What cause-effect relationship does the author identify in the section "Moving On from Childhood"? How does this
information relate to the author's main message?


Answer 1


When adolescents hang out with people their age, this can cause them to argue with their parents more

Answer 2

The context clues show that the information relate to the author's main message as when adolescents hang out with people their age, they argue with their parents more.

What are context clues?

Context clues are the hints that are given by the author in a literary work to help readers understand a story.

Here, the context clues show that the information relate to the author's main message as when adolescents hang out with people their age, they argue with their parents more.

Learn more about context clues on:



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A suffix is a word part attached to_
a the beginning of a root word b the middle of a root word
c the end of root word





Which statement describes a difference in
how BOTH authors explore the topic of
One focuses on changes in breathing during
exercise; the other, on changes in heart rate.
One talks about the goals of exercise; the
other, about possible accomplishments.
One focuses on a description of the effects of
exercise; the other, on reasons for the effects.
One explores the relationship of exercise and
health; the other, the need for exercise goals.


one focuses on changes in breathing during exercise while other on changes in heart rate

list 10
[1] Please describe the procedure involved in evacuating your school in case of a fire?



Activate the fire alarm.

Call 911 immediately and provide information.

Assist injured personnel or notify emergency responders of the medical emergency.

Exit the building following emergency maps.

Assist physically impaired individuals to a secure area and notify emergency responders.

Ensure all personnel are out of the building.

Do not use the elevators.

Use a fire extinguisher only if safe to do so and you have been trained.

Assemble personnel at a remote location noted on evacuation maps.

Report hazardous conditions.

Stay low if confronted with smoke. Check closed doors for heat before opening.

Stay away from the building until it is safe to return.


Building Information - View your building emergency maps

Emergency Evacuation Guidelines for Persons Needing Assistance

Emergency Notification, Response and Evacuation Policy

Fire Safety Guidelines - detailed evacuation instructions


some people think that there are no difference between prejudice and discrimination ​



some people think there IS no difference between prejudice and discrimination


What evidence does the speaker provide to support his reasons?



That’s the right answers he telling you where he got the reason from

if you eat a sock tommarow on Friday how old is your 50 year old baby brother 2 days from 3 also anyone have remind?





what is the correct meaning of the word polluted?

once water is polluted it is very difficult to restore it to its earlier condition

brought together
increased in volume
made different
tuned unfit



it would be "turned unfit."


tuned unfit is the answer







How does this picture relate to consumerisn?
And why?


The man in the Lambo already has alot,

but he wants more, while someone in a normal car prob looks at him and says he wants that car.

Hey guys!
I was given a prompt to write a diary entry for Hippolyta on her wedding day...
I need some ideas on how to start out...
some of my classmates are going out dark...
i dont want to be a copy cat but i need some ideas so...
P.S ( this is from Midsummer nights dream by William Shakespeare)



well add something like what happend in the book or movie?


100 points!! Please answer thoroughly

Using examples from each literary period: (romanticism, naturalism, and realism) show how nature is used as an overarching theme in each literary genre. Your response should be a minimum of 3-5 sentences.


Answer and Explanation:

In romanticism, nature was used to show the state of mind of the speaker, being an environment full of subjectivity and full of meanings. In these works, nature is constantly shown as a source of escapism, where the speaker manages to escape its reality and deposit its deepest thoughts.

In naturalism, nature is considered to be the forming factor of human character. For the authors of naturalism, human beings are the fruits of nature and the environment in which they live, it is essential for the construction of personality. In this regard, nature loses a little of its subjective character and shows itself a little more realistically, but it is presented as something alive and highly influential.

In realism, nature is represented as it really is, losing all the subjectivism of romanticism and the ability to influence naturalism, being represented only as a scenario.

how does macduff make macbeth fight?



You need to watch anime


You need to watch anime :D

On Christmas Eve I saw that my mother had outdone herself in creating a

strange menu. She was pulling black veins out of the backs of fleshy prawns. The

kitchen was littered with appalling mounds of raw food: A slimy rock cod with

bulging fish eyes that pleaded not to be thrown into a pan of hot oil. Tofu, which

looked like stacked wedges of rubbery white sponges. A howl soaking dried fungus

back to life. A plate of squid, their backs crisscrossed with knife markings so they

resembled bicycle tires.

Read the following excerpt from Amy Tan’s “Fish Cheeks”.

1. highlight interesting diction.

2. Why did you highlight each word? What connotations do the words have?

3. Is there a pattern in the word choice?

4. How is the meaning affected by the words?


Answer:im not sure whzt the question is here if you could give more i might be able to help


Read the following lines from "Raymond's Run."

I don't think you're going to win this time," says Rosie, trying to signify with her hands on her hips all salty…

Using the context clues, what is the most likely meaning of "salty"?

1. Experienced and angry
2. Inexperienced and unsure
3. Inexperienced and bitter
4. Experienced and knowing



4. experienced and knowing

who is a good roleplayer?



Depends on what it is and what it's for.

please help 20 point will give crown if right


It’s the third line because that’s when the whole story’s climax reaches its point.

Which sentence correctly uses a quotation from "A Modest Proposal"?

swift explains that some mothers are "forced to employ all their time in stroling to beg sustenance for their helpless infants."


Which sentence correctly uses a quotation from "A Modest Proposal"?

Swift explains that some mothers are “forced to employ all their time in stroling to beg sustenance for their helpless infants.”

Some mothers are forced to employ all their time in stroling to beg sustenance for their helpless infants.

“Swift writes that some mothers are forced to employ all their time in stroling to beg sustenance for their helpless infants.”

Swift explains that many mothers have to beg in order to provide food for their children.


Swift explains that some mothers are “forced to employ all their time in stroling to beg sustenance for their helpless infants.”


A quotation mark is used to show that a writer is repeating a speakers words verbatim, or to make an excerpt from a sentence or book.

Therefore, the sentence that correctly uses a quotation from "A Modest Proposal" is "Swift explains that some mothers are “forced to employ all their time in stroling to beg sustenance for their helpless infants.”"





What are the characters trying to do in order to see?

look for a light
open their eyes
look up to the sky
use a flashlight


Look for a light makes the most sense to me

Which kind of evidence studies mineralized bone, footprints, or organisms trapped in amber to determine common ancestry?
analogous structures
homologous structures
molecular clock


Answer: the answer is fossils I just got it right on edge

Which kind of evidence studies mineralized bone, footprints, or organisms trapped in amber to determine common ancestry?


analogous structures

homologous structures

molecular clock


You should not use the authors' last names in the citation if the authors' names appear in your quote's signal phrase.



True or False -  You should not use the authors’ last names in the citation if the authors’ names appear in the text.

Answer: True

Explanation below:


When it comes to English Grammar, a signal phrase is a type of phrase sentence or clause that often introduces a quotation, paraphrase, or summary. This type of phrase contains a verb together with the name of the person that is being quoted.  

It alerts the reader that something taken from an entirely different source is about to be used.  

Below is an example:

Daniel testified that he was not in the house when his neighbor’s dog died (13).

The author’s name is included and the page number in parenthesis.

So when the author’s name does not appear in the text, you should not use the author’s last names in the citation.  

Which of the following lists the three sentence patterns useful for creating
variety in your writing?
A. Compound, complex, simple-simple
B. Simple, compound, complex
C. Perfunctory, compound, simple
D. Placid, loose, complex



b simple compound and complex

“I envied the quality of Morrie’s time even as I lamented its diminishing supply.” What is the meaning of the underlined word lamented?

A. To celebrate the life of someone

B. To feel sadness and grief

C. To hold on to every last second with someone before they die



B I think. It says my answer has to be 20 characters so I'm writing this

Which word BEST completes the analogy?

sea:long fingers:: moon: ________

A) white teeth

B) golden cloak

C) bright locks

D) silvery light



D) Silvery light





Read the excerpts from Roosevelt’s "Four Freedoms" speech and Lincoln’s "Gettysburg Address.”


This nation has placed its destiny in the hands and heads and hearts of its millions of free men and women; and its faith in freedom under the guidance of God. Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights or keep them. Our strength is our unity of purpose. To that high concept there can be no end save victory.


To be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us – that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion – that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

In these excerpts, Roosevelt states "this nation has placed its destiny” and Lincoln states "shall not perish from earth.” With these phrases, both presidents are stressing the importance of

achieving victory no matter what the cost.
ending the war as quickly as possible.
preserving freedom far into the future.
making tough sacrifices for one’s nation.



This nation has placed its destiny in the hands and heads and hearts of its millions of free men and women; and its faith in freedom under .





preserving freedom far into the future.

Which sentence best states the purpose of elaboration in historical writing?


not for sure best way is to search it up

Rohan's house has an entertainment room with a loud music system. How can he make his house sound proof?


Jjkkkkj ITV bio kiu Jim Muh

Classifying groups or ideas, usually in unflattering ways, is known as ______.(1 point) bias. negativity. propaganda. stereotyping.



negativity xd

because if i call you a dimwit thats being rude and very disrespectful




Which two phrases best convey the cheerful tone of the passage?
enjoying the various rides

showed her what they had found

filled their hearts with great warmth

nervously waited for their father's arrival

though she was not sure at all


Phrase 1 and 3

Enjoying the various rides

Filled their hearts with great warmth

In a filmed version of “Sarah’s Decision”, which scene would BEST capture the circumstances of the orphaned children in 1920?
A room of cots lined up in a row with children sleeping while a curtain blows in the breeze that is coming through an open window.
Sarah kneeling by the stream with tears running down her face as she splashes water to clear the pain she feels.
The children working side by side in the fields, weeding and gathering the vegetables in the hot mid-day sun.
The children singing and playing tag in the fields while working.



The scene which best capture the circumstances of the orphaned children is:


A room of cots lined up in a row with children sleeping while a curtain blows in the breeze that is coming through an open window.


pls help

A song and dance that are part of a bigger theatrical performance is called a...


Show Stopper


Musical Number


choreography because that’s how you learn the dance with the song
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