmic rays. Monitoring of exposure is necessary because higher-energy short-wave radiation from numerous occupational sources can disrupt and infiltrate live cells, increasing the risk of cancer. The type and complexity of the surgery, the patient, any past radiation exposure, the operator, and the fluoroscopic equipment are only a few of the variables that might affect the radiation dosage to the patient.

The complete question is:

Why is a question about the amount of radiation a patient will receive during a specific x-ray procedure difficult to answer?

1) because the recieved dose is measured in a number of different units

2) because scientific units for radiation dose are not comprehensible by the patient

3) because the patient should not receive any information about radiation dose.

Learn more about X-ray



the nurse is collecting a nursing history from a preoperative client who is to receive local anesthesia. while taking the admission history, the client reports an allergy to lidocaine. what is the nurse's priority action?


the nurse's first priority move Let the anesthesiologist know.

Interventions with a religious or existential focus, such as helping people discover life's meaning and purpose are known as spiritual interventions. Psychotherapy, meaning-focused meditation, and spiritual counseling are a few examples of spiritual therapies. The referral, prayer, active listening, facilitation & validation of clients' thoughts and ideas, communicating acceptance, and imparting hope were the most commonly mentioned nursing interventions. Recognize the patient's by the nurse pain and take action to reduce it by being compassionate. Encourage prayer that is introspective as a way to overcome current sorrow and suffering. Let the sufferer express their fear and fury verbally. Aid the patient in overcoming remorse and instilling hope (Villagomeza, 2005).

Learn more about nurse



which condition would the nurse document in a postpartum patient who talks continuously about the labor experience?


The nurse would document Taking-in phase.

The postpartum period, also known as the puerperium and the "fourth trimester," is the time after birth when the physiologic changes associated with pregnancy are reversed.

There is no single cause of postpartum depression, but these physical and emotional factors may play a role. The dramatic drop in estrogen and progesterone after giving birth could be a factor. Other hormones produced by your thyroid gland may also fall sharply, leaving you tired, sluggish, and depressed.

Labor contractions typically cause discomfort or a dull ache in your back and lower abdomen, as well as pelvic pressure. Contractions travel in a wave-like motion from the top to the bottom of the uterus. Contractions are described by some women as severe menstrual cramps.

To learn more about postpartum and labor, here



while talking with a schizophrenic client, the nurse observes that the client is looking straight ahead, maintains no eye contact, and shows no facial expression, even though the client is telling the nurse about a very emotional episode the client just experienced with a roommate. when describing the client's affect, the nurse documents it as what?


While describing the client's affect, the nurse would document the behavior as it is flat.

Schizophrenia is the mental disbalance due to which the patient perceives reality in the way which does not exist. They tend to create a separate world of their imaginations of their own and may act weird, aggressive or sometimes lonely. This condition is caused due to some past trauma faced by the person. Such people suffer from delusions, hallucinations and disorganized verbal communication. Flat affect is a symptom of other conditions. The nurse must be aware that the clients perceive a others' feelings through their nonverbal communication, such as facial expressions, caress touch and heartfelt voice etc.

Learn more about schizophrenia at:



a client with respiratory depression is administered an opioid antagonist by the nurse. what ongoing assessment should the nurse perform when prioritize?


According to question, Level of consciousness and respiratory rate should be assessment should the nurse perform when prioritize .

In order to avoid an opioid-induced respiratory arrest, naloxone is typically given to patients who have respiratory depression brought on by oversedation. Patients who take long-acting opioids and those who receive neuraxial morphine intraoperatively are more likely to be at risk for developing chronic respiratory depression.

Opioids cause respiratory depression by activating -opioid receptors at particular locations in the central nervous system, such as the pre-Bötzinger complex, which is a region of the pons responsible for creating respiratory rhythms.

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