What happens to Centripedal force on the planet around a star if the radius of an orbit is doubled ? assume that velocity remains the same A) the Centripedal force will be half of its original value B) the Centripedal force will be double its original value C) the Centripedal force will be 1/4 of its original value D) the Centripedal force will not change


Answer 1

We will have the following:

We know that:


If we double the radius, then:

[tex]F_c=\frac{mv^2}{(2r)}\Rightarrow F_c=\frac{1}{2}\frac{mv^2}{r}[/tex]

So, the centripetal force will be half of its original value. [Option A]

Related Questions

What is the power of a heater that has resistance 48 and operates at 240v



Resistance of the heater, R=48 ohm

Voltage , V=240 V

To find

The power of the heater


The power is given by


Putting the values,

[tex]P=\frac{240^2}{48}=1200\text{ W}[/tex]


The power is 1200 W

how much work is required to stop an electron which is moving with a speed of 1.10x10^6m/s


Work required to stop an electron which is moving with a speed of 1.10x10^6m/s is [tex]-\frac{3.971}{5^{19}\cdot \:1048576}[/tex]

What is electron?

There are three main types of particles in an atom: protons, neutrons, and an electron that is bonded to an atom. For a variety of reasons, electrons are different from other particles. They possess both wave-like and particle-like properties, exist outside of the nucleus, have a substantially lower mass than protons. A particle that is not composed of smaller parts is an electron, which is also an elementary particle. They are not elementary particles because quarks are assumed to make up protons and neutrons.

We can solve the problem by using the work-energy theorem: in fact, the work done on the electron must be equal to its change in kinetic energy, therefore


[tex]W=\frac{1}{2} mv^{2} - \frac{1}{2} mu^{2}[/tex]


m=9.11 × 10⁻³¹kg  is the mass of the electron

v  is the final velocity of the electron

u is the initial velocity of the electron

In the problem, we are told that the electron is initially moving at,

v = 1.90×10⁶ m/s

Therefore, the work required to stop it as

W = -1/2 mv²

W = -1/2 (1.10×10⁻³¹)(1.90×10⁶)²

[tex]W= -\frac{3.971}{5^{19}\cdot \:1048576}\\[/tex]

and the work is negative since it is in the opposite direction to the motion of the electron.

To know more about Electrons, visit:



What is the main purpose for learning about significant figures in science and/or technology courses? Give a detailed answer without plagiarism.


The significant figure of a value or measurement is the number of important digits that it contains

The main purpose for learning about significant figures in science and/or technology courses is precision of measurements.

In science and technology experiments and reseaches, we always want to ensure that measured values are as close to the true values as possible. This is because any deviation from the true value can invalidate the result of the experiment. Also, errors due to repeated approximations can have cummulative effects on the experimental results.

Therefore, the knowledge of significant figures is useful in science and technology to be able to record values of experimental measurements as close as possible to the actual value.

What happens to parallel light rays that pass through a thin convex lens?They remain parallel. ⊝They all bend, deflecting in the same direction. ⊝They converge at the focal point on the opposite side. ⊝They diverge as though originating from the same-side focal point.


Convex and concave lenses deviate the trajectory of light rays that pass through them, as the following diagram shows:

Therefore, the answer is:

[tex]\text{They converge at the focal point on the opposite side.}[/tex]

An astronaut drops two pieces of paper from the door of a lunar landing module. One piece of paper is
crumpled, and the other piece is folded into an airplane. Why do the two pieces of paper land on the Moon's
surface at the same time? (1 point)
O The Moon's gravity is much weaker than Earth's.
O The mass of the paper folded into an airplane must be greater than the mass of the crumpled paper.
O The pieces of paper were not dropped from a sufficient height for air resistance to affect their falls.
O The Moon has practically no atmosphere, so there is no air resistance.


the moon has practically no atmosphere so there is no air resistance

The moon has practically no atmosphere so there is no air resistance.

What is Lunar Landing Module?

Grumman created the two-stage Apollo Lunar Module (LM) to transport two men from lunar orbit to the lunar surface and back. The ascending rocket engine, equipment bays, and pressurized crew quarters made up the higher ascent stage.

The landing gear, descent rocket engine, and lunar surface experiments were all located on the lower descent stage.

For a second unmanned Earth-orbit test trip, LM 2 was constructed. A second unmanned LM test mission was deemed unnecessary because the LM 1 test flight, which was carried out as part of the Apollo 5 mission, was so successful.

Therefore, The moon has practically no atmosphere so there is no air resistance.

To learn more about Lunar landing module, refer to the link:


Point p, to me, doesn't look like a conjunction point where I can apply Kirchhoff's first law, which is the sum of the current in is equal to the sum of the current out. And how do I explain using charges that flow through?



a) The current at P is 1.0A and it is moving towards the node.

b) A total of 1C charges flow through P in 1.0 seconds


a) To find this, we have to apply Kirchoff's node law which states that:

Therefore, we have that:


Solve for P:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 4.0+3.0-8.0+P=0 \\ -1.0+P=0 \\ \Rightarrow P=1.0A \end{gathered}[/tex]

This implies that the current at point P is 1A and it is moving towards the node (in the left direction).

b) To find the electric charge that flows through P in 1.0s, we have to use the formula for current:


where I = current, q = electric charge and t = time

Therefore, we have to find q:

[tex]\begin{gathered} q=I\cdot t \\ \Rightarrow q=1.0\cdot1.0 \\ q=1.0C \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, a total of 1C charges flow through P in 1.0 seconds.

A 5000. kg elevator accelerates at 3.0m/s? as it begins to move upward. Calculate the tension in the cable


Given data;

* The mass of the elevator is 5000 kg.

* The acceleration of the elevator is,



The free body diagram of the elevator is,

The weight of the elevator is,


where m is the mass of the elevator and g is the acceleration due to gravity,

Substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} W=5000\times9.8 \\ W=49000\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The net force acting on the elevator is,


where a is the acceleration of the elevator moving upwards,

Substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} F_{\text{net}}=5000\times3 \\ F_{\text{net}}=15000\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

From the free body diagram, the tension acting on the cable is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} T-W=F_{\text{net}} \\ T=F_{\text{net}}+W \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} T=15000+49000 \\ T=64000\text{ N} \\ T=64\text{ kN} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the tension acting in the cable is 64 kN.

If M-16 kg, what is the tension in string 2? The angles shown are 30° for string 1 and 60° for string 2.


Since the block is at rest, i.e., equilibrium, the net force on the system must be zero: That means:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F_{1x}=F_{2x} \\ F_1\sin 30^o=F_2\sin 60^o \\ F_1=\frac{F_2\sin 60^o}{\sin 30^o}^{}\rightarrow eq(1) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Also we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F_{1y}+F_{2y}=W \\ F_1\cos 30^o+F_2\cos 60^o=mg \\ \frac{F_2\sin60^o}{\sin30^o}\cos 30^o+F_2\cos 60^o=mg \\ F_2\sin 60^o\cot 30^o+F_2\cos 60^o=mg \\ F_2(\sin 60^o\cot 30^o+\cos 60^o)=mg \\ F_2=\frac{mg}{\sin 60^o\cot 30^o+\cos 60^o} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Lets say that g = 9.8 m/s², then if we plug the data we get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} F_2=\frac{16\times9.8}{(0.87)\times(1.73)+(0.50)} \\ \\ F_2=\frac{156.8}{2.01} \\ \\ F_2=78N \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: the tension in string 2 is 78 N.

Sidney's group came up with a design for the seat belt but had to figure out whattype of material to use. They picked two fabrics: one that was very rigid with littlegive and a second fabric that was stretchy. They made the two belts, got somemotorized cars and put action figures into the cars, one car per seat belt design.Then they ran the cars into a wall of the classroom. Predict which belt they choseand why.The stretch seat belt: for every action there is a reaction. The stretch belt letsyou move forward and then you move back again.The non-stretch seat belt: with no seatbelt to stop the driver with the car, thedriver flies free until stopped suddenly by impact on the steering column so thenon-stretch belt keeps the driver from flying free.The non-stretch seat belt holds the driver immobile against the seat as the carcrashed.The stretch seat belt: some stretch in the seatbelts will reduce the averageimpact force by extending the stopping distance of the passenger


The correct answer is the last one, that is, The strecth seat belt:

Which quantity is not required in order to calculate the mass of an ion using a mass spectrometer?O velocity vO magnetic field BO charge qO change in time t


To answer your question, lets think about the formulas needed

Centripetal force = mv^2/r

and force on a point charge = qvb

The force of the magnet is the same on the particle so you can set them equal to each other

qvb = mv^2/r

Set equal to mass

m = qbr/v

Change in time is not needed

A book of mass m = 10kg is balanced on a table Determine the weight of the book and the component of the reaction of the table in each of the following cases: 1)The book is simply placed on the table2) Someone puts their hand on the book by exerting a vertical force of 40N3)Someone is pulling this book vertically upwards with a force of 40N



The mass of the book, m=10 kg

The weight of an object is given by the product of its mass and the acceleration due to gravity.

Thus the weight of the book is given by,


Where g is the acceleration due to gravity.

On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} W=10\times9.8 \\ =98\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the weight of the book is 98 N


When the book is placed on the table reaction of the table will be equal to the weight of the book. Thus, the reaction of the table, in this case, will be 98 N


The vertically downward force applied on the book, F=40 N

The reaction of the table when there is a vertically downward force is equal to the sum of the weight and the applied force.

Thus the reaction of the table, in this case, is given by,


On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} N=98+40 \\ =138\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the reaction of the table when a vertically downward force is acting on it is 138 N


The vertically upward force acting on the book, F=40 N

As the book is in equilibrium, the net force acting on the book must be equal to zero. That is total upward forces acting on the book must be equal to the total downward forces. Thus,

[tex]\begin{gathered} N+F=W \\ \Rightarrow N=W-F \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where N is the normal force.

On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} N=98-40 \\ =58\text{ N} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the reaction of the table, in this case, is 58 N

Please help me I know it’s not the second choice


[tex]\begin{gathered} v_x=145\text{ m/s} \\ y=522\text{ m} \\ g=9.81m/s^2 \\ t=\text{?} \\ x=\text{?} \\ \text{For t} \\ y=\frac{gt^2}{2} \\ \text{Solving t} \\ 2y=gt^2 \\ t^2=\frac{2y}{g} \\ t=\sqrt{\frac{2y}{g}} \\ t=\sqrt{\frac{2(522m)}{9.81m/s^2}} \\ t=10\text{ s} \\ \text{The time in air is 10.3 s} \\ For\text{ x} \\ x=v_xt \\ x=(145\text{ m/s})(\text{10 s}) \\ x=1450\text{ m} \\ The\text{ object falls at 1450m from it was launched} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Which of the following is a graph of the velocity of an object as it falls fromrest if drag is not ignored? Explain your choice


The air drag is a force that depends on the speed of an object relative to the wind. Under certain conditions, it can be modeled as:


Where b is a constant.

As a falling object reaches a speed so that its weight is cancelled out by the air drag, the object will reach a maximum velocity.

In a speed vs time gaph, the speed would approach the maximum speed like an asymptote.

On the other hand, since the object falls from rest, the initial speed on the graph must be zero.

Taking these considerations into account, the correct graph for the movement of an object that falls from rest if air drag is not ignored, is option B.

The half-life of tungsten 188 is 69.4 days. Initially, there are 0.725 kg of this isotope. How much of the isotope will remain after 147 days?(a) 0.104 kg(b) 0.167 kg(c) 0.237 kg(d) 0.255 kg


In order to determine the amount of tungsten after 147 days, use the following formula for the radioactive decay:

[tex]A=A_oe^{-\lambda t}[/tex]


A: amount of tungsten after t days

Ao: initial amount of tungsten = 0.725 kg

t: time = 147 days

λ: decay constant

Then, it is necessary to find the value of λ. Use the following formula:

[tex]\lambda=\frac{\ln 2}{t_{\frac{1}{2}}}[/tex]

where t1/2 is the half-life of tungsten (69.4 days)

[tex]\lambda=\frac{\ln 2}{69.4}=0.00998[/tex]

next, replace the previous result and the values of the other parameters into the formula for A:


Hence, after 147 days, there are 0.167 kg of tungsten 188

A student conducts an investigation into the motion of objects dropped from rest in the absence of air resistance. The student releases objects of various masses in a vacuum chamber and records the speed and distance fallen every 0.1 seconds for each object. What experimental evidence would lead the student to conclude that free-fall motion is constant acceleration? Select two answers. A. All objects released from rest at the same time fall together.B. The distance fallen is proportional to the square of the falling time.C. A graph of velocity vs. time is linear. D. Objects speed up as they free-fall. One of your answers can be explained using a basic equation of motion. Which answer is it and which equation is it? One of your answers can be explained using a rule about how acceleration appears on a certain graph. State the graph rule, then explain why “constant acceleration” looks the way that it does on this certain graph.


[tex]\begin{gathered} The\text{ evidence B and C make conclude the free-fall motion is constant} \\ acceleration. \\ \\ Explain \\ Evidence\text{ B} \\ Equation\text{ of the distance fallen of an object} \\ y=y_0+v_0t+\frac{at^2}{2} \\ We\text{ can see the distance fallen is proportional to the square of time} \\ \\ Evidence\text{ C} \\ When\text{ the acceleration is constant, the graph of velocity vs time} \\ has\text{ a shape of a line. We can see it at the pic attached} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Numerical problem on Coulomb's law 1. Find the magnitude of product of two charges kept 1 metre aparat when a active force of 9.10^9 newton is acting between them.


In order to calculate the product of charges, we can use the formula below for the force acting on two charges (Coulomb law):


Where ke is the Coulomb constant (ke = 9 * 10^9), q1 and q2 are the charges and r is the distance between the charges.

So, for r = 1 and F = 9 * 10^9, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 9\cdot10^9=9\cdot10^9\frac{|q_1q_2|}{1^2} \\ |q_1q_2|=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the product of the charges is 1 Coulomb.

If the period of a certain wave (wavelength = 4.5 m) is 2 seconds, what is the speed of the wave?1) 0.44 m/s2) 1.1 m/s3) 9.0 m/s4) 2.3 m/s


Given data:

*The given wavelength of the wave is

[tex]\lambda=4.5\text{ m}[/tex]

*The given time is t = 2 s

The formula for the speed of the wave is given as


Substitute the known values in the above expression as

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=\frac{4.5}{2} \\ =2.25\text{ m/s} \\ \approx2.3\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the speed of the wave is v = 2.3 m/s and the correct option is (4)

What type of electronics can be easily damaged by a static electricity discharge?


Electrostatic sensitive devices can be easily damaged by static electricity discharge.

These are mainly integrated circuits or ICs which usually operate at low voltages.

These devices can be easily damaged by static electricity discharge.

A box is pulled a distance of 20 meters by a force of magnitude 40N, in the direction of the force ,over a period of 10 seconds Find the power generated by the force


The formula for the power is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=\frac{W}{t} \\ Where, \\ P=Power \\ W=Work \\ t=Time \end{gathered}[/tex]

Work done is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} W=F\times S \\ Where, \\ W=Work \\ F=Force \\ S=Displacement \\ here, \\ F=40N;\text{ }and\text{ }S=20m; \\ So, \\ W=F\times S=40\times20=800J \end{gathered}[/tex]

Here time taken to do the work is 10 sec


[tex]P=\frac{W}{t}=\frac{800}{10}=80\text{ watt/sec}[/tex]

So power generated by the force is 80 watt/sec.

Which of the following choices correctly describes the orbital relationship between Earth and the sun?
The sun orbits Earth in a perfect circle
The sun orbits Earth in an ellipse, with Earth at one focus
Earth orbits the sun in a perfect circle
Earth orbits the sun in an ellipse, with the sun at one focus


The correct statement which describes the relationship between earth and the sun is that earth orbits the sun in an ellipse, with the sun at one focus.

What is an Orbit?

An orbit in celestial mechanics is the curved path taken by an object, such as the path taken by a planet around with a star, a celestial body around a planet, or a manufactured satellite around an object or location in space, such as a planet, satellite, meteorite, or Lagrange point.

Ordinarily, the physics term "orbit" implies a trajectory that repeats itself with a regular basis, though it can also denote a non-repeating trajectory.

To know more about Orbit:



A 15 V constant voltage battery is connected to 120 kΩ resistor. A 15 V constant voltage battery is connected to 120 kΩ resistor. 1) What is the current in the resistor in [mA]?Multiple Choice question2) How many electrons pass through the resistor each second?a) 7.8x1014 electronsb) 1.25x10-4 electronsc) 1.6x10-19 electrons


We will have the following:


[tex]I=\frac{V}{R}\Rightarrow I=\frac{15V}{120000\Omega}\Rightarrow I=1.25\cdot10^{-4}A[/tex][tex]\Rightarrow I=0.125mA[/tex]


First we determine the quantity of coulombs:

[tex]Q=(1.25\cdot10^{-4}A)(1s)\Rightarrow Q=1.25\cdot10^{-4}C[/tex]

Now, we know that 1 coulomb represents 6.24*10^18 electrons, so:


So, approximately 7.8*10^14 electrons pass each second.

7. A 50 kg woman standing on a polished floor (with no friction) has a cat jump into her armsand she catches the cat. If the cat has a mass of 5 kg and jumps with a speed of 12 m/sa) How much momentum does the cat have before the woman catches it?b) What happens to the woman/cat combination after the cat is caught?c) What is the total momentum of the woman/cat combination after the cat is caught?d) What is the speed of the woman/cat combination after the cat is caught?



a) The momentum of the cat before the woman catches it = 60 kgm/s

b) After the cat is caught, the woman and the cat move with an equal velocity

c) Total momentum of the woman/cat combination after the cat is caught =

60 kgm/s

d) The speed of the woman/cat combination after the cat is caught = 1.09 m/s


Mass of the woman, m₁ = 50 kg

The woman was standing before she catches the cat. This means that she was at rest and the initial velocity is 0

u₁ = 0 m/s

The mass of the cat, m₂ = 5 kg

The cat's speed, u₂ = 12 m/s

Momentum = Mass x Velocity

a) The momentum of the cat before the woman catches it = m₂u₂

The momentum of the cat before the woman catches it = 5(12)

The momentum of the cat before the woman catches it = 60 kgm/s

b) After the cat is caught, the woman and the cat move with an equal velocity


Total momentum of the woman/cat combination before the cat is caught= Total momentum of the woman/cat combination after the cat is caught

The initial momentum of the woman = m₁u₁

The initial momentum of the woman = 50(0) = 0 kgm/s

Total momentum of the woman/cat combination after the cat is caught = 0 + 60

Total momentum of the woman/cat combination after the cat is caught =

60 kgm/s

d) The speed of the woman/cat combination after the cat is caught

m₁u₁ + m₂u₂ = (m₁ + m₂)v

50(0) + 5(12) = (50+5)v

60 = 55v

v = 60/55

v = 1.09 m/s

The speed of the woman/cat combination after the cat is caught = 1.09 m/s

Can you compare “simple harmonic motion” & hooks law. For me?


We will have the following:

We will have that Hook's law describes systems of springs with masses atteched to them and models the nature of the force and position of such masses by the relationshipt between them. Hook's law applies only to spring systems and is linear in nature.

Simple harmonic motion models repetitive movement back and forth through an equilibrium, or central position. Hook's law is one of the multiple instances of simple harmonic motion. Simple harmonic motion not only is able to model srpings, but waves and periodic movements.

The internal energy of an expanding gas changes by 2000j. How much work is done if the process is done adiabatically?



The internal energy of an expanding gas changes by U=2000J.

To find

The work done


Since the work done is adiabatic so the change in heat is zero.

By first law of thermodynamics,

[tex]\begin{gathered} U=Q+W \\ \Rightarrow2000+0+W \\ \Rightarrow W=2000J \end{gathered}[/tex]


The work done is 2000J

U=2000j hope this helped!

An object is spun around in a circle of radius 6.0m with a frequency of50 Hz.a. What is the period of its rotation?b. What is its velocity?c. What is its acceleration?


From the information given,

radius = 6

frequency = 50

a) Period, T is the reciprocal of frequency. This means that

T = 1/frequency


T = 1/50 = 0.02

Period = 0.02 s

b) The formula for calculating velocity for an object in circular motion, V is expressed as

V = 2pi x radius/T

By substituting pi = 3.14, radius = 6 and T = 0.02 into the formula,

V = 2 x 3.14 x 6/0.02

V = 1884

Velocity is 1884 rad/s

c) The formula for calculating centripetal acceleration is expressed as

A = V^2/radius

Substituting V = 1884 and radius = 6 into the formula,

A = 1884^2/6 = 591576

Acceleration = 591576 rad/s^2

convert 675 nm to meters



The number needed to be converted is 675 nm

A nanometer is equal to one billionth of a meter.


[tex]1nm^{}=1\times10^{-9}\text{ m}[/tex]

Thus to convert any number from nanometer to meter, we need to multiply the number by 10⁻⁹ m.


[tex]675\text{ nm}=675\times10^{-9}\text{ m}[/tex]

Therefore 675 nm is equal to 675×10⁻⁹ m

Two equal, but oppositely charged particles are attracted to each other electrically. The size of the force of attraction is 33.55 N when they are separated by 55.75 cm. What is the magnitude of the charges in microCoulombs ?



Two equal, but oppositely charged particles are attracted to each other electrically.

Force of attraction is F=33.55 N

Distance between them, d=55.75 cm=0.5575 m

To find

What is the magnitude of the charges in microCoulombs ?


Let the charge be q.

We know the force of attraction is given by

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=k\frac{q^2}{d^2} \\ \Rightarrow33.55=9\times10^9\times\frac{q^2}{(0.5575)^2} \\ \Rightarrow q=3.39\times(10)^{-5}C \\ \Rightarrow q=\pm33.9\mu C \end{gathered}[/tex]


The charges are:

[tex]+33.9\mu C,-33.9\mu C[/tex]

The magnitude of equal charges are:

[tex]\lvert{q}\rvert=33.9\mu C[/tex]

If I have a USB 2.0 port and it provides a maximum current of 0.5A at a voltage of 5 volts, if I connect a device with a resistance of 3 Ohms, how much current would flow through it and what will the dissipated power be?


1. The amount of current that will flow through it is 1.67 A

2. The power dissipated is 8.35 watts

1. How do I determine the current that will flow through it?

Ohm's law states as follow

Voltage (V) = Current (I) × resistance (R)

V = IR

With the above formula, we can obtain the current. This is shown below

Voltage (V) = 5 VoltsResistance (R) = 3 ohmsCurrent (I) =?

Voltage (V) = Current (I) × resistance (R)

5 = Current × 3

Divide both sides by 3

Current = 5 / 3

Current = 1.67 A

2. How do I determine the power dissipated?

The power dissipated can be obtained as follow:

Voltage (V) = 5 VoltsCurrent (I) = 1.67 APower dissipated (P) = ?

Power (P) = voltage (V) × current (I)

Power dissipated = 5 × 1.67

Power dissipated = 8.35 watts

Learn more about current and electrical power:




ball is launched with an initial speed of 30 m/s making an angle of 45° above the horizontal. How long does it take the ball to reach a vertical displacement Δy= +5 m for the first time?*1.12 s0.54s0.9s0.25s0.7 s


Answer: t = 0.25 s


To find the time it will take the ball to travel a vertical height of 5m, we would apply one of Newton's equation of motion shown below

h = ut + 1/2gt^2


h is the height or vertical displacement

u is the initial velocity

g is the acceleration due to gravity

t is the time taken to reach height h

From the information given,

h = 5

g = - 9.8 m/s^2 because the ball is decelerating while moving upwards.

Given that the initial velocity is 30m/s and it was launched at an angle of 45 degrees, we would find the y or vertical component of the velocity. Thus,

u = 30sin45

By substituting these values into the equation, we have

5 = 30sin45t - 1/2 x 9.8 x t^2

5 = 21.21t - 4.9t^2

4.9t^2 - 21.21t + 5 = 0

This is a quadratic equation. The standard form of a quadratic equation is expressed as

ax^2 + bx + c = 0

By comparing both equations,

a = 4.9

b = - 21.21

c = 5

We would solve the equation by using the quadratic formula which is expressed as

[tex]\begin{gathered} x\text{ = }\frac{-\text{ b }\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} \\ x\text{ = }\frac{-\text{ - 21.21 }\pm\sqrt{-\text{ 21.21}^2-4(4.9\text{ }\times5}}{2\times4.9} \\ x\text{ = }\frac{21.21\pm\sqrt{449.8641\text{ - 98}}}{9.8} \\ x\text{ = }\frac{21.21\text{ }\pm18.758}{9.8} \\ x\text{ = }\frac{21.21\text{ + 18.758}}{9.8}\text{ or x = }\frac{21.21\text{ - 18.758}}{9.8} \\ x\text{ = 4.08 or x = 0.25} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Replacing x with t, we have

t = 0.25 s

1. Battery voltage = 12v. the current in the circuit is 0.5A. the resistance R must be 2. A 12 volt battery is connected across resistor, and a current 1.5A flows in the resistor. What is the value of the resistor?


To find the resistance, we have to use the following


Then, we replace the values

[tex]R=\frac{12}{1.5}=8[/tex]Hence, the answer is A.
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Its a project for my consumer math class and i have to record all the information on a template A survey claims that the percent of a city's residents that favor building a new football stadium is likely between 52.3% and 61.7%. What was the sample proportion (what percent of the people in the sample survey said that they wanted to build a new stadium )? List the coordinates coordinates of vertices of trapezoid ABCD after it has been rotated 90 Counterclockwise bout the origin and then reflected over the x-axis. A(-5,-3) B(-4,0),c(-2,0),D(O,-3) Warren flipped a coin and rolled a 20-sided number cube. What is the probability that his coin landed on tails and his number cube rolled a factor of 20? answer as a simplified fraction. the u.s senate has 100 members. after a certain election, there were 6 more democrats than republicans, with no other parties represented. how many memebrs of each party were there in the senate? Large balloons are sold in packages of 12. Select the expressions that can represent the total number of balloons in p packages of largeballoonsA 12-PB. 12*pC. P+12D. P-12E 12p EFGH is translate 5 units to the left and 2 units up.A. E(-1,-3)B. E(6,-6)C. E (-1,1)D. E(9,-3) Solve the system of equations using elimination.8x - 5y = 13-16x - 10y = -6Show your work here:Solution: 4.) Miles has saved about $41. He wants to buy an iPod for $129 in 4 months. How much moneydoes he need to save each month to buy the iPod? Solve for X. Write down what type of solution the equation has. 3) [tex] \frac{10}{2x + 1} = \frac{14}{4x - 7} [/tex] 9 Sequencing Write the following list of events in the order in whichthey happened.8. Militia and British troops fight at Concord's NorthBridge.b. Colonists hide behind trees and fences along theroad to Boston.c. Messengersshout, "The British are coming!"d. Joseph Warren sees troops leave Boston.e.The British face Captain John Parker and70 minutemen at Lexington.f.Warren alerts Revere and Dawes. Is this relation a function?{(1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)}No, because at least one output maps to more than one input. No, because at least one output maps to more than one input. Yes, because every input has exactly one output.Yes, because every input has exactly one output.No, because at least one input maps to more than one output. No, because at least one input maps to more than one output. Complete the explanation of how you know whether the triangles are similar. If possible, find the Indicated length. A 2.0 1.7 1.2 C R. Because two pairs of angles are congruent, the triangles are similar by the select) QR = One of the two persons P or Q is to solve a technical problem with chances and , respectively. Find the probability that the technical problem is solved.A.1/8B.3/8C.5/8D.7/8 Find the constant of proportionality when x = 2 and y = 1.5.Record your answer and fill in the bubbles on your answer document. Be sure to usethe correct place value. what was the ruling of the u.s. supreme court in oncale v. sundowner offshore services, inc., the case in the text addressing whether a plaintiff could prevail in a sexual harassment case when the harassers were of the same sex? pounds. To be able to ride in a car together, how muchcan you weigh? Write and solve an inequality.(1 point)Ox-60221; at most 60 pounds What may occur if a forever loop generates data but does not delete it? If the man and woman are taken to a planet where the acceleration due to gravity is twice that of earth repeat the woman mass was 25kg on earth and the man was 300N on another planet If you have a 77.2% and you got 34% on a test and its worth 60% of your grade, what would you grade be now?