what do you think are the benefits of a democratic system? In what ways did democracy serve Greece and Rome? Has there been a time when democracy didn’t serve Greece or Rome in a way that was beneficial? What circumstances contributed to the failures of democracy you learned about in the lessons on ancient Greece and ancient Rome? Are there any potentially negative aspects of democracy? Why or why not?


Answer 1

Answer: Democracy was having an important role in history, because the Greeks had an important role (political), which led them to developed democracy. Also, Romans had an important role by adding a representative government. As you know people lived under the rule of kings and other rulers who held the power.Mar 23, 2015

sry if wrong don’t be mad pls :)

Answer 2

The benefits of a democracy is the fact that it gives citizens a voice and the rights that they deserve without impositions.

How democracy served Rome and Greece

The way that democracy served these places was that:

Citizens could vote.There were public debates.Laws were made for the people.People could serve in juries.

Through out the tme that they practiced democracy back in the days, it was beneficial to all in the nations.

The circumstances that led to the failures of democracy in these states was invasion and outside influences.

Democracy is known to have bigger positives. There are no known negatives to me.

Read more on democracy here: https://brainly.com/question/3710021

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Why, according to the text, was the Russian Revolution a failure?
Consider the goals of the revolutionaries in your answer. Cite
evidence to support your answer.



The Russian Revolution failed, and Lenin took over as leader, focusing on economic reform. After he died, Russia was left with a communist regime headed by Joseph Stalin. To manipulate the citizens and maintain power, a one-party government that has total control uses terror, propaganda, and censorship.


Is this correct? I’ll Mark you Brainiest only if your answer is correct & accurate... I’m not sure


to be honest i really beleive it was war communism

Which statement best describes how the border states were different from the rest of the states that they stayed loyal to the union?
A.They had more factories to produce weapons than other union states
B. They grow more crops than the rest of the union states
C. They had the largest support from Abraham Lincoln than the rest of the union states
D. They allowed slavery but I did not join the confederacy.
Which state was not one of the border states?
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B. Indiana
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Which statement best describes what Abraham Lincoln said he would do with slavery in the south when he was elected President to the United States?
A . He would allow slavery to continue in the south where it already existed but not allow new states and territories to have slavery
B. He would abolish slavery in the south and all over the United States.
C. He would do absolutely nothing about the slavery
D. He will allow each state to vote on slavery and would protect the rights of the states that vote in favor to have it.


Answer: A

Explanation: A

Which statement best summarizes U.S. actions in Central and South America during the Cold War?
O A. The United States won popular support by punishing U.S. corporations that exploited workers.
B. The United States let the Soviet Union to control the region in order to end the arms race. C. The United States offered support to violent dictators as long as they were not communists. 0 D. The United States avoided becoming involved in proxy wars due to their high cost.​



Option: C. The United States offered support to violent dictators as long as they were not communists.


The United States began to take actions in Central and South America as communism began to found its way in this continent. During the Cold War, America tried to stop communism, particularly in Latin America. The American government help many nations as those countries were willing to fight against communism, no matter how oppressive or undemocratic that regime or government was. Cuba, Argentina, Venezuela, Guatemala, Chile, Paraguay, and the Dominican Republic were some of the nations that got support from America. It also gives rise to dictatorships in Latin America.

C. The United States offered support to violent dictators as long as they were not communists. is correct


why the lawmaking process is important




Law prevents governmental activity from arbitrary actions. At the same time it is possible to establish legal control over government actions and decisions. This principle is important for establishing of the law-making process.

Which of the following was an effect of Manifest Destiny?





One effect of Manifest Destiny inflamed sectional tensions over slavery, which ultimately led to the Civil War.

What is manifest destiny?

Manifest destiny was a cultural belief in the 19th-century United States that American settlers were destined to expand across North America.

Historian William Weeks, describing American foreign policy in the early 19th century, wrote: "The rhetoric of American empire comprises three main aspects: the assumption of the unique moral virtue of the United States, the assertion of its mission to redeem the world by the spread of republican government and more generally the 'American way of life', and the faith in the nation's divinely ordained destiny to succeed in this mission.

Historian Frederick Merk wrote in 1963 that the concept of Manifest destiny was born out of a sense of mission to redeem the Old World by high example generated by the potentialities of a new earth for building a new heaven.

Learn more about Manifest, here:



Who led the independence that caused the changes shown in this table


The answer is Simon Bolivar

Why was it difficult for president Clinton to pass legislation through congress


Because there are very beautiful ladies are passing from there


The majority in both houses of Congress were Republicans.

I NEED THIS NOW PLEASE!!! One of the outcomes of the 1949 Chinese Communist Revolution was the Great Leap Forward. What was planned for this "Leap" to help China, and how did it turn out? Write your answer in a paragraph of at least 125 words.



The Great Leap Forward was a plan that was created to increase China's economy and industry. It was started by the Communist leader Chairman Mao Zedong in 1958 and it ended in 1961.During this time, grain production fell from 200 million tons to 150 million tons. This resulted in widespread famine.The central idea behind the Great Leap was that rapid development of China's agricultural and industrial sectors should take place in parallel. The hope was to industrialize by making use of the massive supply of cheap labour and avoid having to import heavy machinery.The Great Leap Forward damaged China's economy. Machines broke down from overuse and farm production suffered because men who knew little about farming were assigned fields to farm. During the Cultural Revolution, the Red Guards arrested or tortured people who disagreed with Mao's communist ideas.It was Mao's grand deign to mobilize the whole population with hopes of industrializing China quickly. This included the creation of communes to organize the population. It was the Chinese way in which they organized the population. Each one included about 5,000 households or 25,000 people each.The Great Leap Forward was a failure because Mao's Red Guards attackerd anyone consdiered bourgeous. Skilled workers were forced to leave their jobs

How did the Civil War contribute to the long drive? *


In order to sell their cattle, Texan cowboys had to transport their cattle to the markets in the eastern states. Herding cattle over long distances was known as the 'long drive', and the route they took was known as a 'cattle trail'. ... The civil war had a huge impact on the Texan cattle industry.

Como o continente Africano foi partilhado?



Foi partilhado através da Conferência de Berlim.O objetivo era que cada potência europeia tivesse um território na África para explorá-lo. Não coincide e depois eles não se entendem um a outro ou seja aplicam o racismo de pretos ,é por isso ainda estão super atrasados.

Explanation: Foi partilhado através da Conferência de Berlim.O objetivo era que cada potência europeia tivesse um território na África para explorá-lo. Não coincide e depois eles não se entendem um a outro ou seja aplicam o racismo de pretos ,é por isso ainda estão super atrasados.

True Or False
More Americans died in the Civil War than in any
other conflict in American history

The power of state governments grew when the
North won the war.

The Civil War ended slavery and solved the
problems of African Americans.

. If a
statement is false, rewrite it to make it true.





the civil war is what stoped the slavery for people of color in america  alot of slave owners started using irish and scottish people for slaves tho


In 1862, Frederick Douglass wrote, "Negroes have repeatedly threaded their way through the lines of the rebels exposing themselves to bullets to convey important information to the loyal army of the Potomac."

Source: Markle, Donald E. Spies and Spymasters of the Civil War. New York. Hippocrene Books, 1995; pp. 64 - 65.

Which statement best summarizes Frederick Douglass' comments about African American spies?

African American spies were often killed in the line of duty

African American spies mainly worked on naval ships during the American Civil War

African Americans were often refused to relay information to the Union army

African Americans would put themselves in danger to relay information to the Union army.


African Americans would put themselves in danger to relay information to the Union army.

What social challenges has Algeria had to deal with since independence?

poverty, military coups, and food shortages
drought, food shortages, and housing shortages
drought, disease, and government corruption
recession, housing shortages, and civil war



The correct answer is B. drought, food shortages, and housing shortages



drought, food shortages, and housing shortages


What evidence from the passage supports the claim that Pinte.rest is a popular social media platform? Check all that apply.
Almost all American women use Pinte.rest.
It is more popular than Twitter or Face book.
Its membership has increased by more than 50 percent.
Men also use Pinte.rest in greater numbers than expected.
More than 60 percent of mothers of a certain age use Pinte.rest

Passage:While Face book and Twïtter are the most popular social media platforms (according to some rankings), your agency can and should evaluate the benefits of platforms like Pinte.rest, which have seen major growth in users and activity.
In the last six months of 2014, Pinterest increased its membership by 57%, while Face book and Twïtter only grew by 6% and 18%, respectively.
More than 60% of millennial moms use Pinte.rest, making it a platform perfect for agencies looking to communicate topics related to children and women’s health. And perhaps contrary to popular belief, it goes beyond a female audience. Experts say that more men are on Pinterest than read GQ and Sports Illustrated.
– “How Kids.gov ‘Pins’ Down Their Audiences,”
Edgardo Morales



C, D, E


Got it right on Edge


Its membership has increased by more than 50 percent. Men also use Pinterest in greater numbers than expected. More than 60 percent of mothers of a certain age use Pinterest.


Just did it. So they are correct


Explain how ideas of enlightenment philosophers critique the social system and norms described in the letter written by Marie Antoinette to her mother and contributed to the french revolution of 1789- using SAQ
(answer, cite, explain)
there should be 3 sentences or more



I wish I new what itnis soryyyyyyy



money money money ;)

Imagine a situation the school temperature raise money by selling points students how does this compare to the Protestant reformation



The Catholic church was selling a way to get your relatives into heaven which isn't fair because you have to work for it. it would be like if the school sold points for good grades which is why it was compared. the reason for the protestant reformation was partially that they thought you had to work to get into heaven and that it was unfair that the church was selling a way in because it meant that it was hard for poor people.

What happened during the German blitzkrieg?



Blitzkrieg, (German: “lightning war”) military tactic calculated to create psychological shock and resultant disorganization in enemy forces through the employment of surprise, speed, and superiority in matériel or firepower.


Need help pls help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sounds like he’s thinking it’s a historic achievement. He’s only talking about others being super excited for it and no others make sense


ur previous question


Feeling jealous = envy

hey! i’ll give brainliest please help!



it's A: Greece


hope this helped


Hope this helps!

How did the US and Russia compete against each other during the cold war.



Arms Race

Cold war competition between the U.S. and Soviet Union to build up their respective armed forces and weapons


According to the Great
Compromise, a slave was worth
how much of a person in regards
to population count?



3/5 of a man


What is the largest minority ethnic group in Arizona?

A. Hispanic American
B. African American
C. Native American
D. Russian American


The first answer is correct


Its c I got it right


4. How did the Treaty of Versailles add to China's problems?


Answer: What role did the Treaty of Versailles have in aggravating China's problems? By declaring war on Germany, Chinese officials intended to liberate themselves from European rule. China, on the other hand, suffered instead of gaining independence. German-controlled areas of China were simply turned over to Japan.




In many respects, the Treaty of Versailles exacerbated China's issues. For example, Chinese authorities had planned to gain independence from European authority by waging war on Germany. China, on the other hand, suffered instead of gaining independence. German-controlled areas of China were literally turned over to Japan.

What battle was the turning point in the Pacific that put the Japanese on the defensive and the Americans on the offensive?
A. The Battle of Guadalcanal
B. The Battle of the Coral Sea
C. The Battle of Midway
D. The Battle of Iwo Jima


I believe it’s option c sorry if I’m incorrect though

Which of the televangelists you just learned about started a political movement supporting conservative views? Why was this significant?



The answer is below


Jerry Falwell was widely known as a televangelist who founded the organization known as Moral Majority. The organization concentrated on the issue of the advancement of conservative social virtues and usefulness.

His movement and position was significant as the American political organization he founded was widely attributed to have made lasting impacts in American politics by creating the religious right as an important political player.

hey! i’ll give brainliest please help.






Why is Georgia important to US history? it needs to be 5-7 sentences long



Although initially conceived of by James Oglethorpe as a refuge for London's indebted prisoners, Georgia was ultimately established in 1732 to protect South Carolina and other southern colonies from Spanish invasion through Florida.

A government where citizens rule through elected representatives.

Select the correct answer and explain. (No links please)

a. Anti-federalists

b. Articles of Confederation

c. Republic

d. Three-Fifths Compromise

e. Checks and Balances

f. Bill of Rights

g. Virginia Plan



The answer is C. Republic.


A republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.

Republic, a form of government, in which a state is ruled by representatives of the citizen body. Modern republics are founded on the idea that sovereignty rests with the people, though who is included and excluded from the category of the people has varied across history. Because citizens do not govern the state themselves but through representatives, republics may be distinguished from direct democracy, though modern representative democracies are by and large republics. The term republic may also be applied to any form of government in which the head of state is not a hereditary monarch.

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