Considerine line y=3/5x+4.
Find the equation of the line that is parallel to this line and passes through the point (-5, -1)


Answer 1


y = 3/5x + 2

Step-by-step explanation:
Parallel lines have the same gradient, so

y = 3/5x + c

Put in your point (-5,-1):

(-1) = 3/5(-5) + c

-1 = -3 + c

-1 + 3 = c

2 = c


y = 3/5x + 2

Related Questions

Help!! Show your work please!



62 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

first we find angle C by subtracting 116 from 180


64 degrees is angle c

Sum of all three angles of a triangle is 180 degrees




    -55.  -55


/5.  /5


Now we know x we can find angle A



62 degrees

Hopes this helps please mark brainliest

suppose 20% of all emergency room patients have broken bones. of the next fifteen patients to arrive, what is


The probability that none of the patients have broken bones is  0.0352.

What is binomial distribution?

A popular probability distribution known as the binomial distribution simulates the likelihood of getting one of two outcomes given a set of parameters. It totals the number of trials when each trial has an equal chance of producing a particular result. By dividing the quantity of independent trials by the number of successes, one can calculate the value of a binomial.

Let X has binomial distribution with n = 15 and  p = 0.20

The PDF of the distribution can be written as:

P(X=x)  = nCx(p)x (1-p)n-x

Probability for 0 patients have broken bones can be calculated as:

P(x=0) = 15C0(0.20)0 (1-0.20)15-0

P(x=0)  = 0.035184 = 0.0352

Therefore, the probability is  0.0352

To know more about binomial distribution, go to link


Complete Question

Suppose 20% of all emergency room patients have broken bones. of the next fifteen patients to arrive, what is the probability that none have broken bones?

Write (-2^6) as repeated addition and evaluate. Is the answer negative or positive?



to write (-2)^6 as repeated addition, we can write it as -2 + -2 + -2 + -2 + -2 + -2 + -2. When we evaluate this expression, we get -128. Therefore, the answer is negative

which car is ahead after three minutes? car a car b explain your reasoning. the area under curve a is greater than the area under curve b. the area under curve b is greater than the area under curve a. (b) what is the meaning of the area of the shaded region in the context of this problem? it is how much faster a is traveling than b after 3 minutes. it is how much faster b is traveling than a after 3 minutes. it is the distance by which a is ahead of b after 3 minutes. it is the distance by which b is ahead of a after 3 minutes. (c) which car is ahead after six minutes? car a car b explain your reasoning. the area under curve a is greater than the area under curve b. the area under curve b is greater than the area under curve a.


a) car A is ahead of car B after 3 minutes.

b) Velocity is the shaded region.

c) the area under curve b is greater than the area under curve a.

a) The total distance  represented by the shaded region A, the area under the graph of v(t).

(c) A is a triangle, so its area is

A =1/2(base)(height)

   = 1/2(5 sec)(80 ft/s) = 200 ft

b) The meaning of area of the shaded region in this problem is: Velocity

Velocity is the directional velocity of a moving object as an indicator of the rate of change of position, observed from a certain frame of reference and measured at a certain time reference (eg 60 km/h northward).

c) The distance travelled will be represented by the area

under the velocity graph.

However,  first convert everything to meters and seconds:

320 km/h = 1000


60·60 320 m/s ≈ 88.89 m/s.

A =1/2(base)(height)

= 1/2(30 sec)(88.89 m/s) ≈ 1333.3m

Learn more about Velocity:


a regular tetrahedron is a triangular pyramid, all of whose edges have the same length. if all the edges are 6-inch segments, how tall is such a pyramid, to the nearest hundredth of an inch?


To find the height of a regular tetrahedron, you can use the formula h = sqrt(2/3) * s, where h is the height of the tetrahedron and s is the length of one of its edges. In this case, the length of one of the edges is 6 inches, so plugging this value into the formula gives:

h = sqrt(2/3) * 6 inches

= sqrt(4/3) inches

= sqrt(4/3) * sqrt(1/1) inches

= 2/sqrt(3) inches

To convert this to a decimal and round to the nearest hundredth, we can use a calculator to find that the height of the tetrahedron is approximately 3.46 inches.

How many faces are there in tetrahedron?


To learn more about tetrahedron


Solve the problems.
Pedro has a stand where he sells tea and lemonade. He sells lemonade for $2 per
cup and tea for $4 per cup. This weekend, Pedro sold 5 times as much lemonade
as he did tea. He earned a total of $120. What do the expressions 4t and 20
represent in the system of equations?
4t+ 2 = 120
l = 5t


The terms 4t and 120 represents the cost of 4 cups of tea and total cost respectively.

What is a system of equations?

A system of equation is defined as the group of equations having the same degree and same number of variables.

The given system can have one or more than one or no solutions at all.

The system having no solutions are called inconsistent while the ones having them are called consistent.

The given problem can be solved as follows,

Suppose the number of cups of tea and lemonade be t and l respectively.

Then, the following equations can be formed for the given case,

The equation for total cost is given as,

4t + 2l = 120                 (1)

And, the equation for the number of cups is given as,

l = 5t                             (2)

Now, the term 4t in equation (1) represents the cost for 4 cups of tea and 120 represents the total cost.

Hence, the given terms represent the cost of 4 cups of tea and the total cost of tea and lemonade.

To know more about system of equations click on,


what is 4 + X ≤ - 28?




Step-by-step explanation:

What is the least common multiple mulitiple of 8 and 12


Answer: 1728

Step-by-step explanation:

multiples of 8 = 1,2,4,8

multiples of 12= 1,2,3,4,6,12

LCM is 24
Hope it helps

7. A farmer wants to start raising cows, horses, goats, and sheep, and desires to have a rectangular pasture for the animals to graze in. However, no two different kinds of animals can graze together. In order to minimize the amount of fencing she will need, she has decided to enclose a large rectangular area and then divide it into four equally sized pens by adding three segments of fence inside the large rectangle that are parallel to two existing sides. She has decided to purchase 7500 ft of fencing. What is the maximum possible area that each of the four pens will enclose?


Having a rectangular pasture for the animals to graze in is something a farmer wants in order to start growing cows, horses, goats, and sheep. She has decided to purchase 7500 ft of fencing. 1875 square feet is the maximum possible area that each of the four pens will enclose.

The maximum possible area of each pen is 1875 square feet. To calculate this, first calculate the total area of the large rectangle that the farmer is enclosing. To do this, multiply the total length of the fencing (7500 feet) by the width of the fence (1 foot). This gives us 7500 square feet as the area of the large rectangle.

Next, divide the area of the large rectangle by 4 to get the area of each pen. This gives us 1875 square feet as the maximum area of each pen.

Total Area of Large Rectangle = 7500 ft x 1 ft = 7500 sq ft

Area of Each Pen = 7500 sq ft / 4 = 1875 sq ft

Learn more about area here




A i think maybe




Radius: 701.04cm
Diameter: 1402.08cm

Which is an x-intercept of the graphed function? Group of answer choices (0, 4) (–1, 0) (0, –1) (4, 0)
please hurry i will give brainlyest (how ever you spell that lol)




Step-by-step explanation:

(x, y)

Putting these points in a graph lends on the x-intercept, the right side of the graph

Deb is searching online for airline tickets. Two weeks​ ago, the cost to fly from Denver to Hartford was ​$250. Now the cost is ​$355. What is the percent​ increase? What would be the percent increase if the airline charges an additional​ $50 baggage fee with the new ticket​ price?



1/ 42% increased

2/ 62%

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's find the answer to the first question

Take 355 divided by 250, then times 100% = 142%

142% - 100% = 42% increase

So the percent increase is 42%

Now let's find the answer to the second question

First, find the total cost by 355 + 50 = $405

Take 405 divided by 250, then times 100% = 162%

162% - 100% = 62%

It increases by 62% if the airline charges ann additional $50 baggage fee!

1 what is recursion? a problem solution defined in terms of a list. a problem solution defined without function calls. a problem solution defined in terms of itself. a problem solution defined iteratively.


Recursion is defined as "defining an issue in terms of itself" or "solving a problem via the solution of smaller subproblems (smaller versions of the same problem)". This concept is frequently utilized in algorithms and data structures to tackle difficult issues by partitioning them into simpler ones.

What is recursion, according to this image? a list-based definition of a problem-solving approach. a solution to a problem that does not need using functions. a solution to a problem that is specified by itself. an incrementally specified solution to a problem.

A straightforward illustration of a recursive function is the factorial, which multiplies a number by itself while lowering it slowly. Recursive functions can relate to a wide variety of self-referencing looping operations, such as those where n = n + 1 given an operational range.

Hence recursion is  a problem solution defined in terms of itself.

Learn more about Recursion here:


two boxes of Apples the sum of their weight is 54 kilograms the first has 12kg more than the second so the number of kilograms in the second box is....... kg.​



If the first box of apples weighs 12 kilograms more than the second box, then the weight of the second box is 54 - 12 = <<54-12=42>>42 kilograms.

Ms.Miller decides to give a test worth 120 points and contains 36 questions. Multiple-choice questions are worth 3 points and open response questions are worth 5 points. How many of each type of question are there?


The number of multiple-choice questions is 30.

The number of open-response questions is 6.

What is an equation?

An equation is a mathematical statement that is made up of two expressions connected by an equal sign.


2x + 4 - 9 is an equation.

We have,

Number of multiple choice questions = M

Number of open response questions = N

We can make two equations.

M + N = 36 _______(1)

3M + 5N = 120 ______(2)

From (1) we get,

M = 36 - N ______(3)

Putting (3) in (2) we get,

3(36 - N) + 5N = 120

108 - 3N + 5N = 120

2N = 120 - 108

2N = 12

N = 6


Putting N = 6 in (3) we get,

M = 36 - 6

M = 30


The number of multiple-choice questions and open-response questions is 30 and 6.

Learn more about equations here:


You roll two tandard number cube. What i the probability that the un i even, given that at leat one number cube how a 2? What i the probability that at leat one number cube how a 2, given that the un i even?


The probability that at least one number cube show a 2, given that the sum is even is 5/36   .

In the question ,

it is given that ,
two standard cube are rolled ,

we have to find the probability that at least one number cube show a 2, given that the sum is even ,

we know that on rolling two dice ,

the total number of outcomes is = 36 ,

the outcomes in which one cube shows 2 are ,

{ (1,2) , (2,2) , (2,3) , (2,4) , (2,5) , (2,6) , (2,1) , (3,2), (4,2) , (5,2) ,(6,2) }

and the outcomes in which the sum is even is :

{ (2,2) , (2,4) , (2,6), (4,2) , (6,2) }

So , the number of favorable outcomes is = 5 ,

So , the probability is = 5/36

Therefore , the required probability is = 5/36 .

The given question is incomplete the complete question is

You roll two standard number cube . What is the probability that at least one number cube show a 2, given that the sum is even ?

Learn more about Probability here


Does dilation affect driving?


Yes, dilation affects the driving.

When you get your eyes dilated, your doctor uses special drops to open your pupils wide. This let them get a look at your whole eye, including all the nerves and blood vessels at the back, to check for signs of diseases

When dilated, the pupil is unable to get smaller, and thus block out light in bright areas. This causes glare in your vision so you can't see things clearly.

The drops also make it difficult to focus on things up close, but usually don't affect distance vision.

So, Your eyesight will be impaired, so some experts say you should play it safe and not get behind the wheel will leds to affecting your driving

To know more about eye dilation here


According to the IRS, taxpayers calling the IRS in 2017 waited 13 minutes on average for an IRS telephone assister to answer. Do callers who use the IRS help line early in the day have a shorter wait? Suppose a sample of 50 callers who placed their calls to the IRS in the first 30 minutes that the line is open during the day have a mean waiting time of 11 minutes before an IRS telephone assister answers. Based on data from past years, you can assume that the standard deviation of waiting times is 8 minutes. Using these sample results, can you conclude that the waiting time for calls placed during the first 30 minutes the IRS help line is open each day is significantly less that the overall mean waiting time of 13 minutes? Use alpha=0.05
Calculate the test statistic


P-value = 0.0384

As P-value < 0.05, reject the null hypothesis.

What is test statistic?

A statistic (a number obtained from the sample) used in statistical hypothesis testing is known as a test statistic. Usually, a hypothesis test is described in words.

A test statistic is a figure obtained from a statistical analysis. It explains how distant your observed data is from the null hypothesis, which states that there is no correlation between the variables or distinction between the sample groups.

The alternative and null hypotheses are listed below.

Lack of hypothesis H0: μ = 13

Ha: 13 Alternative Hypothesis

Statistical test, z = (xbar - mu)/(sigma/sqrt(n))

z = (11 - 13)/(8/sqrt(50))

z = -1.77

Region of Rejection

For α= 0.05, this is a left-tailed test.

Z has a critical value of -1.645.

Therefore, if z -1.645, reject H0 and accept the null hypothesis.

P-value Approach

P-value = 0.0384

As P-value < 0.05, reject the null hypothesis

To know more about test statistic click the link:


a wooden artifact from an ancient temple has a 14c activity of 38.0 counts per minute as compared with an activity of 58.2 counts per minute for a standard at zero age. the half-life of 14c is 5715 years. what is the age of the artifact?


The age of the artifact is 3523.77 years.

What is radioactive decay?

The process of radioactive decay is how an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy through radiation. A substance that has unstable nuclei is regarded as radioactive.


The half-life of the reaction is defined as the time required by a substance to reach half its initial concentration. It is represented by t(1/2)

 All radioactive decay processes follow the first-order reaction.

The equation for the half-life for first-order reaction follows:

t(1/2) = 0.693/k....(1)


k = rate constant of a first-order reaction

Given value:

t(1/2) = 5715 years

Put the value of t in equation (1), and we get

k = 0.693/5715

k = 1.21×10⁻⁴yr

The integrated rate law expression for first-order reaction follows:

t = 2.303/k×㏒(a/(a-x))


t = time period

a = initial concentration of the reactant = 58.2 counts per minute

(a-x) = Concentration of reactant left after time t = 38.0 counts per minute

k = rate constant of a first-order reaction

Put the values in the equation and we get

t = 2.303/1.21×10⁻⁴㏒58.2/38

t = 3523.77 years.

Hence, the age of the artifact is 3523.77 years.

To learn more about radioactive decay from the given link


What is Step 2 of comparison shopping?


Step 2 of comparison shopping is to assess the purchase objectively.

Comparison shopping may be defined as a method of studying and understanding various product costs prior to making a purchase. Retailers typically use comparison shopping to determine the price at which their rivals are offering a given product on the market. Nowadays, the majority of consumers purchase their goods online, making comparison shopping a sort of trend.

As a result of this growing tendency, numerous online shopping portals have emerged. Some of the most well-known online retailers include Flipkart, Myntra, and Amazon. Because they offer many product categories in each part, these websites can be categorized as a type of online price comparison website.

To learn more about comparison shopping, visit the link below:


You make 20 bracelets in 5 hours. How many bracelets do you make per hour?




Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is 4.

[tex]20 / 4=5[/tex]

theorem: there is no smallest positive rational number. a proof by contradiction of the theorem starts by assuming which fact?


that there is no smallest positive rational number is proven below.

What is Rational Number?

Numbers that may be expressed in the form p/q, where p and q are integers and q0, are considered rational numbers. Because fractions cannot have a negative numerator or denominator, they differ from rational numbers in this respect. Because of this, the numerator and denominator of a fraction are whole numbers (denominator 0), unlike in the case of rational numbers, when they are both integers.

So to convert a fractional to reduce form we have to divide by 10 to power how many digits thereafter decimal point, and make sure that numerator or denominator doesn't have commonly divisible.

Let r be any reasonable number.

We can infer that r/2 is rational because r is a rational number.

There is no smallest rational number so we can assume that r/2 r because r/2 is rational.

Hence, proved that here is no smallest positive rational number.

Learn more about Rational Number, by the following link


Estimate a 15% tip on a dinner bill of 48.71 by first rounding the bill amount to the nearest ten dollars.


The 15 percent tip on a dinner bill of 48.71 dollars is 7.3 dollars

How to find the estimation of a dinner bill?

The dinner bill is 48.71 dollars. Let's estimate a 15 percent tip on the dinner bill as follows:

In mathematics, a percentage is a number or ratio that can be expressed as a fraction of 100.

In other words, Percentage is defined as a given part or amount in every hundred. It is a fraction with 100 as the denominator and is represented by the symbol "%".

Therefore, let's estimate the 15% tip on the dinner bill of 48.71 dollars.

dinner tip = 15% of 48.71

dinner tip =  15 / 100 × 48.71

Hence, the estimated 15% tips of the dinner bill is as follows:

dinner tip = 7.3065 dollars

learn more on estimation here:


Which function has a domain of all real numbers?
A. y = (1 + 2)
B. y = -2(3r)
C. y = (20) - 7
D. y = - +


On solving the following question, the function that has domain of all real numbers is - [tex]y = -2(3X)^{\frac{1}{6} }[/tex]

What are real numbers?

All numbers that we can recall are real numbers except complex numbers. The union of the set of rational numbers and the set of irrational numbers is the set of real numbers denoted by the symbol R.

What are rational numbers?

A rational number is any number that can be expressed as the ratio p/q. The fraction's denominator is denoted by "q," while the numerator is represented by "p." "q" is not zero.

Both 5 and 1/2 are actual figures. X also defines a number, but since it's negative, it's an integer because it's rational.

To know more about real number visit:


What type of number is 15.301i?
Choose all answers that apply:



The number 15.031i is an Imaginary number.

What is a complex number?

Complex numbers are those that are expressed as a + ib, where a and b are actual numbers and i is a fictitious number called a "iota." i has the value (√-1).

What is a real number?

A real number is a number that can be used to represent a continuous one-dimensional quantity in mathematics, such as a temperature, duration, or distance. Continuous in this context suggests that values may vary by arbitrary little amounts. An infinite decimal expansion can nearly always represent any real number.

Given number is 15.031i.

Iota is denoted by i which is an imaginary number.

Since no real number is not added with given number, it is not a real number.

Since iota presents in the given number, it is an imaginary number.

To learn more about imaginary number, click on below link:


when a confidence interval for the difference of two population means contains​ 0, what can be​ concluded?


The required conclusion for confidence interval for the difference of two population means contains​ 0 has no difference.

What probability distribution?

Probability dispersion help to display our reality, empowering us to get evaluations of the Probability that a specific occasion might happen, or gauge the changeability of event. They are a typical method for depicting, and perhaps anticipate, the Probability of an occasion.

According  to question:

In the event that your certainty stretch for a distinction between bunches incorporates zero,

it means that assuming you run your examination again you have a decent possibility tracking down no contrast between gatherings.

So, There will be no difference between both the experiments for the same.

To know more about probability distribution visit:


what adds to be -24 and multiplies to be 23




Step-by-step explanation:

The following year Tiffany gets $25 and 1 box of candy. Todd gets $20 and 5 boxes of candy. Their grandmother assures them that she spent the same amount on each gift. What is the price of a box of candy?


The price of a box of candy will be $1.25.

What is an expression?

Expression in math's is defined as the collection of the numbers variables and functions by using signs like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Given that;

Tiffany gets $25 and 1 box of candy.

And, Todd gets $20 and 5 boxes of candy.


Since, Tiffany gets $25 and 1 box of candy.

And, Todd gets $20 and 5 boxes of candy.

Let price of box of candy = x

So, We can formulate;

⇒ $25 + x = $20 + 5x

Solve for x as;

⇒ $25 - $20 = 5x - x

⇒ $5 = 4x

⇒ x = 5/4

⇒ x = $1.25

Thus, The price of a box of candy = $1.25

Learn more about the mathematical expression visit:


Give the slope between the points (-5,-2)(-2,-7)


Step-by-step explanation:

Give the slope between the points (-5,-2)(-2,-7)

slope = change in y / change in x

slope = (-2 - (-7)) / (-5 - (-2))

slope = ( -2 + 7) / ( -5 + 2)

slope = 5/-3

slope = -5/3 or -1.667

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