What else can I say I need help with writing the rest my book is ghost boys and the things she wants is
Multiple examples from the text that illustrates the issue in the relationship
And what each character can do to address the conflict?????
So please give me a answer please instead of giving me a link that can cause a virus don’t answer unless your really gonna help because I really need help!!!!!!

What Else Can I Say I Need Help With Writing The Rest My Book Is Ghost Boys And The Things She Wants


Answer 1


Grammar check: tuff is meant to be spelt as tough. Put a full stop after bullied.

Jerome knows the school better, so Jerome can put posters around the school saying no bullying and stuff. Carlos can ask a teacher for help. Jerome can also support Carlos and help him get to know the school better. They could ask for help from other students around the school who know better about bullying. They both can make more friends and perhaps not provoke the bullies by fighting back against them. Due to still being constantly bullied, they really should also tell their parents and seek advice.

Related Questions

How does theme relate to a work of literature’s ability to persuade?
Select one:
a.The underlying message of a story usually expresses the author’s personal bias.
b.The underlying message of a story may also be a call to action for the reader.
c.All themes aim to persuade the reader to champion the author’s particular cause.
d.The more obvious a theme is, the more persuasive the message will be.



B. The underlying message of a story may also be a call to action for the reader.


yw :)




i got 100 on the quiz :)

how to write a letter to your father telling him why you fail the exam and three reasons​



dear dad,

i did a _________ test today and i failed. i apologize for failing the _____ test.I really tried my best on this test.i was really overwhelmed and i know it was a very big part of my grade.


sorry if its bad i dont have a dad. I dident end it beacuse usually i would say "i will ask my teacher if i can redo it and i wil study for a better grade" but i dont know if its the kind of test you can redo.

Dear Father,

The test I took didn’t really turn out well, I understand that it’s upsetting but please hear me out. First, the questions were extremely hard, no matter what answer I put it always seemed to be the wrong one. Secondly, the teacher wouldn’t help when I asked for help, which is made me extremely upset since I felt like I couldn’t even ask for help. Lastly the teacher didn’t even give me resources to practice for the test, I know that homework an be used to study but the questions weren’t anything like the homework. The teacher said it would be like the homework, which it wasn’t. I hope you understand.

Sincerely, (your name)

help it’s due in 15 mins



The answer is A


"For instance" works best in this paragraph.

PLEASE HELP which option is an example of deductive reasoning



i say C is the best answer


Ok, you can only answer this if you’ve read a book called The Outsiders. Who in the novel is trying to figure out their individuality? How is he doing this?

I will give 40 points


Ponyboy is trying to figure out his individualiy throughout the novel. He's trying to reconile his social class rank along with his gang membership with The Greasers. (I apologize if this is incorrect, I haven't read the novel in a while.)

Q. How foolish of you to behave like this! Change into Affirmative​



It was foolish of you to behave like this.


5. Which of the following questions should you ask to make an informed inference about what has happened before? (5 points)
Why do the characters feel the way they feel?
O What are the characters going to do next?
Who is my favorite character so far in this story?
O Where did I first hear about these characters?


why do the characters feel the way the feel

Choose the word, clause, or phrase modified by the underlined word(s).

Hagrid spoke (fondly) of his experience at space camp.

Question options:


Of his experience

At space camp


The word, clause or phrase that modified the sentences 'Hagrid spoke (fondly) of his experience at space camp' is "Spoke". The correct option is (A).

What do you mean by the phrases?

A phrase is a condensed group of words that people frequently use to express themselves. It's not always clear from the meaning of the individual words in a phrase what the phrase as a whole means.

A phrase is a short string of words that expresses an idea but isn't a complete sentence. Every day, you utilize phrases in both your speech and writing.

There are many various sorts of phrases, some of which have a more technical purpose in your writing than others.

Therefore, the word, clause or phrase that modified the sentences 'Hagrid spoke (fondly) of his experience at space camp' is "Spoke".

To know more about the phrases, visit:



_____ is a line of writing that has a musical flow and rhythm.

A. A stanza

B. An ode

C. An elegy

D. A verse



D. A verse



A verse is a line of writing that has a musical flow and rhythm.

What issues/problems were going on in 2018. ( around racism, gun violence, police brutality, etc.)


Answer: well I read that in 2018 the biggest public problem was population growth. so this either answers your question or this was a waste of time but here I did my best

Is this independent or dependent clause A or B



dependant. B


bc it cant be a whole sentence on its own, sorry im late

The water soon turned brown with weeks of dirt and sweat. I held my breath and dunked my head under the water. I scrubbed my hair with soap and dunked again, over and over until my hair was free of blood and filth. I rubbed the soap on a rag and scrubbed my skin until it burned. When even the soles of my feet were clean, I dried myself by the kitchen fire.

How is this bath like a rebirth for Mattie? Explain.


It makes them feel refreshed because they’re cleaning themselves of any stress or pain and it makes them feel like a new person.

Identify the gerund phrase in this sentence. Our baseball team is playing out of town this week.



There is no gerund phrase in the given sentence.


A gerund phrase is a phrase that starts with a gerund and contains modifiers or other words along with it. A gerund is a noun made from a verb root, in the -ing form and acts as a noun and not as a verb.

In the given sentence "Our baseball team is playing out of town this week", there is no gerund phrase. This is because the verb "play" + "-ing" functions as a verb and not as a noun.

Thus, there is no gerund or gerund phrase in the given sentence.

Help me with this im too s t u p i d lol



1. --> C 2. --> A.


I don't think you need an explanation since it's simple answer, but if you do then let me know.


First photo : The pronoun "we" does not have an antecedent.

Second photo : "They" is a vague pronoun.


What language techniques do they use in Riverdale?


riverdale is an amazing show. they use many techniques such as siumiles and metaphors. if you watch it then you'd know :P !


Are you talking about the show Riverdale or actual Riverdale


(I figured the question out already)



so free points?



I’ll give a brainiest!! Plz help!

Use the graphic organizer below to create an outline for your persuasive essay. When you have finished, copy and paste
your outline into the Notebook tool() so that you can refer to it later in the lesson.



This is just instructions for your essay. You need to give us a topic, and for you shouldn't use brainly to give you a graphic organizer, lol. Good luck.


What does this saying mean?"The best mirror in the world is an old friend"​


It’s referring to the mirror as your oldest friend. Your oldest friend, the one you’ve known the longest and most are very close to you and it’s warming. They know you well the best and they’re honest, kind, friendly, etc towards you. They give you “a better picture of yourself than a looking glass.”

1-4. Underline the subject pronouns.
1. Maggie tried to put out the fire, but she couldn't.
2. The firefighters were worried, so they kept a careful lookout
3. Fires are dangerous because they are hard to control.
4. Vera wondered how she could help prevent fires.







please urgent please beg


Answer:medicine, have a seat, a couple of, bandage, diet, regularly, rude thats in order



1.. medicine

2. have a seat

3.. a couple of

4... bandage

5.. diet

6.. regularly.

7.. rude



pls mark as brainiest.m

please help thank youuu



Parents should encourage their children to play role-playing games because it builds reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. A teacher named Jamie Sanchez wrote in her journal artical about how test scores of children who play video games are much higher and are more accurate then the average student. Some parents argue that video games are not helpful when it comes to reading for extended periods of time. This a debunked by child psychologist, Dr. Arnold Rickman. He had found in a recent study that his patients who play video games are more able to solve complex problems. That is because video games have puzzles that the player must solve by thinking hard and sometimes outside of the box.


Sorry it took so long, I was trying to find a way to put information together

Read the excerpt from The Diary of a Young Girl.

When she and I were sitting in our bedroom, Margot told me that the call-up was not for Father, but for her. At this second shock, I began to cry. Margot is sixteen – apparently they want to send girls her age away on their own. But thank goodness she won't be going; Mother had said so herself, which must be what Father had meant when he talked to me about our going into hiding. Hiding . . . where would we hide? In the city? In the country? In a house? In a shack? When, where, how . . . ? These were questions I wasn't allowed to ask, but they still kept running through my mind.

Based on this excerpt, what is Anne’s perspective on going into hiding?

She is confused about why the family needs to hide.
She is certain that hiding is the safest option.
She is fearful that the family will be found in hiding.
She is curious about how and where they will hide.



she is curious about how and where they will hide


it says ¨where would we hide? In the city? In the country? In a house? In a shack? When, where, how . . . ? These were questions I wasn't allowed to ask, but they still kept running through my mind.¨

The company’s _______ revealed that Mr. Jonas was in fact an employee ten years before the trial. a. stationery b. records c. subsidiaries d. portfolio





Help please
Brainiest answer to whoever is first



Your answer is 1


How did Steve, Woz, Markkula, and Scotty present themselves at the West Coast Computer
Fair? I need help please!



Stephen Gary Wozniak (p18) (p27) also known by his nickname "Woz", is an American electronics engineer, computer programmer, ... (p10) At the request of Markkula, Wozniak resigned from his job at HP and became the vice ... Jobs and Wozniak introduced the Apple II at the April 1977 West Coast Computer Faire.


Riddle What disappears as soon as you say its name?





heard this one before

The answer is silence.

Why the answer is silence?

The reason is, till you are quiet and speak nothing, silence is maintained. But as soon as you speak, you break the silence. Thus, silence is something that disappears as soon as you say its name.

Thus, the answer is silence.

Learn more on riddle here - brainly.com/question/478260


The specific type of exercise you do will determine the specific benefit you receive.


if you lift with your arms, for example, you’ll gain muscle in your arms
The answer is true.

•] if one works out on their core area they will eventually get abs.

did anyone buy this from teachers pay teachers: Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children COMPLETE Unit Plan





yh i did tell me what u need and i will hlp u

What is the difference between what Mr. Jefferson says in the Declaration of Independence and what he does?



Drafting the Declaration of Independence in 1776 became the defining event in Thomas Jefferson's life. Despite Jefferson's desire to return to Virginia to help write that state's constitution, the Continental Congress appointed him to the five-person committee for drafting a declaration of independence. That committee subsequently assigned him the task of producing a draft document for its consideration. Drawing on documents, such as the Virginia Declaration of Rights, state and local calls for independence, and his own draft of a Virginia constitution, Jefferson wrote a stunning statement of the colonists' right to rebel against the British government and establish their own base.

hope this helps!


You have read passage excerpts from “The Lewis and Clark Journey of Discovery” and from “Sacagawea.” The authors both describe the leadership of the members of the expedition and the impact the different skills each of the participants had on the success of the expedition.

Based on what you have read, write an essay arguing whether Sacagawea was essential to the expedition’s success. Use evidence from both passages to support your argument.

Your writing will be scored based on the development of ideas, organization of writing, and language conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics.


The skill sets are the ability of find or navigate and make relevant discoveries based on their analytical and scientific bent of mind.

What are skills and activities in passage.

The basis of the reading tells us about the Lewis and Clark journey and their discoveries which impacts there position opened up new territories for the fur and lumbering trade and pointed out the lands that could be further used for agricultural activities.

Find out more information about the passage excerpts here.


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