help ASAP please! ill mark brainliest

Help ASAP Please! Ill Mark Brainliest


Answer 1

I thinks it's the north.

Answer 2

Your answer is:

B) West region



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When did the roman empire approximately start?​



The Roman Empire was founded when Augustus Caesar proclaimed himself the first emperor of Rome in 31BC and came to an end with the fall of Constantinople in 1453CE.

what changes to the shapes of the sugar cube did you observe during the experiment


The squeaker shape of 1

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I can’t see the words. Give me the words in text form so I can better help you.


Western Roman Empire The westernmost of the two empires created by the division of the later Roman Empire, esp after its final severance from the Eastern Roman Empire (395 ad)

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Read the passage.

I only wish I had words to serve me to blame those who are fain to extol the worship of men more than that of the sun; for in the whole universe there is nowhere to be seen a body of greater magnitude and power than the sun. Its light gives light to all the celestial bodies which are distributed throughout the universe; and from it descends all vital force, for the heat that is in living beings comes from the soul [vital spark]; and there is no other [center] of heat and light in the universe.

–"In Praise of the Sun”
Leonardo da Vinci

What is da Vinci’s strongest argument in support of his main idea?

-saying the sun is the center of the universe
-talking about the sun being the most powerful star
-explaining why the sun is a necessary part of human life
-using an emotional argument to connect the sun and the soul








I know that this is probibly too late sorry.  :(

What is different about the ways the chilean military and chavez came to power



The main difference between the way the Chilean military came to power in 1973 and the way Hugo Chavez did the same in Venezuela in 1999 lies in the democratic legitimacy in which they did so.

Thus, the Chilean military, led by Augusto Pinochet, came to power through a civil military coup d'etat, by which they overthrew the democratically elected president, Salvador Allende, who defended socialist ideas.

Instead, Chavez came to power initially through democratic elections in which the Venezuelan people elected him as President, although later his government ended up becoming a socialist dictatorship.

Name two religious place of bagmati province​



Bagmati Province (Nepali: वाग्मती प्रदेश, Bagmati Pradesh)[1][2] is one of the seven provinces of Nepal established by the constitution of Nepal as of 20 September 2015.[3] With Hetauda as its provincial headquarter,[4] the province is the home to the country's capital Kathmandu, is mostly hilly and mountainous, and hosts mountain peaks including Gaurishankar, Langtang, Jugal, and Ganesh. The province covers an area of 20,300 km2 - about 13.76% of the country's total area, and has an altitude low enough to support deciduous, coniferous, and alpine forests and woodlands. Temperature varies with altitude. Rainfall takes place mainly during the summer.

How would you classify a political system in which two parties usually get most of the votes in

A. a multi-party system

B. a single-party system

C. a two party system

D. a parliamentary democracy


C. Has been the most popular in recent elections
the answer should be a 2 party system

Create your own disc jockey rhyme create a rhyme at least ten lines long HELP I’ll CASH APP AND MARK BRAIN LIST





what is the Definition of 1st Amendment



The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. ... It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely.

Is nepal beautiful then our country?​





Nepal, a small beautiful country, but once is not enough. Nepal, if not 'the one' but surely, she is one of the most beautiful countries in Asia. Nestled in the lap of the gigantic Himalayan Range, tiny land-locked Nepal has eight out of ten highest mountains in the world, including Mt.

Which statement correctly describes the impact of Hinduism and Confucianism on society?
Both Hinduism and Confucianism divided Indian society into different castes.

Both Hinduism and Confucianism promoted the principles of democracy in society.

While Hinduism promoted the concept of harmony in China, Confucianism divided Indian society into different castes.

While Hinduism divided Indian society into different castes, Confucianism promoted the concept of harmony in China.
please try your best bc this is for a grade if i pass ill give everyone who answered brainliest


I think its B Or C but if I know I will tell you

Write three words or phrases to describe each term?


I think is uh..I think is uh carrot

Using complete sentences, discuss why the populations of highly developed nations often decline. How does a nation’s level of development affect the country’s death rate?



Maybe because many people are not getting care



Because many people are not getting the correct care that they need.


idntify me: I was elected as the speaker of the constitutional assembly.​



wow , really proud of you

Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar

Which of the following is NOT considered one of the five themes of geography?


the answer is D)source

Explain two ways that racist attitudes affected African Americans in the North and the South.


Two ways in which racist attitudes affected the African Americans in the South and North are:

• It made them uncomfortable.

• They get a fear of being black due to the consequences that might play out.

Answer: it made them feel left out of everything. they felt that they didn't belong there

How did the Civil War impact Mississippi? Many people in Mississippi lost their homes and farms. The majority of the Confederate debt fell on Mississippi. Most of the population of Mississippi moved North after the war. Nearly all soldiers from Mississippi returned home after the war.



The history of the state of Mississippi extends back to thousands of years of indigenous peoples. Evidence of their cultures has been found largely through archeological excavations, as well as existing remains of earthwork mounds built thousands of years ago. Native American traditions were kept through oral histories; with Europeans recording the accounts of historic peoples they encountered. Since the late 20th century, there have been increased studies of the Native American tribes and reliance on their oral histories to document their cultures. Their accounts have been correlated with evidence of natural events.

The first Colonizers to occupy the area of the present-day state were French colonists, followed later by Spanish and English colonists, particularly along the Gulf Coast. Euro-Americans did not enter the territory in great number until the early 19th century. Some early settlers would bring many enslaved Africans with them to serve as laborers to develop cotton plantations along major riverfronts. In 1817, Mississippi became a state of the United States. Through the 1830s, the federal government forced most of the native Choctaw and Chickasaw people west of the Mississippi River. White planters developed an economy based on the export of cotton produced by slave labor along the Mississippi and Yazoo rivers. A small elite group of planters controlled most of the richest land, the wealth, and politics of the state, which led to Mississippi seceding from the Union in 1861. During the Civil War, its river cities particularly were sites of extended battles and widespread destruction.

The bottomlands of the Mississippi Delta were still 90% undeveloped after the Civil War. Thousands of migrants, both black and white, entered this area for a chance at land ownership. They sold timber while clearing land to raise money for purchases. During the Reconstruction era, many freedmen became owners of farms in these areas, and by 1900, composed two-thirds of the property owners in the Mississippi Delta. White Democrats regained control of the state legislature in the late 19th century, and in 1890, passed a disfranchising constitution, resulting in the exclusion of African Americans from political life until the mid-1960s. Most African Americans lost their lands due to disenfranchisement, segregation, financial crises, and an extended decline in cotton prices. By 1920, most African Americans were landless sharecroppers and tenant farmers. However in the 1930s, some blacks acquired land under low-interest loans from New Deal programs; in 1960 Holmes County still had 800 black farmers, the most of any county in the state. The state continued to rely mostly on agriculture and timber into the 20th century, but mechanization and acquisition of properties by megafarms would change the face of the labor market and economy.

During the early through mid-20th century, the two waves of the Great Migration led to hundreds of thousands of rural blacks leaving the state. As a result, by the 1930s, African Americans were a minority of the state population for the first time since the early 19th century. They would remain a majority of the population in many Delta counties. Mississippi also had numerous sites of activism related to the Civil Rights Movement, as African Americans sought to re-establish their constitutional rights for access to public facilities, including all state universities, and the ability to register, vote, and run for office.

In the 21st century, Mississippi has expanded its medical and professional communities in cities such as Jackson, the state capital. The state legislature approved gaming casinos on riverboats on the Mississippi River and along the Gulf Coast, which has led to increases in tourism in these areas, helping generate revenues for the state.

Study the maps showing population movement during the Great Migration.

On the left is a map titled Geography of the Great Migration: Early Years. States highlighted from left to right are Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. People from North Carolina migrated to Washington D C and Baltimore. People from South Carolina migrated to Philadelphia and New York City. People from Georgia migrated to Cleveland. People from Alabama migrated to Detroit. People from Mississippi migrated to Chicago. On the right is a map titled Geography of the Great Migration: Later Years. States highlighted left to right are Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. In addition to the Early Years migration, people from Texas migrated to Los Angeles and San Diego. People from Louisiana migrated to San Francisco and Seattle.

Which statement explains what the maps show about how migration changed from the early years to the later years?

In later years, people migrated to Texas.
In later years, people migrated to Northern cities.
In later years, people migrated to Western states.
In later years, people migrated from the North to the West Coast.



C.) In later years, people migrated to Western states!


The maps showing population movement showing how migration changed from the early years to the later years is that in Later years, people migrated to western cities.

What do you mean by migration?

Migration refers to the movement of people from one usual place of residence to other.

The statement that explains how migration changed from early years to later years is people migrated to the western cities.

Therefore, C is the correct option.

Learn more about Migration here:


what do recent studies say about the north polar ice cap


That it is melting because of global warming

1. Rural African tribesmen that hunt wild game to provide food for the family and the tribe.
This would be a component of what type of economy?





Hunting and gathering of wild animals has always been and continues to be an In many African countries, hunting is not only a means of securing food Women of the Luvale and Shaba tribes of Zaire also trap rodents and in West Africa,  own a gun; part-time and young hunters may or may not have their own guns.

Which system has a central government and local units that implement the central government's decisions?



Unitary system


There are three types of government systems :

Unitary System, Federal system, Confederate system

Among the three, the Unitary system is the one where the Central government has the complete power. The local units might not even exist in such a system and even if they do, their only power or job is to implement the decisions that have been taken by the Central Government. Countries like China, United kingdom and France run the governments on Unitary symmetry.

why did germany finally surrender in WW2



A. Hitler was dead


Due to warring ideologies, tussles between the Soviet Union and its allies, and the legacy of the First World War, Germany actually surrendered twice. Hitler died which cause Berlin fell to the Soviets.

What is a County Assessor?
The County Assessor is the chief officer of the county.
The County Assessor evaluates the county school system.
The County Assessor sends out county property tax bills.
The County Assessor administers the voting laws in the county.





it has to do with property

Answer: C) The County Assessor sends out county property tax bills

Explanation: Just got it right

How could the Holocaust have been stopped? Should western governments or the United States have
intervened as Germany started to militarize again? Would the Holocaust have been prevented if western
powers had dealt more fairly with Germany after World War I?



The Holocaust could not have been stopped.


Yes although after world war one ended many germany had to take most of the fault when they were trying to protect austria hungry. Jews have been discrimnaited since the earliest centurys because in transltion they found that jesus said that they were "devils" in ancient era, and ever since their religiously jews were always running away from persecution. This is why hitler blamed it in on the Jews because he thought since jews were coming into austria hungry to escape persecution he blamed it all on them. It had nothing to do with rule or militairy, it was all religious beliefs.

how was the WW2 caused? P.S this is really easy...


World War II began in Europe on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland

who is the person who goes jail everyday?​



A police officer or jail warden. is that the right answer?

if anyone can help me that’d be great :D



I'm truly sorry but I cannot see what you are talking about

Which term means to cancel something? A. repeal B. repeat C. reform D. renew​



repeal :D



A repeal

Explanation: hope this helps


How did explorers travel out west?

A) By canoe and foot
B) By plane
C) By steamship and stagecoach
D) By train


by canoe and foot is how they traveled


A) By Canoe and Foot. <:


We can do i zoom now if you want. <:

¿Qué tenían de importantes las ciudades de Grecia? ✓ ¿Dónde quedaba Esparta y Atenas ✓ ¿Cómo se llamaba el mecanismo de participación de los griegos? ✓ ¿A quiénes elegían los griegos? ✓ ¿Cuáles eran las clases sociales de Grecia? ✓ ¿Qué legado nos dejó Grecia? ✓ ¿Cómo se llamaban los filósofos griegos? ✓ Investiga la vida de un dios griego :


Las respuestas correctas para estas preguntas abiertas son las siguientes.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder a las preguntas, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

¿Qué tenían de importantes las ciudades de Grecia?

Su importancia radicaba en que se formaron siendo centros sociales y de poder llamados "Ciudades-Estado," en donde los Griegos tenían sus leyes y se consideraban soberanos, aunque en realidad existía una interdependencia entre esas ciudades.

¿Dónde quedaba Esparta y Atenas?

Atenas se encuentra en el sur del territorio Griego,  y al día de hoy existe como la capital de Grecia. Desde la época de la antigua Grecia, siempre se ha encontrado en el mismo lugar.

Esparta estaba ubicada en la llamada península del Peloponeso, junto al acaudalado Río Eurotas, cerca de los Montes Pargón y Taigueto.

¿Cómo se llamaba el mecanismo de participación de los griegos?

Se llamaba Democracia y el concepto fue desarrollado por un líder llamado Cleístenes.

¿Cuáles eran las clases sociales de Grecia?

Los ciudadanos, quienes eran los dueños de la tierra y tenían propiedad privada. Los ciudan¿danos era la clase prominente, los privilegiados. La potra clase eran los extranjeros residentes en Grecia llamados Metecos. La clase más baja eran los esclavos y servían a los ciudadanos.  

¿Qué legado nos dejó Grecia?

Grecia nos dejó como legado el sistema llamado Democracia, a sus grandes filósofos, una arquitectura preciosa que influyó a Roma, como el el caso del Templo Ateniense llamado el Partenón, y los géneros Drama y Comedia en el teatro Griego.

¿Cómo se llamaban los Filósofos Griegos?

Los más grandes filósofos Griegos fueron Sócrates, Platón, y Aristóteles.

El dios Griego más importante era el gran Zeus, el dios más poderoso y para los Griegos, el Padre de la humanidad. Habitaba en su templo ubicado en el Monte Olimpo, donde precedían todos los dioses del Olimpo. Zeus poseía un rayo luminoso con el combatía a sus enemigos y era invencible.

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The _______________ is one of the earliest forms of burial chambers with a flat top and sloping sides built over the chamber that is several feet underground. It's name means "bench" in Arabic since it has a flat top and sloping side Assume that the ratio of moles of Cl to moles of Cu are 2.39. If we can represent the formula by CuClx, what is the value for x? Round your answer to the nearest whole number. Do NOT include units. So, if you think the formula is CuCl6, you enter the number 6. PRACTICE ANOTHER The administration of a large university wants to take a random sample to measure student opinion of a new food service on campus. It plans to use a scale from 1 to 100, on which 1 is complete dissatisfaction and 100 is complete satisfaction. The administration knows from past experience with such questions that the standard deviation for the responses is going to be about 3, but it does not know what to expect for the mean. It wants to be almost sure that the sample mean is within plus or minus 1 point of the true population mean value. How large, n will the random sample have to be When a cannon fires a cannonball we observe Newton's third law. Which is the reaction force? A) The cannon moving forward B) The cannonball moving backward C) The cannon moving backward D) The cannonball moving forward Why is it good to have class pets? How does class pets teach students responsibility. good at English will be able to help me will give brainliest Whats the slope to this graph? How many pounds are in 9 gallons? if a skunk has 20 chromosomes in each sperm cell how many chromosomes are in it's haploid cells What are some ways we can stop global warming in the arctic?Help! Steven is a college athlete. He is 21 years old and is studying to become a physical education teacher. He reads many research articles on ways to enhance athletic performance. Steven would like to look at his carbohydrate consumption to see if making changes will allow him to have a more competitive edge. Steven has decided to write down his daily food intake using a journal to address the different types of carbohydrates he is consuming. He also wants to make sure that he is getting enough carbohydrates in his diet. Steven has been consuming a very low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet for months but has been noticing some issues with concentration and feels that he is fatiguing sooner than he should when competing. 1. As he reads about carbohydrates, Steven is surprised to learn what? A. Red blood cells need both carbohydrates and fats to function. B. Fiber is absorbed into our blood stream. C. The brain and nerve tissues prefer carbohydrates as fuel. D. Even refined carbohydrates provide a rich nutrient source of energy. E. Gram for gram, carbohydrates are higher in calories than dietary fats. 2. Steven is thinking about increasing his intake of carbohydrates each day. He found through his research that inadequate levels of carbohydrates in the diet:_____. A. promote increased insulin production and insulin resistance.B. will result in weaker and smaller muscle fibers.C. require red blood cells to burn fats for energy.D. can lead to ketosis, a potentially life-threatening condition.E. trigger automatic glycogen production in muscle cells.3. Steven shares the information about inadequate carbohydrate intake with his fellow teammates, as well as the DRI recommended amounts. What is the minimum amount of digestible carbohydrate, as determined by the DRI committee, to adequately feed the brain and reduce ketosis? A. 130 g/day for an average-sized person.B. 180 mg/day for an average-sized person.C. 130 mg/day for an average-sized person.D. 180 g/day for an average-sized person.E. 150 mg/day for an average-sized person.4. Steven's preference is that most of his carbohydrate intake comes from sources low on the glycemic index scale. What types of foods should Steven consider to include in his diet that will not spike blood glucose levels? A. potatoes, apples, couscous.B. soy milk, corn, rice crackers.C. breads, rice, watermelon.D. breakfast cereals, pasta, pineapple.E. carrots, legumes, peaches.5. Steven has obviously read up on how the body uses glucose through his coursework. He understands that when glucose levels are high, the pancreas releases ; when glucose levels are low, the pancreas releases:____.a. ketone bodies; insulin.b. epinephrine; glycogen.c. ketone bodies; glucagon.d. Insulin; glucagon.e. insulin; epinephrine.6. Steven suggests that he and his teammates commit to consuming good sources of carbohydrates. Why are whole grains, unprocessed vegetables, and fresh fruits considered the best sources of carbohydrates? A. They inhibit glycogen storage in the liver, muscles, and bones, thereby maximizing glycemic load. B. They tend to be higher in calories and offer more energy as compared to processed carbohydrates. C. They have less fiber and are, therefore, more easily processed by the body than refined foods. D. They have a higher glycemic index and, therefore, help regulate blood sugar more efficiently. E. They are rich in fibers and phytochemicals and generally low in saturated and trans fats. 7. Steven decides to go shopping at a farmer's market and stops at a booth with several loaves of freshly made whole-grain bread. Which health effects have been shown to be correlated with eating whole grains on a regular basis? A. reduced risks of obesity, liver disease, type 1 diabetes, and osteoarthritis.B. reduced risks of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer.C. reduced risks of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and osteoarthritis.D. increased muscle mass and body tissue health, and reduced risk of prostate and stomach cancer.E. increased muscle mass and body tissue health, and reduced risk of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.8. As Steven plans his menu for the next week, he considers the optimal percentages of each food group. According to government recommendations, what percentage of calories should be obtained from carbohydrates? a. between 15% and 25%.b. between 45% and 65%.c. between 10% and 15%.d. between 35% and 55%.e. between 25% and 35%. Please Help me i need the right answer fast! What was imperialism?what was imperialism Find the volume: 7cm 16 cm 8 cm HELLLPPPPPPPO13Select the correct answer I will tell you a story that is only half true. I first went out ofthe country when I was about 20 years old. Some friends andwent to Hawan on a vacation. During our trip, we spent most ofthe time lying around the beachOne night, we went on a moonlight cruise. The boat wewent on had a glass bottom, so we could see all the beautifulsea life floating underneath us. The moonlight would hit theglass just so, causing shadows to appear and the seacreatures to seem almost mythological I think it's one of themost beautiful things I have ever seen So enraptured withnature were we that we didn't see the boat approaching oursImagine my surprise when our boat tour was boarded bypirates. We were literally scared speechless. Luckily, they didn'tspeak a language we could understand anyway Everyone hadto surrender all of their valuable items I lost my camera with allof my pictures from our trip, the diamond studs I had receivedas a high school graduation present, and my favorite watchBut thank goodness that was all I lost And the story I lived totell was more than worth itThis story is written for entertainment purposes. Which sentence from the passage best supports the author'spurpose for writingThe moonlight would hit the glass just so, causing shadows to appear and the sea creatures to seemalmost mythologicalOB. I lost my camera with all of my pictures from our trip, the diamond studs I had received as a highschool graduation present, and my favorite watch.OC i will tell you a story that is only half true.I first went out of the country when I was about 20 years old.ODResetNext which one of the following forces is a contact force force of gravity or force of friction discuss what you would do to get elected to the RCL Electrical energy exists when charged particles attract or repel each other.PLEASE HELPTrue or false Write an equation of a line that goes thru the points (-2, 6) & (3, -4) Jennifer uses rainwater from a barrel to water her garden. The diagram shows the amount of water she used during a 4-day period. Which of the following is closest to the fraction of a full barrel of water that Jennifer used per day? A. [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex]B. [tex]\frac{1}{12}[/tex]C. [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]D. [tex]\frac{1}{8}[/tex]