what did benjamin franklin's father did for a living


Answer 1


His father was a candle and soap maker


Related Questions

Reformer Elizabeth Cady Stanton's most controversial belief was that women
should be allowed to:

OA. vote in elections.
OB. control their own money.
OC. file for divorce.
D. use birth control.


Reformer Elizabeth Cady Stanton's most controversial belief was that women should be allowed to vote in elections. Hence, option A is correct.

What were Elizabeth Cady Stanton's beliefs?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an abolitionist, a champion of human rights, and one of the pioneers of the women's rights movement. She decided early in life to fight for women's equality despite hailing from an affluent background.

The annual conventions of the women's rights movement ceased, but in 1863 Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton established the Women's Loyal National League after gathering 400,000 signatures on a petition calling for the immediate passage of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which would have abolished slavery in the nation.

Thus, option A, vote in elections, is correct.

For more information about Elizabeth Cady Stanton's belief, click here:



Why did the rate of population growth increase in the late 1800s?



There are a few reasons why the rate of population growth increased in the late 1800s. One of the main reasons was the Industrial Revolution, which began in the latter half of the 18th century and continued into the 19th century. This period saw major advances in technology and industry, which led to increases in agricultural productivity and improvements in living conditions. This, in turn, led to a decrease in mortality rates and an increase in birth rates, resulting in a population growth.

The Department of Insurance and Safety is led by what official? commissioner of health commissioner of insurance O governor attorney general​


The Department of Insurance and Safety is led by commissioner of insurance.

What is Department of Insurance?

The 1868-founded California Department of Insurance is the body tasked with regulating the insurance industry, upholding legislation requiring consumer protections, educating customers, and promoting stability in the state's insurance markets.

What is the role of the insurance department in Georgia?

The Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner issues licences to insurance providers, oversees compliance with state laws on insurance prices, rules, and forms, looks into allegations of insurance fraud, and inspects homes and structures to prevent the spread of fire.

To know more about insurance, click here- brainly.com/question/25855858


The Department of Insurance and Safety is led by commissioner of insurance.

What is Department of Insurance?

The 1868-founded California Department of Insurance is the body tasked with regulating the insurance industry, upholding legislation requiring consumer protections, educating customers, and promoting stability in the state's insurance markets.

What is the role of the insurance department in Georgia?

The Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner issues licences to insurance providers, oversees compliance with state laws on insurance prices, rules, and forms, looks into allegations of insurance fraud, and inspects homes and structures to prevent the spread of fire.

To know more about insurance, click here- brainly.com/question/25855858


How do economists list quantities that suppliers offer in the market at certain prices:


Economists  list quantities that suppliers offer in the market at certain price  into an equation called the supply curve. The higher the price, the more suppliers are likely to produce. Conversely, buyers tend to purchase more of a product the lower its price.

What is Quantity Supplied?

The quantity supplied of a good or service is the quantity sellers are willing to sell at a particular price during a particular period, all other things unchanged. Ceteris paribus, the receipt of a higher price increases profits and induces sellers to increase the quantity they supply.

The relationship between price and quantity supplied is suggested in a supply schedule, a table that shows quantities supplied at different prices during a particular period, all other things unchanged.

Learn more about the Quantity Supplied here:



Heroes of the Wild

Study the interactive in the lesson to describe the background and contributions of these key historical figures. Then respond to the reflection question. Your answers should be written in complete sentences.
Lewis Clark Sacajawea York
Describe each
individual’s background.

Describe the
contributions he/she made to the expedition.


The most significant participants in the Lewis and Clark Expedition were Lewis, Clark, Sacajawea, and York as Heroes of the Wild.

What do you mean by Heroes of the Wild?

Heroes of the wild consist four great American men viz. Lewis and Clark were companions in this inquiry. When they had to communicate with the natives, Sacajawea served as their translator and York was Clark's slave.

President Thomas Jefferson dispatched Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to lead the Lewis and Clark Expedition through the recently annexed Louisiana Territory in 1804.

It was the first cross-country voyage through the western United States of America that led to the coast of the Pacific Ocean at the mouth of the Columbia River in today's Washington state.

The expedition took two years to complete and laid the foundation for US expansion to the west. A lot of knowledge was gathered about the still unexplored areas in the heart of the North American continent.

Thus they reveal the expeditions of Pacific ocean.

To know more about Heroes of the Wild refer:



Frank Ghery's architecture is often thought of as belonging to the Art Nouveau movement
True or false


The notion that Frank Ghery's building is typically associated with the Art Nouveau movement is untrue. Due to his use of unusual materials, he has been compared to the deconstructivist movement; nonetheless, postmodernism has been associated with him because of his unique vision for architectural forms.

What is art Nouveau?

Between roughly 1890 and 1910, both in Europe and the United States, the ornate Art Nouveau style of art was in vogue. The most popular applications of Art Nouveau, which are architecture, jewelry interior design, glass design, posters, and illustration, are these. Art Nouveau is distinguished by its use of a long, sinuous, organic line.

The natural world served as the inspiration for the Art Nouveau style, which is distinguished by sinuous, organic shapes, sculptural, arches, bending lines, and sensual decoration. Common themes include stylized representations of leaves, vines, flowers, insects, animals, and other natural objects.

Learn more about art Nouveau architecture, from:



three laws you would advise in the constitution.


There are three primary parts of the Constitution that we use today. The Preamble comes first, then the Articles (the core of the Constitution), and finally the Amendments.

What do you mean by US Constitution.

The supreme law of the United States of America is found in its Constitution. In 1789, it replaced the Articles of Confederation, which served as the country's original constitution. It defines the framework of national government and originally had seven articles.The Constitution outlines the three main federal government branches and their respective responsibilities. It also specifies the fundamental legislation of the United States federal government. It is the oldest written national constitution still in use and has come to represent Western legal precedent.

To know more about USA constitution here



what do trial,appeals and supreme court have in common


They are all involving the constitution of America

all of the following tactics were used by white southerners to keep blacks fro mvoting in the years after thge civil war except


One of the strategies white Southerners attempted to prevent blacks from voting inside the years following the Civil War was the black code.

What do techniques promote?

The greatest snowboarding and skateboard equipment, footwear, apparel, and extras can be found at specialized retailers. Register to get special offers as well as new releases.

Where was the origin of tactics?

According to them, the idea for Tactics was born in 1998 on a snowy day Mt. Bachelor in Oregon, and it was formally established in 1999. They are one of the biggest skating and snowboarding specialty stores with in world and are rider-owned and -staffed.

To know more about Tactics visit:



The complete question is-

All of the following tactics were used by white southerners to keep blacks from voting in the years after the Civil War EXCEPT

a). poll taxes

b). literacy tests

c). grandfather clauses

d). intimidation and violence

e). black code

w. e. b. du bois claimed that was the major problem facing the united states during the twentieth century.


The colour line defining racial stratification was so memorably described by Du Bois as "the dilemma of the twentieth century." In Asia and Africa, the Americas, and the sea islands, he said that colour line regulated the relationship between the darker and lighter races of man (Du Bois, 1903).

Who is W. E. B. Du Bois?

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois, an American sociologist, socialist, historian, and fighter for Pan-Africanism, lived from February 23, 1868, to August 27, 1963. After completing his graduate studies at Harvard University, where he became the first African American to receive a doctorate, and the University of Berlin, where he was born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, Du Bois grew up in a generally accepting and integrated neighbourhood. He then joined Atlanta University's faculty as a professor of history, sociology, and economics. In 1909, Du Bois helped form the NAACP, which stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

He also authored two more life tales, all three of which contained essays on sociology, politics, and history. His 1940 autobiography Dusk of Dawn is recognised in part as one of the earliest scholarly treatises in the area of American sociology. He produced a number of significant articles while serving as editor of the NAACP's periodical The Crisis. Du Bois supported socialist causes throughout his life and thought that capitalism was a major contributor to racism. He vigorously supported nuclear disarmament and was a fighter for peace. A year after Du Bois's passing, the United States Civil Rights Act was passed, which included many of the changes for which he had advocated his whole life.

To learn more about W. E. B. Du Bois from the given link



w. e. b. du bois claimed that was the major problem facing the united states during the twentieth century.

short-lived west coast republic proclaimed by american rebels against mexican rule just before the arrival of u.s. troops in the province.


The short-lived West Coast Republic proclaimed by American rebels against Mexican rule just before the arrival of the U.S. troop in the province is the California Republic

What is California Republic?

California Republic or Bear Flag Republic, was an unrecognized secession state in which, in 1846, he exercised military control over what is now Sonoma County, California, and the surrounding area north of San Francisco for 25 days.

In June 1846, his 33 American immigrants from Alta California entered without official permission and revolted against the Mexican ministry. Their complaints included being banned from buying or leasing land and threatened with deportation. Mexican officials were concerned about an impending war with the United States and an increasing influx of Americans to California. The mutiny was led by U.S. Army Honorary Captain John C. It contributed to the difficulties of Fremont and the recent outbreak of the Mexican-American War.

Learn more about California Bear Flag Republic https://brainly.com/question/13905189


In the late 1700s, New Jersey was the only state to
but by 1807 it had?


In the late 1700s, New Jersey was the only state to give women the right to vote but by 1807 it had rescinded the right to vote.

Why was New Jersey special as regards voting rights ?

In the late 1700s, the State of New Jersey was special because it had amended its constitution in 1790 to allow for women to be able to vote. This was momentous in a country that would only allow women to vote more than 100 years later.

Sadly, by the year 1807, things changed as New Jersey then removed the right of women to vote. They also removed the right of African Americans to vote as well.

Find out more on New Jersey at https://brainly.com/question/15114540



have universal suffrage and limited voting rights to white men


What did the Nineteenth Amendment allow?

A. African American emancipation
B. black male suffrage
C.women's suffrage
D.racial integration on public transportation



The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.


C or the third option

What new technologies
helped people in the late
1800s get to and from work?



Horse cars, electric trolley lines, elevated railroads, and cable cars.


According to this document, “Thoughts on American Imperialism,” by Carl Schurz

does Schurz believe that strong nations should stay out of international affairs?


Carl Schurz was an anti-imperialist politician who felt that the country needed to defend its interests, and believed strong nations should stay out of international affairs, as stated in his document.

Who was Carl Schurz and what did he do?

Carl Schurz was a soldier, politician, and author who is most well-known for his ardent advocacy of liberal democracy. He participated in the Civil War, served as a senator for the United States, and spoke out against the Republican Party's turn to conservatism in the late 19th century. He also contributed to the election of President Lincoln. He believed that U.S. foreign policy should advance peace rather than conquest. He also understood

Schurz was chosen as the Secretary of the Interior by Republican Rutherford B. Hayes after he won the 1876 presidential election. By working to prevent the transfer of the Bureau of Indian Affairs to the War Department, Schurz aimed to replace political and party connections with a merit-based system for civil service. Senator Schurz assisted in thwarting an 1869 treaty-based attempt by the United States to seize Santo Domingo.

To learn more about Carl Schurz, visit:



which of the following statements is not true about the swahili city-states? question 45 options: historians of africa trace the origins of the swahili city-states to the bantu expansions. a single sultan ruled over all of the swahili city-states. swahili merchants generally made their fortunes by acting as middlemen. they sold gold, timber, and other goods from interior regions of africa to traders who carried the items throughout the indian ocean world. dozens of swahili city-states dominated the east african coast from 1000 to 1500 ce.


The following statements that is not true about the Swahili city-states is a single sultan ruled over all of the Swahili city-states.

What is Swahili?

Swahili, also known as KiSwahili or Kiswahili, Bantu spoken as a native or fluent second language on the east coast of Africa, stretching from Lamu Island in Kenya in the north to the Tanzanian border in the south. (Bantu forms a subgroup of the Benue-Congo branch of the Niger-Congo family.)

People who speak Swahili as their only native language are usually referred to as Waswahili, although this name refers only to their language and does not denote any particular ethnic or tribal entity. It is widely used as a common language in the region:

(1) It is used in Tanzania as the official language and primary school language.

(2) In Kenya, after English, it is the primary language for these purposes.

(3) In Congo (Kinshasa), Swahili is one of her four administrative languages, with French being the primary language for this purpose.

(4) Uganda, where the predominant language is again English;

Learn more about Swahili https://brainly.com/question/7264659


*the choices in the question above should be numbered like a, b, c, d in order to have a neat list

Which phrase best completes the diagram

Ramses ||

A. Destroyed the Nubian civilization

B. Signed the first known peace treaty

C. Ended slavery in Egypt

D. Ruled Egypt during its weakest period


Answer: D

Explanation he did save it from collapsing

In which region of Texas would Indians have used adobe for their shelters?​



Far West Texas


Indians living in far west Texas did not have access to tall grasses for thatch or buffalo hides to cover their homes. What they did have was dirt, rock, and straw and, with these materials, they made their adobe houses in communities called pueblos. (Hope this helps! :)

What did workers do when they signed yellow-dog contracts?
a agreed to work for reduced wages
b agreed to work only eight hours a day
c promised they would not join a union
d promised they would not go out on strike



the answer is C. agreed not to join or remain a member of a labor organization and to quit his job if he joined one.

Which battle helped to disprove the assumption made by many in the Union that Black soldiers could not fight as well as white soldiers?

OA. Battle of Fredericksburg
OB. Battle of Port Royal
OC. Battle of Fort Wagner
OD. Battle of Fort Sumter


The battle that helped to disprove the assumption made by many in the Union that Black soldiers could not fight as well as white soldiers is option C. Fort Wagner.

What transpired at the Battle of Fort Wagner?

After suffering significant losses, Gillmore realized that a direct assault on Fort Wagner was impossible. Gillmore started a land and sea siege on the fort instead. The Confederates abandoned adjacent Fort Wagner and Fort Gregg on September 7, 1863, after 60 days of bombardment and siege.

Therefore, It was the battle that encouraged more African-American to enlist in the army. The battle showed the bravery and valor of Aftican-American and disproved the belief by Union that the white soldiers is superior to the African-American soldiers.

Learn more about battle of Fort Wagner



Answer:C fort wagner


Its obvious

when considering opportunities costs you have to make a _______________ and deal with the ________________

(high school economics)



Business plan and deal with corporate


7.Kartini's goals were most clearly advanced by which of the following during the nineteenthcentury?




the spread

Kartini's goals were most clearly advanced by the new concepts of rights and citizenship

What is citizenship?

Generally, the "connection between a person and a state to which the individual owes allegiance and in which the individual is entitled to the protection of the state" is the definition of citizenship. Each state is responsible for determining the criteria that must be met before it will recognize a person as a citizen of that state, as well as the criteria that must be met before that status may be revoked.

A person is considered to be a citizen of India by birth if either of their parents is a citizen of India or if one of their parents is a citizen of India and the other is not an illegal immigrant at the time of the birth of the person in India on or after December 3, 2004, and the person was born in India.

The greatest notable progress toward Kartini's objectives was made through the introduction of novel ideas about rights and citizenship.

Read more about citizenship



What are some of the ways heavy metal and rap each represented some disenfranchised segment of American or British culture?


The ways that some of the ways heavy metal and rap each represented some disenfranchised segment of American or British culture is that  it came about through the underground style that emerged in the 1980s such as the Grunge is an alternative rock subgenre that originated in Seattle in the late 1980s.

What is the heavy metal about?

The image of the new underground styles is one that is a representative of a disenfranchised segment of society

The Blues and 1960s Hard Rock, as filtered through the music of early Rock musicians like Link Wray and The Kinks, as well as later bands like Led Zeppelin and Cream, are the musical forebears of Heavy Metal.

One example of heavy metal are:

1. "Headbangers."

2. Jokes about heavy metal music and fans

3. preserving the current situation

Therefore, the U.K. (British) heavy metal are:

1. Guitar-based

2. a focus on showy soloing

3. loud drumbeats

4. An effort to return to an older look

Learn more about music from


Compose an Essay
Your essay will describe the relationship between the U.S. government and Native American groups over time. Please include at least four paragraphs.
one paragraph on the relationship during the colonialism period,
one paragraph on the relationship in the Constitution time period,
one paragraph on the relationship during the period of spreading U.S. settlements, and
one paragraph on the current relationships between Native Americans and the U.S. government.
Feel free to use the work you did in your History Journal to help with your essay. Review the lesson content. In your essay you should support your points using evidence from the lesson and the material you just read.


It should be noted that the above essay is an expository essay. An expository essay is one that analyses an event or an idea. See the sample required as per the above prompt.

What is the relationship between the U. S. Government and the Native American Groups over time?

Note that the relationship between the U.S. government and Native American groups has evolved over time. During the colonialism period, Native American lands were often seized by European settlers. The U.S. Constitution did not originally recognize Native American groups as sovereign nations, treating them instead as dependent nations.

As the U.S. expanded its settlements westward, Native American lands were increasingly threatened. Many Native American tribes were forcibly relocated to reservations. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the U.S. government sought to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream American society through programs such as the Indian boarding school system.

Currently, the U.S. government has a complex relationship with Native American tribes. Native American tribes are considered sovereign nations and have the right to self-governance. However, they must also adhere to federal laws and regulations. The U.S. government also provides funding for the improvement of Native American communities.

Overall, the relationship between the U.S. government and Native American groups has been fraught with conflict and mistreatment. While the current relationship is improved, Native American tribes still face challenges in asserting their sovereignty and improving their communities.

Learn more about expository essays:

Why did policies toward ethnic diversity lead to prosperity in Malaysia but to conflict in other parts of southeast asia


Chinese, Indians, and Malays are the three largest ethnic groups in Malaysia.

Why is Malaysia so diverse?

Malaysia's history of Chinese immigration and British occupation is one of the main causes of the country's diversity. While Malaysians make up the majority of the population, there are also Chinese, Indians, and other nationalities in the country, as well as ex-pats who coexist with the locals.

Up until the 1970s, when the Malaysian government started implementing policies to ensure equal access to education and employment opportunities in order to balance the distribution of wealth, the ethnically Chinese group had traditionally dominated the thriving business class and had contributed to the development of many industries for Malaysia.

Learn more about ethnic diversity here:



do you feel the KKK is a serious threat? If so what can we as a society do about it? If not why don’t you consider it as a threat? Can the KKK be totally silenced? What about the fact that we have free-speech in America? 


Ku Klux Klan was a serious threat, especially during reconstruction because its direct its hatred and violence against the African Americans, Catholics, Jews, and immigrants.

What did the Ku Klux Klan do in U.S.?

The Ku Klux Klan was a racist and white supremacist organization that first arose in the South after the end of the Civil War. The members of KKK opposed dismantling of slavery and sought to keep African Americans in a permanent state of subjugation to whites.

Its first arose in the South during Reconstruction Era, but experienced a resurgence in the period immediately following the end of the First World War. Although all of KKK’s savagery was aimed at African Americans, their hatred extended to immigrants, Catholics, Jews, liberals, and progressives.

Read more about Ku Klux Klan



George Washington what did he believe


He believed religious freedom was a natural right of all citizens.

the most significant geographical feature of central asia is question 50 options: the great vilayet sea, an inland sea that stretches for over a thousand miles from what is now russia into northern iran. the great eurasian steppe, a set of broad, flat grasslands that reach from eastern europe to the region of mongolia to the north of china. the great sahara desert, a massive set of deserts that have long prevented the people of central asia from having much contact with europe. the dead marshes, a set of swamps stretching for hundreds of miles in every direction. they are known as the dead marshes because the bodies of those slain by genghis khan in 1206 and ordered thrown into the swamp can still be seen today.


The Great Eurasian Steppe, a series of broad, flat grasslands stretching from Eastern Europe to Mongolia to the north of China, is Central Asia's most notable geographical feature.

What exactly takes place in Central Asia?

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan comprise the Central Asia region (CA). It is a diverse region with a mix of upper middle and low income countries that hold significant strategic significance due to their geographic location and natural resource endowments. Central Asia is a landlocked region with minimal rain. At the heart of the region are two huge desert regions. The northern sector is dominated by vast grasslands known as steppes. High mountains to the east provide a border between Central Asia and China. Central Asia is sometimes referred to as Turkestan.

To know more about Central Asia visit:



When is a defendant most likely able to successfully appeal a guilty verdict?
OA. When the defendant has already served several years in prison
B. When the defendant believes the jury made the wrong decision
C. When a witness remembered new information about the case
D. When a lower court made a legal mistake that affected the case


Note that a defendant is most likely able to successfully appeal a guilty verdict "When a lower court made a legal mistake that affected the case" (Option D).

When can a case be appealed?

Legal mistakes, juror misconduct, and ineffective aid of counsel are all potential grounds for appeal in criminal prosecution. Incorrectly admitted evidence, faulty jury instructions or a lack of sufficient evidence to sustain a guilty finding can all result in legal mistakes.

In court, a defendant is a person or object who is either accused of committing a crime in a criminal prosecution or against whom legal redress is sought in a civil action. Terminology differs from one jurisdiction to the next.

Appeals are determined by panels of three judges who work together. In a document known as a "brief," the appellant provides legal arguments to the panel in writing. The appellant attempts to persuade the justices in his brief that the trial court made a mistake and that its verdict should be reversed.

Learn more about defendants:

Why did many people in northern states oppose the spread of slavery into
western territories?

A. The spread of slavery would weaken the Bill of Rights.

B. The spread of slavery would take job opportunities away from
northern states.

C. The spread of slavery would shift the balance of power in

D. The spread of slavery would allow more states to enter the union.


Answer:The spread of slavery would shift the balance of power in



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