T or FThe organizational hierarchy is flatter in a multidivisional structure than in a product or functional structure.


Answer 1

The organizational hierarchy is flatter in a multidivisional structure than in a product or functional structure. [FALSE]

About organizational hierarchy

Hierarchy is a level or level associated with a position or defined as a system for dividing levels of positions in an organization. The hierarchy is divided into two, namely structural and functional. Meanwhile, in terms of its function, the hierarchy functions as; supervision, control, and accountability.

Hierarchy is really needed in an organization as Max Weber said that the ideal organization has a hierarchy. According to Max Weber, the characteristics of an ideal bureaucracy are as follows: Work strictly on rules. Tasks that are of a special nature. Rigid and simple, restrictions by position, large and small powers due to hierarchy, different functions of each hierarchy, job description (job responsibilities), selection of officials, has the right to receive salary and decide, development based on career and merit, not using resources in personal interests, the hierarchy of positions is in supervision and control.

The components of organizational hierarchy

1. Division of work, concerning the level of work specialization. Managers divide all organizational tasks into specific jobs which are composed of special activities;

2. Delegation of authority refers specifically to decision-making authority, not doing work;

3. The division of departments (division of department)  can be grouped into division of departments based on their functions (functional departmentalization), based on region (geographic departmentalization), based on product (product departmentalization), based on customers  (customer departmentalization); and

4. Span Control (Chain of command) is the number of subordinates who report to the superior. This range is a factor that influences the form and complexity of the organizational structure.

Learn more about organizational hierarchy at https://brainly.com/question/28428415.


Related Questions

which of the following theories were accepted by the developers of the four-drive theory of motivation? check all that apply.


The theories accepted by the developers of four -drive of motivation are : When people have unfulfilled needs, they are dissatisfied.

When people fulfill their needs, they become more satisfied.People have innate underlying needs.

Theories of Motivation:

One of the factors that influences performance is motivation. The definition of motivation is the desire to perform at a given level or reach a certain goal, which results in behavior that is goal-directed.  When we say that someone is motivated, we indicate that they are making a lot of effort to complete a job.  To perform successfully, motivation is undoubtedly necessary, yet it is insufficient.

Ability, or possessing the knowledge and abilities necessary to accomplish the work, is equally crucial and is occasionally the main factor determining effectiveness.

Finally, performance is greatly influenced by contextual variables, such as having the tools, knowledge, and support needed to perform successfully.

A Motivating Place to Work:

Performance is influenced by motivation, talent, and the working environment. It appears like Zappos is fostering a culture that promotes drive and inclusivity.

The organization goes above and beyond meeting fundamental workplace requirements and takes care of the demands for self-actualization that the majority of people have for their employment.

According to CEO Tony Hsieh, cultivating a caring workplace culture is the key to retaining customers.

Question is incomplete ,missing part is given below :

Which of the following theories were accepted by the developers of the four-drive theory of motivation? check all that apply.

When people have unfulfilled needs, they are dissatisfied.

When people fulfill their needs, they become more satisfied

People have innate underlying needs.

The need that people feel as strongest depends on the needs that they have already fulfilled.

Learn more about Motivation:



a skeptical paranormal researcher claims that the proportion of americans that have seen a ufo, p, is less than 2 in every one thousand.


According to a sceptical paranormal researcher, the fraction of Americans who have seen a UFO, p, is fewer than 2 out of every thousand. There is insufficient evidence to support the assertion that the genuine proportion is less than 2 in 10,000.

What role does research methodology play?

The research methods portion of your study will reflect the validity of your findings and the thoroughness of your report. It also helps future researchers who plan to follow the same methods and wish to reference or reproduce your findings. In research, methodology is described as the systematic way of resolving a research topic by acquiring data using various methodologies, offering an interpretation of the data acquired, and drawing conclusions about the study data. A research methodology's objective is to illustrate the reasons behind your research strategy - you'll need to justify your collection techniques, methods of analysis, and other significant parts of your study. Consider it similar to creating a plan or outline of what you aim to undertake.

To know more about researcher visit:



1. How do you think IQ tests can be helpful? How do you think they can be misused?



Hope this helps


IQ tests can be helpful in providing an objective measure of a person's intelligence. This can be used to accurately assess a person's cognitive abilities, compare them to others, and provide insight into how they learn and process information. However, IQ tests can also be misused. Some people may use IQ tests to label people as "smart" or "unintelligant," which can lead to prejudicial assumptions and discriminatory behavior. IQ tests can also be used to exclude certain groups of people from opportunities, such as college admissions.

FILL IN THE BLANK. According to Moscovici, majorities derive their power to influence others by virtue of their ____, whereas nonconformists derive their power to influence others from their ____.


Moscovici contends that while conformists receive their capacity to influence anyone else from their way of life, majority gain it from their sheer numbers.

A person's influence is what?

Influencing others is one of the most crucial responsibilities you as a leader. The Oxford Languages Dictionary defines influence as "the power to have an effect on someone or something's behavior, growth, or character, and even the impression itself."

Why is influence so important?

They can persuade others to agree to them and gain the respect of those around them. Persuasion is a form of authority in every situation, but it is especially important at work. Influential individuals at work were frequently more regarded and reliable. A lot of the time, famous individuals become better managers.

To know more about influence visit:



on four separate occasions, the prince left the comforts of his lavash palace surroundings to explore the outside world. which of the following did he not see on his excursions?


The Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama, was a wandering ascetic and religious figure who lived in South Asia in the sixth or fifth century BCE and is credited with founding Buddhism.

A prince by the name of Siddhartha Gautama started to question his protected, opulent life in the palace some 2500 years ago.According to folklore, at the age of 29, the "Four Signs"—an elderly man, a sick person, a body being transported for cremation, and a monk meditating under a tree—shook him out of his complacency.After leaving the palace, he came upon four individuals: a monk, an old man, a sick man, and a dead man. He is supposed to have learned through these sights that not even a prince is immune to disease, pain, and death.

To know more about Buddha here



because of the significant costs of data packages and other smartphone expenses, calling and charges tend to be among the least expensive costs of owning a cell phone.


Because of the significant costs of data packages and other smartphone expenses, calling and texting  charges tend to be among the least expensive costs of owning a cell phone.

How do smartphones collect data?

Some of the most common sensors in smartphones include accelerometers, Bluetooth, GPS, light sensors, microphones, proximity sensors, and Wi-Fi. Other types of smartphone data collected include call logs, SMS (Short Message Service) logs, app usage logs, and battery status logs.

Why are smartphones so expensive?

Increased manufacturing costs. Also, as seen in the high-end market, designs are constantly changing. It has narrower bezels and more features, and these are the factors driving the price up.

What is a data packet?

A simple container format for describing a coherent collection of data in a single "package". It provides a foundation for convenient provisioning, installation, and management of data sets.

Learn more about data packages:



Why are amendments made to the Constitituion?


Constitutions need to be amended over time to adjust provisions that are inadequate, to respond to new needs, including supplementing rights, etc. Otherwise, the text of a constitution cannot reflect social realities and political needs over time.

is to affect as is to cognition. group of answer choices prejudice; discrimination stereotype; prejudice prejudice; stereotype discrimination; stereotype


Prejudice is to have an effect on as stereotype is to cognition.

The required details for cognition in given paragraph

Cognition refers to "the intellectual movement or technique of obtaining know-how and information thru thought, experience, and the senses". It encompasses all factors of intellectual capabilities and techniques such as: perception, attention, thought, intelligence, the formation of know-how, memory and running memory, judgment and evaluation, reasoning and computation, hassle solving and selection making, comprehension and manufacturing of language. Imagination is likewise a cognitive technique, it's miles taken into consideration as such as it includes considering possibilities. Cognitive techniques use present know-how and find out new know-how. Cognitive techniques are analyzed from distinctive views inside distinctive contexts, extensively within side the fields of linguistics, musicology, anesthesia, neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology, education, philosophy, anthropology, biology, systemics, logic, and pc science.

These and different methods to the evaluation of cognition (such as embodied cognition) are synthesized within side the growing area of cognitive science, a regularly autonomous instructional discipline.

To know about cognition click here



Recent studies confirmed that _____ individuals show less trust and negative emotions toward a romantic partner.
Multiple Choice
securely attached


Answer D- attachment-anxious

Recent research has demonstrated that people who have attachment anxiety are less trustworthy and have unfavorable feelings about potential relationships. As a result, choice (D) is the best way to respond.

What is attachment anxiety?

The capacity to form emotional connections with others is known as attachment. It begins at birth and lasts throughout childhood and adulthood. It is a method of relating to someone else. Unmet emotional demands can have a lasting impact if they are not attended to. We refer to this as an insecure attachment.

Anxiety regarding your relationships with loved ones, such as parents, friends, and partners, is referred to as attachment anxiety. Typically, it has roots in early experiences. Although the precise reasons for anxious attachment are not yet fully known, they might be related to traumatic events or inconsistent parenting.

Hence, option (D) is accurate.

Learn more about attachments, from:



Both Rue and Jess secured poor marks in their exams. Rue's parents told her firmly that her poor ...
A. Both Rue's and Jess's parents have exerted behavioral control.
B. Both Rue's and Jess's parents have exerted psychological control.
C. Rue's parents have exerted psychological control, while Jess's parents have exerted behavioral control.
D. Rue's parents have exerted behavioral control, while Jess's parents have exerted psychological control.


D. Rue's parents have exerted behavioral control, while Jess's parents have exerted psychological control, which is the correct answer for the above statement.

What distinguishes psychological control from behavioral control?

Parents try to manage their children's behavior by establishing clear rules and keeping an eye on their activities, but psychological control involves trying to regulate their children's thoughts and feelings. Better outcomes for children's development are typically correlated with parental behavioral control.

Behavioral control has been used by Rue's parents, whereas psychological control has been used by Jess's parents.

Therefore, Parental behavioral control is often associated with children's developmentally better results.

Learn more about psychological control from the given link.



sharon has set her goals and objectives for the year. according to the five sequential stages of self-leadership model, sharon should now:


This year Sharon has set goals and objectives. Based on the five sequential stages of the self-leadership model, what Sharon has to do is understand the strengths, weaknesses, potential, and values ​​within.

What is self-leadership?

Self-leadership is someone who influences their own thoughts, feelings, and actions to achieve the desired outcome.

There are several aspects that are important and must be mastered by everyone to build self-leadership, namely:

Self-awarenessSelf-managementOther managementOther awareness

Self-awareness is a person's ability to recognize oneself to understand feelings, thoughts, and self-evaluations. Self-awareness helps one to understand strengths, weaknesses, potentials, and values ​​within oneself. Self-management, namely the ability of a person to control himself over something that will be said or done.

Learn more about other awareness here :


Which of the following is true of the early years of the Mexica in central Mexico?
Multiple Choice
They gained a reputation for kidnapping and for stealing land from others.
They conquered the city of Tenochtitlan and made it their capital.
Unlike other natives of the region, they built physical stone structures used primarily as fortresses.
They set about making strategic alliances early to amass power.
They brought with them new religious beliefs that they quickly forced onto the existing culture


The option that is true with regard to the early years of the Mexico is they conquered the city of Tenochtitlan and made it their capital. Thus, option second is correct.

What are the Mexico known for?

The Aztec Empire was ruled by the Mexico, a Nahuatl-speaking indigenous people of the Valley of Mexico. In 1325, the Mexicans founded Tenochtitlan, a town on an island in Lake Texcoco.

Tenochtitlan, the Aztec empire's capital, was founded approximately 1325 C.E. by the Aztec or Mexico people. According to tradition, the Mexico established Tenochtitlan after fleeing Aztlan under the instruction of their deity, Huitzilopochtli. Therefore, it can be concluded that option second is correct.

Learn more about Mexico here:



as compared to face-to-face communication, when communicating via the telephone, of a message is available for interpretation by the receiver.


As as compared to face-to-face conversation, whilst speaking through the telephone, of a message is 30% to be had for interpretation with the aid of using the receiver.

The required details for Communication in given paragraph

Communication is normally described because the transmission of information. The time period may confer with the message communicated thru such transmissions or the sphere of inquiry analyzing them. There are many disagreements approximately its precise definition. John Peters argues that the problem of defining conversation emerges from the truth that conversation is each a universal phenomenon and a precise discipline of institutional instructional study. One definitional method entails restricting what may be covered within side the class of conversation (for example, requiring a "aware intent" to persuade).

By this logic, one viable definition of conversation is the act of developing meaning among entities or groups thru the usage of sufficiently jointly understood signs, symbols, and semiotic conventions.

To know about Communication click here



offensive players are not considered to be in the arc if a player's foot just touches the line of the arc while in control of the ball.


If an offensive player's foot barely brushes the arc's line while he or she is in possession of the ball, that player is not regarded as being in the arc.

What do guys on offence do?

A basketball offensive player is one whose team has possession of the ball. When their team has the ball, a player is on offence; when the opposing team has the ball, they are on defence. This could alter at any time if a turnover occurs or a field goal is made. Defense is when a team tries to stop the opposing side from scoring, while offence is when a team attempts to score.

To know more about offensive players click on the link below:



Mick is a restaurant manager who, in McClelland's terms, has a greater need for power than for affiliation. But Mick is open to social interaction. According to McClelland, Mick is a(n) _____ manager. A) institutional B) personal-powerC) affiliationD) perquisite


According to McClelland, Mick is a B) non-public-strength manager.

The required details for  personal-power in given paragraph

Personal strength is the cap-potential to steer humans and events. This shape of strength comes from man or woman traits as opposed to formal authority. Personal strength is greater of an mind-set or country of mind. Someone with robust non-public strength is targeted on their self-efficacy and cap potential to cooperate with others. They lead via way of means of example. They are inspiring. They impact their peers via way of means of fostering a tremendous worldview. They are assertive however respectful, a hit however humble, and pushed however stable. People with non-public strength have an effect on alternate round them via way of means of regulating themselves. In contrast, people with positional strength have an effect on alternate via way of means of regulating others. For example, a person who's assured and charismatic will locate it simpler to make friends and impact humans. This is authentic even though they keep no reliable function of strength.

In expert settings, a person who's dependable, assertive, and well-prepared will probable be taken greater seriously. These are examples of private strength in practice.

To know about personal-power click here



Why did the Native American people stay here(I can’t remember the word)?


Answer:Drought, flood, and temperature changes


Which of the following is NOT true regarding the events of the Battle of the Alamo in February and March of 1836?
A All remaining Texans defenders were killedAll remaining Texans defenders were killed
B The battle lasted a total of 13 daysThe battle lasted a total of 13 days
C The Texans captured General Santa AnnaThe Texans captured General Santa Anna
D The Mexican Army was victoriousThe Mexican Army was victorious



C The Texans captured General Santa Anna


The Texans captured General Santa Anna is NOT true regarding the events of the Battle of the Alamo in February and March of 1836.

In fact, General Santa Anna and the Mexican Army were victorious in the battle and the remaining Texans defenders were killed.

The battle lasted a total of 13 days.

imitation of christ, which taught readers how to appreciate divine aspects in their everyday lives was written by


Thomas a Kempis wrote The Imitation of Christ, which taught readers how to perceive divine aspects in their daily lives.

Thomas a Kempis, sometimes referred to as Thomas Hamerken, was a Renaissance Roman Catholic priest and the author of The Imitation of Christ, which is often described as one of the most popular Christian devotional works. Thomas a Kempis was born in 1380 in Kempen, Duchy of Cleves, Germany.

The Imitation of Christ is a spiritual work made up of four separate books that was designed primarily as a manual for monks but nevertheless appealed to a far larger audience. All four works, notable for their simple language and style, highlight the significance of the inner life and the necessity to seek God alone if we are to achieve genuine peace and contentment.

Learn more about roman catholic church here: brainly.com/question/29374708


Think about a social movement industry dealing with a cause that is important to you. How do the different social movement organizations of this industry seek to engage you? What techniques do you respond to? Why?


A social movement industry that is dealing with a cause that is important to me would be: the ecology movement.

The ways that the different organizations would engage me would be through the use of social media, the use of the television and the use of group meetings.

The techniques responded to are the ones that have to deal with the ways to save the environment.

This is because this is what is most appealing to me.

What is meant by a social movement ?

A social movement is a loosely structured but persistent campaign in favor of a social cause, usually the enactment of or opposition to a change in the social order or values.

Social movements are group initiatives that aim to alter the political, economic, or cultural landscape. This course examines unique facets of movements and the campaigns that go along with them in order to study such collective acts. It does this by using a variety of historical and modern case studies.

Read more on social movements here:https://brainly.com/question/26439172


recently visited
Your team is struggling there have been missed goals more complaints and attendance issues you believe this is due to a decrease in team morale



My guess is to help them practice more


If you practice more you won't be missing any goals. This us not a decrease in team morale

Whenever another speaker pauses, Barry jumps in to talk about himself without responding to the previous speaker. Primarily concerned about how much and how long he can talk, Barry is guilty of ____________.


Being receptive, relational listeners are more likely to elicit answers from of the message sender.

How do you make use of responding?

to respond to the things that have been said done by saying or doing something else [Speech +] He always said, "I don't know," in response to inquiries. She remained silent when I questioned her about the time. He stormed out, slamming the doors behind him, in response.

What does responding mean in a conversation?

Responding. During the response, or feedback, phase, the listener communicates verbally or nonverbally how much they are participating in the dialogue. This step generates action for what would ordinarily be a passive procedure and is dependent on both short and long-term memory.

To know more about responding visit:



he questions of ____and _____are among the biggest problems in cleaning up hazardous waste sites.


The questions of liability and degree of purity required are among the biggest problems in cleaning up hazardous waste sites.

What are waste sites?

A waste disposal site is a location where waste, including ashes, trash, refuse, household waste, industrial waste, and municipal waste, is disposed of or deposited. A place where waste is dumped is referred to as a landfill site, tip, dump, rubbish dump, garbage dump, or dumping ground. Although the systematic burying of the waste with daily, intermediate, and ultimate covers didn't start until the 1940s, landfills are still the oldest and most popular method of waste disposal. preserving dangerous wastes for all time. A landfill is the most prevalent kind of disposal facility, where hazardous wastes are disposed of in specially built containers meant to safeguard groundwater and surface water resources.

To learn more about waste sites click,



lawsuits or litigation are a near-constant feature of american public life with the annual u.s. criminal caseload that includes million cases filed in state courts.


Lawsuits or litigation are a near-constant feature of American public life with the annual U.S. criminal caseload that includes 35-40 million cases filed in state courts.

What is the difference between a lawsuit and litigation?

Lаwsuits and litigation аre quite different from eаch other. While litigаtion refers to the procedure of hаndling а lаwsuit, the lаwsuit refers to the аctuаl dispute between the pаrties.

Embrаcing the lаw аnd lаwsuits, litigаtion is а neаr-constаnt feаture of Аmericаn public life. The аnnuаl U.S. criminаl cаseloаd includes 35-40 millioncаses filed in stаte courts. Most other industriаl nаtions rely more on mediаtion innoncriminаl cаses. In contrаst, Аmericаns sue. The United Stаtes outpаces аny other countries, with roughly 1.1 million lаwyers (782,200 in аctive prаctice).

For more information about lawsuits and litigation refer to the link:



Which of the following uses the discriminative stimulus, the response, and the reinforcing stimulus or consequence?
a. Positive behavior support b. Discrete trial training
c. Applied behavior analysis d. Social stories


The type of technique that uses reinforcing stimulus or consequence and discriminative stimulus is discrete trial training. Hence, the correct option is (B).

What is Discrete Trial Training?

Discrete trial training is one of the techniques in Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA). Discrete trial training is carried out by dividing a person's existing skills into discrete components or smaller components. When encountering someone, this technique uses discriminative stimulus and also uses reinforcing stimulus or consequence. This technique also usually uses tangible reinforcements for desired and appraised behavior. Discrete trial training is usually used as an intervention approach for autism.

Learn more about discrete trial training at https://brainly.com/question/13449138


state four positive effect of the Christian missionary activities in the gold coast​


Missions also provided healthcare, built health facilities, and were the first to bring modern medicine to the continent. Other investments include the introduction of the printing press and newspapers, changes to political and social organization, and greater inclusivity



Missions also provided healthcare, built health facilities, and were the first to bring modern medicine to the continent. Other investments include the introduction of the printing press and newspapers, changes to political and social organization, and greater inclusivity

kempe and colleagues coined the term _____ in 1962, to call attention to undiagnosed and mishandled situations in which children sustained serious physical injury from an adult caregiver.


Kempe and colleagues coined the term Battered child in 1962, to call attention to undiagnosed and mishandled situations in which children sustained serious physical injury from an adult caregiver.

What does it mean to be a "battery child"?

A child who has been beaten or mistreated repeatedly may have a variety of injuries as a result. This condition is known as battered child syndrome. The possibility of battered child syndrome should be considered if a kid's injuries point to purposeful abuse or seem more severe than would be expected to follow an accident.

The phrase "battered child" was first used by Kempe and colleagues in 1962 to draw attention to cases of child abuse by adults that went unreported and handled improperly.

Therefore, Kempe and colleagues coined the term Battered child in 1962.

Learn more about Battered syndrome from the given link.



the un millennium ecosystem assessment estimated that humans degrade or overuse of the earth's natural services


Ecosystems are now being harmed by humanity's addiction on fossil fuels its ravenous desire for natural resources.

What defines ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a region where a bubble of life is created by plants, mammals, and other organisms interacting with the weather, environment, and other factors. Abiotic variables, or nonliving components, coexist with biotic components in ecosystems. Vegetation, animals, and other species are biotic factors.

Why is ecosystem important?

A healthy ecosystem keeps our soil intact, cleanses the air, regulates the climate, recycles nutrients, and provides us with food. They provide tools and raw ingredients for producing medicines and other goods. They are the backbone among all civilizations as well as the drivers of our economies.

To know more about ecosystem visit:



n reflecting on her students and classroom management, a teacher feels her classroom is not productive. which of the following professional development strategies would most likely help the teacher?


In reflecting on his students performance and his classroom management practices. Professional development strategies would most likely help is  Peer Observation

What is peer observation?

Mutual observation is when teachers observe other teachers to develop their teaching practice. A peer can be any colleague who supports you. They could be from a different department or grade, someone who recently started teaching, or a member of the senior leadership team.

Why is peer observation important?

Peer observation helps assess and develop the quality of interactions between adults and children in the environment. To improve quality, peer observations should be fed into supervision and evaluation systems and fed into action planning and training needs.

What is Peer Group Observation in Education?

Mutual observation is when teachers observe and learn from each other's practice. Intended to support the exchange of best practices and raise awareness of the impact of one's teachings.

Learn more about peer observation:



Indian National Congress always claimed to be representative of all the segments of Indian society”; Keeping in view of this statement, critically evaluate the emergence of All India Muslim League as a counterforce. Justify your answer with five valid points.


It is thought that the All India Muslim League emerged as an opposition group to the Indian National Congress because it allegedly claimed that the Indian Congress was discriminating against particular Indians.

What did the Muslim League and Indian National Congress hope to accomplish?

The Muslim League was founded in 1906 and defended the rights of Indian Muslims. The league, which was first backed by the British and generally in favor of their rule, subsequently declared self-government for India as its goal in 1913.

The important points regarding the Muslims league are:

Muslim was started to represent Indian Muslims' interests in a country with a predominance of Hindus.The Muslim League is the political adversary of the Indian National Congress.The All India Muslim League acted as an opposition group that made several attempts at political representation.

Therefore, The Indians believed that the Congress exclusively recognized and upheld the rights of Hindus, that he appreciated as well as sought social justice.

Learn more about the congress, refer to:



Adolescents who come from family environments in which parents harshly criticize their children's performance when it does not meet their standards are more likely to develop Multiple Choice c) mastery motivation. a high achievement motivation. O O Type-A personality characteristics. O fear of failure.


Adolescents are more prone to experience dread of failure if their families have a history of harsh parental criticism of the children's work when it falls short of their expectations.

What is a adolescence age?

Adolescence is the period of life that occurs here between ages of 10 and 19 and bridges childhood and adulthood. It is an important time in human development that sets the stage for long-term healthiness. Adolescents face rapid growth in all areas of their development—physical, mental, and emotional.

What to expect during adolescence?

In terms of their physiology, minds, and social connections, adolescents are passing through a transitional stage. Probably majority of girls will still have reached puberty and be physically mature by this period. Males may still be growing physically at this time.

To know more about Adolescents visit:



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