What do aztec scouts think they see in the ocean? What we’re they really?


Answer 1
'We get to inspire younger girls' | Three female Triad teens become Eagle Scouts

The teens are part of the inaugural troop of girl Scouts in the Boy Scouts.

Author: Taheshah Moise
Published: 3:49 AM PST December 25, 2020
Updated: 3:49 AM PST December 25, 2020
OAK RIDGE, N.C. — Three Triad teens are now some of the first girls in the country to be Eagle Scouts.

Related Questions

What anthony davis did to be successful​ in his carrer?​



he was #1 pick in the NCAA draft


hope this helps!

summary of andrew jackson



Andrew Jackson was an American lawyer, soldier, and statesman who serve as the seventh president of the United States from 1829 to 1837. Before being elected to the presidency, Jackson gained fame as a general in the United States Army and served in both houses of the U.S Congress

The DEMOCRACY type of
included ten generals, the council of
500, and the assemblies.
A. living
B. school
C. military
D. government
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The answer is D government

Reduced the size of the state government· Equalized state aid for public schools in rich and poor areas· Established community centers for mentally handicapped children· Governor for only one term


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, your question is incomplete. Indeed, there is no question here. Just a series of statements.

What is your question? What do you want to know?

Doing some research we found that the part of the question that is lacking is: "All of these are describing what Georgia governor?"

So, we can comment on the following.

Reduced the size of the state government· Equalized state aid for public schools in rich and poor areas· Established community centers for mentally handicapped children· Governor for only one term. All of these are describing what Georgia governor?

Answer: Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter is very well-known as the 39th President of the United States. But only a few people remember that he was also the 76th governor of the State of Georgia from January 12, 1971, to January 14, 1975.

One of the first things he did when he became the governor of Georgia was to firmly declare that there would be no more racist segregation in Georgia. He was s supporter of getting poor people and African American people to have an education and better jobs.

Which two factors contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire?




Invasions by Barbarian tribes. The most straightforward theory for Western Rome’s collapse pins the fall on a string of military losses sustained against outside forces.

Economic troubles and overreliance on slave labor. Even as Rome was under attack from outside forces, it was also crumbling from within thanks to a severe financial crisis.


1. Invasions by Barbarian tribes

2. Overexpansion and military overspending

There are probably more put those are two of the biggest ones that are connected to eachother.

Others can be:

1. Government corruption and political instability

2. Weakening of the Roman legions

3. The rise of the Eastern Empire (Byzantium)

The teachings or revelations of Christ were known as

A.Dao de Jing


B. Gospel! By my knowledge

Which leader was a member of the Communist Party yet made the most changes against Communism
when he took office?
Leonid Brezhnev
Mikael Gorbachev
Boris Yeltsin
Alexander Putin


I think it was Boris Yeltsin


What is the most significant limitation of this document for a reader trying to decide if

the war in Vietnam was justified?

A) It does not include many facts or details about the conflict in Vietnam.

B) It does not provide background or history about communism in Vietnam.

C)It was created to persuade people, not to provide an objective point of view.

D)It was created to tell about deploying troops in general, but not in Vietnam specifically.


Answer: C

Explanation: got it right on Edge2020

The answer is:

It was created to persuade people, not to provide an objective point of view.

Please help
What happened to the German children Hitler was willing to ship out of the country?

German families took them in and protected them.

The United States allowed them to immigrate.

They were sent to death camps in Germany.

They were separated and sent to several different countries.



They were sent to death camps in Germany.



They were sent to death camps in Germany.


What was the recommendation of the Sibley Commission?
A. All schools should immediately begin the desegregation process.
B. School districts should individually determine whether to desegregate.
C. The state should continue to resist federal civil rights legislative efforts.
D. The state should improve African American schools rather than desegregated





The recommendation of the Sibley Commission was School districts should individually determine whether to desegregate. The correct option is (B).

What do you mean by Sibley Commission?  

The committee, sometimes known as the Sibley Commission, was tasked with obtaining opinions on desegregation from state people and relaying those opinions to the governor.

Georgia made modest progress toward desegregation, but most schools remained segregated.

Despite the commission's recommendations, Sibley urged the state to comply with the federal decision to desegregate the schools. Governor Vandiver introduced a law in January 1961 that adopted the Sibley Commission's desegregation recommendations.

Therefore, the recommendation of the Sibley Commission was School districts should individually determine whether to desegregate.

To know more about the Sibley Commission, visit:



Why did the issue of voting lead to another constitutional amendment in the late 1800s?
A.Congress decided to extend voting rights to white women.
B.African Americans had achieved equality in most other areas.
C.Poor white Southerners were blocked from voting by poll taxes.
D.Congress was worried that white Southerners would stop African Americans from voting.


B.African Americans had achieved equality in most other areas.



Explanation: did it on edge

Based on the Vin diagram, how did the 14 points differ from the treaty of Versailles





The Fourteen Points was definitely trying to take a more passive route of resolve. As where as The Treaty of Versailles was penalizing the Central Powers (ex

reparations, reducation of military, division of nations, etc...)

Venn diagram, they differ from the Treaty of Versailles are the Fourteen Points, sought to create a lasting peace without penalizing the Central powers. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is diagram?

The term diagram refers to the part of the visual communication. They are the based on the shown the details in the short way. The diagrams are the helpful to the learning. There was the based on the two-dimentional and the 3-dimentional. There was the attracting with the light colors.

The specifics, according to the Venn diagram, are in the short details. They are the fourteen points on which they are built, and they are clearly attempting to pursue a more passive method of resolution. There was a representation of military reduction, compensation, and national division on the Central Power.

As a result, the Venn diagram, they differ from the Treaty of Versailles are the Fourteen Points, sought to create a lasting peace without penalizing the Central powers. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on diagram, here:



In which two ways did the Magna Carta influence democracy?
It reduced the taxes that people paid to the government.
It completely separated the powers of church and state.
It declared that no “free man” could be arrested unless charged with a crime.
It advocated timely and speedy trials for people accused of crimes.
It took power from the king and gave it to the people.



it would the a edg job job job

Which of the following is a major cause of high levels of air pollution in India's largest cities?

low emission standards for power plants

low standards on industrial waste disposal

low standards for vehicle emissions and fuel

Private business not following government regulations





I don't know!!

Private businesses not following government regulations is a major cause of high levels of air pollution in India's largest cities. Therefore option D is correct.

What is Air pollution?

Any substance that alters the natural properties of the atmosphere, whether it be chemical, physical, or biological, is considered an air pollutant. Air pollution can occur indoors or outdoors. Common causes of air pollution include motor vehicles, industrial operations, household combustion appliances, and forest fires.

There are some gases in the atmosphere that might pollute the air. For instance, ozone gas is a significant contributor to air pollution in urban areas. Ozone is another greenhouse gas that has potential benefits and drawbacks for the environment. Where it is in the Earth's atmosphere is what matters.

High up in our atmosphere, ozone is beneficial. Radiation from the Sun, which is damaging energy, is aided in blocking by it. However, ozone can be quite harmful to our health when it is closer to the earth. When sunlight interacts with specific chemicals that come from places that burn fossil fuels, such as factories or car exhaust, ground-level ozone is produced.

To know more about  Air pollution follow the link.



What is the significance of the Armenian Genocide?



The signifiance/importance is that the Ottoman Empire failed to take the Suez Canal from the British which failed and tried to take Gallipoli which failed too. The Ottoman Empire blamed this on the Armenians causing 1 million Armenians to be killed.


The Voting Rights Act of 1965 required
a. the federal government to inspect local voter registration procedures to ensure that all Americans
had an equal opportunity to vote.
b. local voter registration officials to ensure that African Americans had an equal opportunity to run
for public office.
C. the federal government to enforce the Supreme Court ruling on desegregation.
d. areas with large immigrant populations to provide ballots in voters' preferred language.


Answer: a


I’m guud at history have a guud day h03

why were southern states against protective tariffs



In 1828, Congress passed a high protective tariff that infuriated the southern states because they felt it only benefited the industrialized north. For example, a high tariff on imports increased the cost of British textiles.


Use the drop-down menus to complete the statements.

North Korea has a
form of government, while South Korea has a
form of government.

Compared to South Korea, North Korea has a

South Korea is
the United States.



Use the drop-down menus to complete the statements.

North Korea has a

✔ communist dictatorship

form of government, while South Korea has a

✔ democratic

form of government.

Compared to South Korea, North Korea has a

✔ struggling


South Korea is

✔ an ally of

the United States.



3, 2, 1, 1 or communist dictatorship, democratic, struggling, an ally of.


I did the assignment on Edge, 2022.

(See the attachment below.)

The person above (or below) me was correct, please give them Brainliest! Have a good day and good luck on the quiz! <3

British soldier i am poem






please help i only have 5 mins





Men were the least oppressed group listed here.



men did

Which of the following was NOT a factor contributing to industrial development in Britain?
1 Political stability.
2 Access to raw materials.
3 Access to a large labor supply
4 Organized labor unions.​





Which inference is best supported by the table?
F The South's population primarily lived in large cities.
G The South had a higher standard of living than the North.
H The North depended upon foreign imports to feed its population.
J The North was more industrial while the South was mostly agricultural.




because the south mainly produces cotton using slaves, which is agricultural, while the north produced more machinery

why is 476 ad considered to be the end of the roman empire



In 476 AD, a Germanic barbarian by the name of Odoacer took control of Rome. He became king of Italy and forced the last emperor of Rome, Romulus Augustulus, to give up his crown. Many historians consider this to be the end of the Roman Empire.


by which  was the end of the western roman empire

What social and economic issue that helped cause the French revolution is best illustrated in the picture above?

a:Cultural diffusion

b:Class division




Pretty sure it is B, because the cause of the French Revolution was high taxes on the 3rd estates( peasants ).




The peasant is carrying the other two men on his back and is sort of "holding them up"

Which of the following is NOT an example of how the Cherokees attempted to assimilate into American life?

1. Developed a written language
2.Planted crops and wore American style clothes
3.Created a central government with a legislative branch
4.Published a newspaper
5.Invented fireworks for Fourth of July celebrations.
6.Converted to Christianity





The Cherokees tried to fit in with American culture by learning their language, wearing their clothes and even converting to Christianity.

What has been one effect of market reforms in India?

Increased food production dramatically reduced poverty.

Foreign companies have moved many jobs to India.

Overpopulation has become less of a problem.

Unemployment in India has gone down.



foreign companies have moved many jobs to india

The major effect of market reforms in India is that foreign companies have moved many jobs to India.

What do you mean by reforms?

A reform refers to the process of changing, reforming, or modifying some practice.

The reforms in India liberalize the economic policies and increases the role of private and foreign investments.

Reforms helped the Indian economy by increasing foreign technology and improvement in infrastructure facilities. Many foreign companies have moved jobs to India.

Therefore, B is the correct option.

Learn more about Reforms here:


1. What was a major difference between the Vikings from Norway and Denmark?

2.Why was Aiathius living with the Huns?


Viking – Norse seafarers who during the Viking Age left their Scandinavian homelands (Sweden, Denmark and Norway) to raid, trade and colonize. ... Dane – A person from Denmark. However, during the Viking Age the word 'Dane' became synonymous with Vikings that raided and invaded England.

What was pay for an enlistee?

$22.00 per month

$15.00 per month

$100.00 per month

$13.00 per month
who ever awsences crrotaly will get branily



100 oebnspdknsksksbhs


$13.00 per month


What problems did Curtis face because he
could not read?




Ponyboy is faced with a number of conflicts throughout the novel. The most obvious conflict is the one between him and his older brother Darry, who after their parents’ death, took over as the family’s breadwinner and guardian to Ponyboy and Soda. Darry always reprimands Ponyboy whenever he is on the wrong but Ponyboy thinks that Darry is too harsh on him and does not love him like he does Sodapop. Ponyboy writes, “…Me and Darry just didn’t dig each other. I never could please him. He would have hollered at me for carrying a blade if I had carried one. If I brought home B’s, he wanted A’s, and if I got A’s, he wanted to make sure they stayed A’s. ..He never hollered at Sodapop, not even when Sodapop dropped out of school or got tickets for speeding. He just hollered at me.



Many doors were closed to curtis because he couldn't read. Reread the section "Facing the Facts' to find and describe several everyday things that Curtis could not do because of his illiteracy. He couldn't read, write, keep studying, he couldn't learn, he couldn't get a decent job, etc.




1)C; 2)E; 3)D; 4)H; 5)G; 6)F; 7)A; 8)B

Multiple Choice:

9) C

10) B

11) A

12) C

13) C

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