determine the due date and the amount of interest due at maturity on the following notes. assume 360 days per year. item date of note face amount interest rate term of note a. october 1 $21,000 8% 60 days b. august 30 9,000 10% 120 days c. may 30 12,000 12% 90 days d. march 6 15,000 9% 60 days e. may 23 9,000 10% 60 days item due date interest a. $fill in the blank 2 b. $fill in the blank 4 c. $fill in the blank 6 d. $fill in the blank 8 e. $fill in the blank 10


Answer 1

The determination of the due date and the amount of interest due at the maturity of the following notes are:

         Due Date   Interest

a.        Nov 29       $280

b.        Dec 28       $300

c.        June 28      $360

d.        May 4         $225

e.        July 21        $150

How are the due dates and interests computed?

For the due dates, we add the terms of the notes to their calendar dates.

The due dates represent when the maturity of the notes occurs for repayment of principal and interest.

The interest due is computed by multiplying the principal by the interest rate and term of note divided by 360 days.

Year = 360 days

Item  Date of note    Face     Interest    Term      Due Date   Interest

                               Amount     Rate

a.        October 1     $21,000      8%      60 days    Nov 29      $280

b.        August 30       9,000     10%     120 days   Dec 28      $300

c.        May 30          12,000      12%      90 days   June 28     $360

d.        March 6        15,000       9%      60 days    May 4        $225

e.        May 23          9,000      10%      60 days    July 21       $150 ($9,000 x 10% x 60/360)

Learn more about computing the maturity due date of notes at


Related Questions

when individuals in a sample of 150 were asked whether or not they supported capital punishment, the following information was obtained.


When individuals in a sample of 150 were asked whether or not they supported capital punishment, the following information was obtained. The calculated test statistic is equal to 4.

How to solve for the test statistic

First we have to get the expected value. The expected value based on its probability distribution, describes the long-term average level of a random variable.

We have Ei = ∑x/n

x = 150

n = 3

= 150 / 3

= 50

n = 3

Next is the test statistics

We would have to solve for (Oi-Ei) and (Oi-Ei)²

40 - 50 = -10, -10² = 100

60 - 50 = 10, 10² = 100

50 - 50 = 0, 0 ² = 0

Next we have to solve (Oi-Ei)²/Ei

100 / 50 = 2

100 / 50 = 2

0 / 50 = 0

The test statistic = 2 + 2 = 4

Hence we have that the calculated value of the test statistic from the sample is 4.

Read more on test statistic here:


When individuals in a sample of 150 were asked whether or not they supported capital punishment, the following information was obtained.

Do You Support

Capital Punishment?

Number of


Yes 40

No 60

No Opinion 50

We are interested in determining whether or not the opinions of the individuals (as to Yes, No, and No Opinion) are uniformly distributed.

Refer to Exhibit 11-1. The calculated value for the test statistic equals

the capability maturity model integration is (cmmi) is: group of answer choices a process improvement approach. a cost savings approach. a risk management approach. a project closeout approach.


The capability maturity model integration is (cmmi) is a process improvement approach. The Option A is correct.

What is the Capability Maturity Model Integration?

The model Integration refers to a process and behavioral model that helps organizations streamline the process improvement and encourage productive, efficient behaviors that decrease risks in software, product, and service development.

This integration is was developed by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University as a process improvement tool for projects, divisions, or organizations. The DoD and U.S. Government helped develop the CMMI which is a common requirement for DoD and U.S. Government software development contracts.

In conclusion, the model Integration is designed to help improve performance by providing businesses with everything they need to consistently develop better products and services.

Read more about CMMI


The management of kunkel company is considering the purchase of a $27,000 machine that would reduce operating costs by $7,000 per year. at the end of the machine’s five-year useful life, it will have zero salvage value. the company’s required rate of return is 12%.
a. Determine the net present value of the investment in the machine.
b. What is the difference between the total, undiscounted cash inflows and cash outflows over the entire life of the machine?


1) The net present value of the investment in the machine is (-1,767).

2) Over the course of the machine's lifetime, there will be an $8000 discrepancy between cash inflows and outflows that hasn't been discounted.

Capital budgeting is a method by which a business determines whether a project is worthwhile. This method assesses the prospective project or investment's profitability. It evaluates the investment's potential profits and hazards. There are various ways to evaluate a project in capital budgeting. Some of the methods include internal rate of return, payback period, and net present value.

1. Calculation of the net present value of the investment:

Year   Cash Flows       Present Value         Present Value

                                     Factor (12%)

(a)              (b)                     (c)                              (b * c)

0           (-$27000)                 1                        (-$27000)

1                 $7000                 0.8929                  $6250

2                $7000                 0.7972                   $5580

3                $7000                 0.7118                     $4982

4                $7000                 0.6355                   $4449

5                $7000                 0.5674                   $3972

        NET PRESENT VALUE                              (-$1767)  

As a result, the machine's investment has a net present value of (-1,767).

According to the information provided in the question, the device would save running expenses by $7,000 a year; as a result, it creates an annual cash inflow. The cash flows for each period of the machine's life are multiplied by the value according to the specified discounting factor. The machine's net present value is ($1,767), which is a negative number. As a result, the machine investment plan shouldn't be approved.

2) Over the course of the machine's lifetime, determine the difference between undiscounted cash inflows and cash outflows as follows:

Difference = Undiscounted Cash Inflows - Undiscounted Cash Outflows

Difference = $35000 - $27000

Therefore, the difference = $8,000

Calculation of the undiscounted cash inflows:

Undiscounted Cash Inflows =  Cash Inflow during each year * Number of periods (years) of cash inflow

Undiscounted Cash Inflows = 7000 * 5 = $35,000

Therefore, during the course of the machine's lifetime, there will be an $8 000 discrepancy between undiscounted cash inflows and cash outflows.

The period of cash inflows and the cash inflow for each period are multiplied to determine the undiscounted cash inflow. The undiscounted cash outflow, or the machine's acquisition price, has been set at $27,000. By subtracting the cash outflow from the undiscounted cash inflows, the difference between the two is computed.

To know more about Capital Budgeting, refer to this link:


a fixed budget, also known as a static budget, has resources allocated on a single estimate of costs. that budget amount ______.


A fixed budget, also known as a static budget, has resources allocated on a single estimate of costs. that budget amount cannot be adjusted over time

A fixed budget is one that does not adjust or flex to account for volume increases or declines. a fixed A fixed budget is one that does not adjust or flex to account for volume increases or declines. A static budget is another name for a fixed budget.

However, there are numerous drawbacks to using a fixed budget. For instance, sales predictions made by management are frequently off. Because it is so difficult to forecast future demand and industry growth, forecasted figures rarely coincide with actual numbers over an extended period of time. Unfortunately, comparisons of performance, capacity, and profits cannot be made between the actual results and the budgeted expectations if the anticipated statistics are not precise enough.

Know more about the fixed budget at:


the analysis, planning, acquisition, handling, and control of the merchandise investments of a retail operation is termed:


The analysis, planning, acquisition, handling, and control of the merchandise investments of a retail operation is termed: merchandise management.

Retail depends on a ton of frameworks to expect and follow through on client interest as well as catch conceivable unconstrained needs too. To do this, the idea of merchandise management is utilized to help meed the requirements of clients as best as could be expected. Merchandise management utilizes an arrangement of classifications and orders to coordinate things available to be purchased in such a manner where organization purchasers and organizers can undoubtedly follow and guess what is well known with clients and what probably won't be.

Sorts of Merchandising

Merchandising is classified into various sorts:

Item - Boosting the acquisition of a solitary item founded on its bundling or show

Retail - Show of items inside an actual store

Advanced - Driving traffic on sites to the items that are wanted

Visual - The general tasteful of a store's presentation as well as how different items will help a customer

Onmichannel - A hybrid of computerized and actual that considers deciding business sector interest

Every one of these kinds has a comparative objective to each other to the extent that selling item, however their procedures can be different in light of the need. In retail merchandising, the need to stress specific items implies that stores should be planned and arranged in a manner where customers will be attracted to specific things in a store. This should be possible by making people walking through, appealing visual shows, and making a need to get going around the item.

to know more about merchandise click here:


what was one of the primary shortcomings of the classical model of economics that forced economists in the 1930s to devise their own theories?


Classical macroeconomists focused on the long-run effects that monetary policy would have on the aggregate price level, ignoring many of its short-run effects on aggregate output.

What is macroeconomist?Macroeconomics is a department of economics managing performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an financial system as a complete. For example, the use of hobby rates, taxes, and authorities spending to adjust an financial system's increase and stability. This consists of regional, national, and international economies. Macroeconomists take a look at historic tendencies with inside the complete financial system and forecast destiny tendencies in regions inclusive of unemployment, inflation, monetary increase, productivity, and investment. Financial Economists take a look at the cash and banking gadget and the outcomes of growing hobby rates. Even eleven though deliver and call for applies to each fields of economics, Macroeconomists is primarily based totally at the tendencies of shoppers and sellers, in which Macroeconomists specializes in the numerous cycles of an financial system, inclusive of quick and long time debt cycle, and enterprise cycles.

To learn more about macroeconomist from the given link :


An outstanding check is one that has been issued but not yet reported on a bank statement by the bank.
a. True
b. False


An outstanding check is one that has been issued but not yet reported on a bank statement by the bank is True.

A pending check is a check that has been written but has not yet been reported to your bank statement by the bank. The bank requires the signature card to be signed by the person authorized to sign. The first document in the electronic transmission is the memorandum.

A check is unpaid if the payee has not cashed or deposited the check. This means that the payer's bank account has no balance and will not show up on the month-end bank statement. Since the check is unpaid, it means that it is a liability to the payer. A drawn check that has not yet been credited to the bank for payment.

Learn more about Bank statements here:-


______consists of all the activities concerned with obtaining money and using it effectively.


Financial Management

we introduced gdp, gnp, unemployment rate, employment rate, the labor force, inflation rate, cpi - consumer price index. which one do you think is the most important, least important, most inaccurate measure, and accurate measure.


The measurements of economics:

Most important - GDP, GNP

Least important - Inflation rate

Most accurate - GDP, Labor force

Least accurate - CPI, Unemployment rate

Physical, nominal price value, and fixed price value are the types of measurements used in economics. These metrics vary from one another depending on the variables they measure and the variables they do not include in their calculations. Quantity, quality, and distribution are the measurable factors in economics. A physical measurement can quantify a variable's amount while maintaining its integrity. Utilizing a physical measure assumes that the measurement object's quality has been determined and continues to be homogeneous. The measurement yields data that are difficult to understand if the presumption of unchanged quality is not met.

To learn more about economics click here


For each market, determine whether each market is likely to have sufficient barriers to entry to allow individual firms to make positive economic profits in the long run. Classify each market as possessing sufficient barriers to entry or not possessing sufficient barriers to entry. Sufficient barriers to entry No significant barriers to entry Answer Bank the market for lawn-care services the market for wireless telecommunications (such as mobile phone service) the market for sport-utility vehicles the market for aspirin


The markets that have adequate entrance barriers are the market for wireless telecommunications, sport-utility vehicles or don't have enough entry barriers are market for lawn-care services and aspirin.

The wireless telecommunications industry is a shining example of a sector with high enough entry barriers. This is due to the high cost of installing the network towers and other necessary equipment to run telecommunication networks. Therefore, the cost of admittance is a barrier.  

The demand for sport-utility vehicles, which may be pricey to construct, is the same. Additionally, consumers are familiar with the brands of the firms in the market because it doesn't need a lot of expertise or specific equipment, the market for lawn care services has minimal entry barriers.

Thus, the market with barriers and without any entry barriers are listed in the description.

Learn more about Market, here:


which calculation helps managers compare an organization's productivity, profitability, and financing mix with other similar entities?


Ratio analysis helps managers compare an organization's productivity, profitability, and financing mix with other similar entities.

What is Ratio analysis?

Ratio analysis is the study or analysis of a line items included in the company's financial statements. It may be used to evaluate a number of aspects of a firm, including profitability, liquidity, solvency, and operational effectiveness.

Ratio analysis is the study of several financial data points seen in a company's financial statements. There are primarily five broad categories of ratios, such as liquid assets, solvency ratios, profitability, efficiency ratios, and coverage ratios, which are used to analyze the company's finances and the trend of the company's results over years. These ratios serve as indicators of the performance of the company.

To know more about Ratio analysis, visit:


an analyst is interested in assessing both the efficiency and liquidity of spherion plc. the analyst has collected the following data for spherion: fy3 fy2 fy1 days of inventory on hand 32 34 40 days sales outstanding 28 25 23 number of days of payables 40 35 35 28 problems based on this data, what is the analyst least likely to conclude? a. inventory management has contributed to improved liquidity. b. management of payables has contributed to improved liquidity. c. management of receivables has contributed to improved liquidity


Analysts least likely to assess that handling of receivables has enhanced liquidity.

How does liquidity work?

The ability of a corporation to convert assets into cash or to get money a loan or cash in the bank—to meet its short-term liabilities or obligations is known as liquidity. How much money, and how quickly, could your company access if it had to settle its debts today

What constitutes a liquid example?

Because it is the easiest asset to use, cash is regarded as the most liquid. Money might be in the form of coins, bills, or the balance in a checking or savings account. Cash is highly helpful for paying for urgent necessities and expenditures, such as rent and emergency savings.

to know more about liquidity visit:


refer to the data below. this firm is: * 1 point captionless image a) selling its product in a purely competitive market. b) selling its product in an imperfectly competitive market. c) hiring workers in a purely competitive market. d) hiring workers in an imperfectly competitive market.


The firm is (a) selling its product in a purely competitive market and  (c) hiring workers in a purely competitive market.

The inverse of perfect competition is a form of the market called imperfect competition. Compared to markets with ideal competition, these marketplaces are more realistic. Imperfect competition can take many different forms, including oligopoly, monopoly, monopsony, and monopolistic competition. These markets have products that are either inconsistent or lack close substitutes.

Due to the fact that the product pricing is the same for all units, the company is (a) selling its product in a market that is only competitive and (c) hiring employees in a market that is only competitive. Only in the ideal circumstance of a competitive market can this occur.

To know more about perfect competition, refer to this link:


if carnival cruise lines spent $700 million on upgrading its entire ship fleet, what stage would they be in according to the crisis life cycle? g


According to the crisis life cycle, if Carnival Cruise Lines invested $700 million in renovating its entire ship fleet, it would be in the Recovery stage. Thus, the correct answer is the Recovery stage.

What are crisis response and recovery?

During this stage, the emphasis is on returning to normalcy and restarting everyday operations. During the recovery period, communication focuses on post-crisis counseling and restoration to pre-crisis policies and operations.

The Crisis Event Response and Recovery Access Framework are aimed at assisting state, municipal, and regional efforts to ensure the safe travel and access of vital response and recovery resources prior to, during, and after calamities. Every crisis has six stages: (1) warning; (2) risk assessment; (3) reaction; (4) management; (5) resolution; and (6) recuperation. This is the fifth of six subject briefings that will look at a specific crisis stage, identify specific concerns, and suggest doable remedies.

To learn more about pre-crisis policies, click


The eu passed a carbon tax on what international commodity (that they ultimately overturned due to its unpopularity)?


Travel international good was subjected to a carbon price that the EU eventually repealed due to public unpopularity.

Finland was the first nation in the world to enact a carbon tax in 1990. Since then, carbon taxes have been implemented in 19 European nations, ranging from less than 1 per metric ton of carbon emissions in Poland and Ukraine to more than 100 in Sweden, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland.

The implementation of carbon pricing is the issue, not the concept as written. Economists contend that for a carbon price to be successful, it must be high enough to make polluters liable for the externalities they cause. Additionally, all economic sources of carbon emissions must be covered.

Read more about ultimately overturned at


At year-end (December 31), Chan Company estimates its bad debts as 1% of its annual credit sales of $487,500. Chan records its Bad Debts Expense for that estimate. On the following February 1, Chan decides that the $580 account of P. Park is uncollectible and writes it off as a bad debt. On June 5, Park unexpectedly pays the amount previously written off. Prepare Chan's journal entries for the transactions.


Chan Company calculates that as of year's end (December 31), its bad debts were 1% of its $487,500 in annual credit sales. Chan keeps track of its bad debt costs.

What is fiscal period?

Chan records the cost of bad loans for that estimation. Chan makes the decision to close P's $580 account on February 1st of that year. Let's first define what is meant by "bad debt." When a corporation goes to prepare at the end of the fiscal period, this happens occasionally. Chan reports the estimate as a bad debt expense. Chan determines that P. Park's $580 account is uncollectible on February 1 of the following year and writes it off as a bad debt. On June 5, Park pays the sum that had been written off unexpectedly. Create the transactions in Chan's journal entries.

To learn more about bad debt from given link


What Is the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure or Credit Card Act of 2009?


The law requires perpetual lending practices and enhanced consumer disclosures limits related consumer fees and charges increases related penalties and restricts and limits the issuance of credit cards to minors and students. Amend the Lending Truth Law to establish protection.

The CARD Act also introduced rules for young adults wishing to open a credit card account and set a general minimum age of 21 for opening a credit card without a co-signer. You can pay off your credit card debt. Cryptocurrency news. personal finance news.

Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights Act of 2009 prohibits a creditor from increasing the Annual Percentage Rate applied to the existing balance of outstanding credit on his card account unless specific conditions apply To, correct the truth of the lending law. Definitions of the Credit Card Accountability Liability and Disclosure Act of 2009.

Learn more about Credit Card Act here:-


If a business decides to act outside of the prevailing ethical norms of that community:_________
1) It risks damage to its reputation and ill will.
2) There really is no risk to businesses since the community really needs the business to survive.
3) It only has to worry about the legal implications of its actions.
4) It takes the chance the law will impose fines against it.
5) There should be no concerns because the business can move to another community if it needs to.


If a business decides to act outside of the prevailing ethical norms of that community It risks damage to its reputation and ill will.

The corporation may risk losing its reputation with the public at large even if the authorities do not penalize it for violating ethical standards. There are times when unethical actions go unpunished because they are legal but unethical.

Business ethics addresses moral quandaries or problematic circumstances that a company may encounter. Corporate ethics often includes a set of rules and practices that promote consumer trust. Minimum wage requirements, restrictions on insider trading, and environmental regulations are only a few examples of business ethics that are partially codified in the law. The corporate ethics of a company, on the other hand, can be significantly impacted by management style, which has effects on the entire business.

To learn more about Business visit:


a mutual fund that invests in investment-grade corporate debt with maturities between 3 and 10 years is called a(n)


A  mutual fund that invests in investment-grade corporate debt with maturities between 3 and 10 years is called a small-cap fund.

A significant amount of the investable corpus of small-cap funds is placed in equity or equity-related securities of small-cap enterprises. Small-cap plans are required by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to invest at least 80% of their total assets in small-cap firms. Additionally, SEBI classifies small-cap businesses as those whose market capitalization ranks them below the 250th position. These are businesses with a market capitalization of fewer than 500 crores of rupees.

It's vital to remember that small-cap funds are very risky. The share prices of small-cap companies can be significantly impacted by even the smallest amount of market volatility. These stocks do, however, have a great potential to provide spectacular gains.

To know more about  mutual funds click here,


an agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct. t or f


An agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct. This statement is true.

An agency relationship is a relationship where someone appoints someone else to carry out duties for them. The agency relationship definition is a relationship between two entities, a principal and an agent, where the principal gives the agent legal permission to act on the principal's behalf. A common scenario of an agency relationship is when someone hires an attorney to perform legal work for them.

In this instance, the agent has legal permission to carry out what is needed for the principal.

Learn more about agency relationships here:


What are the 5 steps to open a bank account?


The steps to open a bank account are:

Have an identity card or registry of identity.To have a proof of address in the name of the account holder.To have a telephone number.To have an e-mail address.In case of being a foreigner, to have a legible and valid passport.

What is a bank account?

It is a financial contract that a person or a company has with a bank that is managed virtually or physically, bank accounts are intended to store the financial income of individuals in order to manage them.

It should be noted that a bank account can be opened for current or savings accounts, depending on the person's benefit.

Learn more about bank accounts in:


the board of directors declared cash dividends totaling $1,200,000 during the current year. the comparative balance sheet indicates dividends payable of $250,000 at the beginning of the year and $100,000 at the end of the year. what was the amount of cash payments to stockholders during the year? $fill in the blank 1


The amount of cash payments to stockholders during the year. Calculating the total amount of cash payments as follows, to stockholders: = Cash plus the initial balance of the dividend payable dividend declared - final dividend balance payable $1,350000.

= $250,000 + $1,200,000 - $100,000

= $1,350,000

To determine how much money will be paid in cash to We included the cash dividend for investors. declared, then subtract the final balance of dividend will be paid on the initial balance of dividends due Cash dividends to stockholders represent the aggregate amount received by a company's shareholders in a given year. Included in it are the debts owed to in addition to cash, to them at the beginning of the year. throughout the year. dividends due at the start plus dividends for

the final dividends for the year43,200 + 160,000- 38,900 = $164,300.

To know more about Stockholders visit:


Levine's argument about Reconstruction in the excerpt differs from that of Langguth in that Levine argues (Two excerpts end of Reconstruction)


Levine's discussion of the reconstruction in the excerpt differs from Langs' in what Levine claims that Northern Republicans withdrew their support for Reconstruction policies.

What impact did the Laws of Reconstruction have?

On March 2, 1867, Congress overruled President Andrew Johnson's veto and passed the four laws known as the Reconstruction Act "outlining what the former Confederate states must do to rejoin the United States". Congress was dominated by Republicans, many of whom wanted to punish Southern secession.

These laws divided the former Confederate states, except Tennessee, into five military districts and established processes for re-entry into the United States.

What is the plan for reconstruction?

Reconstruction achievements include the South's first state-funded public school system, fairer tax laws, laws against racial discrimination in public transportation and housing, and an ambitious economic development program ( (including subsidies to railroads and other projects).

To learn more about Reconstruction Act visit:


Which of these describe groups or pairs of projects where you can accept one but not all?Group of answer choicesMutually exclusive.Normal.Independent.Contingent.


Mutually exclusive describe groups or pairs of projects where you can accept one but not all.

What do you mean by project?

A project is just a set of activities that must be completed in order to achieve a certain goal. A project may also be described as a collection of inputs and outputs required to achieve a certain objective. Projects can be simple or complex, and they can be managed by a single individual or one hundred.

An unusual project is what?

A "amazing concept" is one that differs from any other project for which the application firm has received prior financing from this program by introducing a novel product, service, or procedure.

To know more about project visit:


what was the price per pound of december cotton at the end of this trading day? contract high low close chg may, coffee, 37,500 lbs., cents per lb 138.00 135.50 137.15 2.20 dec, cotton, 50,000 lbs., cents per lb 80.59 78.85 80.63 .27


The price per pound of December cotton at the end of this trading day will be: 80.63 .27

Futures are a kind of subordinate agreement to trade a particular product asset or security at a set future date at a set cost. Futures contracts, or just "futures," are traded on futures trades like the CME Gathering and require a money market fund that is supported to trade futures.

A futures contract includes both a purchaser and a vendor, like a choices contract. Not at all like choices, which can become useless at termination, when a futures contract lapses, the purchaser is committed to purchase and get the hidden asset and the vendor of the futures contract is committed to give and convey the fundamental assets.

to know more about assets, equity and debt click here:


a firm's promotion mix refers to the combination of different promotional tools used to persuade consumers to participate in an exchange. a firm's promotion mix refers to the combination of different promotional tools used to persuade consumers to participate in an exchange. false true


The given statement that a firm's promotion mix refers to the combination of different promotional tools used to persuade consumers to participate in an exchange is true .

Marketing mix in marketing strategy :

Product, price, location, promotion comes in it. A marketing mix is the set of controllable, tactical marketing tools a company uses to get the desired response in its target market. This includes everything companies can do to influence demand for their products.

includes the following types:

Promotional MixesMedia MixesProductionsSales, Etc.

Promotional Mixes are specific combinations of promotional tools that companies use to communicate with their audiences. Promotion mix refers to all decisions related to the promotion of a product or service. Elements of the promotional mix include advertising, promotions, personal sales, and public relations.

To learn more about Promtion mix , refer:


A zero-based budget is a budget that is continuously updated so that the next 12 months of operations are always budgeted.
a. True
b. False


A zero-based budget is one that is continuously updated to account for the upcoming 12 months of operations. The statement is false.

What Is a Budget Based on Zero?

Peter Pyhrr, a former account manager at Texas Instruments, invented zero-based budgeting in the 1960s. Zero-based budgeting, in contrast to traditional budgeting, starts at zero and justifies each spending for a reporting period. Instead of the incremental budget increases observed in standard budgeting, zero-based budgeting starts from fresh and analyzes each individual demand of the business.

What Benefits Can Zero-Based Budgeting Offer?

Zero-based budgeting has many benefits as an accounting technique, including targeted operations, decreased expenses, budget flexibility, and strategic execution. Managers become more aware of the top revenue-generating operations when they consider how each dollar is spent.

To learn more about zero-based budget here:


what bi tool is used to determine the effect of assembly line worker age and experience on the quality of the finished good?


Microsoft, a renowned provider of software, offers Power BI, one of the most well-liked BI solutions.

What is BI tools used for?Business intelligence (BI) tools are classes of software programs that collect and analyze large amounts of unstructured data from internal and external systems, including books, journals, documents, medical records, pictures, files, emails, videos, and other business sources. Even if there are other programs that offer formulae and pivot tables, Excel is one of the most used BI tools. Its simplified learning curve and welcoming interface are major contributors to its success.Intelligence in sales. The point at which your firm interacts with customers is a crucial application of BI.Visualization. A variety of data analytic tools are used by business intelligence software to evaluate and manage data pertaining to your company's activities.

To learn more about Business intelligence refer,


an employer can eliminate a worker’s medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the worker’s employment.


An employer can not eliminate a fundamental policies  on the voluntary termination of the worker’s employment.

These basic rights are proportional to a worker’s duty to make the workplace as comfortable and employee-friendly as possible. These rights safeguard the workers from discrimination based on age, gender, race or religion, protect their interest and entitles them with the right to privacy and fair remuneration.  

The employment laws in India lay down several provisions to safeguard the interest of employees, some of which are not applicable to all the employees working in different sectors. For instance, there are no specific laws that governs the rights and obligations of employees / workers working in the private sector.

To learn more about the Employee's law


an example of codes of environmental conduct that have been developed by and for specific industries include:


Examples of environmental conduct rules created by and for certain sectors include: The principles of the equator in industry.

Industry: a collection of profitable businesses or organizations that create or provide products, services, or income sources. The four main categories of industries in economics are primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary; secondary industries are further divided into heavy and light categories. Industries are typically grouped based on the products and services they offer. For instance, all manufacturers who create and sell pizza on the market are included in the pizza industry. It is significant to remember that in order to be considered a member of the pizza industry, a producer must sell the goods they produce on the open market.

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Please help me whats the answer 60 people attend a game night. Everyone chooses to play chess, a two-player game, or cribbage, a four-player game. All 60 people are playing either chess or cribbage.1.Complete this table showing some possible combinations of the number of each type of game being played:he equation. Enter only 1 term in each blank.2.Write an equation to represent the situation illustrated in the table3.There are 3 more games of cribbage being played than games of chess being played. Write an equation to represent this relationship. 4.Solve the system of equations you just wrote. There were chess games, and cribbage games. I need help with this answer pleaseeeeee A testable idea about a set of observations or natural phenomenon. musician christine mcvie has died at 79. which rock band was she a longtime member of? Fill in the blank with the missing French number in the series. zro, trois, six, ______. if the fed wanted to expand the money supply as part of an antirecession strategy, it could a college student is thinking about running an ice-cream truck over the summer. what would economists say is the student's main objective? 21 The opening of dormant capillaries in exercise does all of the following except A) Increase total muscle blood flow B) Deliver a large blood volume with only a minimal increase in blood flow velocity C) Decrease heart rate D) Increase the effective surface for gas and nutrient exchange si international had a fcfe of $122.1m last year and has 12.43m shares outstanding. si's required return on equity is 11.3%, and wacc is 9.8%. if fcfe is expected to grow at 7.0% forever, the intrinsic value of si's shares is F. Why would a linear function describing an investment made at a bank have a minimumvalue but no maximum value? Explain your reasoning. machine learning is the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. which of the following are categories of machine learning? check all that apply The nervous system plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis. List, in order, the basic steps that describe how the nervous system carries out this task. Petra is working on a project with a team of engineers. She checks in with each team member and discusses what progress they are making, talks about challenges they face, and helps resolve any conflict issues that arise. What role is Petra playing on this team? What characteristics of the mixed economic system differ from the command economic system? When a nucleus of 235U undergoes fission, it breaks into two smaller, more tightly bound fragments. Calculate the binding energy per nucleon for 235U and for the fission product 137Cs . Find the measure of the missing angles? Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Read the excerpt. Then choose the correct words to complete the sentences that follow. Prime minister robert walpole helped make the office what it is today. He is also remembered for maintaining britons' confidence through a series of financial setbacks involving risky overseas investments. Walpole also kept the peace as the day's rival political parties, the whigs and the tories, argued over the direction of the country. The were mainly conservative and pro-nobility. The were more liberal and often sided with the rising middle class. What are the two forces that every bridge knows well? which company acts on behalf of more than 200 universities, bowls, and conferences to negotiate licensing agreements?