What can one infer from a relatively linear survivorship curve. and what organism generally exhibits this kind of survivorship curve?
A) the mortality rate is roughly uniform across the lifespan of this organism; bird.
B) the mortality rate is higher for older members of this population; humans.
C) the mortality rate is higher for younger members of this population; oak tree.


Answer 1

Over the course of this organism's lifecycle, the death rate is essentially constant; bird

What is the definition of mortality rate?

Rate of mortality. A mortality rate is a measurement of the frequency of deaths within a population over a specific time period.

Why is there a high death rate?

The proportional frequency of deaths in a given population over a given period of time; frequently expressed as the proportion of human fatalities during a public health emergency or the number of wildlife fatalities as a result of environmental hazards: During the most recent flu season, patients over the age of 80 had the greatest fatality rate.

To know more about the mortality rate visit:



Related Questions

Which pituitary hormone causes a decrease in the amount of water lost in the kidneys?


The pituitary hormone that causes a decrease in the amount of water lost in the kidneys is the antidiuretic hormone (ADH).

ADH is produced in the hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland into the bloodstream. ADH works by increasing the permeability of the cells that line the collecting ducts of the kidneys.

This increases the reabsorption of water back into the body, thus reducing the amount of water that is lost. ADH also increases the permeability of the distal convoluted tubules, which allows for increased absorption of sodium and chloride.

The increased absorption of these ions helps to draw more water from the interstitial space, further reducing the amount of water that is lost. Additionally, ADH causes the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex, which helps to increase the retention of sodium and water in the kidneys.

Overall, ADH helps to reduce the amount of water lost in the kidneys and maintain a proper balance of water and electrolytes within the body.

To know more about kidneys, click below:



if a tumor of the glucocorticoid-secreting cells of the adrenal cortex crowds out the cells that produce aldosterone, what is the likely effect on urine composition and volume?


In studies where blood pressure and heart rate were also measured, the effects of adrenaline and noradrenaline on urine flow and composition were examined.

The results were presented by Holgate and O'Connor [1958]. Three trained mules named "Floss," "Skewbald," and "Black Sue" were employed in the tests, which were also utilized in those described by O'Connor [1958 a].

In previous publications [ Holgate and O'Connor, 1958 and O'Connor, 1958 a], the operational preparations of the animals, specifics of the processes, and analytical methodologies have all been discussed.

The animal was catheterized and the dose of urea, water, or 9% sodium chloride was administered via stomach tube on the occasion of each individual experiment on the effects of adrenaline or noradrenaline.

Learn more about "  aldosterone " to visit here;



which efferent pathway has a single nerve fiber extending from the cns to effector? multiple choice question. somatic visceral autonomic


Option A, From the CNS to the effector, a single nerve fiber makes up the somatic efferent route in nervous system.

Skeletal muscles are the effectors of the somatic nervous system. Efferent neurons, sometimes referred to as motor neurons, are part of the somatic nervous system CNS  and carry nerve fiber impulses from the central nervous system to the body's skeletal muscles. Motor impulses for the skeletal muscles are delivered by the somatic nervous system, also known as the somatomotor or somatic efferent neural system. nerve fiber is  frequently referred to as the voluntary nervous system since these nerves provide conscious control of the skeletal muscles.

learn more about CNS here:



What are the 5 requirements for the naturalization process?


If you were born outside of the United States, you must go through the naturalization procedure in order to become a citizen.

You can become a citizen of the United States either at birth or later in life if you satisfy specific qualifications. As a condition of applying for naturalization, you must:

be at least 18 years old when submitting the application;have had a green card for the last three or five years, depending on the category you are filing for citizenship under;possess a permanent address and physical presence within the United States;basic English reading, writing, and speaking skills;demonstrate moral integrity;Show that you are knowledgeable with the history and governance of the United States;demonstrate your commitment to American values. government; andYou must be prepared to swear allegiance.

Learn more about naturalization here:



Match the strand with the compliment. 3' - TATAGTCATGCA - 5'



AS T is complemntary to A and C is complementary to G

The ans stimulates smooth muscles, skeletal muscles and glands, whereas the somatic nervous system innervates skeletal muscles only.
a. True
b. False


The ans stimulates smooth muscles, skeletal muscles and glands, whereas the somatic nervous system innervates skeletal muscles only. False

What is nervous system?

Nervous system can be defined as a complex network of nerves and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body. One of the proper functioning of these nerves ensures that each organ system such as the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and immune system can adequately communicate with one another.

Therefore the correct option is false because the stimulates smooth muscles, skeletal muscles and lands whereas the somatic nervous system are not the only skeletal muscles.

Learn more about nervous system here: brainly.com/question/26348097


The nurse caring for a patient diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma knows that which patient findings are risk factors for the development of skin cancer?


The nurse checks the risk factors for all forms of pores and skin cancer encompassing skin that burns without difficulty, blonde or purple hair, a record of immoderate solar exposure, which includes sunburns, tanning mattress uses a weakened immune system, and a development history of skin most cancers.

The nurse must keep in mind assessing the 3 elements customer's skin temperature, Moisture, and Texture. the usage of the nursing method, nurses can play a key position in  identifying people who have got this odd mole sample, instructing patients approximately cancer threat-reduction techniques,

And coordinating pigmented lesion surveillance applications geared toward both number one prevention and earlier detection and treatment of Squamous cell carcinoma of the pores and skin is a common form of pores and skin cancer that develops inside the squamous cells that make up the center and outer layers of the skin. UV light helps lessen your chance of squamous mobile carcinoma of the pores and skin and different styles of skin cancers.

Learn more about   Skin Cancer here:



What are the 4 classifications of games?


Games may be divided into four categories: educational, sports, sensorimotor, vehicle simulator, and strategic games.

One of the major goals of adopting educational games is to provide students with additional learning options so they may learn more successfully while having fun.

Games that simulate traditional sports, such as team sports, athletics, and extreme sports, fall under the category of "sports games." A driving simulator's main objective is to research driver behavior. This may involve the driver interacting with the model car.

Functional play is another name for a sensory-motor play. At around a year old, the kid spends the majority of her playtime exploring and interacting with objects utilizing all of her available sensorimotor strategies.

To learn more about the game



Why do some soils contain large amounts of clay?


Some soils have a high concentration of clay because they have accumulated a lot of water, minerals, and nutrients over time. There are different types of soil available, such as clay, red soil, etc.

What is the composition of the soil?

Soils vary in composition depending on climate, geographical regions, and other factors, such as clay, red soil, black soil, and so on. The more water and nutrients that remain in the soil, the more the soil becomes nutrient rich. Due to a lack of water composition, desert soil is light and present in particle form.

Hence, some soils have a high concentration of clay because they have accumulated a lot of water, minerals, and nutrients over time.

Learn more about the soil here.



Robert Bakewell is attributed to being the inventor of selective breeding in the 1700’s. During this time, other farmers allowed their cattle to remain together and mate randomly, but Robert separated the male cattle from the female cattle on his farm to control their breeding.

Which of the following is the MOST reasonable question a student interviewing Mr. Bakewell should ask?

A. How did you breed the cattle?

B. Where did you keep the male and female cattle?

C. What traits were you trying to control in the cattle?

D. Who inspired you to separate your cattle for breeding?


What traits were you trying to control in the cattle is the most reasonable question.

What is agriculturist?

a person who cultivates the and the  land and grows to the  crops on it agriculturists who adhere to their magnetic organization's standards of organic product is a good farming.

An agriculturist, agriculturalist, agrologist, or the  agronomist, is a  professional in the science, se can say them farmers alsopractice, and the  management of agriculture and technology and agribusiness. It is a type of  regulated profession in the  Canada, India, the Philippines, the United and  States, and the European Union.

Robert Bakewell is an it's  agriculturist that revolutionized sheep and to the  cattle breeding in England. He inherited his radiation father's farm and the  he innovated brreding of the  techniques. He separated his male and to the  female livestocks to prevent random breeding. He further advanced a method method that tells desirable traits were exaggerated by inbreeding by the  and undesirable traits were removed from the  the breeding population.

To know more about agriculturist click-



reactive oxygen intermediates and reactive nitrogen intermediates produced by phagocytic cells are effective in killing invading microorganisms.a. trueb. false


It is true that reactive oxygen intermediates and reactive nitrogen intermediates produced by phagocytic cells are effective in killing invading microorganisms.

Phagocytic cells are a type of immune cell which will surround and kill microorganisms, ingest foreign material, and take away dead cells. It can even boost immune responses. Monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils ar phagocytes. A vegetative cell may be a form of white vegetative cell.

A microorganism, or microbe, is an organism of microscopic size, which can exist in its noncellular kind or as a colony of cells. The doable existence of unseen microorganism life was suspected from precedent days, like in Jainist scriptures from sixth century BC India.

To learn more about microorganisms here



What structure allows the lymphatic system to absorb dietary fats from the small intestine?


The structure of the lacteal withinside the small gut: allows the lymphatic system to absorb dietary fats from the small intestine. During the method of digestion, the lacteals soak up big molecules of fat and lipids from the small gut which offers them a milky-white appearance.

They act as a passage to move the contents withinside the shape of lipoproteins into the lymphatic machine.lacteal is a lymphatic capillary that absorbs nutritional fat withinside the villi of the small gut. The mucosa that traces the small gut is protected with fingerlike projections referred to as villi.

There are blood capillaries and unique lymph capillaries, referred to as lacteals, withinside the middle of every villus. The blood capillaries soak up maximum nutrients, however the fat and fat-soluble nutrients are absorb.

Read more about intestine;



In the respiratory system, which organs are responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the bloodstream?


The lungs are the organs responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the bloodstream during the respiratory system.

Importance of the lungs in respiration

The lungs play a fundamental role in the human body. These vital organs are responsible for respiration, making them essential for humans and other organisms to live. The main function of the lungs is to allow oxygen to enter and carbon dioxide to leave the body.

This is done during gas exchange, where the lungs take in oxygen from the air we inhale and expel carbon dioxide into the air during exhalation. This is the basis of respiration.

In addition to exchanging gases, the lungs also have the important role of filtering the air we inhale. This means that the lungs help prevent the inhalation of pathogens and harmful particles, such as tobacco smoke. The lungs also produce surfactant, a substance that helps keep lung tissues open and functioning.

Learn more about the respiratory system:



the external lear is located mostly on the outside of the outside of the body, and the middle and inner ear areas are housed within the _____ part of the temporal bone


External ear is located mostly on the outside of the body and the middle and inner ear areas are housed within the petrous part of the temporal bone.

What is petrous part of temporal bone?

The petrous part is a wedge shaped mass of the bone that is located between sphenoid and occipital bones in the cranial cavity. It is the most medial part of temporal bone, and is also the landmark dividing the middle and posterior cranial fossae from each other.

On physical examination, patients with temporal bone fractures may have hemorrhagic or clear otorrhea, hemotympanum, vertigo, facial paralysis, conductive or sensorineural hearing loss or ear canal laceration.

To know more about temporal bone, refer



A company borrows $50,000 by signing a $50,000, 8% note that requires six equal payments of.


A company borrows $50,000 by signing a $50,000, 8% note that requires six equal payments of $10,816 .

For a predetermined amount of time, in this case, six years, an annuity is paid out in equal installments.

Divide the PV by the discount factor because equal payments are made annually and you are given the annuity's present value of $50,000 and a discount factor of 4.6229. Equal payments ought to be worth the same as $10816;

= 50,000 x 4.6229 = 10815.7217 Then, round the result to the nearest dollar;

It is $10,816 when rounded to the nearest whole number.

Know more about Equal payments here: https://brainly.com/question/13323381


A researcher is conducting a phylogenetic study of organisms using genea. in several of the species she is examining, she retrieves three different but similar gene sequences using the same primers. what should she conclude from her results?


The most probable conclusions from her results would be that Gene A has undergone a gene duplication in several species, which suggests option B is the right answer.

Gene duplication is the kind of mutation in genes due to which the genetic sequence of the material gets altered by doubling or deleting. Gene duplication can occur as the result of an error in recombination as well. Phylogenetic study is the field of research which focuses on evolutionary relationship among organisms. Since the researchers observes three different but similar gene sequences, then she can easily determine that the gene sequence has undergone some mutation. The sources of mutation can be any such as radiological impact, influence of chemicals etc.

Learn more about gene duplication at:



To refer to complete question, see below:

A researcher is conducting a phylogenetic study of organisms using Gene A. In several of the species she is examining, she retrieves three different but similar gene sequences using the same primers. What should she conclude from her results?

She has contamination in her experiments and should start over.Gene A has undergone a gene duplication in several species.Gene A is currently evolving in those species she found different sequences. It will be found as a different sequence in different tissues.Gene A has different alleles in some species.It is impossible to tell from the given information.

The student observes that the molecules of red dye move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration until equilibrium is reached. Which best describes the type of cellular transport that the student is investigating?.


Diffusion is the process by which chemicals travel from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, eventually bringing the concentration in the entire space to equilibrium.

Why does the dye spread out and go from being concentrated at a high level to being concentrated at a low level?

The water and dye molecules are thrown together and bludgeoned by the dye's erratic motion. Consequently, the dye molecules shift from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.

What is the name of the process where particles travel from high concentration to low concentration and is this process active or passive?

The passive mode of transport is called diffusion. A single drug has a tendency to travel from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration until the concentration is balanced throughout the area.

To know more about molecules of red dye visit :-



which type of virus is most likely to cause cell lysis and rupturing of an infected animal cell when it is released?


Extreme pH, heat, dryness, and uncomplicated disinfectants are less effective against non-enveloped viruses.

Norovirus, enterovirus, adenovirus, and rhinovirus are a few examples of non-enveloped viruses. Viruses with an envelope are typically less virulent.

A phage behaves like a typical virus during the lytic cycle by stealing the resources from its host cell to produce numerous new phages, which ultimately causes the host cell to lyse (burst) and die.

Several viral families that cause several prevalent human diseases are non-enveloped enteric RNA viruses. As an illustration, human noroviruses in the family Caliciviridae are the most common cause of viral gastroenteritis worldwide and account for roughly 18% of all cases.

Learn more about "  non-enveloped viruses " to visit here;



What are genetic similarities?


Genetic similarities refer to how one individual is close to another individual genetically.

The degree of genetic relatedness among individuals is measured by a term called genetic similarity. The genetic similarity between one human and another human is 99.9%.

This is because of the way the human gene is coded with the help of base pairs. They are almost similar only a tiny amount of base pair is required to make one human different from another.

Genetic similarity helps to trace the ancestor and know how one species is close to another species genetically. The genetic similarity between humans and dogs is 94%, humans and cows are 80%, and humans and chimpanzees are 98.8%.  That's how close are one species with another.

To know more about genetic similarity:



In what types of muscle does some of the calcium needed for contraction come from the extracellular fluid?


In cardiac and visceral smooth muscle, some calcium needed for contraction comes from the extracellular fluid.

Muscle contraction is the tightening, shortening, or lengthening of muscle mass whilst you do some interest. It is able to happen whilst you maintain or pick out something, or whilst you stretch or exercise with weights.

There are three varieties of muscle contraction: concentric, isometric, and whimsical. Labeling eccentric contraction as “contraction” can be a little misleading, since the length of the sarcomere will increase during this form of contraction.

Muscle contraction starts when the frightened system generates a sign. The signal, an impulse referred to as an action capability, travels through a kind of nerve cell called a motor neuron.

Learn more about Contraction here:-https://brainly.com/question/25778330


What are the reactants of photosynthesis Brainly?


Carbon dioxide and water are usually the main reactants in photosynthesis. We now know that plants require water and carbon dioxide in order to create their nourishment.

Sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water are the initial reactants of photosynthesis. When photosynthesis is finished, it releases oxygen and creates molecules of carbohydrates, most frequently glucose. These sugar molecules hold the energy needed for survival.

It is significant because photosynthesis is the process through which plants use sunlight to transform carbon dioxide into oxygen. Plants purify the air by eliminating dangerous carbon dioxide, but animals require oxygen to exist.

Chlorophyll, the main pigment in photosynthesis, reflects green light while absorbing red and blue light significantly.

To learn more about photosynthesis



the primary site for reabsorption of solutes and water is question 5 options: the glomerulus. the proximal tubule. the nephron loop. the distal tubule. the collecting duct. g


The Henle loop is the main location for the reabsorption of water-soluble solutes. Water can pass through the descending Henle loop and will be reabsorbed by it.

The peptide hormone vasopressin triggers water reabsorption in the cortical collecting duct (CCD) cells. The permeability of the CCD apical membrane to water increases in these cells as 3'5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels rise. In order to maintain fluid, electrolyte, and nutritional balance, the proximal tubule reabsorbs roughly 60%–70% of the water and sodium chloride, a bigger fraction of the sodium bicarbonate, and virtually all of the nutrients in the ultrafiltrate. Reabsorption takes place when the filtrate is transported across the nephron's tubular lumen and into the blood of the peritubular capillaries.

To learn more about reabsorption click here https://brainly.com/question/13107221


how many dna molecules would there be after four rounds of pcr if the initial reaction mixture contained two molecules?


If there were two DNA molecules in the initial reaction mixture, four rounds of PCR would result in 32 DNA molecules.

How many DNA copies were there after four PCR cycles? A single DNA molecule can be amplified by the PCR method up to 2n times, where n is the number of cycles. A given DNA template can therefore be amplified to 16 duplicate strands using PCR over 4 cycles. PCR doubles the amount of target DNA molecules per cycle, assuming there are enough primers, dNTPs, and polymerase molecules.  Five cycles equal five times the target DNA is doubled. 32 is equal to 2 to the fifth power, 2x2x2x2x2. The following equation can be used to determine how many copies of double-stranded DNA are present overall: DNA copies are calculated as follows = (DNA quantity (ng) x 6.0221023 / (DNA length x 1109 ng/ml x 650 Daltons)The amount of template required for each reaction is determined by calculating the number of DNA copies.

To learn more about DNA molecules refer



What are the 4 parts of a hypothesis?


The hypothesis is generally for the test of several plots and summarises or for the assertion and reasonable questions as if in an experiment also hypothesis are used frequently.

The not unusualplace steps in all 3 techniques of speculation trying out is the primary step, that is to kingdom the null and opportunity speculation. The 2d step of the check statistic technique is to decide the check length and to gain the crucial value.

The 1/3 step is to compute the check statistic. The Null and Alternative Hypotheses. The Test Statistic. Probability Values and Statistical Significance. The Conclusions of Hypothesis Testing.

Read more about hypothesis:



The transduction of sound waves into action potentials by the human ear takes place ________.


Hair cells are responsible for the human ear's conversion of sound waves in action potentials.

What does biology's basic transduction entail?

DNA is transferred from one bacteria to another by the virus through a process known as transduction. The technique of introducing foreign DNA into a different cell via a retrovirus is also referred to as this.

What do translation and transduction mean?

A bacterium transforms by consuming a fragment of DNA that is floating around in its environment. A virus unintentionally transfers DNA from one bacterium to another is unintentionally transferred from one bacterium to another by a virus during transduction. DNA is transmitted between bacteria during conjugation through a tube that connects the cells.

To know more about transduction  visit:



in response to falling blood glucose levels, which pancreatic islet cell releases glucagon?


A hormone called glucagon is important in regulating blood sugar (glucose) levels. It is synthesized by alpha cells and then released into the bloodstream from the pancreatic islets of Langerhans.

When blood glucose levels are too low, the pancreas releases more glucagon into the body (low blood glucose). In numerous ways, this hormone aids in the recovery of blood glucose: As a result, the liver releases glucose into the bloodstream after converting stored glucose into a usable form. Alpha cells in the islets of Langerhans secrete glucagon, and beta cells secrete insulin. The hormones insulin and glucagon control the body's glucose level to maintain it within a healthy range.

We can therefore conclude that glucagon, a hormone, is crucial for controlling blood sugar (glucose) levels. The pancreatic islets of Langerhans' alpha cells are responsible for their production.

Learn more about glucagon here:



a 28-year-old medical student consumes a cheeseburger, fries, and chocolate shake. the meal stimulates the release of several gastrointestinal hormones. the presence of fat, carbohydrate, or protein in the duodenum stimulates the release of which hormone from the duodenal mucosa?


Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide hormone from the duodenal

mucosa. Thus correct answer (b)  .

Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), also known as Gastric inhibitory polypeptide or stomach inhibitory peptide (often abbreviated as GIP), is a secretin-like hormone that inhibits gastric acid secretion while stimulating insulin production.

GIP was originally called gastric inhibitory peptide because it was assumed to reduce stomach acid secretion; however, subsequent research revealed that its principal impact is to stimulate insulin release in response to a meal. GIP is also involved in lipid metabolism and has been linked to fat accumulation.

Is GIP a peptide hormone?

GIP is a 42aminoacid hormone produced by upper small intestine K cells6,7. It was first isolated from swine intestine for its potential to decrease stomach acid secretion8.

Learn more about Gastric inhibitory polypeptide to visit this link



Full Episode :A 28-year-old medical student consumes a cheeseburger, fries, and chocolate shake. The meal stimulates the release of several gastrointestinal hormones. The presence of fat, carbohydrate, or protein in the duodenum stimulates the release of which hormone from the duodenal mucosa?

A. Cholecystokinin

B. Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide

C. Gastrin

D. Motilin

E. Secretin

An element crystallizes in a face-centered cubic lattice and has a density of. The edge of its unit cell is.


The density of the crystal is 19.30 g>cm3 and the edge of the unit cell is 4.078 Å

A face-centered cubic lattice is formed when an element crystallizes. If an element's density is 19.3 g/cm3 and the edge of the unit cell is 0.408 nm long as four atoms altogether make up a face-centered cubic unit cell. As a result, a face-centered cubic unit cell has a density of 4 x M / A3 x Na.

For more questions like element crystalls  visit the link below



for a neurotransmitter to produce an inhibitory postsynaptic potential, which of the following channels must open? group of answer choices sodium and potassium channels potassium and/or chloride channels sodium and chloride channels only the sodium channels


For a neurotransmitter to produce an inhibitory postsynaptic potential, potassium channels channels must open.

Potassium channels work to quickly (up to the diffusion rate of K+ ions in bulk water) and selectively transmit potassium ions down their electrochemical gradient (excluding, most notably, sodium despite the sub-angstrom difference in ionic radius). In many cells, these channels function to either set or reset the resting potential. The delayed potassium ion counterflow in excitable cells, like neurons, alters the action potential. Failure of potassium channels can lead to potentially fatal arrhythmias by regulating the duration of the ventricular action potential in the heart muscle. Maintaining vascular tone may also include potassium channels. They also control biological functions including hormone production (like the release of insulin from beta cells in the pancreas), hence their failure can result

To know more about potassium channels please refer: https://brainly.com/question/14915178


the process that results in changes in the genetic material of a population over time


Evolution. A population's inheritable makeup evolves throughout time as a result of the process of elaboration.

What about evolution?In biology, elaboration is the revision of a species' traits over a number of generations and depends on the system of natural selection.Changes in inheritable traits — an organism's heritable characteristics are the means through which organisms evolve.For example, eye color is an inheritable point in humans, and a person may get the" brown- eye particularity" from one of their parents.Elaboration is the shift in natural populations' inheritable features over successive generations.Diversity arises through evolutionary processes at every position of natural complexity.The last universal ancestor is the last common ancestor of all life on Earth.The process of elaboration is how organisms change through time in response to their terrain.The underpinning tenet of all biology is elaboration.It aids in our understanding of marvels in disciplines as colorful as physiology, ecology, and genetics.This information is significant from a practical viewpoint in addition to a scientific bone .Populations are allowed to evolve substantially through natural selection.Still, there are a number of fresh mechanisms of elaboration, similar as gene inflow, inheritable drift, and mutation.

Learn more about evolution here:



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