What do you call the gradual increase in activity overtime?


Answer 1

When you steadily increase the weight, frequency, or number of repetitions in your strength training regimen, this is known as progressive overload.

Progressive overload may be utilized for any sort of exercise, including cardiovascular endurance activities like running, despite the fact that it is often employed in strength training.

You may prevent plateauing, which occurs when your body becomes used to the sort of exercise you're performing, by mixing up your exercises and increasing the strain on your muscles. You can discover that you feel stronger and more fit after a gradual overload. Training with progressive overload has the disadvantage that it must be done gradually. Increases in training load or frequency that are made too rapidly may be harmful and result in injury.

To learn more about cardiovascular click on the below link:



Related Questions

You are a public health official investigating an outbreak of salmonella. to detect current cases you choose to examine patients blood for the ____________ antibody class.


IgM antibodies. IgM antibodies are the first antibodies to appear in the bloodstream after an infection.

They are produced by B cells, which are a type of white blood cell when the body is exposed to a foreign invader such as a virus or bacteria.

IgM antibodies are the largest of the antibody classes and are the first to be produced in response to an infection. They are also the first antibodies to be detected in blood tests and can be used to detect current cases of salmonella. IgM antibodies bind to the surface of the antigen, or the pathogen or foreign substance, to help the body's immune system recognize and attack the source of the infection.

They are short-lived, produced shortly after an infection, and are not present in the body for a long time, making them a good indicator of an active infection.

To know more about antibodies, click below:



Do you age faster if you don't sleep?


Yes, one age faster when they don't sleep. Some of the maximum extreme capability troubles related to continual sleep deprivation are excessive blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart attack, coronary heart failure or stroke.

Beneath the surface, your frame is getting old too, and sleep loss can accelerate the process. UCLA researchers found that only a single night time of inadequate sleep could make an older adults' cells age quicker. This won't appear to be a large deal, however it has the capability to bring forth plenty of different diseases. Other capability troubles encompass obesity, depression, decreased immune system characteristic and decrease intercourse drive.

Therefore, one age faster when they don't sleep.

To learn more about sleep check the below link:



Sometimes your friends will have suggestions that are just not good ideas. Give an example of a situation when you would need to refuse to do something and the language that you would use to communicate “no.” Then explain why a refusal is better than a negotiation in this circumstance.


The answers include the following below:

An example of a situation when you would need to refuse to do something is when told to steal. The language that was used to communicate “no" was by being reluctant ad avoiding him/her.Refusal is better than a negotiation in this circumstance because a person may risk jail term or death if anything goes wrong.

What is Communication?

This is referred to as the process in which information is exchanged through various types of means such as speaking, sign language etc.

It is best to stay away from criminal activities such as stealing as the culprit may spend the rest of his/her life in jail and the appropriate language to say no to it is reluctance and avoiding such individual. Thus is therefore the reason why a refusal is better than a negotiation in this circumstance.

Read more about Communication here https://brainly.com/question/25645043


A study published in the journal environmental health found that flight attendants get cancer more often than the general population. The 5{,}3665,3665, comma, 366 flight attendants in the study had higher incidence rates for every type of cancer examined, even though they had relatively lower rates of smoking and obesity. What type of study is this, and what is the response variable?.


According to the aforementioned study, published in the journal of environmental health, flight attendants are more likely than the general population to develop cancer. Where the 366 flight attendants had a higher cancer rate.

Even while flight attendants have a lower level of obesity and smoking, they have higher cancer rates.

This indicates that the study is an observational one because the researcher discovered the response variable within the population.

As a result, option A is right.

According to a research published in JAMA Dermatology, flight personnel have double the rate of melanoma as the general population.

Non-melanoma skin cancer was reported by 7.4% of female flight attendants, compared to 1.8% of women in the general population.

Learn more about to The journal Environmental Health found that flight. visit here;



Full Question :

A study published in the journal Environmental Health found that flight attendants get cancer more often than the general population. The 5,3665{,}3665,3665, comma, 366 flight attendants in the study had higher incidence rates for every type of cancer examined, even though they had relatively lower rates of smoking and obesity. What type of study is this, and what is the response variable? Choose 1 answer: Choose 1 answer: (Choice A) A An observational study where the incidence rate of cancer is the response variable (Choice B, Checked) B An observational study where type of person (flight attendant or not) is the response variable (Choice C) C An experiment where where incidence rate of cancer is the response variable (Choice D) D An experiment where type of person (flight attendant or not) is the response variable

What is meant by national security policy?


National security policy refers to the government techniques which aims at providing holistic security or safe working environment to the citizens within the geographical ambit of the government.

National Security is important for securing the sovereignty of the nation. It addresses the needs of the people and shield the citizens from foreign invaders and their attacks. Military strength is the key factor which is deterministic of the security policy strength. It ensures better use of resources according to shared values and objectives, thereby minimizing  conflicts among nations. It aims at expanding economic prosperity and opportunity for the people. The first purpose of national security policy of any country is to preserve the political identity, framework and institutions present in the national geographical area.

Learn more about National security policy at:



Most private health insurance plans require the patient to a pay a certain amount each year toward health care expenses before the plan benefits begin; this amount is the?


Most private health insurance plans require the patient to a pay a certain amount each year toward health care expenses before the plan benefits begin; this amount is the Deductible.

The insured must pay a certain sum during the benefit period, which is typically one year, before the insurer begins to pay for authorized medical procedures. Plans for individuals and families may have deductibles. Different services may have different deductibles under some insurance coverage.

Plans for individuals and families may have deductibles.

The amount you must pay out-of-pocket before your insurance plan starts to cover your approved medical expenses is known as a deductible. A subscription fee and a deductible are two different things. For health insurance, a monthly fee is typically required. Depending on the plan you select, deductibles may now be little or significant.

Learn more about insurance at



What age does life insurance stop?


Around 80 -95 depends on the kind

How the dancers prepare for a performance and the protocols they do to avoid injuries and other conditions?


Dancers prepare well for their performance and protocols while avoiding injuries is by taking complete rest before final presentation, staying clam and hydrated and practicing well to avoid any mistake.

Dance is a physical activity with charismatic eye, hand and body movements and thus requires coordination of body and mind. Dancers need to practice hard for the performance and during this regime, they must ensure to remain hydrated and calm. Also, physically exhausting oneself must be avoided. Proper warm up sessions and meditation also helps the mind to revise the steps efficiently. Also some props and safety kits can be used by beginners to avoid any injuries. Dancers are most likely to face problems such as pain in feet and ankles, sprain in some body part, fatigue etc.

Learn more about dance at:



In the united states, surveys show that about _____ of all children have multiple fears, particularly about school, health, and personal safety.


In the united states, surveys show that about Worry of all children have multiple fears, particularly about school, health, and personal safety.

Between 4% and 10% of children suffer from separation anxiety disorder, which affects both males and girls equally. When removed from their main attachment figures, children with separation anxiety disorder may become too distressed.

Adolescents and youngsters with conduct disorders are affected. Although it can manifest before the age of 10, it often does so throughout adolescence (between ages 10 years to 19 years)

They are not reliable indicators of academic achievement. Intelligence test scores shouldn't be the sole factor considered for determining intellectual impairment since they don't reflect the degree of adaptive behavior.

Learn more about to children fears visit here;



Cass' insulin pump is computerized and connected device. Her parents are worried about a medical hack, where it can be remotely broken into and could alter Cass' doses of insulin. Explain how this medical device is protected from medical hacks and describe what you can say to her parents to help curb their
their fears?




Cass' insulin pump is computerized and connected device. Her parents are worried about a medical hack, where it can be remotely broken into and could alter Cass' doses of insulin. Explain how this medical device is protected from medical hacks and describe what you can say to her parents to help curb their

their fears?

an effective way to break the cycle of depression is to explain stressful events in terms that are


An effective way to break the cycle of depression is to explain stressful events in terms that are specific and temporary.

What is cycle of depression?

Cycle of depression can be defined as when a level of activity decreases. When someone stop doing the things it love doing. One of the symptoms of depression is that it can bring about some drastic changes in a depressed daily routines and their behaviour.

Some of the example of cycle of depression is that it can bring about feeling sad or loss of interest

Therefore cycle of depression is one of the way to explain stressful events in terms that are specific and temporary.

Learn more about Cycle of depression here: brainly.com/question/7518857


negative feedback loops occurs when the body tries to ________ a condition it is experiencing


negative feedback loops occurs when the body tries to  reverse a condition it is experiencing reverse.

What affects the body would a negative feedback cycle have?

A negative feedback loop, sometimes referred to as an inhibitory loop, enables the organism to control itself.The process begins when a biological system produces more, which raises the levels of specific proteins or hormones in the body.This inhibits or reverses the system's ability to produce in the future.

Where in the body does negative feedback happen?

The control of blood calcium levels is another illustration of negative feedback.The hormone parathyroid is secreted by the parathyroid glands, and it controls the amount of calcium present in the blood.The parathyroid glands detect a drop in calcium and release more parathyroid hormone as a result.

To know more about hormone visit:



according to the 2020-2025 dietary guidelines for americans, consuming less than ___ % of calories from total fat helps reduce risk of heart disease.


According to the 2020-2025 dietary guidelines for Americans and one of the fundamental public health tips relative to coronary heart, disorder hazard is to eat less than 10 percent of energy from saturated fats, and an average of 30 percent or much less of general energy from all fat.

Recommended day-by-day cholesterol intakes are three hundred mg or less consistent with day. restrict saturated fats to less than 10% of overall energy daily by replacing them with unsaturated fats and restrict trans fats to as little as possible. Diets excessive in saturated and trans fats are associated with coronary heart sickness. the yank coronary heart association recommends aiming for a dietary sample that achieves 5% to six% of energy from saturated fat. The state-of-the-art dietary pointers for people recommend preserving saturated fats to less than 10 percent of calories a day.

Research shows that a heart-wholesome weight loss plan can provide up to 35 percent of its energy from fats, as long as the fats are ordinarily mono- and polyunsaturated. For a weight loss program of two,000 energy, that's a maximum of 78 grams of fat. Unsaturated fat often comes from plant assets, as indicated on the desk above.

Learn more about Calories & Heart disease here:



Some nutrient needs increase during pregnancy. which nutrient recommends the intake level of 27 mg a day during pregnancy?


The nutrient that is recommended to have an intake of 27 mg a day during pregnancy is iron.

Iron is an essential mineral for pregnant women as it helps in the production of hemoglobin, which is the oxygen-carrying molecule in the blood.

It also helps in the development of the baby’s cells and tissues and is necessary for the baby’s growth. Iron also helps to prevent anemia, a common complication during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the body’s need for iron increases as the baby and placenta both require iron for their growth and development.

Therefore, pregnant women need to consume an adequate amount of iron-rich foods such as lean red meat, poultry, fish, and legumes, as well as iron-fortified cereals, to meet their daily requirements.

It is also recommended to take a daily iron supplement, as it can help to meet the increased need for iron during pregnancy.

This is important, as even mild anemia during pregnancy can increase the risk of complications such as preterm delivery, low birth weight, and maternal mortality.

Therefore, pregnant women must consume 27 mg of iron per day to ensure their own and their baby’s health.

To know more about hemoglobin, click below:



According to recent data, obese patients are less likely than nonobese patients to obtain preventive health services and exams, including cancer screenings, pelvic exams, and mammograms. They are more likely to cancel appointments, delay appointments, and delay preventive care service.
a) Both the first and second statements are false.
b) Both the first and second statements are true.
c) The first statement is true, and the second statement is false
d) The first statement is false, and the second statement is true.


b) Both the first and second statements are true as obese patients are less likely to obtain preventive health services and  are more likely to cancel appointments.

Common treatments for overweight and obese patients is through healthy ingestion, being a lot of physically active, and creating alternative changes to your usual habits. Weight-management programs might facilitate some individuals turn or keep from restitution lost weight.

Studies have shown that medical students believe that patients who are fat lack self-control, are less doubtless to stick to their appointments, and are a lot of “sloppy,” “unsuccessful,” and “unpleasant” than the thin patients.

To learn more about obese patients here



Medical researchers often test medicines on patients who have given informed consent for the tests. The researchers divide the patients into two groups. One group is given the medicine. The second group is given a harmless substitute such as sugar pills. Neither the patients nor the researchers know which patients have received the medicine and which have received the substitute. What is the purpose of having neither the patients nor the researchers know who is receiving which treatment?.


The purpose of having neither the patients nor the researchers know who is receiving which treatment is to decrease bias.

An unblinded placebo test is the experimental method mentioned in the question. This process aims to lessen the "placebo effect"-related bias in the experiment.The placebo effect is a phenomenon in which patients receiving a mock therapy (a placebo) report reacting better to actual treatment.A double-blinded placebo experiment is a type of experimental design in which a group of participants receives a non-medical therapy. The goal of using a placebo is to lessen biases. Biases are influences that could have an impact on an experiment's outcome but do not originate from the treatment's actual effects but rather from some other source. Because neither the researcher nor the subject are aware of which therapy is a "sham" and which is the real treatment, this neutralizes the technique and eliminates any possibility of manipulations that might be used to influence the outcome.

To know more about treatment check the below link:



An injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers' compensation law. a. True b. False


True. When an employee has an injury while traveling to or from work, it is typically not regarded as having happened on the job or during the course of employment and is therefore not covered by workers' compensation legislation.

What exactly is a bodily harm?

A significant injury to the body involves physical trauma. Physical trauma can be of two major types: Blunt force trauma is when a force or item impacts a bodily part, frequently causing concussions, serious wounds, or fractured bones.

How would you define harm?

Body damage is a result of an injury. It is a catch-all phrase for hurt brought on by mishaps, hits, falls, and other incidents. Millions of Americans hurt themselves every year.

To know more about Injury visit:



the basic cycle of cpr for adults alternates two rescue breaths with 30 chest compressions. True or False


the basic cycle of cpr for adults alternates two rescue breaths with 30 chest compressions: false- 30

After every 30 chest compressions at a charge of 100 to one hundred twenty a minute, supply 2 breaths. preserve with cycles of 30 chest compressions and a couple of rescue breaths till the kid starts offevolved to recover or emergency help arrives.

CPR consists of three cycles of fashionable CPR with every cycle along with 30 chest compressions with a pause for 2 ventilations at a compression:ventilation ratio of 30:2. CCC includes a series of three cycles of continuous chest compressions with out pauses for air flow.

Define what CPR way, the “four Rs” (chance, apprehend, React and Resuscitate), and phrases related to CPR together with: Chain of Survival and Emergency response system, angina, heart assault, cardiac arrest and defibrillation.

Learn more about CPR here:



What next steps have you contemplated for your life and career/work planning?



Step 1:explore career options

step 2:conduct field research

step 3:Determine your job target

step 4:build your credentials and resume

step 5:prepare for your job search

step 6:launch your job search

good luck (:

parenting as a team project


What’s the question?

An assertive communicator uses
"YOU" messages, which often lead to fights.
Please select the best answer from
the choices provided.


An assertive communicator uses "YOU" messages, which often lead to fights. Thus, the given option is false.

What is the use of "YOU" messages in assertive communicator?

In the assertive communicator the uses "YOU" messages, which has been often lead to the fights. The truth has been, assertive people do not blame anyone and will not the point to "You" without a proper logic.

It has a completely false statement which has an assertive communicator uses "YOU" messages, which has often lead to fights. The correct option among the two options that are given in the question is the second option.

Therefore, An assertive communicator uses "YOU" messages, which often lead to fights. Thus, the given option is false.

Learn more about assertive communicator on:






exercise uses oxygen, typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities, and promotes cardiovascular health.


Aerobic exercise uses oxygen, typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities, and promotes cardiovascular health.

By definition, aerobic exercise means that “with element.” Your respiratory and pulse rate can increase throughout aerobic activities. Aerobic exercise exercise helps keep your heart, lungs, and cardiovascular system healthy. cardiopulmonary exercise is any form of cardiovascular acquisition, or “cardio.” It will embrace activities like brisk walking, swimming, running, or cycling.

Regular exercise can improve your brain health, manage weight, scale back the chance of sickness, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to try and do everyday activities. Adults who sit less and do any quantity of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity gain some health edges.

To learn more about Aerobic exercise here



Countries that add fluoride to water have higher cancer rates than countries that do not. The conclusion that fluoride causes cancer is.


Fluoride is the handiest chemical brought to ingesting water for the motive of medication (i.e. to save you enamel decay). The statement is true.

The countries that add fluoride to water includes Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the bulk of Switzerland (97%), and the bulk of the United Kingdom (90%).

Excess quantities of fluoride ions in ingesting water can reason dental fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis, arthritis, bone damage, osteoporosis, muscular damage, fatigue, joint-associated problems, and chronicle issues and risk of cancer.

The given statement is true.

To learn more about cancer check the link below:



Complete question

Countries that add fluoride to water have higher cancer rates than countries that do not. The conclusion that fluoride causes cancer. Is this statement true or false.

According to the lecture, all of the following are examples of environmental factors that influence mental health disorders except: a. Death of a family member b. Brain damage c. Divorce d. Substance abuse.


All of the given options that are examples of environmental factors that influence mental health disorders is brain damage, i.e., option b.

Some examples of mental health disorders includes, anxiety disorders, which includes panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias. Depression, bipolar disorder, and different temper disorders. Eating disorders.

Serious mental illness is described as a intellectual, behavioral, or emotional ailment ensuing in extreme purposeful impairment, which extensively interferes with or limits one or greater principal existence activities.

Therefore, option b is the correct choice.

To learn more about mental health check the link below:



the forms and functions of humor in illness trauma narratives


The forms and functions of humor in illness trauma narratives is essential because it tends to lower the stress condition and makes the person lighthearted.

Reducing stress and anxiety using humor causes better blood circulation and release of happy hormones. These hormones tends to make the brain more stronger to handle the traumatic conditions. Humor can be effectively used to change the perspective of the trauma. The power of laughter can provide humor and healing when life gets hard. It has been highlighted in many reports that happy moments of life expressed with humor can bring the person back from coma and induce many successful surgeries.

Learn more about trauma at:



Physical, mental, and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or infirmity is the holistic view of health valued by nurses.
a. True
b. False


TRUE. The WHO defines physical, mental, and social well-being as more than just the absence of sickness or disability. This is the holistic perspective of health that nurses value.

The above statement is simply one of the principles that come within the ones that WHO is still strongly dedicated to as stated in the preamble of the Constitution.

Some of the principles are s follows :

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.One of every person's fundamental rights, regardless of ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, economic situation, or social standing, is to enjoy the maximum achievable quality of health.In order to achieve peace and security, it is essential for all people to be healthy, which depends on the complete cooperation of both individuals and states.Any State's success in promoting and protecting health is valuable to everyone.A common risk is the disparate advancement of many nations in the promotion of health and control of illnesses, particularly communicable diseases.Governments must provide enough social and health programs in order to fulfill their obligation to protect the health of their citizens.

Find more on Health at: brainly.com/question/20867263


Is swimming good for weight loss?


Swimming is an efficient way to burn calories. A 160-pound person burns approximately 423 calories an hour while swimming laps at a low or moderate pace. That same person may burn up to 715 calories an hour swimming at a more vigorous pace.
Also Swimming cardio is one of the most effective ways to lose weight including your belly fat. This requires you to keep swimming for 15-20 minutes at the time while maintaining your heart rate levels in the particular zone that we call – fat burning zone.

Who do EMS profeional with olid kill and additional intruction become to ait future EMS profeional?


The premier source for expert-guided clinical for paramedics, EMTs, and the entire spectrum of emergency medical service personnel is EMS World.

A little bit of technology, humanity, medicine, commerce, health, compassion, life, death, PTSD, etc. are all present in EMS. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) must get ready to handle some of the particular difficulties that arise from terrorist attacks. The primary concern is the safety of the EMS personnel who arrive at the scene of a terrorist assault. If the shooter has not yet been neutralized in a shooting incident, no one should approach the site without being adequately educated in tactical medicine and wearing the necessary protective gear. A responder to an attack that uses chemicals, biological agents, or radiation must have the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE).

To learn more about EMS Professional click here https://brainly.com/question/28361409


does anyone who has snap


beep bop beep bop boop beep

most private health insurance plans require the patient to a pay a certain amount each year toward health care expenses before the plan benefits begin; this amount is the


Most private health insurance plans require the patient to a pay a certain amount each year toward health care expenses before the plan benefits begin; this amount is the deductible.

Deductible is a fixed greenback quantity throughout the profit amount - typically a year - that an insured pays before the insurance company starts to form payments for coated medical services. Plans could have each per individual and family deductibles. Some plans could have separate deductibles for specific services.

Health insurance plans provide coverage for many sorts of ailments and surgeries. They additionally cowl alternative aspects of medical treatment. mounted profit insurance plans provide the cash while not requesting an in depth description of all the aspects of treatment prices.

To learn more about health insurance plans here



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