What are two of the reasons certain parts of the earth have cold and warm seasons?


Answer 1


Earth's tilted axis causes the seasons. Throughout the year, different parts of Earth receive the Sun's most direct rays. So, when the North Pole tilts toward the Sun, it's summer in the Northern Hemisphere. And when the South Pole tilts toward the Sun, it's winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

and it plants axis orbits around the sun

Related Questions

What challenges do you anticipate the united states faced when governing their new empire?.


The United States, like other countries that emerged from anti-colonial revolutions, had to face the challenges of developing a strong economy, maintaining national independence, and establishing a stable political system that allowed for genuine dissent.

The newborn country encountered many of the same issues that the newly independent countries of Africa and Asia did in the 20th century.

The new country also had issues with its foreign and economic policies.

The Revolutionary War left a massive debt behind, and the paper money that was printed to pay it was essentially useless.

Britain continued to hold onto forts in the Old Northwest in defiance of the peace treaty that was signed in 1783 to put an end to the Revolutionary War.

The southern and western borders of the proposed nation were rejected by Spain.

The need to increase public support was one difficulty. Two states, North Carolina and Rhode Island, decided to maintain the Articles of Confederation, and only around 5% of eligible white males had voted to embrace the new Constitution.

To know more about Confederation, visit:



President ___ paced the halls of the white house, trying to decide whether the us should join world war i.


President Thomas Woodrow Wilson paced the halls of the White House, trying to decide whether the United States should Join World War 1.

President Wilson was the 28th president of the United States of America from 1913-1921. He was an American academic, politician, and member of the Democratic party.

Before being the president of the United States, Wilson was the governor of New Jersey and president of Princeton University. Wilson tried to keep the United States out of War but declared war only when American merchant ships due to Germany's submarine warfare.

Wilson is also popular as the central architect of the League of Nations. His policies are also popular as Wilsonianism.

Learn more about Thomas Wilson here https://brainly.com/question/13626382


During the final years of World War II, how did the Allies gain control of the North Atlantic?
They used U-boats to sink German ships.
They used fighters to provide air support for their ships.
They used better anti-submarine technology.
They used Allied submarines to defeat German ones.


During the final years of World War II, the Allies gained control of the North Atlantic as they used better anti-submarine technology.

World War II was one of the deadliest and most destructive wars in human history. It began in 1939 and lasted for six years, involving nearly every country in the world. Tens of millions of people were killed.

The Allies of World War II were a group of countries that opposed the Axis Powers during the Second World War. The Allies included the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, China, France, and Poland.

Hence, the correct option is "third".

To know more about World War II, click here.




Explanation: Cuz I Said

3. Summarize how Mexico won its independence from Spain. Your answer should include the important people involved and the date that it finally happened.​


The Treaty of Córdoba, which authorises a plan to transform Mexico into an independent constitutional monarchy, is signed by Spanish Viceroy Juan de O'Donoj eleven years after the start of the Mexican War of Independence.

Napoleon's takeover of Spain at the beginning of the 19th century sparked uprisings throughout Spanish America. The Mexican War of Independence was started on September 16, 1810, when Catholic priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla issued his "Cry of Dolores," or "Grito de Dolores" (Dolores referring to the town of Dolores, Mexico). The revolutionary document demanded racial equality, the end of Spanish sovereignty in Mexico, and land redistribution. Following a few early victories, Hidalgo was overpowered, captured, and killed. Other peasant leaders, such as Vicente Guerrero, Mariano Matamoros, and José Mara Morelos y Pavón, led armies of native and racial-mixed revolutionaries against the Spanish and the Royalists after him.

Ironically, it was the Royalists—a group of conservatives and Mexicans of Spanish descent—who ultimately achieved independence. Spanish liberals came to power in 1820, and the new administration made reform promises to satisfy the revolutionaries in Mexico. Mexican conservatives in response demanded independence in order to preserve their privileged position in Mexican society.

To know more about Mexican independence, refer:





Answer: C

Explanation: East of the Himalayan

What federal legislation allowed Georgia to push the Creek and Cherokee out of the state and off their land?

Your answer:

Treaty of New York

Treaty of Indian Springs

Worcester v. Georgia

Indian Removal Act of 1830


The federal legislation that allowed Georgia to push the Creek and Cherokee out of the state and off their land was the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

What is the Indian Removal Act of 1830?

The Indian Removal Act was passed into law by Congress and signed by President Andrew Jackson who authorized the forceful pushing of American Indians further west of the River Mississippi.

The purpose of the law was to drive all Native Americans living in existing territories to settle in the west and out of the states they lived.

The Cherokees who resided in Georgia, North Carolina, Alabama, etc opposed this enactment and refused to leave but they were forced out of their lands to the Indian Territory.

Therefore, the Indian Removal Act of 1830 was the legislation that encouraged Georgia to push the Creek and Cherokee out of the state and drive them off their land.

Learn more about the Indian Removal Act of 1830 at brainly.com/question/14749009.


Many immigrants came to the United States in search of the American dream–a better life for themselves and their families. What were some of the impediments and opportunities presented to immigrants in search of the American Dream?



Job opportunities


not like other country america have a lot of job to offer

why was The Constitution a better reflection of checks and balances then the Articles of Confederation?


The Constitution reflected the notion of checks and balances far better than the Articles of Confederation. Because the Founding Fathers were concerned about a single monarch having entire control of the government, the Articles of Confederation were designed to be weak.

What is the Articles of Confederation?

The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were an agreement reached by the thirteen founding states of the United States of America that served as the country's initial framework of governance.

On November 15, 1777, the Second Continental Congress passed it after much debate and submitted it to the states for ratification.

Learn more about  the Articles of Confederation:


In which ways Americans fought for freedom during the Revolution ?


Americans fought for freedom during the Revolution in two ways which are the Continental (national) Army and the State Militias.

The American Revolution was a time of great upheaval and change in the United States. It was a time when the Americans rose up against the British government and fought for their independence.

The Revolution was a time of great courage and determination, and it ultimately led to the founding of the United States of America. The Revolution was a long and hard-fought battle, and in the end, the Americans were victorious.

To know more about Revolution, click here.



What gift did Minerva give the city?


Answer: the world's first olive tree


Minerva struck the ground with her spear and the world's first olive tree came into existence, offering the city food. The citizens liked Minerva's gift better, and so Athens was named after Minerva (Athena).

Which political change was made by Emperor Meiji?
Group of answer choices

He created a highly centralized bureaucratic government.

He wrote a new constitution making Japan a democracy.

He prevented government officials from traveling to Western nations.

He promoted the samurai’s role as warriors in the military.


Answer:Among other accomplishments, during the Meiji period Japan adopted a constitution and a parliamentary system, instituted universal education, built railroads and installed telegraph lines, and established strong army and navy forces.


MEIJI REFORMS. As part of the Meiji Reforms samurai were required to cut their topknots. ...

Reducing the Power of the Daimyo and Samurai. Yamauchi Toyonori, an 19th century daimyo. ...

Foreign Influences During the Meiji Period. ...

Development of Representative Government in Japan. ...

Meiji Era Industrialization Recognized by UNESCO.

The roaring twenties were characterized by


Answer:The Roaring Twenties was a decade of economic growth and widespread prosperity,


India is the
most densely
populated country in the world.
A. fourth
C. third
B. first
D. second


Second it’s about .2 billion people behind China

Answer: C


Technically it is the 25th but I searched it up on something else and it is the third in that one.

What happened after kush invaded Egypt the second time


Answer: The domination of Egypt by the Hyksos allowed Kush to come out from under the hegemony of Egypt and flower as a culture This period ended, however, when the Egyptians kings founded the New Kingdom, having thrown the Hyksos out of Egypt, reconquered Kush and brought it under Egyptian colonial rule.

Explanation: I remember learning this in last year AP World History class.

What celtic festival was Halloween influenced by?
What Christian holiday is connected to Halloween?
Why do people wear costumes on Halloween?
Why do people carve pumpkins?
What are the origins of “trick or treating”?



1. Samhain

2. All Hallows Eve

3. The tradition originated with the Celtic festival of Samhain, where people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts and spirits.

4.  Reminders of death and were also used to ward off the ghostly presence of Stingy Jack who wandered the earth once a year.

5. Originated in Scotland and Ireland, from the tradition of guising. Children would go house to house at Halloween and put on a small performance to be rewarded with food or treats.

What factors led to the feeling of upheaval in the u. S. In the years following wwi?.


Following World War I, the United States experienced a difficult economic climate as well as issues with labor, racial inequality, and veteran rehabilitation.

At the conclusion of the war, there were numerous issues, including labor strikes, racial riots, and a slowdown in the economy brought on by agricultural debt.

More than two dozen places experienced an uptick in violence during the Red Summer of 1919 as returning veterans—both white and African American—competed for jobs.

Since the end of 1919, stock values started to decline. Six months later, wholesale prices started to decline. A serious industrial depression had emerged by the fall of 1920. Between March 1920 and July 1921, factory employment fell by 30%.

Following World War I, the US confronted numerous issues, including those relating to racial relations, labor, and political radicalism.

Blacks and whites continued to be socially segregated in a large portion of the country, and in the South in particular, blacks experienced regular violence and persecution.

To know more about Red Summer, visit:



1. Why is it so important for us to be able to amend our Constitution? What would be a possible consequence if we weren't able to?
2. Summarize the constitutional amendment process.


It is important for us to be able to amend our constitution since some laws might be age old and need to be changed in order to feet the present society. If we weren't able to do it was not possible to continue a democratic process along side in a modern world.

An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or by a convention called for that purpose if two-thirds of the states request it. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures or three-fourths of the ratification conventions called in each state.

To know more about  the constitutional amendment process here



definition of age of enlightenment



According to Wikipedia,

the Age of Enlightenment, or simply the Enlightenment, was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries with global influences and effects.


According to the British Library,

The great Age of Reason is also defined as the period of rigorous scientific, political and philosophical discourse that characterized European society during the 'long' 18th century: from the late 17th century to the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815.

Hope this helps! Have a good rest of your day/night!

Why were Italians & Germans willing to resort to extremist governments (fascism) after
How did fascist leaders such as Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini rise to power?


They wanted to solve their economic issues and the Treaty of Versailles negatively affected both of these countries. Hitler and Mussolini used this to their advantage when trying to get support from the people of their respective countries.

Can I please get some help


The population was reduced bc of disease

If you were alive in 1792 would you be a Hamiltonian Federalist or a Jeffersonian Republican? why?


It would most likely be best if you responded to this regarding what you have learned and your own opinion. What I personally found helpful was to read over the question, go back and review your studies, then come back and answer the question. That way, you are as sharp as a tack and ready to answer at the best of your ability. Plus, this particular question is asking you whether you would be on Hamilton's side of Jefferson's side, then expand further in your reasoning. This seems like it will be pretty fun to do, just make sure you have a complete understanding on the topic and are ready to response appropriately.

I wish you the best of luck!

How do North Koreans see US TV shows?



The question is that they have multiple ways but the most useful is by a VPN

the indian ruler who spread buddhist teaching widely was select one: a. amitabha. b. avalokiteshvara. c. ashoka. d. abhidharma.


The Indian ruler who spread Buddhism teaching widely was Ashoka.

One of the most humane emperors in human history is known as Ashoka. Ashoka was shocked by the carnage he had wreaked during a terrible war with a neighboring kingdom. He afterwards stopped using violence and converted to Buddhism.

A number of ambitious rulers established the vast Mauryan empire in the third century B.C.E. and engaged in numerous deadly conflicts to widen its sphere of influence.

One king, Ashoka, became a Buddhist because he was worried by how the conquests had affected people. He adopted a rule of nonviolence, gave up all hostilities, and incorporated Buddhist ideas into his governmental procedures.

Ashoka encouraged the spread of Buddhism by dispatching monks to neighboring lands to spread the Buddha's teachings.

Beginning with India, Buddhism began to spread globally as a result of a wave of conversions.

Among the nations where the Middle Path was largely recognized were Ceylon, Burma, Nepal, Tibet, central Asia, China, and Japan.

To know more about Buddhism, visit:



The Crusade that had the greatest impact on the Byzantine Empire was the




it was the fourth


The knights of the Fourth Crusade had found many familiar elements of feudalism in the social structure of the Byzantine provinces. By the end of the 13th century the development had gone much further.

The Fourth Crusade that had the greatest impact on the Byzantine Empire. The Fourth Crusade (1202–1204) was a Latin Christian.

What was the Byzantine Empire?

The Byzantine Empire was a vast and powerful civilization with origins that can be traced to 330 A.D., when the Roman emperor Constantine I dedicated a “New Rome” on the site of the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium.

Byzantine Empire, the eastern half of the Roman Empire, which survived for a thousand years after the western half had crumbled into various feudal kingdoms and which finally fell to Ottoman Turkish onslaughts in 1453.

The empire had rich tradition in  art, literature and learning and serving as a military buffer .

The Byzantine Empire finally fell in 1453, after an Ottoman army stormed Constantinople during the reign of Constantine XI.

Learn more about Byzantine Empire here:



During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln invoked controversial emergency powers such as suspending habeas corpus. Lincoln justified such actions by insisting that they were necessary in order to take which of these action steps?

OA preserve the Union

OB maintain civil liberties

OC suppress hostile newspapers

OD. silence Congressional opponents


Lincoln justified such actions by insisting that they were necessary to

silence Congressional opponents.

Who were the  Congressional opponents during civil war ?

From the Civil War to the Reconstruction era, a section of the Republican Party known as the Radical Republicans included of a collection of politicians. They were led by Charles Sumner in the Senate and Thaddeus Stevens in the House of Representatives. The Radicals were renowned for their resistance to slavery, work to achieve Black people's liberation and civil rights, and strong views on post-war Reconstruction. Additionally, they criticized a number of the presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson's policies. During the Radical Republican faction's existence, they developed enmities with Democrats, several former slave owners, the Ku Klux Klan, and frequently even encountered resistance from the moderate Republicans.

to learn more about radical republicans click:




The desire for valuable resources and wealth in places such as Africa and Asia were NOT reasons for imperialism.

True or False


Answer: False


The us constitution limits the power of the executive branch trough


Answer: Through the House, Senate, and Supreme Court. Congress can override a presidential veto if both the House of Representatives and the Senate have a two-thirds majority vote to do so. The Supreme Court can declare a law unconstitutional.


what was the stated goal of the spanish institution



established as a social and democratic State

Which of these problems became a major concern for corporate public relations in the 1980s and 1990s?
environmental issues
the cost of implementing public relations techniques
inhumane work conditions in American auto factories
the increasing number of low-skilled jobs moving into the United States


The answer is A: environmental issues

Environmental issues are the problems became a major concern for corporate public relations in the 1980s and 1990s. Hence, option A is correct.

What are Environmental issues?

Currently, there may be significant environmental issues related to resource depletion, pollution, environmental degradation, and climate change. The conservation movement works to protect endangered animals, stop global warming, and ban genetically modified food. Additionally, it promotes the preservation of any biologically important natural areas.

Some of the major environmental concerns that are causing a great deal of concern are environmental pollution, air pollution, water pollution, waste pollution, noise pollution, deforestation, resource depletion, and climate change.

Environmental problems include global warming, acid rain, air pollution, urban sprawl, waste management, ozone layer depletion, water pollution, and climate change affect every person, animal, and nation on this planet.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about Environmental issues, click here



How did the Spanish gain possession of Louisiana?



The area had originally been claimed and controlled by France, which had named it La Louisiane in honor of King Louis XIV in 1682. Spain secretly acquired the territory from France near the end of the Seven Years' War by the terms of the Treaty of Fontainebleau (1762).


I hope this helps u

Answer: they fought the French for the land


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