Ok so uhm- could someone please send me information about Jefferson Davis? More than 5 facts, anything about his career, family, life, etc. Answer can be in Spanish or English (spanish preferred) :V


Answer 1


Davis was not a secessionist leader. ...

As a West Point cadet, Davis was arrested for participating in the “Eggnog Riot.” ...

He was named after a Founding Father. ...

A future U.S. president was his father-in-law. ...

Davis served as U.S. Secretary of War. ...

He established the U.S. Camel Corps.

Answer 2


Davis no era un líder secesionista... Como cadete de West Point, Davis fue arrestado por participar en el "Eggnog Riot".  Fue nombrado en honor a un Padre Fundador.... Un futuro presidente estadounidense era su suegro.... Davis se desempeñó como Secretario de Guerra de los Estados Unidos.... Estableció el Cuerpo camel de los EE. UU.


i dont know if all the spanish is rightt sorry

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Could someone PLS send me 5 career highlights about Abraham Lincoln's life? You can write the answer in Spanish or English idrc-



-The civil right movement

-Free the slaves

-Giving the most known speech in American history(along with Martin Luther king Jr) Also known as the Gettysburg address

-He was known for being the president that went to serve in the military.

-As President, he built the Republican Party into a strong national organization. Further, he rallied most of the northern Democrats to the Union cause. On January 1, 1863, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation that declared forever free those slaves within the Confederacy.


1. Preservation of the Union
2. Vindication of democracy
3. Death of slavery
4. Issued the Emancipation Proclamation
5. His leadership during the American Civil War

Which of Leonardo Da Vinci's inventions were the most important or impactful on the world? (please only one invention) Please please answer in a short paragraph and include how your selection impacted or changed the world in some way. Ty <3



Cannon barrels (the automatic weapon)

Leonardo was seriously concerned by the insufficiencies of contemporary warfare, especially irritated by the time between cannon fire shots, caused by the need for relocation. Leonardo devised a multi-barreled cannon to spin a line of cannons and recharge another: a precursor of the day modern machine gun.

Juanita is standing on the ground located at the North Pole, Clara is standing on the ground located at the South Pole. Explain how both can stand
with their feet on the ground?


it’s because of gravity

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Answer: Monday Friday


Please help like don´t do fake answers, I really need it
Why were treaties made with Native Americans and what was the impact of the treaty-making period?
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Prior to becoming Washington's first Territorial Governor, Isaac Stevens had been charged with making treaties with the Native Americans. The goal was to secure the necessary resources for building the railroad and to obtain land sought by the ever-increasing stream of settlers flowing into the region.

How can current economic choices affect the future?



Our future is determined by the choices we make, don't make, or leave for others to make for us. If we don't like the present we are living, we can create a new one – the power is ours. ... Those choices don't just impact the moment, they echo throughout our professional and personal lives.


In short, personal finance decision-making can affect the economy as a whole. One example: Savings are the lifeblood of investment, and investment is the driver of increases in our nation's standard of living. ... Savings can fuel or starve economic growth — depending, in part, on everyone's personal decision making.

How does the availability of natural resources vary among Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific islands?

A. All the islands struggle to find enough water.
B. The same natural resources are found across the region.
C. Lower islands tend to have more water.
D. More natural resources are found on higher islands.



I think this would be ( b)

The same natural resources are found across the region

Someone please answer this!!!! I’m beginning youuuu

Choose 3 Muslim, Jewish and Christian architectural works in Spain.
Determining articulations of space, formal details and singularities can help define the purpose, style or concept of an architectural work. Also identify particular characteristics and the function they perform.



Biology is the science that studies life, but what exactly is life? This may sound like a silly question with an obvious response, but it is not always easy to define life. For example, a branch of biology called virology studies viruses, which exhibit some of the characteristics of living entities but lack others.

I'm not sure about the Jewish but I know that:

The synagogue is the Jewish place of worship but is also used as a place to study, and often as a community more center as well. Orthodox Jews often use the Yiddish word shul (pronounced shool) to refer to their synagogue. In the USA, synagogues are often called temples.

Gothic architecture In Spain

Gothic architecture in Spain was more decorative than Gothic architecture in other European countries because many Moorish features were added. This happened also with Renaissance architecture and Baroque architecture. Even today it is exerting its influence in many modern buildings.


Church architecture refers to the architecture of buildings of Christian churches. It has evolved over the two thousand years of the Christian religion, partly by innovation and partly by imitating other architectural styles as well as responding to changing beliefs, practices, and local traditions.

Mughal architecture:

A major aspect of Mughal architecture is the symmetrical nature of buildings and courtyards. Akbar, who ruled in the 16th century, made major contributions to Mughal architecture. He systematically designed forts and towns in similar symmetrical styles that blended Indian styles with outside influences.

Please help!!!
Describe why estuaries are an important aquatic ecosystem.



Estuaries filter out sediments and pollutants from rivers and streams before they flow into the ocean,providing clean water for humans and marine life


hope this helps

Answer: Because they are biologically productive.

Explanation: Estuaries provide ideal areas for migratory birds to rest and refuel during their long journeys. Also because many species of fish and wildlife rely on the sheltered waters of estuaries as protected spawning places, estuaries are often called the "nurseries of the sea."

Describe the Expanding Democracy and explain who gained in the democracy and who remained the same. (5 Sentences)



Here The Answer You Finsh It To


The Democrary And It Explained They abolished the property right to vote and expanded voting to white males. Also, the U.S. bought two huge lands, which was the Louisiana Territory and Florida (New Spain).




2. (down)=constitution





Who was Louis Riel and why is he an important figure in Canadian history?
What were the Red River and Northwest Rebellions?
Why was Riel tried, convicted, and hanged for treason in 1885?
Why do the Métis people regard Riel as one of their great heroes?
What evidence is there that Riel was a hero, a traitor, and a maniac?


Answer: He led two resistance movements against the government of Canada and its first prime minister, John A. Macdonald. Riel sought to defend Métis rights and identity as the Northwest Territories came progressively under the Canadian sphere of influence. In the summer of 1884, the Métis of Saskatchewan brought Louis Riel, who had led the earlier Red River Rebellion, back to Canada from exile in the United States. Riel urged dissatisfied people in the region to unite and press their case on Canadian Prime Minister John A. The execution took place November 16, 1885, at what is now the RCMP training academy, near the modern-day RCMP Heritage Centre. "We tried Riel for treason," one juror later said, "and he was hanged for the murder of Scott. "Louis Riel Day is held every year on November 16 across the Métis homelands. November 16 is the anniversary of Riel's execution in 1885. During that year, Riel led Métis people in the Northwest Resistance, which was a stand against the Government of Canada because it was encroaching on Metis rights and our way-of-life.Louis Riel was branded a traitor to Canada – but he was no traitor. ... There was at this time in the territory, however, a group of transplanted Loyalists who saw these acts as ... evidence from class notes, the film we watched, or another source.


hope this helps you


He led two resistance movements against the government of Canada and its first prime minister, John A. Macdonald. Riel sought to defend Méti's rights and identity as the Northwest Territories came progressively under the Canadian sphere of influence.

Why were Jewish children brought to Britain but not their parents?



because In the ghettos, Jewish children died from starvation, exposure, and a lack of adequate clothing and shelter. The German authorities were indifferent to this mass death.


How was the amendment below passed?

a) The voters of 2/3rds of the states

b) A 2/3rds vote of Congress

c) A 2/3rds vote of Congress and 3/4ths of the States

d) Signed by the President, confirmed by the Senate

Please be sure and dont send links.


Yah it’s D. Sorry for the late response

Y’all Please help me!!!!



Last one


help help help help help help


C.) A sound wave cannot travel in a vacuum because there are no molecules to transfer energy.
The answer would be C I believe

What were some of the challenges faced by children brought to Britain through the kindertransport?




one of the challenges faced by the kids was separation from their family's

ok ok but these sweetarts are bussin bussin no cap





lol !!

Cmon sharing is caring

All of these items followed the direction of the arrow EXCEPT.
A. Measles
B. Syphilis
C. Tobacco
D. Tomato


I think it would be D
The answer is tobacco because they trade tobacco for slaves

adam smith believed that a person's self-interest would _____.



Smith found that self-interest and rational self-interest were powerful motivators of economic activity.

Adam Smith was one of the first economists to explain how self-interest and rational self-interest in a free-market economy can lead to overall economic well-being.


Smith argued that by giving everyone freedom to produce and exchange goods as they pleased (free trade) and opening the markets up to domestic and foreign competition, people's natural self-interest would promote greater prosperity than with stringent government regulations .

Self-interest refers to actions that elicit personal benefit. Adam Smith, the father of modern economics, explains that the best economic benefit for all can usually be accomplished when individuals act in their own self-interest. His explanation of the Invisible Hand reveals that when dozens or even thousands act in their own self-interest, goods and services are created that benefit consumers and producers.

Which of these officials in Georgia executive branch is a constitutional officer. They are elected by the voters of Georgia and NOT appointed by the governor?
A.Commissioner of Corrections
B.Director of the GBI
C.Commissioner of Juvenile Justice
D.The State School Superintendent



C) Comisson of Juevenile Justice

Please help me!!

The table below shows a linear relationship between x and y.
What is the rate of change for this relationship



I think the answer is 20 if it's wrong srry idrk

which of the following best describes a free-market economy?
a. government controls it
b. businesses determine what products to create and sell
c. government determines what products to create and sell
d. businesses must give many of their profits to the government


B. The government does not control it therefore you’re free to do more
B since it is self managed not managed by the government

Why and how has Mexico’s economy changed in recent years?


The Mexican economy has had unprecedented macroeconomic stability, which has reduced inflation and interest rates to record lows and has increased per capita income.

Describe the life of a cowhand.
Please make it be complete sentences and dont just do it for the points. I actually need help!



They had to deal with intense weather conditions. Cowhands also spent 18 hours on the trail and received less than $1 a day.



A complete sentence has to have a subject and a verb, and the verb has to be a "finite": A sentence with its main verb in an '-ing' form will not be a complete sentence. *Marge swimming. A sentence with its main verb in an infinitive form ("to" + verb) will not be a complete sentence.


hope this helps

What was the bestselling car in 2008-2014?



Ford F-series


hope this helps


Ford F-Series


The Ford F-Series full-size pickup truck was crowned the best-selling vehicle in the U.S. for 2008. The 27th year running with sales of 515,513. The Ford F-Series was, of course, also the best-selling truck in the U.S. for 2008, claiming that title for the 32nd year in a row.

What is Vermont known for?
maple syrup



maple syrup



maple syrup


they have a reputation for having the best maple syrup

Which statement describes the social contract? People want church and state to be separate to protect their religious liberty. People agree to participate in government as long as the government follows their wishes. People want the government to separate its powers so that it does not violate their rights. People agree to follow the laws in exchange for the government protecting their individual rights.




A or B. sorry if incorrect


In moral and political philosophy, the social contract is a theory or model that originated during the Age of Enlightenment and usually concerns the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual. Social contract arguments typically posit that individuals have consented, either explicitly or tacitly, to surrender some of their freedoms and submit to the authority (of the ruler, or to the decision of a majority) in exchange for protection of their remaining rights or maintenance of the social order. The relation between natural and legal rights is often a topic of social contract theory. The term takes its name from The Social Contract (French: Du contrat social ou Principes du droit politique), a 1762 book by Jean-Jacques Rousseau that discussed this concept. Although the antecedents of social contract theory are found in antiquity, in Greek and Stoic philosophy and Roman and Canon Law, the heyday of the social contract was the mid-17th to early 19th centuries, when it emerged as the leading doctrine of political legitimacy.

A social contract is best described as when people want the government to separate its powers so that it does not violate their rights.

What is a social contract?

This means a sort of agreement between the people and their government signifying their consent to be governed

Therefore, the Option C is correct.

Read more about social contract


Unrealistic life situation:

You are in a city, but on the more tourist-focused area.

A friend of yours comes up to you and says, "Come on, I want to show you something over here!"

You go with them.

They bring you into an ally, surprisingly clean.

You turn the corner into another ally splitting from the ally, but with a back wall. It looked like nobody has ever been here, yet it is still fairly clean.

They rub your chest, you have no idea what is even happening. Your face looks confused, and so is your brain.

What do you do?
A. Throw you both into awkwardness
B. Pepper Spray
C. Push them away
D. You mug them
E. Do what they want you to do.
F. Secret Ending, they mug you.


All of the above because why not
C. Cause I don’t want anyone rubbing in my business ✌️ we ain’t like that,

Write a letter to your state legislator giving him/her your opinion about creating a state holiday on November 4th (the official date Maryland freed their slaves).



Juneteenth is the celebration of Black American emancipation that started in Texas, marking the date in 1865 that enslaved people there were told they had been freed two years earlier.

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