What are the indicators of educational achievement in a country Class 12?


Answer 1

A nation's educational success is often measured by the percentage of children who complete primary school, the adult literacy rate, and the youth literacy rate.

Primary education, youth literacy, and adult literacy are the measures of educational success in a nation. The information gathered by AISHE will also be used to calculate indicators of educational development such as Institution Density, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Pupil-Teacher Ratio, Gender Parity Index, and Per Student Expenditure. Students meeting academic target scores and students achieving proficiency are the two metrics used to determine points under the Academic Achievement indicator. They are factors that show the characteristics, traits, qualities, circumstances, and demands that must be examined for each outcome to see if it has been attained or not. The indicators help to define and objectify the evaluation criteria, such as quality, organization, and accuracy.

To learn more about literacy rate click the link below:



Related Questions

Are sharks scared of orcas?


Sharks scared of orcas because orcas have the best group of hunting methods to survive in the ocean.

Orcas have been known to prey on other shark species but evidence that they hunt great whites had been limited to examining the carcasses of dead sharks washed ashore for signs of attack. Despite being known as killer whales, orcas are actually the largest member of the dolphin family they kill sharks to survive. Killer whales are highly intelligent and social animals. Their group hunting methods make them incredibly effective predators. sharks are often thought of as the most fearsome predators in the ocean.

To learn more about Killer whales please visit:



undersea earthquakes have the potential to cause which natural phenomena?
A. hurricanes
B. monsoons
C. tornadoes
D. tsunamis


Tsunamis (D) usually generated by seismic activity under the ocean floor, cause flooding in coastal areas and can affect areas thousands of kilometers from the earthquake center.

What do undersea earthquakes cause?When a great earthquake ruptures, the faulting can cause vertical slip that is large enough to disturb the overlying ocean, thus generating a tsunami that will travel outwards in all directions.A tsunami is a sequence of massive waves potentially causes by an underwater disturbance, most commonly earthquakes that occur underneath or near the ocean. A tsunami can also be caused by volcanic eruptions, undersea landslides, and coastal rock falls, as well as a massive asteroid slamming the ocean.

Learn about tsunami here: brainly.com/question/12908014


There are _____ countries in the region of South America, which includes the continent of South America and also _____.

A.18; the Caribbean

B.12; the Falkland Islands

C.10; Mexico

D.20; Central America


Answer:The correct anserw is A.


it is A. because im smart

Can killer whales be depressed?



keeping a killer whale away from the ocean and other killer whales can have a huge effect on the marine mammal’s state of mind and cause it to feel threatened and depressed



1) the pacific northwest of the united states is the same tectonic setting as morrow mountain was back when the volcanoes were active. what kind of plate boundary is this?


Morrow Mountain is located on the island arc and is fed by magma. The convergence plate boundary is associated with the island arc. When two tectonic plates collide, the plate with thin oceanic crust subducts beneath the plate with thick continental crust.

A convergent boundary occurs when two or even more lithospheric plates collide on Earth. Subduction is the process by which one plate slides beneath the other. The Wadati-Benioff zone, which defines the subduction zone, is a plane where many earthquakes occur.

Learn more on convergence plate boundary



What effect does temperature have on urchins?


The rate at which sea urchin embryonic cells divide is affected by water temperature. At the ideal temperature of 22 degrees Celsius, embryonic cells divide normally, whereas cells kept at 37 degrees Celsius divide much faster for the first few days before dying or developing abnormally.

What factors influence sea urchins?

Sea urchin larvae and adults are suffering as a result of ocean acidification and global warming. Because sea urchins calcify at both stages of their lives, they have been used as a model group to study the effects of climate change on marine species.

Ideal Temperatures:

The various organisms that live on Earth have evolved to live in specific environments, frequently adapting to hotter, colder, wetter, or drier climates and becoming extinct if these conditions change. The presence of liquid water is the primary requirement for life on Earth.

Learn more about sea urchin to visit this link



What are the 7 indicators of water quality?


Dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, salinity, and nutrients are among them (nitrogen and phosphorus). They also include toxicant levels such as insecticides, herbicides, and metals. Physicochemical indicators provide data on what is affecting the system.

Water quality is determined by several factors, including dissolved oxygen concentration, bacteria levels, salt (or salinity), and the amount of material suspended in the water (turbidity). To determine water quality, some bodies of water measure the concentration of microscopic algae as well as the quantities of pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, and other contaminants.

There are three types of water quality parameters physical, chemical, and biological.

Certain contaminants in our water can cause health problems such as gastrointestinal illness, reproductive issues, and neurological disorders. Infants, young children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems may be particularly vulnerable to illness.

Learn more about Water quality to visit this link



all of the following resulted from the growth of the atlantic slave trade in africa except


The growth of the Atlantic slave trade in Africa dramatically increased previously existing slave networks.

Slavery and enslavement are each the nation and the condition of being a slave, who is someone forbidden to give up their provider for an enslaver, and who's dealt with by using the enslaver as their property.

Historically, there are numerous distinct types of slavery which include chattel, bonded, and pressured labor. the important thing traits of slavery are ones generally agreed including the lack of freedom of motion and criminal rights.

Trafficking victims are frequently tricked into slavery via guarantees of work. Human traffickers tend to prey on impoverished folks who stay in nations with little access to schooling, health care, or jobs.

Learn more about slaves here:-https://brainly.com/question/9374853


All of the following resulted from the boom of the Atlantic slave alternate in Africa except the exclusion of Africa from the rising worldwide marketplace.

The slave alternate had devastating results in Africa. financial incentives for warlords and tribes to interact within the slave change promoted an ecosystem of lawlessness and violence. Depopulation and persevering with the worry of the captivity made economic and agricultural development nearly impossible during a lot of western Africa.

The Atlantic slave alternate ended in a good sized and as but the unknown loss of life for African captives both in and out of doors the Americas. "more than a million humans are thought to have died" for the duration of their transport to the new global according to a BBC file. extra died soon after their arrival.

Learn more about Atlantic slaves here



the american revolution was largely fought over policies levied by the british government which sought to tax imports and supplies to the colonies.a. trueb. false





Which part of an apple best represents earth’s inner core?
A. flesh
B. seeds
C. skin
D. stem


Seeds is an apple part which represent best about Earth's inner core. Then option B is suit most.

What part of an apple best represents Earth's mantle?The crust is mostly composed of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Look at the white flesh or pulp of the apple. In our model, that is can illustrated as the Earth's mantle. And the seeds could be as an Earth's inner core.3 elements which make up the Earth's inner core are, the solid spheroid that comprises the inner core of the Earth is made of different metals, specifically, mostly iron and nickel. Siderophiles, or elements that dissolve in iron, are also found in the inner core. These elements include gold, cobalt, and platinum. Most of the Earth's sulfur is in the core as well.

Learn more about Earth's inner core here: brainly.com/question/2415975


what is the benefit of oklahoma having so many geographic regions?


Oklahoma is the only state in America whose state song is a musical show tune. Oklahoma's is beneficial to so many geographical regions that is all related to its musical form. This is a small portion of what Oklahoma has to offer in terms of its land.

It mentioned in their song about wheat, wind, and a hawk. The prairie is also mentioned in the song’s lyrics. The song contains references to Oklahoma’s topography. All their respected love spread in teh form of music.

All referred to Oklahoma’s topography. This song has referred to weather, biogeography, and physical geography. Oklahoma’s relative location is in the southern-central portion of the United States of America.

Learn more about Oklahoma click the link here:



What does geological structure mean?


The strong tectonic forces that occur within the earth are typically what cause geologic structures. These forces result in deep faults, rock folding and breaking, and mountain formation.

The study of the three-dimensional distribution of rock units in relation to their deformational histories is known as structural geology. The main objective of structural geology is to understand the stress field that produced the observed strain and geometries by using measurements of the current rock geometries to learn about the history of deformation (strain) in the rocks.

A common objective is to comprehend the structural evolution of a specific region with respect to regionally widespread patterns of rock deformation (for example, mountain building, rifting) caused by plate tectonics. This understanding of the dynamics of the stress field can be linked to significant events in the geologic past.

Learn more about  geological structure to visit this link



Globalization is about culture change. Discuss popular culture and indigenization, where some idea, behavior, or object from western European or American culture moved to non-western or indigenous societies and culture. Provide one example you learned from your textbook or class lecture of how this phenomenon operates in the world.


Cultural globalization, phenomenon by which experience of everyday life, as influenced by diffusion of commodities and ideas, reflects standardization of the cultural expressions around the world.

What is Cultural globalization?

Cultural globalization is process of ideas, meanings, and values being spread throughout world in a way that strengthens and broadens social ties. The Internet, popular culture media, and foreign travel have all contributed to the diffusion of cultures that are now commonly consumed. With a longer history of transferring cultural significance throughout the world, practices like commodity trading and colonization have benefited from this. People can engage in extensive social connections across international and regional boundaries because to the movement of cultures. In order for people to integrate their individual and collective cultural identities with shared norms and knowledge, cultural globalization must take place. Some experts believe that the concept of cultural globalization is a response to the allegations made by opponents of cultural imperialism in the 1970s and 1980s.

To learn more about globalization, visit:



describe what percentage of the hydrosphere is freshwater and what percentage of freshwater is groundwater


Icecaps and glaciers contain more than 68% of the fresh water on Earth, and groundwater makes up a little over 30%. Lake, river, and marsh surface water only make up around 0.3 percent of our fresh water.

Any naturally occurring liquid or frozen water that contains little amounts of dissolved salts and other total dissolved solids is referred to as fresh water or freshwater. Although seawater and brackish water are officially not included, the word also covers non-salty mineral-rich waters such as chalybeate springs.

Water that is found in soil, rock, and rock formation fissures below the surface of the Earth is known as groundwater. Groundwater makes up around 30% of all the freshwater that is readily available worldwide. When it can produce a usable amount of water, a unit of rock or an unconsolidated deposit is referred to as an aquifer.

Learn more about freshwater here brainly.com/question/1652768


How are whales affected by water pollution?


Ingestion and entanglement are two ways that whales are harmed by ocean plastic waste.

When the plastic obstructs their stomachs and respiratory passages, many suffer agonizing deaths. Entanglement is another way that plastic waste harms marine creatures, and abandoned fishing gear is one of the greatest offenders. It can trap unwary marine life if let float in the water.

Baleen whales are especially vulnerable to eating microplastics, which are plastic particles 5mm or smaller since they filter-feed on krill and other small animals.

Plastics could take hundreds or even thousands of years to degrade, during which time they can cause significant environmental damage.

Learn more about the effect of water pollution on whales at



what stores, views, and analyzes geographic data creating multidimensional charts or maps. for example, gis are monitoring global warming by measuring the speed of glaciers melting in canada, greenland, and antarctica? group of answer choices cartography. automatic vehicle location. edge matching. geographic information system.


The suit excerpt is "Geographic Information System" (D) because, GIS is a computer application that used to store, view, and analyzes geographical data creating, multinational charts or maps.

What is geographic and information system?A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system that analyzes and displays information that is geographically referenced. It makes use of data that is linked to a specific location. The usability majority of GIS is to collect the information we have about our world includes a location.From 2000 to 2019, glaciers melted faster than expected, from 36 metres per year to 69 metres per year. The fastest melting glaciers occurred in Antarctica. Antarctica is losing ice mass (melting) at an average rate of about 150 billion tonnes per year, while Greenland is losing about 280 billion tonnes per year, which has the effect of increasing sea level rise. in Canada, annual measurements taken show the rise is about 5 metres more than expected.

Learn more about geographic and information system here: brainly.com/question/2314688


what is the primary reason why extensive deforestation over the last three to four decades, such as the video shows occurring in rondonia, brazil, has increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?


The primary reason of extensive deforestation over the last three to four decades is Loss of Carbon Sinks has increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Tropical timber of Brazil absorb Carbon so are known as sinks . Now with deforestation as sinks are lost, the junking process of Carbon from atmosphere has declined, leading to increased attention of green house feasts in atmosphere.

The slight tilt of Earth changes the area of light commerce, causing the intensity of light to drop. It also changes the number of daylight hours. The components projecting towards sun recieves further radiation due to slight tilt of the earth.

All these factors lead to seasons on Earth.

To know more about deforestation, click on the link below:



How does being a member of the european union allow trade to be simpler between germany and france than it is between the united states and france?


The European Union is responsible for the trade policy of the member countries and negotiates agreements for them. The EU actively engages with countries or regional groupings to negotiate trade agreements.

EU trade agreements help to do that in two ways. Trade agreements let European businesses: access more easily and at lower prices the raw materials and other inputs they need, helping them to stay competitive, and; compete more effectively abroad and export more to countries and regions outside the EU.

The EU negotiates trade agreements on behalf of the member states – including Ireland. These agreements deal with preferential duty rates on the shipment of goods between the EU and countries around the world. They have also evolved to cover a wider range of areas to facilitate trade.

The EU is responsible for the trade policy of the member countries and negotiates agreements for them. Speaking as one voice, the EU carries more weight in international trade negotiations than each individual member would. The EU actively engages with countries or regional groupings to negotiate trade agreements.

Learn more about European Union  here:- https://brainly.com/question/13433737


What term describes the northernmost of the two large continents produced by the breakup of pangaea?


Laurasia was the northernmost of the two large continents produced by the breakup of Pangaea

What is Laurasia?

Laurasia was the more northern of the two large landmasses that were part of the supercontinent Pangea (Mya) about 335 to 175 million years ago, the other being Gondwana. did. It separated from Gondwana between 215 and 175 Mya (beginning in the Late Triassic) during the breakup of Pangea, drifted further north after the breakup, and finally split off at the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean c. 56 Mya. The name is a portmanteau of Laurentia and Asia.

Laurentia, Avalonia, Baltica, and some smaller terrains collided in the Caledonian orogeny c. At 400 Ma, Laucia (aka Eura-America or the ancient red sandstone continent) forms. Laurusia then collided with Gondwana, forming Pangea. Kazakhstan and Siberia were then added to Pangea 290-300 Ma to form Laurasia. When Pangea split into Gondwana and Laurasia, Laurasia eventually became an independent continental mass.

Learn more about Laurasia https://brainly.com/question/11533882


continental glaciers are usually thicker in their center. looking at this map of crustal rebound in canada, what does it imply about the ice sheet that covered canada in the pleistocene?


Continental glaciers are usually thicker in their center. Looking at this map of crustal rebound in Canada, there were two centers of ice sheet flow. Which covered Canada in the Pleistocene.

An ice sheet is a mass of glacial ice more than 50,000 square kilometers (19,000 square miles). About 99% of the freshwater on Earth is found in ice sheets, which are also known as continental glaciers. Ice sheets transform into ice shelves as they reach the shore and cross the ocean. Only Antarctica and Greenland are the most polar places with continental glaciers. Large portions of Canada, Europe, and Asia were once covered by continental glaciers, and these glaciers are to blame for many of the regions' distinctive geographical features. On land, glaciers develop. They are composed of snow that has fallen and has been compacted over many centuries into ice. Due to the influence of gravity, they progressively descend. The polar regions, including Greenland, the Canadian Arctic, and Antarctica, are home to the majority of the world's glaciers. Compare oceanity to an ice sheet that covers a sizable portion of a continent. An ice sheet is another name for a continental glacier. The reason why these ice sheets are called glaciers is because they cover continental land masses.

Learn more about magma composition here



How do orcas eat without swallowing water?


The orcas expand their mouths almost 90 degrees and suck down some seawater. Then, when their neck pouch deflates, they force the saltwater out of the mouth while capturing krill and microscopic fish in their baleen.

The whale seems like a swollen tadpole as water flows into its mouth and stretches the pouch in its neck. The neck pouch deflates after roughly a minute when the majority of the water exits the whale's mouth and is discharged into the ocean.

When feeding, an adult blue whale may ingest up to 10,000 gallons of fresh water at once. But the whale forces the majority of the water out of her mouth and filters the food through her baleen, so she doesn't consume all of it.

Learn more about orcas at



How did early settlers adapt to their environment? And, how did settlements develop into cities?



Using Natural Resources American Indians learned to use the natural resources in their environments for food, clothing, and shelter.

Settlements grow and become cities for three reasons:

1. A settlement is reclassified as a city.

2. Natural increase (birth rate is higher than death rate) causing the settlement to grow into a city.

3. Migration into a settlement makes it grow into a city.


Why do killer whales need to be wet?



Whales live in water, and like all mammals must drink water to survive.Just like humans...we need air.


two students are talking about what causes the tides. student a says that the tide comes in and goes out based on differences in the height of the sea level. student b says that the changing tides are caused by earth rotating into and out of the tidal bulges. which explanation is more technically correct? why?


Technically, student A is more accurate. The difference in sea level height, according to student A, is what causes the tide, whereas the earth's rotation in and out of the tidal bulges, according to student B, is what causes the shifting tides.

The daily rise and fall of the tide is brought on by the gravitational pull of the sun and moon, according to the definition of the general cause of tides. The varying heights of the water during the day correspond to the rising and falling of the tides. The varying distance between the earth and the moon is what causes the daily variations in tide heights.

In order to study tides and the different phenomena that affect tides, such as hurricanes and winter storms, scientists monitor the height of the water level. They result from the earth's gravitational pull from the moon and, to a lesser extent, the sun. A shore experiences a high tide when the wave's highest point, or the crest, reaches it. A coast suffers a low tide when the trough, or lowest point, approaches it.

Learn more about sea level visit: brainly.com/question/2092614


Which statement describes the cyclic nature of seafloor spreading?​



Explanation: Seafloor spreading is a geologic course in which tectonic plates divided apart from each other creating new seafloor.The Statements that describe the cyclic nature of seafloor spreading are as follows;• New oceanic crust is formed.• Old crust is damaged at seduction zones.• Ancient crust is pushed away from oceanic ridges.Hope it helped...

what type of weathering occurs when joints within rocks are aligned so that layers of rock break off and new layers are exposed?


When joints within rocks are aligned, a type of weathering known as mechanical weathering takes place whereby layers of rock break off and new layers are revealed.

Due to the fact that nature is constantly active, even if this activity occurs more slowly than human senses can perceive, mechanical weathering is a physical process that occurs continuously in the environment. As an illustration, we can feel temperature changes from day to night, yet we cannot see a rock swell and shrink as a result of these temperature changes. The rock does, however, experience this imperceptible movement, which weakens it and finally leads to its fracture and breakdown. This is just one instance of mechanical weathering. Let's examine each of the several mechanical weathering processes in more detail.

We've been talking about how changing temperatures effect rocks. Minerals have a propensity to expand and contract in response to temperature, a phenomenon known as thermal expansion.

Learn more about mechanical weathering here



countries from what region of europe have become members of nato since 1994


Kosovo & Afghanistan are the correct answer

Directions: Choose any river in the world. Conduct an internet search and list the following information on your river. (will reward brainliest :>)

1. Name of river, its source (beginning of river), and outlet (where the river flows to)

2. Location of the source (state, county, country, etc.) and its watershed (flow pattern). Include states or areas the river flows through, including major cities or lakes

3. Direction the river flows, names of tributaries that join the river

4. Names of any structures that affect the river's flow (dams, levees, etc.)

5. What is the condition of the water in the river? List and describe any environmental concerns.



Hi! Hope you are having a wonderful day! :)


The largest river in the world is the Nile River! Spanning across 4.132 miles, it begins in the rivers that flow into Lake Victoria (located in modern-day Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya) and empties into the Mediterranean Sea more than 6,600 kilometers to the north, making it one of the longest river in the world.

The Nile River flows from south to north through eastern Africa. From its headwaters in Ethiopia and the central African highlands to the downstream regional superpower Egypt, the Nile flows through 10 nations;, Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, and South Sudan. But by a quirk of British colonial history, only Egypt and its neighbor Sudan have any rights to its water.  

The Nile River flows north from its source. This river flows over 4,100 miles before it reaches the Mediterranean Sea, the location of the Nile Delta. It also has three main tributaries which are the White Nile, the Blue Nile, and the Atbara.

The Nile Rivers composes of 4 main dams;

Aswan High Dam, Aswan High Dam

Sudan, the Sennar Dam on the Blue Nile River.

Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in Ethiopia.

"The water quality of mid-stream Nile water is still, at a clean level on an average, due to the dilution effect and the degradation of the discharged pollutants." (Abdel-Satar, 2005). But that was in 2005, a few environmental challenges have been introduced since then and some are ones that need to be dealt with.  Egypt is also believed to face a nationwide fresh water shortage by 2025. Already around seven percent of Egyptians lack access to clean drinking water and over eight million go without proper sanitation. The waters are mainly being polluted by municipal and industrial waste, with many recorded incidents of leakage of wastewater, the dumping of dead animal carcasses, and the release of chemical and hazardous industrial waste into the Nile River.

Hope this is enough for you <3 Have a goodnight.

explain why flooding in river systems is a natural process. discuss some of the measures humans have taken to avoid flooding. are these measures a good idea or not? explain your answer (5 points).


Floods happen in the wild. The ecology has been prepared for flooding, and they are a component of the water cycle. Floodwaters are absorbed by wetlands along riverbanks, lakes, and estuaries.

Floods, the most common sort of natural disaster, happen when an excess of water submerges normally dry ground. Floods are frequently brought on by prolonged periods of heavy rain, quick snowmelt, or storm surges from tropical cyclones or tsunamis in coastal locations. When rivers overflow their banks, the surrounding region experiences riverine flooding. Heavy rainfall is the main cause, but king tides, storm surge, snowmelt, and dam releases can also contribute to it. Flooding occurs naturally along every river and coastal locations. Sediments that are rich in nutrients can be carried by flood waters, helping to create a fertile habitat for plant life. Floodplains are useful for biodiversity by generating a range of habitats for fish and other creatures. The most vulnerable areas to flooding are river floodplains and coastal regions, although flooding can also happen in places with exceptionally lengthy periods of heavy rain.

Learn more about Floods here



What types of faults where there is a displacement seen on the rock?


Similar to vertical compression faults, strike-slip faults (also known as transcurrent, wrench, or lateral) release their energy by shifting rocks in a horizontal direction that is nearly parallel to the compressional force.

What is a fault's displacement?

The cumulative motion of the hanging wall over the footwall causes displacement even though slip along the fault changes instantly at the fault bend.

Are faults displaced-showing?

Over geologic time, most faults cause repeated displacements. The rock on one side of the fault abruptly slips in relation to the other during an earthquake. The fault surface may be vertical, horizontal, or at any other arbitrary angle.

Learn more about displacement to visit this link



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