What are the differences between the price system and rationing?​


Answer 1


The price system is the most efficient way to allocate resources. ... Rationing is a system of allocating goods and services without prices. The price system uses price whereas rationing does not.


Answer 2

The differences between the price system and rationing is that a system of allocating commodities and services without charging prices is called rationing. Rationing does not use price, although the price system does.

What do you mean by the price system?

A price system is a method for determining the value of any kind of property, tangible or intangible.

Prices aid in resource allocation both within and between markets, which goes beyond simply assisting individuals with decision-making.

It tells the manufacturers how much it will cost to produce their goods. Given the high pricing, it pushes manufacturers to increase their output.

The price system has four qualities: it's neutral, market-driven, adaptable, and effective.

Therefore, differences between the price system and rationing is that a system of allocating commodities and services without charging prices is called rationing. Rationing does not use price, although the price system does.

To know more about the price system, visit:



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Globalization is the process of the world becoming more connected. Like any process that involves economic choices, it has positive and negative consequences.

China is one of the world's fastest-growing economies, and it has experienced many consequences as the result of globalization. One severe consequence has been a sharp increase in air pollution.

In an informative essay, describe the effects of globalization on air pollution in China's largest cities.

Use outside research to gather anecdotes and data to help you demonstrate your findings. Be sure to cite your sources on a Works Cited page.



The rise of air pollution in Chinese cities is a direct result of the increased economic activity (and very fast economic growth) that globalization has generated.


This is because China, since the 1980s and 1990s, has become a "workshop" for the world: and industrial powerhouse that produces all kinds of manufacturing products for both the Chinese market, and the world market. In fact, China has benefited from the outsourcing of hundreds of thousands of American and European jobs, mainly due to the lower Chinese labor costs.

This increased economic activity, and the consequent higher rise in energy demand, has resulted in serious problems of air pollution in several Chinese cities. For example Beijing, the capital, often has emergency air pollution levels in winter, due to the higher energy demand caused by the use of heating that is mainly powered by coal energy plants.

Political, cultural & economic Reasons why a nation would get involved in the affairs of another nation



Appearance, to help, and to secure


Political: countries might want to be seen as wise or powerful when they help another, often smaller and weaker, country.

Cultural: Countries that are similar, or allies might help another country attack or defend from an enemy.

Economic: A mercenary country might send an army of soldiers in exchange for a lot of money

What ultimately kept the us and the Soviet’s from actually fighting?








Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

Which part of a story line occurs at the very end of a narrative?

Falling action
Rising action





Think of it as it has resolved :)




I took the test

During World War II, why were Japanese Americans placed in internment camps?
A:They were attempting to lead political revolts.
B:They were considered a threat to national security.
C:They were awaiting deportation back to Japan.
D:They were waiting for work in war industries.





Who did the Shawnee kidnap?



Jemima and two other callaway girls



easy its in the name, shawnee


The event known as the “Quasi-War” started because?



The XYZ affair was an incident that occurred during John Adams presidency, between the American and French foreign representatives. ... America refused to pay the bribe, and tensions with France that began with Jay's Treaty soon morphed into the Quasi-War in 1798.


Which would be steeper, an inelastic
demand curve or an elastic demand curve?



A demand curve for a product with low elasticity appears to be steeper, because the quantity demanded doesn't change much, even if prices do. Products with low price elasticity are described as being inelastic


Unmarried women in the colonies could not run businesses and own property.*





False: Unmarried women in the colonies COULD run businesses and own property.

Source: https://quizlet.com/32655950/ch-4-test-questions-flash-cards/#:~:text=False%3A%20Unmarried%20women%20in%20the,run%20businesses%20and%20own%20property.


True! Only Men could own property.

Brainliest pls!

John Deere invented the

Steam engine
Steel Plow
Electric telegraph



Steel plow


invented in 1837.

is anyone good at paraphrasing? pls help!!

Bantu speakers first divided in two groups: Wide and Narrow Bantu. The modern languages of the first are spoken only on and around the Cameroon grasslands, while all the other Bantu languages belong to the second. Therefore, in practice “Bantu” usually refers to Narrow Bantu. Narrow proto-Bantu emerged from Wide Bantu in the Sanaga valley just south of the grasslands of western Cameroon. Until recent times, this huge expansion was believed to have been brought about by a single vast human migration.

It proved however to be exceedingly difficult to establish the genetic subdivisions of Narrow Bantu that such a migration would have produced, mainly because the daughter languages have borrowed so much from each other and otherwise changed over the past millennia that much of the evidence for their exact genetic relationships has been erased.​





Need help Please Brainly to the first person right with reason and 5 Stars



B is your awnser


hope this helps

The graph shows changing population statistics during the early part of the twentieth century.

A line graph showing African American Population by Region, 1900 to 1930 comparing the Midwest to Northeast. X axis is years 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930. Y axis is Population in increments of 500,000 starting at 0 and ending at 1,500,000. In 1900 and 1910 both regions were around 500,000. In 1920 both grew to around 750,000, and in 1930 both were close to 1,250,000.

By the 1930s the African American population of the Midwest and Northeast

had more than tripled since 1900.
had more than doubled since 1900.
had increased by half since 1900.
had remained the same since 1900.



By the 1930s the African American population of the Midwest and Northeast had more than doubled since 1900.


Given that the African-American population in the aforementioned regions was 500,000 people in 1900, and said population increased to 1,250,000 30 years later, to determine the population growth rate during that period, the following calculation must be performed:

1,250,000 / 500,000 = X

2.5 = X

Thus, the African-American population in these regions increased by 2.5, that is, more than doubled during that period of time.


The correct answer is B. had more than doubled since 1900


Got this correct on Edg. 2021

Why did the north and south go to war?


Answer: A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery. ... The South wished to take slavery into the western territories, while the North was committed to keeping them open to white labor alone.

Which religious group was a leader
in the abolitionist movement?



Quakers were the leaders in the abolitionist movement



b is the right answer

I think its B but i ddont know good luck

In what ways and why did industrialization spread to other countries?



it spread due to different application of new things starting from the 1800 decades

when making life more easier ,

importing and exporting goods,

industrialization spread to other countries.

becoz industrialization makes our life standard and increases the level of sophistication.


if developed country has produced cotton clothes,then it is demanded over the whole world as it is easier way of clothing. this leads the spreading of industries in other countries.

Please read this and help me please



C and D.


Douglass MacArthur served as a General who led the Southwest Pacific into World War I, he also supervised the Allied occupation of Japan successfully, and also leading the United Nations forces in the Korean War.

In 1945, MacArthur was given responsibility as a Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP) to bring to action the Occupation plan in Japan. The two economic initiatives advanced by MacArthur during the Occupartion and Reconstruction of Japan were to distribute lands among the small farmers, which gave more power to them over the rich landowners. Another initiative taken was to break large companies or conglomerates.

Therefore, options C and D are correct.

Miguel felt excited as he walked into the circus acrobatics class. He was good at sports, but he'd never tried anything like this before. Now Miguel watched as the teacher stepped onto the mat and demonstrated a flip. With spotters helping, Miguel attempted the same movements, but his flip spun a little sideways. He didn't let that stop him. Miguel kept practicing, and by the end of the session his flip was much improved.

How do Miguel's actions reveal the theme of the story?

Question 1 options:

They show it is possible to overcome fear of new things.

They show it is possible to succeed through determination.

They warn against being overly confident of your abilities.


Answer: They show it is possible to succeed through determination

Explanation: These two sentences: "With spotters helping, Miguel attempted the same movements, but his flip spun a little sideways. He didn't let that stop him." indicate that while Miguel experienced a setback with performing a flip (the spin sideways), he "did not let that stop him".

This shows his determination, which pays off in the end as indicated by the sentence: "Miguel kept practicing, and by the end of the session his flip was much improved."

How do businesses use opportunity costs to decide
what to produce?

How is marginal analysis for a business similar to
the marginal thinking that you do as a consumer?

What are marginal revenue and marginal cost?



Marginal Revenue Analysis. Marginal revenue is the amount of revenue added only by the last unit of output sold. For example, if a business sold 10 televisions, their total revenue is 10 times the price of the televisions, and the marginal revenue of the 10th television sold is the total revenue min


used goggle

How did the outcome of the Supreme Court decision in Marbury v Madison (1803) impact the judicial branch moving forward?



Marbury v. Madison strengthened the federal judiciary by establishing for it the power of judicial review, by which the federal courts could declare legislation, as well as executive and administrative actions, inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution (“unconstitutional”) and therefore null and void.


The answer is Madison is a nice person becUs do way food she don’t eat
Explanation is I’m a really nice guy

What was Thomas Becket made in 1162?


Becket was nominated as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1162.

Which sentence from the article BEST supports the article's central idea? A But there's more to cats' grooming than cleaning their coats. B Pitsko works with great cats at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. C Lions and tigers at the zoo lick their wounds, Pitsko said. D The grooming is partly to encourage them to go to the bathroom.


i think. A.) or C.)

Is Fair Trade or Free Trade a better system? Make sure you compare and contrast both systems.

(Please use your own words)



Free enterprise concentrate on the decrease of obstacles and regulations that protect specific nations or industrial sectors. Fair trade, that being said, favors the interests of employees, strengthened employment environments and eliminate possible pay inconsistencies from region to region.

the underlined word.
1. Some say he impaled 40,000 people. Others say
it was closer to 100,000. In any case, he
condemned a staggering number of people to
this slow and agonizing kind of death.
A astonishing
B unsteady
C arrangement
D small



A. Astonishing.


In the given sentence, the underlined word is "staggering". This word is an adjective, meaning it modifies a noun.

As used in the given passage, the word "staggering" is used alongside "number of people". It is used to emphasize the number of people that the person hurt/ inflicted. This means that he killed a really great, astonishing, shocking number of people.

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Why did V. M. Molotov come up with the Molotov Plan?
O A. To hurt the Soviets for helping the West
O B. To help countries in Western Europe fix themselves after the war
O C. To practice containment against Japan and other countries in
O D. To prevent Eastern European countries from taking Marshall Plan



D. To prevent Eastern European countries from taking Marshall Plan money

V.M. Molotov comes up with the Molotov Plan to prevent Eastern European countries from taking the Marshall Plan money. The correct option is d.

Who is V.M. Molotov?

V.M. Molotov was a Russian and later Soviet politician and diplomat, an Old Bolshevik, and a leading figure in the Soviet government from the 1920s onward. He served as Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars from 1930 to 1941 and as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1939 to 1949 and from 1953 to 1956.

During the 1930s, he ranked second in the Soviet leadership, after Joseph Stalin, whom he supported loyally for over 30 years, and whose reputation he continued to defend after Stalin's death. As People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs in August 1939, Molotov became the principal Soviet signatory of the German–Soviet non-aggression pact, also known as the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.

V.M. Molotov retained his place as a leading Soviet diplomat and politician until March 1949, when he fell out of Stalin's favour and lost the foreign affairs ministry leadership to Andrei Vyshinsky.

Learn more about Molotov, here:



Is a = 5 a solution to this equation?
11 a = 128



It says that your variable a is equal to 5. In the equation 11a = 128, you will plug in 5 and replace a. Then you can do 11x5 which is equal to 55. You can see that 55 is not equal to 128. Therefore, 5 is not a solution to the equation.

Which book contains the collected teachings of the prophet Muhammad?







C.) "Qur'an"


The Quran is the sacred book of Islam and contains all the precepts of Prophet Muhammad given by Gabriel, the archangel, in Mecca and Medina.

Answer: Qur' an


_  _

0  0


what are the 3 powers of President that are the most important?



The President is both the head of state and head of government of the United States of America, and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress.


“gEt OuT oF mY kITcHEN” - Harry styles







"No sHoEs iN My hOuSe" -Roddy Rich


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