The following question has two parts. Answer Part C first, and then Part D.

Part C: Which choice best identifies an internal conflict in the passage?

Becky's desire for Tom's attention vs. Tom's attention to Amy
Becky's failure to gain Tom's attention vs. her hurt feelings
Tom's desire to show his independence from Becky vs. his jealousy of Alfred
Tom's desire to show his independence from Becky vs. his desire to flirt with Amy


Answer 1
D is the answer I think
Answer 2

The choice which best identifies an internal conflict in the passage is:

D. Tom's desire to show his independence from Becky vs. his desire to flirt with Amy

According to the given question, we are asked to show the choice which best identifies an internal conflict in the passage.

As a result of this, we can see that from the complete text, there is a narration about Tom where he has an internal conflict about what he wants to do.

He os stuck between choosing to be independent from Becky or to flirt with Amy and this best describes his internal conflict

Therefore, the correct answer is option D

Read more about internal conflict here:

Related Questions

why your hands is important to you



So I can slap people...........

They are important because they help me write, touch, and play sports.

Write the possessive form of these plural nouns.

1. groups

2. Manitobans

3. Knives

4. Turkeys

5. Sandwiches

6. Provinces



1. The correct answer in this question is friends'.

2. The correct answer in this question is boxes'.

3. The correct answer in this question is houses'.

4. The fourth question is already correct.

5. The correct answer in this question is people's.


The possessive in English is formed by adding an apostrophe and an "s" to the singular noun. When the noun is in plural, we would add only the apostrophe if the noun ends in an "s," or the apostrophe+"s" if the noun ends in a different letter. Possessives show relationships of belonging between one thing and another.

Clean it up immediately

To begin cleaning it up immediately



what are your options


Clean it up immediately

If light is invisible ,how does the surrounding area
become visible​



Reflection, absorption and re-emission.

To clarify, you mentioned light is not visible. Of course that is not true, we can see light. our retinas are sensitive to light within a certain range of frequencies. you may be commenting on the fact that if there is a beam of light in front of me traveling from right to left, I won’t see it. That’s true. If it were a ball I would see it. That is because light strikes the ball, is reflected, absorbed, and re-emitted or some combination of the above, then that light strikes my eye.

As a side note, if the ball were somehow changed by the light which struck it (change of course due to momentum of light impact) then I may not be able to trust that the image I see truly represents the current condition of the ball. But for most balls we can see, this is not the case. If, however, we do go smaller in our attempt to ‘see’ light, we won’t necessarily be able to trust our instinctive intuition. That is informed by the large scale world we observe with our unaided eye. We would have to learn to trust our observations however those observations come. And the observed truth of the very small, the world of quantum physics, is rather different than our unaided perception. It is nevertheless equally valid.

Back to the main point.

If you like to play the semantics game of asking whether you see the ball or see the light, suit yourself. The ball interacts with light, the light interacts with my eye, my eye sends data to my brain for interpretation. I’m fine with either version of ‘seeing’ the ball or ‘seeing’ the light.

Here’s an example to hopefully clarify.

I’m outside on a sunny day, no electric lights around, only sunlight. We all know sunlight is well collimated, one-directional. I’m in my back yard in the shade of my awning. No direct sunlight strikes me or the ball in my hand.

How do I see the ball in my hand?

Direct sunlight strikes a number of objects around me, the ground, my pool, etc. I don’t see any of that light. All of those objects reflect some light. That reflected light leaves the objects at certain limited angles based on the angle of incidence of the sunlight striking that surface. They also absorb some light. They then re-emit the light they absorb. Based on the surface characteristics, this re-emitted light shoots out in all directions away from the surface. They all become sources of multi-directional light nearby, just much lower intensity. Like a bunch of little light bulbs. So the ball I hold (in the awning’s shadow) is lit from a number of sources, just much more dimly than the ground lit by direct sunlight. And so the ball appears darker. It is in the shadow after all.

By the same principle, if the part of Earth you are standing on is in the shadow of the rest of the Earth, i.e. it is nighttime, then you won’t see anything. Unless of course there are other objects around Earth (moon, et al.) that absorb and re-emit light. When the sun, Earth, and moon are lined up so that the sunny side of the moon has a lot of its surface area facing towards Earth (full moon) then there is a lot of reflected and re-emited light striking Earth. Those are nights when it is easier to see by moonlight, which is of course sunlight.

Highlight the vague word or phrase in the thesis statement below.
Group projects are not a useful way to test anything.
Submit answer



this is grate i guess? i don;t know what to do here

When going out the door, a large butterfly fluttered past me.

What is the BEST way to rewrite this sentence?
When I was going out the door, a large butterfly fluttered past me.
Going out the door, a large butterfly fluttered past me.
A large butterfly, going out the door, fluttered past me.
A large butterfly fluttered past me when going out the door.



the best way to rewrite this is to sayi was walking out the door and a butterfly went past me



it would be the first choice


nothing else makes sense

An adverb limits what 3 things?



An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective (very tall), another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella). Adverbs often end in -ly, but some (such as fast) look exactly the same as their adjective counterparts.


Its easy.

Read the passage. Then, rewrite the passage to correct any mistakes in spelling and
Coach told us we should
stay lose before the championship match, and that
we should think soothing thoughts. "The best way to lose a big game is to
forget to have fun," he said. "That's one of the main principals I stick to: Enjoy
yourselves. Now, the other team is over their in there locker room. They're
jumping around and screaming, but that's not who we are. We're laid-back
dudes. That's why last year when I took this job, I choose a surfing beagle as
our mascot. Now let's go out there and have a swell time. Who's with me?"

And please don’t just copy the text it’s really annoying I just need a little help I’ll even give out the BRAINILY thing



Coach told us we should stay lose before the championship match, and that we should think soothing thoughts. "The best way to lose a big game is to forget and have fun," he said. "That's one of the main principals I stick to: Enjoy yourselves." Now, the other team is over there in their locker room. They're jumping around and screaming, but that's not who we are, we're laid-back dudes. That's why last year when I took this job, I choose a surfing beagle as our mascot. Now let's go out there and have a swell time. Who's with me?

(I was kinda confused since it didn't make sense for me, so it was kinda wonky, but I hope this helps <3 )

Coach told us we should: Stay loose before the championship match, and that we should think soothing thoughts. “The best way to lose a big game is to forget to have fun,” he said, “That’s one of the main principals I live by.” Enjoy yourselves. Now, the other team is over there in their locker room. They’re jumping around and screaming, but that’s not who we are; we’re laid back dudes. That’s why laser when I took this job, I chose to be a surfing beagle as our mascot. Now, let’s go out there and have a swell time! Who’s with me?

There are 5 houses in five different colors.
In each house lives a person with a different nationality.
These five owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar and keep a certain pet.
No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar or drink the same beverage.
The question is: Who owns the fish?



Check TedEd


Ive seen this before on that channel, it goes super in depth on it

write about a time when you moved to a new home or school. what was it like? how did it make you feel? if you have never moved imagine how you would feel if you did have to move



The question is about moving


Like a time you transferred schools or moved to a different house or place. If you havent moved anywhere how do you think it would be and did it make you sad, happy, depressed, angry?

I moved schools seven times in a total of my life so far. And I came back and went to the same one twice. Each time I was sad but its not like I had many friends that cared when I was leaving.

Explain why apple is your favorite



Apple is my favourite food because it can come in different colours, it is tasty and juicy, it fills you up if you need a snack, it is easy to carry around in your bag and it is healthy.


Hope this helps!

Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad and The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales are similar, yet different. The first is an historical account of slavery in American history. The second is a fictional portrayal of the same topic or theme. Compare and contrast the two texts. Introduce your topic with a clear thesis statement. Then, organize and support your writing with specific evidence from both texts. Use transitions to show relationships among your ideas, and provide a conclusion that summarizes your main points.



what is it that you need help with exactly?


**don't worry, i'll go back and actually answer it**


Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad and The People Could Fly: American Black Folktales are similar, yet different. The first is an historical account of slavery in American history. The second is a fictional portrayal of the same topic or theme. Compare and contrast the two texts. Introduce your topic with a clear thesis statement. Then, organize and support your writing with specific evidence from both texts. Use transitions to show relationships among your ideas, and provide a conclusion that summarizes your main points.

3) Which of these inferences about the author's point of view is best supported by the following excerpt?

“Other famous historical nappers include the brilliant scientist Albert Einstein and the world-changing inventor Thomas Edison. The amazing artist Leonardo Da Vinci also took naps. They all had unusual sleep patterns that allowed them to work in a focused and creative way. Maybe if Edison had skipped his naps, he would never have invented the light bulb. Maybe Leonardo would have been too sleepy to paint the Mona Lisa.”

a) The author thinks that afternoon naps should only be taken by children.
b) The author thinks that famous people can accredit their success to taking frequent naps.
c) The author thinks Leonardo Da Vinci was sleepy when he painted the Mona Lisa.
d) The author thinks that taking frequent naps have absolutely no medical benefits for humans.



b) The author thinks that famous people can accredit their success to taking frequent naps.


In the given excerpt from "The Secret Truth About Napping", the author lists the numerous personalities in history who had taken naps. He argues that despite the claims of mid-day naps as detrimental, these famous men have still managed to produce one of the best discoveries and artworks in world history.

Citing Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Leonardo Da Vinci, etc. the author argues how taking naps helped these men to 'discover' what they are famous for now. And in that sense, it seems that the author thinks these famous people's success is in part because of the naps they took.

Thus, the correct answer is option b.

20 points and brainliest
pls help english

True or False: For every source I list on my Works Cited page, I need to also cite in the BODY of my paper at least one time. This is called an ‘in-text citation’ because it is cited ‘in the text’ of your paper.





This is true! Even if a source is cited on the Works Cited page, it still needs to be cited within a text. If you don't provide in-text citations then it becomes unclear of which source is which within the body of your paper!




4.We use ____________ for something that happened a very short time ago.





The answer is just. For example: Mya just took out the trash. That is something that more recently happened. Mya already took out the trash implies it happened a while ago
The answer is (Just )

Does age define maturity? why or why not


Answer: No it doesn't

Explanation: because age is just a number it doesn't makes you mature.

"Maturity is not measured by age. In reality, age doesn't determine how mature a person is, it's their personal experiences that determine their maturity level. ... Younger people are often talked to and treated like children until they turn 18 because legally that's when they become adults..Nov 26, 2020" - As said from a website


no if you want proof just watch theveganteacher highly imature  


When does the story take place
A.modern times
B.long ago when tennis rackets were made out of wood
C.some time in the 1800s is impossible to tell



A. modern times



Answer: C. some time in the 1800s

The very first tennis racket was made at 1874 in London This racket was large, heavy, and made of solid wood, meaning it could deal some severe damage. This is why its c

What "crossfire" is the poem referring to?
What two camps are fighting?



I'm not sure what poem you mean by this, but crossfire usually means bullets shot from guns in between two camps. Hope this helps! :)


2. How does Mr. Zuckerman get Wilbur
back into the barn after the pig escapes?




he gets wilbur back by offering him a bucket of food


he lures wilbur into the pen with a pail of warm slops


why did soapy enter the fine restaurant?​



He wanted to have dinner without paying for it, so that he would be arrested.


I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST TO FIRST PERSON TO BE RIGHT!!!!!Which type of basic approach is important to apply no matter what type of note-taking system a person uses?

Notes should come from as many different sources as possible.
Notes should honor the original source by including direct quotations.
Notes should correctly capture the key ideas of a text in the note-taker’s own words.
Notes should be written as lists, short phrases, or other abbreviated styles of text.


B would be your answer

Answer: C.

Notes should correctly capture the key ideas of a text in the note-taker’s own words.

Which of the following is NOT an example of an alternative fuel?​



include bio-diesel, bio-decompose

Read this excerpt from a classic story.
Alice was beginning to get tired of sitting by her sister on the bank and having nothing
to do. Once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no
pictures or conversations. "What is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or
Suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes scampered close by her
That was nothing so very remarkable, nor did Alice think it strange to hear the Rabbit
say to itself, "Oh dear! Oh dear! / shall be late." But when the Rabbit actually took a watch
out of its waistcoat pocket looked at it, and then hurried on Alice leaped to her feet. It
flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat
pocket or watch. Burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it. Fortunately, she
was just in time to see the rabbit pop down a large rabbit hole under the hedge.
From this excerpt, it can be predicted that Alice will most likely
А. tell her sister about the strange animals in the field.
В. write a new book with pictures and conversations in it.
C. follow the White Rabbit on an unusual adventure
block or close the rabbit hole to keep the White Rabbit away


The answer is C. Because that’s what she does in the movie and also says “burning with curiosity”

What are types of external conflict in literature? Select three options.
character vs. society
character vs. self
character vs. nature
character vs. character
O character vs. their fatal flaw


The types of External conflict in literature are:

character vs. societycharacter vs. naturecharacter vs. character
What is External Conflict?

External conflict in literature refers to something that sets a character against something or someone else which in the short term seems beyond their control or ability to surmount the same.

External forces or conflict are situations or things that stand in the way of a character's motivations and are often a source of tension as the character tries to achieve their goals.

Learn more about external conflict at:

The three types of external conflicts in literature are character vs. society, character vs. nature, and character vs. character. Therefore, options A, C, and D are correct.

What are external conflicts?

External conflicts are conflicts that arise between a character and an external force, such as another character, society, nature, or fate. They are typically obstacles that stand in the way of a character's goals or desires. They create tension and drama in the story.

External conflicts can take many forms, including physical confrontations, verbal disagreements, social or political injustices, environmental obstacles, or supernatural forces. They may be short-lived or persistent throughout the story. They can be resolved or left unresolved by the end of the narrative. Therefore, options A, C, and D are correct.

Learn more about external conflicts, here:


According to Cell Description #1, which part of the cell is responsible for the creation of carbohydrates?













7.  Endoplasmic reticulum

8. Nucleus

9. Golgi apparatus

10. Lysosome





plz tell if my all answers are correct or not if not correct then also plz tell the correct answers​



They look about right


Hope this helps :)

“... If the only tool you have is a hammer, you'll treat everything like a
What does this quote mean to you?



It means that you would handle everything very harshly, almost like how you need to be aggressive when hammering a nail. The hammer is probably a metaphor for the temperament you use to handle things, if that makes sense.


Hope this helps ;) Let me know

Which quotation from the passage best supports the answer to Part A rags and riches



Terms in this set (84) which sentence correctly uses the word clemency? the judge showed clemency when he sentenced the man to probation rather than jail time.


Which of the following would be the best choice to replace the word good (adjective) in the sentence below? Geothermal energy is a good idea.

A. Pure (adjective)

B. Useless (adjective)

C. Fine (adjective) O

D. Fair (adjective)​


C) Fine because if you replace it with good, it sounds best fit in the sentence.

Chávez's central purpose for this text is to convince his audience to boycott the grapes. Identify the line in the speech where he articulates this purpose. (RI.7.1)


You have got to take a picture of the article for people to read and answer your question
Other Questions
11) Identify whether the given are simple/complex / compound sentencesand write it. a. We are trying to get a good job. b. As they joined thecompany, they got a very good leader. Bob made $209 for 11 hours of work.At the same rate, how much would he make for 13 hours of work? Can somebody help me out with this Spanish work? I really need help and if you could help me out that'd be much appreciated! (54 Points) Sympatric speciation occurs due to all of the following except O geographic isolation O pre-zygotic isolation O post-zygotic isolation O behavioral isolation Let X be the damage incurred (in $) in a certain type of accident during a given year. Possible X values are 0, 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000, with probabilities 0.84, 0.09, 0.05, and 0.02, respectively. A particular company offers a $500 deductible policy. If the company wishes its expected profit to be $100, what premium amount should it charge (in dollars) Find the rate of change given the following solutions: (6, 2) and (1, 12). How many weeks is 36 days What word would you use to describe a man who does not have all his fingers on one hand?hint* Trick question Elections make sure judges stay on their toes, especially where issues important to the people are concerned. President Ronald Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher implemented a conservative economic policy based on the privatization of state-owned industries and policies based on deregulation, modest tax rates, and limited government spending. According to Commanding Heights Episode 1, did these policies affect commerce and industry in Great Britain and the United States during the 1980s? Why or why not? How did these two leaders affect the globalization of business? this is pretty easy but I don't have the brainpower to do it jen wants to plant trees in her garden that require 10 feet of soace per tree . how many trees can she plant in her garden 50 POINTS !!!!!!!!! What is the topic of this passage?Everywhere you look, advertisements tempt you to eat more junk food. It may be tasty, but junk food can be harmful to a persons health. Most of the food items are fried and high in sugar and fat. Various studies have shown that eating high amounts of junk food can cause obesity, high cholesterol, liver and heart problems, and even issues in concentration. Journals have released articles showing the addictive nature of this kind of food and its harmful effects on children. It is a better idea to eat junk food in moderation. Theres nothing wrong with a slice of pizza every now and then, but healthy habits are better!A. pizza is the healthiest junk foodB. the dangers of junk foodC. junk food and advertisingD. healthy tips to avoid junk food Evaluate three ways in which employment will minimize emotional stress Give three different causes to border disputes. PLEASE HELP IMA GIVE YOU BRAINIEST!! LIKE FOR REAL PLS!! I'll send a photo of the problem! :) Find the circumference of the circle. what do -4 (x+7)-4 equal Can someone tell me about the dream of stones in the sword in the stone need help with questions 15 and 16 please