What are some potential consequences if there is damage to skin?


Answer 1
The answer is sun exposure .................
Answer 2


Sun exposure.

Free radicals. ...

Smoking cigarettes. ...

Irritants. ...

Smiles and frowns


Related Questions

Write an essay pretending to be an Ecologist studying the Green Sea Turtle. As an ecologist what is important for you to study? What is the habitat of your animal? Is the animal an endangered species? Can the species be saved? If it is being saved how is the species being saved?


Algae, alligator, bacteria, bass, bear, bladderwort,bream,butterfly, butterfly larva, cattail, cute, crayfish, cricket, cypress tree, dandelion, Florida panther, fox, frog, fungi, Gambusa, garfish, gopher tortoise, grat, Kork, Heron, Killifish, Live oak tree, Millard duck, Manatee, mangrove trees, mice, mosquito, water, owl, pelican, Pine tree, rabbit, raccoon, Rattlesnake,

Which of the following is a renewable resource?

Question 3 options:

natural gas






coal because you can use it for fire a lot so you won't get cold and you can make torches to keep it bright.


Biomass, this is what I remember learning.

Which of the following units are in order from smallest to largest?
a) Epoch, period, era.
b) Era, epoch, period.
c) Period, era, epoch.
d) Epoch, era, period.


the answer is C (Period, era, epoch)

i need 20 characters to answer lol

Question One:
Some steps in cell division are shown below:

1. Chromosomes condense and pair up
2. Segments of DNA of sister chromatids twist and cross
3. Exchange of DNA occurs between chromosomes
4. Four daughter cells are created that are haploid

Which of the following steps is least likely to occur during meiosis 1?
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

Questions Two:
A few characteristics of a type of reproduction are shown below:

1. Occurs in all body cells
2. Two daughter cells are formed
3. Chromosomes arrange equally on either side of the equator
4. The daughter nuclei each have half the number of chromosomes as that of parent cells
5. Is necessary for sexual reproduction

Which of the above are characteristics of meiosis?
1, 2, and 3
1, 4, and 5
2, 3, and 4
3, 4, and 5



The first one is A and the second one is B

You have a nice day now ✊

A for the first on and b for the second one

True/False: Plant Viruses can only infect plant cells





this is true, good luck

Hint: The shallower our breath, the less oxygen that reaches our brain, and the harder it is to focus.
1: When you are stressed you start breathing more deeply and makes it harder to focus.
2: When you are stressed more oxygen gets to your brain and makes it harder to focus.
3. When you are stressed you start breathing more deeply and that delivers more oxygen to your brain helps you focus.
4. none of these



Ironically, stress does improve concentration for a very short period of time. This is due to the body releasing chemicals into the brain to help it focus and pushing adrenaline into the bloodstream in order to heighten the senses, which helps the body hone in and focus on tasks at hand.



I belive the anwser to your question is 3

Do you mind to help me plzzz?
What are advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction?


produces genetic variation in the offspring.
the species can adapt to new environments due to variation, which gives them a survival advantage.
a disease is less likely to affect all the individuals in a population.
it produces genetic variation but you can’t produce as many babies


Drag each label to the correct location on the image. Not all labels will be used.
Match the labels with the symbols on the weather map.


label---map image
cold front---blue line with spikes
Occluded front---line with both blue triangles and red semi circles
low pressure- --he big L
strong winds, cloudless---the "key" figure that is white and on the right side
strong winds, very cloudy---the other "key" figure that is colored in black/left side

How does adaptation help an organism?
1 point
It helps the organism change colors
It improves its ability to survive and reproduce
It improves its ability to change species
It helps the organism become a fossil
If one animal or plant has the same characteristics as another, they may both be part of the same...
1 point
Where do scientists look for evidence of evolution? *
1 point
In the layers of the Earth
In caves
In water
In old books
What is a fossil? *
1 point
A layer of sediment
A living organism
A very old organism
Remains of a once-living organism
The fossil record provides evidence about *
1 point
The age of rocks
The order in which species have existed
The number of layer the Earth has
The composition of minerals
All living things inherit similar traits from their
1 point
If you compared two kinds of living organisms, what might you learn about their history? *
1 point
How long ago they evolved
Whether they share a common ancestor
Whether they live in the smae place
Whether they can mate and reproduce
What do organisms inherit from their ancestors? *
1 point
Mammal characteristics
Traits and DNA
Hind limbs
New traits
What does the similarity between humans, dolphins, cats and bats indicate? *
1 point
They all evolved recently
That their ancestors lived in the same place
They share a common ancestor
That they are becoming more alike
Fossils provide evidence that Antarctica was once located *
1 point
At the North Pole
Near the equator
At the South Pole
Where it is now
What does natural selection explain about a population of organisms *
1 point
How long it has been since it evolved
How it changes in response to its environment
How it resists change
How likely its members are to leave fossils
Which individuals in a population are most likely to survive and reproduce? *
1 point
The largest ones
The ones with the most DNA
The best adapted ones



Here is a general idea on "How does adaptation help an organism"


When they adapt, they are able to survive in that kind of climate better, if they didn't, then they would die. especially in habitats they have never been in

Will you make this more organized please and then I can help:)

Please answer I need help

1. A hurricane draws its energy from the cold, dry air near the ocean's surface. true or false

2. when a hurricane passes over land, it loses its energy source

true or false


The first one is false since hurricanes actually really on the warm waters and warm air as a fuel source
The second one is true since once the hurricane passes over the land it losses its source for fuel and therefore losses its strength

Which image shows water being used in industry?

Grass being watered by a sprinkler.

Water spraying over machinery.

Water being used to wash dishes.


Water spraying over machinery
water spraying over machine

What is the problem with using common names in classification?


A general phobia with unfamiliar latinized scientific nomenclature has proliferated the use of common or trivial names. These names, however, can vary with geographic region, language, or individual preference often and thus, can lead to misidentification or a delay in the proper identification of a toxic plant.


The only problem of using common names is that we cannot deduce the features of a particular organism just by looking at its name.


The only problem of utilizing basic names is that we can't find the highlights of a specific organic entity just by seeing its name.

don’t answer if u can’t see the pic. HURRRYYY PLSSSS !!!!



I think its c because they aren't radiating or splitting. It seems the most reasonable.

It’s most likely C it’s definitely not A or B

Please help I don't understand


Is C.... I hope this helps


Im pretty sure its C. Hopefully.


What is the answer to number 2??


territory’s, most kingdoms /kings or queens called it that





I hope this helps <3

are somatic cells in mitosis, meiosis, or both





Somatic cells are both because they both persuade the same uses and so call it “features” of the cell somatic


A musk ox and the Alstroemeria flower have physical structures and organs that have similar functions. Provide two examples of similar structures or organs and describe how they have similar functions.



The organs which perform same function and looks but they are different in their structure from each other are called as analogous organs.
Organs are the structures that made up of two or more tissues organized to carry out a particular function.
An organ or bone that appears in different animals with the same function is called homologous structure.
Homologous organs have similar origin n basic structure but perform different functions in different organisms. Analogous organs are different in basic structure but perform same functions.

Examples :
The arm of a human,the wing of a bird or a B at, the leg of a dog and the flipper of a dolphin or whale are homologous structures.

The forelimbs of all mammals have the same basic bone structure. The structures are all similar because they envolved to do the same job.

Plz mrk Brainliest

Healthy human lungs look pink and spongy from the outside. The left lung is a little smaller than the right lung to make room for the heart. The lungs and heart are both protected by the rib cage. In the lungs, each main bronchus branches off into many smaller bronchi. The bronchi become smaller and smaller, and the smallest bronchi are called bronchioles. There are about 30,000 bronchioles in each lung, each about the same thickness as a strand of hair. The inhaled air eventually ends up in tiny air sacs called alveoli at the end of each bronchiole. There are about 300 million alveoli in each lung. They are covered with capillaries, tiny blood vessels that are only one cell thick. Oxygen travels from the alveoli through the capillaries to the bloodstream, heart and other cells.

Which of these best represents the progression of bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli in the lungs?

tree trunks that become smaller branches and twigs

a tight flower bud that has opened into a full bloom

whole apples that are sliced into separate wedges

a bridge that crosses two rivers


The answer is A the tree analogy is the best
I think that numberA

HELP IF U CAN !!! if u can’t see the pic don’t answer !!


A only chemical because two substance are formed
Chemical (D

When I was in chemistry and AP BIO, the one thing I always remembered was that anything that converts something or makes something new is due to a chemical reaction because sadly- as much as I wish magic was a thing it’s not :(

How can plate tectonics contribute to evolution?
A.) separating plates can divide groups of a population
B.) radiation from plate tectonics can cause genetic change
C.) volcanic eruptions can cause species to become extinct
D.) The movement of plates forces some animals underground





A.) Separating Plates can divide groups of a population.

I will give brainly to correct answer and if you dont get brainly lmk if you want me to make a fr33 p01nts questions so you get brainly
Why is it necessary for organisms to undergo the process of respiration?

Respiration helps organisms capture vitamins from sunlight.

Respiration creates energy that is used for growth and repair.

Respiration limits organisms’ losses of water and oxygen.

Respiration constructs proteins needed for life’s functions.


i believe it's the 2nd
it’s the second one. Jfjdbdnndnd

What is the goal of Meiosis 1?



In meiosis I, chromosomes in a diploid cell resegregate, producing four haploid daughter cells


Meiosis I is the reduction division, and meiosis II is more similar to mitosis in that the sister chromatids are separated. The goal of meiosis I is to separate homologous chromosomes. The goal of meiosis II is to separate sister chromatids. In meiosis II, no DNA is duplicated as in prophase I of meiosis I.


Why do roots always grow in a downward direction, no matter which way you turn the seed or seedling?
because roots weigh more than any other plant part
because the plant’s stem begins to grow, and it pushes the roots downward
because that is the direction that roots find necessary water and nutrients
because the root contains hormones that make it grow away from the sun


The root contains hormones that make it grow away from the sun

Why are index fossils useful for determining the age of other fossils or rock layers?





how does the rock cycle support the explanation that "matter is never created or destroyed?"



The chemical elements that make up minerals and rocks are not destroyed. This fact illustrates the principle of conservation of matter. The changes that take place in the rock cycle never destroy or create matter. The elements are just redistributed in other forms.



Hi I need help in those two questions please don't type something that doesn't make sense for the points and have a good day



enterocytes, Paneth cells, goblet cells, and neuroendocrine cells / Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease / Antacids, Histamine blockers, Proton pump inhibitors, and Prokinetic agents. / from the mouth to the anus / yes, the liver

one pore cell, one duct cell, one canal cell, and a fused pair of gland cells / Uremia / renal replacement therapy by hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, or kidney transplantation / kidneys and bladder / yes, the kidney

cilia cells, goblet cells, and basal cells / Asthma / Antileukotrienes or leukotriene modifiers, Cromolyn sodium, Inhaled corticosteroids, Long-acting inhaled beta2-agonists, Methylxanthines, Oral corticosteroids, and Immunomodulators / starts at the nose and mouth and continues through the airways and the lungs / yes, the lungs


Cells in the digestive system: there are 4 main cells, Mucous cells, Parietal cells. Chief cells. Endocrine cells.

Cells used in the excretory system: Four distinctive cell types make up the excretory system: one pore cell, one duct cell, one canal cell (excretory cell), and a fused pair of gland cells

Cells used in the respiratory system: primarily consists of three main cell types – cilia cells, goblet cells, and basal cells.

A couple common diseases for digestive system: cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance and hiatal hernia.

A couple common diseases for excretory system: nephritis, uraemia, kidney stone, polyuria, anuria, oedema,

A couple common diseases for respiratory system: COPD, asthma, acute lower respiratory tract infections, TB and lung cancer

The digestive tract begins at the mouth and ends at the anus.

the excretory system is located near your kidneys and bladder

The respiratory system starts at the nose and mouth and continues through the airways and the lungs

Yes they are all vital all containing vital organs

Digestive system: contains important organ such as the stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine

Excretory system: liver, large intestine, lungs, and kidneys

Respiratory system: the lungs is the most important Organ

genetically different cells produced in mitosis, meiosis, or both





Mitosis is the splitting of cells giving two genetically identical daughter cells. Meiosis is the splitting of cells resulting in four unique daughter cells as they have half the dna.




Mitosis is the splitting of cells giving two genetically identical daughter cells. Meiosis is the splitting of cells resulting in four unique daughter cells as they have half the dna.

Explain at least one way in which the quantity and quality of water resources have been affected by human population growth. Predict how you think the water supply will be affected by continued human population growth. Support your response with appropriate evidence and scientific reasoning.


the water begins to get gross duh

i will give brainlst if the answer is right


C! It only kills the moth larvae and doesn’t hurt other harmless insects

What are the substances?


Answer:A chemical substance is a form of matter having constant chemical composition and characteristic properties. Some references add that chemical substance cannot be separated into its constituent elements by physical separation methods, i.e., without breaking chemical bonds.


A substance is matter which has a specific composition and specific properties. Every pure element is a substance. Every pure compound is a substance. Examples of substances: Iron is an element and hence is also a substance
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