How does dehydrating or drying food help preserve it?A. It decreases the smell so other animals won't come steal itB. Removing the water hinders the ability for chemical reactions, which keeps microbes from growingC. The food becomes smaller and more easily stored.D. This increases the good bacteria to hinder the growth of bad bacteria

How Does Dehydrating Or Drying Food Help Preserve It?A. It Decreases The Smell So Other Animals Won't


Answer 1

Water is needed for all life forms, including microorganisms, removing the water from food to preserve it means the microorganisms cannot perform the chemical reactions needed to consume the food, so the food is preserved for a longer time (option B is the right answer).

Related Questions

Which statement is true of all proteins?

Their structure is related to their function.

Their main function is to cause mutations.

They are created by mutations in DNA

They carry oxygen in human blood.


Their structure is related to their function.

Should you please be able to help me on this question


The male superhero cannot teleport at all.

The female superhero can teleport, but her mother could not.

The percentage of offspring who can teleport is 50%, and 50% who cannot.

Both superheroes can teleport. For both, one of their parents was a purebred dominant and the other a purebred recessive.

75% of the offspring will be able to teleport, and 25% won't.

In addition to excess nutrients and thermal pollution, identify one other nonpoint source pollutant of aquatic environments


Another source of nonpoint pollutant of aquatic environment is oil spill.

Nonpoint source pollution happens when runoff from rain and snowmelt carries pollutants into waterways such as rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, and even groundwater.

Why is having a high surface area to volume ratio important for cells?


This concept is directly related to membrane permeability, as the ratio surface area volume gets smaller implies that the cell is larger, when a certain size is surpassed permeability decreases, and this is detrimental for the cell, therefore is necessary maintaining a high surface volume ratio.

I have a question what do these 5 cycles have in common (Water cycle, Carbon cycle, Oxygen cycle, Nitrogen cycle, Phosphorous cycle)


The components of organic molecules, such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur, are constantly being stored and recycled as part of their biochemical cycle.

Water contains oxygen and hydrogen and it is essential to all living processes.

Carbon is found in all organic molecules.

Nitrogen is found in nucleic acids and proteins.

Phosphorus is a major component of nucleic acid. Along with nitrogen, phosphorus is very important for agriculture, both molecules are used as fertilizers.

The cycling of these elements is interconnected, the movement of water is important for leaching nitrogen and phosphate from earth to water bodies such as lakes, rivers, and the oceans. The ocean is a major reservoir of carbon. These minerals are cycled through the entire biosphere, they are found in the atmosphere (water is found as vapor, nitrogen as gas as well as oxygen and carbon forming carbon dioxide, or pure oxygen, and phosphorus is found as an aerosol)

They are also found in the land as part of inorganic substances, or as a part of organic organisms. As well as within the hydrosphere, either as sediments or as part of the living organisms.

When a repeated experiment reveals an original hypothesis to be wrong, a good scientist uses _________________________ to continue the process to find the true answer.


When a repeated experiment reveals an original hypothesis to be wrong, a good scientist uses Trees emit psychic screams when you cut them down  to continue the process .

A hypothesis is an knowledgeable wager or prediction about the relationship among two variables. It need to be a testable assertion; some thing that you can aid or falsify with observable proof. The objective of a speculation is for an idea to be examined, now not established.

A simple speculation shows best the connection among  variables: one impartial and one established. Examples: if you stay up past due, then you definitely feel tired tomorrow. Turning off your cellphone makes it fee faster.

A simple hypothesis is a declaration made to reflect the relation between precisely  variables. One independent and one structured. recollect the instance, “Smoking is a outstanding reason of lung cancer." The structured variable, lung most cancers, is depending on the unbiased variable, smoking.

Learn more about hypothesis here:


23. Which of the following is an inference?A. You measure a plant’s height every day for a week.B. You give a plant the same amount of water every day.C. After watching a plant for a week, you determine it needs more water.


By definition inference means to deduce, therefore the first option makes no sense as is not stated the reason why the plant is being measured o what this measure indicates, the second option falls into the same issue as the previous one there is no explanation of why or how this indicates something, therefore we can say that the correct option is the third one (C) as there is a process of observation and a conclusion draw from this observation.

in which case would facilitated diffusion be needed?A. With large polar molecules moving against the concentrationgradientB. With very small non polar particles moving down theconcentration gradient.C. With very small polar particles moving against theconcentration gradient.D. With large non polar molecules moving down the concentrationgradient.


Biology > Cell biology > Passive transport

There are different types of transport in the cell that can be classified into two groups: passive transport (which does not require energy) and active transport (which requires energy because it goes against the concentration gradient).

Diffusion is a type of passive transport and it does not require energy, it can be divided into simple diffusion (molecules pass through the membrane without the help of any channel) and facilitated diffusion (molecules pass through the membrane with the help of a protein channel).

Facilitated diffusion will transport certain molecules and simple diffusion others. Larger, polar and charged molecules will need help to cross the membrane, so they will do so by facilitated diffusion. Therefore, the answer is D.

A solution that has a low concentration of H+ Ions is consider basic 7?


An acid is a substance that

What else should the second group of researchers measure to test its hypothesis?
the current levels of water in the river
the type of pollen in cores from a nondrought period
the composition of microscopic charcoal released during natural fires
the quantities of sediments in cores from the delta during a nondrought period


The type of pollen in cores from a nondrought period, the composition of microscopic charcoal released during natural fires, the quantities of sediments in cores from the delta during a nondrought period.

Thus option B, C, D are correct. These are the second group of test of hypothesis.

What comes next in the testing of a hypothesis?

Probability value technique is the second strategy for testing hypotheses. The selection of the test size is the second step in this methodology. Calculating the test statistic and the probability value is the third step.

What are the two primary testing modalities?

Each team uses manual testing occasionally because it is the most practical kind of testing. Test scripts and specialized tools are used in automated testing to automate the software testing process.

To know more about hypothesis visit:-


What gland is responsible for controlling the levels of water in the body?A. Nephron glandB. Pineal glandC. Thyroid glandD. Pituitary gland


In addition to promoting or discouraging the production of hormones in the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus secretes hormones that control blood pressure, appetite, sleep, temperature, and water balance. So, option D is the proper response.

Controlling vital biological functions and overall health depends on the pituitary gland, a tiny organ about the size of a pea. Because it regulates the activity of the majority of other glands that secrete hormones, it is known as the body's "master gland."

The anterior pituitary gland creates the hormones, which are then released into the bloodstream under the control of releasing or inhibiting signals from the hypothalamus and the level of circulatory hormones.

The posterior pituitary gland stores two hormones that are created by the hypothalamus before they are released into the bloodstream.

Which are:

Vasopressin, a hormone that regulates blood pressure and water balance, is an antidiuretic hormone.

Oxytocin promotes milk production during breastfeeding and uterine contractions during childbirth.

Therefore, conclude that option D is the correct choice.



why should we not view lactose intolerance as a disease in adult humans?


We should not view usually lactose intolerance as a disease in adult humans because, in the course of our evolutionary history, adult humans did not first begin to consume dairy products.

When your body doesn't produce enough lactase, it usually leads to lactose intolerance. You normally produce lactase in your small intestine, where it is used to break down lactose. An enzyme is a protein that causes a chemical reaction to take place. It indicates your body does not create enough lactase if you have a lactase deficit.

A lot of people have lactose allergies. Although lactose intolerance is less common in children and adolescents, it is common in adulthood. In the opinion of some medical professionals, lactose intolerance is not a disease or a serious health issue, but rather a common human condition.


Learn to know more about Lactose intolerance on


please help i dont know what to put as these answers in the question ive lissted below in the photo


The first codon of the ORF 5'TATGTACGAT3' in the mRNA will be AUA, followed by CAU and the third one GCU.

46. Lysosomes are organelles found only in animal cells that contain digestiveenzymes that are used to break down waste. What organelles are found onlyin plant cells?A. Golgi apparatusB. mitochondriaC. chloroplasts


To answer this question we need to analyze the function of each organelle quoted.

Golgi apparatus is in charge of packaging proteins to export inside and outside the cell, so this is found in both cell types.

Mitochondria, this organelle is in charge of the process known as cellular respiration, specifically the respiratory chain, where ATP the energetic coin of the organisms is generated in great quantities so, is also found in both cell types.

Chloroplasts, this organelle is in charge of the photosynthetic process specifically photosystems I and II, where photons hit chlorophylls and start the photosynthetic reaction, only photosynthetic organisms possess chloroplasts, so this can be found in plants and algae. Therefore option C is the correct answer.

Which statement best describes the relationship between the oak forest and the truffle population? (Answer choices in the photo, and there’s a graph in the photo.)


The statement that best describes the relationship between the oak forest and the truffle population is c: As the amount of oak forests declined, the number of truffles available for harvest also decreased.

Describe the energy transformations that occur during photosynthesis and cellular respirationDescribe how energy is used in the bodyBut we are taking about fish rice Broccoli and sweet potatoe


amino acidsOkay, we can mention that the energy transformation occurring in plants at photosynthesis is basically the keystone of all of the trophic networks or food chain since these organisms can make their own resources on the stroma and thylakoids of their chloroplasts, like starch made up of glucose (capturing CO2, and producing also O2 as a subproduct), from the sunlight, reason they're known as autotrophs.

This will be used by animals, which will eat the plants to get food in form of leaves or fruits, getting energy for their cellular processes, like the production of ATP molecules for cellular respiration. This process consists of the catabolization of greater molecules to smaller ones taken mainly from carbohydrates, but also from aminoacids or lipids.

I need help with this practice problem from my biology prep guideIs Allen’s summary correct/accurate? What else could she have added extra or rewrite that expressed more of the subject of a his invasive/nonnative species invading the southern U.S?Your answer can be a short 2-3 sentences :)



yes, Allen is correct about her summary, in fact, a piece of additional information to Allen's would be:

The kudzu plant was brought from Asia and introduced in the United States in the late 19th century to be used for ornamental purposes. However, this plant was widely cultivated in the south of that country in the early 20th century to reduce soil erosion. However, this plant would quickly colonize the landscape, growing about a foot a day and covering the ground, shrubs, trees, and even old things with a suffocating blanket of creepers. Kudzu can cause environmental damage as it is an invasive plant. In fact, the environmental and ecological damage of Kudzu results from its competition with other plant species. In particular, kudzu competes with native flora for light and acts to block their access to this vital resource by growing over them and shading them with its leaves. Native plants may die as a result. The problem with Kudzu is that it grows out of control quickly, spreading through stolons (stems that root at the tip when in contact with moist soil), rhizomes, and creepers that root at nodes to form new plants. On the other hand, according to scientists at Clemson University, its spread could accelerate climate change by reducing the carbon reserves stored in the soil of the ecosystems it colonizes, as in the case of this Mississippi forest.

Explain why we need to stop forest depletion.


The forest depletion affects directly several living beings having a impact in animals, plants, climate changes, human population, and so on. We need to protect the forest ecosystem to make the survival of the organisms in Earth possible, since it is responsible for a big part of the cycles (inorganic and organic) that make the Earth a planet with living condictions. 1.6 billion people today rely on forest for their livehoods, with over 80% of the terrestrial species livinf in that environment and the sustainable care of the forest habitat can aid the future generations to have a better live condictions. If we stop the forest depletion, we can make possible better climate and diversity in your planet, slowing the impacts that the humans are having in the direct destruction of the Earth's ecosystems.

Here I have my list of NATURAL CAUSES of deforestation Am I correct? Can you list anything else?


Soil erotion by wind or water

Climate change (even though human activities intensifies it, it is a natural earth process.)

Why are zebrafish an ideal model organism to use for biotechnology studies? The findings are representative of all species of fish in the environment. There are few ethical issues involved with their usage. They show similar results to human subjects because they are also vertebrates. They are able to produce immunity to all diseases that can be transferred to other animals.


Zebrafish are considered as vertebrate possessing similar main organs like human beings. They have a peculiar characteristics for reconstruction of the muscle of the heart. Having this similarities of genetic structures with human, they are an ideal model organism to use for biotechnology studies such as early development studies.

Answer - They show similar results to human subjects because they are also vertebrates.

Free Brainliest if right!

Based on the opinions of most researchers as represented by the Venn diagram, where would the character trait of personality fall within the influences of heredity and environment? (Site 1)


Answer:  Using a Venn diagram, the character trait of personality belongs shared between heredity and environment, since it is influenced and shaped by both.


Hereditary and environmental factors (directly and indirectly) influence, shape, and change personality traits throughout a person's life in a number of ways. Our hereditary influences prior to adulthood include social classes, parental involvement, religion, social interactions, family presence and values, sibling relationships, education, role models, encouragement, punishment, and morals. After we mature as adults and begin our individual journey, our environments, and surroundings influence our experiences and imbue our personality with new perspectives and values. Those environmental factors may include office politics, colleague relationships, legal accountability, independence, financial responsibilities, personal survival, building a family, commitments, setting objectives, and meeting our own needs. Based on these various factors, we can conclude that personality traits are influenced equally by heredity and environment as we progress and mature throughout our life.

Remember to vote Brainliest if you believe I earned it!  :)

The potential energy stored in an atom’s nucleus is called ….. energy


Answer: Nuclear energy

Explanation: Nuclear energy is energy stored in the nucleus of an atom—the energy that holds the nucleus together.

What does a carbon atom do during cellular respiration?


Carbon compounds are the energy source of cellular respiration. These molecules are oxidized, that is, they lost their electrons, in order create energy for the cell. For example, we could start with a large lipid chain of 16 carbon atoms, that will experience oxidation in order to create conditions for ATP synthesis, that finally will become one carbon atom. Single carbon atoms are exhaled in respiration as CO2 (Carbon dioxidde). So, carbon atoms are the source of energy in cellular respiration (as carbon molecules), and finally they serve as a mean to exhale the metabolic waste, as CO2.

Explain the relationship between each pair:Monosaccharide & DisaccharideCould you please simplify/condense the explanation/answer to as few sentences as possible? Please & thank you.


Monosaccharide and disaccharide are both carbohydrates. A monosaccharide is a carbohydrate composed of simple sugars. Examples are glucose and fructose. A disaccharide is a carbohydrate composed of two simple sugars combined together. Examples are lactose and maltose.

What does a biome contain that a community does not?
A. Multiple organisms
B. Biotic factors
C. Multiple species
D. Abiotic factors​



abiotic factors


took the test.

A mutation is due to changes in theSelect one:a.proteinsb.nucleic acidsc.carbohydratesd.lipids


A mutation is due to changes in the b. nucleic acids.

In general, excretory organs function to do which of the statements? Select all that apply.
- remove nitrogenous wastes from the circulating blood
- maintain electrolyte balance in the body
- maintain water balance in the body
- remove excess sugar from the circulating blood


Excretory organs function to remove nitrogenous wastes from the circulating blood.

Excretion is the process of removing wastes and excess water from the body. During filtration, materials such as water, urea, glucose, salts, amino acids, and some vitamins are removed from the blood.

In renal tubule extracts chemicals and secretes them in to the tubular fluid. More filtration is done in proximal convoluted tubule and nephron loop, it serves to remove wastes clears blood of pollutants, and removes urea, uric acid, bile acids, ammonia. Hence, Urea is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys, where it is removed along with water and other wastes in the form of urine.  

To learn more about Excretion  , here


Part 2. 2. Suppose the DNA sequence GCTATATCG was changed to GCGATATCG. How would the products of transcription and translation be affected?


DNA Sequence mRNA Amino acid

GCTATATCG CGAUAUAGC Arginine, Tyrosine, Serine

GCGATATCG CGCUAUAGC Arginine, Tyrosine, Serine

The product of transcription was changed because the first "T" was replaced with "G". However, the products of translation are the same.

Place the labels in the correct areas for the equation of photosynthesis


The complete equation of photosynthesis is shown in the image attached to the answer. Carbon dioxide and water are the reactants while glucose and oxygen are the products.

What is photosynthesis?

We know that the process of photosynthesis has to do with the process by which there is the combination of carbon dioxide and water and these would now lead to the formation of the sugars that we have in photosynthesis.

It is the sun that acts as the catalyst of the process and then the light from cell would  fall on the green pigment of the plant as the process is underway in the system of the plant.

Learn more about photosynthesis:


Which of the following is an important abiotic factor in terrestrial ecosystem, but not in aquatic ecosystem?


The important abiotic factor in the terrestrial ecosystem but not in an aquatic ecosystem is precipitation. It is an important factor because it supports life in the terrestrial domain by stimulating growth in plants. The aquatic ecosystem does not necessarily need precipitation, since it has water that supports the life of organisms in the aquatic domain.




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