In group projects for class there is often one member who does noticeably less work than others. Which of the following is the most accurate description of that person?
A) lazy
B) a free rider
C) a forced rider
D) tragedy of the commons


Answer 1

In group projects for class there is often one member who does noticeably less work than others. A free rider is the most accurate description of that person.

What is a free rider?

The free rider problem is when people utilize or exploit a common resource without contributing their fair part of the cost or without contributing anything at all.

No matter how big or tiny a society is, the free rider issue might arise. A municipal council in an urban region may discuss whether and how to make suburban commuters pay for the upkeep of the area's roads and sidewalks or the safety of its police and fire services. A public radio or broadcast station will dedicate airtime to fundraising in the aim of persuading listeners who aren't making donations to do so.

To study more about free rider


Related Questions

the job-specific knowledge you need to perform well in a specialized field, known as skills, appear to be most important for first-line managers. multiple choice question.


The job-specific knowledge you need to perform well in a specialized field, known as skills, appear to be most important for first line managers are technical skills.

Who are first-line managers?

The entry-level managers who carry out management tasks on the ground are known as first-line managers. They are the managers who work most closely with the team members, and they are usually in charge of making sure that the team successfully carries out organisational goals every day. Anyone who is responsible for one or more employees but does not hold a people management post is considered a first-line manager. Team Leader is one example of a line manager with a standard title. Supervisor.

To know more about first-line managers, click here-


What ways could Cuba and Honduras improve their economic growth?



Economic growth is driven oftentimes by consumer spending and business investment. Tax cuts and rebates are used to return money to consumers and boost spending. Deregulation relaxes the rules imposed on businesses and have been credited with creating growth but can lead to excessive risk-taking.

frames, inc. provided a report of standard and actual total cost for direct labor during the month. based on the following report, what is the direct labor efficiency variance?


Based on the following report,  the direct labor efficiency variance will be $212.50 F

What was the labor efficiency variance?

The quality of the work hours used in the production process is the major focus of the labor efficiency variance. The production manager is typically in charge of the labor efficiency variance.A production manager is a specialist who oversees the production process and plans every action to guarantee there are enough resources on hand.They may plan worker schedules, anticipate costs, and create budgets to ensure that process is completed by the deadline.The production department is usually in charge of any direct labor efficiency variance. The variance, however, may also be influenced by other variables.

Refer to: for further information on the labor efficiency variance.


One of the core beliefs of Hoover is that the Republican Party should resist injecting __________ into business:


One of the core beliefs of Hoover is that the Republican Party should resist injecting government into business.

What is business?A business refers to as an organization engaged in commercial, industrial, professional activities.A company can be either a commercial entity or a non-profit entity. Legal forms range from limited liability companies to sole proprietorships, corporations and partnerships. Business Fundamentals is the first step to success. Surveying your customers and understanding their needs and expectations can help you build a sustainable business, but you must  start with the basic business skills you need. The word business comes from the word busy, which means to do things. Works regularly. Business plays an important role in our lives. First, they produce goods and services that meet our needs and desires. It also recruits households as a labor force and provides rewards such as wages, salaries and benefits. Therefore, it becomes a source of income that they can use to sustain their livelihoods.

to learn more about business from the given link :


Job rotation attempts to make a job more interesting and motivating by moving employees from one job to another.


By switching workers between jobs, job rotation aims to increase a job's interest and motivation. All of the above are accurate according to the equity theory, with the exception of this: make sure the employees think the award is fair.

What is job rotation?

The systematic switching of personnel between jobs inside an organisation is known as job rotation, and it serves a number of human resources goals, including onboarding new hires, training staff, fostering career growth, and minimising job burnout. An atmosphere with changing assignments can foster fresh thoughts and ideas on the work being done by the organisation and may improve employee satisfaction. For instance, a nurse may alternate between posts on the maternity and geriatric wards, exposing her to varied problems and gaining experience in caring for a variety of patients. Some employers utilise the practise of job rotation to change the jobs that are assigned to their staff members over the course of their employment. This tactic is used by employers for a variety of reasons.

To learn more about job rotation click,


people who choose a job or career because it offers them opportunities to express personal needs, interests, and values through their work have focused on which of the following motivations for working?


Active income is when you get paid to do work that is related to your job or career.

Who are the people who help you with your career or plans?

Mentors will give you free advice and may even have contacts in the industry who can assist you in achieving your career objectives, such as obtaining a new position or utilizing new resources in your current position.

How can your career choice be influenced by your personal and professional values?

Your personal satisfaction and professional success can be influenced by your career values, which are crucial. You can be deliberate in your career search and use your values to shape your future by determining your own values and what matters most to you.

To learn more about Active income here


if the demand for money and the supply of money both increase, then the new equilibrium: group of answer choices


The overall wealth owned by the home and businesses is referred to as the demand for money. A number of variables, including income levels, interest rates, price levels (inflation), and uncertainty, have an impact on the demand for money.

Transactions: This sum of money is required to complete transactions. An economy's need for money for transactions rises along with both the overall volume and quantity of transactions.

Precautionary: To be safe, you should set aside this amount of money for future requirements that are unclear, including unforeseen medical costs. As the economy gets bigger, there is a greater need for money for protection.

Speculative: People also keep money on hand in order to take advantage of potential investment possibilities in the future. People would choose to invest than hard money with a speculative intent if the existing returns on financial goods were high.

Supply of Money:

The central bank of a country, such as the US Fed, regulates the amount of money available in that country's economy. The Federal Reserve may alter reserve requirements or use open market operations to alter the money supply.

learn more about Demand and Supply of Money:


democracy in industry means fair paticipation by those whow ork in the decisions vitally saffecting their lives


Democracy in industry means fair participation by those who work in the decisions vitally affecting their lives and livelihood.

What foundational values guide industrial democracy?

Industrial democracy has traditionally been described as the exercise of power over choices made within workplaces by employees or their representatives, together with changes to the location and distribution of authority. Equal rights are provided to all citizens regardless of caste, religion, or sex. Democracy improves both the dignity of citizens and the quality of decision-making. Democracy gives us a way to resolve conflicts and disagreements while also enabling us to learn from our mistakes.

To know more about democracy click on the link below:


if people win every day in las vegas gambling casinos, why do the casinos always take in more money than they pay out? use a specific probability example to explain your answer.


The best-case scenario will be the 10th position because it has the most favorable cases and a high probability of winning if you carefully choose your numbers.

The worst-case scenario will be 3rd since it has the most unfavorable case scenarios (17 out of 18) and the lowest victory probability (1/18).

What is Probability?

The area of mathematics known as probability deals with numerical descriptions of how likely it is for an event to happen or for a claim to be true. A number between 0 and 1 is the probability of an event, where, broadly speaking, 0 denotes the frequency event's impossibility and 1 denotes its frequency certainty. The likelihood of an event occurring increases as its probability increases. The fundamental principles and patterns of complex systems are also explained by probability theory. An objective or physical condition of affairs is described by a number of objectivists. Frequentist probability, which asserts that the likelihood of a random event indicates the likelihood that the results of an experiment would occur on average frequently when the experiment is repeatedly run, is the most widely accepted interpretation of objective probability. In this perspective, the probability is viewed as the proportional frequency of outcomes "over the long run."

To learn more about Probability from the given link



To win at these games seems quite easy! Use you knowledge of probability to compute the likelihood of winning each of these games and rank them from best to worst odds. Explain your answer.

How would a probability to win of .42 translate into an expected amount won if you had $5.00? Assume that each time you win, you double your money, and each time you lose, you lose what you bet.

Imagine a scenario where you'd put one dollar on each of five games, each with a probability of winning of .42, and you do NOT roll your winnings into another game. (Hint: Your expected "winnings" would always be negative, but how much would you expect to lose?)

If people win every day in Las Vegas gambling casinos, why do the casinos always take in more money than they pay out? Use a specific probability example to explain your answer.

There are many ways to win each of these games. Some of these "wins" are harder and thus provide better payoffs (for example, spinning a number between 1-4 in Roulette is harder, and thus pays better odds, than simply spinning a number between 1-18). Here are two modified game scenarios:

You win if you spin a 3, 13, 23, or 33 in Double Roulette. You lose on any other roll.

You win if you roll two or more of your chosen value (you choose 3 and roll 2+ 3's) in a roll of Chuck-A-Luck. You lose with any other combination of the dice.

In which scenario do you have the best chance of winning? In which scenario do you have the worst chance of winning? In which scenario would you be willing to bet the largest amount of money?

using the percentage of sales method, forecasted retained earnings balance is equal to group of answer choices the ratio of retained earnings to sales for the current year multiplied by projected sales for next year prior year retained earnings plus projected net income less projected dividends the retained earnings balance for the current year as no changes are made to this financing account when using the percent of sales method the ratio of retained earnings to sales for the current year multiplied by projected sales for next year, minus dividends paid


The only obligations that change proportionally with sales are accrued costs and accounts payable.

Why is sales strategy crucial?

Each sales team needs a sales methodology to help them cooperate toward the same objective—gaining more clients and closing more transactions. It serves as the foundation of effective selling since it provides answers to the "What to do" and "How to accomplish it" questions inside a sales process.

What steps comprise the sales process?

Here are the seven major steps in the sales process: prospecting, making contact, qualifying your lead, nurturing your lead, putting forth your offer, dealing with objections, and closing the deal.

To know more about sales method visit:


At the end of the car model year, what source of financing for a new car would probably have the best terms?​​​​​​​ Select only one answer.
1.) a collateral loan from a bank
2.) a collateral loan from the car company
3.) a home equity loan
4.) revolving credit line


The source of financing for a new car would probably have the best terms is a collateral loan from a bank. Thus, option first is correct.

Why do lenders ask for collateral while lending?

Collateral is an asset or kind of tangible wealth owned by the borrower, such as a home, cattle, or automobile. Banks make loans to borrowers on the basis of these assets. The collateral acts as a kind of security for the lender.

Banks are one of the most common forms of automobile finance, with around 40% of all car purchasers obtaining a loan from them. Because each bank analyzes risk differently, interest rates might vary significantly.

A bank collateral loan would most likely offer the finest conditions for financing a new automobile. As a result, option one is correct.

Learn more about loan here:


which of the following strategies should a multinational company use to deal with its lack of detailed or experiential knowledge of the foreign markets the company wants to enter?


a. start with low-commitment transactions.


Starting with low-commitment transactions is a strategy that a multinational company can use to gain experiential knowledge of a foreign market without committing significant resources. Low-commitment transactions are activities or investments that do not require a significant financial or time commitment and can help a company test the waters and gather information about a new market.

Some examples of low-commitment transactions that a company might consider include the following:

- Participating in trade shows or exhibitions in the target market to gather information about the market and make initial contacts with potential customers or partners.

- Conduct market research through online surveys or focus groups to gather insights about consumer preferences and behaviors in the target market.

- Establishing a small sales office or distribution center in the target market to test the viability of the market and gather firsthand experience.

- Partnering with a local company or distributor to sell the company's products or services in the target market, allowing the company to gain exposure without committing significant resources.

Overall, starting with low-commitment transactions can help a company gain a better understanding of the foreign market and assess the potential for success before committing significant resources.

Learn more about The Commitment Transactions here:


this financial recovery plan gave 13 billion dollars worth of materials to european countries to stabilize their economies after wwii.


Marshall plan gave 13 billion dollars worth of materials to European countries to stabilize their economies after WWII.

What is the marshall plan?

The Marshall Plan was a 1948 American effort designed to give Western Europe foreign assistance. After World War II, the United States gave Western European economies about $13 billion in economic recovery projects. Following the devastation of World War II, the United States launched a program known as the Marshall Plan, commonly referred to as the European Recovery Program, to aid Western Europe. It was passed in 1948 and offered more than $15 billion to aid in financing the continent's reconstruction operations. the increase in agricultural and industrial products throughout Europe; the re-establishment of stable currencies, budgets, and financial systems in each particular European nation; and the promotion of global trade within Europe and between Europe and the rest of the globe.

To learn more about Marshall Plan click on the given link:


Business risk is concerned with the operations of the firm. Which of the following is not associated with or not a part of business risk?
A ) Demand variability.
B ) Sales price variability.
C ) The extent to which operating costs are fixed.
D ) Changes in required returns due to financing decisions.


The correct option that is not associated with business risk is the letter D) changes in required returns due to financing decisions. We are supposed that these decisions were taken by the company owners, considering factors to mitigate possible risks. Therefore, in this case, do not represent a risk.

Instead, variability of demand, sales price, and operating costs are business risk factors that could cause uncertainty and possible losses if there are unforeseen and negative events.

What is business risk?

It is the possibility that a company has financial losses or bankruptcy due to unforeseen internal or external events in the future. For this reason, organizations must establish permanent risk mitigation plans.

To learn more about business risk, click here:


Inside the boxes of a new brand of cereal is a short survey that can be mailed back for free to the manufacturer. The survey asks the consumer if he/she likes the cereal or not. What, if any, bias might affect the survey results? a.sampling bias b.nonresponse bias c.sampling and nonresponse bias d.unbias


When a research study does not employ a representative sample of a target population, sampling bias—a sort of survey bias—occurs.

Types of sampling bias:


When a segment of the population of interest is not fairly represented in the sample, this is also known as exclusion bias. In the preceding example of the presidential election, this was true.

Voluntary response bias:

This kind of bias occurs when participants in study are more likely to exhibit certain features in respondents. In this instance, research participants provide their consent to take part. Volunteers are more likely to have an opinion on the subject under investigation.

Survivorship bias:

In survivorship bias, the sample is concentrated on those who meet the requirements for selection. Those that fail are disregarded, which results in underrepresentation.

Non-response bias:

When a group of respondents declines to participate in a study or leaves during the study period, this is known as non-response, or participation bias. This may be as a result of the survey's length, the way the questions are organized, or the survey's sensitive subject matter.

Recall bias:

Recall bias occurs when survey participants' memories are inaccurate due to human memory limitations. By getting replies immediately after the event you're researching, you might be able to lessen recall bias. However, memory bias is often unavoidable and there is little you can do about it. Some responders might not remember certain events as well as others.

Learn more about sampling bias:


which of these psychological pricing tactics is likely going on when a seller positions a dress among expensive competitors and away from the less-expensive garments in the store?


Through the quality-price assumption, the vendor is attempting to affect the reference pricing of the customers.

What is quality-price assumption?

By essentially charging more for a commodity, the price quality-based positioning strategy aims to give buyers the impression that the product is of higher quality than the competition. In actuality, it is a strategy that is quite effective. There are many various pricing tactics, but four are frequently employed by small business owners: competitive pricing, cost-plus pricing, markup pricing, and demand pricing. To remain competitive in marketplaces under rising volume and price pressure, the proper pricing strategy is crucial. It gives you the compensation you are due for the goods and services you provide and ensures the earnings you need to make investments in change and expansion.

To learn more about quality-price assumption click,


the cost of controlling emissions at a firm rises rapidly as the amount of emissions reduced increases. here is a possible model: c(q)


We the cost of controlling emissions at a firm rises rapidly will be 8000.

q= 6000+ 100q² = 40

Now, we can find C

C(q)= 0+100+2q

C (40) = 0+100+2*40

C (40) = 8000

What is cost?

A cost is the worth of money that has been expended to produce something or provide a service and is therefore no longer available for use in production, research, retail, and accounting. In the case of an acquisition cost, the money spent on the acquisition is considered the cost.

What are the two main types of cost?

Costs come in two types: fixed and variable. Although fixed and variable costs have different effects on the business, both are crucial to its profitability.

To know more about cost, click here-


2. Corporate income taxes are NOT imposed by which of the following?
O A. State governments
O B. Local governments
OC. Foreign governments
O D. Universal governments


foreign governments

You have collected data for the 50 U. S. states and estimated the following relationship between the change in the unemployment rate from the previous year ( Delta ) and the growth rate of the respective state real GDP (gy). The results are as follows Delta ur = 2.81 - 0.23 times gy, R2 = 0.36, SER = 0.78 Assume that the estimator has a normal distribution, the 95 % confidence for the slop is approximately the interval


In the given case,

[-0.31, -0.15] [-0.23-0.04 x 1.96, -0.23+0.04x1.96]. per convention, the number in parentheses underneath

of the parameter estimate is its standard error.

What do you mean by standard error?
The standard deviation of a statistic's sample distribution, or an approximation of that standard deviation, is the statistic's standard error. The term "standard error of the mean" is used when referring to a statistic that is the sample mean.You may determine the accuracy of the comparison between the mean of any given sample from a population and the actual population mean by looking at the standard error. Any given mean is more likely to be an inaccurate depiction of the genuine population mean as the standard error rises, or as the means grow more dispersed.

To know more about Standard Error here


a company uses the aging of receivables method. during the year, the company recorded credit sales of $620,000. before adjusting entries at year-end, the company has accounts receivable of $340,000, of which $56,000 is past due, and the allowance account had a credit balance of $2,700. the company expects it will not collect 8% of the amount not yet past due and 24% of the past due accounts. which of the following adjusting entries will the company record at year-end?


$33,460  of the following adjusting entries will the company record at year-end.

What do you mean by sales?

A sale is an agreement between a buyer and a seller during which the seller exchanges money for the sale of physical or intangible products, assets, or services. There are a number of people involved in a sale. A sale, or a contract between a number of parties, such as the buyer and seller, can be thought of in larger terms.


Credit sales = $620,000

Accounts receivable = $340,000

Past due = $56,000

Credit balance = $2,700

Rate = 8 %

Rate = 24 %


so here Not yet past due is = $340,000 - $56,000 -

Not yet past due = $284,000


past due = $56,000

so  Required provision is

Required provision = $284,000 × 8% + $56,000 × 24 %

Required provision = $36,160


Opening balance is $2,700

Required expense for year = $36,160 - $2,700

Required expense for year  = $33,460

so here

correct entry is

Bad Debt Expense Dr. $33,460    

Allowance for Uncollectible accounts Cr. $33,460

To know more about Sales visit:


What is the process of dividing a group of customers into smaller sub-groups,
based on similarities within the sub-groups?

Sentiment analysis
Data mining
Customer segmentation
A/B testing


The practice of segmenting a client base into groups of people who are similar in particular aspects significant to marketing, such as age, gender, interests, and purchasing patterns, is known as customer segmentation.

What are the benefits of customer segmentation?

Customer segmentation is a powerful tool that firms can use to more closely align their strategy and tactics with their customers and more effectively target them.

Since every customer is unique and every customer journey is unique, a single strategy frequently won't be effective for everyone. This is when consumer segmentation proves to be an effective strategy.

The subject of creating a marketing persona can also be introduced using these customer segmentation groupings.

This is because, in order for marketing personas to be effective, they must be closely related to the consumer groups that are often used to guide a brand's messaging, positioning, and efforts to increase sales.

Learn more about customer segmentation, here


The method of measuring long-lived assets at their estimated value in an input market is the: Multiple Choice expected benefit approach. economic sacrifice approach. discounted present value approach. net realizable value approach.


The economic sacrifices approach is a way to measure long-lived investments at their anticipated worth in an input market.

Who or what is an economist?

Economy is the study of limitation and how it affects how resources are used, how commodities and services are produced, how production and welfare increase over time, and a wide range of other complicated concerns that are extremely important to society.

What makes economics so crucial?

People who study economics are better able to comprehend their surroundings. It makes it possible for people to comprehend other people, organizations, markets, and governments, enabling them to better react to the challenges and possibilities that arise when circumstances change.

To know more about economic visit:


which of these categories of workers is expected to increase at about the same rate as employment in the u.s. economy over the next decade?


The category of workers that is expected to increase at about the same rate as employment in the U.S. economy over the next decade is computer support specialists.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:Overall employment of computer support specialists is projected to grow 6 percent from 2021 to 2031, about as fast as the average for all occupations. About 75,000 openings for computer support specialists are projected each year, on average, over the decade.

What do computer support specialists do?

Computer support specialists provide technical help to computer users, such as employees or customers of organizations. This job has a high demand in the world.

To learn more about computer support specialists, click here:


under which of the following circumstances would a cost-benefit analysis be most likely to result in a person offering helpful assistance?


When the costs of helping are low and the rewards are high (A) could a cost-benefit analysist be most likely to result in a person offering helpfull assistance.

Cost-Benefit analysis helps business to analyze which decision to make in the decision making process. Cost-benefit analysis provides a company with the potential rewards to be expected from an action relative to the total costs associated with taking that action. Cost-benefit analysis requires measurable financial metrics such as revenue earned or costs saved as a result of the decision.

Cost-benefit anaysis is a form of data-driven decision making. Cost-benefit analysis helps a company to parse out critical information such as organiation's value chain or project's ROI. Cost-benefit analysis could be done by the following steps:

Establish a frameworkIdentify costs and benefitsAssign value to each cost and benefitTally the total value of benefits and costs and compare them

Learn more about Cost-Benefit Analysis here:


Complete Question:

Under which of the following circumtances would a cost-benefit analysis be most likely to result in a person offering helpful assistance?

a. When the costs are low and the rewards are high

b. when the costs are high and the rewards are low

c. when both the costs and rewards are both high

d. when both the costs and rewards are both low

100 POINTS PLEASE HELP Supply curves shift to the left when a product is more expensive to create. All of the following are examples of scenarios that would cause this EXCEPT:
A. higher materials cost
B. higher minimum wage for employees
C. higher demand from customers


Answer: C


Why is data mining useful




Helps to find things easily

the purchase and sale of government securities to fund government activities and alter the money supply involves which of the following monetary policies of the federal reserve?


The purchase and sale of government securities to fund government activities and alter the money supply involves Open-market operations

What do you mean by OMO?

The Federal Reserve uses open market operations (OMOs), which are central banks' purchases and sales of assets on the open market, as a key tool for carrying out monetary policy. The Federal Open Market Committee establishes the short-term goal for open market operations (FOMC).Open market operations are designed to alter the reserve balances of American banks and bring about reactionary adjustments to the current interest rates. The Fed can expand the money supply in the US by purchasing securities.

To know more about OMO here


The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act requires that
companies meet notice requirements of how many days before reducing a
OA. 60 days
B. 30 days
C. 90 days
OD. 14 days

Answer: A. 60 days


The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act requires that companies meet notice requirements of  60 days. Option A

What is meant by the  (WARN) Act ?

Mass layoffs and qualified plant closings are now more likely to be announced in advance according to the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act. To help employees and employers understand their rights and obligations under the terms of WARN, the U.S. Department of Labor has compliance support materials available.

Provides protection for workers, their families, and communities by mandating the majority of firms with 100 or more employees to notify affected parties about plant closures and mass layoffs 60 days in advance.

Read more on the WARN act here:


Which of the following ratios increases when inventory is sold on account for a price equal to itsoriginal cost?
A. Current
B. Quick
C. Return on assets
D. Return on equity


Quick ratios would increases when inventory is sold on account for a price equal to itsoriginal cost.

About quick ratio

Quick ratio  is one of the financial ratios used to measure the liquidity position of a company, project, investment center or profit center.

The special feature of this ratio from other Liquidity Ratios is that the Quick Ratio only takes into account cash and cash equivalent items for calculation and interpretation.

It ignores other items that may not be quickly converted to easy cash from the calculations.

For example, inventory is not included in the calculation because it takes so long to convert into cash. This ratio is sometimes called the Acid Test Ratio or the acid-test ratio but the meaning is still the same.

If the ratio is higher than one, it means that the current assets of the entity after deduction of inventories are higher than the current liabilities. This further means the entity can use current assets to pay off current liabilities.

Or we can say that the entity is financially sound on the basis of what this ratio tells us.

Likewise, if the ratio is lower than one, the entity may not be able to pay off its current liabilities using current assets. It can be said that the entity is not financially sound.

Learn more about quick ratio at


Which of the following reflects sustainable competitive advantage?
OA. A nail salon that does unique nail designs
OB. A shoe company that has the lowest prices in the area
C. A clothing company that has been around for decades
OD. A coffee shop that is known for having the strongest coffee

Answer: C. A clothing company


A clothing company that has been around for decades reflects sustainable competitive advantage. The appropriate response is option C.

What is sustainable competitive advantage?

A group of resources, traits, or skills that enable a firm to outperform its rivals in satisfying the demands of its customers are known as sustainable competitive advantages. The ability to copy or recreate sustainable competitive advantages is tough.

Three types of sustainable advantages may be identified: greater access to resources or consumers, scale in the targeted market, and limitations on rivals' alternatives.

To learn more about sustainable competitive advantage


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how does what you have read in this week's reading assignment compare with the findings that the national urban league found in the video? by giving examples, compare and contrast at least three findings. alpha corporation, an industrial chemical producer, has been very successful in the industrial chemical market. its research and development team is working on products that will be used in farming. it needs $100 million to expand its production and develop its new products. it has agreed to issue written pledges that it will repay a specified amount of money with interest on a particular day. because it is uncertain it will have sufficient funds available if all of the pledges should become due on the same day, none of the pledges will be paid during the first 15 years. after 15 years, 10 percent of the pledges will mature each year until all of them are retired at the end of the 25th year. what are the pledges? PLEASE HELP 35 POINTS MATH Which is not found on the periodic table of elements. the atomic number of each element, the rarity of each element, the atomic mass of each element Your patient is in cardiac arrest and has been intubated. To assess CPR quality, you should?a. obtain a chest x-rayb. check the patient's pulsec. monitor the patient's PETCO2d. obtain a 12-lead ECG Under what conditions do you think extraverts make more effective leaders than introverts? What unique abilities of introverts could make them more effective in some situations? What does 1/2 of a number mean? An object has a mass of 785g and a volume of 15cm. What is its density? (Give your answer in g/cm to 2 decimal places). How do you draw a 1 1 scale bar? How do you calculate moles at STP? When all authorized shares of stock have the same rights and characteristics, the stock is called _______ stock. to pay for social insurance programs administered by the social security administration, employers, employees, and the unemployed must contribute. Name 5 Major Generals of Japanese Army during WW2. glucose is not readily available in the diets of most heterotrophs. so, how do organisms combat this to still go through glycolysis for energy? organisms, like humans, will obtain most of their daily calories from food in the forms of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. the catabolism of these molecules will allow for their monomers to enter glycolysis and the citric acid cycle. what happens in the absence of food? starvation leads to significant weight loss. in fact, people can lose up to 10 pounds per week with no food consumption. this dramatic and life threatening weight loss stems from the fact that these people are unable to receive the nutrients they need from food to go through glycolysis and the subsequent steps of cellular respiration. a) identify the macromolecule being catabolized to power cellular respiration when a person is starving. b) identify the monomers of the macromolecule identified in part (a). connect your answer from part (a) to justify how this leads to dramatic weight loss in people who are starving. Module 4A ReviewDue: Friday, December 9, 2022 at 11:59 pmTodays the 12/08/2022And this has 11 long questions If you know this Module 4A ReviewHelp become I'm really going fail What are 3 methods of animal identification? a floppy disc is doubly-interleaved. it has eight sectors of 512 bytes per track, and a rotation rate of 300 rpm. how long does it take to read all the sectors of a track in order, assuming the arm is already correctly positioned, and half rotation is needed to get sector 0 under the head? what is the data rate? now, solve the same problem for the case without interleaving. how much does the data rate degrade because of interleaving? (10 points) ice freezing exothermic or endothermic? New classical economists believe that an increase in deficit financing by the government willa. reduce government spending.b. increase consumption. c. reduce future taxes. d. increase savings. A group of researchers wants to develop an experiment to determine whether a new drug effectively treats high blood pressure. The researchers want to inject the drug in monkeys first to determine whether there are any potential serious side effects.Part A: What are some possible ethical issues to this type of testing? (5 points)Part B: While conducting the experiment, the researchers find that blood pressure levels return to normal, and they declare the drug is the cause of the change. Is this a good assumption? Explain. (5 points) (10 points)