what are the three sections of the small intestine and what role does each section play in digestion


Answer 1


The three sections of the small intestine are the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum receives partly; digested food, acid, and bile. The jejunum and ileum break down food fully.


The duodenum is the primary part of the small gut. The major function of the duodenum is to finish the primary segment of digestion. In this phase of the gut, meals from the stomach are blended with enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the gallbladder. The enzymes and bile assist wreck down meals. The jejunum is among the duodenum (the primary part of the small gut) and the ileum (the remaining part of the small gut). The jejunum enables them to similarly digest meals coming from the stomach. It absorbs nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins) and water from meals in order that they may be utilized by the body. The ileum enables them to similarly digest meals coming from the stomach and different elements of the small gut. It absorbs nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins) and water from meals in order that they may be utilized by the body. The small gut connects the stomach and the colon.

To learn more about the Small intestine,


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The connection that exists between genes and hereditary traits is based on using the information encoded in genes to synthesize
a. True
b. False


True, the connection that exists between genes and hereditary traits is based on using the information encoded in genes to synthesize.

A gene is the fundamental physical and purposeful unit of heredity. Some genes act as instructions to make molecules referred to as proteins. but, many genes do now not code for proteins.

Our genes incorporate instructions that inform your cells to make molecules referred to as proteins. Proteins perform various features on our body to keep us healthy. Every gene includes commands that determine your functions, together with eye color, hair shade, and height.

Few genes act as commands to make molecules referred to as proteins. In human beings, genes vary in length from a few hundred DNA bases to extra than 2 million bases.

Learn more about Gene here:-https://brainly.com/question/19947953


What do you think are some of the advantages of being a eukaryote
instead of a prokaryote?



The major structural advantage of eukaryotes over prokaryotes is the ability to form advanced, multicellular organisms.


hope this helps

Where are the cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic fibers located in the spinal cord? Multiple Choice-Lateral gray hom-Posterior gray hom-Anterior gray horn


(Option) Anterior gray horn. The cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic fibers are located in the anterior gray horn of the spinal cord.

Location of Sympathetic Preganglionic Fibers in the Spinal Cord

Anterior gray horn

This is because the sympathetic nervous system is part of the autonomic nervous system, and its preganglionic fibers originate from the thoracolumbar region of the spinal cord.

The anterior gray horn of the spinal cord is the location of the cell bodies of sympathetic preganglionic fibers. These fibers are part of the autonomic nervous system and originate from the thoracolumbar region of the spinal cord. Sympathetic preganglionic fibers are responsible for controlling the body's response to both internal and external stimuli.

Learn more about Sympathetic nervous system: https://brainly.com/question/7274898


______ occurs when impulses from an organ are perceived as originating from the skin.


Referred pain occurs when impulses from an organ are perceived as originating from the skin.

Receptors are biological transducers that translate electrical impulses from both internal and exterior environments. They can be dispersed, like those of the skin and viscera, or they can be massed together to create a sense organ, like the eye or ear. Afferent nerve fibers link receptors to the central nervous system. The receptive field of a neuron in the central nervous system refers to the region or area in the periphery from which it receives input. Receptive fields are dynamic phenomena rather than static things.There are numerous categories and types of receptors. For instance, steady-state receptors produce impulses while a specific state, like as temperature, is constant. On the other hand, changing-state receptors react to changes in a stimulus's position or intensity. In addition, there are three other types of receptors: proprioceptive, interoceptive, and exteroceptive. Exteroceptive receptors report information about the outside world (sensing the posture and movements of the body). The senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch are reported by exteroceptors. Interceptors provide information on the condition of the bladder, gastrointestinal tract, blood pressure, and blood plasma's osmotic pressure.

To know more about impulses, visit:

At which stage of the general adaptation syndrome does the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium?


The third stage of the general adaptation syndrome is the stage of exhaustion, where the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium.

The Stage of Exhaustion: Attempting to Return to Stability and Equilibrium

The third stage of the general adaptation syndrome is the stage of exhaustion, which is the body's attempt to repair any damage and return to a state of stability and equilibrium. This stage is reached when the body's adaptive capacity has been exhausted, and it can no longer cope with the continued stressor. During this stage, the body uses its resources to repair and restore itself, and the individual may experience a range of physical and psychological symptoms.

Learn more about the Stage of Exhaustion: https://brainly.com/question/1444902


Which liquid is the most Which liquid is the most viscous?

apple juice


Syrup is mainly more viscous than these three because of its high density.

Why do bones need to have osteoclasts?


Answer:This function is critical in the maintenance, repair, and remodelling of bones of the vertebral skeleton. The osteoclast disassembles and digests the composite of hydrated protein and mineral at a molecular level by secreting acid and a collagenase, a process known as bone resorption. This process also helps regulate the level of blood calcium .

Explanation:This function is critical in the maintenance, repair, and remodelling of bones of the vertebral skeleton. The osteoclast disassembles and digests the composite of hydrated protein and mineral at a molecular level by secreting acid and a collagenase, a process known as bone resorption. This process also helps regulate the level of blood calcium .


Osteoclasts are the cells that degrade bone to initiate normal bone remodeling and mediate bone loss in pathologic conditions by increasing their resorptive activity. They are derived from precursors in the myeloid / monocyte lineage that circulate in the blood after their formation in the bone marrow.

Osteoclasts travel over the surface of the bone matrix and secrete acids and enzymes to disintegrate it, forming a little bit on the surface of the bone. They are found on the surface of the bone mineral next to the dissolving bone.


Which of these animal taxa has the highest population of species threatened with extinction? a) Birds b) Mammals c) Amphibians. c) Amphibians


Amphibians are the  animal which has the   highest population of species threatened with extinction

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species, nearly one-third of all amphibian species are at risk of extinction. This is largely due to habitat loss, climate change, and the spread of infectious diseases. The destruction and degradation of natural habitats are the primary cause of amphibian species loss, as many species rely on specific, specialized habitats for their survival. Climate change is also a major factor, causing shifts in the distribution of species and leading to increased competition for resources and increased vulnerability to predation and disease. The spread of infectious diseases, such as chytridiomycosis, has also been linked to amphibian population declines. As amphibians have thin skin and are ectotherms, they are particularly vulnerable to changes in temperature and moisture, making them particularly susceptible to the impacts of climate change.

To know more about  Amphibians refer to the link brainly.com/question/19094898


A tough outer covering, lack of leaves, and covered buds are all signs of which plant process?.


A tough outer covering, lack of leaves, and covered buds are all signs of a plant in the process of dormancy. Dormancy, also known as winter dormancy or hibernation, is a process in plants where growth and development is suspended for a period of time.

This occurs in response to environmental conditions such as seasonal changes and temperature fluctuations.During the dormant period, plants stop growing, cease to produce leaves, and may form a protective covering, such as a waxy cuticle, over their buds and growing tips. The plant enters a state of rest to conserve energy and protect itself from harsh environmental conditions. This allows plants to survive in climates with extreme temperatures and/or limited access to water or nutrients.

Dormancy is an important process for plants to survive the winter season. As temperatures drop and days become shorter, plants cannot photosynthesize as much and are therefore unable to produce the energy they need to stay alive. As a result, the plant enters dormancy to conserve energy and protect itself from the cold temperatures.

Once spring arrives, the plant can break out of dormancy and resume its normal growth cycle. This is triggered by warmer temperatures and longer daylight hours, which allow the plant to photosynthesize and produce the energy it needs to grow.

Learn more about Dormancy : https://brainly.com/question/19343489


Explain how you are indirectly solar powered. 3-5 sentences


first of all you get pigmentation from the sun. second of all you get vitamin D from the sun so it’s good for you. also i love jim

What can one infer from a relatively linear survivorship curve. and what organism generally exhibits this kind of survivorship curve?
A) the mortality rate is roughly uniform across the lifespan of this organism; bird.
B) the mortality rate is higher for older members of this population; humans.
C) the mortality rate is higher for younger members of this population; oak tree.


Over the course of this organism's lifecycle, the death rate is essentially constant; bird

What is the definition of mortality rate?

Rate of mortality. A mortality rate is a measurement of the frequency of deaths within a population over a specific time period.

Why is there a high death rate?

The proportional frequency of deaths in a given population over a given period of time; frequently expressed as the proportion of human fatalities during a public health emergency or the number of wildlife fatalities as a result of environmental hazards: During the most recent flu season, patients over the age of 80 had the greatest fatality rate.

To know more about the mortality rate visit:



What two categories are used for mammals?


Mammals may be divided into two main categories: big mammals and small mammals. Elephants, whales, tigers, and other large animal species are examples of large mammals. House cats, shrews, rabbits, opossums, and foxes are examples of small mammals.

The biggest existing terrestrial mammals, including elephants, zebras, giraffes, hippopotamuses, rhinoceroses, and giant bovines, are referred to as megafauna among living creatures.

Based on their size and body mass, small mammals, also known as micromammals, are a subset of mammals. The top limit has been set at various levels. According to the International Biological Program, tiny animals are those that weigh up to 5 kg.

Large roving animals particularly predators are important for maintaining a balanced ecology. The abundance of small animals in almost every environment fills a critical ecological void.

To learn more about mammals



theoretically, how might researchers disrupt signal transduction pathways as possible treatments for cancer?


Theoretically, by interfering with the activity of protein kinases involved in cell cycle regulation, researchers may alter signal transduction pathways as potential cancer treatments.

Major roles in the development of tumors are played by protein kinases, which are important in cell cycles. These protein kinases undergo mutations in large numbers. Tumor growth would continue since cell cycles couldn’t be stopped.

G protein-coupled receptors are common. Therefore, changing and inactivating G protein receptors will be very beneficial. The majority of these kinases undergo phosphorylation and dephosphorylation processes. In cells containing cancer, targeting these would interfere with signal transmission.

Therefore, the right response is option D.

The complete question is:-

Theoretically, how might researchers disrupt signal transduction pathways as possible treatments for cancer?

Stimulate the production of cAMP in cancer cells.

b. inactivate epinephrine receptors on cancer cells.

c. alter G protein-coupled receptors involved in cell cycle regulation to be active in the absence of their normal signaling molecules.

D. disrupt the function of protein kinases involved in cell cycle regulation.

To learn more about cancer, refer:-



how many of the following can be used to distinguish a nematode worm from an annelid worm? 1. type of body cavity 2. presence of segmentation 3. number of embryonic tissue layers 4. shape of worm in cross-sectional view


Type of body cavitypresence of segmentationshape of worm in cross-sectional view

can be used to distinguish a nematode worm from an annelid worm.

what is are nematode?

Nematodes which are also called roundworm, or any worm of the phylum Nematoda. Nematodes are belong to the most abundant animals on Earth. Nematodes are also invertebrates which have unsegmented thread-like body.

what is are annelid?

An annelid which belong to the phylum name Annelida, also called segmented worm, any member of a phylum of invertebrate animals that are characterized by the possession of a body.

learn more about annelid and nematode here:



Could you please help me with this ASAP? Thank you!


Correct Option C: Sections of the pre-rRNA are removed, and the mature rRNA molecules are available to combine with proteins to form the ribosomal subunits.

How does rRNAs construct ribosomal structure?

The rRNAs are structural molecules that perform the function of protein synthesis. They are not themselves translated. In eukaryotes, pre-rRNAs are transcribed, processed, and assembled into ribosomes in the nucleolus.

There exists two subunits of ribosomes in eukaryotic cells. They are a large subunit (60S) and a small subunit (40 S).

The 60S subunit is composed of the following three rRNAs and 50 proteins.

The 40S subunit is composed of the following one rRNA and 33 proteins.

The two subunits i.e. the large subunit and the small subunit, join to constitute a functioning ribosome that is capable of creating proteins.

To know more about rRNAs, visit:



What is the relationship between base pairs and genes?


The relationship between base pairs and genes would be the length of a single gene within a DNA molecule is frequently calculated using base pairs.

The sum of the nucleotides in one of the strands and the base pairs equals one (each nucleotide consists of a base pair, a deoxyribose sugar, and a phosphate group). Pair of DNA bases includes Adenine (A), thymine (T), and cytosine (C), three nitrogen-containing bases, coupled together under typical conditions. DNA's structure is created by the joining of these base pairs. The instructions required to construct a protein are included in the base sequence that makes up a gene, a section of the DNA molecule.

Learn to know more about Base pairs on



true or false? the blind spot in vertebrate eyes is a region of the retina that contains no photoreceptors.


The blind spot in vertebrate eyes is a region of the retina that contains no photoreceptors is true.

The retina is missing photoreceptors in one area. Our "blind spot" is this. As a result, any picture that enters this zone won't be visible. The optic nerves congregate here before exiting the eye and traveling to the brain.

Blind spot: The little area of each eye's visual field where the optic disk, sometimes referred to as the optic nerve head, is located. There can be no image detection in the optic disk since there are no photoreceptors (rods or cones, respectively).

You cannot see anything at all without photoreceptors.

Photoreceptor cells and glial cells in the retina capture incoming photons and transport them along neural pathways as both electric and chemical markers in order for the brain to obtain a visual image.

The retina is made up of countless numbers of cells that are evenly distributed over the surface of the rear of the eye's bottom and densely grouped together.

Learn more about retina at



suppose a woman with haplotype r and a man with haplotype q have a son. the son then marries a woman with haplotype l1. if this couple had one son and one daughter, what would be the respective haplotypes for their son and the daughter?


The son and daughter's respective haplotypes would be R and L1.

How do haplotypes get passed down?

A group of DNA variations that are often inherited together along a single chromosome are referred to as a haplotype. Due to their proximity on the chromosome, they frequently inherit together, and recombinations between these variants are uncommon.

How is haplotype determined?

The method may determine the haplotype forms that carry the harmful alleles at the related SNPs that had emerged from the association study in each group individually by simulating case-control data around an artificial causal SNP for each of the three HapMap panels.

To know more about haplotypes visit:-



why is the hyoid bone important in the study of human remains? group of answer choices hyoid bones are common, and thus, an excellent source of ancient dna samples. the unique physical appearance of the human hyoid helps anthropologists understand the origins of speech. the hyoid bone is altered by the presence of certain items in the diet, indicating the origin of agriculture. the hyoid bone is present in fully modern humans, but not in other forms of hominin.



The hyoid bone is important in the study of human remains because it is unique to humans and is involved in the production of speech. The presence or absence of the hyoid bone can help anthropologists determine whether a set of remains is human or from another hominin species, and its shape and structure can provide clues about the origins of speech in humans.

a myofibril is a cylindrical bundle of contractile myofilaments within the skeletal muscle cell. t or f


Myofibril is a cylindrical bundles of contractile myofilaments within the skeletal muscle cell. The given statement is True.

What's myofibril?

Myofibril, veritably fine contractile fibres, groups of which extend in resemblant columns along the length of striated muscle fibres. The myofibrils are made up of thick and thin myofilaments, which help give the muscle bone its banded appearance.


The myofibrils have a characteristic banding pattern detected under a light microscope appertained to as striations. The main function of the myofibrils is to produce muscle compression and relaxation.

What's Contractile Myofilaments?

The myofilament contractile proteins correspond of thick hair myosin and thin hair actin proteins. Bound to actin are a complex of nonsupervisory proteins, which include tropomyosin and troponin- T, C, and l. The cadaverous system bears the muscular System by acting as a altar. The muscles without the cadaverous system would collapse and would lose the stability that they've along with the cadaverous system.

Learn more about bone from: https://brainly.com/question/26323655


the most common microbes that cause foodborne illness in the us are which four of the following?


The top five bacteria that infect Americans through food are Norovirus, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter, and Staphylococcus aureus (Staph).

What is the foodborne illness?

Foodborne disease is a widespread, expensive, and occasionally fatal public health issue that is generally preventable.

What causes it?

The two most prevalent kinds of foodborne pathogens cause numerous outbreaks and individual episodes of sickness, including:

Salmonella, Listeria, or E. coli are examples of bacteria.Viruses, such as hepatitis A and norovirusWhat are the symptoms?

From relatively minor discomfort to really acute, life-threatening illness, symptoms can vary greatly.

Who is in danger?

A foodborne illness can affect anyone. However, some people are at a larger risk than others, including those who are pregnant, have young children, are elderly, or have weakened immune systems.

What proportion of food-related diseases are there in us?

Every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are approximately 48 million cases of foodborne disease.

To learn more about bacteria visit:



down syndrome is a genetic, developmental condition caused by nondisjunction of chromosome 21 during meiosis. explain how a problem with the spindle checkpoint can cause this to occur in the cell.


Failure in spindle in checkpoint results in the formation of one gamete cell with an extra chromosome and another gamete cell lacking a chromosome.

Answer: Failure in spindle in checkpoint results in the formation of one gamete cell with an extra chromosome and another gamete cell lacking a chromosome.

the symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders typically begin during which period of the lifespan?


The symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders typically begin during infancy period of the lifespan.

Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) are many-sided conditions characterised by impairments in noesis, communication, behavior and/or motor skills ensuing from abnormal brain development. They are a gaggle of conditions during which the expansion and development of the brain is affected. this could impact a human language, emotions, behavior, self-control, learning and memory.

The first year when birth is termed infancy. Infancy is a stage when the baby grows fast. throughout infancy, the baby doubles long and triples in weight. alternative necessary changes conjointly happen throughout infancy: The baby's teeth begin to return in, sometimes at regarding six months old-time.

To learn more about infancy here



review your data from part iii of this lab on the absorption spectrum of chloroplast extract and answer the following questions: a. at what wavelength (and color) of light do you think the rate of photosynthesis is highest? b. at what wavelength (and color) of light do you think the rate of photosynthesis is lowest? c. the wavelengths (colors) of light that are absorbed most by chloroplasts are and . d. what molecule in the chloroplast absorbs this light? e. what is the specific purpose of absorbing light? be more specific than answering photosynthesis! 9. why are plants green? review and study questions in pre and post lab assignments


The blue (425-450 nm) and red ranges of visible light contain the most beneficial wavelengths for photosynthesis (600–700 nm). Green light therefore has a minimal photosynthetic rate.

Chlorophyll an is the pigment that absorbs the most violet and orange light among the wavelengths (colors) of light. Blue and yellow light are predominantly absorbed by chlorophyll b. They both also weakly absorb light of other wavelengths.

What chloroplast molecule is it that absorbs this light?

The principal pigment in photosynthesis, chlorophyll, reflects green light and significantly absorbs red and blue light. Chloroplasts, which house the chlorophyll in plants, are where photosynthesis occurs. Chlorophyll and other photosynthetic pigments absorb wavelengths, which result in the generation of electrons that power photosynthesis.

To know more about photosynthesis visit:-



2. are there any biomolecules important to the transmission of an impulse from the presynaptic membrane to the postsynaptic membrane?


proteins are the biomolecules important to the transmission of an impulse from the presynaptic membrane to the postsynaptic membrane

Gap junctions—large channel proteins that connect the pre- and postsynaptic membranes—are used in electrical synapses to transmit the action potential directly to the postsynaptic cell. Synapses are dynamic structures that can be both diminished and strengthened. Long-term potentiation and long-term depression are two mechanisms of synaptic plasticity.

learnmore about transmission here



energy used by the body to perform muscular contractions is called adenosine diphosphate, or adp.


The statement is false that the energy used by the body to perform muscular contractions is called adenosine diphosphate, or ADP.

Muscular contractions are tightening, shortening or lengthening that occurs in the muscles due to any activity performed by them. These contractions require energy to happen which is provided by the hydrolysis of ATP.

ADP is the energy component of body consisting one a adenine molecule, sugar and 2 phosphate molecules. It is the result of the hydrolysis of ATP to yield energy to the body. ADP is also involved in the activation of platelets for the clotting process to occur.

To know more about ADP, here



which color is the tube and stopper that is used to collect specimens for serum analysis?


The tube and stopper used to collect specimens for serum analysis is typically a red or dark-colored tube with a grey or white stopper.

What Color Tube and Stopper are Used for Serum Analysis?

The tube and stopper used to collect specimens for serum analysis is typically a red or dark-colored tube with a grey or white stopper. The reason for this is that the red or dark color helps to protect the sample from light, which can degrade the sample and lead to inaccurate results. The grey or white stopper is typically used because it is non-reactive and will not affect the sample.

Additionally, the stopper helps to prevent any contamination of the sample while it is being transported or stored. This color combination ensures the best possible accuracy of the sample and helps to protect it from any potential contaminants.

Learn more about Collect specimens: https://brainly.com/question/13171394


An immune deficiency causes a severe reduction in the amount of mhc-ii expressed on the surface of professional antigen-presenting cells. Predict which immune processes will be significantly impacted by this deficiency?


The immune processes that will be significantly affected by this deficiency are:

T cell-mediated adaptive immune responses.B-cell-mediated adaptive immune responses.Cytokine productionImmunological memory

Explain how each of these immune processes will be affected?

T cell-mediated adaptive immune responses: depend on MHC-II molecules to recognize and respond to foreign antigens presented by professional antigen-presenting cells.B-cell-mediated adaptive immune responses: require MHC-II expression on professional antigen-presenting cells to recognize and respond to foreign antigens.Cytokine production: Professional antigen-presenting cells can produce cytokines in response to antigens presented through MHC-II molecules.Immunological memory: Professional antigen-presenting cells can stimulate memory B and T cells in response to antigens presented by MHC-II.

Learn more about The immune processes:



how does the ribosome know what amino acid to to add next when building a polypeptide?


The ribosome knows what amino acid to add next by reading the mRNA. The mRNA contains a code that the ribosome can interpret to determine what the next amino acid should be. This code is known as the genetic code and is made up of three-base sequences known as codons.

How the Ribosome Determines Which Amino Acid to Add Next in a Polypeptide Chain

The ribosome is responsible for building proteins by assembling amino acids into a polypeptide chain. It does this by reading the mRNA molecule and interpreting the genetic code contained within it. This code is made up of three-base sequences known as codons. Each codon corresponds to a specific amino acid, which the ribosome uses to determine what the next amino acid should be added to the chain. By reading the mRNA, the ribosome knows which amino acid to add next, thus allowing it to assemble the polypeptide chain and create the finished protein.

Learn more about Amino acid: https://brainly.com/question/2526971


Can you match the characteristics with the correct organelle? Sort each structure or function depending on whether it describes a chloroplast or a mitochondrion Reset Help rganelle of photosynthesis produc contains thylakoids organelle of cellular respiration ces Co2 as a waste product found only in plant cells and some algae converts solar energy to chemical found in both animal cells and plant cells harvests chemical energy from foodproduces 02 as a waste product Chloroplast Mitochondrion


 Chloroplast -Only present in plant cells as well as some algae, the chloroplast is an organelle of photosynthesis that converts solar energy into chemical energy and generates O2 as a waste product.

What purpose does the chloroplast serve?

Through the processes of photosynthesis and oxygen release, chloroplasts provide energy that supports plant development and crop yield.

How do mitochondria and chloroplasts interact?

Chloroplasts in plant cells transform light energy into chemical energy, which mitochondria then use to make ATP.The two energy-transforming organelles must function in a carefully coordinated manner for carbon fixation and plant growth to occur at their optimal levels.

To know more about mitochondria and chloroplasts visit:



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