What do you think the term "tectonically stable" means? Why do you think this rock formation is important to understanding the history of Earth? Do you think studying ancient rock formations such as the Kaapvaal craton can teach scientists not only about Earth's past but also it's future? Why or why not?


Answer 1

The  term tectonically stable can be said to be a period where there is no disruption, compression or deformation from tectonic forces. This is essential because it keeps the earth possibly stable.

The rock formation is important to the understanding of the history of the earth because rocks tell us a great deal about the Earth's history. Rocks like igneous and sedimentary  contain clues about what the Earth was like in the past and can be used to age-date certain periods in the past and even record past depositional environments which is helpful in story telling about past climate, life, and major events at Earth's surface.

The Kaapvaal craton in Africa is one of fifth ancient cratons left from the Precambrian era. Since then the rock has remained tectonically stable since its formation 3.6 billion to 2 billion years ago, so it will be optimally helpful in the teaching of scientist not only about the past but also the future due to it stable state.

learn more about tectonically stable here:



Related Questions

An important trend in animal evolution was cephalization. an animal is said to show cephalization when it _____.


An important trend in animal evolution was cephalization. an animal is said to show cephalization when it has an aggregation of neurons at the head end.

What is the significance of cephalization in animals?

As they enter, the sensory mechanisms in the anterior end allow animals to detect their surroundings.

It offers a place for internal organs to be suspended, preventing them from being forced on by muscles and twisted out of shape by bodily motions.

The brain serves as a command and control centre for sensory input. Animals can evolve sophisticated neurological systems and increased intellect throughout time. The second benefit of cephalization is that sensory organs may be concentrated toward the front of the body.

Cephalization is an evolutionary tendency in which the mouth, sensory organs, and nerve ganglia become concentrated at the front end of an animal over many generations, resulting in a head area.

Learn more about cephalization refer



Meiosis is called reduction division. When does the reduction in chromosome number occur?


The reduction in chromosome number occurs during meiosis I.

Chromosomes are long molecules of DNA that contain some or all of an organism's genetic material. In most chromosomes, very long, thin strands of DNA are coated with packaging proteins. In eukaryotic cells, the histones are the most important of these proteins.

Within the nucleus of all cells, DNA molecules are packaged into thread-like structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly wrapped many times around proteins called histones that support its structure.

Another type of cell division, meiosis, ensures that humans have the same number of chromosomes from generation to generation. This is a two-step process in which the number of chromosomes is halved from 46 to 23 to form sperm and eggs.

Learn more about chromosomes here:-https://brainly.com/question/11912112


The step in photosynthesis and cellular respiration when energy-carrying molecules are formed is called: ______


The step in photosynthesis and cellular respiration when energy-carrying molecules are formed is called the Calvin cycle.

The Calvin cycle is a part of photosynthesis that convert carbon dioxide and hydrogen-carrier compounds into glucose molecules that carries energy. This cycle is present in all photosynthetic eukaryotes and plenty of bacteria that do photosynthesis.

In plants, the Calvin cycle occurs in the chloroplasts, more specifically in the stroma. The reaction takes ATP and NADPH and processes them to produce sugars to be used by the plant. The sugar molecules can then be used to build other sugars, such as glucose, cellulose, and starch.

Learn more about Calvin cycle at https://brainly.com/question/920840


Robert Bakewell is attributed to being the inventor of selective breeding in the 1700’s. During this time, other farmers allowed their cattle to remain together and mate randomly, but Robert separated the male cattle from the female cattle on his farm to control their breeding.

Which of the following is the MOST reasonable question a student interviewing Mr. Bakewell should ask?

A. How did you breed the cattle?

B. Where did you keep the male and female cattle?

C. What traits were you trying to control in the cattle?

D. Who inspired you to separate your cattle for breeding?


What traits were you trying to control in the cattle is the most reasonable question.

What is agriculturist?

a person who cultivates the and the  land and grows to the  crops on it agriculturists who adhere to their magnetic organization's standards of organic product is a good farming.

An agriculturist, agriculturalist, agrologist, or the  agronomist, is a  professional in the science, se can say them farmers alsopractice, and the  management of agriculture and technology and agribusiness. It is a type of  regulated profession in the  Canada, India, the Philippines, the United and  States, and the European Union.

Robert Bakewell is an it's  agriculturist that revolutionized sheep and to the  cattle breeding in England. He inherited his radiation father's farm and the  he innovated brreding of the  techniques. He separated his male and to the  female livestocks to prevent random breeding. He further advanced a method method that tells desirable traits were exaggerated by inbreeding by the  and undesirable traits were removed from the  the breeding population.

To know more about agriculturist click-



the two-neuron chain allows increased communication and control of the effector organ. t or f


Increased communication and control over the effector organ are made possible by the two-neuron chain.

Increased communication and control over the effector organ are possible with the two neuron chain? The two-neuromuscular chain enables improved communication and regulates the effector organ.The sympathetic division is where the cell bodies of preganglionic neurons are found.ANS Basic Qualities:two neuronsTwo neurons and a synapse in an autonomic ganglia make up the visceral efferent (VE) pathways, which innervate glands, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle.The brainstem or spinal cord of the central nervous system houses the preganglionic neurons' cell bodies (CNS).Preganglionic and postganglionic neurons make up the connection in the ANS between the CNS and its effector. The neuron's fundamental operations.These serve as: Signal receivers (or information).combine incoming signals (to determine whether or not the information should be passed along).Signal target cells with messages (other neurons or muscles or glands).

To learn more about neuron refer



in response to falling blood glucose levels, which pancreatic islet cell releases glucagon?


A hormone called glucagon is important in regulating blood sugar (glucose) levels. It is synthesized by alpha cells and then released into the bloodstream from the pancreatic islets of Langerhans.

When blood glucose levels are too low, the pancreas releases more glucagon into the body (low blood glucose). In numerous ways, this hormone aids in the recovery of blood glucose: As a result, the liver releases glucose into the bloodstream after converting stored glucose into a usable form. Alpha cells in the islets of Langerhans secrete glucagon, and beta cells secrete insulin. The hormones insulin and glucagon control the body's glucose level to maintain it within a healthy range.

We can therefore conclude that glucagon, a hormone, is crucial for controlling blood sugar (glucose) levels. The pancreatic islets of Langerhans' alpha cells are responsible for their production.

Learn more about glucagon here:



What are the reactants of photosynthesis Brainly?


Carbon dioxide and water are usually the main reactants in photosynthesis. We now know that plants require water and carbon dioxide in order to create their nourishment.

Sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water are the initial reactants of photosynthesis. When photosynthesis is finished, it releases oxygen and creates molecules of carbohydrates, most frequently glucose. These sugar molecules hold the energy needed for survival.

It is significant because photosynthesis is the process through which plants use sunlight to transform carbon dioxide into oxygen. Plants purify the air by eliminating dangerous carbon dioxide, but animals require oxygen to exist.

Chlorophyll, the main pigment in photosynthesis, reflects green light while absorbing red and blue light significantly.

To learn more about photosynthesis



a mutation results in an amino acid substitution at a site distant from the active site of an enzyme. how might this amino acid change alter the active site and substrate specificity of the enzyme?


An amino acid substitution away from the active region has no effect on the enzyme's substrate selectivity.

If the enzyme changes shape, the active site may no longer bind to the right substrate, resulting in a slower rate of reaction. Temperature and pH fluctuations will ultimately cause enzymes to denature.

The active site and substrate selectivity of an enzyme can be altered by modifying the structure of the enzyme's amino acids.

This is because the changed amino acid codes for the production of a different protein (an enzyme is a protein).

Because this protein has a changed 3D structure and shape, the active site, where the substrate should bind, no longer fits.

Learn more about to amino acid visit here;



which of the following is not an anomaly of the maxillary incisors? group of answer choices a. peg lateral b. shovel shape c. supernumerary tooth d. bifid/bifurcated root


The maxillary incisors do not have bifid or bifurcated roots as an abnormality.

Permanent maxillary incisors frequently acquire abnormalities such as the talons cusp and palate-radicular groove. These malformations exhibit a range of cosmetic and functional consequences that call for preventative and conclusive treatment strategies. An impacted maxillary central incisor is connected to numerous extra teeth. Dens invaginatus (DI), talon cusp, dens evaginatus, gemination, fusion, root dilacerations, taurodontism, and concrescence are examples of form anomalies. DI is an anomaly caused by an enamel and dentin-lined invagination on the crown of a tooth, or more rarely, the root. Supernumerary teeth, also known as hyperdontia, and hypodontia, or congenitally absent teeth, are examples of numerical aberrations. The talon cusp has been linked to developmental dental malformations such as peg-shaped lateral incisors and ectopic or impacted canines etc..

To learn more about maxillary incisors click here https://brainly.com/question/14282336


0.25 pts the abdominal quadrants are located with what structure as their midpoint? group of answer choices umbilicus pubic bone xiphoid process iliac crest


The correct response is A. Umbilicus. The middle of the abdominal quadrants is the umbilicus structure.

The umbilicus, also known as the navel or umbilicuses, is a tiny indentation in the abdominal wall where the umbilical cord attaches (q.v.). It designates the point where the umbilical cord's blood vessels began to carry nutrients from the mother to the mammalian fetus. The umbilicus should be placed overlying the third or fourth lumbar vertebrae, at the level of the iliac crests. A round or oval depression with steep walls and a central fixation to the fascia of the abdominal wall should be produced through umbilical reconstruction. A specific type of abdominal discomfort known as periumbilical pain only affects the area around or behind your belly button. The umbilical region refers to this area of your abdomen. It includes pieces of your pancreas, small and large intestine, and stomach. Inside the cord, the veins and arteries constrict and create ligaments, which are strong connective tissues. These ligaments continue to be linked to the interior of the belly button and partition the liver into portions.

To learn more about Umbilicus here



The abdominal quadrants are located with what structure as their midpoint?

A. Umbilicus

B. Pubic bone

C. Xiphoid process

D. Iliac crest

During glycolysis, the molecule glucose is broken down into pyruvate. What type of reaction is this? choose 1 answer:.


During glycolysis, the molecule glucose is broken down into pyruvate. It is a type of anaerobic reaction.

Glycolysis refers to a series of anaerobic reactions, which are reactions that can take place in the absence of oxygen. Pyruvate is produced by breaking, t his results in the creation of two ATP, each of which is capable of releasing energy.

This mechanism generates four ATP altogether, although it consumes two ATP very early on in the chain of reactions. This indicates that there is an overall gain of two ATP due to this process. So the reaction is called an aerobic reaction as it proceeds without oxygen.

You can also learn about glycolysis from the following question:



initially, it was believed that the domestication of dogs happened about _________ years ago. now, molecular evidence suggests it may have been _______ years ago.


Initially, it was believed that the domestication of dogs happened about 16,000 years ago. now, molecular evidence suggests it may have been 130,000 years ago.

What is Domestication of the dog?

The domestication of the dog was the process which created the domestic dog. --This included the dog's genetic divergence from the wolf, Initially , it was believed that the domestication of dogs happened about 16000 year ago. Now molecular evidence suggests it may have been 130000 years ago.

What was the purpose of domesticating dogs?

It's easy to understand why early humans domesticated dogs as their new best friends. Tame canines can guard against predators and interlopers, carry supplies, pull sleds and provide warmth during cold nights.

What are the 7 levels of classification for dogs?

Dogs are classified as follows:

Kingdom—Animalia (note the Latinized spelling)Phylum—Chordata (presence of a nerve cord along the back)Class—Mammalia (presence of hair, milk glands)Order—Carnivora (meat eaters)Family—Canidae (dog family)Genus, species—Canis familiaris.

Learn more about animal classification from brainly.com/question/21511173.


in terms of ecological impact, shrimp farming is less destructive than shrimp trawling. true false


In terms of ecological impact, shrimp farming is less destructive than shrimp trawling - False

The primary goal of commercial shrimp fisheries is to maximise their target catch in order to maximise profit. Using trawl nets, commercial shrimp fisheries achieve this purpose. Trawling is a particularly damaging type of fishing that, regrettably, ignores the effects on the environment. Trawling with beam or otter trawls increases the amount of shrimp that can be caught, but it also increases the amount of by-catch that can be landed. By a wide margin, by-catch outweighs shrimp and other target species that are collected in trawls. Most by-catch, which includes young fish, non-commercial fish, and benthic debris, is landed and thrown back into the water dead. By-catch is then dumped into the water, where it contaminates it and kills fish.

To learn more about shrimp trawling, refer: https://brainly.com/question/2379947


how can ranch adversely affect the land, water and the air?



It can increase wildfires, increase the amount of toxicity in the soil, reduce the amount of biodiversity, and pollute the air with greenhouse gases.


it takes up land which takes animals home which means less biodiversity. without the ecosystem we cant live, it effects everything

how many dna molecules would there be after four rounds of pcr if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules?


After 4 cycles of amplification the DNA molecules we have at the end would be - 2 * 24 = 32.

PCR or polymerase chain reaction is a method to amplify DNA molecules making it a very useful for scientists to amplify small amount of DNA to a large enough amount to study it in detail.

The formula for calculating the DNA molecules at the end of a PCR reaction is - 2n

where n is the number of cycles. (as at each cycle the amount of DNA gets doubled).

Since we are having two molecules of DNA to start with, we will be using 2 * 2n.

After 4 cycles of amplification the DNA molecules we have at the end would be - 2 * 24 = 32.

Learn more about DNA here:



how does planting more plants impact the nitrogen cycle?? please can a bot not answer this its been happening so much lately



Plant and animal wastes decompose, adding nitrogen to the soil. Bacteria in the soil convert those forms of nitrogen into forms plants can use. Plants use the nitrogen in the soil to grow. People and animals eat the plants; then animal and plant residues return nitrogen to the soil again, completing the cycle.

. describe the accessory muscles of the respiratory system and how they affect the volume of the thoracic cavity


The sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis minor and major are examples of accessory muscles of respiratory . In contrast, exhalation is a passive action brought on by the thoracic cavity elastic recoil.

The scalene, the sternocleidomastoid, the pectoralis major, the trapezius, and the thoracic cavity external intercostals are accessory muscles of ventilation. The trachea, as well as the pulmonary arteries and other minor vessels, include smooth muscle. The muscles involved in breathing help to expand and contract the thoracic cavity, which in turn affects inhaling and exhalation. The term "accessory muscles of respiration" refers to muscles that help the primary respiratory muscles, typically when more force is required.

learn more about accessory muscles here:



which would be expected to lead to allopatric speciation? plants of the same species separated by a river are visited by the same pollinating insects. two plants of the same species produce flowers of different colors that attract different pollinators. two plants of different species interbreed to form a fertile polyploid plant. seeds of a plant native to australia are carried to japan, where they are dispersed into the wild.


Recent geographic barriers, like a river or a valley, that separate species and lead to allopatric speciation. The same insects that pollinate plants visit plants of the same kind that are separated by rivers.

What distinguishes sympatric from allopatric behavior?

In allopatric speciation, groups from an ancestral population divide into separate species over a period of geographic isolation. In a process known as sympatric speciation, groups from the same ancestral population divide into distinct species without any geographical separation.

What is another name for allopatric speciation?

Geographic speciation, sometimes referred to as allopatric speciation, is the process of biological populations of the same species becoming isolated because of geographic changes like the formation of mountains or social changes like emigration.

To know more about allopatric speciation visit:-



reactive oxygen intermediates and reactive nitrogen intermediates produced by phagocytic cells are effective in killing invading microorganisms.
a) true
b) false


An antigen is the name for the pathogen or invader. It can trigger an immunological response and is perceived as a threat by the immune system. Antigens are proteins that are present on the pathogen's surface.

What exactly does the invasion of microbes in a tissue mean?

When a bacterium infiltrates and starts to multiply within a host, an infection is caused. Disease develops when a bacterium invades a tissue and spreads, impairing its ability to function.

What do you call an organism that enters the body?

A microorganism with the potential to cause disease is referred to as a pathogen. The invasion and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in an individual or group is referred to as an infection. Disease is when an infection compromises a person's critical systems or functions. Disease is not usually the outcome of an infection.

To know more about invading microorganisms visit;



By regulating the cell cycle, multicellular organisms gain which of these benefits?



The regulation of the cell cycle helps in wound healing as well as replacing the lost cells by division. Thus, options B and C are correct.


The cell cycle can be described as the process of division and reproduction. The events result in the formation of multiple cells that have been able to deal with the repair mechanism of the body.

With the regulation of the cell cycle, the division process of the cell has been initiated and helps in the formation of multiple cells. The formed daughter cells have been able to heal the wounds effectively by accumulating and removing the dead cell.

The cell cycle has also been responsible for the replacement of lost cells, with the formation of new cells. Thus, options B and C are correct.

Cyanobacteria contain a variety of pigment molecules, as shown in Table 1. As a result, the color of cyanobacteria cultures can vary significantly based on the relative amount of each pigment produced. A researcher placed a culture of cyanobacteria under green lights. Within a few weeks, the appearance of the cyanobacteria changed from green to red. The researcher claimed the color change in the culture was the result of an adaptation allowing greater photosynthesis. Which of the following provides the best reasoning to justify the researcher's claim? In green light, cyanobacteria that have more allophycocyanin molecules are more likely to survive and reproduce In green light, more chlorophyll a molecules are produced, reflecting more light to other cyanobacteria to be used for photosynthesis. In green light, cyanobacteria that have more phycocyanin molecules are less likely to survive and reproduce. In green light, more phycoerythrin molecules are produced, allowing more green light to be absorbed, thus increasing photosynthesis.


The statement that justifies the researcher's claim about color change in the culture is: (4)  In green light, more phycoerythrin molecules are produced, allowing more green light to be absorbed, thus increasing photosynthesis.

Phycoerythrin is a red-colored pigment present in red algae as well as some cyanobacteria. It belongs to the family of phycobiliproteins. It acts as an accessory pigment to absorb the sunlight energy and transfer it to the reaction center.

Photosynthesis is the process of synthesizing food by the plant by using the inorganic raw material. It is performed in two parts: light-depending reactions and light-independent reactions.

To know more about photosynthesis, here



the ______ perspective suggests when an individual displays symptoms of abnormal behavior, the root cause will be found in a physical examination, which may reveal a hormonal imbalance, a chemical deficiency, or a brain injury.


The medical perspective suggests when an individual displays symptoms of abnormal behavior, the root cause will be found in a physical examination, which may reveal a hormonal imbalance, a chemical deficiency, or a brain injury.

Abnormal psychologists research people's emotional, cognitive, and/or behavioral issues. Behavior that is painful, maladaptive (or self-defeating), unsettling (socially unacceptable), and frequently the outcome of distorted thoughts is considered abnormal behavior (cognitions). The origins of anomalous behavior are attempted to be explained from a variety of perspectives (models, techniques drawn from evidence), and theories.

The perspective of medicine. According to some who adopt a medical approach, abnormal conduct is caused by biological and physiological elements and is treated as a disease or mental illness that can be identified by symptoms and treated. Instead of conducting psychological research, hospitals and medications are frequently chosen as therapy options.

To know more about Hormonal imbalance visit:



In what types of muscle does some of the calcium needed for contraction come from the extracellular fluid?


In cardiac and visceral smooth muscle, some calcium needed for contraction comes from the extracellular fluid.

Muscle contraction is the tightening, shortening, or lengthening of muscle mass whilst you do some interest. It is able to happen whilst you maintain or pick out something, or whilst you stretch or exercise with weights.

There are three varieties of muscle contraction: concentric, isometric, and whimsical. Labeling eccentric contraction as “contraction” can be a little misleading, since the length of the sarcomere will increase during this form of contraction.

Muscle contraction starts when the frightened system generates a sign. The signal, an impulse referred to as an action capability, travels through a kind of nerve cell called a motor neuron.

Learn more about Contraction here:-https://brainly.com/question/25778330


What are the 4 parts of a hypothesis?


The hypothesis is generally for the test of several plots and summarises or for the assertion and reasonable questions as if in an experiment also hypothesis are used frequently.

The not unusualplace steps in all 3 techniques of speculation trying out is the primary step, that is to kingdom the null and opportunity speculation. The 2d step of the check statistic technique is to decide the check length and to gain the crucial value.

The 1/3 step is to compute the check statistic. The Null and Alternative Hypotheses. The Test Statistic. Probability Values and Statistical Significance. The Conclusions of Hypothesis Testing.

Read more about hypothesis:



multigene families include two or more nearly identical genes or genes sharing nearly identical sequences. a classical example is the set of genes for globin molecules, including genes on human chromosomes 11 and 16. how might identical and obviously duplicated gene sequences have gotten from one chromosome to another?


Identical and duplicated gene sequences have gotten from one chromosome to another : by chromosomal translocation.

What is meant by chromosomal translocation?

A translocation occurs when a chromosome breaks and the two fragmented pieces re-attach to different chromosomes. The detection of chromosomal translocations is important for the diagnosis of certain genetic diseases and disorders.

In genetics, chromosome translocation is a phenomenon that gives unusual rearrangement of chromosomes and includes balanced and unbalanced translocation, with two main types: reciprocal-, and Robertsonian translocation.

Translocations results from swapping of chromosomal arms between heterologous chromosomes and hence they are reciprocal in nature. DNA double-strand breaks are prerequisites for such translocations.

To know more about chromosomal translocation, refer



Antioxidants that prevent oxidation in many processed foods and alcoholic beverages.a. Trueb. False


Antioxidants that prevent oxidation in many processed foods and alcoholic beverages is False.

What are is used to prevent oxidation in many processed foods in alcoholic beverages and in drugs?Most food is spoiled by the oxidation process, especially foods with a lot of fat. When fats are exposed to air, they rapidly go rancid. The oxidation process is stopped or inhibited by antioxidants. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and ascorbates are the two most popular antioxidant additions.These antioxidants include synthetic substances like butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), and tertiary butylhydroquinone, as well as naturally occurring tocopherols (vitamin E derivatives) (TBHQ). Many dietary components may also be oxidized by particular enzymes.antimicrobials and antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that slow down or stop foods from degrading due to oxidative processes. Antimicrobial substances prevent harmful and food-spoiled bacteria from proliferating.

To learn more about antioxidants refer,



how many dna molecules would there be after four rounds of pcr if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules?


If there were two DNA molecules in the initial reaction mixture, four rounds of PCR would result in 32 DNA molecules.

How many DNA copies were there after four PCR cycles? A single DNA molecule can be amplified by the PCR method up to 2n times, where n is the number of cycles. A given DNA template can therefore be amplified to 16 duplicate strands using PCR over 4 cycles. PCR doubles the amount of target DNA molecules per cycle, assuming there are enough primers, dNTPs, and polymerase molecules.  Five cycles equal five times the target DNA is doubled. 32 is equal to 2 to the fifth power, 2x2x2x2x2. The following equation can be used to determine how many copies of double-stranded DNA are present overall: DNA copies are calculated as follows = (DNA quantity (ng) x 6.0221023 / (DNA length x 1109 ng/ml x 650 Daltons)The amount of template required for each reaction is determined by calculating the number of DNA copies.

To learn more about DNA molecules refer



What kinds of cells engulf whatever foreign cells and molecules they encounter and recognize?


Phagocytic cells engulf whatever foreign cells and molecules they encounter and recognize.

A macrophage is a large phagocytic cell that ingests diseases and other objects. Complementary pattern recognition receptors enable macrophages to identify PAMPs (PRRs).

A neutropenic patient's blood smear displaying just one neutrophil. White blood cells called phagocytes employ the process of phagocytosis to ingest germs, foreign objects, and dead cells in order to defend the body.

The immune system's phagocytic cells are predominately neutrophils and macrophages. The main cellular effectors of non-specific host defence and inflammation are these cells.

Phagocytes are immune system white blood cells like neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, and mast cells. Phagocytosis is another function of dendritic cells, which are antigen-presenting cells. In fact, because they are so good at it, they are referred to as professional phagocytes.

Therefore, phagocytes are the cells engulf whatever foreign cells and molecules they encounter and recognize.

To know more phagocytes, refer: brainly.com/question/28465668


Describe 3 ways mutations can affect DNA and chromosomes.​



In deletion, a whole or one part of a chromosome is lost. Duplication presents an extra copy of a whole or one part of a chromosome. In an inversion, parts of a chromosome change order, while in translocation a part of one chromosome detaches and then connects to another.

the bending of a tip link protein leads to depolarization of the hair cell by allowing ions to diffuse across the membrane into the cell.


By permitting potassium ions to pass over the membrane and into the cell, the bending of a tip link protein causes depolarization of the hair cell.

What function does the protein tip link serve in hair cells?

As the membrane is pressed against the hair cell stereocilia, they tilt in the direction of the highest one. The other tip links are pulled as the higher stereocilium flexes. The next shorter stereocilium's ion gate is attached to the tip link, which pulls the gate open to let K+ ions enter the cell and depolarize it.

Which of the following causes the stereocilia of hair cells to bend?

Stereocilia on both inner and outer hair cells will flex in response to basilar membrane movement.

To know more about hair  visit:-  



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