What can increase the productivity in a dental office?


Answer 1

using  Automation to Confirm Appointments and Avoid Cancellations

can increase the productivity in a dental office.

Cancellations are the main problem keeping dentists from operating at 100% capacity, according to the American Dental Association (ADA). Eliminating cancellations and no-shows need to be a top focus in light of this.

Unavoidable cancellations do happen occasionally. The objective is to be able to quickly fill any cancelled appointments. Send your patients multiple automated appointment reminders far in advance to do that. Patients can then notify you of schedule changes in a timely manner so that you can rebook. Generally, sending a text message with an appointment reminder is the best option because texts have a 98% open rate. However, making phone calls and sending out individual texts both take time. Instead, think about scheduling automated SMS reminders utilizing a platform for mass text messaging.

learn more about American Dental Association here



Related Questions

corporations benefit from securities markets primarily by: a.participating in the mutual funds of investment bankers. b.creating an efficient mechanism to invest in stocks and bonds. c.securing memberships on various stock exchanges. d.obtaining the capital they need to finance their operations.


The corporations benefit from securities markets, primarily by securing memberships on various stock exchanges. Therefore, the option C holds true.

Securities markets can be referred to or considered as the markets that deal in trade and exchange of securities of different companies through a platform called stock exchange. Corporations can get the benefits of these markets through getting listed with the membership of the stock exchanges. This helps them improve their image in the industrial world.

Learn more about securities markets here:



the process of anticipating future events and conditions and determining the best way to achieve organizational objectives is known as


Planning is the process of predicting upcoming circumstances and events and choosing the most effective path to accomplish organizational objectives.

A strategic plan outlines the goals and fundamental actions that must be taken to realize the future vision of your firm. Goals and objectives, desired results, metrics for tracking your progress, timetables, and budgets should all be part of a solid strategy.

Although creating a plan is the end aim of the strategic planning process, the exercise's worth often rests in the process itself. Strategic planning gives stakeholders in an organization the chance to learn more about the organization, discuss important issues affecting the company now or in the future, and express their perspectives on its strengths and flaws. The procedure should be set up to produce decisions that are reached by consensus.

To know more about organizational objectives click here,



True or false? trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time.


The given statement , trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time is True .

Generally speaking, any secret business information that gives a company a competitive edge and that no one else is aware of may be protected as a trade secret. The employee is the owner of any trade secrets developed or invented while employed, absent an assignment of the trade secret from the employee to the company.

In order for information to be declared a trade secret under American law, a corporation must take reasonable steps to keep it hidden from the general public, have economic value on its own, and contain information. Intellectual property of a firm includes trade secrets.

To know more about trade secrets visit :



Larry krovitz is a salesman who works at a used-car showroom in sydney, australia. it’s the last week of july but he is yet to meet his sales target for the month. a customer, harold kumar, who wants to buy a ford fiesta, walks in to the showroom. after taking one of the cars for a test drive, harold decides to buy it. while $11,000 was the least that larry would have been willing to accept for that car, he quotes a price of $15,000. after some bargaining, the car is sold for $12,000.
a. What is the producer surplus in this oase? b. If Larry bought the car for $8,000, what is his profit? c. Is producer surplus always equai to profit?.


The producer surplus in oase is $1000,  the profit of larry's car is $4000 and producer surplus is not always equal to profit.

a) The producer surplus is calculated as follows: 12,000 minus 11,000, which equals $1,000.

(b) Profit equals Market price minus Purchase price, or 12,000 minus 8,000, or $4,000

(c) Producer surplus, which is calculated as the area between the supply curve and the price, is the difference between the market price and the lowest acceptable price. The difference between total revenue and entire costs is known as profit. As a result, profit and producer surplus are not always equal.

To learn more about producer surplus



At a school carnival, tickets can be purchased to participate in different activities. The table shows the total cost for different numbers of tickets. What is the constant of proportionality that relates y , the total cost in dollars, to x , the number of tickets purchased?.





Do you have the table provided?

lassen corporation sold a machine to a machine dealer for $26,000. lassen bought the machine for $62,000 and has claimed $32,750 of depreciation expense on the machine. what gain or loss does lassen realize on the transaction?


Lassen Corporation experiences a loss of $3250 from this transaction as a result of the lower sale price.

Whether the asset's sale price is greater or less than its book value as of the sale date will determine whether there was a gain or loss on the sale of the asset. The asset's depreciation is subtracted from the purchase price to calculate the asset's book value on the date of sale. So it's straightforward: if the book value as of the sale date is less than the sale price, a gain has occurred; if the book value is higher, a loss has occurred.

Gain/Loss = Sale price - Book value on the date of sale

Sale price = $26000

Book value on date of sale = Purchase cost - Depreciation = $62000 - $32750 = $29250

Gain/Loss = $26000 - $29250 = $3250 (Loss)

As the sale price is lower Lassen Corporation has a loss of $3250 from this transaction.

To know more about Profit/Loss, refer to this link:



What should be considered when serving beverage?


Servers should never place their hands and fingers near the rim of the glass.Always handle glassware by the stems, handles, or bottom of the glass.When serving the table, follow the general rules of etiquette.

Serve the guest of honor,if you know him, and the women first, followed by the men and children.Serve guests from your right hand side, then proceed around the table in seating order.Tell the servers to place the glass on a table,coasters or napkin. If the table has a tablecloth, they put the drinks on it.You must remove the glasses when they are empty, so as not to waste your diner's money.Drinks play an important role when accompanying food.The drinks also enhance the flavor of the main course and help cleanse the taste buds between bites and complement the dish.Hot drinks such as hot tea or coffee and hot chocolate are prepared in the kitchen and are usually served in the kitchen pantry.

To learn more about accompanying please click on below link.



How does the use of communicative strategies help in establishing and maintaining relationships?


The use of communicative strategies helps in establishing and maintaining relationships by effectively sharing emotions and opinions.

Communicative strategies refer to the oral and written form of communication. The use of communicative strategies clarifies the stand of people to each other. It makes space for conveying opinions and debates to reach the middle way while maintaining the relationship. Communicative strategies help in eradicating the fear of rejection as people fear sharing their thoughts out of fear.

While initiating communication, it is important to maintain the formal and informal status that is suitable for the relationship. It sets clear standards of communication and a share of respect for both parties. Communication establishes a set of expectations which further helps in decision-making as both parties are aware of each other's likes and dislikes.

Learn more about communicative strategies here https://brainly.com/question/25940471


Which of the following is a method of accessing the money in your checking account?


Paying for goods with a debit card at the register method of accessing the money in your checking account.

To access their money, they can use ATMs, checks, or electronic debit or credit cards linked to their accounts. Don't worry, you have a lot of simple options to choose from. Use an ATM. If your bank account is connected to a debit card or ATM (Automated Teller Machine) card, you can withdraw cash there. Write a check for cash, make a cash withdrawal slip, and connect your account to a peer-to-peer payment service. When a debit is made, money is taken out of your bank account. Due to the fact that a credit adds money to your account, it is the opposite of a debit. Your account is debited frequently.

Learn more about account from



true or false: when considering the elimination of a segment, management should eliminate a segment if income increases from elimination.


True. When considering the elimination of a segment, management should eliminate a segment if income increases from elimination.

What does it mean for management to eliminate segment?

A direct fixed cost is one that a certain sector directly contributes to. If the segment is discontinued, these expenses are gone. Expenses that are incurred by the entire company and distributed to the segments are referred to as assigned fixed costs.

A product, division, region, or other firm division may not be performing up to expectations or even be losing money. To eliminate its variable expenses and any associated operating losses, the corporation can think about ceasing to operate that section.

Read more on market segments here:https://brainly.com/question/14225381





what should be the price for a common stock paying $6 annually in dividends if the growth rate is zero and the discount rate is 15% a. $40 b. $45 c. $37.50 d. $43.75


The correct answer to the given question about price of a common stock is option a) $40.

Price = 6 ÷ 0.15 = 40

A security called common stock serves as a proxy for a company's ownership. Common stock holders decide on corporate policies and elect the board of directors. Usually, long-term returns from this type of stock ownership are higher. Common shareholders, however, do not have any rights to a company's assets in the case of liquidation until all bondholders, preferred shareholders, and other debt holders have been fully compensated.

On a company's balance sheet, common stock is listed under stockholders' equity. If a firm issues it,  ordinary investors won't get paid until the preferred shareholders, bondholders, and creditors have each earned their share in the event of bankruptcy. In comparison to debt or preference shares, it is riskier.

To learn more about shareholders click here



user accounts that remain active after an employee has left an organization are referred to as being what type of accounts?


Orphaned user accounts are those that are still in use once a staff has resigned a corporation.

A(n)ACL is a list that indicates which subjects have access to an utterance and also what business functions they are expected to be able to do on it

What does an ACL entry go by?

A user or group of users' names make up two or perhaps more access control entries (ACEs) that are contained within each ACL. Any position term, including developer inspector, can also be the user. The user name and password are specified for each of the aforementioned users, parties, or roles in a series of bits known as an access mask.

Permissions are given to the following entities when implementing role-based access control (RBAC) Roles.

To know more about ACL click here



g how much should we willing to pay for 1 share of this stock based on our estimate for its earnings?


The price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of the corporation is the most used method of stock valuation. The P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the stock price by the most recent reported earnings per share for the firm (EPS). A low P/E ratio suggests that a company is offering an appealing level of value to the person purchasing it.

A share of stock, on the other hand, represents a portion of the company's ownership. How much of a stake you have in a company is based on the number of shares you possess. If a corporation has 100,000 shares of stock outstanding, and you hold 1,000 of them, you own 1% of the company's equity. The market capitalisation, or "market cap," of a firm is calculated using the market price per share. It may be determined by multiplying the most recent share price of a firm by the total number of outstanding shares. The Final Verdict.

To learn more about stock click the link below:



suppose the government imposes a tariff of $20 per unit. the amount of revenue collected by the government from the tariff is:______.


Suppose the government imposes a tariff of $20 per unit. The amount of revenue collected by the government from the tariff is $12,000.

A tariff is the term used to describe the charge imposed by the federal government on imported products from other nations. The primary purpose of tariffs is to safeguard domestic manufacturers, but they are sometimes used by the government to discourage imports from other nations and encourage the use of native goods.

In the given question, we take world price to be $40.

When the government imposes a tariff of $ 20 then the revenue collected by government will be,

                            Revenue = (60 -40) ×(1500 -900) = 20 × 600

                                            = $ 12,000

In the given attached image,

The rectangular area represents the revenue collected by the government. Domestic demand at this price is 1500 units and domestic supply is 900 units.

                          Imports = 1500-900 = 600 units

                          Tariff = $ 20

                          Revenue = $ 20 × 600 = $ 12,000

Therefore, $12,000 is the required tariff.

Learn more about Tariff here: https://brainly.com/question/1336833


amazonians shone bright during another record-breaking turkey 5. once again,, customers around the world turned to amazon to deliver holiday cheer. what was one of the best-selling items?


Amazon facilities are very busy toward the end of the year. This is referred to as the peak season on Amazon.

around widespread occasions like Thanksgiving and yuletide, top season occurs.For pals operating at Amazon centers as well as those in warehouse-associated positions like Amazon Flex and DSP drivers, height can be extraordinarily worrying.Colleagues need to count on operating 50 to 60 hour weeks with 12-hour workdays during peak season.This occurs while employees are required to paintings overtime in the course of consecutive weeks of mandatory overtime pay (MET) (normally an extra hour every paintings day with a further 10 to 12-hour day every week).

Learn more about peak season here



a company that manufactures light bulbs uses both capital (c) and labor (l) in its production process. it's trying to maximize its profit, and can produce any number of light bulbs it wants to. currently, for the last unit of labor used, the mrp(l) is $18 and the p(l) is $6. for the last unit of capital used, the mrp(c) is $5 and the p(c) is $10. in order to become more profitable, which is true?


It is obvious that a rise in MP(L) boosts employment as well as salaries. Therefore, its mrp (l) = $18 as well as the p(l) = $6 for the final unit of labour used.

Describe MRP through an example.

A system called material requirements planning (MRP) determines the materials and parts required to make a certain product. This consists of three major steps: listing the components and materials already present, deciding which more are required, and then planning for their manufacture or acquisition.

How is the MRP chosen?

A high selling price is defined by the Indian Consumer Products Act, 2006, as the price that the item must be sold in the consumer stores. This price must include all applicable taxes. The rule creates MRP labels must be printed by manufacturers on consumer products packaging.

To know more about MRP visit:



the quality, state, or fact of being able to generate, create, enhance, or bring forth goods and services.


Productivity is the quality, state, or fact of being able to generate, create, enhance, or bring forth goods and services.

The quality of goods are determined by its ability to meet the needs and expectations of its users. In terms of manufacturing, a product that is well-made and carefully assembled is likely to be of higher quality than one that is hastily put together.

In terms of materials, a product that is made with high-quality, durable materials is likely to be of higher quality than one made with lower-quality materials. Ultimately, the quality and state of a product is a reflection of the care that went into its making, from start to finish.

To know more about quality, click here.



all of the following are signs of chick-fil-a’s organizational values except its


Except than the store logo, all of the following are symbols of Chick-fil-organizational A's ideals.

Is the advantage disregarded or skipped?

The potential advantages that a person, investor, or business forgoes by choosing one choice over another are known as opportunity costs. Since opportunity costs are by definition invisible, it is easy to ignore them.

What statement about a balanced scorecard quizlet is true?

It presents an organization from the viewpoint of both internal and external customers.

How do complements' accessibility operate as a value-driver?

When used in conjunction with a product, complements enhance its value. enhancing the perceived value generated for clients, enabling it to charge a higher price.

To Know more about organizational



marietta masks inc. supplies surgical masks to hundreds of hospitals across the united states. they ship orders for the masks out on the first of each month and customers are expected to pay the cost of the shipment by the end of the month. the money that marietta masks inc. receives by the end of the month is an example of


The money that Marietta Masks Inc. receives by the end of the month is an example of accounts receivable.

Accounts receivable are money owed to a business by customers for goods or services that have been provided but not yet paid for. In this case, Marietta Masks Inc. has provided the hospitals with the masks and is expecting payment for the shipment by the end of the month.

Accounts receivable is an asset on a business’s balance sheet, and it is important for businesses to manage it carefully, as it can have a significant impact on the company’s cash flow.

For more questions like Accounts receivable click the link below:



do you believe that directors have the right to approve their own compensation without taking it to shareholder vote? please justify your answer and explain what might or might not warrant this.


No, the directors should choose the shareholder before getting their compensation in order to avoid a crisis within the organization.

The content describes several ethical standards that assist in knowing how to cast a vote and choose the best course of action to improve relations between shareholders.

I think it is moral to take the interests of the shareholders into account when making such choices and to concentrate on using the law to effectively advance the strategies.

Voting in favor of the request made by the directors would be an ethical decision for the organization.

To know more about ethical standards, click the below link



if the economy is currently in short-run equilibrium at point a, what type of monetary policy would be most effective to bring the economy back to long-run equilibrium?


Expansionary monetary policy would be the most effective to bring economy back to the long-run equilibrium.

What is the monetary policy?

A nation's monetary authority implements a strategy known as monetary policy in order to maintain price stability and public trust in the value and stability of the nation's currency. The goal of this strategy is to regulate either the money supply or the interest rate applied to extremely short-term borrowing. As tools for a government to manage economic cycle events like recessions, fiscal policy, in contrast, concentrates on taxation, government spending, and borrowing. With the aid of monetary economics, the optimum monetary policy may be developed. Monetary policy and fiscal policy are typically developed independently in modern nations. It is said that monetary policy is either expansionary or contractionary.

To learn more about monetary policy, visit:



what are the three methods commonly used to distribute door-to-door purchases to customers?


Door-to-door purchases are commonly delivered through the post office, through couriers, or at the time of purchase from the seller.

Door-to-door purchases, sometimes referred to as D2D, is a direct selling technique that is commonly used in campaigning, advertising, and marketing. Prospective consumers are visited in their homes by D2D sales personnel who try to convince them to buy products or services.

Door-to-door purchases make direct contact with potential consumers who have not reacted to other forms of consumer outreach, inform them of the special offers, and influence their purchase decisions. This helps firms stand out in a crowded market. Salespeople may connect with clients personally through door-to-door marketing, ask questions, assess responses, pick up nonverbal cues, and adjust their approaches to suit the prospect's needs.

Learn more about Marketing here:



Which one of the following carrier types generally transports goods for the company that owns the carrier?
a. Common carrier
b. Exempt carrier
c. Contract carrier
d. Private carrier


Private carrier refers to a company that owns the vehicles used to transport its own goods.

What is a typical transporter of products?

A typical transporter is an individual or a business venture that transports travelers or merchandise for a charge and lays out that their administration is available to the overall population. Normal instances of normal transporters incorporate, a shipowner, railroad, carrier, taxi administration, and so forth.

What is the distinction between normal transporter and confidential transporter?

A confidential transporter doesn't hold itself out as prepared to ship for the general population, ships simply by exceptional understanding, and will undoubtedly serve each individual who might apply. Interestingly, a typical transporter is one that holds itself out to people in general as prepared to convey for anybody who demands its administrations.

What is a typical or contract transporter?

Normal transporter implies an individual holding itself out to the overall population to give transportation to remuneration. Contract transporter implies an individual giving transportation to remuneration under proceeding with concurrences with one individual or a set number of people.

Learn more about Private carrier here:



What are the 4 types of accounts in accounting?


Revenue, Equity, Assets, Liabilities, and Expenses are the four different types of accounts.

Your accounting records need to be updated to reflect each sale of a product or service. Once this is complete, the relevant transaction is subsequently added to the respective account. Additionally, all transactions in which your company acquires goods or services from other businesses must be documented. Your company will operate at a high level thanks to this never-ending trail of documents. Thanks to accurate financial reporting, you'll be able to make critical company decisions because you'll know how much working capital you have available. So that you know what each account comprises, each one should display the right quantities.

Learn more about account from



a fiduciary responsibility is a(n) blank . multiple choice question. mandate to act in one's own self interest legal duty to act in another party's interests set of incentives designed to improve employee performance at-will employment contract


A fiduciary responsibility is an at-will employment contract.

Employment is a relationship among  parties regulating the availability of paid labour offerings. commonly primarily based on a contract, one party, the agency, which is probably a enterprise, a no longer-for-earnings organisation, a co-operative, or some other entity, can pay the alternative, the worker, in go back for wearing out assigned paintings.[1] personnel paintings in go back for wages, which may be paid on the idea of an hourly price, by means of piecework or an annual profits, depending on the form of work an worker does, the prevailing conditions of the arena and the bargaining energy among the parties.

LEarn more about employment



elmer sporting goods is getting ready to produce a new line of golf clubs by investing $1.85 million. the investment will result in additional cash flows of $525,000, $812,500, and 1,200,000 over the next three years. what is the payback period for this project? (round your answer to two decimal places.)


Elmer sporting goods project will payback period itself off in 2.43 years.

Elmer Sporting Goods has committed $1.85 million toward the production of a new line of golf clubs. Over the following three years, the investment will generate additional cash flows of $525,000, $812,500, and 1,200,000.

The payback period is the length of time needed for the investment to yield a profit. The investment cost left over for the first year is $1,850,000 less $525,000, which equals $1,325,000. The remaining investment cost for the second year is $512,500 ($1,325,000 - $812,500). The payback in the third year is 0.427, 2.43 years is the entire payback period.

To learn more about payback refer here:



taking the multiplier effect into account, the change in investment spending will cause the quantity of output demanded to by at every price level. the impact of an increase in government purchases on the interest rate and the level of investment spending is known as the effect.


After the multiplier effect is accounted for, the change in investment spending will cause the quantity of output demanded to by $ 1 billion. This effect is known as crowding out effect.

According to the crowding out effect, growing governmental spending reduces or even completely eliminates private spending.

One of the most frequent instances of crowding out occurs when a big government, like the one in the United States, raises its borrowing levels and starts a series of events that causes the private sector to cut back on expenditure.

This form of borrowing's sheer size can cause real interest rates to rise significantly, which has the effect of saturating the economy's lending capacity and deterring companies from undertaking capital investments.

Over a century of various sorts of discussion has gone into the crowding out effect. Because there was less international trade than there is today, individuals for much of this period believed that capital was limited and only available inside specific nations.

To know more about crowding out effect:



Correct question:

After the multiplier effect is accounted for, the change in investment spending will cause the quantity of output demanded to by ??? at each price level. The impact of an increase in government purchases on the interest rate and the level of investment spending is known as the ??? effect.

an important reason the federal reserve would not want to keep interest rates at 0% forever is that doing so would:_____


The Federal Reserve would not want interest rates to remain at 0% indefinitely for a number of reasons, including the fact that doing so would restrict its flexibility to implement expansionary monetary policy in the event of the next recession.

The United States of America's central banking system is called the Federal Reserve System. With the passage of the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913, it was established in response to the need for centralized control of the monetary system to prevent financial crises following a string of financial panics. To guarantee that the financial system supports a strong economy for American people, communities, and businesses, the Federal Reserve analyzes financial system risks and actively participates at home and abroad.

Each of the 12 regional reserve banks of the Federal Reserve System is owned by its member banks, who initially provided the capital to keep them operating, in accordance with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Learn more about Federal Reserve here: https://brainly.com/question/25817380


the main goal of a poison pill is to . multiple choice question. enter a new market overcome moral hazard minimize the threat of a hostile takeover fire the top management team


A hostile takeover is a sale, either to the owners of one corporation (called the target group) or to the board, to get the purchase approved, by the other company (called the acquirer).

What is the purpose of corporate governance?The strategies used for winning over the stake include the acquisition on the open market of a majority, the sale of a preferential premium for current shareholders from the purchasing business (a tender offer) and the use of existing shareholders ' voting rights (a proxy war).Access to its distribution channels, its customer base, market share, technology or because the purchaser considers that the acquisition can improve the value of the current objective and take advantage of the appreciation of the stock price. A corporation's debt is usually divided between bank loans and/or bonds issued.Bondholders usually must receive fixed payments (coupon) regardless of how the corporation is doing, while stockholders earn money through distributed dividends (only if the company makes a profit) and by sales transactions (only if they sell at a higher price that what the price they paid for the stocks).Banks should also receive their payments regardless of the corporation's performance. The larger the debt, the more serious the stockholders vs. debtholders conflicts, since the main risk is assumed by the stockholders, while debtholders will always try to protect themselves.

To learn more about management refer to:



Mary and paul made a great deal of money recently by winning the lottery. they come from families of little education or money. they moved to a beautiful new home in a neighborhood well known for the wealth and high social status of its residents. the neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of _____ aggression.


The neighbors have been unfriendly to them, ignore their attempts to make friends, and talk badly to each other about the new family in the neighborhood. this is an example of relational aggression.

Damage to relationships brought on by subliminal bullying or deceptive behaviour is referred to as "relational aggression." Examples include socially isolating a teen from their friends (social exclusion), threatening to stop a friend from speaking to them (the "silent solution"), or spreading stories and gossip.

In a form of aggression known as relationship aggression or opportunity aggression, harm is done to someone's relationships or reputation in society. Relational violence, particularly among teenagers, has drawn a lot of attention, despite the fact that it can occur in a variety of settings and among many age groups.

To know more about relational aggression visit:



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