what element do the potential solutions of raising the retirement age, increasing payroll taxes, and reducing benefit payments all share?


Answer 1

The potential solutions of raising the retirement age is that each one would require someone to give up money and/or benefits.

When you cut back on hours or quit working completely, the Social Security Retirement benefit is a monthly check that replaces a portion of your income. As you get older, it might not completely replace your income, so it's best to find other means to cover your monthly needs.

The Social Security retirement benefit eligibility age was gradually raised by the 1983 Amendments. The retirement age will rise from 65 to 67 over a 22-year period, after which it will stay at 66 for an additional 11 years.

The minimum age to be eligible for full retirement benefits was 65 under the 1935 version of the Social Security Act.

To know more about social security benefit:



Related Questions

since online customers browse frequently, which are the two aspects to be considered in keeping the content current?


The two aspects to be considered in keeping the content current is  Merchandise presentation and merchandise description.

What is Merchandise presentation?Merchandising presentation, to put it simply, is a design concept that entails arranging products in a tidy, orderly fashion to make it simple for customers to shop. Although it is not intended to be monotonous, merchandise presentation is also not intended to be the center of attention in the store.The success of your company as a whole is heavily influenced by your store's merchandising, or product presentation. You want customers to make purchases when they enter your store, after all. A tool that helps customers move toward making that purchase is effective merchandising.The two fundamental forms of merchandise presentation are visual merchandising and on-shelf merchandising.The Old French word merchandise, which derives from the noun Marchand, or "trader," is where the word merchandise first appeared.

To the complete question is;

Since online customers browse frequently, which are the two aspects to be considered in keeping the content current?

a. Merchandise presentation and merchandise description

b. Store image and space productivity

c. Visual communications and store planning

d. Store design and merchandising

e. Micro retailing and space productivity index

To learn more about Merchandise presentation refer to:



how has the sarbanes-oxley act improved the accuracy and reliability of corporate financial disclosures


Data manipulation is prevented because of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

With the goal of regaining investor confidence through increased openness and stronger reporting standards, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act established new, higher standards for public accounting firms and corporate management alike.

By establishing new auditor criteria and shifting accountability for the thorough and accurate management of financial reports, the legislation imposed new regulations for corporations.

The statute prescribes higher penalties for violators in order to deter fraud and the theft of company assets.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act's advantages include:

Preventing data manipulation

Ensuring prompt reporting of financial changes

Establish efficient data and financial controls

Encourage firms to be more transparent

Demand ongoing examination of the reliability and security of corporate financial safeguards.

To know more about Sarbanes-Oxley Act, visit:



in order to most profitably engage in price discrimination, a firm will lower the price for consumers whose demand is _____ and raise the price for consumers whose demand is ______.


To participate in price discrimination most profitably, a firm will drop the price for consumers whose demand is elastic and raise the price for consumers whose demand is inelastic.

What does third-degree pricing discrimination serve?

The third degree is where consumers are separated into GROUPS. For example, age groups with differing price elasticities (children's movie tickets are cheaper than adults'), or time of purchase (people who buy early pay less than those who buy at the last moment). Second Degree: price discrimination based on quantity purchased. "Perfect Price Discrimination" is another term for first degree. This is when each individual consumer pays a different price; each consumer pays the maximum price that he or she is prepared to pay based on demand. This way, there will be no consumer surplus but plenty of production surplus.

To know more about price discrimination visit:



if the actual price were below the equilibrium price in the market for bread, a a. surplus would develop that cannot be eliminated over time. b. shortage would develop, which market forces eliminate over time. c. surplus would develop, which market forces eliminate over time. d. shortage would develop which market forces would tend to exacerbate.


b. shortage would develop, which market forces eliminate over time.

If the price level is lower than the equilibrium price, what happens?

When a price ceiling is set below the equilibrium price, there will be excess demand or shortages since the amount needed will be more than the amount available.

Why is bread's pricing inelastic?

However, because consumers are unaffected by price changes, the demand for goods like milk and bread is inelastic despite the fact that they only make up a relatively small fraction of a consumer's income.

If production is less than equilibrium, what happens?

If output falls below the equilibrium level, profits usually fall. In this scenario, manufacturing one fewer unit below equilibrium results in a decrease in total variable costs that is less than the corresponding decline in total revenue. Therefore, (TR-TVC) tends to decline.

Learn more about Equilibrium price here:



Which one of the following is not a primary component of an internal control system?
a. Information and communication
b. Monitoring
c. Financial pressure
d. Control environment
e. Risk assessment


Financial pressure is not a primary component of an internal control system.

A system created by an organization to keep a close eye on the activities and procedures being followed within the company is referred to or believed to be an internal control system. Internal controls are the systems, guidelines, and practices that a business uses to guarantee the accuracy of its financial and accounting data, foster accountability, and thwart fraud.

In internal control system, by making financial reporting more accurate and timely, they can also aid in increasing operational efficiency. It covers phenomena like information and communication inside the company as well as the evaluation of risks, where the latter are continuously watched over in a controlled setting.

Learn more about Internal control system here:



a. firms that do not have the ability to price discriminate will sell units equal to the intersection of which two curves?


Companies without the capability of price discrimination will sell units at the intersection of the MC = ATC and marginal revenue (MR) curves.

What is the formula for marginal revenue?

A corporation divides the increase in its total income by the increase in its total output amount to determine its marginal revenue. The sale value of one additional unit that was bought makes up marginal revenue. The marginal product formula is shown below: Revenue Change/Quantity Change Equals Marginal Revenue.

What are marginal cost and revenue?

The volume of output and the cost per unit for a product which will maximize profits are determined by economic metrics such as the margin cost of production or marginal revenue.

To know more about marginal revenue visit:



refer to exhibit 17.8, which shows the demand, the supply, and the marginal social benefit curves. the socially efficient level of output is a. 40 units. b. 20 units. c. 10 units. d. 50 units.


The socially efficient level of output is 40 units.

Efficiency is defined because the capacity to perform something with the least amount of wasted time, cash, and effort or competency in overall performance. Effectiveness is described because of the degree to which something is a hit in producing the preferred end result; success.

The time period performance can be defined as the ability to attain a top purpose with little to no waste, attempt, or electricity. Being green approach you may acquire your outcomes by way of placing the resources you've got in the excellent way viable. placed clearly, something is efficient if not anything is wasted and all methods are optimized.

Efficiency can frequently be expressed as a percentage of the end result that might preferably be anticipated, as an example if no power has been lost because of friction or different causes, wherein case a hundred% of gasoline or other input could be used to supply the favored result.

Learn more about efficiency here:-https://brainly.com/question/15418098


stockholders expect to receive a certain amount of money in return for their investments in corporations. when they come in the form of cash, these returns are called:


A cash dividend is a payment made from the corporation's current earnings or accumulated profits to stockholders in general.

A cash dividend is a payment made from the corporation's current earnings or accumulated profits to stakeholders in general. Until it is declared, a dividend is not an obligation.

A cash dividend is what?

monetary dividend reduces net income by the same amount that it increases paid-in capital.

Are the cash dividends that a corporation pays deductible by the business as expenses?

Dividend payments made to shareholders in the form of cash or shares are not shown as a cost on a company's income statement. The net income or profit of a firm is unaffected by stock or cash dividends. The area of the balance sheet devoted to shareholders' equity is affected instead by dividends.

To know more about cash dividend click here



fha and va are government enterprises whose function is primarily to do what? ch19 guarantee home mortgages purchase home mortgages regulate home mortgages regulate mortgage backed securities


FHA loans are intended to help people who otherwise might not be able to afford homeownership get into homes. They allow small down payments and are open to borrowers with lower credit scores. VA loans are backed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Credit is the sole basis of a bank’s existence. Credit is the term used to denote the money circulating. This credit is acquired by giving out loans. Banks have an elaborate process of giving out these loans.

FHA and VA are government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) is a quasi-governmental entity established to enhance the flow of credit to specific sectors of the U.S. economy. Created by acts of Congress, these agencies although they are privately held provide public financial services. GSEs help to facilitate borrowing for a variety of individuals, including students, farmers, and homeowners.

To know more about Credit, click below-



Mollie has $550 in a savings account that earns 3% simple interest each year. If she does not deposit or withdraw from her account, how much will be in her account, the balance, after 10 years?.


As per the given simple interest, the amount in the account after 10 years is $715.

How to calculate Simple interest?

The general formula to calculate the simple interest is written as,

A = P(1 + rt)


A refers Total Accrued Amount (principal + interest)

P refers Principal Amount

r refers Rate of Interest per year in decimal; r = R/100

t refers Time Period involved in months or years

Mollie has $550 in a savings account that earns 3% simple interest each year.

Here we need to find the amount in her account after 10 year.

According to the given question, we know that

Principal amount =$550

Interest rate = 3%

Time period = 10 years

Then the simple interest is calculated as,

First, converting R percent to r a decimal

r = R/100 = 3%/100 = 0.03 per year.

Solving our equation:

A = 550(1 + (0.03 × 10)) = 715

A = $715.00

Therefore, the total amount accrued, principal plus interest, from simple interest on a principal of $550.00 at a rate of 3% per year for 10 years is $715.00.

To know more about Simple interest here.



the public wants to hold some of its wealth as____to make purchases with it and to hold it as an asset.


The public wants to hold some of its wealth as cash to make purchases with it and to hold it as an asset.

What is an asset?

Any resource that a company or other economic organization owns or controls is considered an asset in financial accounting. Anything that has the potential to provide positive economic value qualifies. Assets indicate ownership value that may be sold for money.

In essence, assets for businesses are any things that are under the company's control and ownership and are either currently valuable or have the potential to be profitable in the future. Examples include investments, equipment, and patents.

Read more on assets here: https://brainly.com/question/27972503



wealth as cash t


When supply and demand meet a particular price the market is said to be at *?


When supply and demand meet a particular price the market is said to be at equilibrium.

When economic forces are in balance, there is said to be an economic equilibrium. In the absence of outside influences, economic variables essentially hold true to their equilibrium levels. Market equilibrium and economic equilibrium are two different concepts. Economic equilibrium is the set of economic variables (often price and quantity) that the economy is driven toward by standard economic processes like supply and demand. The concept of economic equilibrium can also be used to describe a wide range of elements, including interest rates or overall consumer spending.

The point of equilibrium denotes a theoretical state of rest where all economic activities that "should" occur have actually happened, given the initial conditions of all significant economic variables.

Learn more about equilibrium here: https://brainly.com/question/26075805


What two taxes will you not receive a refund for, even if you file a tax return?


A tax refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons, including sending your refund to the wrong bank due to an incorrect routing number, an incomplete return, an inaccurate return.

What taxes are refunded to you in a tax return?

Your refund is calculated by comparing the amount of federal income tax deducted from your paycheck to the total amount of tax you owe. You will get a refund for the difference if the amount withheld for federal income tax was higher than your income tax for the year.

Which two direct taxes are there?

Direct taxes, such as income tax, poll tax, land tax, and personal property tax, are one kind of taxes that people pay directly to the government.

Learn more about taxes here:



What is one way that cash flows from investing activities are the opposite of cash flows from financing activities?


A way which shows that cash flows from investing activities are the opposite of cash flows from financing activities is: cash flows from investing activities often reflect cash flows related to cash the company has loaned to others, whereas cash flows from financing activities often reflect cash flows related to cash the company has borrowed from others.

What are types of cash flow?

There are three cash flow types which companies should track and analyze to check the liquidity and solvency of the business. Those are cash flow from operating activities, cash flow from investing activities and cash flow from financing activities. All three are included on a company's cash flow statement.

Cash flow from investing activities is a section of the cash flow statement which shows the cash generated or spent relating to investment activities. Investing activities consist of purchases of physical assets, investments in securities, or the sale of securities or assets.

Learn more about cash flow at: https://brainly.com/question/2804189


a clothing manufacturer builds quality into its operating system, placing responsibility on each employee. this process is known as quality


A clothing manufacturer builds quality into its operating system, placing responsibility on each employee. This process is known as quality assurance. Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

Any organised procedure for verifying whether a good or service satisfies predetermined standards is known as quality assurance (QA). QA creates and upholds predetermined standards for creating or producing dependable products. An organization's work procedures and efficiency are improved by a quality assurance system, which also helps the business compete more effectively. This system is intended to boost client confidence and a company's credibility.

Quality control enables a business to provide goods and services that satisfy consumer needs, expectations, and demands. It results in high-quality product offers that encourage consumer trust and loyalty. A quality assurance program's standards and guidelines aid in stopping product flaws before they occur.

Learn more about Quality Assurance here: https://brainly.com/question/13876752


Complete question:

A clothing manufacturer build quality into its operating system, placing responsibility on each empylee. This process is known as quality:

A.) delivery

B.) guarantee

C.) assurance

D.) inspection

Unemployment, being separated, divorced, or widowed, earning less than $20,000 per year, and living in ________ are associated with greater risks of depression.


Unemployment, being separated, divorced, or widowed, earning less than $20,000 per year, and living in urban areas are associated with greater risks of depression.

What does depression mean?

Medically, a depression is a very a common medical illness that negatively affects how a person feel, the way they think and how they act. Depression is known to cause feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed. It can also lead to variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease your ability to function at work and at home.

The symptoms of Depression can vary from mild to severe and can include:

Feeling sad or having a depressed moodLoss of pleasure in activities once enjoyedChanges in appetiteTrouble sleeping etc.

Read more about Depression



What is the short-run effect on output and the price level of the fed pursuing expansionary monetary policy?


A loose or expansionary monetary policy, will tend to encourage company investment and consumer borrowing for expensive things because it will result in lower interest rates and a greater amount of loanable cash.

A number of aggregate demand components are impacted by monetary policy, which also has an impact on interest rates and the amount of loanable money. Two elements of aggregate demand will be decreased by a tight or contractionary monetary policy that results in higher interest rates and fewer loanable funds.

Because it is less desirable for businesses to borrow money, business investment will decrease. Even businesses that already have money will find that, with higher interest rates, it is relatively more desirable to invest in a financial asset than in physical capital. In addition, borrowing for expensive products like homes and cars will be less common due to rising interest rates.

Learn more about expansionary monetary policy here:



kj built his taco truck out of $75,000,000 worth of titanium and duct tape. he uses $10.25 of organic bok choy, $6.75 of wisconsin cheddar cheese, and $25.25 of foie gras in each taco. if he sells tacos at $475 each, what is his break-even quantity? group of answer choices 173,310 194,640 167,125 181,292 previousnext


The amount that will allow for break-even 173,310

What is the formula for the break-even quantity?

Utilize the formula below to determine the break-even point in units: Break-Even point (units) = Fixed Costs (Sales price per unit - Variable costs per unit), or in sales dollars using the following formula: Fixed Costs Contribution Margin = Break-Even Point (in sales dollars).

What are the price and volume needed to break even?

The formula for calculating break-even price is (Total fixed cost / Production unit volume) + Variable Cost per unit. Let's break it down with the aid of an illustration. Manufacturing light bulbs is the business of XYZ Ltd. It turns out that the production of bulbs has a fixed cost of Rs. 50,000 and a variable cost of Rs. 10 per unit.

To Know more about break-even



a semiannual coupon bond has a 10% interest rate, a $1,000 face value, and 7 years to maturity. assuming your discount rate is 12%, how would you calculate the value of the bond?


A semiannual coupon bond has a 10% interest rate, a $1,000 face value, and 7 years to maturity. So, $1700 is the value of bond for given question.

Remember, to compute the semi-annual coupon payment, we multiply the face value ($1,000) by the semi-annual coupon rate (expressed as a decimal, so 0.1/2 = 0.05). $1,000 * 0.05 = $50 every six months. We divide the 10% annual coupon rate by 2 to make it a semi-annual coupon rate.





time is for 7 years so, 7×2 = 14

50×14 = 700

hence, total value of bond is $1700.

To know more about the semiannual visit :-



currently, 3m company pays an annual dividend of $3.74. if the stock is selling for $85, what is the dividend yield?


The dividend yield is  4.4 %

What is the dividend yield?

Dividend per share by share price equals the dividend yield, also known as the dividend-price ratio of a share. If the number of shares remains constant, it is also the total yearly dividend payments made by a firm divided by its market value. It's frequently stated as a percentage.

Payout yield is the proportion of a company's yearly dividend to its share price as a percentage.

3m company pays an annual dividend of $3.74. if the stock is selling for $85,

Dividend yield = Annual dividend amount / Current price per share.

$3.74 / $85 = 0.044

Dividend yield = 4.4 %

The dividend yield is  4.4 %

To learn more about dividend yield refer to:



to decrease the money supply using the reserve requirements, what would the fed typically do?


The Fed would raise the reserve requirements for banks to decrease the money supply using the reserve requirements,

By reducing the reserve requirements for banks, the Fed can expand the money supply by enabling banks to make more loans. On the other hand, the Fed can reduce the amount of money in circulation by increasing the reserve requirements for banks. The amount of money in the financial system can be increased or decreased by central banks through a variety of techniques.

Monetary policy is the term used to describe these acts. Although the Federal Reserve Board, also known as the Fed, has the authority to manufacture paper money at its discretion in an effort to boost the economy's supply of cash, this is not the method employed, at least not in the United States.

To learn more about money supply, visit the link below:



which one is not correct? unobtrusive measures or trace measures originate from a secondary source involing with people the advantage of seeking secondary data sources is savings in time and costs of acquiring information. the drawback of secondary data sources is becoming obsolete and not meeting the specific needs of the setting. o primary sources of data include individuals, focus groups, panels, and unobtrusive methods.


Unobtrusive measures or trace measures originate from a secondary source involing with people Cross sectional and time series data are combined to create panel data. Most often, panel data is employed in regression analysis. The correct answer is panels.

One can see many occurrences or scenarios in this kind of data at various time frames.This type of data's information can be divided into the following categories:

Information that is cross-sectional

a time series of data

A researcher creates primary sources conducting her own research.Primary sources include things like pictures, movies, old newspaper articles, etc.Some earlier studies had already exploited secondary sources.Their use in earlier studies boosts its dependability. However, secondary sources also have significant drawbacks. They might become out of date and pointless. It doesn't necessarily follow that something will be helpful for a new researcher with a different sample just because it was helpful for the researcher who utilised it previously.

To know more about Panels visit:



the primary goal for the blue ginger multi-grain blue rice chips campaign should be:________


The primary goal of the campaign for blue guava inter blue rice chips should be to educate.

A goal is an aim or aim that someone is attempting to reach. A goal can also be the finish line of a racial group or some such into which a player attempts to place an object as part of the game. Goal can also be used as a noun in other contexts. A goal is an objective or objective toward which you work hard and persistently.

Setting objectives can assist us progress in life. Goals provide us with a road map to follow. Even if we fail, goals are a wonderful method of holding ourselves accountable. Setting objectives and working toward them assists us in defining.

Learn more about Goals here :



Unfortunately, the employees have few alternatives to their current jobs, meaning the company "holds all the cards." which approach to negotiation are you facing?


Situational characteristics approach to negotiation are you facing.

Negotiation is a communicate among two or extra people or events to reach the desired outcome regarding one or greater troubles of warfare. it is an interplay among entities who aspire to agree on topics of mutual hobby.[1] The settlement can be beneficial for all or some of the parties worried. The negotiators should set up their own wants and needs even as additionally looking for to apprehend the needs and wants of others concerned to increase their possibilities of last offers, warding off conflicts, forming relationships with other parties, or maximizing mutual profits.[1]

Learn more about negotiation here



many state and local housing authorities are able to fund low and moderate income housing with below-market interest rate loans. they can do this because they are allowed to:


Many state and local housing authorities are able to fund low and moderate income housing with below-market interest rate loans. They can do this because they are allowed to Fund the loans with tax-exempt bonds.

What do you mean by the market interest rate loans?

The market rate for a loan is the typical interest rate that will be assessed to the recipient by a number of lenders.

The average rate of interest earned from all or a specific group of investment vehicles that are offered on the open market is what the investor refers to as the "market rate."

The term "market interest rate" Interest rates are set by the interaction between the supply and demand for money in the money market and are applied to deposits and other investments.

Therefore, many state and local housing authorities are able to fund low and moderate income housing with below-market interest rate loans. They can do this because they are allowed to Fund the loans with tax-exempt bonds.

To know more about the market interest rate loans, visit:



the board of directors authorizes a cash_____or distribution of cash to its investors.


A cash dividend or other payment to investors is approved by the board of directors.

There are three crucial dates involved when the board of directors approves a cash dividend to investors.

The declaration detailing the amount and timing of dividend payments to shareholders is made by the board of directors. First among four crucial dates in the process of paying out dividends is the declaration date. The ex-date, the record date, and the payment date are the final three crucial dates.

when a business announces and distributes a cash dividend?

The following will take place when a corporation's board of directors declares a cash dividend on its stock: The stockholders' equity component known as retained earnings will decline. There will be an increase in current liabilities (such Dividends Payable).

To Know more about investors



Answer: dividend

Explanation: trust me

Does rapid population growth harm economic development?


Rapid populace increase has slowed improvement as it exacerbates the tough preference among higher Economic consumption in the present and the investment needed to increase consumption in the future.

As the population grows, larger investments are only needed to maintain current capital/person. Economic growth - Rapid population growth leads to increased production of goods due to availability of labor, which increases tax consumption. This increase in tax revenue can be used for environmental and health projects. Economies can benefit from economies of scale and increased specialization. More people means the increased demand for food, water, housing, energy, healthcare, transportation, and more.

To learn more about consumption, click here.



sure tool company is expected to pay a dividend of $2 in the upcoming year. the risk-free rate of return is 4%, and the expected return on the market portfolio is 14%. analysts expect the price of sure tool company shares to be $22 a year from now. the beta of sure tool company's stock is 1.25. the market's required rate of return on sure's stock is


Market's required rate of return on sure tool company's stock is 16.5%

What is beta in stock market?

Beta is a way of measuring a stock's volatility relative to the overall market volatility.

What is the range of good stock in beta?

For a good stock the "beta" should be below or equal to 1.

Beta less than 1 means the stock is less volatile.


⇒ Rate of return on stock = Risk-free rate of return + Beta(Expected return on    market portfolio - risk-free rate of return)

⇒ Rate of return on stock = 4% + 1.25(14% - 4%) = 16.5%

Thus, the market's required rate of return on sure tool company's stock is 16.5%.

To learn more about market return visit the link below



denver, incorporated, has sales of $29 million, total assets of $27.1 million, and total debt of $9.3 million. assume the profit margin is 11 percent. a. what is the company's net income? (do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer in dollars, not millions of dollars, e.g., 1,234,567.) b. what is the company's roa? (do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) c. what is the company's roe? (do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.)


We need to find net income first. So:

Profit margin = Net income / Sales

Net income = Profit margin(Sales)

Net income = .11($29,000,000)

Net income = $3,190,000

ROA = Net income / TA

ROA = $3,190,000 / $27,100,000

ROA = .1177, or 11.77%

To find ROE, we need to find total equity. Since TL & OE equals TA:

TA = TD + TE

TE = TA − TD

TE = $27,100,000 − 9,300,000

TE = $17,800,000

ROE = Net income / TE

ROE = $3,190,000 / $17,800,000

ROE = .1792, or 17.92%

What does a favorable ROA indicate?

A major indicator of a business's profitability is return on assets (ROA). The ROA ratio evaluates how much net income a company generates in comparison to its total assets. 5% or above is regarded as desirable, yet a decent ROA depends on the business and the sector.

To know more about ROA visit:



you are starting a coffee business in seattle and have begun to write your company description. what should you include in your description? check all that apply. the form of business promotional materials market trends and projected growth the type of business


Descriptions should include information about the products and services the company will offer, if the business is a partnership or a corporation and a clear and persuasive request for financial backing.

A business plan is a written statement that gives an anticipated profit and loss statement and describes the nature of the company, sales and marketing plan, its financial history.

Any form of communication a firm uses to connect with its target market is considered promotional marketing. Digitally, this manifests as emails, PPC ads, and social media advertisements. Physical goods like billboards, mailers, business cards, signage, or coffee cups with a logo are used offline.

A market trend is the perception of a long-term movement in one direction in the financial markets and these trends are categorized by analysts as secular for long time horizons,  secondary for short time horizons, and primary for medium time horizons.

To know more about 'description' related questions

visit- https://brainly.com/question/16374661


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