what command-line tool focuses on process information, and in addition, orders the processes by cpu consumption?


Answer 1

The top command displays a real-time list of processes running on your system in addition, orders the processes by CPU consumption.

What are command line tools?

Command-line tools are scripts, programs, and libraries that are usually purpose-built to solve a problem faced by the creator of that particular tool.

Are you still using the command line?

Many users today rely on graphical user interfaces and menu-driven interactions. However, some programming and maintenance tasks may use the command line without a graphical user interface.

What are the command line examples?

Command shells in MS-DOS and Windows operating systems are examples of command line interfaces. Additionally, programming language development platforms such as Python can support command-line interfaces.

Learn more about command line tool:



Related Questions

the traditional waterfall methodology is a sequential, activity-based process in which each phase in the sdlc is performed sequentially from planning through implementation and maintenance. group of answer choices true false


True. The traditional waterfall methodology is a sequential process that begins with planning, followed by analysis, design, implementation, testing, and finally deployment and maintenance.

This process is based on the assumption that each phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC) must be completed in order, and that no phase can be skipped or repeated. As such, the waterfall methodology is designed to ensure that the software is correctly developed and implemented in a timely manner.

The Benefits of the Traditional Waterfall Methodology in Software Development

Software development is a complex and multifaceted process that requires careful planning and execution. The traditional waterfall methodology is a tried and tested sequential process that is used to ensure that software is developed and implemented properly in a timely manner. This approach has several distinct benefits that make it a popular choice among software developers.

The first benefit of the traditional waterfall methodology is its linear structure. This process begins with planning, followed by analysis, design, implementation, testing, and finally deployment and maintenance. Each stage of development is completed in order, and no phase can be skipped. This ensures that the software is developed in a systematic and logical manner, reducing the possibility of errors and oversights.

Learn more about waterfall methodology:



ethernet frames must be at least 64 bytes long to ensure that the transmitter is still going in the event of a collision at the far end of the cable. fast ethernet has the same 64- byte minimum frame size but can get the bits out ten times faster. how is it possible to maintain the same minimum frame size?


The minimum frame size is maintained by adding extra bits, known as "interframe gap" (IFG), between frames. The IFG is used to signal the start of a new frame, and is also used to give the signal time to spread out on the cable before a new frame can be sent. By adding these extra bits, the minimum frame size is maintained while still allowing for faster transmission of data.

The Benefits of Interframe Gap (IFG) in Fast Ethernet Networks

Fast Ethernet networks are widely used in a variety of settings, from homes to businesses and educational institutions. These networks have the ability to transmit data at speeds up to ten times faster than standard Ethernet, yet still maintain the same 64-byte minimum frame size. This is possible due to the use of interframe gap (IFG), which is a set of extra bits added between frames to signal the start of a new frame and allow for the signal to spread out on the cable before a new frame can be sent. The use of IFG in Fast Ethernet networks offers several benefits that make them an attractive option for many.

Learn more about  Interframe Gap (IFG) :



the process of calling a module requires several actions to be performed by the computer. this is referred to as


The process of calling a module requires several actions to be performed by the computer, and this process is referred to as "procedure call."

Using a procedure call, a program can carry out a certain task or routine that is specified in another area of the program or in a different module. When a program calls a procedure, it hands control over to the called process and starts the called procedure's instructions. Control is sent back to the calling program and execution picks up where it left off after the called process has finished its duty.

A computer must carry out a number of tasks before calling a procedure. These can be the following:

1.Transferring the PC, or current program counter, to the stack.

2.Keeping track of any registers whose values the calling procedure might change.

3.Putting any parameters or arguments that the caller procedure needs on the stack.

4.Navigating to the called procedure's address and carrying out its instructions.

5.Restoring any modified registers' original values.

removing the PC from the stack and any arguments or parameters.

6.Giving the calling program back control.

An essential idea in computer science, invoking a procedure is utilized in a wide variety of programming languages and operating systems.

To know more about module kindly visit



benchmarking is considered to be a one-shot process. benchmarking is considered to be a one-shot process. true false


The statement " benchmarking is considered to be a one-shot process" is True.

Define benchmarking.

In computing, a benchmark is a process of executing a computer program, a collection of programs, or other processes in order to compare the performance of an item, typically by subjecting it to a number of common tests and trials. Although benchmarking is typically used to evaluate the performance characteristics of computer hardware, such as a CPU's ability to do floating-point operations, there are instances in which the technique can also be used to evaluate software performance.

For instance, database management systems and compilers are the subjects of software benchmarks (DBMS). The performance of various subsystems across multiple chip/system architectures can be compared using benchmarks.

To learn more about benchmarking, use the link given

10.one of the user has been authenticated and has a tgt, how is the tgt used to gain access to an application server?


The TGT used to gain access to an application server in the following manner The TGT is encrypted with the TGS private key.

The client sends her current TGT to her TGS and the service name that the client wants to access from the server.KDC checks the user's TGT and whether the user can access the service.If the KDC verifies both her TGT and access to the service, the TGS will send a valid session key to the client.The client forwards the session key to the application server, verifies that the user has access, and the application server provides access.  

Where TGT=Ticket Granting Ticket,

         TGS=Ticket Granting Server

            KDC=Key Distribution Center

What is a TGT in Kerberos?

A Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) or Ticket to Get Tickets (TGT) is a file created by the Key Distribution Center (KDC) portion of the Kerberos authentication protocol. These are used to grant users access to network resources. TGT files can provide secure data protection once the user and server authenticate.

Learn more about TGT kerberos :



16. Which substance below is not like the others in regards to resistance?
A. plastic
B. rubber
C. glass
D. copper



D. copper


Copper is not like the other substances in regards to resistance. Plastic, rubber, and glass are all insulators, meaning they have high resistance to the flow of electric current. Copper, on the other hand, is a conductor, meaning it has low resistance to the flow of electric current.

when would it be more beneficial to use a dynamic routing protocol instead of static routing?


D: on a network where there are a lot of topology changes, it would be more beneficial to use a dynamic routing protocol rather than a static routing

As the name suggests, a dynamic routing protocol is used to exchange routing information dynamically between several routers. Their implementation enables network topologies to dynamically adjust to changing network activities and to ensure that efficient and redundant routing continues in spite of any changes. On the other hand, static routing is a form of routing in which a router uses a manually-configured routing entry, rather than using information from dynamic routing traffic.

Therefore,  according to the given scenario, the preferred routing protocol to be used is the 'dynamic routing protocol'.


Complete question is as follows:

When would it be more beneficial to use a dynamic routing protocol instead of static routing?

A. in an organization where routers suffer from performance issues

B. on a stub network that has a single exit point-

C. in an organization with a smaller network that is not expected to grow in size

D. on a network where there is a lot of topology changes


You can learn more about dynamic routing protocol at



what vmware horizon feature allows virtual desktop clones to be created on the fly from a running parent vm


VMware Instant-clone provisioning is a vSphere-enabled technique that may be used to duplicate RDSH servers and desktops. With no need for a separate server or database, administrators can easily construct VMware that share virtual disks with a golden image to save disk space and streamline the management of OS patches and upgrades.

A virtualization software program called VMware Horizon is used to deliver desktops and applications on Windows, Linux, and MacOS computers. Due to the large number of us who are working remotely, it is particularly pertinent nowadays. VMware gives quick access to the desktops and applications that assist you in performing your duties, whether you're a system administrator or a pizza delivery guy. And you require security for that access.

You will learn about VMware Horizon in this video, along with how it can support speedy and secure access while you work remotely.

To know more about VMware kindly visit



one personal computer has a printer that can print a page in 30 seconds. a second computer has a printer that can print a page in 20 seconds. how long will it take to print a 500-page document if both printers work together?: * a) 50 minutes b) 100 minutes c) 50 seconds d) 400 minutes e) 750 minutes


Answer: option b. In total, 100 minutes would be the time needed to print a 500-page document.

Problem analysis

If machine 1 and 2 print a page in 30 and 20 seconds respectively, then 1.5 (30/20) pages are printed at the same time or 2.5 pages every 30 seconds.  Below is an algorithm that describes the solution steps.

Python code

if __name__ == '__main__':

# Define variables

prnterspeed1 = float()

prnterspeed2 = float()

t1 = float()

t2 = float()

t = float()

n = float()

pt = 0

t = 0

p1 = 0

p2 = 0

# Data entry

print("Calculate how long it will take 2 printers to print n pages at the same time")

print("Enter number of pages: ", end="")

n = float(input())

# Every 30 seconds machine 1 prints one page and machine 2 prints 1.5 pages

while pt<n:

 t = t+30

 p1 = p1+1

 p2 = p2+1.5

 # pages printed by both machines are sumed

 pt = p1+p2

# Output

print("Printer 1: ",p1," pages")

print("Printer 2: ",p2," pages")

print("Total seconds took to print ",n," pages: ",t/60," min")

To learn more about math problems see: https://brainly.com/question/13763238


when creating cards for a kanban board, which items should go on the front of the card? select all that apply.


Doing, working on, and Finishing. The workflow can be mapped to match the particular procedure of any given team, based on the size, makeup, and goals of the team.

What role of creating cards for a kanban board?

An example kanban board. According to David Anderson, kanban boards are made up of five different elements: visual cues, columns, work-in-progress restrictions, a commitment point, and a delivery point.

Therefore, Tasks, allocated team members, significant milestones, and anticipated deadlines should all be listed in Gantt charts. To make project tasks easier to see, colour-code their statuses.

Learn more about kanban board here:



stop is the default setting that is applied to cells that contain a data validation rule. t or f


The given statement pertains to be true because the 'stop' is the default setting that is applied to cells in MS Excel that contain a data validation rule.

A data validation rule is a mechanism that restricts the entry of invalid or incorrect input values in controls such as cells. Using the data validation rule of the cells in MS Excel, users are prompted to enter a valid value in the selected cell. MS Excel provides the 'stop' function to set as a default setting in order to prevent users from entering invalid data values in the cells. Thus, the provided statement is correct.

You can learn more about data validation at



how to render out for granted background elements separately for virtual production in unreal engine 5


Utilize Layered Compositing in Unreal Engine 5 to render out individual elements for virtual creation. Here is a general description of what happens:

In Unreal Engine 5, set up your virtual production environment with all of the backdrop components you wish to render independently.

Go to the Settings panel in the Unreal Engine 5 editor and choose the Rendering tab.

Turn on the "Use Layered Compositing" checkbox under the Layered Compositing section.

You can select which items should be rendered in which layers in the Layered Compositing section. You could want to specify, for instance, that each background element be rendered in a different layer.

Once your layers are set up, you can use the Render Layers tool to render each layer out individually. By doing this, you'll be able to composite the layers together in a different compositing program, like Adobe After Effects.

To know more about Unreal Engine 5 kindly visit


true or false: measuring the success of an email campaign or a single email blast is straightforward if the database is set up properly to track the appropriate metrics.


Measuring the success of an email campaign or a single email blast is straightforward if the database is set up properly to track the appropriate metrics--- True

What does database mean?

A database is information organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed, and updated. Computer databases typically store collections of records or files containing information such as sales transactions, customer data, financial data, product information, and so on.

Databases support excellent data access for the following reasons: You can store large amounts of data in one place. Multiple users can read and modify data at the same time. The database is searchable and sortable, making it quick and easy to find the data you need.

What are the basics of a database?

A database table is similar to a spreadsheet in that data is stored in rows and columns. So it's usually pretty easy to import a spreadsheet into a database table. The main difference between storing data in a spreadsheet and storing it in a database is how the data is organized.

Learn more about database:



find the longest common subsequence of the binary strings <1,0,0,1,0,1,0> and <0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1> using dynamic programming.


A Python implementation of the dynamic programming algorithm for finding the longest common subsequence of two binary strings:

def longest_common_subsequence(s1, s2):


   Dynamic programming algorithm for finding the longest common subsequence of two binary strings.


   m = len(s1)

   n = len(s2)

   dp = [[0] * (n + 1) for _ in range(m + 1)]

   for i in range(1, m + 1):

       for j in range(1, n + 1):

           if s1[i - 1] == s2[j - 1]:

               dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1] + 1


               dp[i][j] = max(dp[i - 1][j], dp[i][j - 1])

   # reconstruct the longest common subsequence

   lcs = ""

   i = m

   j = n

   while i > 0 and j > 0:

       if s1[i - 1] == s2[j - 1]:

           lcs = s1[i - 1] + lcs

           i -= 1

           j -= 1

       elif dp[i - 1][j] > dp[i][j - 1]:

           i -= 1


           j -= 1

   return lcs

# Test the algorithm

s1 = "1001010"

s2 = "0101110"

lcs = longest_common_subsequence(s1, s2)

print(f"Longest common subsequence of {s1} and {s2}: {lcs}")

Using dynamic programming, the longest common subsequence function takes two binary strings, s1 and s2, and returns the longest common subsequence. The function first fills the 2D array dp with zeros, where dp[i][j] is the longest common subsequence of the first I characters of s1 and the first j characters of s2, and is the length of the longest common subsequence. The dp array is then filled up by iterating over the letters in s1 and s2.

To know more about longest common subsequence kindly visit


what is an open family of protocols for application, presentation and session layers of osi that define connection types, characteristics, and timing?


The open family of protocols for application, presentation, and session layers of OSI that define connection types, characteristics, and timing is DeviceNet. The correct option is d.

What is a device net?

DeviceNet is a digital, multi-drop network that connects industrial controllers and I/O devices and acts as a communication network between them. It offers customers a cost-effective network to distribute and manage basic devices throughout the architecture.

For ease of maintenance, many customers are migrating ControlNet and DeviceNet networks to Ethernet/IP, which has virtually no sales. Although there are presently no plans to replace these networks, the expense of maintaining them is increasing as sales volumes decline.

Therefore, the correct option is d, DeviceNet.

To learn more about device net, refer to the link:



The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:





The output state of a NAND gate SR latch when the SET input is 0 and the RESET input is 1 isa) RESET.b) invalid.c) SET.


When the SET input is 0 and the RESET input is 1, the output of a NAND gate SR latch will be SET, meaning the output will be in the high logic state due to the RESET input overriding the SET input.

The output state of a NAND gate SR latch when the SET input is 0 and the RESET input is 1 is:

Option C. SET.

The output state of a NAND gate SR latch when the SET input is 0 and the RESET input is 1 is SET. This is because the SET input is in the low logic state, while the RESET input is in the high logic state, overriding the SET input. When both inputs are in the low logic state, the output is in the SET state.

When the SET input is in the high logic state and the RESET input is in the low logic state, the output is in the RESET state. When both inputs are in the high logic state, the output is in an undefined state. In this case, with the SET input in the low logic state and the RESET input in the high logic state, the output is in the SET state.

Learn more about programming: https://brainly.com/question/16397886


Some thermal mugs have layers of materials to keep drinks hot for as long as possible. Which combination of layers would work best for this purpose?.


Some thermal mugs have layers of materials to keep drinks hot for long period of time. The combination of layers such as 'inner core of steel, no air gap, outer layer of glass' would work best for this purpose.

A thermal mug has the ability to maintain the internal body temperature and heat of its container. For the heat to be maintained for an extended long period of time, the internal core should be lined with steel because steel radiates less heat compared to glass. Moreover, steel also has high conductivity and lesser particular heat level to keep drinks hot for a long period of time.

Therefore, it is concluded that for a thermal mug to keep drinks hot for a long period of time, the inner core must be 'lined with steel, have no air gap, and contain an outer layer of glass'.

You can learn more about thermal mug at



a radio access network (ran) is a technology that connects individual devices to other parts of a network through radio connections. group of answer choices false true


A radio access network (ran) is a technology that connects individual devices to other parts of a network through radio connections---True.

What is a radio access network?

The Radio Access Network (RAN) is the part of the cellular network that connects end-user devices such as smartphones to the cloud. This is accomplished by sending information over the air from the end-user's device to her RAN's transceiver, and finally from the transceiver to the core network that connects to the global internet.

What is the purpose of network access?

Network access control, also known as network admission control, is a method of improving security, visibility, and access management for private networks. It limits the availability of network resources to end devices and users that comply with defined security policies.

Learn more about network access:



The methods defined in the custom stack class are identical to the ones in the lifoqueue class in the python standard library.
a. True
b. False


The statement of the methods defined in custom stack class are identical to the ones in the LIFO queue class in the python standard library is false.

What is LIFO?

LIFO (last in first out) is a queue type that the outputs is the last item entered. The stack class in python standard library represent the LIFO order. Meanwhile, the queue class is represent the FIFO (first in first out) order.

So, the statement is false because it states that the custom stack class is identical to LIFO queue class rather than LIFO stack class.

Learn more about python here:



When would it be more beneficial to use a dynamic routing protocol instead of static routing?- in an organization where routers suffer from performance issues- on a stub network that has a single exit point- in an organization with a smaller network that is not expected to grow in size- on a network where there is a lot of topology changes


It would be more beneficial to use a dynamic routing protocol rather than static routing D: on a network where there are a lot of topology changes.

As the name implies, a dynamic routing protocol is used to dynamically exchange routing information between various routers. Their deployment enables network topologies to dynamically adjust to changing network conditions and to ensure that efficient and redundant routing continues despite any changes. In contrast, static routing refers to a form of routing where a router uses a manually-configured routing entry, instead of using information from dynamic routing traffic.

Thus, as per the given scenario, the preferred routing protocol to be used is the dynamic routing protocol.

You can learn more about dynamic routing protocol at



Which phrase describes the voice of the speaker based on the word choice and tone in the passage?.


The phrase that describes the voice of the speaker based on the word choice and tone in the passage is a) a self-confident voice that believes in connectedness to others

What is self-confident voice?

Self-confident voice is the speaker confidence to modify he/she voice on delivery style depending on the response from the audience.

The obstacles that speaker unexpected can make the speaker's confidence disturbed and the audience can immediately take this up. If a speaker have good confidence it will overcome difficulties without revealing them to audience.

The social, geographic, or interpersonal connections can provide safety zone for speaker especially for speaker emotional. This can boost speaker confidence and reduce anxiety or depression when speak.

You question is incomplete, but most probably your full question was

I celebrate myself, and sing myself, and what i assume you shall assume, for every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. Which phrase describes the voice of the speaker based on the word choice and tone in the passage?

A)a self-confident voice that believes in connectedness to others

B)a dramatic voice that is in love with celebrations and chemistry

C)a self-absorbed voice that makes assumptions about others

D)a shy voice that is only beginning to make itself heard

Learn more about self-confident voice here:



what public key encryption algorithm did bank of america use to generate their public/private key pair? how many bits is the key size?


The Advanced Encryption Standard, often known as Rijndael, is the most widely used symmetric algorithm. The American National Institute of Standards and Technology established this as the norm for the encryption of electronic data in 2001.

Which encryption algorithm is applied to public-private keys?

Because it enables the use of both public and private keys to encrypt messages and ensure that their confidentiality and authenticity, the RSA algorithm is well-liked.

2048 bit encryption: what is it?

A 2048-bit SSL certificate has that amount of encryption. Secure connections between your web browser and a website are made via SSL, or secure sockets layer. Strength is a benefit of 2048-bit encryption, albeit it is less than a true  2048-bit key.

To know more about Advanced Encryption Standard visit:-



which methodology includes storycards in its original framework? group of answer choices fdd scrum aup xp


Extreme Programming (XP) is a methodology that includes storycards in its original framework.

Storycards are a component of the Extreme Programming (XP) methodology's initial structure.

Rapid delivery and ongoing improvement are key components of the XP technique for software development. It is defined by an emphasis on flexibility, communication, and simplicity, and it includes a variety of methods and procedures intended to support teams in producing high-quality software fast and effectively.

The usage of storycards, which are little cards that encapsulate user stories or needs, is one of the fundamental XP principles. The purpose of the tale, the value it offers, and the acceptance criteria for judging when it is finished are all important details that are captured using storycards.

To know more about Framework kindly visit



What property of virtualization allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file?
a. Isolation
b. Hardware Independence
c. Partitioning
d. Encapsulation


D: Encapsulation is the property of virtualization that allows whole virtual machines to be saved as files that can be moved or copied like any other file.

A virtual machine is a tightly isolated computing software resource that operates the same as a physical computer. A virtual machine has the ability to deploy and run applications and programs. Virtual machines contain a CPU, RAM, hard disk, and network interface card just like a physical computer, making the virtual machines incredibly portable and easy to manage. This is what is known as the encapsulation property of virtual machines.

The encapsulation permits to save the entire virtual machines as files in order to copy them form a location to another just like any other software files.

You can learn more about virtual machine at



when a program runs into a runtime error, the program terminates abnormally. how can you handle the runtime error so that the program can continue to run or terminate gracefully


We can handle the runtime error by using exception handling so that the program can continue to run or terminate gracefully.

What do you mean by runtime error?

When a website employs HTML code that conflicts with a web browser's capability, runtime issues may result. Inteernet xplorer cannot function properly due to a runtime fault, which can be caused by hardware or software. When a website employs HTML code that conflicts with a web browser's capability, runtime issues may result.

Runtime errors indicate software defects or problems that the program's authors were aware of but were unable to fix. Runtime errors, for instance, frequently result from insufficient memory. Runtime errors typically show up in a message box with a unique error code and its related description.

To learn more about runtime error, use the link given

you are consulting with the owner of a small network that has a windows server functioning as a workgroup server. there are six windows desktop computers. there is no internet connectivity. the server contains possibly sensitive information, so the owner wants to make sure that no unauthorized access occurs. you suggest that auditing be configured so that access to sensitive files can be tracked. what can you do to make sure that the files generate audit results? (choose three. each correct answer is part of the required solution.)


Create a GPO, configure object access auditing, and connect it to the domain. A network administrator in charge of Microsoft's Active Directory can implement particular configurations for users and computers thanks to Group Policy, a hierarchical infrastructure.

How can I tell whether AD auditing is turned on?

Find Audit Policies under Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings. Select Audit directory service access and Audit object access. To audit each Active Directory object's entire history of accesses, select both the Success and Failure choices.

What are the three ways to gain access to a system's security?

Role-based access control, mandated access control, and discretionary access control are the three main categories of access control systems (RBAC).

To know more about Computer Configuration visit:-



What is the basic function of a computer mouse?


A hand-held pointing device called a computer mouse (plural mice, occasionally mouses) senses two-dimensional motion in relation to a surface.

This motion is often translated into the movement of a pointer on a screen, enabling fluid control of a computer's graphical user interface. A computer mouse is a portable hardware input tool that can move and select text, icons, files, and folders while controlling the pointer in a graphical user interface (GUI). For desktop computers, the mouse is set up in front of the computer on a flat surface, like a table or mouse pad. This motion is often translated into the movement of a pointer on a screen, enabling fluid control of a computer's graphical user interface

Learn more about computer here-



write a class definition line and a one line docstring for the class dog. write an init method for the class dog that gives each dog its own name and breed. test this on a successful creation of a dog object.


A class serves as a kind of object creation blueprint whereas Docstrings aid in understanding a module's or function's capabilities. The code is given below:

class Dog:                                     // class is defined

  def __init__(self, name, breed):  

                              // the method and assign attributes

      self.name = name

      self.breed = breed

import dog

if __name__ == '__main__':

  sugar = dog.Dog('sugar', 'border collie')

  print(sugar.name)               // print out its attributes.


A class is defined according to a different convention than other objects. The standard is to use snake case when declaring functions and variables (i.e. variable name, function name), but camel case when defining classes (i.e. ClassName).

In that they are notes from the code author, docstrings are comparable to comments in that regard. The same description as a one-line docstring is present in a multi-line docstring, followed by an additional explanation. There are other Docstring formats available, but it's important to stick with one throughout your project.

To learn more about Docstring click here:



true or false: when looking for information, desktop users prefer a much shorter, to-the-point answer, while a mobile user is more likely to want a more detailed treatment of the subject.


It is true that when looking for information, desktop users prefer a much shorter, to-the-point answer, while a mobile user is more likely to want a more detailed treatment of the subject.

What is desktop?

A desktop is a computer display area that contains things similar to those found on top of a physical desk, such as documents, phone books, telephones, reference sources, writing and drawing tools, and project folders. A desktop computer is one that sits at your desk, as opposed to a laptop, which rests on your lap. A phone or media player is an example of a handheld computer. The most prevalent application of the term "computer desktop" (note that it is a computer desktop, not a desktop computer) is in computer software.

To know more about desktop,



What is the most common 3 digit number?


Answer: The most common 3 digit number is 100.

Step 1: A 3 digit number is any number between 100 and 999.

Step 2: The most common 3 digit number is 100 because it is the lowest possible 3 digit number, so it has the highest frequency of occurrence.

Step 3: To determine the most common 3-digit number, you can count the frequency of occurrence of each 3-digit number in a given set of numbers. The number with the highest frequency of occurrence is the most common 3-digit number.

Looking through their findings, the most popular three-digit number is clearly, but not very interestingly, 100.

There are 504 different 3-digit numbers which can be formed from numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 if no repetition is allowed. Note: We can also use the multiplication principle to answer this question.The first digit of the 3-digits can take 7 distinct values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9. As repetition is allowed, the second digit can also take 7 distinct values, and the third can take 7 distinct values as well, giving a total of 7⋅7⋅7=343 distinct combinations of numbers. If what you want are all possible three digit numbers then you have 10 choices for the first digit, you have 10 choices for the 2nd digit,and you have 10 choices for the 3rd digit giving you 10x10x10 = 1000 in all.

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draw the electron dot formula for ammonia, nh3. how many nonbonding electron pairs are in an ammonia molecule? question 27 options: a) 1 b) 3 c) 2 d) none of the above e) 6 PLSS HELP ANSWE THESE PUZZELS THE FIRST ONE I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST dana and mike decide to form their new motorcycle business as a llc. each will receive an equal profits (loss) interest by contributing cash, property, or both. in addition to the members' contributions, their llc will obtain a $75,000 loan nonrecourse loan from first bank at the time it is formed. mike contributes cash of $10,000 and a building he bought as a storefront for the motorcycles. the building has a fmv of $65,000, an adjusted basis of $35,000, and is secured by a $40,000 nonrecourse mortgage that the business llc will assume. what is mike's outside tax basis in his llc interest? Write an equation of the line passing through point $p\left(4,-6\right)$ that is perpendicular to the line $y=-3$. Specialized cells of the dermal system in plants that function in gas exchange are called? art is carved in stone, including giant stone heads "Those interviewers made me so nervous." If the price of 8 movie tickets is $24, what is unit rate and what is the price of 11 movie tickets? What are functions of the labeled structures?A. release semen from body B. produces spermprotects the testesC. releases semen from the bodyD produces fluids that combine with sperm y=-3/4x and y = 1/3x - 13 is 1+1=11 or does 1+1= window Companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investment to make.a. Trueb. False Ancient Egyptian stone funerary figures, such as King Menkaure, were carved to bear the spirit of the deceased into the eternity of the afterlife, known as theSelect one:a. kourosb. ka c. santerosd. Osiris. akin is polling a group of sexually active 70-year-old men and women. based on the text research, which is not a statement that he might hear one of these older adults say? Which is more Electropositive Zn or Cu? In a triangle PQR, right-angled at Q, PR = 37 inches and angle R =30. Find: sin R the oxidative step of the citric acid cycle that is not linked to the reduction of nad is the reaction catalyzed by: when there is no specific employment contract saying otherwise, an employer or employee may end an employment relationship at any time, regardless of cause. this arrangement is called . multiple choice question. 7."Although the] State of Coahuila and Texas is a part of the Federation, [it is] equalto the other States of which the same is composed, and it is free, sovereign, andindependent in whatever exclusively relates to the internal administration....-Article 2 of Decree No. 1, Constitution of the States of Coahuila and Texas (1827)What constitutional principle does this Article best represent?FederalismRepublicanismIndividual rightsPopular sovereignty 2.Do you think non-essentials such as entertainment costs should also beincluded in your baseline monthly budget? Why or why not?