What can Magnetic force, electric force, and electrostatic force can all be described as.


Answer 1


They can be described as non contact forces

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True or false
A nucleotide is make of a sugar, a phosphate, and a base.


True, A nucleotide is made of a sugar, a phosphate, and a base




Two rocks of masses 5 kg and 10 kg a dropped from rest from a height of 20 m above ground. Ignore all friction and air resistance. Just before
they hit the ground, which statement is true about the rocks?
(A) The value for the acceleration of the 5 kg rock is the same as the value for the 10 kg rock, but their velocity values are different.
(B) The values for the acceleration and velocity of the 5 kg rock are greater than the values for the 10 kg rock.
(C) The values for the acceleration and velocity of the 5 kg rock are less than the values for the 10 kg rock.
(D) The values for the acceleration and velocity of the 5 kg rock are the same as the values for the 10 kg rock.






F of 5 kg rock = 49N

F of 10 kg rock = 98 N

Divide by respective masses to get acceleration, and of course you will get 9.8 m/s^2 for both.

Now, use potential energy equals kinetic energy. mgh=(1/2)mv^2 mass cancels out of the equation, since it's on both sides, so we can stop right there. We have algebraically determined that mass does not affect acceleration or velocity!

Hope this helped.

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what exactly are the following?

Mr. Cudd tries riding a bike to see if he still remembers how. As he gains some speed, he accidentally squeezes the front brakes. What happens immediately after is an example of which one of Newton’s laws?



Newton's second Law of motion

What is the limiting factor of speed for an object falling through a vacuum?


★☆〖Qบęຮτ ı¨ ø nˇ〗☆★

Air Resistance is the factor, which limits the speed of an object falling through the air...⭐


<Judge It Yourself...>

Hope it helps you! ヅ

✪ Be Brainly ✪



the answer is 24 atoms.

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Whether or not the information on an online source is credible and factual, is up to the user to decide.



Informational references provide only a limited amount of specific statistical information. false. Information should be________to ensure more than one source provides the same factual information.



The statement presented above is TRUE. Yes, it's up to us whether to accept the statement whether as reliable or not. At the end of the day, it is our responsibility to know the facts and not let other people dictate what you have to think about. It has to be taken into account that you can decide for yourself.


An automobile of mass 1.46 E3 kg rounds a curve of radius 25.0 m with a velocity of 15.0 m/s. The
centripetal force exerted on the automobile while rounding the curve is:



Centripetal force = 13140 Newton.


Given the following data;

Mass = 1.46 E3 kg = 1.46*10³ = 1460 kg

Velocity = 15m/s

Radius, r = 25m

To find the centripetal force, we would use the following formula:

Centripetal force = mv²/r

Substituting into the equation, we have;

Centripetal force = (1460*15²)/25

Centripetal force = (1460 * 225)/25

Centripetal force = 328500/25

Centripetal force = 13140 Newton.

If the force exerted by a man is halved and the distance is multiplied by four, by which factor does the work change ?

A. Increase by a factor of 8
B. Decrease by a factor of 2
C. Increase by a factor of 2
D. Increase by a factor of 4


increase factor by 8 thousands

Which phrase best describes a machine?

any device that makes work easier
any device that moves an object
any device that has multiple parts
any device that uses energy


I would say that a machine is a device/apparatus that uses mechanical power and has multiple parts.

What are the units we measure length or distance in?

I have to type more to ask but I would greatly appreciate it if you guys could answer my question thank you very much



U could measure it in area and in operations.


meters, millimeters, kilometers, centimeters, inches, feet, yards, miles

When a large truck pushes a small car with a given force, the small car is applying an _____and ____ force on the truck.



Equal and opposite


describe the steps that occurs in the process of fission



--In the first step, a uranium-235 atom absorbs a neutron, and splits into two new atoms (fission fragments), releasing three new neutrons and a large amount of binding energy. -- In the second step, one of those neutrons is absorbed by an atom of uranium-238, and does not continue the reaction.


Nuclear fission begins when a neutron hits the nucleus of an atom. The nucleus splits in two and releases thermal energy and releases more neutrons. The neutrons hits the nuclei of more atoms, splitting them and releasing more energy and neutrons.

I hope this helps!!

Which location, 23 degrees or 48 degrees would experience the same earthquake at stronger intensity?Explain why.​



48 degress


An earthquake causes many different intensities of shaking in the area of the epicenter where it occurs. So the intensity of an earthquake will vary depending on where you are. Sometimes earthquakes are referred to by the maximum intensity they produce. In the United States, we use the Modified Mercalli Scale. Earthquake intensity is a ranking based on the observed effects of an earthquake in each particular place. Therefore, each earthquake produces a range of intensity values, ranging from highest in the epicenter area to zero at a distance from the epicenter.

The average kinetic energy of the particles of two pieces of iron at the same temperature and mass would be __________.

Question 1 options:


The same

Not equivilent

With in 500 degrees of eachother



the answer is different


i took the test

you do no know an objects velocity until you know its _____.


I agree with the answer above, but since velocity is a vector, I think displacement would be a better answer :)

A piece of metal has a volume of 2.0 x 10-5 m3.
The density of the metal is 8.0 x 103 kg/m3.
What is its mass?
A. 2.5 103 kg
B.4.0 x 102 kg
C.1.6 101 kg
D.1.6 x 105 kg


Anwser- A

Hope it helps

Car A is stopped at a traffic light. At the moment it starts to move again, it is situated 330 m from car B, which is traveling in the opposite direction at a constant velocity of 18.0 m/s. If car A accelerates at a rate of 3.0 m/s^2, where and after how long will the two cars pass each
Please answer this question with steps..​






How do u delete your questions on this app

an air craft heads north at 320km/hr relative to the wind. The wind velocity is 80km/hr from the north. Find the velocity of the air craft relative to the ground​






The current in the wires of a circuit is 180.0 milliAmps. If the
voltage impressed across the ends of the circuit was doubled
and the resistance was one-third the original value, then its
new current would be _____milliAmps.



ls xgfmc!hchlvb! jt?bjgchfb j

Hey guys I really need help can you please come and help me on struggling please help I choose one but that could be wrong



It's solar because if you leave a tv on for longer it gets hot and obviously it produces light and sound so, by subject of elimination, it's solar.



I think solar because the thermal and sound and light are like a part of the tv (sorry for my English)

If the radius of Earth were one half what it is now, and the mass were the same, what would be the value of g?



4 times what it is now.



G is constant, so ignore.

We have (1M/0.5r^2), or 4.




the equation of g (field gravity)

g = G M/R²

because G (Contant of Gravitasion) and M (Mass of earth) same, them

g2/g1 = R1²/R2²

g1 = g now

g2 = g which the value we looking for

g2/g = 1/(1/2)²

g2/g = 1/(1/4)

g2/g = 4

g2 = 4g

If 16,700 J of work is done to shoot the human cannonball down a 3.05 m barrel, then how much force is applied to the person to fire them out the cannon?





The formula for work is given by [tex]W=F\Delta x[/tex], where [tex]F[/tex] is the force applied over a distance of [tex]\Delta x[/tex].

Plugging in given values, we get:

[tex]16,700=F\cdot 3.05,\\F=\frac{16,700}{3.05},\\F\approx \boxed{5,480\:\text{N}}[/tex](three significant figures).

In what do electromagnetic waves cause disturbances when they transfer
A. Electric fields only
O B. Both electric and magnetic fields
C. Neither electric nor magnetic fields
O D. Magnetic fields only


Both electric and magnetic fields

Explain how you can locate the Pole Star with the help of Ursa Major?​


Answer: Pole star can be located using Ursa Major by extending an imaginary line from the last two stars towards the North direction.



The pole star can be located using the Ursa Major constellation, by imagining a line towards the Northern direction connecting two stars present at the end of the bowl, This imaginary line meets Pole Star. The length of the imaginary line from the bowl is about five times the distance between the two stars of the bowl.


How much potential energy does a 4 kg object have that is 5 meters off the ground?
math pls help


196 J
GPE= ham
GPE= (5)(9.8)(4)
GPE= 196 J

8. Where does ½ to ⅓ of the ocean pollution come from?



The majority of pollutants that make their way into the ocean come from human activities along the coastlines and far inland. One of the biggest sources of pollution is nonpoint source pollution, which occurs as a result of runoff.

If anyone can answer any of these questions it would be so amazing. My teacher for physical science didn't do a good job explaining it and I don't have enough time to teach it to myself.




What is the net force acting on a jet that has a mass of 130,000kg and it accelerates at a rate of 6m/s as it takes off


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