What factors affected people's rankings? How? Think of factors such as personal experiences, culture, and societal acceptance.


Answer 1

The factors which affected people's rankings include the following below:

Lifestyle choices.Religious intolerance.Climatic conditions.

What is Ranking?

This is referred to as a position in a hierarchy and is used to depict the performances of individuals in various fields or sectors such as sports, education etc.

Ranking of individual are based on different types of factors which is based on the environment and an example is the issue of lifestyle choices. Making the wrong choices such as the use of illegal drugs or heavy alcohol intake can reduce the performance of an individual and also increases healthy risks.

Another factor is the issue of religious intolerance which may make the individual to be withdrawn  which thereby decreases the performance of the individual.

Read more about Rankings here  https://brainly.com/question/28507710


Related Questions

The client is prescribed nadolol for hypertension. What is the reason the nurse will teach the client not to stop taking the medication abruptly?
A. The abrupt stop can lead to formation of blood clots.
B. The abrupt stop can cause a myocardial infarction.
C. The abrupt stop will precipitate internal bleeding.
D. The abrupt stop can trigger a migraine headache.


Patients taking beta blockers are advised not to discontinue them abruptly, as this may worsen angina and cause a myocardial infarction.

Angina - chest pain caused by narrowing of the arteries supplying the heart - can be treated with beta-blockers. Heart failure is the inability of the heart to circulate enough blood throughout the body. Atrial fibrillation is characterized by an irregular heartbeat. Beta-blockers can help some people with anxiety manage their symptoms.

A myocardial infarction (also known as a heart attack) is a potentially fatal condition caused by a lack of blood flow to your heart muscle. A lack of blood flow can be caused by a variety of factors, but it is most commonly caused by a blockage in one or more of your heart's arteries. The most common cause of a heart attack is coronary artery disease (CAD).

To learn more about myocardial infarction, here



Which of the following is good safety advice?
It's okay to exercise outdoors during a lightning storm.
O Wear a helmet when riding a bike.
There's no need to watch for traffic because traffic should yield to you.
When exercising outside, always exercise alone.


Wearing a helmet while riding a bike is a good safety advice.

What is a safety advice?

Safety refers to the "steady state" in which a place or organization is operating as intended. Public norms and standards, related architectural and engineering designs, business vision and mission statements, operational strategies, and employee policies are used to define "what it is meant to perform." Safety is a normative term that applies to any size or kind of organization, location, or function. It complies with definitions of what is expected and appropriate in that scenario.Security is the procedure or means—physical or human—of delaying, preventing, and otherwise guarding against flaws, risks, losses, criminal, and other people or acts that endanger, impede, or destroy an organization's "steady state" and rob it of its stated reason for existing.

Some safety advices:

Keep your workspace tidy.Use the right equipment for the job.Always put on the appropriate PPE for the job.Never perform any work on live equipment.Ensure that chemicals are labeled and kept correctly.Share risks with other staff members.when necessary, halt work to address hazards.

Hence among the options wearing a helmet is the best safety advice

To learn more about safety advice click on the link




B) Wear a helmet when riding a bike.


control body processes, including digestion, healing and energy production


The management of bodily functions, such as digestion, healing, and energy production, is provided by carbohydrates.

Which nutrients influence how the body functions?

They are: lipids, proteins, lipids, water, vitamins, and minerals. Foods that are nutritious give the body nourishment.

What protect internal organs from the cold and insulate against it?

Your body's adipose tissue aids with insulation. When you are exposed to chilly temperatures, this thermal insulation keeps your body warm. Protection: Adipose tissue insulates and guards against harm to your organs, bones, and other tissues.

What happens when the body produces energy?

Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins are the three kinds of fuel molecules from which humans derive their energy. These molecules' chemical potential energy is converted into other forms, including thermal, kinetic, and other chemical forms.

To know more about control body processes visit:-



What activities and experiences you and your child have engaged in might be promoting healthy behavioral practices and an interest in physical activity?


Answer: I attempt to make all experiences educational or otherwise rewarding.

Explanation: Rather than just giving them the solutions to their frustrations, I guide them to the solution to promote problem solving skills. As far as promoting an interest in physical activity, I base what to introduce to my child based on their interests rather than just pushing them into a sport. For example, my child is interested in Barbie, Swan Lake. So it makes sense to introduce Ballet.

Hope that helps :)

What are the pros and cons of youth sports



the pro is that it helps develop socialization, gross motor skills, strength, endurance and self-esteem. but the con is that training in just one sport can potentially cause and overuse injury, burnout or both.

What does your sympathetic nervous system do in a crisis?​



I think the answer is In these situations, your sympathetic nervous system activates to speed up your heart rate, and deliver more blood to areas of your body that need more oxygen or other responses to help your get out of danger.


I hope this helps



The payment amount is $465.

What is payment?
In exchange for goods and services received or to fulfil a legal obligation, payment is the voluntarily given exchange of money, its equivalent, or other valuables from one person to another. Frequently, the person giving the money is referred to as the payer, and the person receiving it is referred to as the payee. Payment refers to the exchange of cash, goods, as well as services for products and services in an amount that is mutually acceptable and has been prearranged. Cash, checks, wire transfers, credit cards, debit cards, and even cryptocurrencies can be used to make payments. You can buy things with cash today because of the way money functions. Money is a simple and practical form of payment that is also easy to store.

To learn more about payment

in the disease elephantiasis, lymph vessels become blocked because of infection with parasitic worms. which of the processes would be impacted by this disease?


In the disease elephantiasis, lymph vessels become blocked because of infection with parasitic worms. The return of excess interstitial fluid to the bloodstream would be impacted by this disease.

Elephantiasis, also known as lymphatic filariasis, is a painful and disfiguring disease. It is caused by parasites known as nematodes (roundworms) of the family Filariodidea, which are spread through the bites of infected mosquitos.

Elephantiasis is a tropical disease that is often overlooked (NTD). It is more prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, such as Africa and Southeast Asia. Elephantiasis is thought to affect 120 million people.

Elephantiasis is commonly used to describe (symptoms caused by) parasitic worm infections, but it can also refer to a variety of diseases in which parts of a person's body swell to massive proportions.

To learn more about elephantiasis, here



This particular type of melanin is responsible for producing the blonde and red color hair.




There are three different types of melanin, including:

Eumelanin. There are two types of eumelanin: black and brown. Eumelanin is responsible for dark colors in skin, eyes and hair. ...

Pheomelanin. This type of melanin pigments your lips, nipples and other pinkish parts of your body. ...

Neuromelanin. While eumelanin and pheomelanin control the colors of things you see (such as skin, hair and eyes), neuromelanin is responsible for the color of your neurons.

Pheomelanin is the particular type of melanin is responsible for producing the blonde and red color hair.

Melanin is a substance in your body that produces hair, eye and skin pigmentation. The more melanin you manufacture, the darker your eyes, hair and skin are going to be. the quantity of animal pigment in your body depends on a number of various factors, as well as genetics and the way a lot of sun exposure your ancestral population had.

Hair color is set by the quantity of a pigment known as melanin in hair. associate abundance of 1 kind of melanin , known as eumelanin, provides folks black or brown hair. Associate abundance of another pigment, known as pheomelanin, provides folks red hair.

To learn more about Pheomelanin here



Eating good food is critical to good health because good food



Yes indeed it is Critical hahah??

If only I ___ that T-shirt we saw at the shopping center yesterday


If only I A. bought that T-shirt we saw at the shopping center yesterday.

What word fills in the blank ?

The sentence on the T - shirt that the person saw at the shopping mall on the previous day, needs to be completed and from the looks of it, it needs to be completed by a verb because the person is expressing regret for not doing something they wanted to do.

In this case, and from the options, the most likely verb missing is " bought ." The person is expressing regret that they were unable to buy the T - shirt they had seen yesterday.

Options for this question include:

Bought Left Seen Allowed

Find out more on verbs at https://brainly.com/question/19345425


5. Which is a strategy for building resilience?




Watch your self-talk. Is your narrative positive or negative? ...

Put it in perspective. So many of our feelings can be changed if we change our mindset. ...

Prioritize relationships and build your social support system. ...

Cut out the social comparisons. ...

Keep moving. ...

Self-care. ...

Know what you want. ...

Practice gratitude. ...

Practice mindfulness. ...

Know your strengths. ...

the nurse is assisting with a bronchoscopy at the bedside in a critical care unit. the client experiences a vasovagal response. what should the nurse do next?


The nurse should choose check blood pressure when assisting with a bronchoscopy at the bedside in a critical care unit. the client experiences a vasovagal response.

Inducing a vasovagal response during a bronchoscopy may stimulate the pharynx, which may then stimulate the vagus nerve. As a result, the client could suddenly experience a reduction in heart rate that causes syncope. To ensure circulation, the nurse will need to check blood pressure. Pupilal dilation or bronchodilation are not caused by vagus nerve stimulation. Gastric secretions are increased when the vagus nerve is stimulated.

To know more about vasovagal response, click here,



Consider the principles underlying Aristotle's theory of dramatic construction. According to M. H. Abrams, which type of theory is dramatic construction? mimetic rhetorical expressive formal


By considering the principles underlying Aristotle's theory of dramatic construction, according to M. H. Abrams, the type of theory which is dramatic construction is rhetorical.

Rhetorical theory is essentially involved with composition, forms, functions, means, venues, producers, audiences, effects, and criticism of discourse. Rhetorical theories take issue from each other relying upon the definition of “rhetoric” that is their start line.

Dramatic Construction is what goes into a play or a bit of literature to create it successful. Philosopher saw drama and poetry as a way to an finish (audience happiness), and created basic tips for authors to follow so as to realize bound objectives.

To learn more about M. H. Abrams here



Describe risks involved when empowering individuals


Risks involved when empowering individuals there are several hazards associated with this, including those to one's health, safety, well-being, and security.

What is health ?

Health is "a condition of total physical, mental, and social well-being and not only the absence of sickness or disability," according to the World Health Organization. Over time, several definitions have been employed for various objectives.

Social workers and social care professionals should learn about additional hazards, including cognitive decline, hospital admission risk, medication non-adherence risk, equipment damage risk, and roaming risk.

Thus, risks involved when empowering individuals there are several hazards associated with this, including those to one's health.

To learn more about health, follow the link;



sue is 17 years old and believe she is overweight . Which would be the best strategy for maintaining her health?


Answer:she should start a diet and eat better food, also do exercise. as a begginer she can start by walking with weights.


Discuss the types of monthly and yearly examinations that need to be assessed on males and females. In your discussion, describe why these exams need to be performed. Include in your discussion what factors influence how soon, and when these tests need to be performed?

Remember, your posting should move the discussion forward.


You should visit your doctor or get certain health screenings at particular times. An inventory of advised screenings is made public by the US Preventive Services Task Force. For women between the ages of 18 and 39, the recommended screening procedures are listed below.












For men between the ages of 18 and 39, the recommended screening procedures are listed below.











To keep an eye on one's health in all regards, all of the aforementioned exams must be completed.

These tests must be done on a yearly to monthly bases depending on your current health status.

To learn more about health tests click on the given link:



when the wave length increases, what is the object's motion relative to earth



Explanation: red shift,

The main job of protein is to build working body tissue true or false.


Answer: True

Explanation: My dad drinks protein shakes and tried to get me too so he explained what they do!

It’s true because protein has a great benefit and is good for working out

Select the correct answer.
Which is the best definition of anabolic steroids?
O A.
a synthetic version of the hormone testosterone
• B.
a vitamin supplement that increases
muscle mass
a prescribed medicine that helps athletes recover from injuries




OA. a synthetic version of the hormone testosterone

Write a one- to two-paragraph school newspaper editorial that discusses the prevalence of HIV infection rates in this country, and advocates for the respect and dignity of people living with HIV/AIDS. The editorial should clearly convey what peers need to know about the disease.


A school newspaper editorial that discusses the prevalence of HIV infection rates in this country, and advocates for the respect and dignity of people living with HIV/AIDS is given be;ow.

Under 1 % of U.S. adults have HIV, regarding half of 1 % of young adults living in homes within the us are infected with the AIDS virus.The virus continues to be marked by discrimination against population groups: who carry on the fringes of society or who are assumed to be in danger of infection due to behaviors, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, or social characteristics that are stigmatized during a explicit society.

In most of the areas, discrimination conjointly jeopardizes evenhanded distribution of access to HIV-related product for hindrance and care, together with medicine necessary for HIV/AIDS care and therefore the development of vaccines to reply to the particular wants of all populations, in each the North and South.

To learn more about HIV infection here



Perception is not based upon


Perception is not based upon reality and is the correct choice.

What is Perception?

This is referred to as the sensory experience of the world and it helps us to gain information about the environment through sense organs such as the skin , nose etc.

Reality on the other hand is real things, facts, or events taken as a whole and how things actually are regardless of how the sensory organs respond and interprete different types of stimuli such as touch, smell etc. This is therefore the reason why perception is not based on reality and is referred to as the most appropriate choice.

Read more about Perception here https://brainly.com/question/1838569


When must you clean and sanitize
your knife and cutting board?
a. When switching between slicing lettuce
and melon
b. When switching between slicing pork
and strawberries
c. When switching between chopping
carrots and tomato


Answer: B

Explanation: It would be unsanitary to switch between meat and fruit without sanitizing. Also, it might make the strawberries taste weird.

B) it’s cross contamination, you don’t want to get sick off of that, in general you must clean your knife and cutting board every time you switch to a different food product. Especially when you’re cutting raw pork and switching to a fruit

Applicants should be treated equally in the application process to avoid
A. spending too much money during the process
OB. losing track of good candidates
C. giving weaker candidates an advantage
D. violating federal employment laws


Applicants should be treated equally in the application process to avoid violating federal employment laws.

Federal labor laws are individual labor laws modify the employee's rights at work, just like the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, whereas collective labor laws govern the multilateral relationship between employers, employees, and labor unions, like the economic Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946.

Application process means that the method of reviewing and creating a determination on the finished Application. the applying method begins once a Submitted Application is selected a Completed Application, and continues till the D.U. provides written notification of the Board's call.

To learn more about Federal employment laws here



Answer: D

Explanation: "To learn more about Federal employment laws here"

the nurse is caring for a patient with chronic kidney disease who is receiving epoetin alfa. which assessment finding would be of greatest concern for the nurse?


Reports of calf pain on dorsiflexion of the foot

The nurse is caring for a patient with chronic kidney disease who is receiving epoetin alfa and reports of calf pain on dorsiflexion of the foot would be of greatest concern for the nurse.

Epoetin alfa could be a human glycoprotein made in cell culture victimization desoxyribonucleic acid technology. Authorised by the eu Medicines Agency on 28 August 2007, it stimulates organic process and is employed to treat anemia, usually related to chronic kidney disease and cancer therapy.

Sesamoiditis is the pain on dorsiflexion of the great toe, restricted motion of the primary MTP joint, or pain on dorsal touching of a bone happens. Turf toe: the primary MTP joint is red, swollen, tender, and stiff. Pain is typically greatest with end-range flexure of the foot.

To learn more about Epoetin alfa here



What is the best way eyes defend themselves from harm?
A) Tears containing digestive enzymes wash the surface
B) Eyelashes roughen the cornea to stimulate nerve endings
C) The bones of the orbit are dense and unlikely to break, and the eye is cushioned from contact with the orbit by fat, tear glands, and connective tissue
D) Eyes protrude on stems to free them from the bony orbit

This question was taken from apologia's exploring health and nutrition 2nd edition


The best way eyes defend themselves from harm is that Eyelashes roughen the cornea to stimulate nerve endings. Thus, option B is correct.

What is thew other name of caruncle of the eye?

The caruncle of the eye has been also known as the lacrimal caruncle which is characterized by the globular nodule in the inner corner of the eye.  

The caruncle is made up of the skin which covers the sweat glands, sebaceous glands, hair follicles and the accessory tissues of the eyes and appears like a small pink nodule. The caruncle does not directly affect the vision of the eyes so are less studied by the ophthalmologists.

Therefore, The best way eyes defend themselves from harm is that Eyelashes roughen the cornea to stimulate nerve endings. Thus, option B is correct.

Learn more about caruncle of the eye on:



Why might a person who is being abused need to ask for help


Support them by listening to them and asking questions about how they are doing.

Stockholm Syndrome is a coping mechanism for confined or abusive situations. Over time people develop positive feelings about kidnappers and abusers. This condition applies to situations such as child abuse, coach abuse, relationship abuse, and sex trafficking. Emotional and psychological abuse can have serious short-term and long-term consequences.

This kind of abuse can affect both physical and mental health. Emotional abuse as a form of abuse is rarely discussed and is not given the same recognition as physical abuse. It has been a constant source of misery in many people's lives and therefore deserves more awareness and more sunlight. there is a possibility.

Learn more about Abused here:-https://brainly.com/question/1541424


Chloe is a 6-year-old female who is brought to the ER by her mother with concerns that
her daughter began suddenly feeling tired and reported blurry vision. Patient's mother
states that the patient had an unquenchable thirst and suddenly began wetting the bed
again. Blood test reveals a BG of 554 mg/dL.
What is your initial diagnosis?
What key terms led you this dx?
What body system does this condition belong to?


Ketone testing provides the initial diagnosis. This disorder is related to the hepatic system of the body and is typically detected with a "spot test" of urine ketones.

How is diabetic ketoacidosis diagnosed?

Most frequently, a urine sample or a blood sample is used for the ketone test. When diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is suspected, urine testing is typically conducted first, followed by ketone testing. The most common ketone tested in the blood when ketones are detected in the urine is beta-hydroxybutyrate.

What takes place when blood sugar levels exceed 500?

You can get diabetic ketoacidosis, a dangerous condition. People with Type 1 diabetes and those whose blood glucose levels are over 500 are more likely to experience this. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) happens when the body begins breaking down fat at a rate that is far too rapid, causing the body to produce a lot of acids called ketones. The fat is converted by the liver into a fuel called ketones, which makes the blood acidic. You may become seriously ill as a result of the acid and high blood sugar.

To learn more about diabetic ketoacidosis visit:



Which of the following statements supports egoism? a.) All actions should be aimed at the greater good of society. b.) If everyone gets a reward, society is more just. c.) The rule of law motivates actions for individuals. d.) Society benefits when individuals succeed.


Individual entrepreneurs often benefit society. This statements supports egoism. According to psychological egoism, all actions are driven by self-interest.

The idea that one's own interests should drive all of one's actions is known as egoism in philosophy. There are two types of egoism: normative and descriptive. The positive or descriptory version views egoism as a factual account of human affairs.

According to psychological egoism, all actions are driven by self-interest. In all other words, it implies that everyone's behavior, actions, and decisions are driven by self-interest.

Learn more on egoism on:



Which of the following relationships best reflects the paternalistic model of the patient-provider relationship?

a) Parent-child
b) Teacher-student
c) Commanding officer-soldier
d) Hairstylist-client


Parent-child relationships best reflects the paternalistic model of the patient-provider relationship.

Paternalism in healthcare occurs when a physician or other healthcare professional makes decisions for a patient without the patient's explicit consent. The doctor believes the decisions are in the best interests of the patient.

Patient-provider collaboration is one way to describe the interpretive or deliberative model, in which patients and providers collaborate to develop the best plan of care for the patient.

Paternalistic leadership is a management style in which a dominant authority figure acts as patriarch or matriarch and treats employees and partners as if they are members of a large, extended family.

To learn more about paternalism, here



Other Questions
The following text is an excerpt from the essay "The Advantages of Having One Leg" by G.K. Chesterton. Read the text carefully. Then, in a well-developed essay, analyze the rhetorical strategies Chesteron uses to support his purpose.I grant that those who have serious wrongs have a real right to grumble, so long as they grumble about something else. It is a singular fact that if they are sane they almost always do grumble about something else. To talk quite reasonably about your own quite real wrongs is the quickest way to go off your head. But people with great troubles talk about little ones, and the man who complains of the crumpled rose leaf very often has his flesh full of the thorns. But if a man has commonly a very clear and happy daily life then I think we are justified in asking that he shall not make mountains out of molehills. I do not deny that molehills can sometimes be important. Small annoyances have this evil about them, that they can be more abrupt because they are more invisible; they cast no shadow before, they have no atmosphere.No one ever had a mystical premonition that he was going to tumble over a hassock. William III died by falling over a molehill; I do not suppose that with all his varied abilities he could have managed to fall over a mountain. But when all this is allowed for, I repeat that we may ask a happy man (not William III) to put up with pure inconveniences, and even make them part of his happiness. Of positive pain or positive poverty I do not here speak. I speak of those innumerable accidental limitations that are always falling across our pathbad weather, confinement to this or that house or room, failure of appointments or arrangements, waiting at railway stations, missing posts, finding unpunctuality when we want punctuality, or, what is worse, finding punctuality when we don't. It is of the poetic pleasures to be drawn from all these that I singI sing with confidence because I have recently been experimenting in the poetic pleasures which arise from having to sit in one chair with a sprained foot, with the only alternative course of standing on one leg like a storka stork is a poetic simile; therefore I eagerly adopted it.To appreciate anything we must always isolate it, even if the thing itself symbolise something other than isolation. If we wish to see what a house is it must be a house in some uninhabited landscape. If we wish to depict what a man really is we must depict a man alone in a desert or on a dark sea sand. So long as he is a single figure he means all that humanity means; so long as he is solitary he means human society; so long as he is solitary he means sociability and comradeship. Add another figure and the picture is less humannot more so. One is company, two is none. If you wish to symbolise human building draw one dark tower on the horizon; if you wish to symbolise light let there be no star in the sky. Indeed, all through that strangely lit season which we call our day there is but one star in the skya large, fierce star which we call the sun. One sun is splendid; six suns would be only vulgar. One Tower of Giotto is sublime; a row of Towers of Giotto would be only like a row of white posts. The poetry of art is in beholding the single tower; the poetry of nature in seeing the single tree; the poetry of love in following the single woman; the poetry of religion in worshipping the single star. And so, in the same pensive lucidity, I find the poetry of all human anatomy in standing on a single leg. To express complete and perfect leggishness the leg must stand in sublime isolation, like the tower in the wilderness. As Ibsen so finely says, the strongest leg is that which stands most alone. Consider the equation 2 C2H6 + 7 O2 ---> 4 CO2 + 6H2OHow many grams of H2O are produced from 268.5 grams of C2H6 ? QUESTION 15The reaction below is an example of which type of reaction?1 Na20 (aq) + 1 H20 (1) 2 NaOH (aq)()O Double DisplacementO Synthesis (or Combination)O Single DisplacementO CombustionO Decomposition how should firefighters, when arriving on the scene of a working fire, use the exterior marking on a building that indicates the presence of lightweight structural components within? C Campus StudentCampus StudentGA-051 st AFJROTCGA-051 st AFJROTC5 New Tabebra_TC_Online LearningSubtracting with a Model3Subtract: 95 - 43Click or tap blocks to subtract them.032O 42O 52O 62 Find the range and standard deviation of the set of data.230, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240, 242 the nurse is assisting with a bronchoscopy at the bedside in a critical care unit. the client experiences a vasovagal response. what should the nurse do next? he following list contains the average annual total returns (in percentage points) for 9 mutual funds. The mutual funds appear in an online brokerage firm'sall-star" list.-9, 23, 12, 4, 11, 5, 36, 7, 31Send data to calculator(a) What is the mean of this data set? If your answer is not aninteger, round your answer to one decimal place.(b) What is the median of this data set? If your answer is notan integer, round your answer to one decimal place.(c) How many modes does the data set have, and what aretheir values? 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Complete the remainder of the table for the given rules Use your understanding of realism, considerations of morality, and the issue of domestic determinants of u. S. Foreign policy, and describe how the united states should deal with iran?. How does dehydrating or drying food help preserve it?A. It decreases the smell so other animals won't come steal itB. Removing the water hinders the ability for chemical reactions, which keeps microbes from growingC. The food becomes smaller and more easily stored.D. This increases the good bacteria to hinder the growth of bad bacteria Match each term to its description.MatchExcess reactantLimiting reactantTheoretical yieldA) Product amount that can be made by the given amount of reactantsB) Reactant that determines how much of the product can be madeC) Reactant that is not all used up in the reaction I am attaching a picture of the question as you can see my teacher has already answered it but she wants me to show how she got the answer Research how the Lord Jesus Christ ministered in the power of the Holy Spirit during His mission on earth.Type a short essay, using as many Scripture references as possible, showing how the Lord Jesus Christ ministered in the power of the Holy Spirit during His mission on earth. At store A, oranges are $3.99 for 5 apples. At store B oranges are $20 for 7 apples which is the better deal?