what are your next steps for finding money for school? why is completing the fafsa an important step in this process?


Answer 1

Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the first step to obtaining federal student aid to help pay for your college or career school.

You'll receive a copy of your Student Aid Report (SAR), which compiles the data you supplied on your FAFSA form, once your application has been processed. Review your SAR and make sure all of the information is complete and accurate.The FAFSA is a document that the federal government uses to collect the financial data necessary to determine what grants and loans you are eligible for. Each each academic year, the FAFSA must be submitted in order to qualify for this help. "It's the instrument the government employs to assess the financial stability of a family,

To know more about Education here



Related Questions

explain the organization of the executive branch and, in particular, the executive office of the president.


The White House Office, the National Security Council, the Council of Economic Advisors, and the Office of Management and Budget are the four organizations that make up the Executive Office of the President (EOP), which provides the president with advice in important policy areas.

To help the president manage the federal departments and agencies, the executive office of the president was established. The White House Staff is included in this as well. The Office of Management and Budget, the Homeland Security Council, the Office of the First Lady, and the Council of Economic Advisors are a few examples of departments and organizations that may be found in the Executive Office of the President.The majority of these departments and agencies are working to enhance their planning, management, and statistics work. Additionally, they ensure that each department follows the president's most recent plans and policies.

To know more about President here



Ascending pathways conduct sensory information upward toward the brain, typically through a relay chain of 3 successive neurons. The neurons in these sensory pathways are called the first-order, second-order and third-order neurons, respectively. Select the true statement regarding first-order neurons in somatosensory pathways.
A. First-order neurons usually ascend directly to the thalamus.
B. First-order neurons originate in the CNS.
C. First-order neurons descend with motor commands.
D. First-order neuron cell bodies reside in a ganglion.


Option A is correct. Thalamus: The thalamus is the relay middle of the brain. It receives afferent impulses from sensory receptors positioned all through the physique and procedures the facts for distribution to the fantastic cortical area.

Which of the following are ascending sensory pathways?

Anatomically, the ascending sensory systems consist of three awesome pathways: the anterolateral machine (ALS), the dorsal column–medial lemniscal (DCML) pathway, and the somatosensory pathways to the cerebellum.

What are the three ascending tracts?

Ascending tracts are sensory pathways that begin at the spinal wire and stretch all the way up to the cerebral cortex. There are three sorts of ascending tracts, dorsal column-medial lemniscus system, spinothalamic (or anterolateral) system, and spinocerebellar system

Learn more about ascending tracts here:


According to primary source document b, what kind of education should african americans attain?.


According to Booker Washington, African Americans should seek an industrial education, but according to W.E.B. Du Bois, they should have a liberal arts education.

What do you mean by Industrial Education?

Industrial education is a method of experimentation. It aims to find out what settings can be made to achieve the public school culture in harmony with the culture of the machinery industry and its associated organizations.

What does liberal arts education mean?

A liberal arts education provides a broad intellectual foundation for all types of humanities inquiry. Learn how to read critically, write persuasively, and think broadly by exploring themes, ideas, and methods in the humanities, arts, sciences, and social sciences.

What distinguishes liberal education and liberal arts education?

A liberal education combines classical, literary, humanities, moral, and other education. The term liberal education in its modern sense should not be confused with liberal arts education. The latter deals with academic issues, the former with ideological issues.

To learn more about liberal arts education visit:



most sociologists would embrace which theorist's explanation for the development of rationality as the guiding force in modern society?


Most sociologists would embrace both views equally shared by sociologists.

Sociology is concerned with the examination of human social conduct and the effect of society upon this conduct. More particularly, sociologists study the behavior of individuals as contributors to social networks and agencies along with the circle of relatives, the work organization, groups, communities, and societies.

Sociologists today rent three number one theoretical views: the symbolic interactionist attitude, the functionalist angle, and the war perspective. Those perspectives provide sociologists with theoretical paradigms for explaining how society affects human beings, and vice versa.

Learn more about sociologists here: https://brainly.com/question/14363783


o activate prior knowledge means to a. Review vocabulary terms c. Go over past tests on the subject b. Remember what you know about a topic d. None of these Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D


Remember what you know about a topic by activating past knowledge. Hence, the correct choice is (b) Remember what you know about a topic.

What is the meaning of activating prior knowledge?

Activating past knowledge allows students to identify the links between previous learning and new instruction, builds on what students already know, offers a framework for learners to better absorb new material, and provides instructors with formative assessment data to tailor instruction. Graphic organizers, concept maps, KWL charts, anticipatory guides, hot potato, finding out tables, learning grids, and brainstorming are some frequent tools for activating past knowledge. Students learn a second language more effectively when they can draw on existing knowledge of their first language.

To learn more about prior knowledge, click



siness case study competitions. imagine that, as a manager of one of the most promising projects at hireology, you have more volunteers than roles available. you can’t choose everyone to work on your team. what is the best way to control the conflict?


Hire an external consultant to pick new team members for you  is the best way to control the conflict. The goal of effective conflict resolution techniques is to prevent arguments from getting worse.

While continuing to address all sides of the issue in order to come to a mutually agreeable solution. You'll be better able to teach and learn from people in both the professional and personal spheres if you have conflict resolution abilities. It is the process of resolving (seen) conflicts or differences resulting from, for instance, different ideas, goals, and wants. Even if you can start a productive discourse as a leader, keep in mind that every effort requires communication.

To learn more about conflict, click here.



true or false the more money individuals have the more likely they are to be happy and content.


True: the more money individuals have the more likely they are to be happy and content. The idea is that the more money you have, the more secure you will be, and thus, the more happiness you will experience.

Money is a commodity popular by means of preferred consent as a medium of financial change. it's miles the medium wherein fees and values are expressed. It circulates from character to man or woman and u. s. a . to country, facilitating change, and it's by far the most important measure of wealth.

Cash lets us satisfy our fundamental needs—to shop for food and safe haven and pay for healthcare. meeting these desires is essential, and if we don't have enough cash to accomplish that, our personal well-being and the health of the community as a whole suffer substantially.

Learn more about Money here:



solomon arrives at his first day of work at a nuclear power plant. when putting on safety gear for the first time, he notices that everyone else is tucking their gloves into their sleeves, and he decides to do the same because he assumes this is part of the safety protocol. what kind of influence is solomon experiencing in this scenario?


The kind of influence is Solomon experiencing in this scenario Informational social influence.

What criteria do you think individuals use to select the evidence when blaming a scapegoat?

They might do this, for example, by paying attention just to data that supports their position. Additionally, they could actively look for data to support their claims.

Which of the following would contribute to groupthink, causing the executives to proceed with the film despite their reservations?

Investor pressure is mounting on the corporation to make more films.

To Know more about  social influence.



2 pts which sociological perspective argues that competition for scarce resources results in significant political, economic, and social inequality?


Conflict theory argues that competition for scarce resources results in significant political, economic, and social inequality.

According to conflict theory, competition for limited resources causes society to continuously adapt.

Conflict theory, which was first brought by Karl Marx, society is constantly at war with one another over scarce resources.

According to conflict theory, dominance and power, not agreement and conformity, preserve social order. Conflict theory holds that people who are wealthy and powerful try to maintain their position by any means necessary, most notably through repressing the weak and helpless.

Conflict theory's fundamental tenet is that members of society will compete with one another to gain the most wealth and influence possible.

Know more about conflict theory click:



What is infinitive phrase used for?


The infinitive sentence serves as the intended verb's direct object. I need to compose a paper before class. The verb form of paper serves as an adjective modifier.

The modifiers in an infinitive phrase could be articles, adjectives, objects, or adverbs. The infinitive verb, usually with the word "to" in front, comes first in an infinitive phrase. Several infinitive instances are provided below: Peter enjoyed playing the guitar. I told the kids to get dressed right away.

Infinitive phrases can have objects or modifiers and start with the infinitive. My grandmother found the act of "to walk to the store" (a word that serves as the sentence's subject) to be too much. The infant required food.

To know more about infinitive phrase: https://brainly.com/question/449147


All of the following statements are true about appraising the clinical significance of a finding of study, except which one?
A) Clinical significance of the study findings is always addressed in research reports
B) Clinical significance is a way of portraying the practical meaning of the study findings
C) Clinical significance is a judgment based on finding information and clinical knowledge
D) In experimental studies, the size of the treatment effect is an important determinant of clinical significance


The statements that are true about appraising the clinical significance of a finding of study, except option A) Clinical significance of the study findings is always addressed in research reports

What does a study's clinical significance mean?

The clinical relevance of a study also referred to as clinical significance indicates whether or not the findings are important to various stakeholders.  A clinically relevant intervention is one whose benefits outweigh the costs, hassles, and risks it may cause.

Therefore, Clinically relevant findings are those that advance medical treatment and enhance a person's physical function, mental health, and capacity for social interaction. The phrase "improving quality of life" in relation to medical care covers both subjective and objective concepts.

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in a society with two exogamous lineages or moieties, who is the preferred cross-cousin bride for a male ego?


In a society with two exogamous lineages or moieties, MBD is preferred cross-cousin bride for a male ego.

A type of direct exchange marriage known as bilateral cross cousin marriage systems involves the marrying of each other's women to two lineages or families in order to forge long-term connections and exchanges. These exchanges can occasionally arise even in the absence of a cousin rule. Beginning with an initial situation of an exchange marriage, bilateral cross-cousin marriage takes place. To lay the groundwork for a long-term partnership, two men wed each other's sisters.

The following generation is subject to the cross-cousin marriage restriction. Due to the marrying of his parents' two sets of siblings, Ego is anticipated to marry his bilateral cross cousin, who is also his mother's brother's daughter and his father's sister's daughter.

The third generation continues the pattern of exchanges from the first by applying the cousin rule once more.

By allowing the men of A and the women of B to continuously marry and have children, and vice versa, the bilateral cross cousin marriage rule establishes a lasting relationship between two lineages (A and B). This pattern is frequently developed further into dual organizations or moiety systems, in which fundamental social units are made up of matched groups connected by marital bonds.

Know more about cross cousin visit:



true or false? the professor uses the phrases the law of ideas and intellectual property law interchangeably.


The professor uses the phrases the law of ideas and intellectual property law interchangeably is False.

Idea law is a branch of law that deals with employees, customers, inventors and creators who come up with ideas that can be reduced to practical applications in business. Copyright law protects the expression of an idea, including literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works. ; and sound recordings, films, programs and typographic arrangements. It usually lasts for the life of the author and 70 years.

Intellectual property rights relate to the creation and protection of intellectual creations such as inventions, designs, trademarks, works of art and music. There are three main types of intellectual property: copyrights, trademarks and patents. Copyright is a legal term used to describe an individual's ownership of an original expression of creativity. These creations can range from books, advertisements or even databases.

Learn about intellectual property:



every december, miami beach hosts one of the largest events of its kind in the world. what are people coming to see?


Miami Beach welcomes one of the world's largest occurrences of its kind. People are flocking seeing the Manatees.

Why is it referred to as the world?

Alfred Sauvy, a French demographer, coined the term Developing World in 1952 to refer to the third estate in which was before France. The first two estates are the nobility and clergy, and the third estate is everyone else.

Who created the universe?

The universe was created by God, according to Christian belief. There seem to be two stories in the Bible about how God created it, both of which can be discovered there at beginning of the of Genesis. Some Believers consider Genesis 1 and 2 as two distinct stories with overlapping meanings.

To know more about World visit:



what was one outcome of the georgia legislature’s refusal to seat henry mcneal turner?


An outcome of the Georgia legislature's refusal to seat Henry McNeal Turner is that it sent a message that while African Americans could vote, they could not serve in political office.

Who was Henry McNeal Turner?

Henry McNeal Turner was an American minister, politician, and the 12th elected and consecrated bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He founded two newspapers, The Voice of Missions (1893-1900) and the Voice of the People (1901-1904) to promote emigration.

In 1863 during the American Civil War, Turner was assigned by the US Army as the first African-American chaplain in the United States Colored Troops. After the war, he was appointed to the Freedmen's Bureau in Georgia.

Learn more about Henry McNeal Turner at: https://brainly.com/question/9123736


alex believes that women are naturally chaste and are motivated by love while men are naturally more vulgar and filled with sexual desire. alex is demonstrating which term?


Alex believes that women were inherently chaste and motivated by love, but men are inherently more vulgar & filled with physical intimacy. Alex is exhibiting a gendered love word.

Gender is the set of qualities that distinguishes between femininity and masculinity. This may involve intimate relations social systems and gender identity, depending on the setting. Most societies employ a gender binary, wherein gender is divided into two groups and persons are classified as belonging either one or the other; some who fall outside of these categories may be classified as non-binary. Some societies, such as the hijras of South Asia, have unique genders in addition to "man" and "woman," which are often referred to as tertiary genders. Most experts think that gender is an important aspect of social organization. In some cases, the term gender is employed to replace gender without a clear conceptual distinction.

Learn more about conceptual here



Why can't Claudius simply punish or banish Hamlet openly?


It is difficult for Claudius to work openly against Hamlet because he enjoys great popularity among the Danes. As a result, Claudius is unable to publicly punish or exile Hamlet.

Claudius justifies his actions by saying that the queen and the general populace both adore Hamlet, thus he did not punish Hamlet for the murder and buried Polonius covertly. He didn't want to annoy either of them because he was a spouse and a king.

In a display of public concern, Claudius informs his courtiers in attendance that he cannot imprison his nephew because Hamlet is still too well-liked by the populace. Hamlet's involvement in Polonius' death would result in a riot if he were to be punished, therefore he will exile the young man instead.

To learn more about Claudius



About 200 people had to be rescued from a floating ice chunk in which northern us state?


About 200 people had to be rescued from a floating ice chunk in Minnesota state which lies in the northern U.S.

Around 200 individuals have been saved after they were abandoned on a huge lump of ice that split away in a Minnesota lake. The individuals stranded on Upper Red Lake in northern Minnesota were fishing, according to the local sheriff's office.

A call about a large chunk of ice completely breaking off from the beach and floating out into the 120,000-square-acre lake was received by first responders around 11:30 a.m. CT. By the time emergency responders arrived, the open water between the ice chunk that had broken and the beach had grown to about 60 feet.

Learn More about Rescue operations here:



What is the phenotype of TT?


Tall and short plants exist. T is dominant over t, hence TT and Tt genotypes have tall phenotypes. Only tt genotypes have the short phenotype. Height, eyes, and blood type are phenotypes. Genotype and environment determine phenotype.

Phenotype means observable trait. "Pheno" means "observe" and derives from "phenomenon". It's an observable sort of organism that can refer to anything from height to hair color to disease status.

Phenotypes are often used to link a change in DNA sequence to a trait like height, hair color, sickness, etc. However, environmental influences can influence phenotypes as much as genetic effects. So phenotypes can be linked to genotypes, but not always. Genotypes rarely match phenotypes. Environmental factors like diet, exercise, and smoking are constantly present. All of the environmental factors affect phenotype.

To know more about genotypes and phenotypes:



Our priority should be to help people see their ________ through their problem or pain.


The correct answer should be strength

match the logical fallacy to its definition. match term definition ad populum a) oversimplifies an opponent's viewpoint and then attacks that hollow argument hasty generalization b) a conclusion based on insufficient or biased evidence non sequitur c) presumes that something must be true if most people believe it's true strawman d) a conclusion that doesn't align with previous statements or evidence


Arguments that are defective, dishonest, or incorrect are known as logical fallacies and can be refuted through logic. Fallacies can fall into two categories: An argument that has a premise and conclusion that cannot stand up to scrutiny is said to have a formal fallacy. An informal fallacy is a mistake in the argument's structure, message, or setting.

A flawed argument that concludes a claim must be true because so many, or most, people believe it is known as an argumentum ad populum (Latin for "argument to the people" in argumentation theory). It is true if many people think it is.

An argumentum ad populum, or "appeal to the people," is a false argument that is based on asserting a truth or proclaiming that something is good because the majority believes so, according to argumentation theory.

Three categories—Fallacies of Relevance, Fallacies of Unacceptable Premises, and Formal Fallacies—help to organize the common fallacies. Because medieval philosophers were particularly concerned in informal logic, several of these fallacies have Latin names.

To know more about Fallacy here




this is the answer cus ii got it right on flvs


what term best describes the governments that santa anna and porfirio diaz separately established after independence?


The term best describes the governments that santa anna and porfirio diaz separately established after independence is option (D) Dictatorship.

Who are dictators?

A dictator is alluded to as a political pioneer who holds all the power and control of any nation and settles on the choices.

Porfirio Diaz is viewed as perhaps the most detested and secretive character in Mexico. In the wake of being brought into the world in the province of Oaxaca, he was perceived as a trooper in the Liberal armed force.

He was a general during the Conflict of the French Mediation, In the wake of driving the assault that squashed the French at Puebla, he turned into a public legend.

Subsequently, the right choice is the( D) dictator.

Learn more about Dictatorship:



This question is not complete, here i am attaching the complete the complete question:

What term best describes the governments that Santa Anna and Porfirio Diaz separately established after independence?

A. Monarchy

B. Republic

C. Democracy

D. Dictatorship

Meditation and relaxation combined form the ________, which has been used effectively to treat those with high blood pressure.


Meditation and relaxation combined to form the  Relaxation Response Technique, which has been used effectively to treat those with high blood pressure.

What is pressure?

His fingers' firm grip had softened. Applying strong pressure is the most effective treatment for such bleeding. The cockpit window had blown in, causing a significant decrease in pressure. A high-pressure area is bringing warm air in.

Meditation is the process of learning how the mind functions and how to control it. Contrarily, relaxing focuses on decompressing and letting go of tensions and anxiety. People utilize relaxation methods to relieve their tension once it has accumulated.pressure

Prescription sedatives are a class that reduces brain activity. You can usually utilize them to relax. Sedatives are frequently recommended by doctors to address illnesses like anxiety and sleep problems. Additionally, they are used as general anesthetics.

Therefore, Effectively treats those with high blood pressure.

Learn more about pressure here:



since 1989, the u.s. has engaged in conflict in the middle east, eastern europe, and in parts of africa. what do these conflicts have in common? how are they different?


Since 1989, the U.S has engaged in conflict in the middle east , eastern europe and in parts of africa.

Over the once decade, the bulk of the world’s deadliest conflicts have been in the Middle East, similar as those taking place in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Turkey. Syria has also been the deadliest conflict in the world since 1989. In addition, countries skirting the Middle East – Afghanistan being in far the most significant then – are also veritably high on the list of deadly conflicts. Overall, the attention of fortified conflicts has shifted relatively dramatically through the times – and if we look at the whole period from World War II to the present, the Middle East figured veritably prominently during the 1980s( with the Iran- Iraq war)

To know more about middle east, click on the link below:



What does splitting an infinitive mean?


Splitting an infinitive means inserting a word or words between the infinitive marker—the word to—and the root verb that follows. The Star Trek phrase "to boldly go" is a common example. The adverb boldly separates the infinitive to go here.

A split infinitive is a grammatical construction in which an adverb or adverbial phrase separates the "to" and "infinitive" constituents of what was traditionally known as the full infinitive, but is now more commonly known as the to-infinitive in modern linguistics (e.g. to go).

Despite its prevalence in colloquial speech, the split infinitive has been widely condemned in the history of English language aesthetics. The well-known example comes from the opening sequence of the Star Trek television series, "to boldly go where no man has gone before," in which the adverb boldly was used to split the full infinitive, to go.

A to-infinitive can be split into multiple words, as in "The population is expected to more than double in the next ten years."

Learn more about  Split infinitive to visit this link



What is the correct position of a parenthetical citation?


Quotations in parentheses should be placed at the end of a sentence or paragraph containing the cited material, and they should always correspond to the full entry in your list of references.

which of the following statements regarding coping strategies is not true? group of answer choices emotion-focused coping works better than problem-focused coping. many people use both problem-focused and emotion-focused coping. all of these choices are correct. problem-solving coping works better, in general, than emotion-focused coping.


All of these choices are correct regarding coping strategies is true. Thus, option C is correct.

What is coping?

Coping refers to deliberate actions used to lessen negative feelings. Coping mechanisms can take the form of thoughts or actions which can be private or public.

Problem-focused reacting is less effective than concentrated coping. Several people employ both emotion- as well as drawback coping. In overall, problem-solving reacting outperforms compassion coping. People who consistently use the same coping mechanism for stress tend to do so more successfully than others.

Therefore, option C is the correct option.

Learn more about coping, here:



while many mythologies were content with just creating space between sky and earth, how did greek mythology further agonize this separation?


Greek mythology further agonize the separation  by showing Ouranos is castrated by his son, Kronos.

Greek mythology, a subset of Ancient Greek folklore, is the collection of myths that were first told by the Greeks. The origins and nature of the world, the lives and exploits of gods, heroes, and other mythical creatures, as well as the significance of the ancient Greeks' own cult and ceremonial practises, are all topics covered in these tales. In order to better comprehend the nature of myth-making itself and to shed light on the religious and political institutions of ancient Greece, modern researchers study the myths. Beginning in the 18th century BC, Minoan and Mycenaean singers most likely began to spread the Greek stories orally through poetry.

To know more about Greek mythology:



some people may think that once you’ve studied one city, you’ve studied them all. which is an example of why these people may be misinformed?


An example of why these people may be misinformed is that the Bailieues or suburbs of Paris are the bad part of town almost inside out compared to Baltimore.

What is the study of a city?

Urban studies,  can be seen as one that involves the study of city  which is  one of the most privileged areas of Brazilian geography  and help in the process othe urban phenomenon have assumed during the occupation and shaping of the country.

It should be noted that suburbs of Paris  can be seen as one that is bad part of town almost inside out compared to Baltimore even though people believe that oince small part of the city is been studied they repesent the whole city.

Learn more about Paris at:



Drag each label to the correct location. identify each characteristic with either the russian or the western european social structure at the time of the crimean war. serfs form majority of the population agricultural economy modern military constitutional monarchy industrial economy absolute monarchy outdated military no serfs


At the Crimean war, the characteristics of Russian social structure were agricultural economy, outdated military, absolute monarch, and serfs form majority of the population while of European social structure were industrial economy, modern military, constitutional monarchy, and no serfs.

Crimean War fought during the period 1853-1856 on the Crimean Peninsula between the Russians and European nations including the British, French, and Ottoman Turkish and Sardinia-Piedmont which were victorious. The war was caused by Russia's threat to multiple European interests with its pressure of Turkey. During the war, the Russian social structure was characterized by agricultural economy, outdated military, absolute monarch, and serfs form majority of the population. On the other hand, The European social structure was characterized by industrial economy, modern military, constitutional monarchy, and no serfs.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Identify each characteristic with either the Russian or the Western European social structure at the time of the Crimean War. Industrial economy, absolute monarchy, outdated military, no serfs, modern military, constitutional monarchy, agricultural economy, and serfs form majority of the population.

Learn more about Crimean war:



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