Infant monkeys raised with a nourishing wire mother and a nonnourishing cloth mother: ______


Answer 1

Infant monkeys raised with a nourishing wire mother and nonnourishing cloth mother: preferred the non nourishing cloth mother.

The primate order in the Mammalian class includes monkeys. They are thought to be extremely social animals. They frequently exist in groups known as troops. Typically, they are herbivores.

The child is comforted and kept warm by the cloth mother, who is unable to feed the child. The mother that permits the youngster to cling to her is known as the cloth mother, and this behavior is most frequently seen in monkeys.

Harlow's research revealed that when faced with unfamiliar and frightening circumstances, newborns also resorted to inanimate surrogate moms for solace. Infant monkeys would explore a new environment with a surrogate mother present, return to the surrogate mother when scared, and then go exploring again.

To know more about cloth mother, follow the below link:


Related Questions

in terms of public speaking, persuasion is understood as the process of ; a. getting an audience to believe exactly what you believe b. changing people's minds c. convincing people to do something they have never done before. d. influencing another person's attitudes, beliefs, values, and/or behaviors. clear my choice


Persuasion is defined as the process of influencing another person's attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in the context of public speaking. The right response in this case is option D.

Speaking persuasively aims to persuade an audience's views, attitudes, values, or actions. A speaker must create arguments that resonate with the audience in order to persuade. Claim, evidence, and warrant are the three building blocks of an argument.

People are motivated to alter their attitudes and behaviors by persuasion. As a result, you must first prove that there is a psychological reason for the audience to change. Before you can suggest how they can change, the audience must feel the need to do so.

To learn more about persuasion


the best leaders display both transactional and transformational leadership styles.a. trueb. false


It is true statement that the best leaders display both transactional and transformational leadership styles.

In management, this leadership focuses on supervision, organization, and performance; it is an integral part of the full range leadership model. Some typical tactics of this leadership in management include strategy, efficiency goals, economies of scale and quality differentiation.

A transactional managers focus on

performance related tasks and goals.

Essentially, a transactional leadership

is a style of leadership in which leaders

promote compliance by followers through both rewards and punishments. Through the rewards and punishments system, a transactional leaders are able to keep followers motivated for the short-term. A transformational leaders using the transactional approach are less interested in progressing their workers talents.

To know more about Leaders visit:


the national security alliance in 2004 estimated what percentage of home pcs are infected with spyware?


The National Security Alliance in 2004 estimated that 80% of home pcs are infected with spyware.

A sort of malware called spyware is installed on your device without your knowledge or consent and secretly gathers information about you. Your device may start to display intrusive advertisements and pop-up windows as a result of its monitoring of your sensitive information, and it may even track your keystrokes and login information. The data that spyware gathers might be given to the spyware's creator or another party.

To know more about National Security Alliance


what does crooks offer in return for joining george, lennie, and candy on the dream farm?


Crooks offers to work for free on the farm in exchange for joining Lennie, George, and Candy on the Dream Farm if George agrees.

Who is Crooks?

Crooks is one of the fictional characters in Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck. Since Crooks is the only black man on the farm, he encounters a lot of bigotry and discrimination. Crooks attempts to torture Lennie about George leaving him because he feels lonely and isolated, which makes him bitter and resentful towards the other characters. Black stablehand Crooks is a vivacious, witty individual who gets his moniker from its crooked back.

Learn more about Of Mice and Men here:


What is democratic question answer?


Democracy means rule by the people. A democratic country has a system of government in which the people have the power to participate in decision-making.

Each democracy is unique and works in different ways. In some democracies, citizens help make decisions directly by voting on laws and policy proposals (direct democracy). In others, citizens chose representatives to make decisions on their behalf.

A democracy relies on the participation of citizens. They participate not just by voting, but by getting involved in their community. A democratic society is one that works towards the ideals of democracy, for example, respect for individuals, and their right to make their own choices.

Learn more about democracy here:


Family therapy tries to involve all of the members of the client’s family in the process. identify the true and false statements about family therapy.
a. It holds to the systems approach that an individual is part of a larger context—in this case, the family.
b. A family therapist helping a client quit drinking would examine the client's brother's resentment at no longer having a drinking buddy.
c. It cannot successfully be used in the treatments of substance abuse or addictions because family relations in those situations are too volatile.
d. It is based on the belief that most psychological disorders result from traumatic events occurring early in life—usually within the family.


Family therapy tries to involve all of the members of the client’s family in the process.  A family therapist helping a client quit drinking would examine the client's brother's resentment at no longer having a drinking buddy.

This statement is False.

Family therapy is a branch of psychology and clinical social work that works with intimate families and couples to promote change and development. She tends to see changes in the interaction system between family members.

This science seeks to understand the cognitive development, mental functioning, and social behavior of individuals and communities by applying general principles and specific cases to achieve societal benefits.

The general goals of family therapy are to improve communication, resolve family problems, understand and manage unique family situations, and create a more functional home environment.

Learn more about Family therapy


anne fadiman, author of the spirit catches you and you fall down, studied the hmong immigrant population in the united states. what does her work suggest is one of the biggest challenges faced by this population?


As per Anne Fadiman, the biggest challenge faced by this population is a lack of English knowledge.

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down is book by Anne Fadiman. The book tells the story of Lia Lee, a Hmong girl born in California, and her experiences with the American healthcare system. The book explores the cultural differences between the Hmong community and mainstream American society, and the challenges Lia and her family face as they navigate the complexities of the healthcare system.

The story is a poignant exploration of difficulties arising when two very different cultures collide. As per the author, the biggest challenge here is a lack of understanding of the English language.  This lack of knowledge was a challenge for individuals not fluent in English and living in a society where English is the dominant language. This made it difficult for them to communicate with others, access important services, and participate fully in their community.

Read more about Anne Fadiman on:


If a man is arrested because his home was searched by police without a legal warrant, he could argue in court that he had been denied ______.


If a guy is detained because police illegally searched his residence, he may claim in court that he was not given:

What does the word "warrant" mean in law?

a writ authorizing or ordering someone to do something. The term frequently refers to a judge's writ authorizing law enforcement to conduct certain actions, such as making an arrest, searching a place, or seizing property.

What does a warrant include and why is one required?

An arrest warrant's main goal, as stated by the Fourth Amendment, is to stop illegal detentions. Additionally, the warrant actually informs the party(s) making the arrest of the charges against them.

To know more about legal warrant visit:


Social-networking sites have a history of providing tight security and giving users a clear understanding of how security features work.
a. True
b. False


Social networking websites have a reputation for offering high levels of protection and clearly explaining how security features operate to users. This statement is false.

Social networking sites have a reputation for having insufficient security, failing to adequately explain to users how security features operate, and abruptly altering security settings.

An online space known as a social networking site allows users to create profiles and networks that connect them to other users. The social networking phenomenon has spread swiftly around the world. Threats to security threats include phishing, profile spoofing, spam issues, location disclosure, cyberbullying, profile cloning, profile spoofing, and phishing, to name a few.

Among the concerns include cyberbullying, revealing private information with strangers like photographs, dates of birth, addresses, or locations, uploading improper content such as provocative or humiliating images or videos of oneself or others, and being overexposed to targeted advertising and marketing.

To learn more about Social networking


akin is polling a group of sexually active 70-year-old men and women. based on the text research, which is not a statement that he might hear one of these older adults say?


Akin is polling a group of sexually active 70-year-old men and women. "Lovemaking lasts longer and is more affectionate at this age" is not a statement that he might hear one of these older adults say.

In case you are affectionate, you show your love or fondness for every other character inside the way which you behave closer to them. They regarded dedicated to every different and have been brazenly affectionate. Synonyms: fond, loving, kind, caring greater Synonyms of affectionate.

Being affectionate is being warm, tender, and loving. A hug is an affectionate gesture. Affectionate words and moves display love, liking, or compassion. Kissing on the cheek, conserving hands, and hugging are all affectionate.

Learn more about affection here:

19. research indicates that vacation time . a.lowers worker productivity positively correlated with cognitive decline less beneficial for men than women d.increases cognitive and physical functioning


According to research, taking vacations improves both cognitive and physical performance. The right response in this case is option D.

Having workers take time off from work is advantageous for the company as well as for their physical and mental wellness. Employees will be refreshed and reenergized when they return to work, which will allow them to be more innovative and productive.

According to studies, taking time off the job might be good for your physical and emotional health. Vacationers have reduced levels of stress, a lower risk of heart disease, a more positive view of life, and greater determination to accomplish their goals.

According to research published by the American Psychological Association last year, taking vacations helps people feel less stressed because they are removed from the situations and activities that they often connect with stress and anxiety.

To learn more about vacations


which of the following is the best statement regarding the relationship between different forms of validity in psychology research? a. it is difficult to achieve high levels of both internal and external validity in the same research study. b. if one has high external validity in a research study, then they automatically have high internal validity as well. c. there is no relationship between internal and external validity, as they examine different qualities of a study. d. it is not possible to simultaneously assess both internal and external validity, so a researcher must decide which one is more important to their study before the research begins.


The best generalization about the link between various types of validity in psychology research is that it is challenging to acquire high levels of both internal and external validity in the same research investigation.

What distinguishes internal validity from validity?

When discussing an idea's viability, research studies and their findings are also taken into account. Internal validity examines if the planning, carrying out, and analysis of the study yield objective solutions to the research objectives. If the study's findings may be extended to many contexts, its external validity must be examined.

What does "validity" in research mean?

Validity. The degree to which a concept is precisely quantified in a quantitative investigation is known as validity. A survey that was intended to examine depression but instead evaluates anxiety, for instance, not be regarded as legitimate.

To know more about  validity in psychology research visit:-


which vocational interest inventory is based on six career types labeled realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional?


The Holland codes is based on six career types labeled realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional.

A system for categorizing employment into job categories, interest clusters, or work settings is called The Holland Codes. These categories correspond to work personalities in the Holland Model.

The work responsibilities are:

realistic,investigativeartisticsocialenterprisingand conventional

Each of the six interest categories outlines a wide range of comparable job duties and activities. People's values, motives, and preferences can all be characterized by their areas of interest. There are lists of typical job duties and descriptions of the kinds of people who would be interested in doing each of the interest areas.

The Holland coding system or RIASEC is well-known to the majority of seasoned career counselors. The abbreviation for Holland's initial six types is RIASEC.

Know more about Holland code click:


What are the importance of free and fair election?


A country cannot be considered truly democratic until its citizens have the opportunity to choose their representatives in free and fair elections. Without a legitimate and democratically elected government that is responsive and accountable to its citizens, critical development efforts will fail.

A free and fair election includes political freedoms and fair pre-election processes, a fair count of eligible voters who cast ballots (including electoral fraud or voter suppression), and acceptance of election results by all parties.

How does one go about holding a free and fair election?

The most basic principle defining credible elections is that they must reflect the free expression of people's will. To accomplish this, elections must be transparent, inclusive, and accountable, with equal opportunities to participate.

Learn more about  free and fair election to visit this link


suppose you are examining the changes in netflix original products over the last 5 years, you notice a strong influence of hollywood film practices, and also strategies common to chinese films, and latin american telenovelas. which term best describes this mixing of previously separate cultures according to lecture?


Despite the fact that many people try to avoid movies, they sometimes help to show the world as it really is. Additionally shown are documentaries about a variety of global incidents. Cinema has a significant positive and negative impact on society. The quality of the film depends on the viewer.

What was the New Hollywood movement influenced by?

The distribution of international films from auteurs like Truffaut and the French New Wave simply fed their inspiration, as New Hollywood explained. Additionally, it was in response to a perception of staleness in Hollywood studio films, which for decades dominated the market.

What impact has Hollywood had on the world?

Hollywood has a remarkable capacity to influence society's beliefs, cultures, morals, and even politics. because it has the ability to reach a large number of people worldwide. Hollywood is sometimes regarded as a hub for information and news. To keep themselves occupied, people watch movies and shows on television.

To learn more about Cinema here


someone argues that psychologists should study observable behaviors and avoid studying consciousness and the mind because its contents are unverifiable. this person's views are similar to those of


A person argues that psychologists ought to observe observable behaviors and keep away from studying focus and thoughts because their contents are unverifiable this person's views are just like the ones of Watson.

In 1913, the yank psychologist John B. Watson argued that intellectual strategies could not be reliably located or measured and that only observable, measurable conduct has to be the point of interest of psychology.

Behaviorist psychology should difficulty itself with the observable behavior of human beings and animals, now not with unobservable events that take place in their minds. the primary influences of behaviorist psychology were Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936), Edward Lee Thorndike (1874-1949), and John.

Learn more about psychologists  here


Why is access to education often limited in rural parts of Africa?



I believe it is B

"Although the] State of Coahuila and Texas is a part of the Federation, [it is] equal
to the other States of which the same is composed, and it is free, sovereign, and
independent in whatever exclusively relates to the internal administration....
-Article 2 of Decree No. 1, Constitution of the States of Coahuila and Texas (1827)
What constitutional principle does this Article best represent?
Individual rights
Popular sovereignty


According to the information, it can be inferred that the constitutional principle described in the article is federalism.

What is federalism?

Federalism is a term that refers to a political doctrine characterized by the formation of a political entity that is made up of different organizations that are associated delegating some liberties or powers of their own to another higher body, while retaining part of their autonomy.

What constitutional principle is described in the excerpt?

In accordance with the previous definition, it can be inferred that the constitutional principle described in the fragment is federalism because it is mentioned that the states of Coahuila and Texas are members of a group of organisms (states) that form a union maintaining their freedom, sovereignty and internal independence following the principles of federalism.

Learn more about federalism in:


A federal crime involving parties on guam would most likely be heard in which court?


A Federal crime involving parties on Guam would most likely be heard in Territorial Courts .

Congress created  13 United States Courts of Appeals, which hear appeals from district courts, and the United States District Courts, which hear most federal cases, with constitutional authority to establish courts below the Supreme Court.

Federal courts can only hear matters specifically authorized by the US Constitution or federal law because their jurisdiction is limited. An action must be brought in federal district court if it arises under a federal statute, constitution, or treaty. A local court is a  court with a lay judge that has minimal jurisdiction. This is considered the lowest level of justice.  Local courts or regional courts  have jurisdiction only in local matters and act according to the relevant regional law.

To know more about Territorial Courts visit :


when considering perfect competition, the absence of entry barriers implies that:______


When considering perfect competition the absence of entry barriers implies that firms can enter and leave the industry without serious impediments.

No barriers to entry mean that a perfectly competitive company can achieve zero economic returns in the long run. If there is a positive economic profit in the short term, this is a signal for new companies to enter the industry. In a fully competitive market, as opposed to a monopoly market, a company has a smaller market share.

Barriers to entry are relatively low and companies can enter and exit the market easily. This assumption complements the assumption of large numbers. If barriers exist, the number of firms in the industry can be reduced giving each of them the power to influence market prices. If the market shows significant economies of scale that are already heavily leveraged by incumbents.

Learn more about The absence here:-


Choose the three statements that correctly describe the voting process in georgia.


The statements that correctly describe the voting process in Georgia are you must first register to vote, must be at least 17 1/2 when registering, and have not served jail time for a felony. (Option A, C, E)

Voting process refers to a method through which a group, such as a meeting or an electorate, can engage for the purpose of making a collective decision or expressing an opinion usually following discussions, debates, or election campaigns. The policies that govern voter participation are enacted and enforced primarily at the state level. In the state of Georgia, one must first register to vote. At the time of registration, one must be at least 17 ½. The people who have served jail time for a felony are not allowed to vote in Georgia.

Note: The question is incomplete as it is missing options which are A) In order to vote in Georgia you must first register to vote. B) In order to vote, you have to be a resident in any county that borders the location at which you are voting. C) You must be at least 17 1/2 when registering to vote. D) You must be at least 17 1/2 on Election Day when voting. E) People who are serving jail time for a felony are not allowed to vote. F) Only people who vote in a Primary Election are allowed to vote in the General Election. G) You must be able to drive in order to vote.

Learn more about Voting process:


What are the main goals of NATO Why do countries want to be a part of this alliance?


The main objective of NATO is to protect the independence and security of the Allies through political and military action.

The major security tool of the transatlantic community and a manifestation of its shared democratic values continues to be NATO.

NATO is dedicated to resolving conflicts through peaceful means. If diplomatic attempts are unsuccessful, it possesses the military might to conduct crisis-management operations. These are carried out either alone or jointly with other nations and international organizations in accordance with a United Nations mandate or the collective defense provision of the Washington Treaty, which served as the foundational agreement for NATO.

Learn more about NATO here:


what have researchers concluded about the skills and work habits that children have when they enter kindergarten?


Throughout the years of elementary and secondary education, they are among the best predictors of academic motivation and performance.

At the end of kindergarten, a student's level of phonological awareness is one of the strongest indicators of future reading success. Early intervention is essential if you have students who are having difficulties in this area.

To know more about phonological awareness visit


the way teachers use language has a direct effect on students’ vocabulary growth.


It is true that the way teachers use language directly affects students' vocabulary growth. A solid vocabulary improves all areas of communication: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Why is increasing vocabulary important?

Vocabulary is important to a child's success because: Vocabulary growth is directly related to academic performance. Children's vocabulary size in kindergarten predicts their ability to learn to read.

Examples of vocabulary growth: Post the "word of the day" in a prominent place in your home and see how many times each person can use it that day.

What are principles of vocabulary development?

Build a background of experience. Relevant to context (e.g. explaining the meaning of a word). Correlate the words. Develop a depth of meaning. Present many exposures; It arouses interest in words. Promotion of independent learning of words. Learn how to learn words.

To learn more about vocabulary growth visit:


28. your 78-year-old grandmother is having difficulty with memories of her grandchildren, whom she dearly loves. she has difficulty with simple tasks that she has performed hundreds of times, such as remembering the route to the grocery store. she is also quite a bit different in her personality than she used to be being more reactive and prone to anger. there are several types of dementia; what type is your grandmother most likely experiencing? a.alzheimer's disease b.lou gehrig's disease c.huntington's disease d.a negative medical interaction effect


The grandmother is most likely experiencing Alzheimer's disease which is a type of dementia. The correct option is a.

What is Alzheimer's disease?

Alzheimer's disease refers to a progressive neurologic disorder that causes the brain to shrink and brain cells to die. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, a continuous decline in thinking, behavioural and social skills that affect a person's ability to function independently.

The early signs of the disease include forgetting recent events or conversations. As the disease progresses, a person with Alzheimer's disease will develop severe memory impairment and lose the ability to carry out everyday tasks.

Medications may temporarily improve or slow the progression of symptoms.

Learn more about disease, here:


Your employer lets you know that the safety data sheets are located on an computer in his office. Does this comply with employer responsibilities? select the best option.


Your employer lets you know that the Safety Data Sheets are located on an computer in his office. No, this does not comply with employer responsibilities as it is not easy to access them while I'm working.

An employer safety data sheet (SDS) is a document that provides information on the potential hazards of a product and how to safely handle and use it. SDSs are an important part of the overall safety program for any workplace that uses hazardous materials.

They provide employees with information on the potential health and safety risks of a product and how to protect themselves from these risks. SDSs also provide employers with information on the proper storage and handling of a product.

To know more about employer, click here.


What are two things that sinclair uncovered about meat sold to the general public?


To highlight labor violations in the meat-packing business, Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle in 1905.

Sinclair also discovered what was in the goods that were being offered for sale to the general public. Chemicals were used to coat spoiled meat in order to mask its odor. Head cheese was made using ground-up skin, hair, stomach, ears, and nose. Rats crawled over meat in the warehouse, leaving behind mounds of waste.

Sinclair said that he intended to strike America's heart but instead struck its gut. Even President Roosevelt, who came up with the mocking epithet "muckraker," felt compelled to take action. To stop these abhorrent practices, Congress swiftly approved the MEAT INSPECTION ACT and the PURE FOOD AND DRUG ACT.

Learn more about Violations here:


What are three worker responsibilities required by OSHA?


Worker responsibilities required by OSHA: Wear the recommended protective gear while working and abide by all legal workplace safety and health laws. Inform your supervisor of any dangerous situations.

Every day you should be able to return home safely and unharmed, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA works to keep you safe by establishing and enforcing workplace safety and health standards, as well as by giving employees and employers access to safety and health information, training, and assistance. Although OSHA does not issue citations to employees for failing to uphold their duties, you are still required to abide by all applicable occupational safety and health standards as well as all laws, guidelines, and orders made by OSHA. Even if there are risks or infractions that do not contravene specific OSHA requirements, ask your employer to take steps to address them.

learn more about OSHA here:


explain why consistency in decision making is so important in the federal judiciary and how the life term of federal judges contributes to this consistency


Understanding the consistency of judicial decisions is very important because variability in judicial decision-making is systemic and has important implications for understanding the decisions made by judges.

As the tone suggests, the word rational comes from the same Latin root as judge and judiciary. Naturally, a rational decision can only be made after all sides have been weighed and opposing positions have been considered. Smart decisions are not split-second decisions.

Case law or decision is the process a judge follows to make a decision. Judgments will be made based on similar cases in the past. Therefore, judicial decisions are based on the principle of starting decisions that "uphold the judgment already handed down."

The judiciary also plays a role in legislation. Court decisions actually determine the spirit, nature, and scope of the laws enacted by the legislature. The judicial interpretation of laws is the same as legislation because it is these interpretations that actually define the law.

Learn more about judicial decisions


How did the yellow press affect American sentiment toward the crisis in Cuba?


The yellow press has an impact on American attitudes toward the Cuban issue. It increased American patriotism and animosity toward Spain.

Patriotism is the adoration, devotion, and attachment to one's nation. This attachment can be a blend of many distinct feelings and words connected to one's own country, including ethnic, cultural, political, or historical components. It comprises a variety of concepts strongly related to nationalism, usually civic nationalism and occasionally cultural nationalism. Some expressions of patriotism highlight the "land" aspect in love for one's native land or employ agricultural and soil iconography. The English word "Patriot" was taken from "Compatriot" in the 1590s, and Middle French "Interference" in the 15th century. In the sixth century, the French words "Compatriote" and "Patriote" were derived straight from Late Latin Patriota, which meant "fellow-countryman."

Learn more about Patriote here


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