what does it mean when they were like two peas in a pod


Answer 1


It means that they were similar and usually good friends.


Two people that think the same, act the same, and are best friends, or siblings. Two peas that are similar and in the same pod together.

Related Questions

Choose the subordinating conjunction in the adverbial clause in the sentence.

The dog will behave as long as you give it lots of attention and praise.

A. as

B. as long as

C. of

D. and


the answer is B. as long as

It's Not C
Read the following passage from Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven.” Which sound device is expressed by the bolded letters?

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered,
weak and weary …
-- --

A. alliteration

B. refrain

C. rhyme

D. rhythm



A. alliteration



Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound, such as many Mondays, or dazzling dream. This type of sound repetition can occur at the beginning, middle, or end of the word.

The traditional folk song “Shenandoah” is a good example of a lyric poem. It does not tell a story, but it does express the writer’s feelings.


Shenandoah, I long to hear you,

Away, you rolling river,

Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you,

Away, I’m bound away,

‘Cross the wide Missouri.

Shenandoah, I love your daughter,

Away, you rolling river,

I’ll take her ‘cross the rolling water,

Away, I’m bound away,

‘Cross the wide Missouri.

Shenandoah, I long to hear you,

Away, you rolling river,

Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you,

Away, I’m bound away,

‘Cross the wide Missouri.


A refrain is a line or group of lines repeated throughout a poem. A refrain can be

a line or two of verse that comes at the end of a stanza; or

a stanza that is repeated regularly throughout the poem.

In musical terms, the repeated lines sung after a stanza are called a chorus.


To put it into musical terms, rhythm is the beat of poetry. Because there is no drum or bass to define the beat of a poem, it is done through the choice and arrangement of words.

As you know, certain words or syllables of words are stressed when you speak. The pattern of stressed words and syllables found in a lyric poem helps build its rhythm. The rhythm pattern in poetry is called meter.

Before you go on, try this little exercise. Think of your favorite song again. Write the first verse of lyrics down on paper. Now, here is the hard part. Try to forget the music that the lyrics are set to and speak the words as a poem.

As you do so, underline the syllables that are stressed. This will show you the rhythm within the words, not just in the sound of the music. When you are done, you will have analyzed a piece of poetry for rhythm.


As you know, words that rhyme end with a similar sound. Rhyme and time, beat and heat, and friends and trends are all examples of rhyming words.

“Mary Had a Little Lamb” has only two rhyming words. Both come at the end of a line of verse.

As in rap lyrics, the use of rhyming in lyric poetry can be very elaborate. As you will see in “The Raven,” rhyming words can come at the end of lines of verse (end rhyme), or they can be located within one or more lines of verse (internal rhyme).

Help pls will mark brainliest


3 Reasons To Be A Pirate-

2. Food

Life aboard ship was hard, and the food was even harder. There was no shipboard refrigeration. A ship’s larder was stocked with what could be had cheaply and stored for months to last a long voyage. But unlike law-abiding sailors, pirates were limited only by the pickings at hand. The shipping swarming the Caribbean came from countries all around the world—and served as a piratical smorgasbord.

3. Weapons

The poundy, the pointy, and the boomy! If playing with things that worry your dear ol’ mum is your pleasure, then the pirate life is for you. First, there are the poundy: nice blunt objects like belaying pins, which secured heavy ropes to the ship’s railing, and the marlinspike, which was used for splicing knots. These served innocent nautical duties, yet could give a man quite a headache when swung by a pirate comin’ aboard. If pointy is your preference, try a cutlass: a short, heavy-bladed, single-sided sword. A longsword could get tangled in the rigging or be hindered in the cramped space below decks. A cutlass leaves ’em gutless. And for those of the boomy persuasion, the pirate world had it all, from cannon to flintlock pistols to the mighty blunderbuss!.

Hope It Helps U.

Study the image. What problem or issue does this image bring to mind? Write a strong, effective claim that you might use in an argument related to the problem.​



I think the biggest problem is all the junk in her locker behind her. The girl has a lot of empty bags of food and drinks stashed in it, all looking rather unhealthy. If she has been eating this much junk food, then it is not good for her body. Your body needs protein and nutrients, and eating all that junk food not only takes away from this, but eating too much can make you obese as well as sick from all the sodium and artificial junk in it.


Hope this helps!

Please mark brainliest! ;)

Someone pls help me <3



Answer B, Clunk because it is a sound put into words

Answer:EZ claps the answer is B.Clunk because onomatopoeia is like a sound effect

Can you do as in the example 2



I must eat healthy.

I mustn't eat bad.


What is the claim "It is excellent, we must all allow; yet this government never of itself furthered any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it got out of its way."



"It is excellent, we must all allow


The day everything went right essay ​


is this a question or ? explain a bit more.
Thanks for the free points

Which of the following is listed first in a dictionary entry?
A. Pronunciation
B. Part of speech
C. Main entry word
D. Definition



I haven't seen a dictionary in a while but I believe that C is right

In the Activity portion of the Speaking and Listening Skill for this lesson, you will evaluate Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson’s delivery of a speech.


In the box below, write a paragraph evaluating Johnson’s delivery of his speech “Remarks at Gettysburg on Civil Rights.” Be sure to include

a statement on the speaker’s delivery
a description of the oral fluency techniques the speaker uses throughout the speech
an explanation of how the speaker’s oral fluency contributes to the purpose of the speech



I think that when he delivered his speech he meant it from the heart he really wanted his message to be heard. He made sure everyone knew he wanted black people of color to have equal opportunity as white people. Also that people don't see color or anything and they just see a human that deserves to be there. He expresses the importance of this and why this action news to be taken asap and the urgency.


The above question wants to analyze your writing and interpretation skills. For that reason, I can't write this answer for you, but I'll show you how to write it.

First, you will read Johnson's speech and understand its objectives, audience, and the rhetorical and literary devices used in the speech. You can search for articles that analyze this speech to help you interpret, if necessary.

After doing this analysis, you must decide if Johnson was effective in his speech, that is, you must decide if he was coherent, persuasive, and informative if he managed to achieve his objectives and if the speech managed to establish something important.

After that, you can write your answer.

Steps to writing your answerIntroduce the article and subject Johnson was talking about.Show what Johnson's goals were with this speech.Show how Johnson establishes his arguments.Show the persuasive strategies he used.Show if he was effective and managed to establish a coherent and relevant speech.

More information on what a good speech is at the link:


What type of information may be useful in a group contract? Check all that apply.

responsibilities of the group facilitator
a calendar of extracurricular activities of group members
how to respect the ideas and contributions of others
addresses and phone numbers of all group members
what to do if you will be late or absent for a group meeting


Answer and Explanation:

I think

responsibilities of the group facilitator

how to respect the ideas and contributions of others

addresses and phone numbers of all group members

what to do if you will be late or absent for a group meeting

Would be useful in a group contract...

The type of information may be useful in a group contract is :

Responsibilities of the group facilitator.How to respect the ideas and contributions of others.What to do if you will be late or absent for a group meeting.Add a calendar of extracurricular activities of group members to the list to.Group Contract

The type of information may be useful in a group contract is responsibilities of the group facilitator, how to respect the ideas and contributions of others, what to do if you will be late or absent for a group meeting and add a calendar of extracurricular activities of group members to the list to.

A group contract may be a report that a bunch makes to formalize the desires of gather individuals.

A group contract ought to contain the taking after then gather members' names and contact data.

Learn more about "Group":


In 2019, more than 240 billion U.S. dollars were spent on advertising in the United





The answer would be true

Julius Caesar
by William Shakespeare
(excerpt from Act 3, Scene I)

CINNA: (kneeling) O Caesar—

CAESAR: Hence! Wilt thou lift up Olympus?

DECIUS: (kneeling) Great Caesar—

CAESAR: Doth not Brutus bootless kneel?

CASCA: Speak, hands, for me!

(CASCA and the other conspirators stab CAESAR, BRUTUS last)

CAESAR: Et tu, Bruté?—Then fall, Caesar. (dies)

CINNA: Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead!
Run hence, proclaim, cry it about the streets.

CASSIUS: Some to the common pulpits, and cry out,
“Liberty, freedom, and enfranchisement!”

(Confusion. Exeunt some plebeians and senators.)

BRUTUS: People and senators, be not affrighted.
Fly not. Stand still. Ambition’s debt is paid.

Select the correct answer.
Which sentence best explains what is implied by the underlined section?

Caesar understands Brutus’s betrayal.
Caesar feels betrayed by Brutus.
Brutus secretly did not like Caesar.
Brutus wishes to rule instead of Caesar.


The best explanation for the implication of the underlined sentence is that B. Caesar feels betrayed by Brutus.

What is implied by the underlined line?

The underlined sentence shows that Caesar is shocked that Brutus is amongst those who planned to kill him.

He feels betrayed by this because he viewed Brutus as his son and ally and thought Brutus was on his side.

In conclusion, option B is correct.

Find out more on Brutus and Caesar at https://brainly.com/question/1673767.




Cesar feels betrayed by Brutus.

What does this line from Passage 1, tell the reader about Daniel?



Daniel seems like a kind of selfish person


At the end of your citation in MLA
format, indicate what type of source
you are citing, such as
A. a book, the Web, a DVD, etc.
B. a musical, an opera, a rock concert, etc.
C. a hardback, a softback, a pamphlet, etc.


Answer: A


The humanities frequently employ the MLA (Modern Language Association) style, particularly when discussing language and literature in writing.  Hence option A is correct .

What is MLA ?

Brief parenthetical citations in the text that point to an alphabetical list of books cited at the end of the work are used in MLA style.

The list of sources used in the research study is found on the Works Cited page. It ought to be on a separate page at the end of the document. Without using quotation marks, centre the title "Works Cited" at the top of the page. Title the page "Work Cited" if only one source was used.

When writing a research paper in MLA format, there are two different ways to cite each source: in-text parenthetical citations that are brief and a comprehensive reference list (bibliography) at the conclusion.of your essay.

Here is a direct quote, please include an in-text citation with the author's name and page number at the end (Smith 8). "This is an exact quote" ("Trouble" 22). At the conclusion of your in-text citation, a period should appear outside of the brackets.

Learn more about MLA here



Appeals to logic are also known as?


Logos appeals to logic.

Pathos appeals to emotions, and Ethos appeals to ethics. Anaphora isn't one of the three main appeals, its more repetition based.

Choose the word that contains the same vowel as the one given.

C. Came​



it looks like all of them has the same vowels as came? is it a singular answer? if not its all of them


Im asking again bc my question got deleted.............but somebody start a z 00 m for me please it not letting me. Ill mark brainiest and 30 points.....





replace the 0 with o's

Which of these is most useful for deciding which dictionary definition is the
best one for an unfamiliar word you have found in a reading passage?
A. The context of the sentence where the word appears
B. The word's listing in a thesaurus
C. A word map for several different synonyms
D. The etymology of the word



Option A:

The context of the sentence where the word appears.

Hope this helps you. Do mark me as brainliest.

The four planets that orbit closest to the Sun are best described as which of the following?



Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars

Answer: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

Explanation: These first 4 planets are made of rock and metal. They are mostly solid. While the other four planets are gas giants. Meaning they are gas like. :))

PLEASE HELP!!! "Singing should be banned from worship!" Arguments for and against the statement. ​



[This argument aren't real]

Trump: "Singing should be banned from worship!"

Biden: No it shouldn't be banned

Trump voters: YEAH IT SHOULD BE

Biden voters: NO IT SHOULDN'T BE !!

Trump: Biden better you give up

Biden: No

West: Hey what's up?

Biden: Hey Kanye

Trump: Hi Kanye

West: Okay, guys.. Singing shouldn't be banned



Biden: Shut up Trump

Trump: *mad

Biden: *happy

Trump: We're waiting for the president vote 2020

Biden: Yeah, just see and watch

West: Don't forget me guys :'(

what are the difference between limited partners and limited liabilities partners



A limited partnership is a type of partnership that consists of at least one general partner and at least one limited partner. A limited liability partnership does not have a general partner, since every partner in an LLP is given the ability to take part in the management of the company.


Is samething an indefinite pronoun



Yes, something is an indefinite pronoun


Indefinite Pronoun - refers to an unspecified noun, or sometimes just to things in general

 all, another, any, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each

 each one, each other, either, everybody, everyone

 everything, few, many, neither, nobody, none, no one, nothing

 one, one another, other, others, several, some, somebody

 someone, something

Select the correct answers,
In what two ways does setting contribute to the plot of a novel?
A:it highlights themes
B:It describes the characters. environment. C:It creates tone and mood.
D:It resolves the main conflict of a story.


the answer is a and c


I would say C.


Should I get waffles or cereal?


waffles waffles waffles waffles 100%





I had them this morning

Which of the following is an antonym for the word "synonym?"



Answer: Antonym is the antonym of synonym. :]



C is your answer!


Antonyms are words with the opposite definition of a specific word, while synonyms are similar words, for that specific word. Thus antonym and synonyms are the opposite definition or antonyms of each other.

In a few sentences, describe how you would test a book to determine if it contains the qualities of "good literature".


many factors go into good literature. it needs to appeal to its audience. if it is informing the reader, all information needs to be accurate. good literature should use figurative language and wide vocabulary. it should be interesting enough to read and grammatically correct.



Give me your in sta I will do it later after my test:)

Explain the difference between pastiche and satire



Satire, pastiche, homage, and parody – four literary terms subject to frequent misuse. Most readers and writers have some sense of what each word means, but many struggle to pin down the specifics – something about real-world references, humor, and mockery, right? Well, kind of. These four horsemen may describe similar genre conventions and devices, but don’t be fooled: they’re not synonymous.


Satire is making fun of something and pastiche is simply imitating it.

What is the author's main purpose in the text?
i just need points sorry


Answer: oh


Other Questions
SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME.Eric and Scott each through a javelin. The height of the javelin that Eric through can be modeled by the function f(x)=-16x^2+64x6 where f(x) represents the height in feet of the javelin after X seconds. The graph represents the height of Scots javelin as a function of time. Which statements are true?THE ANSWER CHOICES ARE IN THE PICTURE PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION RIGHT Use the Distributive Property to simplify the expression.I GIVE BRAINLEST AWNSER 6(6+y) In terms of x, what are the dimensions of a rectangle whose area is represented by theexpression 49x2 - 16?Please help If two angle measurements are 53 and 70, what must the third angle measurement equal to form a triangle? Which of the following was the main goal of the Iroquois Confederacy?resist European settlementplant cropspromote peace The following question has two parts. Answer Part C first, and then Part D.Part C: Which choice best identifies an internal conflict in the passage? aBecky's desire for Tom's attention vs. Tom's attention to Amy bBecky's failure to gain Tom's attention vs. her hurt feelings cTom's desire to show his independence from Becky vs. his jealousy of Alfred dTom's desire to show his independence from Becky vs. his desire to flirt with Amy How do bacteria multiply again? Use the key terms genetic information, DNA, split in two, and exponential growth. This type of control used by European nations during imperialistic colonization was a type of limited self-rule for local governments and Europeans relied on existing political rulers to accept the outside countrys control and to train local leaders in the British or European method of government. A paternalism B continental influence C direct control D indirect control Someone please help I will mark brainliest Horatio recorded the daily high temperatures. On 66 days, the high temperature was greater than 88F. This was 75% of the days that Horatio recorded. How many days was the high temperature less than or equal to 88F? Would collecting the resources that go into bread have long-term or short-term effects on the environment? Explain your answer. How many atoms of the element hydrogen are there for each atom of oxygen in the compound we know of as 'water'?a. 8b. 4c. 1d. 2 What does x equal when y=5 A bookstore had 60 copies of a magazine. Yesterday, it sold 1/4 of them. Today, it sold 2/3 of what remained. How many copies does the bookstore have left? P = 2l + 2w, when P = 28 ft. and w = 5 ft. CalculatorA worker at a computer factory can assemble 8 computers per hour.How long would it take this worker to assemble 200 computers?08ho 20 h0 25 h0 200 h A membership at Giseles Gym costs $145 to join and $3 for each visit. A membership at Freddies Fitness costs $75 to join and $5 for each visit. Which location has a lower total cost for different numbers of visits? Write each number of possible visits from the box into the correct column in the table to show whether one location has a lower total cost, or the same total cost as the other location. hello help please ill mark brainliest!!! How do you check your answer or plug it in after solving |2x + 1| = 9 ??? I need help on this and the first person who answer correctly gets a BRANLIST