what are the four important decisions made when developing an advertising​ program? list them in order.


Answer 1

Setting advertising objectives, setting the advertising budget, developing advertising strategy, and evaluating advertising effectiveness is the correct order.

In advertising objective it has has three primary objectives in which it has to  to inform, to persuade, and to remind . It creates awareness of brands, products, services, and ideas.

In advertising budget there is an estimate of a company's promotional expenditures. Mainly, it is the money a company is willing to set aside to accomplish its marketing objectives.

In Marketing strategy it allows organizations to focus on limited resources on best opportunities to increase sales and achieve a competitive advantage.

In evaluating advertising effectiveness communication Effect Research and Sales Effect Research are two major traditional methods of evaluating advertising effectiveness.

To learn more about advertising program.



Related Questions

what does it cost per year (at 9 cents per kwh) for ten 150w recessed luminaires to operate if they are turned on for six hours per day?


The cost per year (at 9 cents per kwh) for ten 150w recessed luminaires to operate if they are turned on for six hours per day would be $150.

What is the cost?

Cost is the expenditure required to create  and sell products and services, or to acquire assets. When sold or consumed, a cost is charged to expense.

The cost concept underlies the transition of assets from the balance sheet to expenses in the income statement.

A cost may also be designated as a variable cost (the telephone cost tends to be vary with the number of employees) or as a fixed cost (lease of a building).

Learn  more about cost here:



a management agreement is to a property manager as a) a lease is to a tenant. b) an assignment is to an assignee. c) a client representation agreement is to a broker. d) a deed is to a buyer.


As such a leasing refers to a tenant, a maintenance commitment is to a building manager. As a listing agreement corresponds to a dealer.

A real estate agent serving as a property manager for an owner is not permitted to make money off of unrelated deals somewhere at cost of both the ownership.

Renter modifications are modifications made to the property's characteristics to meet the needs of the tenant.

The supply and demand theory of economics is taken into account by property managers when calculating rental rates.

The management of the estate would aim to maximize overall returns on the owner's investment, making this the asset manager's main priority.

The four alternative methods for mitigating risk are avoid, influence, transmit, and retain.

To know more about tenant click here



what actions do you believe amex should take to establish an entrepreneurial mindset among employees throughout the company?


AMEX Company performed very poorly in 2014. The shareholder was dissatisfied with the performance. due to the company's 4000 laid-off employees. This is due to the corporation AMEX's lack of creativity, arrogance, and inertia.

JB, the partnership's partner, departed. The relationship gave the company an additional 8% of overall revenue. After a court order, Company-AMEX increases the fees charged to each retailer. They eventually started to lose the value of their customers as a result of bad management choices. They began cutting fees and introducing the "Gold Card," which offers points for purchases made at restaurants and travel agencies, in an effort to draw clients.

To know more about AMEX Company here



The term​ ________ is best described as​ a stream of equal installments made at equal time intervals​.


The term​ Annuity is best described as​ a stream of equal installments made at equal time intervals​.

A succession of equal-sized payments made at regular periods make up an annuity. An annuity is a series of payments with consistent installments made at regular periods of time, such as months, quarters, or years. As a result, while a series of payments may constitute an annuity, not all series of payments are.

An annuity is a series of payments delivered at regular periods in the investment world. Regular savings account deposits, mortgage payments, insurance premiums, and pension payments are all examples of annuities. The periodicity of payment dates allows for the classification of annuities.

To know more about Annuity: https://brainly.com/question/25792915


a 15-year maturity bond with par value of $1,000 makes semiannual coupon payments at a coupon rate of 8%. find the bond equivalent and effective annual yield to maturity of the bond for the following bond prices. (round your answers to 2 decimal places.)


Effective Annual YTM = (1 + Semiannual YTM)^2 - 1

Effective Annual YTM = (1 + 0.043)^2 - 1

Effective Annual YTM = 1.0878 - 1

Effective Annual YTM = 0.0878 or 8.78%

Annual publications, extra often actually referred to as annuals, are periodical guides performing often once in line with year.[1] although specific definitions can also range, varieties of annuals include: calendars and almanacs, directories, yearbooks, annual reviews, lawsuits and transactions and literary annuals.[1] A weekly or month-to-month book can also produce an Annual proposing similar materials to the everyday book. a few encyclopedias have published annual supplements that essentially summarize the information of the past year, just like some newspaper yearbooks. To libraries and creditors, annuals present challenges of length (tens or loads of volumes) and completeness (obtaining a chain with out a missing volumes).

LEarn more about Annual here



linda has never worked as a manager before, but she was just promoted to a directorial position at her firm. she just had her first conversation with hr to strategize around how she can both reward her employees and also combat the negative effects of stress for her team. she is considering offering benefits in the form of _________ and __________ in order to keep her team positive and productive.


Linda has never worked as a manager before, but she was just promoted to a directorial position at her firm. she just had her first conversation with HR to strategize around how she can both reward her employees and also combat the negative effects of stress for her team. she is considering offering benefits in the form of flexible scheduling and leisure time in order to keep her team positive and productive.

Employees with flexible schedules might be able to avoid making the daily commute to work. As a result, they spend less on things like daily lunches out and office clothes. To save money, employers lower their overhead costs.

Depression and other mental problems are more prevalent in people who work long hours and neglect their health. Workplace entertainment is essential for the team as well as the employee. At work, taking breaks helps employees decompress and fight off negative impacts, enhancing productivity.

To learn more flexible scheduling, follow the below link:



when it comes to measuring organizational performance, the balanced scorecard focuses on one simple question. that question is .'


That question is "How well are we doing for our investors.

What are the tools used for measuring organizational performances?

Organizations that use performance management are more successful and remain competitive. In order to increase performance, both individually and corporately, it fundamentally entails tracking, analyzing, and monitoring progress. Gaining a better understanding of Organizational Performance, we need to make sure these following conditions:

Make the direction clear.Set smart objectives.Decide what needs to be measured.Implement adjustments, then gauge the results.Make sure every measurement is related to the larger corporate objectives. As necessary, adjust the steps.

There are a lot of tools for performance management that are intended to make it simpler and more efficient. The tools used for measuring organizational performances are:

Metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs)Performance evaluations360-degree evaluationgoal-oriented management (MBO)Frameworks for performance managementPrograms for rewards and recognitionplans for one's own growth (PDP)

To learn more about organizational performance refer to:



Within the third step of the control process, ______ is a principle that states that managers should be informed of a situation only if data show a significant deviation from standards.


Within the third step of the control process, management by exception is a principle that states that managers should be informed of a situation only if data show a significant deviation from standards.

A principle is a noun used to denote a legal, natural, or scientific rule or standard. It can also be used to refer to a general or personal moral standard. Example: The principle of the sentence The principle of human rights is central to the concept of democracy. In contrast, principles not only give us an understanding of the world around us, but also how things happen and why they happen the way they do. Therefore, principles are perhaps the most important kind of content we should include in our teaching.

Creating personal principles is essentially defining a set of personal values ​​that are important to you and living by them. This Code should be something we live and strive for every day. They interact based on principles of righteousness related to heavenly powers: persuasion, long-suffering, weakness, kindness, and pure knowledge. By using these righteous principles, we can help children see their potential.

Learn more about principle here:



In the first step of safe continuous delivery pipeline product owners and managers do what activity.


In the first step of safe continuous delivery pipeline product owners and managers Hypothesize on what would create value to their Customers

It begins with a concept or a notion for something that will benefit customers, frequently in reaction to input from clients or market analysis.  The crucial step is to develop an environment that spans the various pipeline phases in order to orchestrate activities and incorporate multiple testing tools. This enables you to create quality gates that are built-in and based on your SLOs (i.e., performance tests, chaos tests, etc.).

With the help of the PO and PM Certification, individual may show that he/she is an expert in the Agile Methodology. An individual who obtains a PO PM Certification will become an expert in PO, enabling them to generate leads and acquire new clients for their business or career.

Know more about the delivery pipeline product owners and managers at: https://brainly.com/question/28137390


question content area the following data relate to direct labor costs for the current period: standard costs 7,100 hours at $11.60 actual costs 6,000 hours at $10.80 what is the direct labor rate variance?


A rate variance is the difference between an item's actual price and its predicted price, multiplied by the actual number of units bought. So the direct labor rate variance is $4800.

In the given;

Standard costs 6,000 hours at $12.00

Actual costs 7,500 hours at $11.60

We have to find the direct labor rate variance.

Actual rate of labor hour = 10.80

Direct labor standard rate = $11.60

Labor actual hours = 6,000

As we know that;

A rate variance is the difference between an item's actual price and its predicted price, multiplied by the actual number of units bought. The idea is used to identify situations when a business is paying too much for products, services, or labour.

The direct labor rate variance = (Standard Rate - Actual Rate)×Actual Hours

The direct labor rate variance = (11.60 - 10.80)×6000

The direct labor rate variance = 0.80×6000

The direct labor rate variance = 4800

Hence, the direct labor rate variance is $4800.

To learn more about rate variance link is here



while virtually all time series exhibit a_____, not all time series exhibit other components.


While virtually all time series exhibit a random component, not all time series exhibit other components.

There are several components that go into making a successful series. The first is obviously the plot, which needs to be engaging and keep viewers coming back for more.

But there are also other important elements, such as strong characters that viewers can invest in, and a consistent visual style that helps to create a cohesive world for the series to take place in. When all of these elements come together, they can create a series that is truly captivating and addictive.

To know more about, components, click here.



baler co. prepared its statement of cash flows at year-end using the direct method. the following amounts were used in the computation of cash flows from operating activities: beginning inventory $200,000 ending inventory 150,000 cost of good sold 1,200,000 beginning accounts payable 300,000 ending accounts payable 200,000 what amount should baler report as cash paid to suppliers for inventory purchases?


B. Baler report the $1,250,000 as cash paid to suppliers for inventory purchases.

How is the cost of goods sold calculated?

The cost of goods sold (COGS) is calculated by subtracting the value of inventory held at the end of the study period from the value of inventory at the beginning of the study period, adding the cost of any new inventory purchased during the covered period, and taking the value of inventory.

We know that the cost of goods sold is the sum of the opening inventory, annual purchases, and closing inventory.

Now, adding the values above, we have $200,000 + Purchases - $150,000 = $1,200,000; Purchases = $1,200,000 + $150,000 - $200,000 = $1,150,000;

cash paid to suppliers for inventory purchases is $300,000 + $1,150,000 - $200,000 = $1,250,000.

Learn more about cost of goods sold here:



Sam has decided to implement an od effort in his division to change the​ attitudes, stereotypes, and perceptions that several of the units have of each other. he wants to focus the training on the differences among the units. what type of od effort is sam​ implementing?


The same intergroup development effort is being used.

Which are the three major variables that influence perception?

A wide range of factors might have an affect on how the perception is felt. Experience, emotional experience, and motivational state make up the three key factors. All of these factors, but especially motivation and emotion, have a big impact on how someone sees a situation.

What three components make into perception?

The three stages of perception are sensory selection and stimulation, organization, and interpretation. These phases affect how we form perceptions of the world surrounding us even though we seldom ever are aware of them in detail.

To know more  about perceptions visit:



the yield on 2-year treasury notes is 1% and the yield on 5-year treasury notes is 2.3%. what is the implied annual return on a 3-year security two years from now?


The implied annual return will be 0.031756. A marketable U.S. government debt product having a set interest rate and a maturity between two and 10 years is known as a Treasury note.

The government will sell one treasury notes in either a competitive or noncompetitive offer.

Treasury notes, which are issued in maturities of two, three, five, seven, and ten years, are well-liked investments and have a sizable secondary market that increases their liquidity.

The notes' interest will be paid every six months until it matures. Similar to a Treasury bond or a Treasury bill, the revenue from interest payments is federally taxed rather than being subject to municipal or state taxes.

In the given question, we know that,

(1 + 2 Year Spot Rate)^2 * (1 + Implied Rate)^3 = (1 + 5 Year Spot Rate)^5


             (1 + 0.01)^2 * (1 + Implied Rate)^3 = (1 + 0.023)^5

              1.0201 * (1 + Implied Rate)^3 = 1.1204

             (1 + Implied Rate)^3 = 1.1204/1.0201

             (1 + Implied Rate)^3 = 1.098324

              1 + Implied Rate = (1.098324)^(1/3)

              1 + Implied Rate = 1.031756

              Implied Rate = 0.031756

Thus, the implied annual return on 3 years security 2 years from now is 0.031756.

Learn more about Treasurey Notes here: https://brainly.com/question/13095860


the demand that women should receive equal pay relative to men for work that is similarly demanding, involves similar responsibilities, and requires similar levels of education and training is the basis of the concept of


The idea of same value is rooted in the belief of women must be paid equally to men for job that is similarly difficult, entails similar roles, and needs comparable training and education levels.

What is the fundamental meaning of education?

Either imparting information to individuals and absorbing it from another person are acts of education. Education also covers every profession of education in general as well as the knowledge gained via formal education or teaching.

Why is education so crucial?

Nobody is able to completely remove from your life the foundation which education brings to your life. You boost your chances of finding good employment possibilities and widen your employment options because of being very well having an university degree.

To know more about training visit:



when deciding between playing a lottery with an 80 percent chance of winning $4,000 or receiving $3,000 outright, most people choose the because of the . multiple choice question $3,000; certainty effect lottery; preference for variable rewards lottery; rational choice theory $3,000; sunk-cost fallacy



Subtract the current value from the as-new price to find the sunk cost.

sunk-cost=[tex]4,000*80[/tex]% -$3,000=[tex]200[/tex]

A sunk cost is a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered in economics and corporate decision-making. Future expenses that could be avoided if action is done are contrasted with "sunk costs" and "prospective costs," In other words, a sunk cost is an amount that was spent in the past but is no longer significant when making decisions for the present. Even though economists contend that sunk costs are irrelevant to rational decision-making in the future, consumers frequently factor past expenses for circumstances like fixing a car or house into their decisions regarding those properties in daily life.

Learn more about Sunk-cost from



travis benefited from his experience working for an established private company that provided state-of-the-art lighting for music venues around town. although confident that he could start his own lighting business, he had limited capital to buy the necessary equipment needed to successfully compete with established companies. which strategy would best help travis achieve his goal of business ownership?


Best Strategy to help Travis is Begin by offering to take over management of his employer's business, allowing the owner to enjoy some leisure time.

Which of the following procedures is used by a corporation to guarantee that every employee makes decisions that are consistent with the mission, goals, and strategy of the organization?

The MBO approach includes a crucial step of tracking and evaluating each employee's performance and advancement in relation to the predetermined goals. Employees are more likely to carry out their responsibilities if they are actively involved in formulating objectives and choosing a course of action.

What are human resource management's primary goals? Why do HR policies change between various organizations?

To maintain a positive work environment, human resource management primarily refers to managing personnel and understanding their requirements. Achieving corporate goals, fostering a positive workplace culture, investing in training and development, energizing people, and coordinating teams are just a few of the purposes of HRM.

To know more about Business Plan visit



question 7 scenario 2 continued consider and respond to the following question. select all that apply. our data analytics team often uses external data. where can you access useful external data?


Assuming our data analytics team often uses external data, a location in which you can access useful external data include the following;

B. A public database.

D. An open-data website.

What is data?

In Computer technology, data can be defined as any representation of factual instructions or information in a formalized and structured manner, especially as a series of binary digits (bits), symbols, characters, quantities, or strings that are used on computer systems in a company.

What are the types of data?

In database management system (DBMS), there are two (2) major types of data and these include the following;

Internal data.External data.

Generally speaking, external data can be defined as an information that originates and generated outside a business organization (company or firm) and it is readily available and accessible to the general public such as a public database or an open-data website.

Read more on data here: brainly.com/question/26207955


Complete Question:

Consider and respond to the following question. select all that apply. Our data analytics team often uses external data. Where can you access useful external data?

Sewati Financial Services database in the cloud.

A public database.

Sewati Financial Services website.

An open-data website.

Accountants argue that it may not be appropriate to evaluate managers of subsidiaries based solely on indicators of profitability because they do not operate in a uniform environment.
a. True
b. False


The following statement "Accountants argue that it may not be appropriate to evaluate managers of subsidiaries based solely on indicators of profitability because they do not operate in a uniform environment" is true.

A subsidiary is a business that is a part of a larger organization, often known as the parent company or holding company, in the corporate world. It means that the parent owns or has control over more than half of the equity of the subsidiary firm.

Especially if a subsidiary is set up in a separate state or nation, it may be eligible for tax benefits. M&A transactions will be simpler. Subsidiaries have an advantage over parent companies in that they can combine or sell business units more easily and affordably. Profits to nonprofits.

Hence the correct option is A

To know more about Subsidiary here



the linear programming model of the production scheduling process is usually used when we have to schedule the production of multiple products, each of which requires a set of resources not required by the other products, over time. group of answer choices true false


The given statement is true.

linear programming, mathematical modeling technique in which a linear function is maximized or minimized when subjected to various constraints.

In Math, linear programming is a technique for improving tasks for certain requirements. The primary goal of linear programming is to amplify or limit the mathematical worth. It comprises of linear capabilities which are exposed to the limitations as linear conditions or as imbalances. Linear programming is viewed as a significant method that is utilized to track down the ideal asset usage. The expression "linear programming" comprises of two words as linear and programming. "Linear" characterizes the connection between different factors with degree one. "Programming" characterizes the most common way of choosing the best arrangement from different other options.

Linear Programming is broadly utilized in Science and a few different fields like financial matters, business, telecom, and assembling fields. In this article, let us examine the meaning of linear programming, its parts, and various techniques to tackle linear programming issues.

to know more about asset click here:



investments with longer payback periods are more​ desirable, all else being equal. t or f


Investments with longer payback periods are more​ desirable, all else being equal is a false statement.

A payback period is the number of years it will take an investment to recoup its initial investment using annual cash flows. The investment is more profitable the faster the initial expenditure is recouped. As a result, in accordance with the payback rule, investments with shorter payback periods ought to be chosen above those with longer ones.

The only capital budgeting method that does not incorporate the idea of the time value of money into its computation, aside from the accounting rate of return, is the payback period. Depending on whether the cash flows are uniform or uneven, there are two ways to calculate the payback period.

To learn more about Investments visit: https://brainly.com/question/28196122


each time a payment is made on an installment note, the portion of the next payment associated with notes payable increases. this statement is


Each time a payment is made on an installment note, the portion of the next payment associated with notes payable increases. This statement is false.

The amount that a corporation owes its financiers, including banks and other financial institutions as well as alternative funding sources like friends and family, is shown on notes payable, which are long-term obligations. Since they are repayable after a year, albeit often within five years, they are considered long-term.

Promissory notes are used to secure debts known as notes payable. They are short-term obligations without a note, distinct from your accounts payable. Include all of the note payments due in the upcoming year as short-term liabilities on your balance sheet to determine notes payable. The rest is a long-term strategy.

To know more about Notes Payable here



suppose consumers' disposable income increased by $341 billion and their spending increased by $299 billion. what was the mpc?


According to the question, consumers' disposable income increased by $341 billion and their spending increased by $299 billion. The MPC was 0.877.

What do you mean by the MPC?

The percentage of an overall salary increase that a customer spends on purchasing goods and services rather than saving is known as the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) in economics.

Keynesian macroeconomic theory includes a concept known as marginal propensity to consume, which is determined as the change in consumption divided by the change in income.


Income increased = $ 341

Spending increased = $ 299

MPC = 299/341

MPC = 0.877

Therefore, consumers' disposable income increased by $341 billion and their spending increased by $299 billion. The MPC was 0.877.

To know more about the MPC, visit:



Melinda earns $48 for every 3 lawns she mows in her neighborhood. She wants to buy a skateboard that costs $208 including tax. How many lawns will melinda have to mow to be able to buy the skateboard?.


Melinda should mow 13 lawns to get her skateboard.

A unit rate means a rate for one of something.

Given that, Melinda earns $48 for every 3 lawns she mows in her neighbourhood, and she wants to buy a skateboard that costs $208.

She mows 3 lawns for $48, so,

For one lawn, she will get = 48/3 = $16

She needs to buy a skateboard of $208

Let she have to mow x lawn to collect the money, she need

16x = 208

x = 208/16

x = 13

Hence, Melinda should mow 13 lawns to get her skateboard.

A lawn is an area of soil-included land planted with grasses and other durable plants which includes clover which might be maintained at a short top with a lawnmower (or sometimes grazing animals) and used for aesthetic and recreational purposes. Lawns are commonly composed only of grass species, concern to weed and pest manipulate, maintained in a green shade (e.g., by watering), and are often mowed to make certain a suitable length.[1] Lawns are used round houses, apartments, commercial homes and workplaces.

Learn more about lawns



g assume there is no discretionary increase in government spending. explain how an improving economy will affect the budget balance and, in turn, investment and the trade balance.


An expanding economy will result in higher tax receipts, a smaller budget deficit, lower interest rates, more domestic investment, and a better trade balance.

The difference between a country's exports and imports in dollars over a specific time period is known as the balance of trade, commercial balance, or net exports. An analysis of trade balances for commodities and services can sometimes be separated apart. An export and import flow over a specific time period is tracked by the balance of trade. Exports and imports are not necessarily "balanced" with one another when discussing the concept of trade balance. A nation's trade balance is either positive or negative depending on whether its exports exceed its imports. A nation with a trade surplus has a positive trade balance; one with a trade deficit has a negative trade balance. About 60 people as of 2016.

Learn more about trade from



This is financial assistance from the government to encourage the production of or the purchase of a good is called?


A payment made by the government that effectively decreases the cost of producing a specific commodity or service is known as a subsidy.

Why do nations offer financial rewards?

Governments choose to invest public resources to make private government feasible in order to earn investment returns in the form of economic impacts. As a result, incentives follow economic impacts.

What types of rewards are available?

The two different types of incentives are financial and non-financial ones. Financial incentives are rewards or payments given in exchange for achieving set objectives or targets. Recognition, prizes, and other non-cash advantages are examples of non-monetary incentives.

To know more about government visit:-



delaney company is considering replacing equipment that originally cost $600,000 and that has $420,000 accumulated depreciation to date. a new machine will cost $790,000. what is the sunk cost in this situation? a.$790,000 b.$190,000 c.$180,000 d.$370,000


Delaney company is considering replacing equipment that originally cost $600,000 and that has $420,000 accumulated depreciation to date. a new machine will cost $790,000. c.$180,000 is the sunk cost in this situation.

sunk cost=originally cost $600,000-$420,000 accumulated depreciation-Recovered on sale =  $180,000.

A sunk value, occasionally known as a retrospective value, refers to funding already incurred that cannot be recovered. Examples of sunk costs in the enterprise include marketing, studies, new software set up or gadget, salaries and benefits, or facilities charges. In economics and commercial enterprise decision-making, a sunk price is a fee that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered. Sunk prices are contrasted with potential prices, which might be destiny prices that may be prevented if motion is taken.

Sunk charges and stuck charges are exceptional styles of charges. A sunk value is usually a fixed value because it cannot be modified or altered. a set fee, but, is not a sunk fee, due to the fact it could be stopped, for instance, inside the sale or go back of an asset.

Learn more about sunk cost here: https://brainly.com/question/14042751


If you're ____ , your house payment or rent is more than you can afford and still pay your other bills.


If you're house poor , your house payment or rent is more than you can afford and still pay your other bills.

The outstanding original balance of a mortgage, exclusive of interest or other fees. The four parts of a mortgage payment each month are principal, interest, taxes, as well as insurance (PITI).

The cost of living would be the sum of money required in a certain location and time frame to meet necessities including housing, food, taxes, and medical care.

The economic advantage of the mortgage interest deduction of such mortgage interest as well as real estate tax payments, which lowers federal income taxes, is one of the key benefits of home ownership. Many home purchasers prioritize personalization as well as stability of residence.

To know more about house payment



What are the 5 categories of spending?


Mandatory/entitlement spending, Discretionary spending, National defense spending, Interest on government debt, State and local government spending are the 5 categories of spending.

Every Workday Procurement transaction must contain a spend category as a necessary component. Spend categories are a combination of commodity codes from the Legacy system, which specify the kind of thing or service being purchased, and object codes. Some workday spending categories may be considered trackable while others are not. Except for firearms, livestock/animals, and bulletproof vests, which are tracked at any value and marked as an LSU asset, products having a total acquisition cost of $1,000 or more should be included in a tracked spend category.

Building a comprehensive picture of the overall cost on commodities across the LSU system is the aim of the procurement spend categories. Accurate reporting on commodity expenditures increase the possibility of larger discounts and new contracts, which is advantageous for the spend category university. Initial reports have shown that some end users are choosing the spend category based on hierarchy of spend categories and/or the project they are utilizing the items for rather than the individual item within the hierarchy.

Learn more about spend category here



you bought two new cds with the last $30 in your checking account, and your next payday is on monday. what is the opportunity cost of these cds?


The opportunity cost of the two CDs is the cost of not having the $30 in your checking account for the next few days until payday.

What is opportunity cost?

Opportunity cost is the cost of making one decision over another and is an important concept in economics. Opportunity cost can be measured in terms of money, time, and resources. For example, the opportunity cost of going to a movie is the money spent on the ticket, the time spent at the theater, and the opportunity to do something else with that time and money.

The opportunity cost of the two CDs is the cost of not having the $30 in your checking account for the next few days until payday. This could mean not having the money for food, bills, or other necessities. It is important to consider the opportunity cost when making decisions about spending money since it can have a significant impact on one's personal finances.

It can be concluded that the opportunity cost of the two cds is the cost of not having the $30 in your checking account for the next few days until payday.

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