what do you predict Howard Zinn will say about the
United States' reasons for entering WWI?


Answer 1

The main thrust of Howard Zinn's defense of why the United States went to war was that doing so would increase the country's financial security. It was also about the ruling class maintaining or gaining control of society. The European Alliances were the main players in the conflict, not the United States.

President Woodrow Wilson requested a declaration of war against Germany in front of a joint session of Congress on April 2, 1917. Wilson highlighted Mexico's attempts to form an alliance against the United States as well as Germany's breach of its agreement to halt unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean as justifications for starting a war. The resolution to declare war on Germany was approved by the Senate of the United States on April 4, 1917. Two days later, the House agreed.

On December 7, 1917, the United States formally declared war on Austria-Hungary, a German ally.

Learn more about World War here: https://brainly.com/question/446364


Related Questions

Can someone please help me write 1 or 2 (doesn't matter) paragraphs about the "Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (March 25, 1911) ?


The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire is one of the most tragic incidents in American industrial history, which claimed the lives of 146 workers whose deaths were preventable. It was a calamity caused by the fire that broke out in a fabric company causing deaths and injuries to workers.

What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire?

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of March 25, 1911, was a fire incident that took place at a garment factory in Greenwich Village,  Manhattan, New York City.

It started on a rag bin on the top floor and spread to other parts of the factory building.

The tragedy resulted in the death of 146 garment workers. The workers could not escape because the doors to the staircase and the exits were locked. This locking of the door was commonly practiced then to avoid theft and workers from taking unauthorized breaks.

Some of the victims died as a result of smoke inhalation or from falling to death while jumping out of the window.

This fire incident and others like it prompted some legislation on health and safety in the workplace to curtail the recurrence of such a situation.

Thus, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire resulted in the death of 146 workers because the exits were locked and workers could not escape.

Find out more about the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire at brainly.com/question/13651032.


What will be the immediate effect if the government sets the price for rent at Point A?
The price of rent will rise to meet equilibrium.
The price of rent will fall to meet equilibrium.
There will be a shortage of rental properties.
There will be a surplus of rental properties.


The immediate effect if the government sets the price for rent at Point A would be that "There will be a shortage of rental properties."

The graphic depicts the link between supply per rental and demand (blue line) (red line). The intersection of the two lines, known as the break-even point, is where supply and demand for rent are equal. Between lines A and B is where this balance exists.The economy won't reach equilibrium if the government mandates that the price must be B since, at B, the quantity demanded will exceed the supply because the prices charged are below equilibrium. Although there won't be any stimulus, it will be beneficial for claimants but bad for bidders. Consequently, there will be a lack of available dwellings.

Thus the correct option is C.

Refer here to learn more about price for rent: https://brainly.com/question/11257863


9 Which statement supports the idea that Americans need to eat more fruits and vegetables? A. American teens have a lower rate of type 2 diabetes. B. Most American adults do not get enough sodium. C. Potassium is under-consumed by most Americans. D. Vitamin D is primarily gained from sunlight.


Which statement supports the idea that Americans need to eat more fruits and vegetables?

A. American teens have a lower rate of type 2 diabetes.

B. Most American adults do not get enough sodium.

C. Potassium is under-consumed by most Americans.

D. Vitamin D is primarily gained from sunlight.

Answer: C. Potassium is under-consumed by most Americans.


I need this answer quick!

Lee (left) surrendered April 9, 1865. After all the bloodshed and destruction, how would the country heal?



They became prisoners of the war so they did not have no time to heal


The official surrender ceremony occurred a few days later, on the 12th. Though Lee’s army had surrendered, the war wasn’t over. There were still other Confederate troops in the field. But the Army of Northern Virginia had not only been the most successful of the Confederate armies, it—and Lee—had also taken on a symbolic power. So as other Confederate generals heard of Lee’s surrender, they too began to capitulate over the next month. President Andrew Johnson officially declared an end to hostilities on May 9.

What is likely being carried by the large sail boats?>


Answer: Pretty sure in the old days it would be PEOPLE and SMALL CARGO (small livestock, weats)

Now days it would be PEOPLE

why is saving important ? explain​



saving is important because sometime anyone get problem so there is no money than saving may help us.

Many argue that social media needs more regulation due to the numerous examples of online threats, harassment, and abuse. However, social media companies are unwilling to enact meaningful reforms. Which BEST explains how they frame the issue to avoid taking responsibility for what happens on their platform?


The best way social media companies  frame the issue of online threats, harassment, and abuse in order to avoid taking responsibility for what happens on their platform is the Freedom of  Speech.

What is Freedom of  Speech?

Freedom of speech refers to the human right that guarantees the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction.

The freedom of speech is one of the fundamental human rights and any act to undermine such freedom results in oppression.

It is on this premise that social Medial companies are unwilling to enact meaningful reforms to censor the use of their platform. This is because, the freedom of speech guarantees everyone that they are protected under the law and that no harm would come to them when they voice out their opinion.

Learn more about Freedom of Speech at https://brainly.com/question/243946


In one or two sentences, explain the benefits and drawbacks of using coal for energy.



A benefit of using coal for energy would be that its a cheapest resource compared to other fuel sources. A drawback of using coal would be that it lets harmful gasses into the air such as carbon dioxide which can lead to global warming  and faster rates of climate change.


Benefit: Cheap, can be used as an energy source

Drawback: Puts harmful gasses in the air such as carbon dioxide which can lead to global warming and faster rates of climate change.

Which of the following is not an advantage of a free market economy


Equality is not an advantage of a free market economy.  A free-market economy is an economic system in which supply and demand dominate with little or no government intervention.

Individuals and private businesses hold the majority of the resources, equipment, buildings, commodities, and services in a free market economy. A free market economy is one that is unfettered by government interference or regulation. Buyers and sellers in a totally free market set prices based only on supply and demand. As a result, buyers and sellers fight with and among themselves to pay the lowest price (for buyers) or earn the greatest price (for sellers).

Goods and services that are not or are less profitable will not be produced in a free market economy. This will exacerbate the issue for some communities. Even in competitive markets, large corporations can nevertheless dominate. This condition will exacerbate the financial disparity and societal concerns.

The complete question is, "Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a free market economy?

A. efficiency

B. growth

C. equality

D. freedom"

Learn more about Market Economy here:



Which of the following are typical weather patterns in North Carolina? Check all that apply

A. year-round precipitation in the form of rain
B. large amounts of winter precipitation in the form of snow
C. mild temperatures throughout the winter months
D. warm temperatures in the summer and fall
E. extremely dry, hot summers


A. Year-round precipitation in the form of rain

What title did Japan’s new rulers take?
A Daimo
B Samurai
C Shogun
D Monk


The answer is C I took the quiz

1. Having heard of the story and insights of the speakers in the Open House, how can you better prepare yourself to further your studies in college?


Having heard of the story and insights of the speakers in the Open House, The way that I prepare myself to further your studies in college is by: having a prepared mind, never look about the situation of things in the house and studying hard so as to get scholarship and lessen the burden on parents.

What is the story behind the open house movie?

Following the death of Logan's father, Naomi and her son Logan move in with her sister and live in a sizable house in a tiny town. This is the plot of Open House. Even though the house is up for sale and regularly conducts open houses, something doesn't seem right at night.

The movie "The House" focuses on the worries that come with having a house, such as the influence that others may have over it, the creatures that may live inside the walls, or the attachment that may result in one's death.

Hence, The chance to impact your community and boost professional stability and satisfaction are just two of the many benefits of attending college. A college degree can be essential to your success in the job today, as more and more careers call for further knowledge.

Learn more about Schooling from


Put yourself in the shoes of a colonist about your age. Life in the colonies varied based on race, gender, class, and where people lived. Complete two journals from the options below:

1. A day in the life of a teen on the farm. 2. A day in the life of a teen in a big city.
3. A day in the life of a teen on a plantation. 4. A day in the life of a teen on a slave ship.

* Include images along with your writing to help tell your story.


The journal is about a day in the life of a teen on a slave ship.

Option 4 is correct.

Children did a variety of chores for those who owned or employed them, whether they lived in big or small houses. Depending on the region, 5 to 10 percent of the slave population and up to one third of urban slaves were hired laborers in the nineteenth century.

Food preparation, home upkeep, child care, laundry, and clothing repair all fell under the category of domestic employment. To be a good housewife, you had to make garments, take care of animals and birds, and make things like candles and soap. Whether or not these categories were distinct or merged depended on the size of a household.

Due to the fact that these tasks were gender-neutral, both slave boys and girls were able to clean, serve food, take care of the chickens, and help with clothing production.

To know more about colonist visit :



International trade
point(s) possible
OA. helps consumers but hurts firms that are less efficient than their foreign competitors.
B. harms consumers but helps exporting firms.
C. helps consumers and firms that compete with their foreign competitors.
O D. helps consumers but harms exporting firms and their workers.


International trade helps consumers but hurts firms that are less efficient than their foreign competitors.

What is an International trade?

Basically, an international trade involves the purchase and sale of goods and services by companies in different countries. Most of the consumer goods, raw materials, food and machinery all are bought and sold in the international marketplace.

An international trade significantly allows countries to expand their markets and access goods and services that otherwise may not have been available domestically. Because of this, the general market is more competitive and results in more competitive pricing and brings a cheaper product home to the consumer.

Read more about International trade



one of the many benefits of globalization is that it is ?


One of the many benefits of globalization is enabling businesses to make their products more cheaply.

What is Globalisation?

Globalization is the process by which companies or other organizations gain worldwide significance or begin conducting business globally and seek growth and flourish.

The ability to make goods more cheaply is made possible by globalization for businesses. It also enhances international competition, which lowers costs and gives customers access to a wider range of options.

Horticultural production has expanded more rapidly than ever before mainly to globalization. The local market for valuable livestock and plant breeding will expand as the shipping of agrarian products increases in complexity.

Learn more about Globalisation, here:



Constitution is actually a group of ____________ amendments called the



Constitution of India is actually a group of 105 amendments called the Bill of rights .

A constitution is a set of fundamental rules that determine how a country or state is run.

The Indian Constitution is called a living document because it can be amended or changed. Our Constitution accepts the necessity of modifications according to changing needs of the society.

Secondly, in the actual working of the Constitution, there has been enough flexibility of interpretations. The Constitution is an instrument that societies create for themselves. Thus, both political practice and judicial rulings have shown maturity and flexibility in implementing the Constitution.

2. If you convert a room, you
a. leave it the same.
- b. hide in it.
(c. change it.
d. take a picture of it.


Answer:”c””Change it

Explanation: c because you’re converting a room to change it or fix it so might as well do it

How we have been influenced by our encounters with other cultures and particularly with regard to eating and how we think of food?


Food plays an important role in helping recent immigrants feel connected to their cultural background, and as a group, they tend to be more ...


Should contracts be revised over time or should they remain the same?



You should amend a contract any time you or the other party wants to make changes to the terms of the agreement.


Changes to a contract occurs when one or both parties make adjustments to a legally-binding agreement and this can be done either in writing or verbally.

according to the ______ approach to memory, what people report as memories is based on what actually happened plus additional factors such as other knowledge, experiences, and expectations.


According to the Constructive approach to memory, what people report as memories is based on what actually happened plus additional factors such as other knowledge, experiences, and expectations.

What is a Constructive Approach to Memory?

According to the Constructive approach to memory , the memory that humans have often does not represent the full truth.

This happens because whenever we remember a certain event, that event tend to be constructed based on our personal view and knowledge.

To fully understand the concept, let me give you an example:

Let's say that person A & person B, are looking at a parent who is scolding his son at a park.

Person A grew up in a family that only scolds the children when they do really bad things.

Person B grew up in a family which parents scold their children all the time. Even when the children are not making any mistake.

Because of these different experiences, person A & person B might construct 2 completely different memories in their brain when looking at the same events at the park.

Person A might memorize the event as a kid who made a huge mistake and was scolded by his parents. Meanwhile, person B might memorize the event as a parent who does normal interaction with his son.

Learn more about Constructive approach to memory here: https://brainly.com/question/14978215


According to the Constructive approach to memory, what people report as memories are based on what actually happened plus additional factors such as other knowledge, experiences, and expectations.

The concept is that what people describe as memories are made up of what happened plus other factors like expectations, other knowledge, and other life experiences. This occurs because when we recall an event, we tend to construct it based on our personal experience and knowledge.

Memories are essential in all aspects of our lives. We cannot perform in the present or think about the future unless we have a memory of the past. We would be unable to recall what we did yesterday, what we did today, or what we intend to do tomorrow. We couldn't learn anything if we didn't have memory.

Learn more about memories here:



Describe the most common process used in amending the constitution



A more stringent criteria than a simple majority is necessary for Congress and the states to approve a constitutional amendment. As a result, changing the Constitution is extremely challenging. Only 27 times in the history of the United States has this constitutional amendment process been successful.

The founding fathers of the United States were aware that certain provisions of the Constitution would need to be modified as the nation developed. As a result, they added Article V to the Constitution. Article V describes the process for approving an amendment.


There are four possible approaches to change the Constitution.

1.An amendment must be proposed by two-thirds of each house of Congress. The amendment is then approved by state legislatures in three-fourths of the states. This manner, all 27 amendments—save one—were approved.

2.An amendment must be proposed by two-thirds of each house of Congress. At ratifying conventions, the amendment is then approved by three-fourths of the states. This method was only used to ratify the Twenty-first Amendment, which repealed Prohibition.

3.The call for a constitutional convention by Congress is made by two-thirds of state legislatures. The amendment is then approved by state legislatures in three-fourths of the states.

4.The call for a constitutional convention by Congress is made by two-thirds of state legislatures. At ratifying conventions, the amendment is then approved by three-fourths

11. A shrewd person would probably
a. get lost.
b. get a good deal.
c. get a warm welcome.
d. get fooled.



b. get a good deal


shrewd, sagacious, perspicacious, astute mean acute in perception and sound in judgment.

How many justices were chosen to fill the Supreme Court? (right after the constitution was made)


Before settling on the current level of nine Justices in 1869, the Supreme Court's membership was altered six times. There have only been 17 Chief Justices and 104 Associate Justices since the Court's founding in 1790, with each Justice holding office for an average of 16 years.

The nine justices of the United States Supreme Court are proposed by the president and confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

The law divided the nation into 13 judicial districts, which were then split into the Eastern, Middle, and Southern circuits. The Supreme Court, which serves as the highest court in the nation, was established with a Chief Justice and five Associate Justices and was to be located in the nation's capital.

To learn more about Supreme Court



How would you defend the colonists’ decision to build Jamestown in an area that was not good for settling? Give specific reasons in three to five sentences. PLEASE HELP I HAVE 15 MINUTES LEFT TO GET THE ANSWER



you can say no.


5 Saoirse has hung out with the same group of friends since elementary school. Lately, though, these friends have started to engage in risky behavior. When they go to parties, they all end up drinking alcohol, even though they are underage. Saoirse also saw one accept some illegal drugs at the last party. Which is the BEST course of action for Saoirse to take? A. Try to make friends with others who don’t engage in risky behavior. B. Go along to the parties with the friends but say no to offers of alcohol. C. Just ignore the friends but still go along because Saoirse will only be a teen once. D. Talk to the parents of the friends and the school principal about their behavior.



A. Try to make friends with others who don’t engage in risky behavior.

How does a candidate gain and keep momentum in a state?



Successful candidates must both persuade voters that they deserve their individual votes and garner the critical votes of electors in the Electoral College. Persuading voters is the essence of a political campaign.


Brainliest Please! and hope it helps.


interpreted as evidence of momentum effects. But success in both early and late states could simply reflect underlying candidate strength.


A country in South America creates a government-run health care option. The government offers health care plans managed and paid for by the government. People in this country can choose a government health care plan or pay for a private health care plan. Using information in the chart, what type of economy describes this South American country? either a planned economy or a mixed economy a market economy a planned economy a mixed economy


A mixed economy describes this South American country. Thus, option D is correct.

What is government?

"Government can be defined as an institutional body that is formed with the help of the procedure written in the constitution. Play work for the welfare of the citizens."

South America creates a plan which can be run both by the government as well as a private institution it is an example of a mixed economy where both the private sector and the government work together in the running of a good healthcare organization.

Therefore, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about government, here:



Which statements explain why North Carolina’s coast has a mild climate? Check all that apply.

The area has a higher elevation.
The area is at a higher latitude.
The area is at a lower latitude.
Ocean currents keep temperatures warmer.
Mountains to the west block lower temperatures.


North Carolina’s coast has a mild climate due to the following:

The area is at a lower latitude.Ocean currents keep temperatures warmer.Mountains to the west block lower temperatures.

What is the climate of North Carolina’s coastal region?

The North Carolina coastal regions have lower temperatures during summer and snow falls only a few times in the area.

The Gulf Stream directly affects the temperatures, especially on the immediate coast of North Carolina where swirls from the warm water spin-off and calm down the winter air temperatures along the Outer Banks.

The mountain areas experience regular snowstorms, but the regions close to the ocean do not usually have ice and snow because of the Gulf Stream’s heating effect.

Hence, North Carolina’s coastal climate is mild because of its lower latitude, ocean current, and mountains that block lower temperatures.

Read more about North Carolina climate at brainly.com/question/17364765.


What was the reality for women in colonial Mexico? Did all women face the same reality?


The reality for women in colonial Mexico is the Mexican wives are expected to remain in the household. Almost all women face the same reality.

How can the woman's role in Mexican society be described?

Mexican wives  are been controlled and they are been treated in such a way that they will remain in the household as well as  taking care of children, howevr in some of the time the  lower classes some women that do not have much mony to take care of their family do go out to support their families.

It should be noted that the home is been seen as where the women should be is to be subordinate to her husband however Most colonial women  can be seen as homemakers that  cooked meals,  as well as making clothing, and doctored their family.

Learn more about women at:



Which choice best explains how energy from the Sun creates wind?


The statement that best explains how energy from the sun creates wind is, the sun's energy causes condensation, which causes winds .

Wind energy is a product of the sun. the sun's irregular patterns of heating and earth's uneven surfaces , that is mountains and plain land, and the revolution of the planet, all of them contributes to produce the wind energy.

It's a sustainable resource , because of the huge supply. Wind energy is also useful to produce electricity through wind turbines , previously called windmills, they collect and convert the kinetic energy that wind energy produces.

To know more about wind energy,


The complete question is:

Which choice best explains how the sun's energy creates wind?

A. the sun's energy causes condensation, which causes winds.

B. the sun's energy causes differences in humidity, which causes winds.

C. the sun's energy causes uneven heating of the atmosphere, which leads to differences in air pressure, which cause winds.

D. the sun's energy causes precipitation in air pressure, which causes winds.

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