Hubert co. Has $1 million of debt, $2. 44 million of preferred stock, and $1. 51 million of common equity. What would be its weight on debt?


Answer 1

Hubert co. has $1 million in debt, $2. 44 million in preferred stock, and $1. 51 million in ordinary equity make up Hubert Co. 50 million shares of the company's outstanding stock are presently trading at Option. Issue additional debt of $1 billion and repurchase shares.

The weighted average of the company's after-tax debt, preferred stock, and equity costs. Leverage on the financial system. Invest in securities with fixed financial costs to finance a portion of the company's assets. Preferred stock debt. Leverage on the financial system. Invest in securities with fixed financial costs to finance a portion of the company's assets.

The price a corporation pays for preferred stock is essentially the cost to that company. Corporations may issue common shares and debt. Industrial company Schwartz Industry has 100 million outstanding shares.

To learn more about Hubert co. from given link


Related Questions

what is the present value of $13,100 to be received 3 years from today if the discount rate is 5 percent?


11316.27 is the present value of $13,100 to be received 3 years from today if the discount rate is 5 percent.

Amounts of money are valued today more highly than they will be tomorrow, according to present value.

In other words, present value shows that money acquired today is more valuable than money received in the future.

Unused money now could lose value over time at an estimated annual rate due to inflation or, if there is any, the rate of return on investments.

It is important to assume that the money might earn a specific rate of return in order to assess current value.

The present value of an investment is calculated by discounting the anticipated cash flows to the present.

To know more about cash flow, visit:


current trend in the hospitality industry is to build loyal customer relationships and enhance service levels by optimizing the use of what?


Sites on the internet. Customers may now make, amend, or cancel hotel reservations online, as well as research different lodging options, learn more about them, and even take a virtual tour of their rooms.

A client is someone who purchases goods, services, products, or ideas from a seller, vendor, or supplier in exchange for money or another useful consideration. This definition applies to sales, business, and economics. Early communities relied on a favor-based gift economy. Later, as commerce grew, human relationships were less long-lasting and more dependent on momentary necessities than on persistent social desires. Clients are people who receive individualized advice and answers, whereas customers are typically thought of as those who purchase goods and services. Agencies like law companies, film studios, and health care providers tend to favour client, whereas supermarkets, banks, and restaurants tend to prefer customer, despite the fact that these distinctions have no modern semantic weight.

Learn more about Customers from


which of the following is a partnership for tax purposes? a.melissa purchases a shoe store and hires her sister, whitney, to manage the store. b.emeril and rachel purchase a food truck and sell prepared food dishes at various spots around the city. c.jimmy and stephen both purchase a small stock interest in a manufacturing corporation as an investment. d.monica and chandler form a corporation to acquire a trucking business. e.none of these choices are correct.


Jimmy and Stephen both purchase small stock interest in manufacturing corporation as an investment is a partnership for tax purposes.

What is a partnership?

A partnership is a legal arrangement whereby people, sometimes known as business partners, agree to collaborate in order to promote their common goals. A partnership may consist of one or more persons, businesses, nonprofit organizations, institutes of higher learning, governmental agencies, or other entities. Collaboration between organizations can increase their reach and increase the likelihood that each will succeed in achieving its objectives. A partnership may be obligated by a contract or it may issue and own stock. A partnership agreement is required for the formation of any partnership, even one that has not been reduced to paper. Although a written partnership agreement that outlines the essential aspects of their relationship may be advantageous, it is not legally required in common law countries.

To learn more about partnership, visit:


which is a method of alternative dispute resolution in which the parties make informal presentations to a neutral party, who then examines the strengths and weakness of each side's case and then informs the parties of them?


Neutral evaluation is a method of alternative dispute resolution in which the parties make informal presentations to a neutral party.

Between binding adjudication and mediation, neutral evaluation is a dispute resolution method that can be used alone or in conjunction with other dispute resolution procedures like mediation. Neutral evaluation is a procedure where the parties or their attorneys present their cases to a neutral third party (typically an experienced and well-respected attorney with knowledge of the relevant subject matter of the dispute) who then provides a reasoned, non-binding assessment of the case's merits. A decision-making process and a non-decision-making process are both elements of this procedure. The impartial party may be asked to take on the role of mediator or facilitator during the procedure.

Learn more about Neutral evaluation, here


How do chemosynthetic organisms get energy? some examples of organisms include colorless sulfur bacteria, iron bacteria, and giant tube worms (riftia parchyptila).


Phototrophs (or phototrophic organisms) obtain their energy from sunlight. Chemotrophs (or chemosynthetic organisms) obtain their energy from chemical compounds. Chemotrophs that can use organic compounds as an energy source are called chemoorganotrophs.

Both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms obtain the energy they need to grow and maintain normal cell functions through cellular respiration. Cellular respiration has three main steps: glycolysis, citric acid cycle, and electron transport. In eukaryotes, most reactions of cellular respiration occur in the mitochondria. In prokaryotes, they occur in the cytoplasm and/or in the cell membrane.

Eukaryotes grow and reproduce through a process called mitosis. In organisms that also reproduce sexually, reproductive cells are produced by a type of cell division called meiosis. Most prokaryotic cells reproduce through a process called binary fission. During binary fission, the single DNA molecule repeats and the original cell divides into two identical daughter cells.

You can learn more about chemoorganotrophs here


What is a healthy level of inflation?


The ideal inflation rate is frequently thought to be in the range of 2%.

The broad word for an increase in the cost of goods and services throughout an economy in the study of economics is inflation. As the general price level rises, each unit of currency may buy fewer goods and services,  inflation is related to a reduction in the purchasing power of money. The opposite of inflation is deflation, which is a persistent rise in the overall level of prices for goods and services. The most common measure of inflation is the annualised percentage change in a general price index, sometimes known as the inflation rate. Because price rises are not constant across the board, the consumer price index (CPI) is widely used for this purpose. The employment cost index is also used to determine wages in the US.

Learn more about inflation from


According to the elaboration likelihood model, the two main determinants of a listener’s willingness to engage in elaborating on the message are __________and _________.
a. channel and sender
b. motivation and ability
c. hostility versus neutrality
d. attitude and attractiveness


Ability and desire. The solution that is right is B.

The importance of ability.

Personal Development. Your ability to develop personally is aided by having a strong skill set. You expand your network, develop time management and communication skills, and learn networking. No instructor or school can teach these talents; they can only be learned via experience.

An ability is a power?

The reverse is not true, i.e., not all powers are abilities, whereas all abilities are powers. The ability of salt to dissolve in water is one example of a capability that cannot be possessed by an agent in this way. However, some of an agent's skills also do not include some powers.

To know more about ability visit:


a perfectly inelastic demand is one in which the: select one: a. demand curve is perfectly vertical. b. demand curve is perfectly horizontal. c. measured elasticity is exactly 1. d. response to a change in price is immediate.


Option a is correct. A perfectly inelastic demand is one in which the demand curve is perfectly vertical.

When the quantity of a product is wanted remains constant regardless of price changes, this is referred to as perfectly inelastic demand.

In a scenario of perfect inelasticity, the quantity demanded remains constant regardless of the price. The term "perfect elasticity" describes a situation in which the quantity demanded is very responsive to price fluctuations, with even a minor change in price causing a significant change in the quantity demanded.

A vertical ( n = 0) Perfectly Inelastic Demand Curve exists. In actuality, this is exceedingly unusual. You could argue that since most people would do anything to remain alive, the elasticity of life-saving medical care is utterly inelastic.

Know more about Demand Curve here:


monthly rate of return of stocks has been distributed approximately normally with a mean of .75 percent and a standard deviation of 4.2 percent what is the monthly 10th percentile


The monthly 10th percentile will be 3.688

The relationship between the mean, standard deviation and the standard normal distribution is given as

X = μ + σZ

where μ is the mean and σ is the standard deviation of the variable X, and Z is the value from the standard normal distribution for the desired percentile.

Hence to determine the 10thpercentile, we lookup the standard normal distribution table attached below

at 10th percentile Z = -1.282

since mean = 0.75 and standard deviation = 4.2

For 10th percentile

X = 0.75 + 4.2*(-1.282)

X = 3.668

Know more on Mean, Standard Deviation -


according to the text, what elements must a firm coordinate to achieve maximum performance? multiple choice question. organizational architecture, strategy, and its financial systems regulatory compliance, strategy, and its environment organizational architecture, marketing mix, and its environment organizational architecture, strategy, and its environment


To attain optimal performance, a firm's organizational architecture, strategy, and environment all work together.

Organizational structures assist firms in ensuring that all of the activities required for successful operations are delegated to the appropriate individuals. They also assist staff members and executives in understanding their responsibilities within the organization, including who they report to and who they manage.

Different departments frequently collaborate on projects in startups, which frequently have a matrix organizational structure. A clear line of command and a hierarchical structure are typical in large enterprises.

Most individuals only consider organizational structure in terms of whole businesses. However, the organizational structure of teams inside a function, department, or business unit is likewise governed by the same structural principles. Restructuring and organizational structures mainly concern the allocation of resources, information flows, and decision-making authority.

To know more about organizational architecture click here,


each time a payment is made on an installment note, the portion of the next payment associated with notes payable increases. this statement is:______


Each time a payment is made on an installment note, the portion of the next payment associated with notes payable increases. this statement is False

An installment note's principal sum is reduced in part by a fraction of each payment. The amount of interest expenditure reduces (rather than increasing) with each successive payment since the principal balance drops while the interest rate stays the same.

The term "interest expenditure" refers to the price of borrowing money. It is the cost a lender assesses a borrower for using their money. The expense of borrowing money from banks, bond holders, and other sources can be shown as interest expense on the income statement.

The cost of borrowing money is the interest expense for an entity. Interest costs are classified as a non-operating expense on the income statement. The interest payable on all borrowings, including bonds, loans, and convertible debt, is indicated by this term.

To know more about interest expense, click here.


infeasible problems can occur when the demand requirement is higher than the available capacity. t or f


The given statement, infeasible problems can occur when the demand requirement is higher than the available capacity, is true.

What exactly is a "infeasible problem"?

An unbounded problem is one where the constraints do not limit the objective function and the objective goes to infinity, whereas an infeasible problem is one that cannot be solved. Both circumstances frequently result from mistakes or flaws in the formulation or the information used to define the problem.

What three types of optimization are there?

An optimization problem must be solved using a goal, variables, and constraints. The objective is to determine the best value for each variable, which can have a variety of values. The problem's purpose is its intended outcome or objective.

To know more about demand, visit:


luca earns 12% commission as a sales person. he sold a leaf blower that cost $188. how much commission did luca earn?


Luca earned $22.56 commission as a sales person in leaf blower. He sold a leaf blower that cost $188.

What is commission in sales?

A crucial component of sales pay is sales commission. It is the sum of money a salesperson makes in accordance with the volume of sales they have generated.


Luca earns commission as a sales person = 12%

Total sales = $188

Commission of agent = Sales × Rate of commission

=$188 × 12/100

= $188 × 0.12

= $22.56 Or $23

Net amount received by seller = Sales - Commission

= $188 - $22.56

= $165.44

To know more about sales commission visit :-


what amazon site supports rosies, a local charity in brisbane, australia, to provide food and a friendly face for those who are experiencing homelessness?


A local Brisbane, Australia, charity called Rosies is supported by the Amazon site aboutamazon to help those who are homeless by giving them food and a smile.

What does the term "local charity" mean?

A local charity is one that was established with goals that, by definition or in accordance with the charity's trusts, are largely or exclusively for the benefit of that area or a section of it.

In most cases, assisting people in need is a last resort for organizations. They empower individuals both locally and internationally. They promote environmental protection and educate people about a number of pressing issues. They are also good for your health. an organisation that tries to help those in need by providing them with money, food, or other support, rather than focusing on generating a profit. Additionally, it might take part in things like medical research.

To know more about local charity, visit:


Suppose the Digby company shifts focus to only competing in the Thrift and Nano segments, while competing on price by reducing costs and passing the savings to the customers, what strategy would they be implementing?

Select: 1

A. Niche differentiation

B. Broad cost leader

C. Niche cost leader

D. Broad differentiation

Baldwin Corp. Ended the year carrying $18,497,000 worth of inventory. Had they sold their entire inventory at their current prices, how many more dollars of contribution margin would it have brought to Baldwin Corp. ?

Select: 1






The answer is c Niche cost leader as the company competes in the thrift and nano segments, which are some of the small market segments.A cost leader competes on price by cutting costs and moving on.

Savings for customers a broad player competes in all parts of the market.A niche player suppose that the Digby company changes its focus to compete only in the Thrift and Nano segments, while competing on price by cutting costs and placing the company in the best strategic group and then dominating it more attractive than a differentiation or better cost or focus.niche market strategy when extraordinary memories allow to overcome deceptive price application invest dark student performative despite falcon details deceive galaxy guard leadership.

To learn more about strategic please click on below link.



what is the present value of a $1,100 payment made every year forever when interest rates are 4.5 percent?


The present value of a $1,100 payment made every year forever when interest rates are 4.5 percent will be $24,444.44

The value of an anticipated income stream as of the valuation date is known as the present value, commonly referred to as the present discounted value, in economics and finance.

Present value is calculated in the following manner:

                                              PV = FV/(1 + i) n


PV = present value,

FV = future value,

i = decimalized interest rate,

and n = number of periods

Using this formula we calculated and found out that the result is $24,444.44

Learn more about present value here


which type of mortgage has a payment that remains the same until it is paid off?


On such a fixed-rate mortgage, ones monthly payment remains constant throughout the term of the loan, with only the proportion of interest and principal changing each month.

What exactly was meant by "interest"?

Interest is the cost of borrowing money or even the cost of lending money. Interest is most commonly expressed as an annual proportion of the loan amount. This percentage is recognized as the loan's interest rate.

What are the four kinds of interests?

Fixed interest, varying focus, annual percentage, prime rate of interest, discounted rate of return, simple involvement, and compound interest are the most common types of interest.

To know more about Interest visit:


in order to most profitably engage in price discrimination, a firm will lower the price for consumers whose demand is _____ and raise the price for consumers whose demand is ______.


In order to most profitably engage in price discrimination, a firm will lower the price for consumers whose demand is more elastic and raise the price for consumers whose demand is less elastic.

A selling tactic known as price discrimination involves charging clients various rates for the same good or service depending on what the vendor believes they can persuade the customer to accept.

When a merchant uses pure price discrimination, they charge each consumer the highest price they will agree to. In more prevalent types of price discrimination, the supplier divides clients into groups based on particular characteristics and assesses a different price to each group.

Price discrimination is most beneficial when the profit gained from separating the markets exceeds the profit gained from maintaining the united markets. Different prices are charged depending upon elasticity of demand.

To know more about price discrimination:


a stock has a beta of 1.1, the expected return on the market is 10.4 percent, and the risk-free rate is 4.75 percent. what must the expected return on this stock be? (do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) expected return %


This stock's anticipated return is 17,000%

What return must be anticipated for this stock?

For long-term stock market investments, the majority of investors would consider an average annual rate of return of 10% or above to be a decent ROI. Just remember that this is an average. There will be years with reduced returns, or even negative returns.

The following formula is used to calculate expected rate of return in accordance with the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM):

Risk-free rate plus beta equals the expected rate of return (Market rate - Risk free rate)

Whereas market risk premium is another name for (market rate - risk free rate) in this context.

Thus, the projected rate of return is equal to 10% plus 1.00 (10% - 3%)

= 10% + 1.00 × 7%

= 10% + 7%

= 17.00%

hence, This stock's anticipated return is 17.00%.

To know more about expected return visit:-


Despite your company’s strong training in ethical values and behaviors, you notice that the company’s top managers frequently engage in unethical behavior. Of what is this an example?


Despite your company’s strong training in ethical values and behaviors, you notice that the company’s top managers frequently engage in unethical behavior  this an example of an enacted value or norm

Enacted values or standards are those that a company and its employees consistently uphold and demonstrate. They are the values that are actually exhibited in daily life and deviate slightly from the ideals that the company upholds. The values that have the biggest impacts on the company's culture are those that are genuinely lived, experienced, and implemented.

They are the guiding principles that the organization's members follow to make choices and to shape the overall workplace culture. Despite having significant training in ethical principles and conduct, the company's top managers frequently engages in unethical behavior in the situation at hand. This alludes to disregarding the rules established by the business.

Read more about values and norms on:


Madison's profit is maximized when they produce a total of rompers. At this quantity, the marginal cost of the final romper they produce is, an amount less than the price received for each romper they sell. At this point, the marginal cost of producing one more romper (the first romper beyond the profit maximizing quantity) is, an amount greater than the price received for each romper they sell. Therefore, madison's profit-maximizing quantity occurs at the point of intersection between themarginal cost and marginal revenue curves. Because madison is a price taker, the previous condition is equivalent to


madison's profit-maximizing quantity occurs at the point of intersection between themarginal cost and marginal revenue curves. Because Madison is a price taker, the previous condition is equivalent to MR>MC.

At a particular output level, profit is maximized. The disparity between total revenue and total cost is largest at this quantity. Another way to think about this is to understand that for the rompers that Beth makes, her marginal revenue (MR) from sales of rompers exceeds her marginal cost (MC) of production. Choosing to produce more than rompers decreases Beth's earnings because after the fifth shirt she makes each hour, the marginal cost of making that shirt is higher than the amount she gets for it. For the reason because, to the left of the ideal quantity and MR, MR>MC.

Learn more about profit from


An electronics company has two contract manufacturers in Asia: Foxconn assembles its tablets and smart phones and Flextronics assembles its laptops. Monthly demand for tablets and smartphones is 10,000 units, whereas that for laptops is 4,000. Tablets cost the company $100, laptops cost $400, and the company has a holding cost of 25%. Currently the company has to place seperate orders with Foxconn and Flextronics and recieves seperate shipments. The fixed cost of each shipment is $10,000. (A) What is the optimal order size and order frequency with each of Foxconn and Flextronics?The company is thinking of combining all assembly with the same contract manufacturer. This will allow for a single shipment of all products from Asia. If the fixed cost of each shipment remains $10,000,(B) what is the optimal order frequency and order size from the combined orders? (C) How much reduction in cycle inventory can the company expect as a result of combining orders and shipments?


An electronics company has two contract manufacturers in Asia Foxconn assembles its tablets and smartphones and Flextronics assembles its laptops.

The information and communications technology (ICT) sector has become the economic driving force of the current era.The ICT sector can be difficult to define because it consists of a quick assembly installation for smartphone and tablet screens, an electromechanical installation.These fees could cost the US auto industry up to 2 million lost vehicles With smartphones and the associates working at these companies, it's nothing Electronics maker Foxconn has created its own robots,called Foxbots,using 10,000 of them to put together the an analytical study of human resources and accounting audit regarding the Productivity of employees Working in Financial Institutions.

To learn more about Foxconn please click on below link.


When a company in one country sells its products in another country these products are called?


country sells Exports are products and services made in one nation and offered to customers in another. Imports and exports together make up global trade.

country sells Modern economies rely heavily on exports because they give people and businesses access to a wide variety of new markets. Fostering economic commerce, boosting exports and imports for the advantage of all trading parties, is one of the main goals of diplomacy and foreign policy between countries. country sells Exporting is the process by which businesses from one nation sell their products and services to clients or customers in another nation. Energy and natural resources, as well as raw materials like food or textiles and completed consumer goods like electronics, are frequently exported between nations.

learn more about country sells here:


one reason channels of distribution often pose longevity problems is that most middlemen question 20 options: 1) do not maintain sufficient inventory to serve customers. 2) lack product knowledge resulting in low sales volume. 3) have little loyalty to their vendors. 4) tend to slow down distribution to extract higher commissions. 5) do not have sufficient knowledge of the target market.


One of the reasons that the channels of distribution frequently offer longevity issues is that most middlemen have little commitment to their vendors. Thus, option 4 is correct.

What are the channels of distribution?

The Wholesalers, retailers, and direct-to-consumer sales are the three types of distribution channels. Wholesalers are companies that buy large amounts of a product from a producer and then resell it to retailers or, in certain cases, to end users.

The channels are crucial because distribution channels play a critical part in the work of a sales representative. They aid in the development of new items for the market. They specialize in product marketing and word-of-mouth selling.

Therefore, option 4 is correct, the distribution channels typically have lifespan concerns is that most intermediaries have minimal loyalty to their vendors.

Learn more about the channels of distribution, refer to:


what is the potential for losing money in the stock market if an individual keeps their money invested for one year?


The potential for losing money in the stock market if an individual keeps their money invested for one year: According to popular estimates, as much as 90% of people lose money in stock markets,

including both new and seasoned investors. Isn't it shocking? But it is a fact. There are countless reasons why investors lose money in stock markets.

Money is a commodity popular by way of preferred consent as a medium of monetary alternative. it's miles the medium wherein costs and values are expressed. It circulates from man or woman to character and u. s. a . to USA, facilitating trade, and it is through ways the most critical measure of wealth.

Coins we could us satisfy our fundamental wishes—to buy meals and safe haven and pay for healthcare. meeting those desires is crucial, and if we don't have enough cash to perform that, our non-public properly-being and the health of the network as an entire go through substantially.

Learn more about Money here:


ccording to the research, which person is likely to be the happiest? a. reina, the married dental hygienist who makes $75,000 a year. b. jadiel, the married father of three who makes $60,000 a year. c. jacob, the married father of one who makes $100,000 a year. d. sandra, the widowed surgeon who makes over $300,000 a year.


According to the research, the person likely to be the happiest is a: 'Reina, the married dental hygienist who makes $75,000 a year'.

A dental hygienist is a licensed dental professional, registered with a dental regulatory body or association within their country of practice. Before completing clinical and written board examinations, registered dental hygienists should have either a bachelor's or an associate's degree in dental hygiene from an accredited university or college. Once registered, dental hygienists are primary healthcare professionals who work independently of or alongside dentists and other dental professionals to offer full oral healthcare. They have the training and education that mainly focus on and specialize in the prevention and treatment of many oral diseases.

You can learn more about local dental hygienist at


Is Jollibee an MNC or TNC?


Jollibee Foods Corporation, often known as Jollibee (after its principal fast food brand) and abbreviated JFC and Jollibee Group, is a Multinational corporation MNC  with its headquarters in Pasig, Philippines.

A multinational corporation (MNC) is a company that operates in its home country, as well as in other countries around the world. It maintains a central office located in one country, which coordinates the management of all its other offices, such as administrative branches or factories.

Transnational corporations do not have subsidiaries abroad, whereas multinational corporations do. Due to their centralised management methods, multinationals are constrained in local markets.

To learn more about MNC refer here:


true or false? if a currency is experiencing relatively high inflation, then its buying power is decreasing and international investors will be less eager to hold it


True, When a currency is experiencing high inflation, then it’s buying power is decreasing, and investors like me will not want to hold it.

Managers are performing this function when they compare actual performance to goals and make adjustments if performance is falling short.


Managers are performing organizational control when they compare actual performance to goals and make adjustments if performance is falling short.

What is organizational control?

Any method through which managers focus attention, inspire employees, and encourage desired behaviour to achieve organisational goals is referred to as organisational control. The quantity of microwave ovens produced on an assembly line each week, the number of cars a car salesman sells each month, and the number of visitors a website receives each day are a few examples from the business world. Four steps are commonly involved in organisational control: Establishing standards, assessing performance, comparing performance to standards, and then, if necessary, corrective action are the first three steps. Feedforward controls concentrate on the organization's people, material, and financial resources.

To learn more about organizational control click,


What are the types of beverages services?


Table Service, English Service, Silver Service, American Service  Pre-plated service.

The main categories of food service are 1) Plate Service, 2) Cart Service, 3) Plater Service, 4) Buffet Service, and 5) Family style service. There are many other food and beverage service kinds and procedures. Table service, which includes English Service, American Service, Pre-plated Service, etc., is regarded as a border category of service style. The meal must be served in large bowls or platters in order to comply with English serving standards. French service is a very specialized and comprehensive kind of service. The difference is that the food and beverage service uses ornate sterling silverware. EPNS (Electroplated Nickel Silver) service ware is most frequently used in hotels and restaurants since silver silverware and tableware are pricey.

learn more about Table Service here


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