What does Baldwin suggest about community in his
O Living in small groups brings about good changes.
O Humans are happiest living with others.
O Living with loss is better than living alone.
O Humans will learn to depend on those living with


Answer 1

The thing that Baldwin suggest about community in his adaptation is that D. Humans will learn to depend on those living with them.

What is a community?

A community is a collection of individuals with a common bond. A community can be characterized by the traits that its members have in common or by the quality of the ties that bind them together. One needs a group of individuals who share some traits and experience a sense of community or interpersonal ties.

In the excerpt, because they are frequently a significant source of social connection and a sense of belonging, communities are essential. To live a fulfilling life, it is imperative to be a part of a group that shares similar attitudes, values, and objectives.

Learn more about Baldwin on:



Answer 2




person above said this :)

Related Questions

Why does Hrothgar decide to allow Beowulf and his warriors into his kingdom?


The main reason why Hrothgar decides to allow Beowulf and his warriors into his kingdom is that he learns about Beowulf's family heritage and trusts that the son of famous warriors wants to help.

What happened in Beowulf?

This refers to the description of what occurred in the epic poem that talks about the heroics of the Geat hero Beowulf and how he fought dragons and monsters and defeated them.

Hence, it can be seen that when Hrothgar's kingdom was attacked by Grendel, Beowulf heard of it and came with his men to help slay the beast and at first, Hrothgar was hesitant to allow Beowulf and his warriors into his kingdom but he soon learns about his family heritage and his fame.

Read more about Beowulf here:



In paragraph 3, the author states, "Another seed was planted, this one in Katie's brain."
What two ideas is the author attempting to connect through the use of this statement?
A. The author is connecting the planting of the literal cabbage seedling Katie planted and the
idea that was planted in her head that if her one cabbage could feed 275 people, how many
people could an entire garden feed.
B. The author is connecting the idea that planting cabbage seeds can lead to green gardens.
C. The author is connecting the idea that Katie understands hunger and the need to convince
her school to donate land.
D. The author is connecting the literal cabbage seedling Katie planted to her work in the
soup kitchen.





The author connects the notion that Katie is aware of hunger with the need to persuade her school to contribute property, which is option c.

In the paragraph, the author utilised metaphor to describe. A metaphor is a figure of speech that uses non-literal language to represent an item or action to clarify a point or draw a comparison.

Basics are as follows:

The use of a metaphor implies a comparison between two things.

It compares and contrasts those two things, not because they are same, but rather as a comparison or a metaphor.

If you take a metaphor literally, it will undoubtedly sound absurd (do you really have any sheep in your household, black or otherwise)?

Poetry, literature, and any other time someone wishes to enliven their words employ metaphors. These are the applications of metaphor, and the following is its formal definition:

a term or expression for one item that is applied to another to demonstrate or imply that they are comparable

a thing, action, or notion that serves as a representation of something else

Metaphors are one type of expression used in figurative language, which is used to explain words or phrases that have a deeper meaning than they do. The literal interpretation of metaphors is frequently quite absurd. Consider how these metaphors might appear if you took them at face value, for instance:

The battleground of love.

You're a firework, baby.

Iron is who I am.

To learn more about metaphor please visit: https://brainly.com/question/20349813


select the two statement that best describe how mrs.mallard point of view changes after josephine and richards suggest that mr.mallard has been killed in a train accident


By the short story "The Story of an Hour".

Mrs. Mallard receives the news of her husband's death with full understanding of its gravity. The third person narrator emphasizes that Louise does not experience "a paralyzed inability to accept its significance", and the "storm of grief" that follows reinforces the fact that she realizes the magnitude of what she has just been told.

The Story of an Hour

The protagonist Louise Mallard in "The Story of an Hour" is shown coping with the death of her spouse Brently Mallard. Josephine, Louise's sister, tells her about the horrific railroad accident that claimed the life of her husband.

Louise experiences acute anguish and retreats to her room, where she eventually understands that she is content that her spouse is dead. Despite the fact that she had no anger against her spouse, Louise now feels more liberated as a result of his passing. She exhales a brief prayer for a long life as a result of this understanding of possibilities, which gives her joy.

Later, when she goes back downstairs, she sees Brently arrive. She dies as a result of her shock at seeing her husband turning her joy into shock. Heart disease, often known as "of the joy that kills," is the cause of death according to the doctors in the novel.

To know more about The Story of an Hour, Check out:



What year did Hitler start arresting German Jews?






Answer: Add me on clash royal  pls add me


Write the correct active or passive forms of the verbs in brackets and list them in the
spaces provided below. Take care of the tense you use. Numbers 2, 8 and 12 are
done for you as an example.
My sister and I -------- (1. grow up) and went to school in Jamaica. We were educated (2.
educate) according to the British system. In 1997 we -------- (3. give) the opportunity to come to
the United States. We decided to finish high school before leaving our own country. We --------
(4.concern) that the education in this country might not be as good as the one we had there, and
we wanted to improve our English too.
My colleagues A, B, and I, ------------ (5. design) an experiment to test the impact on worker
perceptions of well-being when domesticated cats ------------- (6. allow) to freely roam various
work environments in which the subjects were normally employed. Three test environments -----
------ (7. select) for our experiments: a law office, a laboratory in which experiments ----------- (8.
perform) using laboratory rats, and an automobile assembly line. One-way mirrored glass panelswere installed (9.install) to allow video cameras to record the activity and researchers to observe
the same and take notes. We secretly inserted observers directly into the work environment.
These observers posed as outside contractors and ------------ (10. uniform) as maintenance and
cleaning staff, coffee and water service vendors, and similar supporting personnel. The observers
------------ (11. draw) from the students who had been matriculated (12. matriculate) into the
experimental psychology courses from which this study ------------- (13. develop) as an example
of such studies generally.


We must use the active voice when we wish to emphasize the doer of the action, and the passive voice when we emphasize the receiver, as seen below.

My sister and I grew up and went to school in Jamaica. We were educated according to the British system. In 1997 we were given the opportunity to come to the United States. We decided to finish high school before leaving our own country. We were concerned that the education in this country might not be as good as the one we had there, and we wanted to improve our English too.

My colleagues A, B, and I, designed an experiment to test the impact on worker perceptions of well-being when domesticated cats are allowed to freely roam various work environments in which the subjects were normally employed. Three test environments were selected for our experiments: a law office, a laboratory in which experiments were performed using laboratory rats, and an automobile assembly line. One-way mirrored glass panels were installed to allow video cameras to record the activity and researchers to observe the same and take notes. We secretly inserted observers directly into the work environment.

These observers posed as outside contractors and were uniformed as maintenance and cleaning staff, coffee and water service vendors, and similar supporting personnel. The observers were drawn from the students who had been matriculated into the experimental psychology courses from which this study was developed as an example of such studies generally.

Passive voice vs active voice

The passive and the active voices are used to give different emphasis in the sentence. The active voice emphasizes the doer, the performer of the action expressed by the verb. On the other hand, the passive voice is used to emphasize the receiver.

The structure of the active voice and the passive voice is the following:

Active voice: Subject + verb + objectPassive voice: Subject + verb to be + verb + agent

Compare the sentences below:

Active voice: The scientists developed this study to prove their hypothesis.Passive voice: This study was developed by the scientists to prove their hypothesis.

Notice how the sentence in the active voice emphasizes the scientists by having it as a subject, whereas the passive one emphasizes the study. With that in mind, we can conclude we have correctly filled in the blanks.

Learn more about active voice here:



Nellie Bly is a reporter. Who does she pretend to be, and why? Cite textual evidence from the selection to support your answer


Wanting to write pieces that addressed both men and women, Bly began looking for a newspaper that would allow her to write on more serious topics

Who is a reporter?

Reporters are responsible for delivering updates and analysis on current happening with the main goal to keep public updated. They create stories and break news through different channels such as radio, television, online news sites, and printed newspapers and magazines.

Nellie Bly was a nationally significant journalist at the New York World. She was a pioneer in investigative journalism. Her reporting introduced readers to the horrors of insane asylums and to international travel.

Learn more about reporter, here:



According to William James, the ________ does the thinking and sensing, whereas the ________ is the object of thoughts about the self.a. interdependent self; independent selfb. me; Ic. independent self; interdependent selfd. I; me


According to William James, the I does the thinking and sensing, whereas the me is the object of thoughts about the self. the correct choice is d.

What would you say about William James' approach to psychology?

William James was the first American psychologist to consider a new approach to psychology. He believed in Darwin's theory of natural selection, which meant he thought natural selection adapts to human behaviour. This viewpoint was known as functionalism.

What did William James think about thought?

James co-founded the philosophical school of pragmatism with Charles Sanders Peirce, which holds that the meaning of an idea is to be sought in its practical effects, that the function of thought is to guide action, and that truth is to be tested by the practical consequences of belief.

What was the main theory of William James?

His belief in the connection between mind and body led him to develop what is now known as the James-Lange Theory of emotion, which states that human emotion is caused by physiological changes in response to external events.

learn more about William theory visit:



What’s the correct answer answer asap for brainlist


Context and topic matter for the sample persuasive essay introduction is

A 3. Due to its minimal impact on the environment, solar energy is unquestionably the most effective renewable energy source.

How can you create a sample of a persuasive essay?

1. Decide on a subject that interests you. 2. Be aware of your audience. 3. Examine each side. 4. Develop your case. 5. Compose an introduction. 6. Include the paragraphs in your body. 7. Bring it to a solid ending. 8. Proofread.

What three components make up a compelling essay?

Three components make up a formal persuasive essay: Argument, issue, and side. You write essays like this for school.

To know more about the sample persuasive essay visit :-



how do people learn differently when you have sarcoma cancer?



People are unique in different. They learn and develop different.


a rare type of malignant (cancerous) tumor that develops in bone and connective tissue, such as fat, muscle, blood vessels, nerves and the tissue that surrounds bones and joints.

what sentence is a personification?



option B


in this sentence it shows smiling the sky (a non living object reacts)

Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect or simple past.



Completing the sentences using the present perfect or simple past


I have lived in this apartment for five years. I was living with my parents.2. Leonard graduated from high school two years ago. He has not graduated from the university yet.3. Nora has not been to South America, but she traveled to Mexico last year.4. We started this course two months ago. So far, we have finished five units.          

To learn more about past perfect and simple past      

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
How does the poet use imagery to develop a central idea in "The Oven Bird"?
The poet describes images of flowers growing and singers singing to develop the central idea that
the passing of time changes all of us.


Answer the poet describes images of trees dying and seasons changing to develop the central idea that the passing of time changes all of

Explanation: I got it right

The poet describes images of flowers growing and singers singing to develop the central idea the passing of time changes all of us.

What is a "The Oven Bird"?

The stanza in Robert Frost's compilation Mountain Interval is "The Oven Bird." The speaker perceives the song of something like a "mid-summer" bird of prey as a lamentation about how quickly time is passing. The speaker claims that the bird is unsure on how to react to the decline between spring to October.

The poet uses pictures of flowers blooming and singers singing to illustrate the main theme that everyone evolves as time goes on. They respond by saying they don't want to hear what this individual has to say. They had to enter the mine once more. They only ever see plants growing close to their place of employment as flowers.

Learn more about "The Oven Bird", here:



Many writers prefer not to outline there novels, they feel that doing so restricts their creativity.
a. Creativity is misspelled.
b. There should be changed to their.
c. The comma needs to be replaced with a semicolon.
d. All of the above.


C. The comma needs to be replaced with a semicolon

“To see him striding along the profile of a hill on a windy day, with his clothes bagging and fluttering about him one might have mistaken him for the genius of famine descending upon the earth, or some scarecrow eloped from a cornfield.” Irving’s purpose for using a metaphor in this quote is to illustrate Ichabod’s
Select one:
a. Weak persona both in the classroom and within the community.
b. Inability to scare others.
c. Physical ability to stand out in the community.
d. Physical features in contrast to Brom Bones.


The correct answer is D! The quote in question is actually the first description of Ichabod Crane as a person. Irving’s intention was to point out his peculiar physical features as well as his somewhat striking physical appearance, which was in contrast to his occasional gentleness and sensitivity but not in contrast to his strangeness.

The door opens, towards you. You hear the Jag's engine purring away. The hall light comes on. He says, "Here we are." Then the door closes and they are there in front of you and in that instant you see him turned slightly away, putting his briefcase down on the table beside the answer-machine.


The text uses a second-person narrative point of view.

What is narrative?

A narrative, story, or tale is any account, whether nonfictional or fictional, of a set of related events or experiences. Narratives can be told by a series of written or spoken words, still or moving images, or any combination of these. A narrative explanation is explanatory because it demonstrates the explanandum's meaningful connection to other occurrences.

We can conclude that the passage's narrative point of view is the second person since the narrator used the pronoun you, which is a member of the second person category. This suggests the narrator was speaking in the second person.

Therefore, The person's narrative point of view.

Learn more about narrative here:



The options for the question:



third-person limited

third-person omniscient

bo: i don't know (where is valentino's?) ada: it's close to my apartment. bo: do you know (do they accept credit cards?) ada: i'm sure they do. bo: i'm not sure (was the restaurant full last night?) ada: it's always full. bo: i wonder (what kind of food do they serve?) ada: i'm pretty sure it's italian. bo: i can't remember (when did they open?) ada: i think it was about 15 years ago. bo: i don't know (do we need a reservation?) ada: yes, i think we do.


Valentino's is a restaurant located close to Ada's apartment.

What is an interrogative sentence?

As customary, the predicate and main verb come before the subject in an interrogative sentence. As in the question, "Who was the last speaker?" Was it the main verb, "the last speaker" is the subject, and "who" is the interrogative pronoun or question word.

Valentino's is a restaurant located close to Ada's apartment. They accept credit cards and are usually full. The restaurant serves Italian food and has been open for about 15 years. It is necessary to make a reservation in order to dine there.

To learn more about interrogative sentence from the given link



which idea is best supported by the last paragraph of the passage on pages 5 and 6


The idea is best supported by the last paragraph of the passage on pages 5 and 6 is that C. The impending events could have been prevented if humans were more advanced on their learning.

What was the war of the worlds about?

The events of a Martian invasion are recounted in The War of the Worlds by an unidentified male narrator and his brother. The plot starts a few years before the invasion.

During their brief stay in The War of the Worlds, the Martians rule over England. If not for the bacteria that eventually kills them, it appears that they would rule the animal kingdom, supplanting humans at the top of the food chain. The presence of Martians causes significant changes in humans as a result of this reshuffling of the hierarchy.

The War of the Worlds illustrate the seminal work of alien invasion fiction, conjures a terrifying, tentacled race of Martians who destroy the Earth and feed on their victims while their voracious vegetation, the red weed, spreads over the destroyed planet.

The humans were defeated due to their lack of preparation.

Learn more about war of the worlds on;





it’s c

Is Donald trump’s slogan make America great again consider double speak ? If so how ?


Reagan's "Let's Make America Great" served as the model for Trump's now-iconic "Make America Great Again" slogan, which Trump acknowledged earlier in his address.

Do you think Donald Trump's campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again," is double speak? In an apparent dig at his former Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, President Trump said Tuesday that he coined the phrase "Make America Great Again" on his own.Trump made the remarks when debating what his 2020 campaign theme ought to be at the National Republican Congressional Committee's annual spring luncheon."Should I support 'Keep America Great' because I theoretically made it great, or should I support 'Make America Great Again'?Trump questioned the crowd."How do you abandon that for something new?KAG?Make America Great Again?Then, Trump mocked his former competitor Clinton's campaign slogan, "'Stay Together' or some nonsense like that," saying she paid millions for it before changing it in response to negative feedback.

To learn more about Donald trump’s slogan refer



Help fast please!!
Which sentence is written in active voice?



number 1


choose a sentence in an active sentence the person or agencey thats acting is the subject of the sentence

Read a fable from the Omaha Tribe.

Coyote and Snake

Coyote was going in a straight line across the prairie. While he was seeking something, a person said suddenly, "Stop!" Coyote thought, "Who can it be?"

He looked all around but saw no one. Then he walked on a few steps, when someone said, "Walk around me!" Then Coyote saw it was Snake.

"Humph!" said Coyote. "When I walk here, I do not wish to walk around anyone at all. You go to one side. Get out of my way!"

Snake replied, "I am here. I have never thought for a moment of giving place to anyone!"

"Even if you think so," said Coyote, "I will run over you."

"If you do so, you shall die," said Snake.

"Why should I die? There is nothing that can kill me," said Coyote.

"Come! Step over me. Do it in spite of me," said Snake. Then Coyote stepped over him. And Snake bit him. But Coyote did not feel it.

"Where is it? You said that if I stepped over you, I should die. Where have I received my death blow?" said Coyote.

Snake made no reply and Coyote walked on. After some time he came to a creek. As he was about to drink, he saw himself in the water. He seemed very fat.

"Whew!" he said. "I was never so before. I am very fat." Saying this, he felt himself all over; but that was all he did. Then he walked on until he felt sleepy. He said, "I am very sleepy." So he pushed his way into the thick grass and fell asleep. Coyote did not wake up. Snake had told the truth.

Which of the following is a universal theme from this tale?

Coyote is arrogant and rude.
Intelligence can be a powerful tool.
Snakes are smart creatures.
You should never trust a snake.


The universal theme in the tale "Coyote and Snake" is "Intelligence can be a powerful tool."

What is a universal theme?

A universal theme is a notion that applies to everyone, regardless of culture or geographic location. Universal themes are methods of connecting concepts from several fields. It is a fundamental concept concerning the human situation. It is a broad statement about life or human nature; they address fundamental human issues.

They are significant because universal themes serve as a means of connecting ideas from many fields. It is a fundamental concept concerning the human situation. It is a broad statement about life or human nature; they address fundamental human issues. A unit of study can be organized around a universal topic with generalizations.

Learn more about Universal themes;




I took the test

formula of simple past



For Tenses

Sub + v² + obj

For Voice


for alzheimers in the A-b-C-D approach to problem solving the D stands for


ABCD is made up of genes, proteins, SNPs, and microRNAs (miRNAs), all of which work together to give researchers knowledge on how genes are regulated.

What are the three A's of Alzheimer's?The four A's of Alzheimer's disease are amnesia, aphasia, apraxia, and agnosia. Recognize that Alzheimer's disease progresses on a spectrum with three stages—an early, preclinical stage with no symptoms; a middle stage of mild cognitive impairment; and a final stage marked by symptoms of dementia. Learning Outcome Statements can be written in the form of a sentence or a paragraph.The risk of Alzheimer's increases with age and is most prevalent in people over 65. The symptoms of Alzheimer's are known as the "5 A's of Alzheimer's" and include amnesia, apraxia, agnosia, and aphasia. The five A's of Alzheimer's disease—amnesia, apraxia, aginosia, aphasia, and anomia—are often used to describe the disease's signs and symptoms.Memory loss is frequently this symptom's most well-known manifestation.

To learn more about Alzheimer refer



In what way does culture play a role in support for or opposition to euthanasia?


Euthanasia acceptance or resistance may be influenced by culture. Each culture has its own ideas about the meaning and purpose of life as well as what happens after death.

Euthanasia should be legally prohibited, but support for pain alleviation and acceptance of withholding or withdrawing medical care. This influences how those societies' inhabitants see death. Christians are generally opposed to euthanasia.

For instance, people may find dying more acceptable if they believe in a life after death. The arguments are typically founded on the convictions that life is a gift from God and that people were created in his likeness. Being created in God's likeness makes everyone value.

People are afraid of death because it has the ability to take their lives abruptly.

To learn more about euthanasia from given link



Read a fable from Aesop's Fables.

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

A Town Mouse once visited a relative who lived in the country. For lunch the Country Mouse served wheat stalks, roots, and acorns, with a dash of cold water for drink. The Town Mouse ate very sparingly, nibbling a little of this and a little of that, and by her manner making it very plain that she ate the simple food only to be polite.

After the meal the friends had a long talk, or rather the Town Mouse talked about her life in the city while the Country Mouse listened. They then went to bed in a cozy nest in the hedgerow and slept in quiet and comfort until morning. In her sleep the Country Mouse dreamed she was a Town Mouse with all the luxuries and delights of city life that her friend had described for her. So the next day when the Town Mouse asked the Country Mouse to go home with her to the city, she gladly said yes.

When they reached the mansion in which the Town Mouse lived, they found on the table in the dining room the leavings of a very fine banquet. There were sweetmeats and jellies, pastries, delicious cheeses, indeed, the most tempting foods that a Mouse can imagine. But just as the Country Mouse was about to nibble a dainty bit of pastry, she heard a Cat mew loudly and scratch at the door. In great fear the Mice scurried to a hiding place, where they lay quite still for a long time, hardly daring to breathe. When at last they ventured back to the feast, the door opened suddenly and in came the servants to clear the table, followed by the House Dog.

The Country Mouse stopped in the Town Mouse's den only long enough to pick up her carpet bag and umbrella.

"You may have luxuries and dainties that I have not," she said as she hurried away, "but I prefer my plain food and simple life in the country with the peace and security that go with it."

Which of the following is a universal theme from this tale?

A Being polite is more important than pride.
B Having a full table is what everyone wants.
C Security is essential to all.
D Poverty with security is better than plenty with fear.


Poverty with security is better than plenty with fear is a universal theme from this tale. Hence, option D is correct.

What is a universal theme?

An assertion from a literature that can be understood by anybody, regardless of where they are from in the world, is known as a global theme. The text excerpt shows that the Country Mouse expressed an opinion that many readers can identify with.

He imagined himself living the city life and enjoying all its luxuries as Town Mouse. Like the Country Mouse, many people all around the world desire to live a happy life.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about universal theme, click here:




D. Poverty with security is better than plenty with fear.


A business that soils products is what



topsoil business. if I'm not wrong

Can someone please check my answers and explain if anything is wrong please? Thanks



I'm just gonna look through and add as I read because the document is rly small.


Section One

3. gone

Section Two

1. "We played three matches yesterday."

7. "They haven't won many matches this year."

8. "I've met him in 2014." or "I met him in 2014."

Section Five

4. Personally, I would say "How long have you known each other?"

5. "How have you been cycling for?" sounds incorrect but I'm not sure what to add either.

Part B: which paragraph provides additional evidence to answer to part A


The paragraph that provides additional evidence to answer to part A is option D: 15.

What is the story about?

The story is titled : Was Einstein a Space Alien?. Einstein perceived gravity as the outcome of curved space rather than as a pull. All things in the universe, according to him, are suspended in space-time, a seamless, four-dimensional fabric. Due to the distortion of space-time caused by massive objects like the sun, Earth's orbit is similar to

In essence, Einstein believed that space and time were woven together into an endless "fabric," similar to an open blanket. Due to how enormous the Sun is and how its gravity bends spacetime, light no longer moves in a straight line when it passes past the Sun.

Learn more about Einstein from


Was Einstein a Space Alien?

By NASA Science News


Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was a German-born physicist whose work has had a strong influence on the

philosophy of science. He is also often considered the greatest physicist of the 20th century. This

informational text discusses Einstein’s contributions to science, specifically his discovery regarding the

composition of light. As you read, take notes on how Einstein differed from other scientists of his time.

Modern pop culture paints Einstein as a bushyhaired superthinker. His ideas, we’re told, were

improbably far ahead of other scientists. He must

have come from some other planet — maybe the

same one Newton grew up on.

“Einstein was no space alien,” laughs Harvard

University physicist and science historian Peter

Galison. “He was a man of his time.” All of his

1905 papers unraveled problems being worked

on, with mixed success, by other scientists. “If

Einstein hadn’t been born, [those papers] would

have been written in some form, eventually, by

others,” Galison believes.

What’s remarkable about 1905 is that a single

person authored all five papers, plus the original,

irreverent way Einstein came to his conclusions.

For example: the photoelectric effect. This was a

puzzle in the early 1900s. When light hits a metal,

like zinc, electrons1

fly off. This can happen only if

light comes in little packets concentrated enough

to knock an electron loose. A spread-out wave

wouldn’t do the photoelectric trick.

PART A: Why does the author quote Peter Galison in paragraph 2 of “Was Einstein a

Space Alien?”

A. to demonstrate that Einstein’s luck was to be born at the right time

B. to explain that Einstein displayed the prejudices of his era

C. to suggest Einstein’s unwillingness to share his ideas

D. to argue that Einstein was in some ways an average person

Which paragraph provides additional evidence to the answer to Part A?

answer choices





Your THIRD DAY in LONDON: (at least 100 words, use past and present tenses)
Today you learnt that your aunt sent you the perfect graduation gift. Who gave you the good news? What did you do when you heard the news? How did you feel? Write about your feelings. Second, you write an email to thank your aunt.
Dear aunt,


Aunt gave you the good news and when i heard that i feel very happy and enthusiasm to open the gift .

Dear aunt ,

I am writing this email to you to thank you for the wonderful gift you sent. The beautiful diary was such a thoughtful gift since you already know that I love writing and I wish to be an author. I am going to use this diary to write the most beautiful poems and I shall write one dedicated just to you. The beautiful green colour is my favourite as well. You know me so well that you have packed all my favourites in one gift!

The gift is so nice and useful, I shall cherish it forever. It shall always be with me for as long as I live.

Thank you so much for the wonderful gift.

Learn more about the news here:



When Elie is called to the dentist, he pretends to be sick twice to avoid having his crown removed. What does this indicate about his state of mind at this point?

He is still confused about how the camp operates and what he is required to do.

He is scared of the dentist and worries that he won't be able to eat without the crown.

He still has a sense of ownership of himself and does not want to give up the crown for nothing.

He is starting to be manipulative and think of whether he can get favors from the guards for turning in the dentist.


Based on the fact that when Elie is called to the dentist, he pretends to be sick twice to avoid having his crown removed, what this shows about his state of mind is B. He is scared of the dentist and worries that he won't be able to eat without the crown.

Who is a Dentist?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define a medical professional who is trained in the affairs of the human teeth in order to take care of them and to solve medical issues relating to the human teeth which can include removal of teeth, flossing, etc.

Hence, it can be seen that from the given information, it can be seen that Elie feigns sickness on his medical appointment with his dentist because he does not want his crown removed and this shows that he is scared of the doctor and worries about how he would eat without the crown.

Read more about dentists here:



Mandy personally _____ each person at the party.
What is the correct form of the verb that should go in the blank?
OA. greets
OB. greeted​


The answer would be - B greeted
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1) The only verb in the phrase: "seguir una dieta balanceada" is "dieta". True or False2) The word "competir" is a noun. True or False3) These are verbs in Spanish, except: a) jugar b) meter c) favor d) seguir audiences in ireland have unanimously approved the revival of irish step dance ignited by the show riverdance. How did BTS became famous in the world? voter participation rates are often considered to be quite low in the united states. what change in voting patterns and how voter participation is measured has challenged this idea? The following passage has several sentence-level errors. Explain what these are in your own words and then rewrite the passage correctly. (Note that failure to explain the errors will result in zero points for this question.)Unable to locate his phone; the call from the doctor was missed telling him the test results. What kind of waves are on the EMS? which of the compounds would most readily react with a strong base, such as nanh2, to form a carbanion? Write the negation of each quantified tatement. 3. Everyone failed the quiz today Considerine line y=3/5x+4.Find the equation of the line that is parallel to this line and passes through the point (-5, -1) Write a letter to convince a production company like Netflix or Disney to turn one of your favorite books or video games into a TV show. Why would this book or game make an enjoyable series? Who should play the main characters? Which part of the book or game would you be most excited to watch?WRITE ABOUT THE BOOK RESTART, SUMMARY BELOWChase wakes up in a hospital bed with amnesia, having fallen from the roof of his house. He cannot remember anything about his life.When he returns to school, Chase realizes that many of his classmates fear or dislike him. He makes different choices, hanging out with the video club instead of the football team.Chase commits to becoming a better person, especially when he learns about a crime he committed just before his amnesia took hold75 Word min. What problem did the Brooklyn Bridge solve? Both female and male reproductive systems are primarily nonfunctional until puberty.a. Trueb. False The engine of a car is developing a power of90kW when it is moving on a horizontal road ata constant speed of 100kmh. Estimate the totalhorizontal force opposing the motion of the car. when a social group does not think of children as being related to their mother's relatives, that group follows a(n) system. a chemist, running tests on an unknown sample from an illegal waste dump, isolates 18 grams of what he suspects is a radioactive element. in order to help identify the element, he would like to know the half-life. he determines that after 50 days only 5 grams of the original element remains. what is the half-life of this mystery element? round your answer to two decimal places, if necessary. who was the first european explorer to make permanent contact with the americas? For the year ending december 31, beard clinical supplies co. Mistakenly omitted adjusting entries for (1) $9,800 of unearned revenue that was earned, (2) earned revenue that was not billed of $10,200, and (3) accrued wages of $7,000. Indicate the combined effect of the errors on (a) revenues, (b) expenses, and (c) net income. Felix and Oscar are roommates. Oscar is messy and Felix plans to move out unless they can come to an agreement. The roommates can only reach a private solution if Oscar compensates Felix for being messy. True False neferences eBook & Resources efficient way of The city of Kingston, Ontario, limits each household to one can of free garbage collection per week. There are fees for any extra garbage collected from the curb. This type of quota policy is a more reducing waste than charging a set price per can because:___________. (Click to select) a less O the marginal benefit of having a can of garbage collected varies among households. an equally a more O everyone will have the same number of cans collected with a quota. the total cost of having garbage collected is the same for everyone with a quota. the marginal cost of a can of garbage is constant with a set can price. Hi! Can someone help me with the find the distance between two points. Thank you! What does the second branch of government do?