a. Xeriscaping
b. Landscaping
An environmental design of residential and park land using various methods for minimizing the need for water use is
D c
c. Lunarscaping
d. Solarscaping
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Answer 1

A group of friends is sharing  pounds of berries.

If each friend received  of a pound of berries, how many friends are sharing the berries?

[ Select ]

If 5 friends are sharing the berries, how many pounds of berries does each friend receive?

[ Select ]

Answer 1:

2 friends

Answer 2:

1/3 pound

IncorrectQuestion 2

0 / 1 pts

Noah fills a soap dispenser from a big bottle that contains  liters of liqu

Related Questions

true or fasle The main idea in a summary needs to be followed with direct quotes from the text so that the main idea is well-supported.




Why does the author of "The Birthmark" refer to the main character as a "man of science" in the beginning of the passage, refraining from calling him by name?
Group of answer choices
The author wants the reader to focus on the traditional gender roles that prevailed at the time.
The author wants to emphasize that the man was so respected that others referred to him by title only.
The author wants the reader to focus on the man's main characteristic, which is that he is a scientist.
The author wants to set a mysterious tone by keeping the reader in suspense about the man's identity.


Answer: either "The author wants to set a mysterious tone by keeping the reader in suspense about the man's identity." Or "The author wants the reader to focus on the man's main characteristic, which is that he is a scientist."

Answer: The author wants the reader to focus on the man's main characteristic, which is that he is a scientist.

Took a quiz and this was the right answer.

"For the
Which is a minor claim that should not be included in
a summary?


A summary includes only the main points of the original text. Add no personal observations, inferences, remarks, or opinions to the summary.

What should not be included in a summary?A summary includes only the main points of the original text. Add no personal observations, inferences, remarks, or opinions to the summary. A minor claim is one that is worth less than $7,500, including interest. This amount may be claimed as a balance or after an acknowledged setoff, reduction by any sum paid to or credited to the defendant, surrender of any excess, or other circumstances. An adult must sign a minor's compromise in order for a minor to receive funds. A child cannot sign on their own behalf until they are an adult, according to the law.

To learn more about summary, refer to:



What type of writing is the following example?
A expository
B persuasive
C technical


The type of writing is the following example is persuasive. The correct option is B.

What is a persuasive essay?

In a persuasive essay, you utilize reasoning and arguments to persuade readers of your viewpoint. To do that, you must back up your claims with credible proof, such as facts, statements from authorities, examples, research, and logical justifications. Argumentative essays are another name for persuasive essays.

There are different types of essays. These are descriptive essays, process essays, and comparison essays.

Therefore, the correct option is B. persuasive.

To learn more about a persuasive essay, refer to the link:



In 1–2 sentences, explain what should be included in the outline for an argument. Use specific details to support your answer.



Karma just took your points


Which statement shows reasoning that is based on assumption, not fact?
A) Kim does not like doing data entry, and neither do I.
B) Many of my friends like to drink iced tea in the summer, so I will buy some for the party.
All project managers have college degrees. Sonya is a project manager, so she has a college degree.
D) I always round the numbers when making a budget, so everyone must round numbers to make a budget.


Among all the given statements, the statement that shows reasoning that is based on assumption, not fact is: “I always round the numbers when making a budget, so everyone must round numbers to make a budget.” Hence, Option D is correct.

What does assumption mean?

One makes an assumption when they don't have any supporting evidence for it. For instance, even though it's untrue, someone who wears glasses might be mistakenly labeled as a nerd by others.

Making assumptions, in its simplest form, is the act of holding beliefs that we have little or no supporting evidence for.

Therefore, Option D is correct.

Learn more about assumption from here:



How does Bilbo’s ancestry influence his personality? Specifically, how do the two “sides” of his family contribute to Bilbo’s duality? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.


Answer: The two sides of Bilbo's personality come from the two sides of his family, the Tooks and the Bagginses. His Baggins side is very ordinary, re- spectable and predictable. It likes things to be orderly and comfortable. However, the Took side of Bilbo's personality is more mysterious, daring, and adventurous.


To: Dwayne Simpson
From: Thomas Johnson
Re: Car Parts Foundry price quote

Dear Mr. Simpson,

Thank you for your inquiry regarding the cost of producing the valve bodies, valve bonnets, and pistons you require.

In order to quote the exact cost of these pieces, I will need to have accurate renderings of them. The designers in our shop need these to determine the size and location of the risers for each casting. Our QAD team would be happy to run the standard stress and endurance tests on the finished pieces at no extra charge. The riser is an extra section of the pattern that keeps pressure on the molten metal and prevents air bubbles from forming in the metal at the time of its pouring. Therefore, the design and placement of the riser plays an essential role in determining the strength and safety of the finished piece. The excess metal is later removed from the casting in the grinding-and-cleaning process.

As soon as I receive the renderings from you, I will contact you to discuss the total cost of your order. Substantial discounts apply to orders of one thousand pieces or more for our premium product lines, such as our TUFF-STUFF product line. However, these discounts only apply to our mid-market lines, such as Valve Components products, at orders of two thousand or more pieces. We have a wide variety of other car parts and casings, as well.

Thank you for your interest in our company.

You are interested in ordering more parts from Car Parts Foundry. Which of the following orders would result in a substantial discount?

A.500 pieces of a premium product
B.1,000 pieces of a mid-market product
C.1,500 pieces of a premium product
D.1,500 pieces of a mid-market product
E.1,750 pieces of a mid-market product


The company's letter states that if you are interested in ordering more parts from Car Parts Foundry, the order that would result in a substantial discount is C. 1,500 pieces of a premium products.

What is stated in the company's letter?

In the letter by Car Parts Foundry, it provided two instances that allows a customers to by their products on discounts:

"Substantial discounts apply to orders of one thousand pieces or more for our premium product lines, such as our TUFF-STUFF product line." "However, these discounts only apply to our mid-market lines, such as Valve Components products, at orders of two thousand or more pieces."

If you are interested in buy products from their premium line, you can only get discount when you make order about a thousand piece.

Therefore the right option is C. 1,500 pieces of a premium product.

Learn more about letters here:



Community service can provide tremendous benefits not only for the organization receiving the help but the volunteer providing the help, too.


Volunteering in the community services can have enormous advantages for both the individual and the organization receiving the support.

A new initiative to make community service hours a graduation requirement in high schools across the nation is motivated by this idea of the dual benefits. Many charitable organizations find that recruiting volunteers is more cost-effective than expanding their staff.

Community service employment may foster leadership, dedication, and responsibility in a lot of young individuals. Despite claims to the contrary, evidence demonstrates that requiring community service keeps students motivated in their studies and significantly reduces dropout rates. The new measures appear to be well-liked by parents, school officials, and local politicians.

To learn more about Community Services here:



Too Late Now I Made A 60% .................................. :[


option C ) By describing how Hana begins to view life with Taro in America as a good possibility, it shows that the narrator thinks Hana is more concerned about money than love

What is the conflict of the story Tears of autumn ?

When Hana Omiya learns that her uncle wants her to move to America, the story's conflict arises. She also learns that although she is getting married to a merchant, she will live with a farmer and will therefore have to work like one. A Japanese girl named Hana Omiya.

With words like "early morning mist" and "making the work of recognition much harder," the excerpt's key theme of doubt is made clear. Readers can also deduce how uneasy the character was with the situation from the weather, which was described as "light cold rain."

To know about Tears of Autumn from the link



The story "And of Clay Are We Created" is based on an actual Colombian
O mudslide
O hurricane
O tsunami
Please help!?


The story "And of Clay Are We Created" is based on an actual Colombian


"And of Clay Are We Created," by Isabel Allende, is the concluding tale in her book The Stories of Eva Luna. The anthology, first published in 1989 and reprinted in English in 1991, records the stories told by the writer Eva Luna to her partner Rolf Carlé as they sleep.

Is And made of clay? Is the tale We constructed true?

This selection is fictitious, but it is based on a true story. A volcano erupted in Colombia in 1985. The heat from the volcano melted ice sheets, causing mudslides. More than 23,000 people died.

To learn more about the story "And of Clay Are We Created, click the links



Read the excerpt from "Our Hero.”

The town is setting up for the parade
to welcome brave Bill Wilson home again.
Along the town's main street, flags and balloons,
like cheerful sparring partners, bob and weave,
and Bill's big brother Joe directs a crowd
of grade school boys and girls. They sweep the street
and chatter with excitement about Bill.

These lines provide the reader with

implicit information that describes what a hero Bill Wilson is.
explicit information that describes who Bill Wilson’s brother is.
explicit information that describes where Bill Wilson has been.
implicit information that describes how the town feels about Bill Wilson.


These lines provide the reader with option D. implicit information that describes how the town feels about Bill Wilson.

What does the term implicit mean?

Implied consent is agreement that is not explicitly stated. it is one that is Potentially contained (often accompanied by in): and used when one wants to highlight the drama inherently present in the situation.

Therefore, The opposite of explicit, implicit refers to something that is understood but not explicitly or directly described and frequently uses implication or assumption. Things are explained explicitly, and things are implied implicitly to aid in memory and this is used in the above passage.

Learn more about implicit information from


What was creating sores on the main character's back and
shoulders? *
his pack
his allergies to sunburn
his dehydration
his gun


Answer: D) his gun.


ur question is from the book "The Oasis"

About the book;

Quick Info. - McCarthy describes this, her second novel, as a "conte philosophique". It tells the story of a group of embattled intellectuals, their quest to establish a Utopian community in the mountains of New England, and their failure to surmount ideological and personal differences for the greater good of the commune.

Book Summary- The oasis saved them. But who will save them from the oasis?

Alif had exciting summer plans: working on her father’s archaeological dig site in the desert with four close friends . . . and a very cute research assistant. Then the sandstorm hit.

With their camp wiped away, Alif and the others find themselves lost on the sands, seemingly doomed . . . until they find the oasis. It has everything they need: food, water, shade—and mysterious ruins that hide a deadly secret. As reality begins to shift around them, they question what’s real and what’s a mirage.

The answers turn Alif and her friends against one another, and they begin to wonder if they’ve truly been saved. And while it was easy to walk into the oasis, it may be impossible to leave . . .

Katya de Becerra’s new supernatural thriller hides a mystery in plain sight, and will keep you guessing right up to its terrifying conclusion.

Which of the following quotes from the text best supports your answer to Question 7?
A. "You only need sit still long enough in some attractive spot in the woods that all its inhabitants may exhibit themselves to you by turns."
B. "America is the last, best hope of earth."
C. "Law never made men a whit more just; and by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice."
D. "I know not how but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit."


You only need to sit still long enough in some attractive spot in the woods that all its inhabitants may exhibit themselves to you by turns. Option A.

The number of creatures living wild and free in the woods albeit secretly feeding near towns that only hunters suspect is remarkable. Because I wanted to I wanted to present the essential facts of life, to see if I could learn what it had to teach, and not to discover when I died that I hadn't lived.

Thoreau chooses Ali as a metaphor to make the reader understand that war is meaningless and meaningless and a waste of life. Ant Battle begins with Thoreau casually walking into a woodpile as he stumbles upon a battle between red and black ants. The purpose was to better understand nature and escape the environment.

Learn more about metaphor here:-https://brainly.com/question/9418370


Aside from providing entertainment, which of the following responses best describes how epic poems influenced their audiences?
A. Epic poems encouraged Anglo-Saxons to denounce violence and paganism and embrace Christian values.
B. Epic poems were written down, influencing the population to become more literate.
C. Epic poems inspired Anglo-Saxon warriors to imitate epic heroes and seek fame.
D. Epic poems persuaded Anglo-Saxons to adopt the system of feudalism.


Aside from providing entertainment, epic poems inspired Anglo-Saxon warriors to imitate epic heroes and seek fame.

what is epic poems?

An epic poem, or simply an epic, is a lengthy narrative poem typically about the extraordinary deeds of extraordinary characters who, in dealings with gods or other superhuman forces, gave shape to the mortal universe for their descendants.An epic poem is a long, narrative poem that is usually about heroic deeds and events that are significant to the culture of the poet. Many ancient writers used epic poetry to tell tales of intense adventures and heroic featsThe subject matter includes topics of human interest. For example, one of the first known examples of epic literature is the Epic of Gilgamesh, a story about a king descended from gods, from ancient Mesopotamia.It is written in a very special style (verse as opposed to prose) and uses epic similes. It presents the heroic ideals such as courage, loyalty, honor, sacrifice, patriotism, hospitality, and kindness. An epic gives a clear picture of the social and cultural patterns of the culture's life.

to know more about epic poems follow



Identify and describe Rainsford’s character type.
Explain Rainsford’s character type based on how he looks, thinks, speaks, and acts.
add in quotes from the text to show this


Rainsford outwits General Zaroff by utilising both his might and knowledge. He is knowledgeable, wise, and composed. His understanding of civilization and the interplay between hunter and victim are drastically impacted after his harrowing days on the island.

A vibrant, well-rounded town, Rainsford. He has a complicated personality, and over the search, that personality shifts to resemble Zaroff's more.

His military-style moustache and bushy eyebrows were as dark as the night Rainsford had left; he was a tall, middle-aged man with dazzling white hair. He also had really dark and brilliant eyes.

The main character, Sanger Rainsford, is a bold big-game hunter who, during his brief but harrowing stay on Ship-Trap, encounters the truth of life and death for the first time.

Rainsford finally learns to understand his target despite initially believing in the hunter and huntee classes. Rainsford first doesn't believe an animal can comprehend or feel fear. He believes he can beat even the deadliest foe since he is very self-assured.

To know more about the question related with 'Rainsford'

visit- brainly.com/question/1833634


Read the passage.

Get off the bus. Walk home. Eat a snack. Walk the dog. Do homework. Every day was the same. As Jimmy was walking Socks for the third time in a single day, just to get out of the house, he thought about ways he could make his life a bit more interesting. Not that he wanted too much excitement. Kelly, a girl in his world history class, was a competitive swimmer. And not just for their school. She swam with a club in town and trained every morning for two hours before school and again for two hours after. That seemed like too much to Jimmy.

How do the short sentences at the beginning of the passage contribute to the mood of the passage?

They convey the sense of urgency Jimmy feels as he moves through his afternoon.
They convey the monotony of the routine Jimmy goes through each day.
They emphasize the annoyance Jimmy feels as he performs his chores.
They emphasize the disinterest Jimmy has in trying something new.


The short sentences at the beginning of the passage convey the monotony of the routine Jimmy goes through each day.

The short sentences like - Get off the bus, Walk home, Eat a snack, Walk the dog, Do homework, Every day was the same, convey the monotonous routine of Jimmy.

Monotonous routine means it is repeated on a daily basis and has become very boring. And to break this monotony we always want to add a little spice in our life like adding some adventure, doing some interesting work, going on a trip, talking to friends, attending parties, etc.

Life can be monotonous when same things are repeated everyday on a regular basis. The work can be monotonous like factory jobs as there is nothing interesting and new in that. The same thing is repeated everyday.  

To know more about monotony here






got it right

A debate, which says that computer training during school age is better than after school.


Answer: Well, it sort of depends since it's a debate. I'd say during school is better rather than after school.

Explanation: This is because during school, you can have a coach or teacher to help you. When after school if you're doing it at home, you're most likely doing it by yourself.

Thus, I'd say in school is better.

Hope this helps!

The term "sociocentric" is best thought of as the opposite of the term:


Sociocentric is the opposite of egocentric when a person puts his or her needs and concerns before all others.  

The inability to distinguish between oneself and others is egocentric. The incapacity to effectively presume or comprehend any perspective other than one's own is what it is more explicitly known as. Egocentric behavior can be observed at all stages of life, including early childhood, adolescence, and maturity. Although egocentric behaviors are less prevalent in adults, the fact that some egocentric actions still remain in adults suggests that overcoming egocentricity may be a lifetime process that is never fully accomplished. Instead of being less likely to initially adopt an egocentric perspective, adults are quicker than children to correct from one. This is why adults appear to be less egocentric than children.

know more about egocentric- https://brainly.com/question/28081925


Why does algrrnon show up at jacks country house in act like


Jack's country residence is visited by Algernon, who is posing as Jack's brother Ernest. Jack returns home in a state of intense sadness, bristling with news that Ernest passed away unexpectedly in Paris. He is furious to see Algernon there posing as Ernest, but he must accept the ruse.

Why did he show up in country house ?

1. He is impersonating Ernest.
Algernon has a character named "Ernest" that he can use to escape obligations. When he goes to see his friend, he learns that he also engages in a similar fraud by pretending to have a sick cousin.
2. "Ernest" got there earlier at the country estate.
When the reader is aware of information that the characters are not, dramatic irony results. The reader is aware that Ernest arrived to the residence earlier in this instance.
3. According to her, they are already engaged.
Cecily believes she is already engaged to "Ernest" until she is questioned due to the deception of both pals, who both go by the name Ernest.
4. They consider themselves to be in love with the4. They consider themselves to be in love with the same person.
This is because the women mistakenly think that both of their friends, who go by the name "Ernest," are the same guy.
5. Both men desired a name change.
Both men want to alter their names due to the confusion and the fact that "Ernest" seems to be such a desirable name.
6. naming at the baptism.
Giving someone a name while being baptized in a Christian ritual is known as "christening."
7. to relocate to a different nation.
Moving to another country is referred to as "emigrating" (the meaning is similar to "migrate").
8. Cecily
9. Jack
10. Irony in speech
When a character says something that is actually extremely different from reality, this is known as verbal irony.The word "Bunburying" in this sentence is ironic.

To know more about Irony click:



Complete each sentence by dragging the proper term into the appropriate blank.
The is considered the autonomic control center of the body due to its regulation of hormone secretion, thermoregulation, food and water intake, and circadian rhythms.
The majority of all afferent pathways pass through and synapse with neurons of the
The outermost layer of the brain in humans is referred to as the due to its recent evolutionary history.
The represents the area of emotional control and includes the amygdala, hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, and the fornix.
One of the last areas of the brain to mature fully is the which controls logic. judgment, and expression of emotion.
Acting mostly as a communication relay center due to the many fiber tracts through the area, the includes the cerebral peduncles, colliculi, and nuclei of cranial nerves III and IV :
Composed of three parts, the functions including roles in the cardiovascular and respiratory system
The alert system of the body named according to the tracts that provide communication of lower brain with higher brain regions, is the ___


The hypothalamus is considered the autonomic control center of the body due to its regulation of hormone secretion, thermoregulation, food and water intake, and circadian rhythms.

The majority of all afferent pathways pass through and synapse with neurons of the

The outermost layer of the brain in humans is referred to as the limbic system due to its recent evolutionary history.

The limbic system represents the area of emotional control and includes the amygdala, hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, and the fornix.

One of the last areas of the brain to mature fully is the prefrontal cortex which controls logic. judgment, and expression of emotion.

Acting mostly as a communication relay center due to the many fiber tracts through the area, the midbrain the includes the cerebral peduncles, colliculi, and nuclei of cranial nerves III and IV :

Composed of three parts, the brain stem functions including roles in the cardiovascular and respiratory system

The alert system of the body named according to the tracts that provide communication of lower brain with higher brain regions, is the reticular activating system.

What is a synapse?

Synapses means the points of contact between neurons where impulses or messages are passed from one neuron to the next. Synapses usually form between axons and dendrites, and comprises a presynaptic neuron, synaptic cleft, and a postsynaptic neuron.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about synapse: https://brainly.com/question/27381250


Which excerpt from the Introduction from The Way to Rainy Mountain contains both imagery and figurative language?


A: All things in the plain are isolate; there is no confusion of objects in the eye, but one hill or one tree or one man.

B: When at last, divided and ill-provisioned, they were driven onto the Staked Plains in the cold rains of autumn, they fell into panic.

C: The great billowing clouds that sail upon it are shadows that move upon the grain like water, dividing light.

D: The sun is at home on the plains. Precisely there does it have the certain character of a god.


The correct answer is option c) The great billowing clouds that sail upon it are shadows that move upon the grain like water, dividing light.

The Way to Rainy Mountain is a book by Pulitzer Prize winning author N. Scott Momaday.

What is imagery and figurative language?

Figurative language is the use of words in unconventional ways to convey a complicated meaning, colourful writing, clarity, or evocative comparison. It employs a common sentence to allude to something without directly stating it.

Understanding figurative language is essential when reading the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), where management may use a metaphor to help explain complicated concepts or company directions.

Fiction writers employ figurative language to engage their audience in a more creative tone that stimulates thought and, at times, humour. It adds more interest and drama to fiction writing than literal language, which uses words to refer to statements of fact.

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two dissimilar things by using the words "like" or "as," and it is commonly used in everyday communication. A simile is used to make an interesting connection in the reader's mind.

To learn more about this figurative language refer :



Which word best describes the mood in Tiananmen Square?



Mrs. Ginny- 6th Math

Math 11/3/22: Unit 4 Lesson 9 Results for CAYLEE PEREZ

Answers will be shown after your last attempt

Score for this attempt: 1 out of 3

Submitted Nov 3 at 8:39am

This attempt took less than 1 minute.

PartialQuestion 1

1 / 2 pts

A group of friends is sharing  pounds of berries.

If each friend received  of a pound of berries, how many friends are sharing the berries?

[ Select ]

If 5 friends are sharing the berries, how many pounds of berries does each friend receive?

[ Select ]

Answer 1:

2 friends

Answer 2:

1/3 pound

IncorrectQuestion 2

0 / 1 pts

Noah fills a soap dispenser from a big bottle that contains  liters of liquid soap. That amount of soap will fill  dispensers. How many liters of soap fit into one dispenser?

Use the diagram below to answer the question. Label all relevant parts of the diagram.

 2/3 liters

 1 liter

 1/3 liters

 3/2 liters

what is the analogy of difficult​



The analogy for the word 'difficult' in comparison to the word 'exciting' with 'thrill' would be:

- Ordeal

'Analogy' is described as 'an association of similarity, equivalence, or resemblance between two words, ideas, concepts, or situations primarily with the purpose of explanation.'

In the given example, the qualitative words 'exciting' and 'thrill' are synonymous with one another and stand for 'causing a feeling of stirred emotions.'

Similarly, the words 'difficult' and 'ordeal' convey almost similar meanings i.e. 'a painful or hard experience.'

Learn more about "Analogy" here:


Which sentence uses the semicolon (correctly?)

A. George brought a candy bar for me in his lunch; but forgot to give it to me.

B. I came home late for dinner again; my mother sent me directly to my room.

C. Let's go to the store after breakfast; the dog got into the trashcan in the kitchen.​


A. George brought a candy bar for me in his lunch; but forgot to give it to me.

Here the use of a semicolon before is permissible. This is because semicolons are used to join two related independent clauses instead of commas or adjusting conjunctions like -and, but, or, for, nor, so, yet.

Also make sure that the two independent clauses are related to each other without the coordinating conjunction.

This sentence mentions in the first part of the sentence that the person talking about George brought a candy bar for lunch, and in his second part of the sentence, George tells this person this It is also mentioned that he forgot to pass the candy bar. Both clauses are independent and related to each other. So 'but' connects both as a statement and with a semicolon.

To know more about Conjunction



match the character with his or her actions in act 2


A) suggests that Antony should be assassinated, as well - Cassius

B) decides to share his plans with his noble wife - Brutus

C) believes the dream is is a terrible omen - Calpurnia

D) Interprets the dream as a sign of good fortune - Decius

E) Considers pretending to be sick in order to stay home - Caesar

Who was Gaius Cassius Longinus?

Gaius Cassius Longinus was a Roman senator and general best known as a major instigator in the conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar on March 15, 44 BC. he was known He was the brother-in-law of Brutus, another leader of the conspiracy. He commanded an army alongside Brutus at the Battle of Philippi and fought against the combined forces of Mark Antony and Octavian (a former supporter of Caesar), but Mark killed himself after being defeated by Antony.

Cassius was born in 49 BC. The elected tribune of the people. He defied Caesar and eventually commanded a fleet against him during Caesar's civil war. After Caesar defeated Pompey at the Battle of Pharsalus, Caesar overtook Cassius and forced him to surrender. After Caesar's death, Cassius fled east, where he assembled an army of twelve legions. He was elected governor with the support of the Senate. He and Brutus then marched west against the Allies of the Second Triumvirate.

To know more about Gaius Cassius Longinus, check out:



Use the drop-down menus to identify which reasons show that Zaroff's civility does disguise his brutality and which
reasons show it does not.
Zaroff welcomes Rainsford with generous food and drink and a place to stay.
Zaroff explains his plan to Rainsford who immediately identifies it as murder.
Zaroff explains that he is only taking part in a game, and people like Rainsford have done the same things in war.


We can identify the reasons as "disguises," "does not disguise" and "does not disguise," respectively, when it comes Zaroff's brutality in hunting men.

Who is Zaroff?

General Zaroff is a character in the short story "The Most Dangerous Game." The main character is Sanger Rainsford, a hunter who accidentally lands on Zaroff's private island. Zaroff treats Rainsford well and then invites him to hunt together. However, Zaroff does not hunt animals. He hunts men, especially sailors whose ships Zaroff sinks on purpose.

It is interesting to see that Zaroff tries to disguise his brutality with the appearance of being civilized. One way in which he is efficient is by treating Rainsford well, giving him food and a place to stay.

However, that is pretty much it. The façade is soon gone. When he reveals what he does, Rainsford realizes Zaroff is a murderer. When Zaroff tries to justify his logic by mentioning war, he is also ineffective, since men do not have a choice in war. He, Zaroff, hunts and kills men by choice.

Therefore, we conclude that we have correctly answered this question.

Learn more about Zaroff here:




Use the drop-down menus to identify which reasons show that Zaroff’s civility does disguise his brutality and which reasons show it does not.

Zaroff welcomes Rainsford with generous food and drink and a place to stay.

A) ✔ disguises

Zaroff explains his plan to Rainsford who immediately identifies it as murder.

B) ✔ does not disguise

Zaroff explains that he is only taking part in a game, and people like Rainsford have done the same things in war.

A) ✔ disguises

Have a Nice Day.

21. I broke it when I was playing football A-The boy said he had broken it when he was playing football B- The boy said that he broke it when he had played football C- They boy said he had broken it when I was playing football​


I broke it when I was playing football So, the correct answer is option B The boy said that he broke it when he had played football. Pronoun is used in this sentence.

A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun, frequently to avoid having to repeatedly use the same noun. Pronouns can also refer to things, concepts, locations, and people, just like nouns can. Most sentences include one or more nouns or pronouns.

Pronouns are often used to refer to personal pronouns only, however there are numerous additional pronoun types that are equally crucial to English grammar. All of the words below that are bolded are pronouns. The primary purpose of pronouns is to take the place of nouns. As a result, they are utilised in sentences in a manner that is comparable to that of nouns. The noun it relates back to is a pronoun. It is typically mentioned in the text before the pronoun, although occasionally it appears immediately.

To know more about Pronoun visit:



When drafting a paper about Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's novel Frankenstein, which thesis statement would be the most effective?
Mary's novel Frankenstein illustrated the conflict about personal responsibility experienced by all individuals.
Mary's novel Frankenstein illustrates the conflict about personal responsibility experienced by all individuals.
Shelley's novel Frankenstein illustrated the conflict about personal responsibility experienced by all individuals.
Shelley's novel Frankenstein illustrates the conflict about personal responsibility experienced by all individuals.



Shelley's novel Frankenstein illustrates the conflict about personal responsibility experienced by all individuals.


I've done something similar

When drafting a paper about Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's novel Frankenstein, the thesis statement that  would be the most effective is  Shelley's novel Frankenstein illustrated the conflict about personal responsibility experienced by all individuals. Thus option (C) is correct.

What is novel?

A novel is a long work of fiction that tells a story about characters and events. Novels are typically longer and more complex than short stories, and they often explore themes such as love, loss, identity, and societal issues.

The term "novel" comes from the Italian word "novella," which means "new."  The examples of novels include "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen, "1984" by George Orwell, and "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

When drafting a paper about Shelley's novel Frankenstein, the thesis statement that  would be the most effective is Shelley's novel Frankenstein illustrated the conflict about personal responsibility experienced by all individuals.

Learn more about novel here:



In developing a clear thesis statement for an argumentative essay involves adding a(n)________ about the idea you are trying to prove.

The purpose of an argumentative or persuasive essay is always to________

The working thesis statement of an argumentative essay will have to be________ before it becomes final.

The________ of a thesis statement give a thesis statement limits.

The________ of an argumentative essay is the writer‘s opinion.

Being in favor of a side in an argument means you have taken the________ position, while being against it means you have taken the con position.

The last two sentences of the introduction is the correct________ for the thesis statement of an argumentative essay.

The last sentence of the thesis statement is a(n) ________ that attempts to motivate audience members to do something.

The terms to pick from are:
- pro
- parameters
- call to action
- location
- refined
- thesis statement
- opinion
- persuade

Please answer it right, please
You can answer as much as u can


The thesis statement of an argumentative essay will be the statement of your opinion with three points that support your opinion.

What is persuasive essay?In a persuasive essay, you utilize reasoning and arguments to persuade readers of your viewpoint. To do that, you must back up your claims with credible proof, such as facts, statements from authorities, examples, research, and logical justifications. Argumentative essays are another name for persuasive essays. Argument essays, another name for persuasive writing, use logic and reason to demonstrate why one idea is more valid than another. It makes an effort to influence the reader to take a specific position or action.the thesis statement of an argumentative essay will be the statement of your opinion with three points that support your opinion.A working thesis exists different from a final thesis in that it is meant to evolve throughout the course of your writing. The defining characteristic of a working thesis stands  that it is flexible. What created  it a “working” thesis is that it exists subject to change as your ideas develop.

To learn more about persuasive essay refer to:




1) Opinion

2) Persuade

3) refined

4) parameters

5) thesis statement

6) pro

7) location

8) call to action

Explanation: I took the fall and did the work and I got 100% ur welcome <3

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