What does geological structure mean?


Answer 1

The strong tectonic forces that occur within the earth are typically what cause geologic structures. These forces result in deep faults, rock folding and breaking, and mountain formation.

The study of the three-dimensional distribution of rock units in relation to their deformational histories is known as structural geology. The main objective of structural geology is to understand the stress field that produced the observed strain and geometries by using measurements of the current rock geometries to learn about the history of deformation (strain) in the rocks.

A common objective is to comprehend the structural evolution of a specific region with respect to regionally widespread patterns of rock deformation (for example, mountain building, rifting) caused by plate tectonics. This understanding of the dynamics of the stress field can be linked to significant events in the geologic past.

Learn more about  geological structure to visit this link



Related Questions

Most deserts occur at approximately 30° latitudes. Which of the following statements BEST reflects this finding?
Trade winds pull all moisture away from land and to the ocean at 30° latitude.
Warm dry air descends at 30° latitude.
Cool dry air descends at 30° latitude.
Westerlies pull all moisture away from land and to the ocean at 30° latitude.


As most deserts occur at approximately 30° latitudes, the best statement that reflects this finding is cool dry air descends at 30° latitude.

A desert refers to a barren area of landscape which is characterized by little precipitation and, consequently, living conditions are hostile for plant and animal life. Deserts cover over one-fifth of the Earth's land area, and they are found on every continent. It is a place that receives less than 10 inches (25 centimeters) of rain per year and belongs to a wider class of regions called drylands. Most deserts are found along the 30-degree latitude line due to the pattern of cold-water currents, which force cool dry air over the land at 30°.

Learn more about Desert:



What happens to the temperature of rocks as you go deeper in the earth?


Geologists calculate that for every mile dug beneath the Earth's surface, the temperature rises 15 degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure rises at a rate of about 7,300 pounds per square inch.

The deeper you go into the Earth, the hotter it becomes. The temperature at the base of the crust is around 1000°C, around 3500°C at the base of the mantle, and around 6,000°C at the center of the Earth. In the deep earth, there are three major sources of heat: (1) heat generated when the planet formed and assimilated, which has yet to be lost; (2) friction force heating, induced by denser base material sinking to the planet's center; and (3) heat from radioactive element decay.

Learn more on temperature



about 200 people had to be rescued from a floating ice chunk in which northern us state?


Answer: I think Minnesota?


when a stream flows into the ocean, that stream is at: group of answer choices ultimate base level temporary base level


when a stream flows into the ocean, that stream is at: ultimate base level. The plane that is created when the sea level is projected beneath landmasses is known as the "ultimate base level." Erosion causes topography to typically descend to this base level, eventually becoming a peneplain near the conclusion of an erosion cycle.

Sea level is the ultimate base level because streams won't erode their channels below this level. Along the course of a stream, numerous transient base levels may exist. When a dam is built, a lake is created that acts as a temporary base level for the river's upstream section. The base level of a stream is the lowest point to which running water can cause the stream channel to erode. It comes in two varieties: local base level and ultimate base level. The height of the ocean's surface, or sea level, is also referred to as the absolute base level. Local base levels include lakes, rock formations that are resistant to erosion, and rivers that serve as base levels for their tributaries. The ultimate base level is sea level. Sea level is the ultimate base level because streams won't erode their channels below this level. Along the course of a stream, numerous transient base levels may exist. Sea level is the ultimate base level because streams won't erode their channels below this level. Along the course of a stream, numerous transient base levels may exist.

Learn more about ultimate base level here



what may occur when convergent boundaries interact? formation of island chains creation of mid-ocean ridges creation of convection currents


The correct response is a) formation of island chains. The event formation of island chains is associated with convergent boundaries. An area where two plates converge is referred to as a convergent border. The borders of one or both colliding plates may bow up into mountain ranges as a result of the impact, or one plate may bend downward into a deep undersea trench.

A region on Earth where two or more lithospheric plates clash is known as a convergent boundary, also referred to as a destructive boundary. Subduction is the inevitable sliding of one plate beneath the other. The Wadati-Benioff zone, a plane with a high frequency of earthquakes, can be used to designate the subduction zone. These collisions take place over timescales of millions to tens of millions of years and can cause deformation, earthquakes, volcanism, orogenesis, lithosphere destruction, and orogenesis. Oceanic-oceanic lithosphere, oceanic-continental lithosphere, and continental-continental lithosphere all have convergent borders. Depending on the types of crust, convergent borders have different geologic characteristics. Convection cells in the mantle are what propel plate tectonics. Convection cells are produced when cool materials from the surface return to the mantle and heat produced by radioactive decay of mantle components escapes to the surface. These convection cells create new crust by bringing heated mantle material to the surface along spreading centres. The creation of younger crust pushes this new crust away from the spreading centre, where it cools, thins, and gets denser. When this dense crust converges with less dense crust, subduction starts. The subducting slab is propelled into the mantle in part by the force of gravity.

Learn more about convergent boundaries here



Answer: a. Formation of island chains

Rank the following areas in order of largest to smallest change in average temperature since 1880.
a. northern Canada b. western Europe c. southern Africa d. Australia


In terms of change in average temperature since 1880, the areas with the largest to smallest changes are :

a. Northern Canadab. Western Europed. Australiac. Southern Africa

How have temperatures changed since 1880 ?

Since the late 1800s, the average surface temperature of the Earth has risen by around 1.8°F (1.0°C).

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are largely to blame for the planet's warming. These practices include the use of land for different purposes, such as agriculture and deforestation, as well as the combustion of fossil fuels like coal and oil.

The additional heat is causing regional and seasonal temperature extremes, decreasing snow cover and sea ice, increasing heavy rainfall, and altering plant and animal habitat ranges, both expanding and contracting some.

The area that has been worst hit by changes in average temperature is Northern Canada which has seen a lot of melting. Western Europe is next on that list, with Australia growing significantly hotter. Southern Africa rounds off the list.

Find out more on changes in average temperature at https://brainly.com/question/17641085


Rank the following areas in order of largest to smallest change in average temperature since 1880.a. northern Canada (largest temp change)b. western europe.c. australia.d. southern africa.e. eastern Pacific Ocean.


The recent several centuries have been the hottest in the previous 100,000 years. In comparison to 1859–1890, the temperatures in the years 2011–2020 was 1.09°C higher.

South Africa: affluent or impoverished?

South Africa's economy is the third largest on the continent and the continent's most industrialized, technically sophisticated, and diversified. One of just eight countries in Africa with an upper-middle-income economy is South Africa.

Who competes in South Africa?

The Compatriots Marathon, the Sea Miler, the Knysna Forests Marathon, in Cape Town Marathon, and the Always Loskop Marathon are five yearly South African marathons that are worth taking into consideration. Every year, the Comrades typically take place in June.

To know more about Southern Africa visit:



How do killer whales survive in the ocean?


Killer Whales are able to survive in the deep freezing water because of the layer of fat covering their body underneath the sea. The layer of the fat is called blubber.

Killer whale survive in the deep water. Killer whales are found in the open ocean but they seem to be most abundant in coastal waters. Killer whales are most abundant in the Pacific Northwest along northern Norway's coast in the Atlantic and in the higher latitudes of the Southern Ocean. In the North Atlantic, type 1 killer whales are found in the waters of the northeast Atlantic and Great Britain  while type 2 killer whales are mainly spotted off the west coast of Ireland and Scotland. The killer whale also known as orca. This is the ocean’s top predator. historical threats to killer whales included commercial hunting and culling to protect fisheries from killer whales.  Several different populations and ecotypes of killer whales are found throughout the world.

To learn more about Killer whales please visit:



An archeologist discovered two artifacts buried beneath the ground. She found the first artifact at an elevation of meters and the second at an elevation of meters. What is the distance between these two elevations?.


The distance between first and second artifact which discovered buried beneath the ground at an elevation of meters is 27 [tex]\frac{2}{7}[/tex].

How to calculate the distance between two elevations ?Two artifacts buried was discovered beneath the ground, and the archaeologist found the two artifacts in two places at different  elevation or heights. Then we are asked to find out the different elevations between the two.                                                It is given that first artifact was found in depth -8:2/7 meters, and the second was found in depth at -35:4/7 meters inside. To find the different we can solve by bellow step; -8:2/7 - (- 35:4/7), we use a subtraction sign because what we are looking for was buried beneath the ground. Thus, this depth is represented with a minus sign like in the number line material.Then, it was pointed out that subtraction meets minus sign, when they meet we can either cancel it, and change it with positive sign or change the way of calculating it with addition.

        = -8:2/7 - (- 35:4/7)

        = -8:2/7 + 35:4/7

        = 27 2/7.

Then we can take a conclusion, the distance between those two elevation is 27 [tex]\frac{2}{7}[/tex] meters.


Learn more about elevation here: brainly.com/question/21127616


although western europe is very industrially developed, agriculture is the main form of land use. t oor f


It is true that agriculture constitutes the majority of land usage in Western Europe. True is the appropriate response.

What kind of land use dominates Western Europe?

Europe is one of the continents that is used most frequently globally. For infrastructure, production systems (especially in agriculture and forestry), and settlement, it consumes the most land (up to 80%).

What role does farming play in Europe?

In the EU, over 44 million people work in industries and services associated with food and farming, including 20 million who hold steady employment in the agricultural sector.

What types of agricultural products predominate in Western Europe?

Among the principal export items are grains (wheat and barley), dairy products, meats from birds and pigs, as well as fruit and vegetables, olive oil, and wine. The majority of the agricultural products produced in the EU are dairy products, grains, vegetables, wine, fruits, and sugar.

Learn more about agricultural sector: https://brainly.com/question/1967288


How does the united kingdom have environmental possibilism??


Answer: In the UK, they are tying to minimise waste, reuse materials as much as they can and manage materials at the end of their life to minimise the impact on the environment and around them.

Note: This question can differentiate in different topics, So be aware.

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during a field trip with your geology class you visit an exposure of rock layers similar to the one sketched below. a fellow student suggests that the layer of basalt is a sill. do you agree or disagree? explain why you think the layer is a sill or why you disagree with this student. write a likely explanation for the geologic history of these layers to support your stance.


The layer of basalt is a lava flow. A sill would not likely include vesicles, and since the bottom layer of the lava flow was partially transformed into sandstone before cooling, the layer of shale on top is the result of weathering.

Define a lava flow.

Lava flows are rivers of flowing or oozing molten rock that originate from an eruption vent.

The extrusive rocks most frequently take the shape of a sill. The sills, which surround the country rocks in parallel beds, can be mistaken for solidified lava flows because the intruded sills exhibit partial melting and show signs of warmth.

The bottom sides of the lava flow may be visible, and these flows may also create vesicles out of gas or bubbles that escape into the atmosphere. Since sills are formed at shallower depths than lava flows, sills do not exhibit surface signs of weathering.

To know more about a lava flow, visit:



What are 3 orca adaptations?


The three orca adaptations were streamlined bodies for effective swimming, flippers-like forelimbs for steering, and internalized remnants in the rear limbs to reduce drag.

These adaptations include streamlined structures for efficient swimming, flippers for steering, internalized remains in the hind limbs to reduce drag, a horizontally positioned tail for forceful up and down propulsion, and under-skin blubber for insulation.

Killer whales can move quickly and easily through the ocean. A killer whale seldom dives below for more than 30 seconds each time while swimming close to the surface. the swimming athlete's power. A killer whale's distinctive fusiform shape, which is extremely energy-efficient for swimming, is also influenced by blubber. The blubber rounds out this form.

Learn more about orcas at



On the map to the right, what is the most likely reason that some regions overlap



wheres the map?


Although western europe is very industrially developed, agriculture is the main form of land use.t/f


Although western Europe is very industrially developed, agriculture is the main form of land use. This statement is true.

The agricultural sector is one of the prominent land users in Europe and thus outlines landscapes in rural areas. Agricultural land plays a significant part in land use patterns across the European Union. Grassland and cropland jointly make up 39% of Europe's land cover. The agricultural sector is a prominent user of natural resources and has a convoluted association with the environment.

In current years, the agricultural sector has been increasingly influenced by drastic weather events. Europe has the loftiest ratio of land (up to 80%) used for settlement, and production procedures (in particular agriculture and forestry).

Learn more about agriculture in Europe here:



the conditions on the surface of venus are; mars has a period and direction of rotation that are; the clouds in the atmosphere of venus consist primarily of; an earth-based telescopic view of venus shows; when venus is at its brightest as seen from the earth (near greatest elongation) it is; the internal structure of mercury is most likely a; mercury looks very similar to which planet or satellite in our solar system; the most common surface features on venus are


Craters, volcanoes, mountains, and vast lava plains characterize the terrain. Consequently, Mars and Earth both rotate in the same way (counterclockwise if you look down on the solar system from North of the ecliptic). On Mars, the Sun will always rise in the East, using the same definition of East as on Earth.

In several ways, Mercury common to the moon of Earth. Venus' atmosphere is 96% carbon dioxide. Sulfuric acid is used to make thick clouds between 30 and 60 kilometers in altitude, and the greenhouse effect of CO2 keeps the surface temperature high. The Sun-Earth-Venus angle allows us to observe the planet at its brightest at two points during its orbit. When Venus is at an elongation of 39°, roughly 36 days before and after inferior conjunction, these phenomena—known as peak brilliancy—occur.

Around 85% of the planet's radius, or 1,289 miles (2,074 kilometers), is made up of a substantial metallic core. It appears to be partially molten or liquid based on the evidence. Similar to the mantle and crust of Earth, Mercury's outer layer is only around 400 kilometers (250 miles) thick. Despite Mercury being closer to the Sun, it is the planet with the highest temperature in our solar system. Venus's surface reaches temperatures of roughly 900 °F (475 °C), which are hot enough to melt lead.

The surface is rust-colored, covered in thousands of massive volcanoes, strongly crushed mountains, and other geological features. Venus's surface is obscured by dense clouds, so we can't see it from Earth. But as our understanding of Venus has grown, we now know that the planet's surface is dotted with craters, volcanoes, mountains, and enormous lava plains.

Learn more about venus visit: brainly.com/question/28479993


how do glaciers fit into the hydrologic cycle, and what roles do they play in the rock cycle? select all that apply.


Glaciers play a role in the hydrologic cycle when precipitation falls at high elevations but does not immediately reach the sea. Instead, it could become a glacier.

Changes in the mass of mountain glaciers and ice caps can alter the Earth's hydrological cycle on multiple scales. On a global scale, glacier mass loss adds to sea-level rise. Glacier meltwater is a key contributor to and modulator of river flow at the regional and local levels. The glacial ice will eventually melt into water, which will continue on its journey to the sea.

Learn more on hydrologic cycle



how does the discharge of a river typically change as the river travels from its headwaters to its mouth?


When a stream enters a lake or ocean velocity inceases

the climate in most of canada is ? A small part of canada has a ? climate


Canada offers a vast array of climates due to its extensive latitudinal range.

Define climate.

Climate is the average weather over a longer length of time in a particular place. A description of a climate includes details such as the typical temperature in each season, the amount of rainfall, and the amount of sunshine.

The country's northern two-thirds experience short, cool summers and extremely frigid winters, which are reminiscent to those in northern Scandinavia. A typical continental climate with extremely frigid winters, scorching summers, and little to no precipitation can be found in the central southern region of the interior plains. The weather in southern Ontario and Quebec is similar to some areas of the American Midwest, with hot, muggy summers and cold, snowy winters. All of Canada experiences a winter season with average temperatures below freezing and persistent snow cover, with the exception of the west coast.

To know more about climate, visit:



What does a whale need to survive?


Whales need to develop echolocation, thick layers of blubber, improved lungs, stronger hearing, and larger arteries, among other things, to help them adapt to the ocean in order to assure their survival and well-being.

A big part of a whale's life is their blubber. Whales can stay warm and live in icy conditions because they have blubber, which would otherwise make them inhospitable. Some whales may also store energy in their blubber for use on long voyages or when food is in short supply. The blue whale migrates for up to four months at a time, during which time it survives mostly on the body fat and calories stored in its blubber.

Toothed whales may learn a lot about their surroundings by using echolocation, including how big an object is, how fast it is moving, whether it is above or below them, what direction it is travelling in, how far away it is, and if it is hollow or solid. Whales can avoid colliding with other things when they can't see their surroundings thanks to echolocation, which is very helpful in low-visibility environments.

Learn more about Whales visit: brainly.com/question/28623065


How might coastal settlement patterns change with increasing coastal erosion?


Studies on early coastal communities at high latitudes can reveal how earlier populations survived in regions with less biodiversity and more seasonality in the resources they could access.

What is coastal erosion?

Coastal erosion is the process by which the water wears away land. Typically, this process includes damaging waves eroding away the shoreline (though constructive waves also contribute to coastal erosion).

On non-rocky beaches, coastal erosion creates rock formations where the shoreline has layers of rock or fracture zones with different levels of erosion resistance. Softer terrain erodes far more quickly than tougher terrain, creating structures like tunnels, bridges, columns, and pillars. The coast usually evens out over time.

Hydraulic action, abrasion, impact, corrosion by wind and water, and other factors, natural or manmade, can all contribute to coastal erosion.

To learn more about coastal erosion follow the link.



Give four reasons why some areas within the equatorial belt do not experience true equatorial climate​


Answer: This is very confusing to a lot of people because they are African. But they are Hispanic, just not Latin-American or “Latino, ” but if an Equatorial Guinean moves.

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There are several reasons why some areas within the equatorial belt do not experience true equatorial climate. Here are four possible reasons:

Altitude: Some areas within the equatorial belt are located at high altitudes, which can affect the local climate. For example, the cities of Quito and La Paz, which are located in the equatorial region, have cooler temperatures due to their high altitude.Ocean currents: The ocean currents can also affect the climate in some areas within the equatorial belt. For example, the cold water currents that flow along the coasts of Ecuador and Peru can cool the air and create a more temperate climate.Prevailing winds: The direction and strength of the prevailing winds can also affect the climate in some areas within the equatorial belt. For example, the northeast trade winds that blow across the Caribbean Sea can bring cooler air to the coastal regions of Central America, creating a more temperate climate.Landscape: The local landscape can also affect the climate in some areas within the equatorial belt. For example, the mountains and forests that cover parts of Central America and the Amazon Basin can create a microclimate that is cooler and more humid than the surrounding areas.

what fundamental concept states that in a horizontal sequence of conformable sedimentary strata, each higher bed is younger than the bed below it? group of answer choices theory of correlative deposition law of cross cutting relationships law of original correlation law of superposition


Law of superposition fundamental concept states that in a horizontal sequence of conformable sedimentary strata, each higher bed is younger than the bed below it.Thus correct option (D).

A key stratigraphic principle known as the law of superposition states that the oldest layer in a series of sedimentary rock layers is at the bottom and that the layers get younger as they move up the sequence.

An underground drain, for instance, might form its silt back-fill some time after the ground directly above it. Other instances of non-vertical superposition include changes made to existing structures, such as adding new windows and doors to a wall.

Learn more about  law of superposition  to visit this link



What challenges do killer whales face?


Killer whales face the challenge of losing their habitat, and degradation due to pollution and loss due to human intervention

Killer whales, like many other species, face a number of challenges that can impact their populations and habitats. Some of the main challenges facing killer whales include:

Habitat loss: As human populations and development continue to grow, natural habitats are being lost or damaged, directly impacting the availability and quality of habitat for killer whales and other species.

Pollution and climate change: The oceans are subject to pollutants, including chemicals, and plastic waste, which can harm killer whales and their food sources. Further, climate change is impacting the oceans with changes in water temperature which can impact the health and survival of killer whales and other marine species.

Human interaction: Killer whales are often threatened by human activities, such as boat traffic, noise pollution, and accidental entanglement in fishing gear.

Read more about killer whales on:



which mountains form a natural boundary between european russia and siberian russia?


The Ural Mountains form the border between European Russia and Siberian Russia.

The Ural Mountains, or simply Ural Mountains, run roughly north-south through western Russia, from the coast of the Arctic Ocean to the Ural River to northwestern Kazakhstan. The Urals are 2,500 km long and 150 km wide. The highest peak of the Ural Mountains is Mount Narodnaya.

The Ural Mountains formed as a result of continental collisions 250 to 300 million years ago, making them one of the oldest mountain ranges on Earth.

The Urals contain more than 1000 types of precious minerals and are rich in resources such as metal ores, coal, precious and semi-precious stones. This is why the Urals are one of the richest mineral regions in the world.

The main rock types found there are rock Carboniferous metamorphic rocks, igneous rocks, and sedimentary rocks.

To learn more about the Ural Mountains here:



What is displacement process?


A displacement reaction occurs when a more reactive element displaces, or pushes out, a less reactive element from a compound that contains the less reactive element. After a displacement reaction, the less reactive element is now pure and left uncombined.

Distance is the length of any path connecting any two points. When measured along the shortest path between any two points, displacement is the direct distance between them. Since it only depends on magnitude and not direction, distance is a scalar quantity.

What does "displacement reaction" mean?

The atom of the more reactive element (or elements) displaces the atom of the less reactive element (or elements) from its compound in a displacement reaction. Metals and nonmetals both experience displacement reaction. A replacement reaction or substitution reaction is another name for it.

Learn more about displacement to visit this link



Circulation of both the atmosphere and the oceans is driven by what type of currents?.


Circulation of both the atmosphere and the oceans are driven by global wind systems that are fueled by energy from the Sun.

How are atmospheric and oceanic circulation interconnected?The two systems are complexly linked to each other and are responsible for Earth's weather and climate. The oceans help to regulate temperature in the lower part of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is in large part responsible for the circulation of ocean water through waves and currents.The circulation of both is similar, while atmosphere circulation is the movement of air throughout the atmosphere, while oceanic circulation is the movement of water within the ocean basins. In both cases fluids (air and water) flow in complex three dimensional pattern distributing thermal energy from warm low latitude areas to colder, higher latitude areas.There are three basic waveforms used in commercial therapeutic electrical stimulation units: direct current, alternating current, and pulsed current.

Learn about ocean circulation here: brainly.com/question/11695116


what are the diverging plates associated with the formation of tristan de cunha in the south atlantic ocean? (2 answers)


The development of a spreading ridges just on Tristan da Cunha mantle plume, which led to the construction of the RGR inside the Brazilian edge .

What plates has Tristan da Cunha located on?

Plate of Africa, The southern Atlantic Ocean's volcanoes are the result of volcanic activity in the Tristan hotspot, a volcanic hotspot. The Walvis Ridge and the island at Tristan da Cunha somewhat on African Plate are assumed to have formed as a result.

How was Tristan da Cunha created?

Tristan da Cunha seems to be a 400 km east of the Equator active stratovolcano that developed over a magma hotspot. Central Atlantic Ridge On the ocean floor 3500 meters below the surface, the volcano initially erupted three million years ago.

To know more about plates visit:



what are terms for the two principal sources of sediment that produce the two principal types of sedimentary rocks


The two principal sources of sediment that produce the two principal types of sedimentary rocks are clastic and chemical.

Clastic or detrital sedimentary rocks are made from pieces of bedrock, sediment, derived primarily by mechanical weathering. Clastic rocks may also include chemically weathered sediment.

Sediments are also classified by origin. There are four types: lithogenous,  hydrogenous, biogenous, and cosmogenous. Lithogenous sediments come from land via rivers, ice, wind, and other processes. Biogenous sediments come from organisms like plankton when their exoskeletons break down.

Common sedimentary rocks include sandstone, limestone, and shale. These rocks often start as sediments carried in rivers and deposited in lakes and oceans.

Clastic sedimentary rocks, like sandstone, form from clasts, or pieces of other rock. Organic sedimentary rocks, like coal, form from hard, biological materials like plants, shells, and bones that are compressed into rock.

to learn more about sedimentary rocks:


What are the 5 elements of a map and their functions?


The following elements are common to all maps: main body, legend, title, scale and alignment indicators, inset map, and source notes. The data frame is the area of the map where the data layers are displayed. This section is the map's most important and central focus.

Map Title or Heading is one of the five basic components of any map. A map's title, also known as the heading, is typically located at the top of the map. Map Key or Legend The map key, or map legend, defines all of the map symbols, Scale Indicator, Grid, Compass Rose or North Arrow.

Learn more on map -



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